/** \file \brief Implementation of the unit test for muParserX.
				  __________                                 ____  ___
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	 /     \|  |  \     ___/\__  \\_  __ \/  ___// __ \_  __ \     /
	|  Y Y  \  |  /    |     / __ \|  | \/\___ \\  ___/|  | \/     \
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		  \/                     \/           \/     \/           \_/
	Copyright (C) 2016 Ingo Berg
	All rights reserved.

	muParserX - A C++ math parser library with array and string support
	Copyright (c) 2016, Ingo Berg
	All rights reserved.

	Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
	modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

	* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
	this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
	* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
	this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
	and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

*/ #include "mpTest.h" #include "mpValue.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MUP_CONST_PI 3.141592653589793238462643 #define MUP_CONST_E 2.718281828459045235360287 using namespace std; MUP_NAMESPACE_START //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // class OprtStrAdd // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DbgSillyAdd : public IOprtBin { public: DbgSillyAdd() :IOprtBin(_T("++"), (int)prADD_SUB, oaLEFT) {} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Eval(ptr_val_type& ret, const ptr_val_type *arg, int argc) { assert(argc == 2); float_type a = arg[0]->GetFloat(); float_type b = arg[1]->GetFloat(); *ret = a + b; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char_type* GetDesc() const { return _T("internally used operator without special meaning for unit testing"); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IToken* Clone() const { return new DbgSillyAdd(*this); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class FunTest0 : public ICallback { public: FunTest0() : ICallback(cmFUNC, _T("test0"), 0) {} virtual void Eval(ptr_val_type &ret, const ptr_val_type * /*a_pArg*/, int /*a_iArgc*/) { *ret = 0.0; } virtual const char_type* GetDesc() const { return _T(""); } virtual IToken* Clone() const { return new FunTest0(*this); } }; // class FunTest0 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::c_iCount = 0; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ParserTester::ParserTester() :m_vTestFun() , m_stream(&console()) { AddTest(&ParserTester::TestParserValue); AddTest(&ParserTester::TestUndefVar); AddTest(&ParserTester::TestErrorCodes); AddTest(&ParserTester::TestEqn); AddTest(&ParserTester::TestIfElse); AddTest(&ParserTester::TestStringFun); AddTest(&ParserTester::TestMatrix); AddTest(&ParserTester::TestComplex); AddTest(&ParserTester::TestVector); AddTest(&ParserTester::TestBinOp); AddTest(&ParserTester::TestPostfix); AddTest(&ParserTester::TestInfix); AddTest(&ParserTester::TestMultiArg); AddTest(&ParserTester::TestScript); AddTest(&ParserTester::TestValReader); AddTest(&ParserTester::TestIssueReports); ParserTester::c_iCount = 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::TestIssueReports() { int iNumErr = 0; *m_stream << _T("testing github issue reports..."); // Github: Issue 55 iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("{0,{0}}*{0,{0}}*{,{0}}*{0,{0}0,{0}}*{0,{0}}*{,{0}}*{0}*{000}"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); // Github: Issue 56 iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0M[,1][0/1M[0M]M]"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); // Github Issue 57: iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("{?{{{{:44"), ecUNEXPECTED_CONDITIONAL); // Github Issue 60 iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0<01?1=:1"), ecMISPLACED_COLON); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0<01?1<:1"), ecMISPLACED_COLON); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0<01?1>:1"), ecMISPLACED_COLON); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0<01?1-:1"), ecMISPLACED_COLON); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0<01?1-:1"), ecMISPLACED_COLON); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0<01?1-:1"), ecMISPLACED_COLON); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0<01?1-:1"), ecMISPLACED_COLON); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0<01?1-:1"), ecMISPLACED_COLON); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0<01?1+:1"), ecMISPLACED_COLON); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0<01?1*:1"), ecMISPLACED_COLON); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0<01?1/:1"), ecMISPLACED_COLON); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0<01?1&:1"), ecMISPLACED_COLON); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0<01?1<<:1"), ecMISPLACED_COLON); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0<01?1>>:1"), ecMISPLACED_COLON); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("{ ? 0 : 7m}-{7, -00007m}-{7M}"), ecUNEXPECTED_CONDITIONAL); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("{ { { ? 2 }, 7:2 }*7m }"), ecUNEXPECTED_CONDITIONAL); // Not too happy about the undefined code, but better than a crash of an assertion at runtime iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("{0<0?0,0:0<0}"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); // Github Issue 63 iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0<0-0--eye()"), ecINVALID_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS); Assessment(iNumErr); return iNumErr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::TestUndefVar() { int iNumErr = 0; *m_stream << _T("testing implicit definition of undefined variables..."); // Test 1: No variables defined, test detection of undefined variables { ParserX p; p.SetExpr(_T("a+b+c+d")); const mup::var_maptype &expr_var = p.GetExprVar(); const mup::var_maptype &var = p.GetVar(); // The expression contains 4 undefined variables if (expr_var.size() != 4) iNumErr++; // There are no variables defined if (var.size() != 0) iNumErr++; } // Test 2: Variables were defined explicitely, test detection of variables { ParserX p; // Now define the variables and perform the check again Value vVarVal[] = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 }; p.DefineVar(_T("a"), Variable(&vVarVal[0])); p.DefineVar(_T("b"), Variable(&vVarVal[1])); p.DefineVar(_T("c"), Variable(&vVarVal[2])); p.DefineVar(_T("d"), Variable(&vVarVal[3])); p.SetExpr(_T("a+b+c+d")); const mup::var_maptype &expr_var = p.GetExprVar(); const mup::var_maptype &var = p.GetVar(); // The expression contains 4 undefined variables if (expr_var.size() != 4) iNumErr++; // There are no variables defined if (var.size() != 4) iNumErr++; } // Test 3: Variables were defined implicitels, test detection of undefined variables { ParserX p; // Now define the variables and perform the check again p.EnableAutoCreateVar(true); p.SetExpr(_T("a+b+c+d")); const mup::var_maptype &expr_var = p.GetExprVar(); const mup::var_maptype &var = p.GetVar(); // The expression contains 4 undefined variables if (expr_var.size() != 4) iNumErr++; // There are no variables defined if (var.size() != 4) iNumErr++; } Assessment(iNumErr); return iNumErr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::TestMatrix() { int iNumErr = 0; *m_stream << _T("testing matrix calculations..."); Value unity(3, 3, 0); unity.At(0, 0) = 1.0; unity.At(1, 1) = 1.0; unity.At(2, 2) = 1.0; Value va(3, 0); va.At(0) = 1.0; va.At(1) = 2.0; va.At(2) = 3.0; //Value m2(3, 3, 0); //m2.At(0, 0) = 1; m2.At(0, 1) = 2; m2.At(0, 2) = 3; //m2.At(1, 0) = 4; m2.At(1, 1) = 5; m2.At(1, 2) = 6; //m2.At(2, 0) = 7; m2.At(2, 1) = 8; m2.At(2, 2) = 9; Value m1_plus_m2(3, 3, 0); m1_plus_m2.At(0, 0) = 2.0; m1_plus_m2.At(0, 1) = 2.0; m1_plus_m2.At(0, 2) = 3.0; m1_plus_m2.At(1, 0) = 4.0; m1_plus_m2.At(1, 1) = 6.0; m1_plus_m2.At(1, 2) = 6.0; m1_plus_m2.At(2, 0) = 7.0; m1_plus_m2.At(2, 1) = 8.0; m1_plus_m2.At(2, 2) = 10.0; Value m2_minus_m1(3, 3, 0); m2_minus_m1.At(0, 0) = 0.0; m2_minus_m1.At(0, 1) = 2.0; m2_minus_m1.At(0, 2) = 3.0; m2_minus_m1.At(1, 0) = 4.0; m2_minus_m1.At(1, 1) = 4.0; m2_minus_m1.At(1, 2) = 6.0; m2_minus_m1.At(2, 0) = 7.0; m2_minus_m1.At(2, 1) = 8.0; m2_minus_m1.At(2, 2) = 8.0; Value m2_times_10(3, 3, 0); m2_times_10.At(0, 0) = 10.0; m2_times_10.At(0, 1) = 20.0; m2_times_10.At(0, 2) = 30.0; m2_times_10.At(1, 0) = 40.0; m2_times_10.At(1, 1) = 50.0; m2_times_10.At(1, 2) = 60.0; m2_times_10.At(2, 0) = 70.0; m2_times_10.At(2, 1) = 80.0; m2_times_10.At(2, 2) = 90.0; Value va_times_vb_transp(3, 3, 0); va_times_vb_transp.At(0, 0) = 4.0; va_times_vb_transp.At(0, 1) = 3.0; va_times_vb_transp.At(0, 2) = 2.0; va_times_vb_transp.At(1, 0) = 8.0; va_times_vb_transp.At(1, 1) = 6.0; va_times_vb_transp.At(1, 2) = 