/** \file \brief Implementation of the muParserX engine.
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	Copyright (C) 2016 Ingo Berg
	All rights reserved.

	Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
	modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

	* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
	this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
	* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
	this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
	and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

*/ #include "mpParserBase.h" #include #include #include #include #include "utGeneric.h" #include "mpDefines.h" #include "mpIfThenElse.h" #include "mpScriptTokens.h" using namespace std; MUP_NAMESPACE_START //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char_type* g_sCmdCode[] = { _T("BRCK. OPEN "), _T("BRCK. CLOSE "), _T("IDX OPEN "), _T("IDX CLOSE "), _T("CURLY BRCK. OPEN "), _T("CURLY BRCK. CLOSE"), _T("ARG_SEP "), _T("IF "), _T("ELSE "), _T("ENDIF "), _T("JMP "), _T("VAL "), _T("FUNC "), _T("OPRT_BIN "), _T("OPRT_IFX "), _T("OPRT_PFX "), _T("END "), _T("SCR_ENDL "), _T("SCR_CMT "), _T("SCR_WHILE "), _T("SCR_GOTO "), _T("SCR_LABEL "), _T("SCR_FOR "), _T("SCR_IF "), _T("SCR_ELSE "), _T("SCR_ELIF "), _T("SCR_ENDIF "), _T("SCR_FUNC "), _T("UNKNOWN "), nullptr }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool ParserXBase::s_bDumpStack = false; bool ParserXBase::s_bDumpRPN = false; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Identifiers for built in binary operators. When defining custom binary operators with AddOprt(...) make sure not to choose names conflicting with these definitions. */ const char_type* ParserXBase::c_DefaultOprt[] = { _T("("), _T(")"), _T("["), _T("]"), _T("{"), _T("}"), _T(","), _T("?"), _T(":"), 0 }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Default constructor. */ ParserXBase::ParserXBase() :m_FunDef() , m_PostOprtDef() , m_InfixOprtDef() , m_OprtDef() , m_valDef() , m_varDef() , m_pParserEngine(&ParserXBase::ParseFromString) , m_pTokenReader() , m_valDynVarShadow() , m_sNameChars() , m_sOprtChars() , m_sInfixOprtChars() , m_bIsQueryingExprVar(false) , m_bAutoCreateVar(false) , m_rpn() , m_vStackBuffer() { InitTokenReader(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Copy constructor. \param a_Parser Reference to the other parser object Implemented by calling Assign(a_Parser) */ ParserXBase::ParserXBase(const ParserXBase& a_Parser) :m_FunDef() , m_PostOprtDef() , m_InfixOprtDef() , m_OprtDef() , m_valDef() , m_varDef() , m_pParserEngine(&ParserXBase::ParseFromString) , m_pTokenReader() , m_valDynVarShadow() , m_sNameChars() , m_sOprtChars() , m_sInfixOprtChars() , m_bAutoCreateVar() , m_rpn() , m_vStackBuffer() { m_pTokenReader.reset(new TokenReader(this)); Assign(a_Parser); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Destructor. \throw nothrow */ ParserXBase::~ParserXBase() { // It is important to release the stack buffer before // releasing the value cache. Since it may contain // Values referencing the cache. m_vStackBuffer.clear(); m_cache.ReleaseAll(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Assignement operator. \param a_Parser Object to copy to this. \return *this \throw nothrow Implemented by calling Assign(a_Parser). Self assignement is suppressed. */ ParserXBase& ParserXBase::operator=(const ParserXBase& a_Parser) { Assign(a_Parser); return *this; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Copy state of a parser object to this. \param a_Parser the source object. Clears Variables and Functions of this parser. Copies the states of all internal variables. Resets parse function to string parse mode. */ void ParserXBase::Assign(const ParserXBase& ref) { if (&ref == this) return; // Don't copy bytecode instead