#!/usr/bin/env python3 import time from libreVNA import libreVNA # Create the control instance vna = libreVNA('localhost', 19542) # Quick connection check (should print "LibreVNA-GUI") print(vna.query("*IDN?")) # Make sure we are connecting to a device (just to be sure, with default settings the LibreVNA-GUI auto-connects) vna.cmd(":DEV:CONN") dev = vna.query(":DEV:CONN?") if dev == "Not connected": print("Not connected to any device, aborting") exit(-1) else: print("Connected to "+dev) # Simple generator demo # switch to generator vna.cmd(":DEV:MODE GEN") # set the output level vna.cmd(":GEN:LVL -20") # set initial frequency and enable port 1 print("Generating signal with 1GHz at port 1") vna.cmd(":GEN:FREQ 1000000000") vna.cmd(":GEN:PORT 1") try: while True: time.sleep(2) print("Setting frequency to 1.5GHz") vna.cmd(":GEN:FREQ 1500000000") time.sleep(2) print("Setting frequency to 1.0GHz") vna.cmd(":GEN:FREQ 1000000000") except KeyboardInterrupt: # turn off generator vna.cmd(":GEN:PORT 0") exit(0)