
341 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "SpectrumAnalyzer.hpp"
#include "Hardware.hpp"
#include "HW_HAL.hpp"
#include <complex.h>
#include <limits>
#include "Communication.h"
2020-09-27 05:34:31 +08:00
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
2020-11-15 06:53:55 +08:00
#include "Util.hpp"
#include <array>
#define LOG_MODULE "SA"
#include "Log.h"
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
using namespace HWHAL;
static Protocol::SpectrumAnalyzerSettings s;
static uint32_t pointCnt;
static uint32_t points;
static uint32_t binSize;
static uint8_t signalIDstep;
static uint32_t sampleNum;
static Protocol::PacketInfo p;
static bool active = false;
static uint32_t lastLO2;
static uint32_t actualRBW;
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
static uint16_t DFTpoints;
static bool negativeDFT; // if true, a positive frequency shift at input results in a negative shift at the 2.IF. Handle DFT accordingly
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
static float port1Measurement[FPGA::DFTbins], port2Measurement[FPGA::DFTbins];
2020-11-15 06:53:55 +08:00
static uint8_t signalIDsteps;
static std::array<uint8_t, 4> signalIDprescalers;
static void StartNextSample() {
uint64_t freq = s.f_start + (s.f_stop - s.f_start) * pointCnt / (points - 1);
uint64_t LO1freq;
uint32_t LO2freq;
switch(signalIDstep) {
case 0:
// reset minimum amplitudes in first signal ID step
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < DFTpoints; i++) {
port1Measurement[i] = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
port2Measurement[i] = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
// Use default LO frequencies
LO1freq = freq + HW::IF1;
LO2freq = HW::IF1 - HW::IF2;
FPGA::WriteRegister(FPGA::Reg::ADCPrescaler, 112);
FPGA::WriteRegister(FPGA::Reg::PhaseIncrement, 1120);
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
negativeDFT = true;
case 1:
LO2freq = HW::IF1 - HW::IF2;
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
negativeDFT = false;
// Shift first LO to other side
// depending on the measurement frequency this is not possible or additive mixing has to be used
if(freq >= HW::IF1 + HW::LO1_minFreq) {
// frequency is high enough to shift 1.LO below measurement frequency
LO1freq = freq - HW::IF1;
} else if(freq <= HW::IF1 - HW::LO1_minFreq) {
// frequency is low enough to add 1.LO to measurement frequency
LO1freq = HW::IF1 - freq;
// unable to reach required frequency with 1.LO, skip this signal ID step
/* no break */
case 2:
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
// Shift second LOs to other side
LO1freq = freq + HW::IF1;
LO2freq = HW::IF1 + HW::IF2;
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
negativeDFT = false;
case 3:
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
// Shift both LO to other side
LO2freq = HW::IF1 + HW::IF2;
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
negativeDFT = true;
// depending on the measurement frequency this is not possible or additive mixing has to be used
if(freq >= HW::IF1 + HW::LO1_minFreq) {
// frequency is high enough to shift 1.LO below measurement frequency
LO1freq = freq - HW::IF1;
} else if(freq <= HW::IF1 - HW::LO1_minFreq) {
// frequency is low enough to add 1.LO to measurement frequency
LO1freq = HW::IF1 - freq;
// unable to reach required frequency with 1.LO, skip this signal ID step
/* no break */
2020-11-15 06:53:55 +08:00
// Use default frequencies with different ADC samplerate to remove images in final IF
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
negativeDFT = true;
LO1freq = freq + HW::IF1;
LO2freq = HW::IF1 - HW::IF2;
2020-11-15 06:53:55 +08:00
FPGA::WriteRegister(FPGA::Reg::ADCPrescaler, signalIDprescalers[signalIDstep-4]);
