TwoThruDialog Qt::NonModal 0 0 701 465 2xThru true What is this? <ul> <li>2xthru de-embedding attempts to remove the effect of the fixtures contacting the DUT.</li> <li>Although not as accurate as a SOLT calibration, it can help in situations where SOLT standards are not usable with the fixtures.</li> <li>To create the de-embedding parameters, a 2xThru measurement is required: Connect the fixtures of both ports directly to each other and measure their S parameters.</li> <li>If other impedances than 50 Ohm are used, a Fixture-DUT-Fixture measurement is also necessary, attempting to compensate the impedance. Connect the DUT between the fixtures and measure the S parameters.</li> <li>For more details of the 2xthru de-embedding see e.g. <a href="">this</a> article. </li> <li>For more details and examples on how to use 2xthru de-embedding in this application, see the user manual. </li> </ul> true true Measurements 2xThru (mandatory): Fixture-DUT-Fixture (optional): Measure Measure Clear Clear Calculated de-embedding parameters Z0: Calculate SIUnitEdit QLineEdit