cause the parser to create new bytecode // by resetting the parse function. ReInit(); m_pTokenReader.reset(ref.m_pTokenReader->Clone(this)); m_OprtDef = ref.m_OprtDef; m_FunDef = ref.m_FunDef; m_PostOprtDef = ref.m_PostOprtDef; m_InfixOprtDef = ref.m_InfixOprtDef; m_valDef = ref.m_valDef; m_valDynVarShadow = ref.m_valDynVarShadow; m_varDef = ref.m_varDef; // Copy user defined variables // Copy charsets m_sNameChars = ref.m_sNameChars; m_sOprtChars = ref.m_sOprtChars; m_sInfixOprtChars = ref.m_sInfixOprtChars; m_bAutoCreateVar = ref.m_bAutoCreateVar; // Things that should not be copied: // - m_vStackBuffer // - m_cache // - m_rpn } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Evaluate the expression. \pre A formula must be set. \pre Variables must have been set (if needed) \sa SetExpr \return The evaluation result \throw ParseException if no Formula is set or in case of any other error related to the formula. A note on const correctness: I consider it important that Calc is a const function. Due to caching operations Calc changes only the state of internal variables with one exception m_UsedVar this is reset during string parsing and accessible from the outside. Instead of making Calc non const GetExprVar is non const because it explicitely calls Eval() forcing this update. */ const IValue& ParserXBase::Eval() const { return (this->*m_pParserEngine)(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Return the strings of all Operator identifiers. \return Returns a pointer to the c_DefaultOprt array of const char *. \throw nothrow GetOprt is a const function returning a pinter to an array of const char pointers. */ const char_type** ParserXBase::GetOprtDef() const { return (const char_type**)(&c_DefaultOprt[0]); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Define the set of valid characters to be used in names of functions, variables, constants. */ void ParserXBase::DefineNameChars(const char_type* a_szCharset) { m_sNameChars = a_szCharset; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Define the set of valid characters to be used in names of binary operators and postfix operators. \param a_szCharset A string containing all characters that can be used in operator identifiers. */ void ParserXBase::DefineOprtChars(const char_type* a_szCharset) { m_sOprtChars = a_szCharset; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Define the set of valid characters to be used in names of infix operators. \param a_szCharset A string containing all characters that can be used in infix operator identifiers. */ void ParserXBase::DefineInfixOprtChars(const char_type* a_szCharset) { m_sInfixOprtChars = a_szCharset; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Virtual function that defines the characters allowed in name identifiers. \sa #ValidOprtChars, #ValidPrefixOprtChars */ const char_type* ParserXBase::ValidNameChars() const { MUP_VERIFY(m_sNameChars.size()); return m_sNameChars.c_str(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Virtual function that defines the characters allowed in operator definitions. \sa #ValidNameChars, #ValidPrefixOprtChars */ const char_type* ParserXBase::ValidOprtChars() const { MUP_VERIFY(m_sOprtChars.size()); return m_sOprtChars.c_str(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Virtual function that defines the characters allowed in infix operator definitions. \sa #ValidNameChars, #ValidOprtChars */ const char_type* ParserXBase::ValidInfixOprtChars() const { MUP_VERIFY(m_sInfixOprtChars.size()); return m_sInfixOprtChars.c_str(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Initialize the token reader. \post m_pTokenReader.Get()!