4.0; va_times_vb_transp.At(2, 0) = 12.0; va_times_vb_transp.At(2, 1) = 9.0; va_times_vb_transp.At(2, 2) = 6.0; Value size_3x6(1, 2, 0); size_3x6.At(0, 0) = 3.0; size_3x6.At(0, 1) = 6.0; Value size_3x3(1, 2, 0); size_3x3.At(0, 0) = 3.0; size_3x3.At(0, 1) = 3.0; Value size_3x1(1, 2, 0); size_3x1.At(0, 0) = 3.0; size_3x1.At(0, 1) = 1.0; Value size_1x3(1, 2, 0); size_1x3.At(0, 0) = 1.0; size_1x3.At(0, 1) = 3.0; // Check matrix dimension mismatch error iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("\"hallo\"+m1"), ecEVAL); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("m1+\"hallo\""), ecEVAL); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va+m1"), ecMATRIX_DIMENSION_MISMATCH); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("m1+va"), ecMATRIX_DIMENSION_MISMATCH); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va-m1"), ecMATRIX_DIMENSION_MISMATCH); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("m1-va"), ecMATRIX_DIMENSION_MISMATCH); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va*m1"), ecMATRIX_DIMENSION_MISMATCH); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va+eye(2)"), ecMATRIX_DIMENSION_MISMATCH); // Issue 63: iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0-0-eye()"), ecINVALID_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("m1[1]"), ecINDEX_DIMENSION); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("m1[1,2,3]"), ecINDEX_DIMENSION); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va[1,2]"), ecINDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS); // va has 1 column, 3 rows -> the coulumn index is referencing the third column iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("a+m1"), ecEVAL); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("m1+a"), ecEVAL); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("a-m1"), ecEVAL); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("m1-a"), ecEVAL); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va[,1]"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va[{1]"), ecMISSING_CURLY_BRACKET); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("{,1}"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); // sample expressions iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("m1"), unity, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("m1*m1"), unity, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("m1+m2"), m1_plus_m2, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("m2-m1"), m2_minus_m1, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("10*m2"), m2_times_10, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("m2*10"), m2_times_10, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("5*m2*b"), m2_times_10, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("b*m2*5"), m2_times_10, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("m1*va"), va, true); // ones Value ones_3(3, 1.0); Value ones_3x3(3, 3, 1.0); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("ones(1,2,3)"), ecINVALID_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("ones()"), ecINVALID_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ones(1,1)"), 1.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ones(1)"), 1.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ones(3,3)"), ones_3x3, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ones(3,1)"), ones_3, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ones(3)"), ones_3, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("size(ones(3,3))"), size_3x3, true); // check return value dimension iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("size(ones(1,3))"), size_1x3, true); // check return value dimension iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("size(ones(3,1))"), size_3x1, true); // check return value dimension iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("size(ones(3))"), size_3x3, true); // check return value dimension // zeros iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("zeros()"), ecINVALID_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("size(zeros(3,3))"), size_3x3, true); // check return value dimension iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("size(zeros(1,3))"), size_1x3, true); // check return value dimension iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("size(zeros(3,1))"), size_3x1, true); // check return value dimension iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("size(zeros(3))"), size_3x3, true); // check return value dimension // eye iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("eye()"), ecINVALID_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("size(eye(3,3))"), size_3x3, true); // check return value dimension iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("size(eye(1,3))"), size_1x3, true); // check return value dimension iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("size(eye(3,1))"), size_3x1, true); // check return value dimension iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("size(eye(3))"), size_3x3, true); // check return value dimension iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("size(eye(3,6))"), size_3x6, true); // check return value dimension // transposition iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va'*vb"), 16.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("2*va'*vb"), 32.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va*vb'"), va_times_vb_transp, true); // index operator // erster index: Zeilenindex, zweiter index: Spaltenindex iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[0]"), 1.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[1]"), 2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[2]"), 3.0, true); // Use two dimensional index operator on a vector iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[0,0]"), 1.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[1,0]"), 2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[2,0]"), 3.0, true); // Now test the same with a transposed vector: iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va'[0]"), 1.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va'[1]"), 2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va'[2]"), 3.0, true); // Use two dimensional index operator on a vector iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va'[0,0]"), 1.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va'[0,1]"), 2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va'[0,2]"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(va')[0,2]"), 3.0, true); // <- Index operator after closing bracket is ok // vector creation iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("{1,2,3}'"), va, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("{a,2,3}'"), va, true); // that was an actual bug: variable a was overwritten // assignment to element: iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va'[0]=123"), ecASSIGNEMENT_TO_VALUE); Assessment(iNumErr); return iNumErr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::TestComplex() { int iNumErr = 0; *m_stream << _T("testing complex calculations..."); // complex numbers // ca=1+i, cb=2+3i, cc=3+4i iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ca==1+i"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ca==ca"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ca!=1+i"), false, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ca!=ca"), false, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ca!=cb"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ca!