FPGA::WriteRegister(FPGA::Reg::PhaseIncrement, (uint16_t) signalIDprescalers[signalIDstep-4] * 10);
// LO1 is not able to reach all frequencies with the required precision, adjust LO2 to account for deviation
int32_t LO1deviation = (int64_t) LO1.GetActualFrequency() - LO1freq;
LO2freq += LO1deviation;
// only adjust LO2 PLL if necessary (if the deviation is significantly less than the RBW it does not matter)
if((uint32_t) abs(LO2freq - lastLO2) > actualRBW / 2) {
Si5351.SetCLK(SiChannel::Port1LO2, LO2freq, Si5351C::PLL::B, Si5351C::DriveStrength::mA2);
Si5351.SetCLK(SiChannel::Port2LO2, LO2freq, Si5351C::PLL::B, Si5351C::DriveStrength::mA2);
lastLO2 = LO2freq;
if (s.UseDFT) {
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
uint32_t spacing = (s.f_stop - s.f_start) / (points - 1);
uint32_t start = HW::IF2;
if(negativeDFT) {
// needs to look below the start frequency, shift start
start -= spacing * (DFTpoints - 1);
FPGA::SetupDFT(start, spacing);
// Configure the sampling in the FPGA
FPGA::WriteSweepConfig(0, 0, Source.GetRegisters(), LO1.GetRegisters(), 0,
0, FPGA::SettlingTime::us20, FPGA::Samples::SPPRegister, 0,
void SA::Setup(Protocol::SpectrumAnalyzerSettings settings) {
LOG_DEBUG("Setting up...");
2020-09-27 05:34:31 +08:00
s = settings;
// in almost all cases a full sweep requires more points than the FPGA can handle at a time
// individually start each point and do the sweep in the uC
// calculate required samples per measurement for requested RBW
// see for window factors
constexpr float window_factors[4] = {0.89f, 2.23f, 1.44f, 3.77f};
sampleNum = HW::ADCSamplerate * window_factors[s.WindowType] / s.RBW;
2020-09-27 05:34:31 +08:00
// round up to next multiple of 16
if(sampleNum%16) {
sampleNum += 16 - sampleNum%16;
if(sampleNum >= HW::MaxSamples) {
sampleNum = HW::MaxSamples;
actualRBW = HW::ADCSamplerate * window_factors[s.WindowType] / sampleNum;
// calculate amount of required points
points = 2 * (s.f_stop - s.f_start) / actualRBW;
// adjust to integer multiple of requested result points (in order to have the same amount of measurements in each bin)
points += s.pointNum - points % s.pointNum;
binSize = points / s.pointNum;
LOG_DEBUG("%u displayed points, resulting in %lu points and bins of size %u", s.pointNum, points, binSize);
// set initial state
pointCnt = 0;
// enable the required hardware resources
FPGA::SetWindow((FPGA::Window) s.WindowType);
2020-11-05 05:22:02 +08:00
2020-11-15 06:53:55 +08:00
if(s.SignalID) {
// use different ADC prescalers depending on RBW: For small RBWs, images with the shifted ADC samplerate can be closer to the IF
// because they get suppressed by the RBW filter. For larger RBWs multiple different ADC samplerates are required to move all
// aliased images far enough away from the IF. This only works up to about 40kHz RBW. Above that even with signal ID some images
// will be present in the processed data
if(actualRBW <= 10000) {
signalIDsteps = 6;
signalIDprescalers = {132, 156};
} else {
signalIDsteps = 8;
signalIDprescalers = {126, 130, 144, 176};
if (s.UseDFT) {
uint32_t spacing = (s.f_stop - s.f_start) / (points - 1);
// The DFT can only look at a small bandwidth otherwise the passband of the final ADC filter is visible in the data
// Limit to about 30kHz
uint32_t maxDFTpoints = 30000 / spacing;
// Limit to actual supported number of bins
if(maxDFTpoints > FPGA::DFTbins) {
maxDFTpoints = FPGA::DFTbins;
DFTpoints = maxDFTpoints;
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
} else {
DFTpoints = 1; // can only measure one point at a time
2020-11-05 05:22:02 +08:00
lastLO2 = 0;
active = true;
2020-10-04 03:56:09 +08:00
bool SA::MeasurementDone(const FPGA::SamplingResult &result) {
