#include "tracesmithchart.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "ui_smithchartdialog.h" #include "unit.h" #include "QFileDialog" #include "appwindow.h" #include "CustomWidgets/informationbox.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; TraceSmithChart::TraceSmithChart(TraceModel &model, QWidget *parent) : TracePolar(model, parent) { Z0 = 50.0; } nlohmann::json TraceSmithChart::toJSON() { nlohmann::json j; j = TracePolar::toJSON(); j["Z0"] = Z0; nlohmann::json jlines; for(auto line : constantLines) { jlines.push_back(line.toJSON()); } j["constantLines"] = jlines; return j; } void TraceSmithChart::fromJSON(nlohmann::json j) { TracePolar::fromJSON(j); Z0 = j.value("Z0", 50.0); if(j.contains("constantLines")) { for(auto jline : j["constantLines"]) { SmithChartConstantLine line; line.fromJSON(jline); constantLines.push_back(line); } } } void TraceSmithChart::axisSetupDialog() { auto dialog = new QDialog(); auto ui = new Ui::SmithChartDialog(); ui->setupUi(dialog); if(limitToSpan) { ui->displayModeFreq->setCurrentIndex(1); } else { ui->displayModeFreq->setCurrentIndex(0); } if(limitToEdge) { ui->displayModeImp->setCurrentIndex(1); } else { ui->displayModeImp->setCurrentIndex(0); } ui->displayStartFreq->setUnit("Hz"); ui->displayStartFreq->setPrefixes(" kMG"); ui->displayStartFreq->setPrecision(6); ui->displayStartFreq->setValue(fmin); ui->displayStopFreq->setUnit("Hz"); ui->displayStopFreq->setPrefixes(" kMG"); ui->displayStopFreq->setPrecision(6); ui->displayStopFreq->setValue(fmax); connect(ui->displayFreqOverride, &QCheckBox::toggled, [=](bool active){ ui->displayModeFreq->setEnabled(!active); ui->displayStartFreq->setEnabled(active); ui->displayStopFreq->setEnabled(active); }); ui->displayFreqOverride->setChecked(manualFrequencyRange); emit ui->displayFreqOverride->toggled(manualFrequencyRange); ui->zoomReflection->setPrecision(3); ui->zoomFactor->setPrecision(3); ui->zoomReflection->setValue(edgeReflection); ui->zoomFactor->setValue(1.0/edgeReflection); ui->offsetRealAxis->setValue(dx); ui->impedance->setUnit("Ω"); ui->impedance->setPrecision(3); ui->impedance->setValue(Z0); auto model = new SmithChartContantLineModel(*this); ui->lineTable->setModel(model); ui->lineTable->setItemDelegateForColumn(SmithChartContantLineModel::ColIndexType, new SmithChartTypeDelegate); ui->lineTable->setItemDelegateForColumn(SmithChartContantLineModel::ColIndexParam, new SmithChartParamDelegate); connect(ui->buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, [=](){ limitToSpan = ui->displayModeFreq->currentIndex() == 1; limitToEdge = ui->displayModeImp->currentIndex() == 1; manualFrequencyRange = ui->displayFreqOverride->isChecked(); fmin = ui->displayStartFreq->value(); fmax = ui->displayStopFreq->value(); updateContextMenu(); triggerReplot(); }); connect(ui->zoomFactor, &SIUnitEdit::valueChanged, [=](){ edgeReflection = 1.0 / ui->zoomFactor->value(); ui->zoomReflection->setValueQuiet(edgeReflection); }); connect(ui->zoomReflection, &SIUnitEdit::valueChanged, [=](){ edgeReflection = ui->zoomReflection->value(); ui->zoomFactor->setValueQuiet(1.0 / edgeReflection); }); connect(ui->offsetRealAxis, &SIUnitEdit::valueChanged, [=](){ dx = ui->offsetRealAxis->value(); }); connect(ui->impedance, &SIUnitEdit::valueChanged, [=](){ Z0 = ui->impedance->value(); for(auto t : traces) { if(t.second) { checkIfStillSupported(t.first); } } // depending on the preferences, the Z0 value may have been changed to match the active traces, // overwrite again without causing an additional signal ui->impedance->setValueQuiet(Z0); }); connect(ui->lineTable, &QTableView::clicked, [=](const QModelIndex &index){ if(index.column() == SmithChartContantLineModel::ColIndexColor) { auto line = &constantLines[index.row()]; auto newColor = QColorDialog::getColor(line->getColor(), parentWidget(), "Select color", QColorDialog::DontUseNativeDialog); if(newColor.isValid()) { line->setColor(newColor); emit model->dataChanged(index, index); triggerReplot(); } } }); auto updatePersistentEditors = [=](){ for(unsigned int