This document describes the device protocol of the LibreVNA. This is the protocol used by the LibreVNA to communicate with the LibreVNA-GUI (or other custom implementations). In the context of this document, the LibreVNA is also referred to as the ``device'' and the LibreVNA-GUI as the ``host''.
\section{Hardware interface}
Depending on the LibreVNA, different hardware interfaces may be used for the implementation of this protocol.
The LibreVNA implements a ``custom class'' USB device. It uses a VID of 0x1209 and a PID of 0x4121. The custom class contains a single interface with three bulk endpoints:
\item\textbf{Endpoint 0x01:} Communication data from the USB host to the LibreVNA
\item\textbf{Endpoint 0x81:} Communication data from the LibreVNA to the USB host
\item\textbf{Endpoint 0x82:} Debug messages from the LibreVNA
Endpoint 0x82 is exclusively used for debug messages. They are transmitted in ASCII format. All protocol packets described in this document are always transmitted over endpoints 0x01 and 0x81.
\subsection{Ethernet interface}
The ethernet interface implements two TCP servers, one for protocol data and one for debug messages:
\item\textbf{Port 19544:} Data interface
\item\textbf{Port 19545:} Debug interface
Each server only supports a single connection. If another connection request is received, the existing connection is closed before accepting the new one.
Incoming data on the debug interface is ignored. Debug messages are transmitted in ASCII format. All protocol packets described in this document are always transmitted over the data interface.
\subsubsection{Device Discovery}
Initially, the IP addresses of connected LibreVNAs may not be known. To automatically detect any devices, the LibreVNA implements SSDP and responds to M-SEARCH packets looking for either
\section{General packet structure}
The data traffic can be viewed as a stream of bytes. The communication between the LibreVNA and the host is done in packets. To detect the packets within the data stream, some framing is needed. This general package structure is described in this section.
Each packet consists of the following fields:
\item\textbf{Header:} 1 byte, always 0x5A
\item\textbf{Length:} 2 bytes, length of the overall packet in bytes, including the header and the checksum
\item\textbf{Type:} 1 byte, defines the type of packet and subsequently the data encoding within the payload
\item\textbf{Payload:} Any amount of bytes, content depends on the packet type
\item\textbf{CRC:} 4 bytes, CRC32 over all other packet bytes (header, length, type and payload)
All values in the device protocol are little-endian.
\section{Packet types}
The following packet types are available:
\item[a] Direction of packet transfer:
\item\textbf{D$\rightarrow$H:} Device to host
\item\textbf{H$\rightarrow$D:} Host to device
\item\textbf{D$\leftrightarrow$H:} Both directions used
\item[b] Packet type that will be sent in response to this packet
21 & RequestFrequencyCorrection & H$\rightarrow$D & Makes the device send the frequency calibration packet &22 \\
22 & FrequencyCorrection & D$\leftrightarrow$H & Contains the frequency calibration factor & None\\
23 & RequestDeviceConfig & H$\rightarrow$D & Makes the device send its device configuration & 24\\
24 & DeviceConfig & D$\rightarrow$H & Contains the configuration of various global device settings &None \\
25 & DeviceStatus & D$\rightarrow$H & Contains the hardware device status (lock, temperatures,...) &None \\
26 & RequestDeviceStatus & H$\rightarrow$D & Makes the device send the device status &25 \\
27 & VNADatapoint & D$\rightarrow$H & Sent for every sampled frequency within the sweep in VNA mode &None \\
28 & SetTrigger & D$\leftrightarrow$H & Updates the trigger status for synchronization over the data interface & None\\
29 & ClearTrigger & D$\leftrightarrow$H & Updates the trigger status for synchronization over the data interface & None\\
30 & StopStatusUpdates & H$\rightarrow$D & Stops the automatic transmission of device status packets & None\\
31 & StartStatusUpdates & H$\rightarrow$D & Starts the automatic transmission of device status packets & None\\
32 & InitiateSweep & H$\rightarrow$D & Initiates a single sweep when configured for standby operation & None\\
An Ack is transmitted by the device for every received command after it has been handled successfully.
Received packets from the device are not acknowledged by the host; the host never sends an Ack packet.
Transmitting this packet will switch the LibreVNA into VNA mode and start the sweep. During the sweep, VNADatapoint packets are generated for each completed point in the sweep.
