############################################################## # # Xilinx Core Generator version 14.6 # Date: Mon Sep 14 08:50:12 2020 # ############################################################## # # This file contains the customisation parameters for a # Xilinx CORE Generator IP GUI. It is strongly recommended # that you do not manually alter this file as it may cause # unexpected and unsupported behavior. # ############################################################## # # Generated from component: xilinx.com:ip:blk_mem_gen:7.3 # ############################################################## # # BEGIN Project Options SET addpads = false SET asysymbol = true SET busformat = BusFormatAngleBracketNotRipped SET createndf = false SET designentry = VHDL SET device = xc6slx9 SET devicefamily = spartan6 SET flowvendor = Other SET formalverification = false SET foundationsym = false SET implementationfiletype = Ngc SET package = tqg144 SET removerpms = false SET simulationfiles = Behavioral SET speedgrade = -2 SET verilogsim = false SET vhdlsim = true # END Project Options # BEGIN Select SELECT Block_Memory_Generator xilinx.com:ip:blk_mem_gen:7.3 # END Select # BEGIN Parameters CSET additional_inputs_for_power_estimation=false CSET algorithm=Minimum_Area CSET assume_synchronous_clk=false CSET axi_id_width=4 CSET axi_slave_type=Memory_Slave CSET axi_type=AXI4_Full CSET byte_size=9 CSET coe_file=no_coe_file_loaded CSET collision_warnings=ALL CSET component_name=SweepConfigMem CSET disable_collision_warnings=false CSET disable_out_of_range_warnings=false CSET ecc=false CSET ecctype=No_ECC CSET enable_32bit_address=false CSET enable_a=Use_ENA_Pin CSET enable_b=Always_Enabled CSET error_injection_type=Single_Bit_Error_Injection CSET fill_remaining_memory_locations=false CSET interface_type=Native CSET load_init_file=false CSET mem_file=no_Mem_file_loaded CSET memory_type=Simple_Dual_Port_RAM CSET operating_mode_a=WRITE_FIRST CSET operating_mode_b=WRITE_FIRST CSET output_reset_value_a=0 CSET output_reset_value_b=0 CSET pipeline_stages=0 CSET port_a_clock=100 CSET port_a_enable_rate=100 CSET port_a_write_rate=50 CSET port_b_clock=100 CSET port_b_enable_rate=100 CSET port_b_write_rate=0 CSET primitive=8kx2 CSET read_width_a=96 CSET read_width_b=96 CSET register_porta_input_of_softecc=false CSET register_porta_output_of_memory_core=false CSET register_porta_output_of_memory_primitives=false CSET register_portb_output_of_memory_core=false CSET register_portb_output_of_memory_primitives=false CSET register_portb_output_of_softecc=false CSET remaining_memory_locations=0 CSET reset_memory_latch_a=false CSET reset_memory_latch_b=false CSET reset_priority_a=CE CSET reset_priority_b=CE CSET reset_type=SYNC CSET softecc=false CSET use_axi_id=false CSET use_bram_block=Stand_Alone CSET use_byte_write_enable=false CSET use_error_injection_pins=false CSET use_regcea_pin=false CSET use_regceb_pin=false CSET use_rsta_pin=false CSET use_rstb_pin=false CSET write_depth_a=4501 CSET write_width_a=96 CSET write_width_b=96 # END Parameters # BEGIN Extra information MISC pkg_timestamp=2012-11-19T16:22:25Z # END Extra information GENERATE # CRC: e7b4a756