=0 \throw nothrow Create new token reader object and submit pointers to function, operator, constant and variable definitions. */ void ParserXBase::InitTokenReader() { m_pTokenReader.reset(new TokenReader(this)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Reset parser to string parsing mode and clear internal buffers. \throw nothrow Resets the token reader. */ void ParserXBase::ReInit() const { m_pParserEngine = &ParserXBase::ParseFromString; m_pTokenReader->ReInit(); m_rpn.Reset(); m_vStackBuffer.clear(); m_nPos = 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Adds a new package to the parser. The parser becomes the owner of the package pointer and is responsible for its deletion. */ void ParserXBase::AddPackage(IPackage* p) { p->AddToParser(this); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Add a value reader object to muParserX. \param a_pReader Pointer to the value reader object. */ void ParserXBase::AddValueReader(IValueReader* a_pReader) { m_pTokenReader->AddValueReader(a_pReader); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Check if a given name contains invalid characters. \param a_strName The name to check \param a_szCharSet The characterset \throw ParserException if the name contains invalid charakters. */ void ParserXBase::CheckName(const string_type& a_strName, const string_type& a_szCharSet) const { if (!a_strName.length() || (a_strName.find_first_not_of(a_szCharSet) != string_type::npos) || (a_strName[0] >= (char_type)'0' && a_strName[0] <= (char_type)'9')) { Error(ecINVALID_NAME); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Set the mathematical expression. \param a_sExpr String with the expression \throw ParserException in case of syntax errors. Triggers first time calculation thus the creation of the bytecode and scanning of used variables. */ void ParserXBase::SetExpr(const string_type& a_sExpr) { m_pTokenReader->SetExpr(a_sExpr); ReInit(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Add a user defined variable. \param a_sName The variable name \param a_Var The variable to be added to muParserX */ void ParserXBase::DefineVar(const string_type& ident, const Variable& var) { CheckName(ident, ValidNameChars()); CheckForEntityExistence(ident, ecVARIABLE_DEFINED); m_varDef[ident] = ptr_tok_type(var.Clone()); } void ParserXBase::CheckForEntityExistence(const string_type& ident, EErrorCodes error_code) { if (IsVarDefined(ident) || IsConstDefined(ident) || IsFunDefined(ident) || IsOprtDefined(ident) || IsPostfixOprtDefined(ident) || IsInfixOprtDefined(ident)) throw ParserError(ErrorContext(error_code, 0, ident)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Define a parser Constant. \param a_sName The name of the constant \param a_Val Const reference to the constants value Parser constants are handed over by const reference as opposed to variables which are handed over by reference. Consequently the parser can not change their value. */ void ParserXBase::DefineConst(const string_type& ident, const Value& val) { CheckName(ident, ValidNameChars()); CheckForEntityExistence(ident, ecCONSTANT_DEFINED); m_valDef[ident] = ptr_tok_type(val.Clone()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Add a callback object to the parser. \param a_pFunc Pointer to the intance of a parser callback object representing the function. \sa GetFunDef, functions The parser takes ownership over the callback object. */ void ParserXBase::DefineFun(const ptr_cal_type& fun) { if (IsFunDefined(fun->GetIdent())) throw ParserError(ErrorContext(ecFUNOPRT_DEFINED, 0, fun->GetIdent())); fun->SetParent(this); m_FunDef[fun->GetIdent()] = ptr_tok_type(fun->Clone()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Define a binary operator. \param a_pCallback Pointer to the callback object */ void ParserXBase::DefineOprt(const TokenPtr& oprt) { if (IsOprtDefined(oprt->GetIdent())) throw ParserError(ErrorContext(ecFUNOPRT_DEFINED, 