The sampling for each frequency (or power) point in the sweep is done in stages. In each stage, the stimulus can be active at another port. A typical full two-port sweep would therefore use two stages, with the stimulus being active on port 1 during stage 0 and on port 2 during stage 1. For faster measurements, this could be reduced to a single stage if only a subset of the S-parameters is required. Similarly, more stages than the number of ports can be used (with the stimulus inactive during some) when multiple devices are synchronized. Another device in the setup will have to generate the stimulus during the inactive stages.
0 & Attenuator setting is fixed during the sweep. This will result in inaccurate stimulus level but prevent discrete jumps in output power. \\
1 & Attenuator setting is changed during the sweep. This will result in more accurate stimulus level but also create discrete jumps in output power. \\
0 & 2.LO is adjusted to compensate for limited frequency resolution in 1.LO. Slight decrease in maximum sweep speed. \\
1 & 2.LO is kept at its nominal value. Slightly faster sweep but this will result in peaks at frequencies where the 1.LO it too far off the ideal frequency. \\
\item\textbf{SM:} Sync Master. Must be set to 1 at exactly one device when multiple devices are synchronized. Set to 0 when synchronization is disabled.
\item\textbf{SO:} Standby Operation. Indicates whether the VNA will begin sweep immediately, or wait in the configured state to be triggered manually by InitiateSweep packets. Standy operation allows for lower latency of intermittent single sweeps.
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ c|X }
Setting & Behavior\\
0 & VNA will begin sweep immediately and timeout to idle mode 1000ms after sweep is completed or 100ms after entering the halted state. \\
1 & VNA will wait in a configured state for InitiateSweep packets. The host application is responsible for putting the VNA into idle mode with a SetIdle packet.\\
\rwbits{1}{3}{P4 Stage}
\rwbits{4}{3}{P3 Stage}
\rwbits{7}{3}{P2 Stage}
\rwbits{10}{3}{P1 Stage}
\item\textbf{P1 Stage:} Sets the stage number when the stimulus is active at port 1. Stage number indizes start at 0.
\item\textbf{P2 Stage:} Sets the stage number when the stimulus is active at port 2. Stage number indizes start at 0.
\item\textbf{P3 Stage:} Sets the stage number when the stimulus is active at port 3. Stage number indizes start at 0.
\item\textbf{P4 Stage:} Sets the stage number when the stimulus is active at port 4. Stage number indizes start at 0.
\item\textbf{Stages:} Sets the number of used stages. The number of stages is one more than this value. E.g. set to 1 for 2 stages
This packet is generated by the LibreVNA when in manual control mode. It is transmitted in regular intervals on its own.
The content of this packet varies according to the hardware version reported in the DeviceInfo packet. Each hardware version sends a different ManualStatus packet according to the available hardware information. As the different content is implemented as a ``union'' in the protocol layer, the packet size always matches the largest content possible. For hardware versions whose content is smaller, the extra bytes can be ignored.
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0 & 2 & INT16 & port1min & Minimum value of the ADC at port 1 \\
2 & 2 & INT16 & port1max & Maximum value of the ADC at port 1 \\
4 & 2 & INT16 & refmin & Minimum value of the ADC at the reference receiver \\
6 & 2 & INT16 & refmax & Maximum value of the ADC at the reference receiver \\
8 & 4 & FLOAT & port1real & Real part of the complex signal at port 1 \\
12 & 4 & FLOAT & port1imag & Imaginary part of the complex signal at port 1 \\
16 & 4 & FLOAT & refreal & Real part of the complex signal at the reference receiver \\
20 & 4 & FLOAT & refimag & Imaginary part of the complex signal at the reference receiver \\
24 & 1 & UINT8 & Lock status & Bit 0: lock status of source PLL. Bit 1: lock status of LO PLL \\
This packet switches the LibreVNA to manual control mode. As long as the manual control mode is active, the LibreVNA will generate ManualStatus packets and send them to the host.
The content of this packet varies according to the hardware version reported in the DeviceInfo packet. Each hardware version expects a different ManualControl packet according to the available hardware information.