i=0;ilineTable->openPersistentEditor(model->index(i, SmithChartContantLineModel::ColIndexType)); } }; connect(ui->addLine, &QPushButton::clicked, [=](){ model->beginResetModel(); constantLines.push_back(SmithChartConstantLine()); model->endResetModel(); updatePersistentEditors(); }); connect(ui->removeLine, &QPushButton::clicked, [=](){ auto selected = ui->lineTable->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); // get indices of lines to delete std::vector toDelete; for(auto s : selected) { toDelete.push_back(s.row()); } // delete starting with highest index (this makes sure that indices are not messed up after deleting an element std::sort(toDelete.begin(), toDelete.end()); model->beginResetModel(); for (auto i = toDelete.rbegin(); i != toDelete.rend(); i++) { constantLines.erase(constantLines.begin() + *i); } model->endResetModel(); updatePersistentEditors(); }); updatePersistentEditors(); if(AppWindow::showGUI()) { dialog->show(); } } bool TraceSmithChart::configureForTrace(Trace *t) { if(dropSupported(t)) { Z0 = t->getReferenceImpedance(); for(auto t : traces) { if(t.second && t.first->getReferenceImpedance() != Z0) { enableTrace(t.first, false); } } updateContextMenu(); return true; } return false; } void TraceSmithChart::draw(QPainter &p) { auto& pref = Preferences::getInstance(); // translate coordinate system so that the smith chart sits in the origin and has a size of 1 auto w = p.window(); p.save(); p.translate(w.width()/2, w.height()/2); auto scale = qMin(w.height(), w.width()) / (2.0 * polarCoordMax); p.scale(scale, scale); transform = p.transform(); p.restore(); auto minimumVisibleFrequency = std::numeric_limits::lowest(); auto maximumVisibleFrequency = std::numeric_limits::max(); if(manualFrequencyRange) { minimumVisibleFrequency = fmin; maximumVisibleFrequency = fmax; } else if(limitToSpan) { minimumVisibleFrequency = sweep_fmin; maximumVisibleFrequency = sweep_fmax; } auto drawArc = [&](SmithChartArc a) { a.constrainToCircle(QPointF(0,0), edgeReflection); auto topleft = dataToPixel(complex(a.center.x() - a.radius, a.center.y() - a.radius)); auto bottomright = dataToPixel(complex(a.center.x() + a.radius, a.center.y() + a.radius)); a.startAngle *= 5760 / (2*M_PI); a.spanAngle *= 5760 / (2*M_PI); p.drawArc(QRect(topleft, bottomright), a.startAngle, a.spanAngle); }; // Outer circle auto pen = QPen(pref.Graphs.Color.axis); pen.setCosmetic(true); p.setPen(pen); drawArc(SmithChartArc(QPointF(0, 0), edgeReflection, 0, 2*M_PI)); constexpr int Circles = 6; pen = QPen(pref.Graphs.Color.Ticks.divisions, 0.5, Qt::DashLine); pen.setCosmetic(true); p.setPen(pen); for(int i=1;i(edgeReflection,0)),dataToPixel(complex(-edgeReflection,0))); constexpr std::array impedanceLines = {10, 25, 50, 100, 250}; for(auto z : impedanceLines) { z /= Z0; auto radius = 1.0/z; drawArc(SmithChartArc(QPointF(1.0+dx, radius), radius, 0, 2*M_PI)); drawArc(SmithChartArc(QPointF(1.0+dx, -radius), radius, 0, 2*M_PI)); } // draw custom constant parameter lines for(auto line : constantLines) { pen = QPen(line.getColor(), pref.Graphs.lineWidth); pen.setCosmetic(true); p.setPen(pen); for(auto arc : line.getArcs(Z0)) { drawArc(arc); } } for(auto t : traces) { if(!t.second) { // trace not enabled in plot continue; } auto trace = t.first; if(!trace->isVisible()) { // trace marked invisible continue; } pen = QPen(trace->color(), pref.Graphs.lineWidth); pen.setCosmetic(true); p.setPen(pen); int nPoints = trace->size(); for(int i=1;isample(i-1); auto now = trace->sample(i); if ((trace->getDataType() == Trace::DataType::Frequency) && (last.x < minimumVisibleFrequency || now.x > maximumVisibleFrequency)) { continue; } if(isnan(now.y.real())) { break; } if(pref.Graphs.SweepIndicator.hide && !isnan(xSweep) && trace->getSource() == Trace::Source::Live && trace->isVisible() && !trace->isPaused()) { // check if this part of the trace is visible double range = maximumVisibleFrequency - minimumVisibleFrequency; double afterSweep = now.x - xSweep; if(afterSweep > 0 && afterSweep * 100 / range <= pref.Graphs.SweepIndicator.hidePercent) { // do