=va"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ca==va"), false, true); // When comparing complex number Matlab/Octave compare only the real part // I'll do the same... iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ca<10+i"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ca>10+i"), false, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ca<=10+i"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ca>=10+i"), false, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ca<=1"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("ca>=1"), true, true); // complex numbers iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("i*i"), -1.0, true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1i"), cmplx_type(0, 1), true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("norm(3+4i)"), 25.0, true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("norm(4i+3)"), 25.0, true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("norm(3i+4)"), 25.0, true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("real(4.1i+3.1)"), (float_type)3.1, true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("imag(3.1i+4.1)"), (float_type)3.1, true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("real(3.1)"), (float_type)3.1, true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("imag(2.1i)"), (float_type)2.1, true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-(4i+5)"), cmplx_type(-5, -4), true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt(-1)"), cmplx_type(0, 1), true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(-1)^0.5"), cmplx_type(0, 1), true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(-3)^(4/3)"), std::pow(cmplx_type(-3, 0), cmplx_type(4.0 / 3, 0)), true, 0); // Issue 41: Complex pow of small numbers zeros out the imaginary part // https://code.google.com/p/muparserx/issues/detail?id=41 iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(1e-15 + 1e-15*i) ^ 2"), std::pow(cmplx_type(1e-15, 1e-15), 2), true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt(i*i)"), cmplx_type(0, 1), true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt(f)"), cmplx_type(0, 1), true, 1); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt(2-3)"), cmplx_type(0, 1), true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt(a-b)"), cmplx_type(0, 1), true, 2); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt((2-3))"), cmplx_type(0, 1), true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt((a-b))"), cmplx_type(0, 1), true, 2); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt(-(1))"), cmplx_type(0, 1), true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt((-1))"), cmplx_type(0, 1), true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt(-(-1))"), cmplx_type(1, 0), true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt(1)"), cmplx_type(1, 0), true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a=1+2i"), cmplx_type(1, 2), true, 1); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-(1+2i)"), cmplx_type(-1, -2), true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-(-1-2i)"), cmplx_type(1, 2), true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a*i"), cmplx_type(0, 1), true, 1); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-(a+b*i)"), cmplx_type(-1, -2), true, 2); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-(-a-b*i)"), cmplx_type(1, 2), true, 2); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(2+4i)*(8-6i)"), cmplx_type(40, 20), true, 0); // Issue 17: Wrong result on complex power. iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(-0.27 + 0.66*i)^2"), cmplx_type(-0.3627, -0.3564), true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(-1+5i)^2"), cmplx_type(-24, -10), true, 0); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("c=(a=1+2i)"), cmplx_type(1, 2), true, 2); Assessment(iNumErr); return iNumErr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::TestParserValue() { int iNumErr = 0; *m_stream << _T("testing parser value types..."); // Define values and variables for each type Value bVal = true; Value fVal = (float_type)3.14; Value sVal = string_type(_T("hello world")); Value sVal1 = _T("hello world"); // Test assignment from const char* to string Value cVal = cmplx_type(1, 1); Value aVal(2, 0); aVal.At(0) = (float_type)2.0; aVal.At(1) = (float_type)3.0; // Create a 3x3 matrix Value matrix(3, 0); matrix.At(0) = Value(3, 0); matrix.At(1) = Value(3, 0); matrix.At(2) = Value(3, 0); Variable bVar(&bVal), fVar(&fVal), sVar(&sVal), sVar1(&sVal1), cVar(&cVal), aVar(&aVal); // Check the value types try { // Test if matrix values do work if (!matrix.IsMatrix() || matrix.GetRows() != 3) iNumErr++; std::size_t sz = matrix.GetRows(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sz; ++i) { std::size_t dim_row = matrix.At(static_cast(i)).GetRows(); if (dim_row != 3) { iNumErr++; console() << _T("\n Array dimension mismatch in matrix row ") << i << _T(" (expected=3; dim=") << dim_row << _T(")"); } } // test type checking of values if (!fVal.IsScalar() || fVal.IsMatrix() || fVal.GetType() != 'f') iNumErr++; if (!cVal.IsScalar() || cVal.IsMatrix() || cVal.GetType() != 'c') iNumErr++; if (aVal.IsScalar() || !aVal.IsMatrix() || aVal.GetType() != 'm') iNumErr++; if (sVal.IsScalar() || sVal.IsMatrix() || sVal.GetType() != 's') iNumErr++; if (sVal1.IsScalar() || sVal1.IsMatrix() || sVal1.GetType() != 's') iNumErr++; if (bVal.IsScalar() || bVal.IsMatrix() || bVal.GetType() != 'b') iNumErr++; // test type checking of variables if (!fVar.IsScalar() || fVar.IsMatrix() || fVar.GetType() != 'f') iNumErr++; if (!cVar.IsScalar() || cVar.IsMatrix() || cVar.GetType() != 'c') iNumErr++; if (aVar.IsScalar() || !aVar.IsMatrix() || aVar.GetType() != 'm') iNumErr++; if (sVar.IsScalar() || sVar.IsMatrix() || sVar.GetType() != 's') iNumErr++; if (sVar1.IsScalar() || sVar1.IsMatrix() || sVar1.GetType() != 's') iNumErr++; if (bVar.IsScalar() || bVar.IsMatrix() || bVar.GetType() != 'b') iNumErr++; // Issue 33: https://code.google.com/p/muparserx/issues/detail?id=33 // Remark: Type information was not properly set when invoking +=, -= operators { Value x = 1.0; Value y = cmplx_type(0, 1); x += y; if (x.GetImag() != 1 || x.GetFloat() != 1 || x.GetType() != 'c') { *m_stream << _T("\nValue::operator+=(...) failed."); iNumErr++; } x = 1.0; y = cmplx_type(0, 1); x -= y; if (x.GetImag() != -1 || x.GetFloat() != 1 || x.GetType() != 'c') { *m_stream << _T("\nValue::operator-=(...) failed."); iNumErr++; } } } catch (...) { iNumErr++; } bool bError; #define VALUE_THROWCHECK(VAR, FAIL, MEMBER) \ bError = (FAIL); \ try \ { \ VAR.MEMBER(); \ } \ catch (...) \ { \ bError ^= true; \ } \ iNumErr += (bError) ? 1 : 0; \ c_iCount++; // Check if the getter functions really throw an exception // when used with an incorrect value type // Case 1: test float values VALUE_THROWCHECK(fVal, false, GetFloat) VALUE_THROWCHECK(fVal, false, GetImag) VALUE_THROWCHECK(fVal, true, GetBool) VALUE_THROWCHECK(fVal, true, GetString) VALUE_THROWCHECK(fVal, true, GetArray) // for variables VALUE_THROWCHECK(fVar, false, GetFloat) VALUE_THROWCHECK(fVar, false, GetImag) VALUE_THROWCHECK(fVar, true, GetBool) VALUE_THROWCHECK(fVar, true, GetString) VALUE_THROWCHECK(fVar, true, GetArray) // Case 2: test bool values VALUE_THROWCHECK(bVal, false, GetFloat) VALUE_THROWCHECK(bVal, true, GetImag) VALUE_THROWCHECK(bVal, false, GetBool) VALUE_THROWCHECK(bVal, true, GetString) VALUE_THROWCHECK(bVal, true, GetArray) // for variables VALUE_THROWCHECK(bVar, false, GetFloat) VALUE_THROWCHECK(bVar, true, GetImag) VALUE_THROWCHECK(bVar, false, GetBool) VALUE_THROWCHECK(bVar, true, GetString) VALUE_THROWCHECK(bVar, true, GetArray) // Case 3: test string values // VALUE_THROWCHECK(sVal, true, GetFloat) VALUE_THROWCHECK(sVal, true, GetImag) VALUE_THROWCHECK(sVal, true, GetBool) VALUE_THROWCHECK(sVal, false, GetString) VALUE_THROWCHECK(sVal, true, GetArray) // for variables // VALUE_THROWCHECK(sVar, true, GetFloat) VALUE_THROWCHECK(sVar, true, GetImag) VALUE_THROWCHECK(sVar, true, GetBool) VALUE_THROWCHECK(sVar, false, GetString) VALUE_THROWCHECK(sVar, true, GetArray) // Case 4: test array values // VALUE_THROWCHECK(aVal, true, GetFloat) VALUE_THROWCHECK(aVal, true, GetImag) VALUE_THROWCHECK(aVal, true, GetBool) VALUE_THROWCHECK(aVal, true, GetString) VALUE_THROWCHECK(aVal, false, GetArray) // for variables // VALUE_THROWCHECK(aVar, true, GetFloat) VALUE_THROWCHECK(aVar, true, GetImag) VALUE_THROWCHECK(aVar, true, GetBool) VALUE_THROWCHECK(aVar, true, GetString) VALUE_THROWCHECK(aVar, false, GetArray) // Case 5: test complex values // VALUE_THROWCHECK(cVal, false, GetFloat) VALUE_THROWCHECK(cVal, false, GetImag) VALUE_THROWCHECK(cVal, true, GetBool) VALUE_THROWCHECK(cVal, true, GetString) VALUE_THROWCHECK(cVal, true, GetArray) // for variables // VALUE_THROWCHECK(cVar, false, GetFloat) VALUE_THROWCHECK(cVar, false, GetImag) VALUE_THROWCHECK(cVar, true, GetBool) VALUE_THROWCHECK(cVar, true, GetString) VALUE_THROWCHECK(cVar, true, GetArray) #undef VALUE_THROWCHECK Assessment(iNumErr); return iNumErr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::TestErrorCodes() { int iNumErr = 0; *m_stream << _T("testing error codes..."); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("a,b"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("(a,b)"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("((a,b))"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("2*1,2"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin(1,2)"), ecTOO_MANY_PARAMS); // Invalid expression // Issue 20: http://code.google.com/p/muparserx/issues/detail?id=20 iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T(" "), ecUNEXPECTED_EOF); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin(nonexistent_var)"), ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN, 4, _T("nonexistent_var")); // Invalid function argument types iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin(\"test\")"), ecEVAL, 0); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("max(1, \"test\")"), ecEVAL, 0); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("max(1,sin(8), \"t\")"), ecEVAL, 0); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("str2dbl(sin(3.14))"), ecEVAL, 0); // Invalid unary operator argument types iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("\"test\"n"), ecEVAL, 6); // (nano can only be applied to floats) iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("(1+3i)/(8*9i)+\"hallo\""), ecEVAL); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("(1+3i)/(8*9i)-\"hallo\""), ecEVAL); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("(1+3i)/(8*9i)*\"hallo\""), ecEVAL); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("(1+3i)/(8*9i)/\"hallo\""), ecEVAL); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("10+va"), ecEVAL, 2); // Type conflicts in binary operators iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("\"test\" // 8"), ecEVAL, 7); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("8//\"test\""), ecEVAL, 1); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("5//8"), ecEVAL, 1); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("\"t\"//sin(8)"), ecEVAL, 3); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin(8)//\"t\""), ecEVAL, 6); // Unexpected end of expression iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("3+"), ecUNEXPECTED_EOF); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("8*"), ecUNEXPECTED_EOF); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("3+("), ecUNEXPECTED_EOF); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("3+sin"), ecUNEXPECTED_EOF); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("(2+"), ecUNEXPECTED_EOF); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("3+)"), ecUNEXPECTED_PARENS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("3)"), ecUNEXPECTED_PARENS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("(3))"), ecUNEXPECTED_PARENS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("()"), ecUNEXPECTED_PARENS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("(2+)"), ecUNEXPECTED_PARENS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin(cos)"), ecUNEXPECTED_PARENS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin(())"), ecUNEXPECTED_PARENS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin()"), ecTOO_FEW_PARAMS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin)"), ecUNEXPECTED_PARENS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("pi)"), ecUNEXPECTED_PARENS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("a)"), ecUNEXPECTED_PARENS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("2(-m)"), ecUNEXPECTED_PARENS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("2(m)"), ecUNEXPECTED_PARENS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("(1+2"), ecMISSING_PARENS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("((3)"), ecMISSING_PARENS); // The behaviour in the next function depends on whether // implicit variable creation is allowed or not. (momentarily its active) iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("5z)"), ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin(3)xyz"), ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("5t6"), ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("5 t 6"), ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("ksdfj"), ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("-m"), ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("m4"), ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin(m)"), ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("m m"), ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("m(8)"), ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("4 + m"), ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN); // unexpected operator iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("5+*3)"), ecUNEXPECTED_OPERATOR); // unexpected comma (used without a function) iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T(",3"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin(,sin(8))"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); // unexpected variable iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("a _xxx_ b"), ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN, 2); // if a variable factory is installed ecUNEXPECTED_VAR iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin(3)cos(3)"), ecUNEXPECTED_FUN); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin(3)3"), ecUNEXPECTED_VAL); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin(3)+"), ecUNEXPECTED_EOF); // value recognition iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0x"), ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN); // incomplete hex value iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("1+0x"), ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN); // incomplete hex value iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("a+0x"), ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN); // incomplete hex value // index operator iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("3n[1]"), ecINDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS); // Indexing a scalar is ok, but this index is out of bounds (0 would be ok) iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("min(3,]"), ecUNEXPECTED_SQR_BRACKET); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin(]"), ecUNEXPECTED_SQR_BRACKET); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va[]"), ecUNEXPECTED_SQR_BRACKET); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("3+]"), ecUNEXPECTED_SQR_BRACKET); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin[a)"), ecUNEXPECTED_SQR_BRACKET); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("1+[8]"), ecUNEXPECTED_SQR_BRACKET); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("1[8]"), ecUNEXPECTED_SQR_BRACKET); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("[1]"), ecUNEXPECTED_SQR_BRACKET); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("]1"), ecUNEXPECTED_SQR_BRACKET); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va[[3]]"), ecUNEXPECTED_SQR_BRACKET); Assessment(iNumErr); return iNumErr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::TestStringFun() { int iNumErr = 0; *m_stream << _T("testing string functions..."); // escape sequences iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("\"\\\"quoted_string\\\"\""), _T("\"quoted_string\""), true); // "\"quoted_string\"" -> "quoted_string" iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("\"\\\"\\\"\""), _T("\"\""), true); // "\"\"" -> "" iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("\"\\\\\""), _T("\\"), true); // "\\" -> \ (single backslash) // String functions iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("strlen(\"12345\")"), 5.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("strlen(toupper(\"abcde\"))"), 5.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sin(0)+(float)strlen(\"12345\")"), (float_type)5.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("10*(float)strlen(toupper(\"12345\"))"), (float_type)50.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("\"hello \"//\"world\""), string_type(_T("hello world")), true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("toupper(\"hello \")//\"world\""), string_type(_T("HELLO world")), true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("\"hello \"//toupper(\"world\")//\" !!!\""), string_type(_T("hello WORLD !!!")), true); Assessment(iNumErr); return iNumErr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::TestPostfix() { int iNumErr = 0; *m_stream << _T("testing postfix operators..."); // application iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1n"), (float_type)1e-9, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("8n"), (float_type)8e-9, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("8n"), (float_type)123.0, false); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("3m+5"), (float_type)5.003, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1000m"), (float_type)1.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1000 m"), (float_type)1.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(a)m"), (float_type)1e-3, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-(a)m"), (float_type)-1e-3, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-2m"), (float_type)-2e-3, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a++b"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a ++ b"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1++2"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1 ++ 2"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("2+(a*1000)m"), (float_type)3.0, true); // some incorrect results iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1000m"), (float_type)0.1, false); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(a)m"), (float_type)2.0, false); // factorial operator iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("5!"), 120.