482 lines
16 KiB
482 lines
16 KiB
#include <HW_HAL.hpp>
#include <VNA.hpp>
#include "Si5351C.hpp"
#include "max2871.hpp"
#include "main.h"
#include "delay.hpp"
#include "FPGA/FPGA.hpp"
#include <complex>
#include "Exti.hpp"
#include "Hardware.hpp"
#include "Communication.h"
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "Util.hpp"
#include "usb.h"
#include <cmath>
#define LOG_MODULE "VNA"
#include "Log.h"
static Protocol::SweepSettings settings;
static uint16_t pointCnt;
static uint8_t stageCnt;
static uint8_t stages;
static double logMultiplier, logFrequency;
static Protocol::Datapoint data;
static bool active = false;
static Si5351C::DriveStrength fixedPowerLowband;
static bool adcShifted;
static uint32_t actualBandwidth;
static constexpr uint8_t sourceHarmonic = 5;
static constexpr uint8_t LOHarmonic = 3;
using IFTableEntry = struct {
uint16_t pointCnt;
uint8_t clkconfig[8];
static constexpr uint16_t IFTableNumEntries = 500;
static IFTableEntry IFTable[IFTableNumEntries];
static uint16_t IFTableIndexCnt = 0;
static constexpr float alternativeSamplerate = 914285.7143f;
static constexpr uint8_t alternativePrescaler = 102400000UL / alternativeSamplerate;
static_assert(alternativePrescaler * alternativeSamplerate == 102400000UL, "alternative ADCSamplerate can not be reached exactly");
static constexpr uint16_t alternativePhaseInc = 4096 * HW::DefaultIF2 / alternativeSamplerate;
static_assert(alternativePhaseInc * alternativeSamplerate == 4096 * HW::DefaultIF2, "DFT can not be computed for 2.IF when using alternative samplerate");
// Constants for USB buffer overflow prevention
static constexpr uint16_t maxPointsBetweenHalts = 40;
static constexpr uint32_t reservedUSBbuffer = maxPointsBetweenHalts * (sizeof(Protocol::Datapoint) + 8 /*USB packet overhead*/);
using namespace HWHAL;
static uint64_t getPointFrequency(uint16_t pointNum) {
if(!settings.logSweep) {
return settings.f_start + (settings.f_stop - settings.f_start) * pointNum / (settings.points - 1);
} else {
static uint16_t lastPointNum = 0;
if (pointNum == 0) {
logFrequency = settings.f_start;
} else if(pointNum == lastPointNum) {
// nothing to do
} else if(pointNum == lastPointNum + 1) {
logFrequency *= logMultiplier;
} else {
logFrequency = settings.f_start * pow(10.0, pointNum * log10((double)settings.f_stop / settings.f_start) / (settings.points - 1));
lastPointNum = pointNum;
return logFrequency;
bool VNA::Setup(Protocol::SweepSettings s) {
if(s.excitePort1 == 0 && s.excitePort2 == 0) {
// both ports disabled, nothing to do
active = false;
return false;
// Abort possible active sweep first
FPGA::WriteRegister(FPGA::Reg::ADCPrescaler, HW::getADCPrescaler());
FPGA::WriteRegister(FPGA::Reg::PhaseIncrement, HW::getDFTPhaseInc());
if(settings.points > FPGA::MaxPoints) {
settings.points = FPGA::MaxPoints;
settings = s;
// calculate factor between adjacent points for log sweep for faster calculation when sweeping
logMultiplier = pow((double) settings.f_stop / settings.f_start, 1.0 / (settings.points-1));
// Configure sweep
uint32_t samplesPerPoint = (HW::getADCRate() / s.if_bandwidth);
// round up to next multiple of 16 (16 samples are spread across 5 IF2 periods)
if(samplesPerPoint%16) {
samplesPerPoint += 16 - samplesPerPoint%16;
actualBandwidth = HW::getADCRate() / samplesPerPoint;
// has to be one less than actual number of samples
// reset unlevel flag if it was set from a previous sweep/mode
// Start with average level
auto cdbm = (s.cdbm_excitation_start + s.cdbm_excitation_stop) / 2;
// correct for port 1, assumes port 2 is identical
