
505 lines
18 KiB

#include "calkit.h"
#include "calkitdialog.h"
#include "json.hpp"
#include "CustomWidgets/informationbox.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QDebug>
#include <math.h>
using json = nlohmann::json;
using namespace std;
: ts_open_m(nullptr),
// set default values
for(auto e : json_descr) {
void Calkit::toFile(QString filename)
if(!filename.endsWith(".calkit")) {
qDebug() << "Saving calkit to file" << filename;
json j;
for(auto e : json_descr) {
auto list ="/");
auto *json_entry = &j;
while(list.size() > 0) {
json_entry = &(*json_entry)[list.takeFirst().toStdString()];
// json library does not now about QVariant, handle used cases
auto val = e.var.value();
switch(static_cast<QMetaType::Type>(val.type())) {
case QMetaType::Double: *json_entry = val.toDouble(); break;
case QMetaType::Int: *json_entry = val.toInt(); break;
case QMetaType::Bool: *json_entry = val.toBool(); break;
case QMetaType::QString: *json_entry = val.toString().toStdString(); break;
throw runtime_error("Unimplemented metatype");
ofstream file;;
file << setw(4) << j << endl;
static QString readLine(ifstream &file) {
string line;
getline(file, line);
return QString::fromStdString(line).simplified();
Calkit Calkit::fromFile(QString filename)
qDebug() << "Opening calkit to file" << filename;
auto c = Calkit();
ifstream file;;
if(!file.is_open()) {
throw runtime_error("Unable to open file");
json j;
try {
file >> j;
} catch (exception &e) {
throw runtime_error("JSON parsing error: " + string(e.what()));
if(j.contains("SOLT")) {
qDebug() << "JSON format detected";
// calkit file uses json format, parse
for(auto e : c.json_descr) {
auto list ="/");
auto *json_entry = &j;
bool entry_exists = true;
while(list.size() > 0) {
auto key = list.takeFirst().toStdString();
if((*json_entry).contains(key)) {
json_entry = &(*json_entry)[key];
} else {
entry_exists = false;
if(!entry_exists) {
// missing entry in json file, nothing to do (default values already set in constructor)
qWarning() << "Entry" << << "not present in file, assuming default value";
// json library does not now about QVariant, handle used cases
auto val = e.var.value();
switch(static_cast<QMetaType::Type>(val.type())) {
case QMetaType::Double: e.var.setValue((*json_entry).get<double>()); break;
case QMetaType::Int: e.var.setValue((*json_entry).get<int>()); break;
case QMetaType::Bool: e.var.setValue((*json_entry).get<bool>()); break;
case QMetaType::QString: {
auto s = QString::fromStdString((*json_entry).get<string>());
throw runtime_error("Unimplemented metatype");
} else {
qDebug() << "Legacy format detected";
// legacy file format, return to beginning of file
c.SOLT.open_m.useMeasurements = readLine(file).toInt();
c.SOLT.short_m.useMeasurements = readLine(file).toInt();
c.SOLT.load_m.useMeasurements = readLine(file).toInt();
c.SOLT.Through.useMeasurements = readLine(file).toInt();
c.SOLT.open_m.Z0 = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.open_m.delay = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.open_m.loss = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.open_m.C0 = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.open_m.C1 = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.open_m.C2 = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.open_m.C3 = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.short_m.Z0 = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.short_m.delay = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.short_m.loss = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.short_m.L0 = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.short_m.L1 = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.short_m.L2 = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.short_m.L3 = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.load_m.Z0 = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.Through.Z0 = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.Through.delay = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.Through.loss = readLine(file).toDouble();