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-5!"), -120.0, true); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("(-5)!"), ecDOMAIN_ERROR); // Special tests for systems not supporting IEEE 754 if (!std::numeric_limits::is_iec559) { iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("123456!"), ecOVERFLOW); } Assessment(iNumErr); return iNumErr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::TestInfix() { int iNumErr = 0; *m_stream << _T("testing infix operators..."); float_type a = 1; float_type b = 2; iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-1"), (float_type)-1.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-(-1)"), (float_type)1.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-(-1)*2"), (float_type)2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-(-2)*sqrt(4)"), (float_type)4.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-a"), -a, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-(a)"), -(a), true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-(-a)"), -(-a), true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-(-a)*2"), -(-a) * 2, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-(8)"), (float_type)-8.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-8"), (float_type)-8.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-(2+1)"), (float_type)-3.0, true); //iNumErr += EqnTest("-(f1of1(1+2*3)+1*2)", -9.0, true); //iNumErr += EqnTest("-(-f1of1(1+2*3)+1*2)", 5.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-sin(8)"), (float_type)-0.989358, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-sin(8)"), (float_type)0.989358, false); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("3-(-a)"), (float_type)4.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("3--a"), (float_type)4.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("2++4"), (float_type)6.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("--1"), (float_type)1.0, true); // sign precedence // Issue 14: https://code.google.com/p/muparserx/issues/detail?id=14 iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-3^2"), -9.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-b^2^3-b^8"), -std::pow(b, std::pow(2.0, 3.0)) - std::pow(b, 8), true); Assessment(iNumErr); return iNumErr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::TestMultiArg() { int iNumErr = 0; *m_stream << _T("testing multiarg functions..."); // Multiarg functions being called without any parameters iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("min()"), ecTOO_FEW_PARAMS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("max()"), ecTOO_FEW_PARAMS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sum()"), ecTOO_FEW_PARAMS); // application iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("max(1,8,9,(int)6)"), (float_type)9.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("max((int)6, 1+2, 4, -9)"), (float_type)6.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("min((int)6, 1+2, 4, -9)"), (float_type)-9.0, true); // iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a=test0()"), (float_type)0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("b=a+test0()"), (float_type)1, true); // added as response to this bugreport: // http://code.google.com/p/muparserx/issues/detail?id=1 // cause of the error: Function tokens were not cloned in the tokenreader when beeing found. // a pointer to the one and only function onject was returned instead // consequently the argument counter was overwritten by the second function call // causing an assertion later on. iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sum(1,2)/sum(3,4)"), (float_type)0.428571, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("3/sum(3,4,5)"), (float_type)0.25, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sum(3)/sum(3,4,5)"), (float_type)0.25, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sum(3)+sum(3,4,5)"), (float_type)15, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sum(1,2)/sum(3,4,5)"), (float_type)0.25, true); Assessment(iNumErr); return iNumErr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::TestVector() { int iNumErr = 0; *m_stream << _T("testing vector operations..."); // Vector operations iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("10+2*va"), ecEVAL); // fail: number + vector iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("10+va*2"), ecEVAL); // fail: number + vector iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va+vc"), ecMATRIX_DIMENSION_MISMATCH); // fail: vectors of different size iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va-vc"), ecMATRIX_DIMENSION_MISMATCH); // fail: vectors of different size iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va*vc"), ecMATRIX_DIMENSION_MISMATCH); // fail: vectors of different size iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va*vb"), ecMATRIX_DIMENSION_MISMATCH); // fail: matrix dimension mismatch iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va*va"), ecMATRIX_DIMENSION_MISMATCH); // fail: matrix dimension mismatch iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("(va*vb)*b"), ecMATRIX_DIMENSION_MISMATCH); // fail: matrix dimension mismatch iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va[1.23]"), ecTYPE_CONFLICT_IDX, 7); // fail: float value used as index iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va[sin(8)]"), ecTYPE_CONFLICT_IDX, 9); // fail: float value used as index iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va[-1]"), ecINDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS); // fail: negative value used as an index iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va[c]"), ecINDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va[(3)]"), ecINDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("a[1]"), ecINDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS); // indexing a scalar is ok, but this index is out of bounds (0 would be ok...) iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va[1"), ecMISSING_SQR_BRACKET); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va[1]]"), ecUNEXPECTED_SQR_BRACKET); //iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va==9"), ecEVAL); //iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va==a"), ecEVAL); //iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("a==va"), ecEVAL); //iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("9==va"), ecEVAL); Value v(3, 0); v.At(0) = (float_type)5.0; v.At(1) = (float_type)5.0; v.At(2) = (float_type)5.0; iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va+vb"), v, true); v.At(0) = (float_type)5.0; v.At(1) = (float_type)5.0; v.At(2) = (float_type)6.0; iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va+vb"), v, false); v.At(0) = (float_type)-1.0; v.At(1) = (float_type)-2.0; v.At(2) = (float_type)-3.0; iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-va"), v, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sizeof(va+vb)"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sizeof(va-vb)"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va==vb"), false, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va!=vb"), true, true); //iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("vavb"), true, true); //iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va<=vb"), false, true); //iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va>=vb"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("vb[va[0]]"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("m1[0,0]+m1[1,1]+m1[2,2]"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("vb[m1[0,0]]"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("m1[0,0]=2"), 2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("m1[1,1]=2"), 2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("m1[2,2]=2"), 2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[0]=12.3"), (float_type)12.3, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[1]=12.3"), (float_type)12.3, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[2]=12.3"), (float_type)12.3, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[0]"), 1.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[1]"), 2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[2]"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(va[2])"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[a]"), 2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(va[a])"), 2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[b]"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[(2)]"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[-(-2)]"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(va[(2)])"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(va[-(-2)])"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[1+1]"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[(int)sin(8)+1]"), 2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[2]+4"), 7.