auto centerFreq = (s.f_start + s.f_stop) / 2;
// force calculation of amplitude setting for PLL, even with lower frequencies
if(centerFreq < HW::BandSwitchFrequency) {
centerFreq = HW::BandSwitchFrequency;
auto amplitude = HW::GetAmplitudeSettings(cdbm, centerFreq, true, false);
if(amplitude.unlevel) {
uint8_t fixedAttenuatorHighband = amplitude.attenuator;
Source.SetPowerOutA(amplitude.highBandPower, true);
// amplitude calculation for lowband
amplitude = HW::GetAmplitudeSettings(cdbm, HW::BandSwitchFrequency / 2, true, false);
if(amplitude.unlevel) {
uint8_t fixedAttenuatorLowband = amplitude.attenuator;
fixedPowerLowband = amplitude.lowBandPower;
uint32_t last_LO2 = HW::getIF1() - HW::getIF2();
Si5351.SetCLK(SiChannel::Port1LO2, last_LO2, Si5351C::PLL::B, Si5351C::DriveStrength::mA2);
Si5351.SetCLK(SiChannel::Port2LO2, last_LO2, Si5351C::PLL::B, Si5351C::DriveStrength::mA2);
Si5351.SetCLK(SiChannel::RefLO2, last_LO2, Si5351C::PLL::B, Si5351C::DriveStrength::mA2);
IFTableIndexCnt = 0;
bool last_lowband = false;
// invalidate first entry of IFTable, preventing switing of 2.LO in halted callback
IFTable[0].pointCnt = 0xFFFF;
uint16_t pointsWithoutHalt = 0;
// Transfer PLL configuration to FPGA
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < settings.points; i++) {
bool harmonic_mixing = false;
uint64_t freq = getPointFrequency(i);
int16_t power = s.cdbm_excitation_start + (s.cdbm_excitation_stop - s.cdbm_excitation_start) * i / (settings.points - 1);
freq = Cal::FrequencyCorrectionToDevice(freq);
if(freq > 6000000000ULL) {
harmonic_mixing = true;
// SetFrequency only manipulates the register content in RAM, no SPI communication is done.
// No mode-switch of FPGA necessary here.
bool needs_halt = false;
uint64_t actualSourceFreq;
bool lowband = false;
if (freq < HW::BandSwitchFrequency) {
needs_halt = true;
lowband = true;
actualSourceFreq = freq;
} else {
uint64_t srcFreq = freq;
if(harmonic_mixing) {
srcFreq /= sourceHarmonic;
actualSourceFreq = Source.GetActualFrequency();
if(harmonic_mixing) {
actualSourceFreq *= sourceHarmonic;
if (last_lowband && !lowband) {
// additional halt before first highband point to enable highband source
needs_halt = true;
uint64_t LOFreq = freq + HW::getIF1();
if(harmonic_mixing) {
LOFreq /= LOHarmonic;
uint64_t actualLO1 = LO1.GetActualFrequency();
if(harmonic_mixing) {
actualLO1 *= LOHarmonic;
uint32_t actualFirstIF = actualLO1 - actualSourceFreq;
uint32_t actualFinalIF = actualFirstIF - last_LO2;
uint32_t IFdeviation = abs(actualFinalIF - HW::getIF2());
bool needs_LO2_shift = false;
if(IFdeviation > actualBandwidth / 2) {
needs_LO2_shift = true;
if (s.suppressPeaks && needs_LO2_shift) {
if (IFTableIndexCnt < IFTableNumEntries) {
// still room in table
needs_halt = true;
IFTable[IFTableIndexCnt].pointCnt = i;
if(IFTableIndexCnt < IFTableNumEntries - 1) {
// Configure LO2 for the changed IF1. This is not necessary right now but it will generate
// the correct clock settings
last_LO2 = actualFirstIF - HW::getIF2();
LOG_INFO("Changing 2.LO to %lu at point %lu (%lu%06luHz) to reach correct 2.IF frequency (1.LO: %lu%06luHz, 1.IF: %lu%06luHz)",
last_LO2, i, (uint32_t ) (freq / 1000000),
(uint32_t ) (freq % 1000000), (uint32_t ) (actualLO1 / 1000000),
(uint32_t ) (actualLO1 % 1000000), (uint32_t ) (actualFirstIF / 1000000),
(uint32_t ) (actualFirstIF % 1000000));
} else {
// last entry in IF table, revert LO2 to default
last_LO2 = HW::getIF1() - HW::getIF2();
Si5351.SetCLK(SiChannel::RefLO2, last_LO2,