0, oprt->GetIdent())); oprt->SetParent(this); m_OprtDef[oprt->GetIdent()] = ptr_tok_type(oprt->Clone()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Add a user defined operator. \post Will reset the Parser to string parsing mode. \param a_pOprt Pointer to a unary postfix operator object. The parser will become the new owner of this object hence will destroy it. */ void ParserXBase::DefinePostfixOprt(const TokenPtr& oprt) { if (IsPostfixOprtDefined(oprt->GetIdent())) throw ParserError(ErrorContext(ecFUNOPRT_DEFINED, 0, oprt->GetIdent())); // Operator is not added yet, add it. oprt->SetParent(this); m_PostOprtDef[oprt->GetIdent()] = ptr_tok_type(oprt->Clone()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Add a user defined operator. \param a_pOprt Pointer to a unary postfix operator object. The parser will become the new owner of this object hence will destroy it. */ void ParserXBase::DefineInfixOprt(const TokenPtr& oprt) { if (IsInfixOprtDefined(oprt->GetIdent())) throw ParserError(ErrorContext(ecFUNOPRT_DEFINED, 0, oprt->GetIdent())); // Function is not added yet, add it. oprt->SetParent(this); m_InfixOprtDef[oprt->GetIdent()] = ptr_tok_type(oprt->Clone()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParserXBase::RemoveVar(const string_type& ident) { m_varDef.erase(ident); ReInit(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParserXBase::RemoveConst(const string_type& ident) { m_valDef.erase(ident); ReInit(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParserXBase::RemoveFun(const string_type& ident) { m_FunDef.erase(ident); ReInit(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParserXBase::RemoveOprt(const string_type& ident) { m_OprtDef.erase(ident); ReInit(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParserXBase::RemovePostfixOprt(const string_type& ident) { m_PostOprtDef.erase(ident); ReInit(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParserXBase::RemoveInfixOprt(const string_type& ident) { m_InfixOprtDef.erase(ident); ReInit(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ParserXBase::IsVarDefined(const string_type& ident) const { return m_varDef.find(ident) != m_varDef.end(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ParserXBase::IsConstDefined(const string_type& ident) const { return m_valDef.find(ident) != m_valDef.end(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ParserXBase::IsFunDefined(const string_type& ident) const { return m_FunDef.find(ident) != m_FunDef.end(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ParserXBase::IsOprtDefined(const string_type& ident) const { return m_OprtDef.find(ident) != m_OprtDef.end(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ParserXBase::IsPostfixOprtDefined(const string_type& ident) const { return m_PostOprtDef.find(ident) != m_PostOprtDef.end(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ParserXBase::IsInfixOprtDefined(const string_type& ident) const { return m_InfixOprtDef.find(ident) != m_InfixOprtDef.end(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Return a map containing the used variables only. */ const var_maptype& ParserXBase::GetExprVar() const { utils::scoped_setter guard(m_bIsQueryingExprVar, true); // Create RPN, but do not compute the result or switch to RPN // parsing mode. The expression may contain yet to be defined variables. CreateRPN(); return m_pTokenReader->GetUsedVar(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Return a map containing the used variables only. */ const var_maptype& ParserXBase::GetVar() const { return m_varDef; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Return a map containing all parser constants. */ const val_maptype& ParserXBase::GetConst() const { return m_valDef; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Return prototypes of all parser functions. \return #m_FunDef \sa FunProt, functions \throw nothrow The return