/** ****************************************************************************** * @file usbpd_vdm_user.c * @author MCD Application Team * @brief USBPD provider demo file ****************************************************************************** * @attention * *

© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved.

* * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * www.st.com/SLA0044 * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "usbpd_core.h" #include "usbpd_dpm_conf.h" #include "usbpd_vdm_user.h" #include "usbpd_dpm_user.h" /* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */ /* USER CODE END Includes */ /** @addtogroup STM32_USBPD_APPLICATION * @{ */ /** @addtogroup STM32_USBPD_APPLICATION_VDM_USER * @{ */ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* USER CODE BEGIN Private_define */ /* USER CODE END Private_define */ /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* USER CODE BEGIN Private_typedef */ /* USER CODE END Private_typedef */ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* USER CODE BEGIN Private_macro */ /* USER CODE END Private_macro */ /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ static USBPD_StatusTypeDef USBPD_VDM_DiscoverIdentity(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_DiscoveryIdentity_TypeDef *pIdentity); static USBPD_StatusTypeDef USBPD_VDM_DiscoverSVIDs(uint8_t PortNum, uint16_t **p_SVID_Info, uint8_t *nb); static USBPD_StatusTypeDef USBPD_VDM_DiscoverModes(uint8_t PortNum, uint16_t SVID, uint32_t **p_ModeInfo, uint8_t *nbMode); static USBPD_StatusTypeDef USBPD_VDM_ModeEnter(uint8_t PortNum, uint16_t SVID, uint32_t ModeIndex); static USBPD_StatusTypeDef USBPD_VDM_ModeExit(uint8_t PortNum, uint16_t SVID, uint32_t ModeIndex); static void USBPD_VDM_SendAttention(uint8_t PortNum, uint8_t *NbData, uint32_t *VDO); static void USBPD_VDM_ReceiveAttention(uint8_t PortNum, uint8_t NbData, uint32_t VDO); static USBPD_StatusTypeDef USBPD_VDM_ReceiveSpecific(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_VDM_Command_Typedef VDMCommand, uint8_t *pNbData, uint32_t *pVDO); static void USBPD_VDM_InformIdentity(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_SOPType_TypeDef SOPType, USBPD_VDM_CommandType_Typedef CommandStatus, USBPD_DiscoveryIdentity_TypeDef *pIdentity); static void USBPD_VDM_InformSVID(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_SOPType_TypeDef SOPType, USBPD_VDM_CommandType_Typedef CommandStatus, USBPD_SVIDInfo_TypeDef *pListSVID); static void USBPD_VDM_InformMode(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_SOPType_TypeDef SOPType, USBPD_VDM_CommandType_Typedef CommandStatus, USBPD_ModeInfo_TypeDef *pModesInfo); static void USBPD_VDM_InformModeEnter(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_SOPType_TypeDef SOPType, USBPD_VDM_CommandType_Typedef CommandStatus, uint16_t SVID, uint32_t ModeIndex); static void USBPD_VDM_InformModeExit(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_SOPType_TypeDef SOPType, USBPD_VDM_CommandType_Typedef CommandStatus, uint16_t SVID, uint32_t ModeIndex); static void USBPD_VDM_InformSpecific(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_VDM_Command_Typedef VDMCommand, uint8_t *NbData, uint32_t *VDO); static void USBPD_VDM_SendSpecific(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_VDM_Command_Typedef VDMCommand, uint8_t *NbData, uint32_t *VDO); static void USBPD_VDM_SendUVDM(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_UVDMHeader_TypeDef *pUVDM_Header, uint8_t *pNbData, uint32_t *pVDO); static USBPD_StatusTypeDef USBPD_VDM_ReceiveUVDM(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_UVDMHeader_TypeDef UVDM_Header, uint8_t *pNbData, uint32_t *pVDO); /* USER CODE BEGIN Private_prototypes */ /* USER CODE END Private_prototypes */ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* USER CODE BEGIN Private_variables */ const USBPD_VDM_Callbacks vdmCallbacks = { USBPD_VDM_DiscoverIdentity, USBPD_VDM_DiscoverSVIDs, USBPD_VDM_DiscoverModes, USBPD_VDM_ModeEnter, USBPD_VDM_ModeExit, USBPD_VDM_InformIdentity, USBPD_VDM_InformSVID, USBPD_VDM_InformMode, USBPD_VDM_InformModeEnter, USBPD_VDM_InformModeExit, USBPD_VDM_SendAttention, USBPD_VDM_ReceiveAttention, USBPD_VDM_SendSpecific, USBPD_VDM_ReceiveSpecific, USBPD_VDM_InformSpecific, USBPD_VDM_SendUVDM, USBPD_VDM_ReceiveUVDM, }; /* USER CODE END Private_variables */ /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief VDM Discovery identity callback * @note Function is called to get Discovery identity information linked to the device and answer * to SVDM Discovery identity init message sent by port partner * @param PortNum current port number * @param pIdentity Pointer on @ref USBPD_DiscoveryIdentity_TypeDef structure * @retval USBPD status: @ref USBPD_ACK or @ref USBPD_BUSY */ static USBPD_StatusTypeDef USBPD_VDM_DiscoverIdentity(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_DiscoveryIdentity_TypeDef *pIdentity) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_DiscoverIdentity */ return USBPD_NAK; /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_DiscoverIdentity */ } /** * @brief VDM Discover SVID callback * @note Function is called to retrieve SVID supported by device and answer * to SVDM Discovery SVID init message sent by port partner * @param PortNum current port number * @param p_SVID_Info Pointer on @ref USBPD_SVIDInfo_TypeDef structure * @param pNbSVID Pointer on number of SVID * @retval USBPD status @ref USBPD_BUSY or @ref USBPD_ACK or @ref USBPD_NAK */ static USBPD_StatusTypeDef USBPD_VDM_DiscoverSVIDs(uint8_t PortNum, uint16_t **p_SVID_Info, uint8_t *pNbSVID) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_DiscoverSVIDs */ return USBPD_NAK; /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_DiscoverSVIDs */ } /** * @brief VDM Discover Mode callback (report all the modes supported by SVID) * @note Function is called to report all the modes supported by selected SVID and answer * to SVDM Discovery Mode init message sent by port partner * @param PortNum current port number * @param SVID SVID value * @param p_ModeTab Pointer on the mode value * @param NumberOfMode Number of mode available * @retval USBPD status */ static USBPD_StatusTypeDef USBPD_VDM_DiscoverModes(uint8_t PortNum, uint16_t SVID, uint32_t **p_ModeTab, uint8_t *NumberOfMode) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_DiscoverModes */ return USBPD_NAK; /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_DiscoverModes */ } /** * @brief VDM Mode enter callback * @note Function is called to check if device can enter in the mode received for the selected SVID in the * SVDM enter mode init message sent by port partner * @param PortNum current port number * @param SVID SVID value * @param ModeIndex Index of the mode to be entered * @retval USBPD status @ref USBPD_ACK/@ref USBPD_NAK */ static USBPD_StatusTypeDef USBPD_VDM_ModeEnter(uint8_t PortNum, uint16_t SVID, uint32_t ModeIndex) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_ModeEnter */ return USBPD_NAK; /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_ModeEnter */ } /** * @brief VDM Mode exit callback * @note Function is called to check if device can exit from the mode received for the selected SVID in the * SVDM exit mode init message sent by port partner * @param PortNum current port number * @param SVID SVID value * @param ModeIndex Index of the mode to be exited * @retval USBPD status @ref USBPD_ACK/@ref USBPD_NAK */ static USBPD_StatusTypeDef USBPD_VDM_ModeExit(uint8_t PortNum, uint16_t SVID, uint32_t ModeIndex) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_ModeExit */ return USBPD_NAK; /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_ModeExit */ } /** * @brief Send VDM Attention message callback * @note Function is called when device wants to send a SVDM attention message to port partner * (for instance DP status can be filled through this function) * @param PortNum current port number * @param pNbData Pointer of number of VDO to send * @param pVDO Pointer of VDO to send * @retval None */ static void USBPD_VDM_SendAttention(uint8_t PortNum, uint8_t *pNbData, uint32_t *pVDO) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_SendAttention */ /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_SendAttention */ } /** * @brief Receive VDM Attention callback * @note Function is called when a SVDM attention init message has been received from port partner * (for instance, save DP status data through this function) * @param PortNum current port number * @param NbData Number of received VDO * @param VDO Received VDO * @retval None */ static void USBPD_VDM_ReceiveAttention(uint8_t PortNum, uint8_t NbData, uint32_t VDO) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_ReceiveAttention */ /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_ReceiveAttention */ } /** * @brief VDM Receive Specific message callback * @note Function is called to answer to a SVDM specific init message received by port partner. * (for instance, retrieve DP status or DP configure data through this function) * @param PortNum Current port number * @param VDMCommand VDM command based on @ref USBPD_VDM_Command_Typedef * @param pNbData Pointer of number of received VDO and used for the answer * @param pVDO Pointer of received VDO and use for the answer * @retval USBPD Status */ static USBPD_StatusTypeDef USBPD_VDM_ReceiveSpecific(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_VDM_Command_Typedef VDMCommand, uint8_t *pNbData, uint32_t *pVDO) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_ReceiveSpecific */ return USBPD_NAK; /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_ReceiveSpecific */ } /** * @brief Inform identity callback * @note Function is called to save Identity information received in Discovery identity from port partner (answer to SVDM discovery identity sent by device) * @param PortNum current port number * @param SOPType SOP type * @param CommandStatus Command status based on @ref USBPD_VDM_CommandType_Typedef * @param pIdentity Pointer on the discovery identity information based on @ref USBPD_DiscoveryIdentity_TypeDef * @retval None */ static void USBPD_VDM_InformIdentity(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_SOPType_TypeDef SOPType, USBPD_VDM_CommandType_Typedef CommandStatus, USBPD_DiscoveryIdentity_TypeDef *pIdentity) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_InformIdentity */ switch(CommandStatus) { case SVDM_RESPONDER_ACK : break; case SVDM_RESPONDER_NAK : break; case SVDM_RESPONDER_BUSY : break; default : break; } /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_InformIdentity */ } /** * @brief Inform SVID callback * @note Function is called to save list of SVID received in Discovery SVID from port partner (answer to SVDM discovery SVID sent by device) * @param PortNum current port number * @param SOPType SOP type * @param CommandStatus Command status based on @ref USBPD_VDM_CommandType_Typedef * @param pListSVID Pointer of list of SVID based on @ref USBPD_SVIDInfo_TypeDef * @retval None */ static void USBPD_VDM_InformSVID(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_SOPType_TypeDef SOPType, USBPD_VDM_CommandType_Typedef CommandStatus, USBPD_SVIDInfo_TypeDef *pListSVID) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_InformSVID */ switch(CommandStatus) { case SVDM_RESPONDER_ACK : break; case SVDM_RESPONDER_NAK : break; case SVDM_RESPONDER_BUSY : break; default : break; } /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_InformSVID */ } /** * @brief Inform Mode callback ( received in Discovery Modes ACK) * @note Function is called to save list of modes linked to SVID received in Discovery mode from port partner (answer to SVDM discovery mode sent by device) * @param PortNum current port number * @param SOPType SOP type * @param CommandStatus Command status based on @ref USBPD_VDM_CommandType_Typedef * @param pModesInfo Pointer of Modes info based on @ref USBPD_ModeInfo_TypeDef * @retval None */ static void USBPD_VDM_InformMode(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_SOPType_TypeDef SOPType, USBPD_VDM_CommandType_Typedef CommandStatus, USBPD_ModeInfo_TypeDef *pModesInfo) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_InformMode */ switch(CommandStatus) { case SVDM_RESPONDER_ACK : break; case SVDM_RESPONDER_NAK : break; case SVDM_RESPONDER_BUSY : break; default : break; } /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_InformMode */ } /** * @brief Inform Mode enter callback * @note Function is called to inform if port partner accepted or not to enter in the mode * specified in the SVDM enter mode sent by the device * @param PortNum current port number * @param SOPType SOP type * @param CommandStatus Command status based on @ref USBPD_VDM_CommandType_Typedef * @param SVID SVID ID * @param ModeIndex Index of the mode to be entered * @retval None */ static void USBPD_VDM_InformModeEnter(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_SOPType_TypeDef SOPType, USBPD_VDM_CommandType_Typedef CommandStatus, uint16_t SVID, uint32_t ModeIndex) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_InformModeEnter */ switch(CommandStatus) { case