not display this part of the trace continue; } } last = dataAddDx(last); now = dataAddDx(now); // scale to size of smith diagram QPointF p1 = dataToPixel(last); QPointF p2 = dataToPixel(now); if(limitToEdge && (abs(last.y) > edgeReflection || abs(now.y) > edgeReflection)) { // partially outside of visible area, constrain if(!TracePolar::constrainLineToCircle(p1, p2, transform.map(QPointF(0,0)), polarCoordMax * scale)) { // completely out of visible area continue; } } // draw line p.drawLine(p1, p2); } if(trace->size() > 0) { // only draw markers if the trace has at least one point auto markers = t.first->getMarkers(); for(auto m : markers) { if(!m->isVisible()) { continue; } // if (m->isTimeDomain()) { // continue; // } if (m->getPosition() < minimumVisibleFrequency || m->getPosition() > maximumVisibleFrequency) { continue; } if(m->getPosition() < trace->minX() || m->getPosition() > trace->maxX()) { // marker not in trace range continue; } auto coords = m->getData(); coords = dataAddDx(coords); if (limitToEdge && abs(coords) > edgeReflection) { // outside of visible area continue; } auto point = dataToPixel(coords); auto symbol = m->getSymbol(); p.drawPixmap(point.x() - symbol.width()/2, point.y() - symbol.height(), symbol); } } } if(dropPending) { // adjust coords due to shifted restore p.setOpacity(0.5); p.setBrush(Qt::white); p.setPen(Qt::white); p.drawEllipse(-polarCoordMax, -polarCoordMax, 2*polarCoordMax, 2*polarCoordMax); auto font = p.font(); font.setPixelSize(20); p.setFont(font); p.setOpacity(1.0); p.setPen(Qt::white); auto text = "Drop here to add\n" + dropTrace->name() + "\nto Smith chart"; p.drawText(p.window(), Qt::AlignCenter, text); } else { } } void TraceSmithChart::traceDropped(Trace *t, QPoint position) { if(!supported(t) && dropSupported(t)) { // needs to switch to a different domain for the graph if(!InformationBox::AskQuestion("Reference impedance change", "You dropped a trace that is not supported with the currently selected reference impedance." " Do you want to remove all traces and change the graph to the correct reference imppedance?", true, "ReferenceImpedanceChangeRequest")) { // user declined to change domain, to not add change impedance return; } // attempt to configure for this trace configureForTrace(t); } TracePlot::traceDropped(t, position); } bool TraceSmithChart::dropSupported(Trace *t) { if(!t->isReflection()) { return false; } switch(t->outputType()) { case Trace::DataType::Frequency: case Trace::DataType::Power: case Trace::DataType::TimeZeroSpan: return true; default: return false; } } QString TraceSmithChart::mouseText(QPoint pos) { auto dataDx = pixelToData(pos); if(abs(dataDx) <= edgeReflection) { auto data = complex(dataDx.real()-dx, dataDx.imag()); data = Z0 * (1.0 + data) / (1.0 - data); auto ret = Unit::ToString(data.real(), "", " ", 3); if(data.imag() >= 0) { ret += "+"; } ret += Unit::ToString(data.imag(), "j", " ", 3); return ret; } else { return QString(); } } bool TraceSmithChart::supported(Trace *t) { if(t->getReferenceImpedance() != Z0) { return false; } return dropSupported(t); } SmithChartArc::SmithChartArc(QPointF center, double radius, double startAngle, double spanAngle) : center(center), radius(radius), startAngle(startAngle), spanAngle(spanAngle) { } void SmithChartArc::constrainToCircle(QPointF center, double radius) { // check if arc/circle intersect auto centerDiff = this->center - center; auto centerDistSquared = centerDiff.x() * centerDiff.x() + centerDiff.y() * centerDiff.y(); if (centerDistSquared >= (radius + this->radius) * (radius + this->radius)) { // arc completely outside of constraining circle spanAngle = 0.0; return; } else if (centerDistSquared <= (radius - this->radius) * (radius - this->radius)) { if (radius >= this->radius) { // arc completely in constraining circle, do nothing return; } else { // arc completely outside of circle spanAngle = 0.0; return; } } else { // there are intersections between the arc and the circle. Calculate points according