247 lines
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247 lines
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![]() |
{ % #1 = name
\begin{scope}[transform shape]
\draw[thick] (#1)node[](a){} +(-12pt,-12pt) rectangle +(12pt,12pt);
\draw (a)+(12pt, 12pt)--+(-12pt,-12pt);
\draw (a)+(-5pt,6pt) node[](){\footnotesize -45};
\draw (a)+(4pt,-7pt) node[](){\footnotesize +45};
\newlength{\ResUp} \newlength{\ResDown}
\newlength{\ResLeft} \newlength{\ResRight}
\newlength{\ResRadius} \newlength{\ResMiddle}
%%%% new anchors: "out A" and "out B"
\expandafter\def\csname pgf@anchor@rectangle@out A\endcsname{% output A: below .east
\advance\pgf@y by\pgf@ya }% end of out A
\expandafter\def\csname pgf@anchor@rectangle@out B\endcsname{% output B: above .east
\advance\pgf@y by\pgf@ya } % end of out B
\expandafter\def\csname pgf@anchor@rectangle@DUT\endcsname{% output DUT: above .east
\advance\pgf@y by\pgf@ya } % end of DUT
\expandafter\def\csname pgf@anchor@rectangle@ret p\endcsname{% output ret p: above .east
\advance\pgf@y by\pgf@ya } % end of ret p
\expandafter\def\csname pgf@anchor@rectangle@ret n\endcsname{% output ret n: above .east
\advance\pgf@y by\pgf@ya } % end of ret n
\expandafter\def\csname pgf@anchor@rectangle@ret c\endcsname{% output ret c: above .east
\advance\pgf@y by\pgf@ya } % end of ret c
%\pgf@circ@Rlen = \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/circuitikz/bipoles/length}
\newcommand{\Compass}% define anchors for compass points
{\anchor{north east}{\northeast}
\anchor{south west}{\southwest}
\anchor{north west}{\pgfextracty{\ResUp}{\northeast}\pgfextractx{\ResLeft}{\southwest}\pgfpoint{\ResLeft}{\ResUp}}
\anchor{south east}{\pgfextracty{\ResDown}{\southwest}\pgfextractx{\ResRight}{\northeast}\pgfpoint{\ResRight}{\ResDown}}
% ***************************** ADC *********************************
% extra anchors out,in1,in2,vref
\def\drawADC{% used by both bipole and node
\pgfcircdeclarebipole{}% no extra anchors for bipole version
\tikzset{ADC/.style = {\circuitikzbasekey, /tikz/to path=\ADCpath, l_=#1}}
\anchor{center}{\pgfpointorigin} % within the node, (0,0) is the center
\anchor{text} % this is used to center the text in the node
\savedmacro{\resize}{ % called automatically
\ResRadius=\ResMiddle% location of in1 and in2
\advance\ResRadius by \ResLeft
}% while these can be used for savedanchors, they will be fogotten by anchors
\Compass% standard anchors
% Microcontroller
\node[draw, align=center] (pwrswitch) at (0,0) {Power\\Selector};
\node[anchor=east, below left=1cm and 1cm of pwrswitch] (usb) {USB C};
\draw[-latex] (usb.east)-|(pwrswitch.south);
\node[anchor=east, left=1cm of pwrswitch, align=center] (ext) {External\\Power};
\draw[-latex] (ext.east)--(pwrswitch.west);
\coordinate (5V) at (1.5,0);
\draw(pwrswitch.east) to[short, -*](5V);
\node[above] at (5V) {\SI{5}{\volt}};
\node[draw] (boost) at (3,0) {MIC2253};
\node[anchor=south, font=\footnotesize] at (boost.north){Boost converter};
\node[draw,minimum height=1cm] (buck) at (3,-3) {LM3370};
\node[anchor=south, font=\footnotesize] at (buck.north){Buck converter};
\coordinate (6V) at (7,0);
\draw(boost.east) to[short, -*](6V);
\node[above] at (6V) {\SI{6}{\volt}};
\node[draw] (ldo1) at (9,0) {LDL212PU};
\node[anchor=south, font=\footnotesize] at (ldo1.north){LDO};
\coordinate (5VPLL) at (11,0);
\draw(ldo1.east) to[short, -*](5VPLL);
\node[above] at (5VPLL) {$\SI{5}{\volt}_{PLLs}$};
\node[draw] (ldo2) at (13,0) {NCP702};
\node[anchor=south, font=\footnotesize] at (ldo2.north){LDO};
\node[draw] (ldo3) at (13,-1) {AP2114H};
\node[anchor=south, font=\footnotesize] at (ldo3.north){LDO};
\draw[latex-] (ldo3.west) -- (ldo3.west-|5VPLL);
\draw (5VPLL) to [short, -*] (ldo3.west-|5VPLL);
\node[draw] (ldo4) at (13,-2) {NCP702};
\node[anchor=south, font=\footnotesize] at (ldo4.north){LDO};
\draw[latex-] (ldo4.west) -- (ldo4.west-|5VPLL);
\draw (5VPLL) to [short, -*] (ldo4.west-|5VPLL);
\node[draw] (ldo5) at (13,-3) {AP2114H};
\node[anchor=south, font=\footnotesize] at (ldo5.north){LDO};
\draw[latex-] (ldo5.west) -| (ldo4.west-|5VPLL);
\node[draw] (ldo6) at (9,-4) {LDL212PU};
\node[anchor=south, font=\footnotesize] at (ldo6.north){LDO};
\draw[latex-] (ldo6.west) -- (ldo6.west-|6V);
\draw (6V) to [short, -*] (ldo6.west-|6V);
\coordinate (5VADC1) at (11, -4);
\draw(ldo6.east) to [short, -*](5VADC1);
\node[draw] (ldo7) at (13,-5) {NCP702};
\node[anchor=south, font=\footnotesize] at (ldo7.north){LDO};
\draw[latex-] (ldo7.west) -| (5VADC1);
\node[draw] (ldo8) at (9,-6) {LDL212PU};
\node[anchor=south, font=\footnotesize] at (ldo8.north){LDO};
\draw[latex-] (ldo8.west) -- (ldo8.west-|6V);
\draw (6V) to [short, -*] (ldo8.west-|6V);
\coordinate (5VADC2) at (11, -6);
\draw(ldo8.east) to [short, -*](5VADC2);
\node[draw] (ldo9) at (13,-7) {NCP702};
\node[anchor=south, font=\footnotesize] at (ldo9.north){LDO};
\draw[latex-] (ldo9.west) -| (5VADC2);
\node[draw] (ldo10) at (9,-8) {LDL212PU};
\node[anchor=south, font=\footnotesize] at (ldo10.north){LDO};
\draw[latex-] (ldo10.west) -| (ldo8.west-|6V);
\coordinate (5VADC3) at (11, -8);
\draw(ldo10.east) to [short, -*](5VADC3);
\node[draw] (ldo11) at (13,-9) {NCP702};
\node[anchor=south, font=\footnotesize] at (ldo11.north){LDO};
\draw[latex-] (ldo11.west) -| (5VADC3);