SVDM_RESPONDER_ACK : break; case SVDM_RESPONDER_NAK : break; case SVDM_RESPONDER_BUSY : /* retry in 50ms */ break; default : break; } /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_InformModeEnter */ } /** * @brief Inform Exit enter callback * @param PortNum current port number * @param SVID SVID ID * @param ModeIndex Index of the mode to be entered * @retval None */ static void USBPD_VDM_InformModeExit(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_SOPType_TypeDef SOPType, USBPD_VDM_CommandType_Typedef CommandStatus, uint16_t SVID, uint32_t ModeIndex) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_InformModeExit */ switch(CommandStatus) { case SVDM_RESPONDER_ACK : break; case SVDM_RESPONDER_NAK : break; case SVDM_RESPONDER_BUSY : /* retry in 50ms */ break; default : break; } /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_InformModeExit */ } /** * @brief VDM Send Specific message callback * @note Function is called when device wants to send a SVDM specific init message to port partner * (for instance DP status or DP configure can be filled through this function) * @param PortNum current port number * @param VDMCommand VDM command based on @ref USBPD_VDM_Command_Typedef * @param pNbData Pointer of number of VDO to send * @param pVDO Pointer of VDO to send * @retval None */ static void USBPD_VDM_SendSpecific(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_VDM_Command_Typedef VDMCommand, uint8_t *pNbData, uint32_t *pVDO) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_SendSpecific */ /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_SendSpecific */ } /** * @brief VDM Specific message callback to inform user of reception of VDM specific message * @note Function is called when answer from SVDM specific init message has been received by the device * (for instance, save DP status and DP configure data through this function) * @param PortNum current port number * @param VDMCommand VDM command based on @ref USBPD_VDM_Command_Typedef * @param pNbData Pointer of number of received VDO * @param pVDO Pointer of received VDO * @retval None */ static void USBPD_VDM_InformSpecific(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_VDM_Command_Typedef VDMCommand, uint8_t *pNbData, uint32_t *pVDO) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_InformSpecific */ /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_InformSpecific */ } /** * @brief VDM Send Unstructured message callback * @param PortNum current port number * @param pUVDM_Header Pointer on UVDM header based on @ref USBPD_UVDMHeader_TypeDef * @param pNbData Pointer of number of VDO to send * @param pVDO Pointer of VDO to send * @retval None */ static void USBPD_VDM_SendUVDM(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_UVDMHeader_TypeDef *pUVDM_Header, uint8_t *pNbData, uint32_t *pVDO) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_SendUVDM */ /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_SendUVDM */ } /** * @brief Unstructured VDM message callback to inform user of reception of UVDM message * @param PortNum current port number * @param UVDM_Header UVDM header based on @ref USBPD_UVDMHeader_TypeDef * @param pNbData Pointer of number of received VDO * @param pVDO Pointer of received VDO * @retval USBPD Status */ static USBPD_StatusTypeDef USBPD_VDM_ReceiveUVDM(uint8_t PortNum, USBPD_UVDMHeader_TypeDef UVDM_Header, uint8_t *pNbData, uint32_t *pVDO) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_ReceiveUVDM */ return USBPD_ERROR; /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_ReceiveUVDM */ } /* USER CODE BEGIN Private_functions */ /* USER CODE END Private_functions */ /* Exported functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @brief VDM Initialization function * @param PortNum Index of current used port * @retval status */ USBPD_StatusTypeDef USBPD_VDM_UserInit(uint8_t PortNum) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_UserInit */ return USBPD_OK; /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_UserInit */ } /** * @brief VDM Reset function * @param PortNum Index of current used port * @retval status */ void USBPD_VDM_UserReset(uint8_t PortNum) { /* USER CODE BEGIN USBPD_VDM_UserReset */ /* USER CODE END USBPD_VDM_UserReset */ } /* USER CODE BEGIN Exported_functions */ /* USER CODE END Exported_functions */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/