to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3349125/circle-circle-intersection-points auto distance = sqrt(centerDistSquared); auto a = (this->radius*this->radius-radius*radius+distance*distance) / (2*distance); auto h = sqrt(this->radius*this->radius - a*a); auto intersectMiddle = this->center + a*(center - this->center) / distance; auto rotatedCenterDiff = center - this->center; swap(rotatedCenterDiff.rx(), rotatedCenterDiff.ry()); rotatedCenterDiff.setY(-rotatedCenterDiff.y()); auto intersect1 = intersectMiddle + h * rotatedCenterDiff / distance; auto intersect2 = intersectMiddle - h * rotatedCenterDiff / distance; // got intersection points, convert into angles from arc center auto wrapAngle = [](double angle) -> double { double ret = fmod(angle, 2*M_PI); if(ret < 0) { ret += 2*M_PI; } return ret; }; auto angle1 = wrapAngle(atan2((intersect1 - this->center).y(), (intersect1 - this->center).x())); auto angle2 = wrapAngle(atan2((intersect2 - this->center).y(), (intersect2 - this->center).x())); auto angleDiff = wrapAngle(angle2 - angle1); if ((angleDiff >= M_PI) ^ (a > 0.0)) { // allowed angles go from intersect1 to intersect2 if(startAngle < angle1) { startAngle = angle1; } auto maxSpan = wrapAngle(angle2 - startAngle); if(spanAngle > maxSpan) { spanAngle = maxSpan; } } else { // allowed angles go from intersect2 to intersect1 if(startAngle < angle2) { startAngle = angle2; } auto maxSpan = wrapAngle(angle1 - startAngle); if(spanAngle > maxSpan) { spanAngle = maxSpan; } } } } SmithChartConstantLine::SmithChartConstantLine() { type = Type::VSWR; param = 10.0; color = Qt::darkRed; } std::vector SmithChartConstantLine::getArcs(double Z0) { std::vector arcs; switch(type) { case Type::VSWR: arcs.push_back(SmithChartArc(QPointF(0.0, 0.0), (param - 1.0) / (param + 1.0))); break; case Type::Resistance: { auto circleLeft = (param / Z0 - 1.0) / (param / Z0 + 1.0); arcs.push_back(SmithChartArc(QPointF((circleLeft + 1.0) / 2, 0.0), (1.0 - circleLeft) / 2.0)); } break; case Type::Reactance: { auto radius = 1.0/(param / Z0); if(radius > 0) { arcs.push_back(SmithChartArc(QPointF(1.0, radius), radius)); } else { arcs.push_back(SmithChartArc(QPointF(1.0, radius), -radius)); } } break; case Type::Q: { auto center = 1.0 / param; auto radius = sqrt(center*center + 1.0); arcs.push_back(SmithChartArc(QPointF(0.0, center), radius)); arcs.push_back(SmithChartArc(QPointF(0.0, -center), radius)); } break; case Type::Last: break; } return arcs; } QColor SmithChartConstantLine::getColor() const { return color; } void SmithChartConstantLine::fromJSON(nlohmann::json j) { type = TypeFromString(QString::fromStdString(j.value("type", "VSWR"))); if(type == Type::Last) { type = Type::VSWR; } param = j.value("param", 1.0); color = QColor(QString::fromStdString(j.value("color", "red"))); } nlohmann::json SmithChartConstantLine::toJSON() { nlohmann::json j; j["type"] = TypeToString(type).toStdString(); j["param"] = param; j["color"] = color.name().toStdString(); return j; } QString SmithChartConstantLine::getParamUnit() { switch(type) { case Type::VSWR: return ""; case Type::Resistance: return "Ω"; case Type::Reactance: return "Ωj"; case Type::Q: return ""; case Type::Last: break; } return ""; } QString SmithChartConstantLine::TypeToString(SmithChartConstantLine::Type type) { switch(type) { case Type::VSWR: return "VSWR"; case Type::Resistance: return "Resistance"; case Type::Reactance: return "Reactance"; case Type::Q: return "Q"; case Type::Last:break; } // should never get here return "Invalid"; } SmithChartConstantLine::Type SmithChartConstantLine::TypeFromString(QString s) { for(unsigned int i=0;i<(unsigned int)Type::Last;i++) { if(TypeToString((Type) i) == s) { return (Type) i; } } return Type::Last; } void SmithChartConstantLine::setColor(const QColor &value) { color = value; } double SmithChartConstantLine::getParam() const { return param; } void SmithChartConstantLine::setParam(double value) { param = value; } void SmithChartConstantLine::setType(const Type &value) { type = value; } SmithChartConstantLine::Type SmithChartConstantLine::getType() const { return type; } static constexpr int rowHeight = 21; QSize SmithChartParamDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &, const QModelIndex &) const { return QSize(0, rowHeight); } QWidget *SmithChartParamDelegate::createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &, const QModelIndex &index) const { auto line = static_cast(index.model())->lineFromIndex(index); auto editor = new SIUnitEdit(line->getParamUnit(), "pnum kMG", 6); editor->setValue(line->getParam()); editor->setMaximumHeight(rowHeight); editor->setParent(parent); connect(editor, &SIUnitEdit::valueUpdated, this, &SmithChartParamDelegate::commitData); return editor; } void SmithChartParamDelegate::setModelData(QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &index) const { auto line = ((SmithChartContantLineModel*)model)->lineFromIndex(index); auto si = (SIUnitEdit*) editor; line->setParam(si->value()); } QSize SmithChartTypeDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &, const QModelIndex &) const { return QSize(0, rowHeight); } QWidget *SmithChartTypeDelegate::createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &, const QModelIndex &index) const { auto line = static_cast(index.model())->lineFromIndex(index); auto editor = new QComboBox(); for(unsigned int i=0;i<(unsigned int)SmithChartConstantLine::Type::Last;i++) { editor->addItem(SmithChartConstantLine::TypeToString((SmithChartConstantLine::Type) i)); } editor->setCurrentIndex((int) line->getType()); connect(editor, qOverload(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), [=](int) { emit const_cast(this)->commitData(editor); }); editor->setMaximumHeight(rowHeight); editor->setParent(parent); return editor; } void SmithChartTypeDelegate::setModelData(QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QModelIndex &index) const { auto line = ((SmithChartContantLineModel*)model)->lineFromIndex(index); auto *cb = (QComboBox*) editor; line->setType((SmithChartConstantLine::Type) cb->currentIndex()); // parameter unit may have changed, update model auto paramIndex = model->index(index.row(), SmithChartContantLineModel::ColIndexParam); emit model->dataChanged(paramIndex, paramIndex); } SmithChartContantLineModel::SmithChartContantLineModel(TraceSmithChart &chart, QObject *parent) : chart(chart) { Q_UNUSED(parent); } int SmithChartContantLineModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); return chart.constantLines.size(); } int SmithChartContantLineModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); return ColIndexLast; } QVariant SmithChartContantLineModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); if ((unsigned int) index.row() >= chart.constantLines.size()) return QVariant(); auto line = chart.constantLines[index.row()]; switch(index.column()) { case ColIndexColor: if (role == Qt::BackgroundColorRole) { return line.getColor(); } break; case ColIndexType: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return SmithChartConstantLine::TypeToString(line.getType()); } break; case ColIndexParam: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return Unit::ToString(line.getParam(), line.getParamUnit(), "pnum kMG", 6); } break; default: break; } return QVariant(); } QVariant SmithChartContantLineModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { Q_UNUSED(orientation); if(role == Qt::DisplayRole) { switch(section) { case ColIndexColor: return "Color"; case ColIndexType: return "Type"; case ColIndexParam: return "Parameter"; } } return QVariant(); } Qt::ItemFlags SmithChartContantLineModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { Qt::ItemFlags flags = Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled; switch(index.column()) { case ColIndexType: case ColIndexParam: flags |= Qt::ItemIsEditable; break; } return flags; } SmithChartConstantLine* SmithChartContantLineModel::lineFromIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const { if(index.isValid() && index.row() < (int) chart.constantLines.size()) { return &chart.constantLines[index.row()]; } else { return nullptr; } }