393 lines
12 KiB
393 lines
12 KiB
#include "tracepolar.h"
#include "Marker/marker.h"
#include "Util/util.h"
#include <QFileDialog>
using namespace std;
TracePolar::TracePolar(TraceModel &model, QWidget *parent)
: TracePlot(model, parent)
limitToSpan = true;
limitToEdge = true;
manualFrequencyRange = false;
fmin = 0;
fmax = 6000000000;
edgeReflection = 1.0;
dx = 0;
nlohmann::json TracePolar::toJSON()
nlohmann::json j;
j["limit_to_span"] = limitToSpan;
j["limit_to_edge"] = limitToEdge;
j["edge_reflection"] = edgeReflection;
j["offset_axis_x"] = dx;
j["frequency_override"] = manualFrequencyRange;
j["override_min"] = fmin;
j["override_max"] = fmax;
nlohmann::json jtraces;
for(auto t : traces) {
if(t.second) {
j["traces"] = jtraces;
return j;
void TracePolar::fromJSON(nlohmann::json j)
limitToSpan = j.value("limit_to_span", true);
limitToEdge = j.value("limit_to_edge", false);
edgeReflection = j.value("edge_reflection", 1.0);
manualFrequencyRange = j.value("frequency_override", false);
fmin = j.value("override_min", 0.0);
fmax = j.value("override_max", 6000000000.0);
dx = j.value("offset_axis_x", 0.0);
for(unsigned int hash : j["traces"]) {
// attempt to find the traces with this hash
bool found = false;
for(auto t : model.getTraces()) {
if(t->toHash() == hash) {
enableTrace(t, true);
found = true;
if(!found) {
qWarning() << "Unable to find trace with hash" << hash;
void TracePolar::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
// most mousewheel have 15 degree increments, the reported delta is in 1/8th degree -> 120
auto increment = event->angleDelta().y() / 120.0;
// round toward bigger step in case of special higher resolution mousewheel
int steps = increment > 0 ? ceil(increment) : floor(increment);
constexpr double zoomfactor = 1.1;
auto zoom = pow(zoomfactor, steps);
edgeReflection /= zoom;
auto incrementX = event->angleDelta().x() / 120.0;
dx += incrementX/10;
QPoint TracePolar::dataToPixel(std::complex<double> d)
return transform.map(QPoint(d.real() * polarCoordMax * (1.0 / edgeReflection), -d.imag() * polarCoordMax * (1.0 / edgeReflection)));
QPoint TracePolar:: dataToPixel(Trace::Data d)
return dataToPixel(d.y);
std::complex<double> TracePolar::dataAddDx(std::complex<double> d)
auto dataShift = complex<double>(dx, 0);
d = d + dataShift;
return d;
Trace::Data TracePolar::dataAddDx(Trace::Data d)
d.y = dataAddDx(d.y);
return d;
std::complex<double> TracePolar::pixelToData(QPoint p)
auto data = transform.inverted().map(QPointF(p));
return complex<double>(data.x() / polarCoordMax * edgeReflection, -data.y() / polarCoordMax * edgeReflection);
QPoint TracePolar::markerToPixel(Marker *m)
QPoint ret = QPoint();
// if(!m->isTimeDomain()) {
if(m->getPosition() >= sweep_fmin && m->getPosition() <= sweep_fmax) {
auto d = m->getData();
d = dataAddDx(d);
ret = dataToPixel(d);
// }
return ret;
double TracePolar::nearestTracePoint(Trace *t, QPoint pixel, double *distance)
double closestDistance = numeric_limits<double>::max();
double closestXpos = 0;
unsigned int closestIndex = 0;
auto samples = t->size();
for(unsigned int i=0;i<samples;i++) {
auto data = t->sample(i);
data = dataAddDx(data);
auto plotPoint = dataToPixel(data);
if (plotPoint.isNull()) {
// destination point outside of currently displayed range
auto diff = plotPoint - pixel;
unsigned int distance = diff.x() * diff.x() + diff.y() * diff.y();
if(distance < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distance;
closestXpos = t->sample(i).x;
closestIndex = i;
closestDistance = sqrt(closestDistance);