Si5351C::PLL::B, Si5351C::DriveStrength::mA2);
// store calculated clock configuration for later change
Si5351.ReadRawCLKConfig(SiChannel::RefLO2, IFTable[IFTableIndexCnt].clkconfig);
needs_LO2_shift = false;
if(needs_LO2_shift) {
// if shift is still needed either peak suppression is disabled or no more room in IFTable was available
"PLL deviation of %luHz for measurement at %lu%06luHz, will cause a peak",
IFdeviation, (uint32_t ) (freq / 1000000), (uint32_t ) (freq % 1000000));
// halt on regular intervals to prevent USB buffer overflow
if(!needs_halt) {
if(pointsWithoutHalt > maxPointsBetweenHalts) {
needs_halt = true;
if(needs_halt) {
pointsWithoutHalt = 0;
uint8_t attenuator = freq >= HW::BandSwitchFrequency ? fixedAttenuatorHighband : fixedAttenuatorLowband;
if(!s.fixedPowerSetting) {
// adapt power level throughout the sweep
amplitude = HW::GetAmplitudeSettings(power, freq, true, false);
if(freq >= HW::BandSwitchFrequency) {
Source.SetPowerOutA(amplitude.highBandPower, true);
if(amplitude.unlevel) {
attenuator = amplitude.attenuator;
// needs halt before first point to allow PLLs to settle
if (i == 0) {
needs_halt = true;
FPGA::WriteSweepConfig(i, lowband, Source.GetRegisters(),
LO1.GetRegisters(), attenuator, freq, FPGA::SettlingTime::us20,
FPGA::Samples::SPPRegister, needs_halt);
last_lowband = lowband;
// revert clk configuration to previous value (might have been changed in sweep calculation)
Si5351.SetCLK(SiChannel::RefLO2, HW::getIF1() - HW::getIF2(), Si5351C::PLL::B, Si5351C::DriveStrength::mA2);
// Enable mixers/amplifier/PLLs
if(s.excitePort1 && s.excitePort2) {
// two stages, port 1 first, followed by port 2
FPGA::SetupSweep(1, 0, 1);
stages = 2;
} else if(s.excitePort1) {
// one stage, port 1 only
FPGA::SetupSweep(0, 0, 1);
stages = 1;
} else {
// one stage, port 2 only
FPGA::SetupSweep(0, 1, 0);
stages = 1;
pointCnt = 0;
stageCnt = 0;
IFTableIndexCnt = 0;
adcShifted = false;
active = true;
// Enable new data and sweep halt interrupt
// Start the sweep
return true;
static void PassOnData() {
Protocol::PacketInfo info;
info.type = Protocol::PacketType::Datapoint;
info.datapoint = data;
bool VNA::MeasurementDone(const FPGA::SamplingResult &result) {
if(!active) {
return false;
if(result.pointNum != pointCnt || result.stageNum != stageCnt) {
LOG_WARN("Indicated point does not match (%u != %u, %d != %d)", result.pointNum, pointCnt, result.stageNum, stageCnt);
return false;
// normal sweep mode
auto port1_raw = std::complex<float>(result.P1I, result.P1Q);
auto port2_raw = std::complex<float>(result.P2I, result.P2Q);
auto ref = std::complex<float>(result.RefI, result.RefQ);
auto port1 = port1_raw / ref;
auto port2 = port2_raw / ref;
data.pointNum = pointCnt;
data.frequency = getPointFrequency(pointCnt);
data.cdbm = settings.cdbm_excitation_start + (settings.cdbm_excitation_stop - settings.cdbm_excitation_start) * pointCnt / (settings.points - 1);
if(stageCnt == 0 && settings.excitePort1) {
// stimulus is present at port 1
data.real_S11 = port1.real();
data.imag_S11 = port1.imag();
data.real_S21 = port2.real();
data.imag_S21 = port2.imag();
} else {
// stimulus is present at port 2
data.real_S12 = port1.real();
data.imag_S12 = port1.imag();
data.real_S22 = port2.real();
data.imag_S22 = port2.imag();
// figure out whether this sweep point is complete
if(stageCnt == stages) {
// point is complete
stageCnt = 0;
if (pointCnt >= settings.points) {
// reached end of sweep, start again
pointCnt = 0;
IFTableIndexCnt = 0;
// request to trigger work function
return true;
return false;