if(c.SOLT.open_m.useMeasurements) {
c.SOLT.open_m.file = readLine(file);
c.SOLT.open_m.Sparam = readLine(file).toInt();
if(c.SOLT.short_m.useMeasurements) {
c.SOLT.short_m.file = readLine(file);
c.SOLT.short_m.Sparam = readLine(file).toInt();
if(c.SOLT.load_m.useMeasurements) {
c.SOLT.load_m.file = readLine(file);
c.SOLT.load_m.Sparam = readLine(file).toInt();
if(c.SOLT.Through.useMeasurements) {
c.SOLT.Through.file = readLine(file);
c.SOLT.Through.Sparam1 = readLine(file).toInt();
c.SOLT.Through.Sparam2 = readLine(file).toInt();
c.TRL.Through.Z0 = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.TRL.Reflection.isShort = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.TRL.Line.delay = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.TRL.Line.minFreq = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.TRL.Line.maxFreq = readLine(file).toDouble();
c.SOLT.separate_male_female = false;
InformationBox::ShowMessage("Loading calkit file", "The file \"" + filename + "\" is stored in a deprecated"
" calibration kit format. Future versions of this application might not support"
" it anymore. Please save the calibration kit to update to the new format");
// set default values for non-editable items (for now)
c.TRL.Through.Z0 = 50.0;
c.SOLT.Through.Z0 = 50.0;
return c;
void Calkit::edit(std::function<void (void)> done)
auto dialog = new CalkitDialog(*this);
if(done) {
QObject::connect(dialog, &QDialog::accepted, [=](){
bool Calkit::hasSeparateMaleFemaleStandards()
return SOLT.separate_male_female;
class Calkit::SOLT Calkit::toSOLT(double frequency, bool male_standards)
auto addTransmissionLine = [](complex<double> termination_reflection, double offset_impedance, double offset_delay, double offset_loss, double frequency) -> complex<double> {
// nomenclature and formulas from
auto Gamma_T = termination_reflection;
auto f = frequency;
auto w = 2.0 * M_PI * frequency;
auto f_sqrt = sqrt(f / 1e9);
auto Z_c = complex<double>(offset_impedance + (offset_loss / (2*w)) * f_sqrt, -(offset_loss / (2*w)) * f_sqrt);
auto gamma_l = complex<double>(offset_loss*offset_delay/(2*offset_impedance)*f_sqrt, w*offset_delay+offset_loss*offset_delay/(2*offset_impedance)*f_sqrt);
auto Z_r = complex<double>(50.0);
auto Gamma_1 = (Z_c - Z_r) / (Z_c + Z_r);
auto Gamma_i = (Gamma_1*(1.0-exp(-2.0*gamma_l)-Gamma_1*Gamma_T)+exp(-2.0*gamma_l)*Gamma_T)
/ (1.0-Gamma_1*(exp(-2.0*gamma_l)*Gamma_1+Gamma_T*(1.0-exp(-2.0*gamma_l))));
return Gamma_i;
auto Load = male_standards ? SOLT.load_m : SOLT.load_f;
auto Short = male_standards ? SOLT.short_m : SOLT.short_f;
auto Open = male_standards ? SOLT.open_m : SOLT.open_f;
auto ts_load = male_standards ? ts_load_m : ts_load_f;
auto ts_short = male_standards ? ts_short_m : ts_short_f;
auto ts_open = male_standards ? ts_open_m : ts_open_f;
class SOLT ref;
if(Load.useMeasurements) {
ref.Load = ts_load->interpolate(frequency).S[0];
} else {
auto imp_load = complex<double>(Load.Z0, 0);
// Add parallel capacitor to impedance
if(Load.Cparallel > 0) {
auto imp_C = complex<double>(0, -1.0 / (frequency * 2 * M_PI * Load.Cparallel));