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("4+va[2]"), 7.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[2]*4"), 12.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("4*va[2]"), 12.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[2]+a"), 4.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a+va[2]"), 4.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("va[2]*b"), 6.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("b*va[2]"), 6.0, true); // Issue 68 (and related issues): iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(abs(-3)+2)>=min(6,5)"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(abs(-3))>abs(2)"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("min(1,2,-3)>-4"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(abs(-3))>-2"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("abs(-3)>abs(2)"), true, true); // Issue 42: // https://code.google.com/p/muparserx/issues/detail?id=42 v.At(0) = (float_type)1.0; v.At(1) = (float_type)0.0; v.At(2) = (float_type)0.0; iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("{1,0,0}'"), v, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("{(1),0,0}'"), v, true); Assessment(iNumErr); return iNumErr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::TestBinOp() { int iNumErr = 0; *m_stream << _T("testing binary operators..."); float_type a = 1; // standard aperators iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1+7"), (float_type)8.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("10-1"), (float_type)9.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("3*4"), (float_type)12.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("10/2"), (float_type)5.0, true); // operator associativity iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("2^2^3"), (float_type)256.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("3+4*2/(1-5)^2^3"), (float_type)3.0001220703125, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1/2/3"), (float_type)1.0 / (float_type)6.0, true); // operator precedencs iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1+2-3*4/5^6"), (float_type)2.99923, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a+b-c*4/5^6"), (float_type)2.99923, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1^2/3*4-5+6"), (float_type)2.3333, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a^b/c*4-5+6"), (float_type)2.3333, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1+2*3"), (float_type)7.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a+b*c"), (float_type)7.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(1+2)*3"), (float_type)9.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(a+b)*c"), (float_type)9.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(1+2)*(-3)"), (float_type)-9.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(a+b)*(-c)"), (float_type)-9.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("2/4"), (float_type)0.5, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("4&4"), 4.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("2+2&(a+b+c)"), 4.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("3&3"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("c&3"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(c)&3"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(a+b)&3"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(a+b+c)&6"), 6.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(1+2+3)&6"), 6.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("3&c"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(a<<1)+2"), 4.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(a<<2)+2"), 6.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(a<<3)+2"), 10.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(a<<4)+2"), 18.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(a<<5)+2"), 34.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1<<31"), (float_type)2147483648, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-1<<31"), (float_type)-2147483648.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1<<45"), (float_type)35184372088832.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("-1<<45"), (float_type)-35184372088832.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("8<<-2"), 2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("8<<-4"), 0.0, true); // Issue 25: http://code.google.com/p/muparserx/issues/detail?id=25 iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("55<<2222222"), ecOVERFLOW); // Issue 16: http://code.google.com/p/muparserx/issues/detail?id=16 iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("true == true && false"), true == true && false, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("false == true && false"), false == true && false, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a==1.0 && a==1.0"), a == 1.0 && a == 1.0, true); // bool operators for comparing values iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("aa"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a>a"), false, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("aa"), false, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a<=a"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a<=b"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("b<=a"), false, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a>=a"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("b>=a"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a>=b"), false, true); // The following equations were raising type conflict errors once // since the result of sqrt(1) is 1 which is an integer as fas as muParserX // is concerned: iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt(a)sin(8)"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt(a)>=sin(8)"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt(a)==sin(8)"), false, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt(a)!=sin(8)"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt(a)+1.01"), (float_type)2.01, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sqrt(a)-1.01"), (float_type)-0.01, true); // interaction with sign operator iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("3-(-a)"), 4.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("3--a"), 4.0, true); // Problems with small bogus real/imag values introduced due to limited floating point accuracy iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(-2)^3"), -8.0, true); // may introduce incorrect imaginary value (When computed with the log/exp formula: -8 + 2.93e-15i) iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("imag((-2)^3)==0"), true, true); // may introduce incorrect imaginary value (When computed with the log/exp formula: -8 + 2.93e-15i) Assessment(iNumErr); return iNumErr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::TestIfElse() { int iNumErr = 0; *m_stream << _T("testing if-else conditional..."); float_type a = 1; // test case copied from muparser (https://oss-fuzz.com/testcase-detail/4777121158529024) iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("3!=min(false?2>2,2>5,1:6)"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); // test case copied from muparser (https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/detail?id=22922#c1) iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("1?2:0?(7:1)"), ecMISPLACED_COLON); // test case copied from muparser (https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/detail?id=23410) // with variations iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T(R"(false ? 4 : "", ? 4 : "", ? 4 : "")"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T(R"(false ? "four" : 4)"), 4, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T(R"(true ? "four" : 4)"), "four", true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T(R"(true ? "foo" : "bar")"), "foo", true); // test case and variations copied from muparser https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/detail?id=22938 iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sum(false?1,0,0:3)"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sum(false?(1,0,0):3)"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sum(2>3?2,4,2:4)"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sum(2>3?2,4,sin(2):4)"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sum(2>3?sin(2),4,2:4)"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sum(2>3?sin(a),4,2:4)"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sum(2>3?sin(2),4,2:4)"), ecUNEXPECTED_COMMA); // Test error detection iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T(": 2"), ecMISPLACED_COLON); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("? 