void VNA::Work() {
// end of sweep
// Compile info packet
Protocol::PacketInfo packet;
packet.type = Protocol::PacketType::DeviceStatusV1;
HW::getDeviceStatus(&packet.statusV1, true);
// do not reset unlevel flag here, as it is calculated only once at the setup of the sweep
// Start next sweep
void VNA::SweepHalted() {
if(!active) {
LOG_DEBUG("Halted before point %d", pointCnt);
// Check if IF table has entry at this point
if (IFTableIndexCnt < IFTableNumEntries && IFTable[IFTableIndexCnt].pointCnt == pointCnt) {
Si5351.WriteRawCLKConfig(SiChannel::Port1LO2, IFTable[IFTableIndexCnt].clkconfig);
Si5351.WriteRawCLKConfig(SiChannel::Port2LO2, IFTable[IFTableIndexCnt].clkconfig);
Si5351.WriteRawCLKConfig(SiChannel::RefLO2, IFTable[IFTableIndexCnt].clkconfig);
// PLL reset causes the 2.LO to turn off briefly and then ramp on back, needs delay before next point
uint64_t frequency = getPointFrequency(pointCnt);
int16_t power = settings.cdbm_excitation_start
+ (settings.cdbm_excitation_stop - settings.cdbm_excitation_start)
* pointCnt / (settings.points - 1);
bool adcShiftRequired = false;
if (frequency < HW::BandSwitchFrequency) {
auto driveStrength = fixedPowerLowband;
if(!settings.fixedPowerSetting) {
auto amplitude = HW::GetAmplitudeSettings(power, frequency, true, false);
// attenuator value has already been set in sweep setup
driveStrength = amplitude.lowBandPower;
// need the Si5351 as Source
bool freqSuccess = Si5351.SetCLK(SiChannel::LowbandSource, frequency, Si5351C::PLL::B, driveStrength);
static bool lowbandDisabled = false;
if (pointCnt == 0) {
// First point in sweep, switch to correct source
lowbandDisabled = true;
if(lowbandDisabled && freqSuccess) {
// frequency is valid, can enable lowband source now
lowbandDisabled = false;
// At low frequencies the 1.LO feedthrough mixes with the 2.LO in the second mixer.
// Depending on the stimulus frequency, the resulting mixing product might alias to the 2.IF
// in the ADC which causes a spike. Check for this and shift the ADC sampling frequency if necessary
uint32_t LO_mixing = (HW::getIF1() + frequency) - (HW::getIF1() - HW::getIF2());
if(abs(Util::Alias(LO_mixing, HW::getADCRate()) - HW::getIF2()) <= actualBandwidth * 2) {
// the image is in or near the IF bandwidth and would cause a peak
// Use a slightly different ADC sample rate if possible
if(HW::getIF2() == HW::DefaultIF2) {
adcShiftRequired = true;
} else if(!FPGA::IsEnabled(FPGA::Periphery::SourceRF)){
// first sweep point in highband is also halted, disable lowband source
if (pointCnt == 0) {
if(adcShiftRequired) {
FPGA::WriteRegister(FPGA::Reg::ADCPrescaler, alternativePrescaler);
FPGA::WriteRegister(FPGA::Reg::PhaseIncrement, alternativePhaseInc);
adcShifted = true;
} else if(adcShifted) {
// reset to default value
FPGA::WriteRegister(FPGA::Reg::ADCPrescaler, HW::getADCPrescaler());
FPGA::WriteRegister(FPGA::Reg::PhaseIncrement, HW::getDFTPhaseInc());
adcShifted = false;
if(usb_available_buffer() >= reservedUSBbuffer) {
// enough space available, can resume immediately
} else {
// USB buffer could potentially overflow before next halted point, wait until more space is available.
// This function is called from a low level interrupt, need to dispatch to lower priority to allow USB
// handling to continue
uint32_t start = HAL_GetTick();
while(usb_available_buffer() < reservedUSBbuffer) {
if(HAL_GetTick() - start > 100) {
// still no buffer space after some time, something more serious must have gone wrong
// -> abort sweep and return to idle
void VNA::Stop() {
active = false;