imp_load = (imp_load * imp_C) / (imp_load + imp_C);
// add series inductor to impedance
auto imp_L = complex<double>(0, frequency * 2 * M_PI * Load.Lseries);
imp_load += imp_L;
ref.Load = (imp_load - complex<double>(50.0)) / (imp_load + complex<double>(50.0));
ref.Load = addTransmissionLine(ref.Load, Load.Z0, Load.delay*1e-12, 0, frequency);
if(Open.useMeasurements) {
ref.Open = ts_open->interpolate(frequency).S[0];
} else {
// calculate fringing capacitance for open
double Cfringing = Open.C0 * 1e-15 + Open.C1 * 1e-27 * frequency + Open.C2 * 1e-36 * pow(frequency, 2) + Open.C3 * 1e-45 * pow(frequency, 3);
// convert to impedance
if (Cfringing == 0) {
// special case to avoid issues with infinity
ref.Open = complex<double>(1.0, 0);
} else {
auto imp_open = complex<double>(0, -1.0 / (frequency * 2 * M_PI * Cfringing));
ref.Open = (imp_open - complex<double>(50.0)) / (imp_open + complex<double>(50.0));
ref.Open = addTransmissionLine(ref.Open, Open.Z0, Open.delay*1e-12, Open.loss*1e9, frequency);
if(Short.useMeasurements) {
ref.Short = ts_short->interpolate(frequency).S[0];
} else {
// calculate inductance for short
double Lseries = Short.L0 * 1e-12 + Short.L1 * 1e-24 * frequency + Short.L2 * 1e-33 * pow(frequency, 2) + Short.L3 * 1e-42 * pow(frequency, 3);
// convert to impedance
auto imp_short = complex<double>(0, frequency * 2 * M_PI * Lseries);
ref.Short = (imp_short - complex<double>(50.0)) / (imp_short + complex<double>(50.0));
ref.Short = addTransmissionLine(ref.Short, Short.Z0, Short.delay*1e-12, Short.loss*1e9, frequency);
if(SOLT.Through.useMeasurements) {
auto interp = ts_through->interpolate(frequency);
ref.ThroughS11 = interp.S[0];
ref.ThroughS12 = interp.S[1];
ref.ThroughS21 = interp.S[2];
ref.ThroughS22 = interp.S[3];
} else {
// calculate effect of through
double through_phaseshift = -2 * M_PI * frequency * SOLT.Through.delay * 1e-12;
double through_att_db = SOLT.Through.loss * 1e9 * 4.3429 * SOLT.Through.delay * 1e-12 / SOLT.Through.Z0 * sqrt(frequency / 1e9);;
double through_att = pow(10.0, -through_att_db / 10.0);
ref.ThroughS12 = polar<double>(through_att, through_phaseshift);
// Assume symmetric and perfectly matched through for other parameters
ref.ThroughS21 = ref.ThroughS12;
ref.ThroughS11 = 0.0;
ref.ThroughS22 = 0.0;
return ref;
class Calkit::TRL Calkit::toTRL(double)
class TRL trl;
// reflection coefficent sign depends on whether an open or short is used
trl.reflectionIsNegative = TRL.Reflection.isShort;
// assume ideal through for now
trl.ThroughS11 = 0.0;
trl.ThroughS12 = 1.0;
trl.ThroughS21 = 1.0;
trl.ThroughS22 = 0.0;
return trl;
double Calkit::minFreqTRL()
return TRL.Line.minFreq;
double Calkit::maxFreqTRL()
return TRL.Line.maxFreq;
double Calkit::minFreqSOLT(bool male_standards)
double min = 0;
auto ts_load = male_standards ? ts_load_m : ts_load_f;
auto ts_short = male_standards ? ts_short_m : ts_short_f;
auto ts_open = male_standards ? ts_open_m : ts_open_f;
array<Touchstone*, 4> ts_list = {ts_open, ts_short, ts_load, ts_through};
// find the highest minimum frequency in all measurement files
for(auto ts : ts_list) {
if(!ts) {
// this calibration standard is defined by coefficients, no minimum frequency
if(ts->minFreq() > min) {
min = ts->minFreq();
return min;
double Calkit::maxFreqSOLT(bool male_standards)
double max = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
auto ts_load = male_standards ? ts_load_m : ts_load_f;
auto ts_short = male_standards ? ts_short_m : ts_short_f;
auto ts_open = male_standards ? ts_open_m : ts_open_f;