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0 & 1 & UINT8 & Source Config & Configuration of the source \\
1 & 8 & UINT64 & Source Frequency & Frequency of the source in Hz \\
9 & 1 & UINT8 & Source Path Config & Configuration of the source signal from the PLL to the port \\
10 & 1 & UINT8 & LO Config & Configuration of the LO \\
11 & 8 & UINT64 & LO Frequency & Frequency of the LO in Hz \\
19 & 2 & UINT16 & Acquisition Config & Configuration of the acquisition hardware \\
21 & 2 & UINT16 & Samples & Number of ADC samples for each complex wave calculation \\
\paragraph{Source Config:}
\item\textbf{Power:} Power output of the source PLL
\begin{tabular}{ c|c }
Setting & Power\\
000 &\SI{-1}{\dBm}\\
001 &\SI{+1}{\dBm}\\
010 &\SI{+2.5}{\dBm}\\
011 &\SI{+3.5}{\dBm}\\
100 &\SI{+4.5}{\dBm}\\
101 &\SI{+5.5}{\dBm}\\
110 &\SI{+6.5}{\dBm}\\
111 &\SI{+7}{\dBm}\\
\item\textbf{RFEN:} RF output enable
\item\textbf{CE:} Chip enable
\paragraph{Source Path Config:}
\item\textbf{AEN:} Amplifier enable.
\item\textbf{Attenuator:} Attenuation of the source signal in \SI{0.25}{\dBm}.
\paragraph{LO Config:}
\item\textbf{EXT:} Use external LO input.
\item\textbf{AEN:} Amplifier enable.
\item\textbf{RFEN:} RF output enable
\item\textbf{CE:} Chip enable
\paragraph{Acquisition Config:}
\item\textbf{RefGain/PortGain:} Gain setting of the PGA in the frontend of the port or reference receiver.
\begin{tabular}{ c|c }
Setting & Gain\\
0 & 1 V/V \\
1 & 10 V/V\\
2 & 20 V/V\\
3 & 30 V/V\\
4 & 40 V/V\\
5 & 60 V/V\\
6 & 80 V/V\\
7 & 120 V/V\\
8 & 157 V/V\\
9 & 0.25 V/V\\
\begin{tabular}{ c|c }
Setting & Window\\
0 & None \\
1 & Kaiser\\
2 & Hann\\
3 & Flattop\\
\item\textbf{REN:} Reference receiver enable.
\item\textbf{PEN:} Port receiver enable.
This packet contains information about the connected device. It can be requested by sending a RequestDeviceInfo packet. This request is the first thing that should happen after the device has been enumerated to make sure the right protocol version is used.
41 & 4 & UINT32 & MaxRBW & Maximum supported resolution bandwidth in Hz \\
45 & 1 & UINT8 & MaxAmplitudePoints & Maximum supported number of amplitude calibration points \\
46 & 8 & UINT64 & MaxHarmonicFrequency & Maximum supported frequency when using harmonic mixing \\
54 & 1 & UINT8 & NumPorts & The number of frontend VNA ports the device supports \\
This packet contains a part of the firmware. When updating the firmware, this packet must be transmitted multiple times until the whole firmware has been transferred.
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0 & 4 & UINT32 & Address & Address at which the firmware data starts\\
4 & 256 & UINT8 & Data & Binary firmware data \\
This packet is sent by the device whenever a valid packet has been received. It has no payload.
This packet must be sent before transferring the first piece of firmware data. It has no payload.
This packet must be sent after the complete firmware data has been transmitted. It triggers the actual update process. The device will reboot during the update process. It has no payload.
This packet is sent by the device whenever an error occured while processing a received packet. It has no payload.
This packet is used to configure the external reference input and output.
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0 & 4 & UINT32 & OutputFrequency & Frequency of the external reference output. Not every frequency can be reached by the PLL. Set to 0 to disable the reference output.\\
4 & 1 & UINT8 & ExternalInputConfig &\makecell[l]{Bit 0: Switch to external when signal detected\\Bit 1: Force usage of the external reference}\\
This packet switches the LibreVNA into signal generator mode and configures the output signal.
\item\textbf{AC:} Amplitude correction enable. If set to 1, the source amplitude calibration is used to reach better amplitude accuracy.
\item\textbf{Port:} Port selection:
\begin{tabular}{ c|c }
Setting & Window\\
0 & Disabled \\
1 & Output on port 1\\
2 & Output on port 2\\
3 & Output on port 3\\
4 & Output on port 4\\
Transmitting this packet will switch the LibreVNA into spectrum analyzer mode and start the sweep. During the sweep, SpectrumAnalyzerResult packets are generated for each completed point in the sweep.