1 : 2"), ecUNEXPECTED_CONDITIONAL); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("(ab) ? true : false) ? 1 : 2"), 2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("((a>b) ? true : false) ? 1 : sum((a>b) ? 1 : 2)"), 2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("((a>b) ? false : true) ? 1 : sum((a>b) ? 1 : 2)"), 1.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(true) ? 10 : 11"), 10.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(true) ? a+b : c+d"), 3.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(true) ? false : true"), false, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(false) ? 10 : 11"), 11.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(false) ? a+b : c+d"), 1.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(false) ? false : true"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(ab) ? 10 : 11"), 11.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(ab) ? c : d"), -2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(a>b) ? true : false"), false, true); // With multiarg functions iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sum((a>b) ? 1 : 2)"), 2.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sum((a>b) ? 1 : 2, 100)"), 102.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sum((true) ? 1 : 2)"), 1.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sum((true) ? 1 : 2, 100)"), 101.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sum(3, (a>b) ? 3 : 10)"), 13.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sum(3, (ab) ? 3 : 10)*10"), 130.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("sum(3, (ab) ? 3 : 10)"), 130.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("10*sum(3, (ab) ? sum(3, (ab) ? sum(3, (ab) ? sum(3, (ab)&&(a2)&&(1<2) ? 128 : 255"), 255.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("((1<2)&&(1<2)) ? 128 : 255"), 128.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("((1>2)&&(1<2)) ? 128 : 255"), 255.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("((ab)&&(ac) ? 1 : 2) : 3"), 2., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(a>b) ? ((bb) ? ((b>c) ? 1 : 2) : 3"), 3., true); // nested conditionals without brackets iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(ac) ? 1 : 2 : 3"), 2., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(a>b) ? (bb) ? (b>c) ? 1 : 2 : 3"), 3., true); // Neue Tests iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("(ab)&&(a2)&&(1<2) ? 128 : 255"), 255., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("((1<2)&&(1<2)) ? 128 : 255"), 128., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("((1>2)&&(1<2)) ? 128 : 255"), 255., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("((ab)&&(a0 ? 1>2 ? 128 : 255 : 1>0 ? 32 : 64"), 255., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1>0 ? 1>2 ? 128 : 255 :(1>0 ? 32 : 64)"), 255., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1>0 ? 1>0 ? 128 : 255 : 1>2 ? 32 : 64"), 128., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1>0 ? 1>0 ? 128 : 255 :(1>2 ? 32 : 64)"), 128., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1>2 ? 1>2 ? 128 : 255 : 1>0 ? 32 : 64"), 32., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1>2 ? 1>0 ? 128 : 255 : 1>2 ? 32 : 64"), 64., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1>0 ? 50 : 1>0 ? 128 : 255"), 50., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1>0 ? 50 : (1>0 ? 128 : 255)"), 50., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1>0 ? 1>0 ? 128 : 255 : 50"), 128., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1>2 ? 1>2 ? 128 : 255 : 1>0 ? 32 : 1>2 ? 64 : 16"), 32., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1>2 ? 1>2 ? 128 : 255 : 1>0 ? 32 :(1>2 ? 64 : 16)"), 32., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1>0 ? 1>2 ? 128 : 255 : 1>0 ? 32 :1>2 ? 64 : 16"), 255., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1>0 ? 1>2 ? 128 : 255 : (1>0 ? 32 :1>2 ? 64 : 16)"), 255., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("true ? false ? 128 : 255 : true ? 32 : 64"), 255., true); // assignment operators iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a= false ? 128 : 255"), 255., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a=((a>b)&&(a // long formula (Reference: Matlab) iNumErr += EqnTest( "(atan(sin((((((((((((((((pi/cos((a/((((0.53-b)-pi)*e)/b))))+2.51)+a)-0.54)/0.98)+b)*b)+e)/a)+b)+a)+b)+pi)/e" ")+a)))*2.77)", -2.16995656, true); */ Assessment(iNumErr); return iNumErr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::TestScript() { int iNumErr = 0; *m_stream << _T("testing script features..."); // Test error detection iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("sin(\n"), ecUNEXPECTED_NEWLINE); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("1+\n"), ecUNEXPECTED_NEWLINE); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("a*\n"), ecUNEXPECTED_NEWLINE); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("va[\n"), ecUNEXPECTED_NEWLINE); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("(true) ? \n"), ecUNEXPECTED_NEWLINE); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("(true) ? 10:\n"), ecUNEXPECTED_NEWLINE); // Expressions spanning multiple lines iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a=1\n") _T("b=2\n") _T("c=3\n") _T("a+b+c"), 6., true); // Ending an expression with a newline iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("3\n"), 3., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("1+2\n"), 3., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("\n1+2\n"), 3., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("\n1+2\n\na+b"), 3., true); // Testing comments /* 20130107 Not yet... iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("a=10 % this is a comment\n") _T("b=23 % this is another comment\n") _T("a+b"), 33, true); */ Assessment(iNumErr); return iNumErr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::TestValReader() { int iNumErr = 0; *m_stream << _T("testing value reader..."); // Hex value reader iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("0x1"), 1., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("0x1+0x2"), 3., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("0xff"), 255., true); // Reading of binary values iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("0b1"), 1., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("0b01"), 1., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("0b11"), 3., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("0b011"), 3., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("0b11111111"), 255., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("b*0b011"), 6.0, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("0b1111111111111111111111111111111"), 2147483647., true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("0b10000000000000000000000000000000"), -2147483647. - 1, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("0b11111111111111111111111111111111"), -1., true); iNumErr += ThrowTest(_T("0b100000000000000000000000000000000"), ecUNDEFINED); // string value reader iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("\"hallo\""), _T("hallo"), true); // boolean value reader iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("true"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("false"), false, true); // boolean value reader iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("true"), true, true); iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("false"), false, true); // mixed iNumErr += EqnTest(_T("0b011+0xef"), 242., true); Assessment(iNumErr); return iNumErr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParserTester::AddTest(testfun_type a_pFun) { m_vTestFun.push_back(a_pFun); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParserTester::Run() { int iStat = 0; try { for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_vTestFun.size(); ++i) iStat += (this->*m_vTestFun[i])(); } catch (ParserError &e) { *m_stream << e.GetMsg() << endl; *m_stream << e.GetToken() << endl; Abort(); } catch (std::exception &e) { *m_stream << e.what() << endl; Abort(); } catch (...) { *m_stream << _T("Internal error"); Abort(); } if (iStat == 0) { *m_stream << _T("Test passed (") << ParserTester::c_iCount << _T(" expressions)") << endl; } else { *m_stream << _T("Test failed with ") << iStat << _T(" errors (") << ParserTester::c_iCount << _T(" expressions)") << endl; } ParserTester::c_iCount = 0; #ifdef MUP_LEAKAGE_REPORT // All tokens must have been destroyed by now, verify this IToken::LeakageReport(); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::ThrowTest(const string_type &a_sExpr, int a_nErrc, int a_nPos, string_type