2022-10-01 23:10:44 +08:00
#include "device.h"
#include "Tools/parameters.h"
#include "compounddevice.h"
#include <set>
#include <complex>
#include <QObject>
class VirtualDevice : public QObject
VirtualDevice(QString serial = "");
class Info {
Info(Device *dev);
void subset(const Info &merge);
uint16_t ProtocolVersion;
uint8_t FW_major;
uint8_t FW_minor;
uint8_t FW_patch;
uint8_t hardware_version;
char HW_Revision;
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unsigned int ports;
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bool supportsVNAmode;
bool supportsSAmode;
bool supportsSGmode;
bool supportsExtRef;
struct {
double minFreq, maxFreq, maxFreqHarmonic;
double minIFBW, maxIFBW;
unsigned int maxPoints;
double mindBm;
double maxdBm;
double minRBW, maxRBW;
} Limits;
class Status {
Status(Device *dev);
void merge(const Status &merge);
QString statusString;
bool overload;
bool unlocked;
bool unlevel;
bool extRef;
static void RegisterTypes();
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void initialize(); // call this after creating the virtual device and all connections to signals have been made
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bool isCompoundDevice() const;
Device *getDevice();
CompoundDevice *getCompoundDevice();
std::vector<Device*> getDevices();
const Info& getInfo() const;
static VirtualDevice::Info getInfo(VirtualDevice *vdev);
const Status &getStatus() const;
static VirtualDevice::Status getStatus(VirtualDevice *vdev);
class VNASettings {
double freqStart, freqStop;
double dBmStart, dBmStop;
double IFBW;
int points;
bool logSweep;
std::vector<int> excitedPorts; // port count starts at one
class VNAMeasurement {
unsigned int pointNum;
double Z0;
union {
struct {
// for non-zero span
double frequency;
double dBm;
struct {
// for zero span
double us; // time in us since first datapoint
std::map<QString, std::complex<double>> measurements;
Sparam toSparam(int port1, int port2) const;
void fromSparam(Sparam S, int port1, int port2);
VNAMeasurement interpolateTo(const VNAMeasurement &to, double a);
QStringList availableVNAMeasurements();
bool setVNA(const VNASettings &s, std::function<void(bool)> cb = nullptr);
QString serial();
class SASettings {
enum class Window {
None = 0,
Kaiser = 1,
Hann = 2,
FlatTop = 3,
enum class Detector {
PPeak = 0,
NPeak = 1,
Sample = 2,
Normal = 3,
Average = 4,
double freqStart, freqStop;
double RBW;
int points;
Window window;
Detector detector;
bool signalID;
bool trackingGenerator;
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int trackingPort; // counting starts at zero
2022-10-01 23:10:44 +08:00
double trackingOffset;
double trackingPower;
class SAMeasurement {
int pointNum;
union {
struct {
// for non-zero span
double frequency;
struct {
// for zero span
double us; // time in us since first datapoint
std::map<QString, double> measurements;
QStringList availableSAMeasurements();
bool setSA(const SASettings &s, std::function<void(bool)> cb = nullptr);
class SGSettings {
double freq;
double dBm;
int port; // starts at one, set to zero to disable all ports
QStringList availableSGPorts();
bool setSG(const SGSettings &s);
bool setIdle(std::function<void(bool)> cb = nullptr);
QStringList availableExtRefInSettings();
QStringList availableExtRefOutSettings();
bool setExtRef(QString option_in, QString option_out);
static std::set<QString> GetAvailableVirtualDevices();
static VirtualDevice* getConnected();
void VNAmeasurementReceived(VNAMeasurement m);
void SAmeasurementReceived(SAMeasurement m);
void ConnectionLost();
void InfoUpdated();
void StatusUpdated(Status status);
void LogLineReceived(QString line);
void NeedsFirmwareUpdate(int usedProtocol, int requiredProtocol);
private slots:
void singleDatapointReceived(Device *dev, Protocol::VNADatapoint<32> *res);
void compoundDatapointReceivecd(Device *dev, Protocol::VNADatapoint<32> *data);
void singleSpectrumResultReceived(Device *dev, Protocol::SpectrumAnalyzerResult res);
void compoundSpectrumResultReceived(Device *dev, Protocol::SpectrumAnalyzerResult res);
void compoundInfoUpdated(Device *dev);
void compoundStatusUpdated(Device *dev);
void checkIfAllTransmissionsComplete(std::function<void(bool)> cb = nullptr);
Info info;
Status status;
std::vector<Device*> devices;
bool zerospan;
std::map<Device*, Device::TransmissionResult> results;
CompoundDevice *cdev;
std::map<int, std::map<Device*, Protocol::VNADatapoint<32>*>> compoundVNABuffer;
std::map<int, std::map<Device*, Protocol::SpectrumAnalyzerResult>> compoundSABuffer;
std::map<Device*, Protocol::DeviceInfo> compoundInfoBuffer;
std::map<Device*, Protocol::DeviceStatusV1> compoundStatusBuffer;
std::map<int, int> portStageMapping; // maps from excitedPort (count starts at zero) to stage (count starts at zero)