20 & 2 & UINT16 & pointNum & Number of reported points in the sweep. The internally used number of points can be higher (depending on the RBW) \\
22 & 2 & UINT16 & Configuration & Bitmap for configuration, see below \\
24 & 8 & INT64 & TrackingOffset & Offset of the tracking generator in Hz \\
32 & 2 & INT16 & TrackingPower & Power of the tracking generator in $\frac{1}{100}$dBm \\
\item\textbf{SM:} Sync Master. Must be set to 1 at exactly one device when multiple devices are synchronized. Set to 0 when synchronization is disabled.
\item\textbf{syncMode:} Synchronization mode when multiple devices are used together
\begin{tabular}{ c|c }
Setting & Synchronization\\
00 & Disabled \\
01 & Protocol\\
10 & Reserved\\
11 & External trigger\\
\item\textbf{TGP:} Tracking generator port. Port count starts at zero. E.g. set this to 1 for tracking generator active on port 2. Ignored if TGE is 0.
\item\textbf{ASC:} Apply source amplitude corrections. If enabled, the amplitude calibration is used to reach better accuracy of the tracking generator output.
\item\textbf{TGE:} Tracking generator enable.
\item\textbf{ARC:} Apply receiver amplitude corrections. If enabled, the amplitude calibration is used to reach better measurement accuracy.
\item\textbf{DFT:} Use DFT to speed up the acquisition. Can not be used when the tracking generator is enabled. Only useful for low resolution bandwidths.
\begin{tabular}{ c|c }
Setting & Detector type\\
0 & Positive peak \\
1 & Negative peak \\
2 & Sample \\
3 & Normal \\
4 & Average \\
\item\textbf{SID:} Signal ID enable.
\begin{tabular}{ c|c }
Setting & Window\\
0 & None \\
1 & Kaiser\\
2 & Hann\\
3 & Flattop\\
This packet is transmitted by the LibreVNA for every point in the sweep when in spectrum analyzer mode.
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0 & 4 & FLOAT & Port 1 & Voltage signal level at port 1 (1.0 equals \SI{1}{\milli\watt} into \SI{50}{\ohm})\\
4 & 4 & FLOAT & Port 2 & Voltage signal level at port 2 (1.0 equals \SI{1}{\milli\watt} into \SI{50}{\ohm})\\
8 & 4 & FLOAT & Port 3 & Voltage signal level at port 3 (1.0 equals \SI{1}{\milli\watt} into \SI{50}{\ohm})\\
12 & 4 & FLOAT & Port 4 & Voltage signal level at port 4 (1.0 equals \SI{1}{\milli\watt} into \SI{50}{\ohm})\\
16 & 8 & UINT64 & Frequency or Time & Frequency of the point (or time since beginning of SA mode if in zerospan) \\
24 & 2 & UINT16 & PointNum & Number of the point in the sweep \\
This packet is used to make the device send the DeviceInfo packet. It has no payload.
This packet is used to make the device send the source amplitude calibration. It has no payload. For each source amplitude calibration point one SourceCalPoint packet will be returned.
This packet is used to make the device send the receiver amplitude calibration. It has no payload. For each receiver amplitude calibration point one ReceiverCalPoint packet will be returned.
This packet contains one source calibration point. It can be transmitted in both directions. When reading the source calibration, it is transmitted from the device to the host. When writing the source calibration multiple of these packets are transferred from the host to the device. In both cases the packet for the point with the highest point number must be transmitted last.
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0 & 1 & UINT8 & TotalPoints & Amount of total points in the amplitude calibration \\
1 & 1 & UINT8 & PointNum & Number of the calibration point contained in this packet \\
2 & 4 & UINT32 & Frequency & Frequency of the calibration point in \SI{10}{\hertz}\\
6 & 2 & INT16 & Port 1 & Correction value for port 1 in $\frac{1}{100}$dB \\
8 & 2 & INT16 & Port 2 & Correction value for port 2 in $\frac{1}{100}$dB \\
10 & 2 & INT16 & Port 3 & Correction value for port 3 in $\frac{1}{100}$dB \\
12 & 2 & INT16 & Port 4 & Correction value for port 4 in $\frac{1}{100}$dB \\
This packet contains one receiver calibration point. It can be transmitted in both directions. When reading the receiver calibration, it is transmitted from the device to the host. When writing the receiver calibration multiple of these packets are transferred from the host to the device. In both cases the packet for the point with the highest point number must be transmitted last.