type is a map of the public type #funmap_type containing the prototype definitions for all numerical parser functions. String functions are not part of this map. The Prototype definition is encapsulated in objects of the class FunProt one per parser function each associated with function names via a map construct. */ const fun_maptype& ParserXBase::GetFunDef() const { return m_FunDef; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Retrieve the mathematical expression. */ const string_type& ParserXBase::GetExpr() const { return m_pTokenReader->GetExpr(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Get the version number of muParserX. \return A string containing the version number of muParserX. */ string_type ParserXBase::GetVersion() { return MUP_PARSER_VERSION; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParserXBase::ApplyRemainingOprt(Stack& stOpt) const { while (stOpt.size() && stOpt.top()->GetCode() != cmBO && stOpt.top()->GetCode() != cmIO && stOpt.top()->GetCode() != cmCBO && stOpt.top()->GetCode() != cmIF) { ptr_tok_type& op = stOpt.top(); switch (op->GetCode()) { case cmOPRT_INFIX: case cmOPRT_BIN: ApplyFunc(stOpt, 2); break; case cmELSE: ApplyIfElse(stOpt); break; default: Error(ecINTERNAL_ERROR); } // switch operator token type } // While operator stack not empty } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Simulates the call of a parser function with its corresponding arguments. \param a_stOpt The operator stack \param a_stVal The value stack \param a_iArgCount The number of function arguments */ void ParserXBase::ApplyFunc(Stack& a_stOpt, int a_iArgCount) const { if (a_stOpt.empty()) return; ptr_tok_type tok = a_stOpt.pop(); ICallback* pFun = tok->AsICallback(); int iArgCount = (pFun->GetArgc() >= 0) ? pFun->GetArgc() : a_iArgCount; pFun->SetNumArgsPresent(iArgCount); m_nPos -= (iArgCount - 1); m_rpn.Add(tok); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Simulates the effect of the execution of an if-then-else block. */ void ParserXBase::ApplyIfElse(Stack& a_stOpt) const { while (a_stOpt.size() && a_stOpt.top()->GetCode() == cmELSE) { MUP_VERIFY(a_stOpt.size() > 0); MUP_VERIFY(m_nPos >= 3); MUP_VERIFY(a_stOpt.top()->GetCode() == cmELSE); ptr_tok_type opElse = a_stOpt.pop(); ptr_tok_type opIf = a_stOpt.pop(); MUP_VERIFY(opElse->GetCode() == cmELSE) if (opIf->GetCode() != cmIF) { ErrorContext err; err.Expr = m_pTokenReader->GetExpr(); err.Errc = ecMISPLACED_COLON; err.Pos = m_pTokenReader->GetPos(); throw ParserError(err); } // If then else hat 3 argumente und erzeugt einen rückgabewert (3-1=2) m_nPos -= 2; m_rpn.Add(ptr_tok_type(new TokenIfThenElse(cmENDIF))); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParserXBase::DumpRPN() const { m_rpn.AsciiDump(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParserXBase::CreateRPN() const { if (!m_pTokenReader->GetExpr().length()) Error(ecUNEXPECTED_EOF, 0); // The Stacks take the ownership over the tokens Stack stOpt; Stack stArgCount; Stack stIdxCount; ptr_tok_type pTok, pTokPrev; Value val; ReInit(); for (;;) { pTokPrev = pTok; pTok = m_pTokenReader->ReadNextToken(); #if defined(MUP_DUMP_TOKENS) console() << pTok->AsciiDump() << endl; #endif ECmdCode eCmd = pTok->GetCode(); switch (eCmd) { case cmVAL: m_nPos++; m_rpn.Add(pTok); break; case cmCBC: case cmIC: { ECmdCode eStarter = (ECmdCode)(eCmd - 1); MUP_VERIFY(eStarter == cmCBO || eStarter == cmIO); // The argument count for parameterless functions is zero // by default an opening bracket sets parameter count to 1 // in preparation of arguments to come. If the last token // was an opening bracket we know better... if (pTokPrev.Get() != nullptr && pTokPrev->GetCode() == eStarter) --stArgCount.top(); ApplyRemainingOprt(stOpt); // if opt is "]" and opta is "[" the bracket content has been evaluated. // Now check