array<Touchstone*, 4> ts_list = {ts_open, ts_short, ts_load, ts_through};
// find the highest minimum frequency in all measurement files
for(auto ts : ts_list) {
if(!ts) {
// this calibration standard is defined by coefficients, no minimum frequency
if(ts->maxFreq() < max) {
max = ts->maxFreq();
return max;
bool Calkit::checkIfValid(double min_freq, double max_freq, bool isTRL, bool include_male, bool include_female)
auto min_supported = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
auto max_supported = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
if(isTRL) {
min_supported = TRL.Line.minFreq;
max_supported = TRL.Line.maxFreq;
} else {
if(include_male) {
auto min_male = minFreqSOLT(true);
auto max_male = maxFreqSOLT(true);
if(min_male > min_supported) {
min_supported = min_male;
if(max_male > max_supported) {
max_supported = max_male;
if(include_female) {
auto min_female = minFreqSOLT(false);
auto max_female = maxFreqSOLT(false);
if(min_female > min_supported) {
min_supported = min_female;
if(max_female > max_supported) {
max_supported = max_female;
if(min_supported <= min_freq && max_supported >= max_freq) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool Calkit::isTRLReflectionShort() const
return TRL.Reflection.isShort;
void Calkit::TransformPathsToRelative(QFileInfo d)
vector<QString*> filenames = {&SOLT.short_m.file, &SOLT.open_m.file, &SOLT.load_m.file, &SOLT.short_f.file, &SOLT.open_f.file, &SOLT.load_f.file, &SOLT.Through.file};
for(auto f : filenames) {
if(f->isEmpty()) {
if(QFileInfo(*f).isAbsolute()) {
QString buf = *f;
*f = d.dir().relativeFilePath(*f);
qDebug() << "Transformed" << buf << "to" << *f << "(to relative)";
void Calkit::TransformPathsToAbsolute(QFileInfo d)
vector<QString*> filenames = {&SOLT.short_m.file, &SOLT.open_m.file, &SOLT.load_m.file, &SOLT.short_f.file, &SOLT.open_f.file, &SOLT.load_f.file, &SOLT.Through.file};
for(auto f : filenames) {
if(f->isEmpty()) {
if(QFileInfo(*f).isRelative()) {
auto absDir = QDir(d.dir().path() + "/" + *f);
QString buf = *f;
*f = absDir.absolutePath();
qDebug() << "Transformed" << buf << "to" << *f << "(to absolute)";
void Calkit::clearTouchstoneCache()
delete ts_open_m;
ts_open_m = nullptr;
delete ts_short_m;
ts_short_m = nullptr;
delete ts_load_m;
ts_load_m = nullptr;
delete ts_open_f;
ts_open_f = nullptr;
delete ts_short_f;
ts_short_f = nullptr;
delete ts_load_f;
ts_load_f = nullptr;
delete ts_through;
ts_through = nullptr;
ts_cached = false;
void Calkit::fillTouchstoneCache()
if(ts_cached) {
if(SOLT.open_m.useMeasurements) {
ts_open_m = new Touchstone(1);
*ts_open_m = Touchstone::fromFile(SOLT.open_m.file.toStdString());
if(SOLT.short_m.useMeasurements) {
ts_short_m = new Touchstone(1);
*ts_short_m = Touchstone::fromFile(SOLT.short_m.file.toStdString());
if(SOLT.load_m.useMeasurements) {
ts_load_m = new Touchstone(1);
*ts_load_m = Touchstone::fromFile(SOLT.load_m.file.toStdString());
if(SOLT.open_f.useMeasurements) {
ts_open_f = new Touchstone(1);
*ts_open_f = Touchstone::fromFile(SOLT.open_f.file.toStdString());
if(SOLT.short_f.useMeasurements) {
ts_short_f = new Touchstone(1);
*ts_short_f = Touchstone::fromFile(SOLT.short_f.file.toStdString());
if(SOLT.load_f.useMeasurements) {
ts_load_f = new Touchstone(1);
*ts_load_f = Touchstone::fromFile(SOLT.load_f.file.toStdString());
if(SOLT.Through.useMeasurements) {
ts_through = new Touchstone(2);
*ts_through = Touchstone::fromFile(SOLT.Through.file.toStdString());
ts_through->reduceTo2Port(SOLT.Through.Sparam1, SOLT.Through.Sparam2);
ts_cached = true;