The packet payload is identical to the SourceCalPoint packet.
This packet is used to stop any data acquisition from the LibreVNA. It has no payload.
This packet is used to make the device send the FrequencyCorrection packet. It has no payload.
This packet contains the frequency correction factor for the internal reference. It can be transmitted in both directions. When reading the frequency correction, it is transmitted from the device to the host. When writing the frequency correction, it is transmitted from the host to the device.
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0 & 4 & FLOAT & PPM & Error of the internal TCXO in ppm \\
This packet is used to make the device send the AcquisitionFrequencySettings packet. It has no payload.
This packet contains hardware specific configuration.
The content of this packet varies according to the hardware version reported in the DeviceInfo packet. Each hardware version sends a different DeviceConfig packet according to the available hardware information. As the different content is implemented as a ``union'' in the protocol layer, the packet size always matches the largest content possible. For hardware versions whose content is smaller, the extra bytes can be ignored.
These settings are at default values after the device has booted. It is normally not required to send this packet but changing these settings might be useful in special use cases. It can be transmitted in both directions. When reading the acquisition settings, it is transmitted from the device to the host. When writing the acquisition settings, it is transmitted from the host to the device.
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0 & 4 & UINT32 & 1.IF frequency & 1.IF frequency in Hz \\
4 & 1 & UINT8 & ADC prescaler & Prescaler used for the ADC sampling (refer to the FPGA protocol) \\
5 & 2 & UINT16 & DFT phase increment & Phase increment of the DFT between ADC samples (refer to the FPGA protocol). Together with the ADC prescaler it also sets the 2.IF frequency. \\
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0 & 4 & UINT32 & IP address\tnote{s}& IPv4 address in network byte order \\
4 & 4 & UINT32 & IP mask\tnote{s}& IPv4 mask in network byte order \\
8 & 4 & UINT32 & IP gateway\tnote{s}& IPv4 gateway address in network byte order \\
12 & 1 & UINT8 & DHCP\tnote{s}& 1 if DHCP is enabled, 0 otherwise \\
12 & 2 & UINT16 & Gain Config & Additional gain configuration bits, see below \\
\item[s] This parameter is stored on the device and retains its value after a reboot.
\paragraph{Gain Config:}
\item\textbf{RefGain/PortGain:} Gain setting of the PGA in the frontend of the port or reference receiver.
\begin{tabular}{ c|c }
Setting & Gain\\
0 & 1 V/V \\
1 & 10 V/V\\
2 & 20 V/V\\
3 & 30 V/V\\
4 & 40 V/V\\
5 & 60 V/V\\
6 & 80 V/V\\
7 & 120 V/V\\
8 & 157 V/V\\
9 & 0.25 V/V\\
\item\textbf{AG:} Autogain. If set to 1, the gain values are ignored and the best PGA gain for each point is automatically determined while sweeping (reduces sweep speed).
This packet contains the status of the device. It can be requested by sending a RequestDeviceStatus packet. The device also sends this packet on its own. The interval in which this packet is sent depends on the currently active mode.
The content of this packet varies according to the hardware version reported in the DeviceInfo packet. Each hardware version sends a different DeviceStatus packet according to the available hardware information. As the different content is implemented as a ``union'' in the protocol layer, the packet size always matches the largest content possible. For hardware versions whose content is smaller, the extra bytes can be ignored.
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0 & 8 & UINT64 & Frequency & Frequency of the sweep point in Hz\\
8 & 2 & INT16 & PowerLevel & Stimulus level of the sweep point in $\frac{1}{100}$dBm \\
10 & 2 & UINT16 & PointNumber & Number of this point in the sweep \\
12 & 4*x & Array of FLOAT & Real values & The real parts of a variable amount of receiver data \\
12+4*x & 4*x & Array of FLOAT & Imag values & The imaginary parts of a variable amount of receiver data \\
12+8*x & 1*x & UINT8 & Array of UINT8 & Variable amount of data description bitmasks\\
The sampling data consists of a variable amount of values. The amount of values depend on the amount of configured stages and also on the hardware architecture (might change in the future). The VNADatapoint contains three arrays of equal length. Two of the arrays contain the real and imaginary parts of the acquired data. The third array contains a bitmask for every value, describing the content. The length of all arrays is not explicitly transmitted and must be inferred from the overall packet length.