if(!active) {
return false;
2020-09-27 05:34:31 +08:00
2020-11-05 05:22:02 +08:00
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
for(uint16_t i=0;i<DFTpoints;i++) {
float port1, port2;
if (s.UseDFT) {
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
// use DFT result
auto dft = FPGA::ReadDFTResult();
port1 = dft.P1;
port2 = dft.P2;
} else {
port1 = abs(std::complex<float>(result.P1I, result.P1Q));
port2 = abs(std::complex<float>(result.P2I, result.P2Q));
port1 /= sampleNum;
port2 /= sampleNum;
uint16_t index = i;
if (negativeDFT) {
// bin order is reversed
index = DFTpoints - i - 1;
2020-11-05 05:22:02 +08:00
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
if(port1 < port1Measurement[index]) {
port1Measurement[index] = port1;
if(port2 < port2Measurement[index]) {
port2Measurement[index] = port2;
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
if (s.UseDFT) {
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
// will be started again in StartNextSample
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
// trigger work function
return true;
void SA::Work() {
if(!active) {
2020-11-15 06:53:55 +08:00
if(!s.SignalID || signalIDstep >= signalIDsteps - 1) {
// this measurement point is done, handle result according to detector
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
for(uint16_t i=0;i<DFTpoints;i++) {
uint16_t binIndex = (pointCnt + i) / binSize;
uint32_t pointInBin = (pointCnt + i) % binSize;
bool lastPointInBin = pointInBin >= binSize - 1;
auto det = (Detector) s.Detector;
if(det == Detector::Normal) {
det = binIndex & 0x01 ? Detector::PosPeak : Detector::NegPeak;
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
switch(det) {
case Detector::PosPeak:
if(pointInBin == 0) {
p.spectrumResult.port1 = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
p.spectrumResult.port2 = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
if(port1Measurement[i] > p.spectrumResult.port1) {
p.spectrumResult.port1 = port1Measurement[i];
if(port2Measurement[i] > p.spectrumResult.port2) {
p.spectrumResult.port2 = port2Measurement[i];
case Detector::NegPeak:
if(pointInBin == 0) {
p.spectrumResult.port1 = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
p.spectrumResult.port2 = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
if(port1Measurement[i] < p.spectrumResult.port1) {
p.spectrumResult.port1 = port1Measurement[i];
if(port2Measurement[i] < p.spectrumResult.port2) {
p.spectrumResult.port2 = port2Measurement[i];
case Detector::Sample:
if(pointInBin <= binSize / 2) {
// still in first half of bin, simply overwrite
p.spectrumResult.port1 = port1Measurement[i];
p.spectrumResult.port2 = port2Measurement[i];
case Detector::Average:
if(pointInBin == 0) {
p.spectrumResult.port1 = 0;
p.spectrumResult.port2 = 0;
p.spectrumResult.port1 += port1Measurement[i];
p.spectrumResult.port2 += port2Measurement[i];
if(lastPointInBin) {
// calculate average
p.spectrumResult.port1 /= binSize;
p.spectrumResult.port2 /= binSize;
case Detector::Normal:
// nothing to do, normal detector handled by PosPeak or NegPeak in each sample
if(lastPointInBin) {
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
// Send result to application
p.type = Protocol::PacketType::SpectrumAnalyzerResult;
// measurements are already up to date, fill remaining fields
p.spectrumResult.pointNum = binIndex;
p.spectrumResult.frequency = s.f_start + (s.f_stop - s.f_start) * binIndex / (s.pointNum - 1);
// setup for next step
signalIDstep = 0;
2020-11-07 07:50:59 +08:00
if(pointCnt < points - DFTpoints) {
pointCnt += DFTpoints;
} else {
pointCnt = 0;
} else {
// more measurements required for signal ID
void SA::Stop() {
active = false;