#include "tracesmithchart.h" #include #include #include #include "tracemarker.h" #include #include "preferences.h" #include "ui_smithchartdialog.h" using namespace std; TraceSmithChart::TraceSmithChart(TraceModel &model, QWidget *parent) : TracePlot(model, parent) { chartLinesPen = QPen(palette().windowText(), 0.75); thinPen = QPen(palette().windowText(), 0.25); textPen = QPen(palette().windowText(), 0.25); pointDataPen = QPen(QColor("red"), 4.0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap); lineDataPen = QPen(QColor("blue"), 1.0); limitToSpan = true; initializeTraceInfo(); } void TraceSmithChart::axisSetupDialog() { auto dialog = new QDialog(); auto ui = new Ui::SmithChartDialog(); ui->setupUi(dialog); if(limitToSpan) { ui->displayMode->setCurrentIndex(1); } else { ui->displayMode->setCurrentIndex(0); } connect(ui->buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, [=](){ limitToSpan = ui->displayMode->currentIndex() == 1; triggerReplot(); }); dialog->show(); } QPoint TraceSmithChart::plotToPixel(std::complex S) { QPoint ret; ret.setX(S.real() * plotToPixelXScale + plotToPixelXOffset); ret.setY(S.imag() * plotToPixelYScale + plotToPixelYOffset); return ret; } std::complex TraceSmithChart::pixelToPlot(const QPoint &pos) { return complex((pos.x() - plotToPixelXOffset) / plotToPixelXScale, (pos.y() - plotToPixelYOffset) / plotToPixelYScale); } void TraceSmithChart::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { auto clickPoint = event->pos(); unsigned int closestDistance = numeric_limits::max(); TraceMarker *closestMarker = nullptr; for(auto t : traces) { auto markers = t.first->getMarkers(); for(auto m : markers) { if(!m->isMovable()) { continue; } if (limitToSpan && (m->getFrequency() < sweep_fmin || m->getFrequency() > sweep_fmax)) { // marker outside of currently displayed range continue; } auto S = m->getData(); auto markerPoint = plotToPixel(S); auto yDiff = abs(markerPoint.y() - clickPoint.y()); auto xDiff = abs(markerPoint.x() - clickPoint.x()); unsigned int distance = xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff; if(distance < closestDistance) { closestDistance = distance; closestMarker = m; } } } if(closestDistance <= 400) { selectedMarker = closestMarker; } else { selectedMarker = nullptr; } } void TraceSmithChart::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if(selectedMarker) { auto t = selectedMarker->trace(); auto mouseS = pixelToPlot(event->pos()); auto samples = t->size(); if(!samples) { return; } double closestDistance = numeric_limits::max(); unsigned int closestIndex = 0; for(unsigned int i=0;isample(i); if (limitToSpan && (data.frequency < sweep_fmin || data.frequency > sweep_fmax)) { // destination point outside of currently displayed range continue; } auto distance = norm(data.S - mouseS); if(distance < closestDistance) { closestDistance = distance; closestIndex = i; } } selectedMarker->setFrequency(t->sample(closestIndex).frequency); } } void TraceSmithChart::draw(QPainter * painter, double width_factor) { painter->setPen(QPen(1.0 * width_factor)); painter->setBrush(palette().windowText()); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); // // Display parameter name // QFont font = painter->font(); // font.setPixelSize(48); // font.setBold(true); // painter->setFont(font); // painter->drawText(-512, -512, title); auto pref = Preferences::getInstance(); // Outer circle painter->setPen(QPen(pref.General.graphColors.axis, 1.5 * width_factor)); QRectF rectangle(-smithCoordMax, -smithCoordMax, 2*smithCoordMax, 2*smithCoordMax); painter->drawArc(rectangle, 0, 5760); constexpr int Circles = 6; painter->setPen(QPen(pref.General.graphColors.divisions, 0.5 * width_factor, Qt::DashLine)); for(int i=1;idrawArc(rectangle, 0, 5760); } painter->drawLine(-smithCoordMax, 0, smithCoordMax, 0); constexpr std::array impedanceLines = {10, 25, 50, 100, 250}; for(auto z : impedanceLines) { z /= ReferenceImpedance; auto radius = smithCoordMax * 1.0/z; double span = M_PI - 2 * atan(radius/smithCoordMax); span *= 5760 / (2 * M_PI); QRectF rectangle(smithCoordMax - radius, -2*radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius); painter->drawArc(rectangle, 4320 - span, span); rectangle = QRectF(smithCoordMax - radius, 0, 2 * radius, 2 * radius); painter->drawArc(rectangle, 1440, span); } for(auto t : traces) { if(!t.second) { // trace not enabled in plot continue; } auto trace = t.first; if(!trace->isVisible()) { // trace marked invisible continue; } painter->setPen(QPen(trace->color(), 1.5 * width_factor)); int nPoints = trace->size(); for(int i=1;isample(i-1); auto now = trace->sample(i); if (limitToSpan && (last.frequency < sweep_fmin || now.frequency > sweep_fmax)) { continue; } if(isnan(now.S.real())) { break; } // scale to size of smith diagram last.S *= smithCoordMax; now.S *= smithCoordMax; // draw line painter->drawLine(std::real(last.S), -std::imag(last.S), std::real(now.S), -std::imag(now.S)); } if(trace->size() > 0) { // only draw markers if the trace has at least one point auto markers = t.first->getMarkers(); for(auto m : markers) { if (limitToSpan && (m->getFrequency() < sweep_fmin || m->getFrequency() > sweep_fmax)) { continue; } auto coords = m->getData(); coords *= smithCoordMax; auto symbol = m->getSymbol(); symbol = symbol.scaled(symbol.width()*width_factor, symbol.height()*width_factor); painter->drawPixmap(coords.real() - symbol.width()/2, -coords.imag() - symbol.height(), symbol); } } } } void TraceSmithChart::replot() { update(); } void TraceSmithChart::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * /* the event */) { auto pref = Preferences::getInstance(); QPainter painter(this); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter.setBackground(QBrush(pref.General.graphColors.background)); painter.fillRect(0, 0, width(), height(), QBrush(pref.General.graphColors.background)); double side = qMin(width(), height()) * screenUsage; painter.setViewport((width()-side)/2, (height()-side)/2, side, side); painter.setWindow(-smithCoordMax, -smithCoordMax, 2*smithCoordMax, 2*smithCoordMax); plotToPixelXOffset = width()/2; plotToPixelYOffset = height()/2; plotToPixelXScale = side/2; plotToPixelYScale = -side/2; draw(&painter, 2*smithCoordMax/side); } void TraceSmithChart::updateContextMenu() { contextmenu->clear(); contextmenu->clear(); auto setup = new QAction("Setup...", contextmenu); connect(setup, &QAction::triggered, this, &TraceSmithChart::axisSetupDialog); contextmenu->addAction(setup); contextmenu->addSection("Traces"); // Populate context menu for(auto t : traces) { auto action = new QAction(t.first->name(), contextmenu); action->setCheckable(true); if(t.second) { action->setChecked(true); } connect(action, &QAction::toggled, [=](bool active) { enableTrace(t.first, active); }); contextmenu->addAction(action); } contextmenu->addSeparator(); auto close = new QAction("Close", contextmenu); contextmenu->addAction(close); connect(close, &QAction::triggered, [=]() { markedForDeletion = true; }); } bool TraceSmithChart::supported(Trace *t) { if(t->isReflection()) { return true; } else { return false; } }