\paragraph{Data description bitmask:}
\item\textbf{Stage:} The active stage when the value was acquired. The port on which the stimulus was active during this stage is known from the SweepSettings packet that was used to set up the currently active sweep.
\item\textbf{Ref:} The value is from a reference receiver.
\item\textbf{P4:} The value is from a port 4 receiver.
\item\textbf{P3:} The value is from a port 3 receiver.
\item\textbf{P2:} The value is from a port 2 receiver.
\item\textbf{P1:} The value is from a port 1 receiver.
In case of a three receiver architecture (as the LibreVNA 1.0 has), multiple port bits can be set for reference receiver values. For a typical full two-port sweep, the LibreVNA 1.0 will generate six values for every sweep point:
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1 & 0x01 & Port 1 receiver signal during stage 0 \\
2 & 0x02 & Port 2 receiver signal during stage 0 \\
3 & 0x13 & Reference receiver signal during stage 0 \\
4 & 0x21 & Port 1 receiver signal during stage 1 \\
5 & 0x22 & Port 2 receiver signal during stage 1 \\
6 & 0x33 & Reference receiver signal during stage 1 \\
The host must assemble the S-parameter data from these receiver values. This calculation has to be offloaded to the host because the reference and port receiver measurements may be split across different devices when synchronizing multiple LibreVNAs.
\paragraph{Example procedure to assemble S21}
Some definitions and assumptions:
\item S21 is the through measurement from port 1 to port 2, meaning we need the reference receiver data from port 1 and the port receiver data from port 2
\item Port 1 had the stimulus signal at stage 0 and port 2 had the stimulus signal at stage 1. This is the default for a full two-port sweep. If configured differently in the SweepSettings packet, adjust the stage values accordingly
The host must perform the following operations:
\item Wait for reception of a VNADatapoint packet
\item Determine the array length of the received data: $$array\_length =(packet\_size -12)/9$$
\item Find the port receiver data of port 2 for the correct stage (when port 1 had the stimulus, in this example stage 0)
\item Iterate over all data description bitmasks in the VNADatapoint
\item Find the one with bitmask 0b0000xx1x (stage 0, port 2, not a reference receiver measurement). Bits marked ``x'' are ``don't care''.
\item Note the index $n$ of this data description bitmask in the data description bitmask array
\item Use the index $n$ to get the real and imaginary values of the port receiver data from the real and imaginary arrays: $$port\_receiver = Real\_values[n]+ i * Imag\_values[n]$$
\item Find the reference receiver data of port 1 for the correct stage (when port 1 had the stimulus, in this example stage 0)
\item Iterate over all data description bitmasks in the VNADatapoint
\item Find the one with bitmask 0b0001xxx1 (stage 0, port 1, reference receiver measurement). Bits marked ``x'' are ``don't care''.
\item Note the index $n$ of this data description bitmask in the data description bitmask array
\item Use the index $n$ to get the real and imaginary values of the reference receiver data from the real and imaginary arrays: $$reference\_receiver = Real\_values[n]+ i * Imag\_values[n]$$
\item Calculate S21 as the ratio between the port and reference receiver data: $$ S21=\frac{port\_receiver}{reference\_receiver}$$
This packet is used when multiple devices are synchronized over the data protocol and can be transmitted in both directions. It has no payload. Synchronized devices must be logically organized in a closed loop. When a SetTrigger packet is received from any devices in the loop it must be passed on to the next device in the loop.
This packet is used when multiple devices are synchronized over the data protocol and can be transmitted in both directions. It has no payload. Synchronized devices must be logically organized in a closed loop. When a ClearTrigger packet is received from any devices in the loop it must be passed on to the next device in the loop.
This packet instructs the device to stop sending automatically scheduled DeviceStatus packets. Device status can still be requested explicitly via RequestDeviceStatus packets.
This packet instructs the device to start sending automatically scheduled DeviceStatus packets. This restores default update behaviour if a StopStatusUpdates packet has previously been sent.
This packet instructs the device to initiate a new single sweep when the VNA is configured for standby operation. This triggering method can be used for fast intermittent single sweeps with minimum latency. If the SweepSettings are not configured for standby operation, this packet will result in a Nack response.