a_sIdent) { ParserTester::c_iCount++; try { ParserX p; // Add variables Value vVarVal[] = { 1., 2., 3., -2. }; p.DefineVar(_T("a"), Variable(&vVarVal[0])); p.DefineVar(_T("b"), Variable(&vVarVal[1])); p.DefineVar(_T("c"), Variable(&vVarVal[2])); p.DefineVar(_T("d"), Variable(&vVarVal[3])); // array variables Value aVal1(3, 0); aVal1.At(0) = (float_type)1.0; aVal1.At(1) = (float_type)2.0; aVal1.At(2) = (float_type)3.0; Value aVal2(3, 0); aVal2.At(0) = (float_type)4.0; aVal2.At(1) = (float_type)3.0; aVal2.At(2) = (float_type)2.0; Value aVal3(4, 0); aVal3.At(0) = (float_type)4.0; aVal3.At(1) = (float_type)3.0; aVal3.At(2) = (float_type)2.0; aVal3.At(3) = (float_type)5.0; Value aVal4(4, 0); aVal4.At(0) = (float_type)4.0; aVal4.At(1) = false; aVal4.At(2) = _T("hallo"); // Matrix variables Value m1(3, 3, 0); m1.At(0, 0) = 1.; m1.At(1, 1) = 1.; m1.At(2, 2) = 1.; Value m2(3, 3, 0); m2.At(0, 0) = 1.; m2.At(0, 1) = 2.; m2.At(0, 2) = 3.; m2.At(1, 0) = 4.; m2.At(1, 1) = 5.; m2.At(1, 2) = 6.; m2.At(2, 0) = 7.; m2.At(2, 1) = 8.; m2.At(2, 2) = 9.; p.DefineVar(_T("m1"), Variable(&m1)); p.DefineVar(_T("m2"), Variable(&m2)); p.DefineVar(_T("va"), Variable(&aVal1)); p.DefineVar(_T("vb"), Variable(&aVal2)); p.DefineVar(_T("vc"), Variable(&aVal3)); p.DefineVar(_T("vd"), Variable(&aVal4)); p.SetExpr(a_sExpr); Value fRes = p.Eval(); } catch (ParserError &e) { // output the formula in case of an failed test if (a_nErrc != e.GetCode()) { *m_stream << _T("\n ") << _T("Expression: \"") << a_sExpr << _T("\" Code:") << e.GetCode() << _T(" Expected:") << a_nErrc; } // Check whether the error is reported at the correct expression position if (a_nPos != -1 && a_nPos != e.GetPos()) { *m_stream << _T("\n ") << _T("Invalid error position: \"") << a_sExpr << _T("\" Pos:") << e.GetPos() << _T(" Expected:") << a_nPos; } if (a_sIdent.length() && a_sIdent != e.GetContext().Ident) { *m_stream << _T("\n ") << _T("Invalid identifier: \"") << a_sExpr << _T("\" Ident:") << e.GetContext().Ident << _T(" Expected:") << a_sIdent; } return (a_nErrc == e.GetCode() && (a_nPos == -1 || a_nPos == e.GetPos())) ? 0 : 1; } *m_stream << _T("\n ") << _T("Expression failed: \"") << a_sExpr << _T("\" (no exception raised)."); return 1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int ParserTester::EqnTest(const string_type &a_str, Value a_val, bool a_fPass, int nExprVar) { ParserTester::c_iCount++; int iRet(1); Value fVal[5]; try { // p1 is a pointer since I'm going to delete it in order to test if // parsers after copy construction still refer to members of the deleted object. // !! If this is the case this function will crash !! std::unique_ptr p1(new ParserX()); // Add variables Value vVarVal[] = { 1., 2., 3., -2., -1. }; // m1 ist die Einheitsmatrix Value m1(3, 3, 0); m1.At(0, 0) = 1.; m1.At(1, 1) = 1.; m1.At(2, 2) = 1.; // m2 ist die Einheitsmatrix Value m2(3, 3, 0); m2.At(0, 0) = 1.; m2.At(0, 1) = 2.; m2.At(0, 2) = 3.; m2.At(1, 0) = 4.; m2.At(1, 1) = 5.; m2.At(1, 2) = 6.; m2.At(2, 0) = 7.; m2.At(2, 1) = 8.; m2.At(2, 2) = 9.; p1->DefineOprt(new DbgSillyAdd); p1->DefineFun(new FunTest0); p1->DefineVar(_T("a"), Variable(&vVarVal[0])); p1->DefineVar(_T("b"), Variable(&vVarVal[1])); p1->DefineVar(_T("c"), Variable(&vVarVal[2])); p1->DefineVar(_T("d"), Variable(&vVarVal[3])); p1->DefineVar(_T("f"), Variable(&vVarVal[4])); p1->DefineVar(_T("m1"), Variable(&m1)); p1->DefineVar(_T("m2"), Variable(&m2)); // Add constants p1->DefineConst(_T("const"), 1.); p1->DefineConst(_T("const1"), 2.); p1->DefineConst(_T("const2"), 3.); // some vector variables Value aVal1(3, 0); aVal1.At(0) = (float_type)1.0; aVal1.At(1) = (float_type)2.0; aVal1.At(2) = (float_type)3.0; Value aVal2(3, 0); aVal2.At(0) = (float_type)4.0; aVal2.At(1) = (float_type)3.0; aVal2.At(2) = (float_type)2.0; p1->DefineVar(_T("va"), Variable(&aVal1)); p1->DefineVar(_T("vb"), Variable(&aVal2)); // complex variables Value cVal[3]; cVal[0] = mup::cmplx_type(1, 1); cVal[1] = mup::cmplx_type(2, 3); cVal[2] = mup::cmplx_type(3, 4); p1->DefineVar(_T("ca"), Variable(&cVal[0])); p1->DefineVar(_T("cb"), Variable(&cVal[1])); p1->DefineVar(_T("cc"), Variable(&cVal[2])); p1->SetExpr(a_str); fVal[0] = p1->Eval(); // Test copy and assignement operators std::vector vParser; vParser.push_back(*p1); // Push p1 into the vector ParserX p2 = vParser[0]; // take parser from vector // destroy the originals from p2 vParser.clear(); // delete the vector p1.reset(0); // delete the original fVal[1] = p2.Eval(); // If copy constructions does not work // we may see a crash here // Test assignement operator // additionally disable Optimizer this time ParserX p3; p3 = p2; fVal[2] = p3.Eval(); // If assignment does not work // we may see a crash here // Calculating a second time will parse from rpn rather than from // string. The result must be the same... fVal[3] = p3.Eval(); // Calculate yet another time. There is the possibility of // changing variables as a side effect of expression // evaluation. So there are really bugs that could make this fail... fVal[4] = p3.Eval(); // Check i number of used variables is correct if (nExprVar != -1) { std::size_t n2 = p2.GetExprVar().size(); std::size_t n3 = p3.GetExprVar().size(); if (n2 + n3 != 2 * n2 || int(n2) != nExprVar) { *m_stream << _T(" Number of expression variables is incorrect. (expected: ") << nExprVar << _T("; detected: ") << n2 << _T(")"); } } // Check the three results // 1.) computed results must have identic type char_type cType = fVal[0].GetType(); bool bStat = cType == fVal[1].GetType() && cType == fVal[2].GetType() && cType == fVal[3].GetType() && cType == fVal[4].GetType(); if (!bStat) { *m_stream << _T("\n ") << a_str << _T(" : inconsistent result type (") << fVal[0].GetType() << _T(", ") << fVal[1].GetType() << _T(", ") << fVal[2].GetType() << _T(", ") << fVal[3].GetType() << _T(", ") << fVal[4].GetType() << _T(")"); return 1; } if ((cType == 'c' || a_val.GetType() == 'c') && cType != a_val.GetType()) { *m_stream << _T("\n ") << a_str << _T(" : Complex value sliced!"); return 1; } // Compare the results switch (cType) { case 'i': case 'b': case 's': bStat = (a_val == fVal[0] && a_val == fVal[1] && a_val == fVal[2] && a_val == fVal[3] && a_val == fVal[4]); break; // We need more attention for comaring float values due to floating point // inaccuracies. case 'f': { bStat = true; int num = sizeof(fVal) / sizeof(Value); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) bStat &= (fabs(a_val.GetFloat() - fVal[i].GetFloat()) <= fabs(fVal[i].GetFloat()*0.0001)); } break; case 'c': { bStat = true; int num = sizeof(fVal) / sizeof(Value); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { bStat &= (fabs(a_val.GetFloat() - fVal[i].GetFloat()) <= std::max((float_type)1e-15, fabs(fVal[i].GetFloat() * (float_type)0.0000001))); bStat &= (fabs(a_val.GetImag() - fVal[i].GetImag()) <= std::max((float_type)1e-15, fabs(fVal[i].GetImag() * (float_type)0.0000001))); } } break; case 'm': { bStat = true; int num = sizeof(fVal) / sizeof(Value); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { struct CheckArray { CheckArray() {} bool Check(IValue &v1, IValue &v2) { if (v1.GetType() != v2.GetType()) return false; if (v1.GetRows() != v2.GetRows()) return false; if (v1.IsMatrix()) { for (int i = 0; i < v1.GetRows(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < v1.GetCols(); ++j) { if (!Check(v1.At(i, j), v2.At(i, j))) return false; } } return true; } else { return (fabs(v1.GetFloat() - v2.GetFloat()) <= std::max((float_type)1e-15, fabs(v1.GetFloat() * (float_type)0.0000001))); } } } checker; bStat = checker.Check(a_val, fVal[i]); if (!bStat) break; } } break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Parser return value has an unexpected typecode."); } iRet = (bStat == a_fPass) ? 0 : 1; } catch (ParserError &e) { *m_stream << _T("\n ") << a_str << _T(" : ") << e.GetMsg(); return 1; } catch (std::exception &e) { *m_stream << _T("\n ") << a_str << _T(" : ") << e.what() << _T("\n"); return 1; } catch (...) { *m_stream << _T("\n \"") << a_str << _T("\" : ") << _T("Unexpected Eception"); return 1; } if (iRet) { *m_stream << _T("\n ") << a_str << _T(" : ") << _T("(at least one incorrect result ") << fVal[0] << _T(", ") << fVal[1] << _T(", ") << fVal[2] << _T(", ") << fVal[3] << _T(", ") << fVal[4] << _T("; expected=") << a_val << _T(")"); } return iRet; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Internal error in test class Test is going to be aborted. */ void ParserTester::Abort() const { *m_stream << _T("\nTest failed (internal error in test class)") << endl; while (!getchar()); exit(-1); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParserTester::Assessment(int a_iNumErr) const { if (a_iNumErr == 0) *m_stream << _T("passed") << endl; else *m_stream << _T("\n failed with ") << a_iNumErr << _T(" errors") << endl; } MUP_NAMESPACE_END