whether there is an index operator on the stack. if (stOpt.size() && stOpt.top()->GetCode() == eStarter) { // // Find out how many dimensions were used in the index operator. // int iArgc = stArgCount.pop(); stOpt.pop(); // Take opening bracket from stack ICallback* pOprtIndex = pTok->AsICallback(); MUP_VERIFY(pOprtIndex != nullptr); pOprtIndex->SetNumArgsPresent(iArgc); m_rpn.Add(pOprtIndex); // If this is an index operator there must be something else in the register (the variable to index) MUP_VERIFY(eCmd != cmIC || m_nPos >= (int)iArgc + 1); // Reduce the index into the value registers accordingly m_nPos -= iArgc; if (eCmd == cmCBC) { ++m_nPos; } } // if opening index bracket is on top of operator stack } break; case cmBC: { // The argument count for parameterless functions is zero // by default an opening bracket sets parameter count to 1 // in preparation of arguments to come. If the last token // was an opening bracket we know better... if (pTokPrev.Get() != nullptr && pTokPrev->GetCode() == cmBO) --stArgCount.top(); ApplyRemainingOprt(stOpt); // if opt is ")" and opta is "(" the bracket content has been evaluated. // Now its time to check if there is either a function or a sign pending. // - Neither the opening nor the closing bracket will be pushed back to // the operator stack // - Check if a function is standing in front of the opening bracket, // if so evaluate it afterwards to apply an infix operator. if (stOpt.size() && stOpt.top()->GetCode() == cmBO) { // // Here is the stuff to evaluate a function token // int iArgc = stArgCount.pop(); stOpt.pop(); // Take opening bracket from stack if (stOpt.empty()) break; if ((stOpt.top()->GetCode() != cmFUNC) && (stOpt.top()->GetCode() != cmOPRT_INFIX)) break; ICallback* pFun = stOpt.top()->AsICallback(); if (pFun->GetArgc() != -1 && iArgc > pFun->GetArgc()) Error(ecTOO_MANY_PARAMS, pTok->GetExprPos(), pFun); if (iArgc < pFun->GetArgc()) Error(ecTOO_FEW_PARAMS, pTok->GetExprPos(), pFun); // Apply function, if present if (stOpt.size() && stOpt.top()->GetCode() != cmOPRT_INFIX && stOpt.top()->GetCode() != cmOPRT_BIN) { ApplyFunc(stOpt, iArgc); } } } break; case cmELSE: ApplyRemainingOprt(stOpt); m_rpn.Add(pTok); stOpt.push(pTok); break; case cmSCRIPT_NEWLINE: ApplyRemainingOprt(stOpt); m_rpn.AddNewline(pTok, m_nPos); stOpt.clear(); m_nPos = 0; break; case cmARG_SEP: if (stArgCount.empty()) Error(ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA, m_pTokenReader->GetPos() - 1); ++stArgCount.top(); ApplyRemainingOprt(stOpt); break; case cmEOE: ApplyRemainingOprt(stOpt); m_rpn.Finalize(); break; case cmIF: case cmOPRT_BIN: { while (stOpt.size() && stOpt.top()->GetCode() != cmBO && stOpt.top()->GetCode() != cmIO && stOpt.top()->GetCode() != cmCBO && stOpt.top()->GetCode() != cmELSE && stOpt.top()->GetCode() != cmIF) { IToken* pOprt1 = stOpt.top().Get(); IToken* pOprt2 = pTok.Get(); MUP_VERIFY(pOprt1 != nullptr && pOprt2 != nullptr); MUP_VERIFY(pOprt1->AsIPrecedence() && pOprt2->AsIPrecedence()); int nPrec1 = pOprt1->AsIPrecedence()->GetPri(), nPrec2 = pOprt2->AsIPrecedence()->GetPri(); if (pOprt1->GetCode() == pOprt2->GetCode()) { // Deal with operator associativity EOprtAsct eOprtAsct = pOprt1->AsIPrecedence()->GetAssociativity(); if ((eOprtAsct == oaRIGHT && (nPrec1 <= nPrec2)) || (eOprtAsct == oaLEFT && (nPrec1 < nPrec2))) { break; } } else if (nPrec1 < nPrec2) { break; } // apply the operator now // (binary operators are identic to functions with two arguments) ApplyFunc(stOpt, 2); } // while ( ... ) if (pTok->GetCode() == cmIF) m_rpn.Add(pTok); stOpt.push(pTok); } break; // // Postfix Operators // case cmOPRT_POSTFIX: MUP_VERIFY(m_nPos); m_rpn.Add(pTok); break; case cmCBO: case cmIO: case cmBO: stOpt.push(pTok); stArgCount.push(1); break; // // Functions // case cmOPRT_INFIX: case cmFUNC: { ICallback* pFunc = pTok->AsICallback(); MUP_VERIFY(pFunc != nullptr); stOpt.push(pTok); } break; default: Error(ecINTERNAL_ERROR); } // switch Code if (ParserXBase::s_bDumpStack) { StackDump(stOpt); } if (pTok->GetCode() == cmEOE) break; } // for (all tokens) if (ParserXBase::s_bDumpRPN) { m_rpn.AsciiDump(); } if (m_nPos > 1) { Error(ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA, -1); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief One of the two main parse functions. \sa ParseCmdCode(), ParseValue() Parse expression from input string. Perform syntax checking and create bytecode. After parsing the string and creating the bytecode the function pointer #m_pParseFormula will be changed to the second parse routine the uses bytecode instead of string parsing. */ const IValue& ParserXBase::ParseFromString() const { CreateRPN(); // Umsachalten auf RPN m_vStackBuffer.assign(m_rpn.GetRequiredStackSize(), ptr_val_type()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_vStackBuffer.size(); ++i) { Value* pValue = new Value; pValue->BindToCache(&m_cache); m_vStackBuffer[i].Reset(pValue); } m_pParserEngine = &ParserXBase::ParseFromRPN; return (this->*m_pParserEngine)(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const IValue& ParserXBase::ParseFromRPN() const { ptr_val_type* pStack = &m_vStackBuffer[0]; if (m_rpn.GetSize() == 0) { // Passiert bei leeren strings oder solchen, die nur Leerzeichen enthalten ErrorContext err; err.Expr = m_pTokenReader->GetExpr(); err.Errc = ecUNEXPECTED_EOF; err.Pos = 0; throw ParserError(err); } const ptr_tok_type* pRPN = &(m_rpn.GetData()[0]); int sidx = -1; std::size_t lenRPN = m_rpn.GetSize(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < lenRPN; ++i) { IToken* pTok = pRPN[i].Get(); ECmdCode eCode = pTok->GetCode(); switch (eCode) { case cmSCRIPT_NEWLINE: sidx = -1; continue; case cmVAL: { IValue* pVal = static_cast(pTok); sidx++; MUP_VERIFY(sidx < (int)m_vStackBuffer.size()); if (pVal->IsVariable()) { pStack[sidx].Reset(pVal); } else { ptr_val_type& val = pStack[sidx]; if (val->IsVariable()) val.Reset(m_cache.CreateFromCache()); *val = *(static_cast(pTok)); } } continue; case cmIC: { ICallback* pIdxOprt = static_cast(pTok); int nArgs = pIdxOprt->GetArgsPresent(); sidx -= nArgs - 1; MUP_VERIFY(sidx >= 0); ptr_val_type& idx = pStack[sidx]; // Pointer to the first index ptr_val_type& val = pStack[--sidx]; // Pointer to the variable or value beeing indexed pIdxOprt->Eval(val, &idx, nArgs); } continue; case cmCBC: case cmOPRT_POSTFIX: case cmFUNC: case cmOPRT_BIN: case cmOPRT_INFIX: { ICallback* pFun = static_cast(pTok); int nArgs = pFun->GetArgsPresent(); sidx -= nArgs - 1; // most likely cause: Comma in if-then-else sum(false?1,0,0:3) if (sidx < 0) { ErrorContext err; err.Expr = m_pTokenReader->GetExpr(); err.Errc = ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA; err.Pos = m_pTokenReader->GetPos(); throw ParserError(err); } ptr_val_type& val = pStack[sidx]; try { if (val->IsVariable()) { ptr_val_type buf(m_cache.CreateFromCache()); pFun->Eval(buf, &val, nArgs); val = buf; } else { pFun->Eval(val, &val, nArgs); } } catch (ParserError& exc) { // Not too happy about that: // Multiarg functions may throw specific error codes when evaluating. // These codes would be converted to ecEVAL here. I omit the conversion // for certain handpicked errors. (The reason this catch block exists is // that not all exceptions contain proper metadata when thrown out of // a function.) if (exc.GetCode() == ecTOO_FEW_PARAMS || exc.GetCode() == ecDOMAIN_ERROR || exc.GetCode() == ecOVERFLOW || exc.GetCode() == ecINVALID_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS || exc.GetCode() == ecASSIGNEMENT_TO_VALUE) { exc.GetContext().Pos = pFun->GetExprPos(); throw; } // else { ErrorContext err; err.Expr = m_pTokenReader->GetExpr(); err.Ident = pFun->GetIdent(); err.Errc = ecEVAL; err.Pos = pFun->GetExprPos(); err.Hint = exc.GetMsg(); throw ParserError(err); } } catch (MatrixError& /*exc*/) { ErrorContext err; err.Expr = m_pTokenReader->GetExpr(); err.Ident = pFun->GetIdent(); err.Errc = ecMATRIX_DIMENSION_MISMATCH; err.Pos = pFun->GetExprPos(); throw ParserError(err); } } continue; case cmIF: MUP_VERIFY(sidx >= 0); if (pStack[sidx--]->GetBool() == false) i += static_cast(pTok)->GetOffset(); continue; case cmELSE: case cmJMP: i += static_cast(pTok)->GetOffset(); continue; case cmENDIF: continue; default: Error(ecINTERNAL_ERROR); } // switch token } // for all RPN tokens return *pStack[0]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParserXBase::Error(EErrorCodes a_iErrc, int a_iPos, const IToken* a_pTok) const { ErrorContext err; err.Errc = a_iErrc; err.Pos = a_iPos; err.Expr = m_pTokenReader->GetExpr(); err.Ident = (a_pTok) ? a_pTok->GetIdent() : _T(""); throw ParserError(err); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Clear all user defined variables. \throw nothrow Resets the parser to string parsing mode by calling #ReInit. */ void ParserXBase::ClearVar() { m_varDef.clear(); m_valDynVarShadow.clear(); ReInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Clear the expression. \throw nothrow Clear the expression and existing bytecode. */ void ParserXBase::ClearExpr() { m_pTokenReader->SetExpr(_T("")); ReInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Clear all function definitions. \throw nothrow */ void ParserXBase::ClearFun() { m_FunDef.clear(); ReInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Clear all user defined constants. \throw nothrow Both numeric and string constants will be removed from the internal storage. */ void ParserXBase::ClearConst() { m_valDef.clear(); ReInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Clear all user defined postfix operators. \throw nothrow */ void ParserXBase::ClearPostfixOprt() { m_PostOprtDef.clear(); ReInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Clear all user defined binary operators. \throw nothrow */ void ParserXBase::ClearOprt() { m_OprtDef.clear(); ReInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Clear the user defined Prefix operators. \throw nothrow */ void ParserXBase::ClearInfixOprt() { m_InfixOprtDef.clear(); ReInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ParserXBase::EnableAutoCreateVar(bool bStat) { m_bAutoCreateVar = bStat; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ParserXBase::EnableOptimizer(bool bStat) { m_rpn.EnableOptimizer(bStat); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Enable the dumping of bytecode amd stack content on the console. \param bDumpCmd Flag to enable dumping of the current bytecode to the console. \param bDumpStack Flag to enable dumping of the stack content is written to the console. This function is for debug purposes only! */ void ParserXBase::EnableDebugDump(bool bDumpRPN, bool bDumpStack) { ParserXBase::s_bDumpRPN = bDumpRPN; ParserXBase::s_bDumpStack = bDumpStack; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool ParserXBase::IsAutoCreateVarEnabled() const { return m_bAutoCreateVar; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Dump stack content. This function is used for debugging only. */ void ParserXBase::StackDump(const Stack& a_stOprt) const { using std::cout; Stack stOprt(a_stOprt); string_type sInfo = _T("StackDump> "); console() << sInfo; if (stOprt.empty()) console() << _T("\n") << sInfo << _T("Operator stack is empty.\n"); else console() << _T("\n") << sInfo << _T("Operator stack:\n"); while (!stOprt.empty()) { ptr_tok_type tok = stOprt.pop(); console() << sInfo << _T(" ") << g_sCmdCode[tok->GetCode()] << _T(" \"") << tok->GetIdent() << _T("\" \n"); } console() << endl; } } // namespace mu