if(closestIndex > 0) {
auto l1 = dataToPixel(dataAddDx(t->sample(closestIndex-1)));
auto l2 = dataToPixel(dataAddDx(t->sample(closestIndex)));
double ratio;
auto distance = Util::distanceToLine(pixel, l1, l2, nullptr, &ratio);
if(distance < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distance;
closestXpos = t->sample(closestIndex-1).x + (t->sample(closestIndex).x - t->sample(closestIndex-1).x) * ratio;
if(closestIndex < t->size() - 1) {
auto l1 = dataToPixel(dataAddDx(t->sample(closestIndex)));
auto l2 = dataToPixel(dataAddDx(t->sample(closestIndex+1)));
double ratio;
auto distance = Util::distanceToLine(pixel, l1, l2, nullptr, &ratio);
if(distance < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distance;
closestXpos = t->sample(closestIndex).x + (t->sample(closestIndex+1).x - t->sample(closestIndex).x) * ratio;
if(distance) {
*distance = closestDistance;
return closestXpos;
bool TracePolar::markerVisible(double x)
if(limitToSpan) {
if(x >= sweep_fmin && x <= sweep_fmax) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
// complete traces visible
return true;
void TracePolar::updateContextMenu()
auto setup = new QAction("Setup...", contextmenu);
connect(setup, &QAction::triggered, this, &TracePolar::axisSetupDialog, Qt::UniqueConnection);
auto image = new QAction("Save image...", contextmenu);
connect(image, &QAction::triggered, [=]() {
auto filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(nullptr, "Save plot image", "", "PNG image files (*.png)", nullptr, QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog);
if(filename.isEmpty()) {
// aborted selection
if(filename.endsWith(".png")) {
filename += ".png";
auto createMarker = contextmenu->addAction("Add marker here");
bool activeTraces = false;
for(auto t : traces) {
if(t.second) {
activeTraces = true;
if(!activeTraces) {
connect(createMarker, &QAction::triggered, [=](){
// Populate context menu
for(auto t : orderedTraces()) {
if(!supported(t)) {
auto action = new QAction(t->name(), contextmenu);
if(traces[t]) {
connect(action, &QAction::toggled, [=](bool active) {
enableTrace(t, active);
bool TracePolar::constrainLineToCircle(QPointF &a, QPointF &b, QPointF center, double radius)
auto distance = [](const QPointF &a, const QPointF &b) {
auto dx = b.x() - a.x();
auto dy = b.y() - a.y();
return sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if(distance(a, center) <= radius && distance(b, center) <= radius) {
// both points are completely contained within the circle, no adjustment necessary
return true;
// shift points, the formulas assume center = (0,0)
a -= center;
b -= center;
// according to https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Circle-LineIntersection.html
auto dx = b.x() - a.x();
auto dy = b.y() - a.y();
auto dr = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
auto D = a.x()*b.y() - b.x()*a.y();
// check intersection
auto delta = radius*radius * dr*dr - D*D;
if(delta <= 0) {
// line does not intersect the circle
return false;
// line intersects the circle, calculate intersection points
auto x1 = (D*dy+copysign(1.0, dy) * dx*sqrt(delta)) / (dr*dr);
auto x2 = (D*dy-copysign(1.0, dy) * dx*sqrt(delta)) / (dr*dr);
auto y1 = (-D*dx+abs(dy)*sqrt(delta)) / (dr*dr);
auto y2 = (-D*dx-abs(dy)*sqrt(delta)) / (dr*dr);
auto inter1 = QPointF(x1, y1);
auto inter2 = QPointF(x2, y2);
bool inter1betweenPoints = false;
bool inter2betweenPoints = false;
if(abs(distance(a, inter1) + distance(b, inter1) - distance(a, b)) < 0.000001) {
inter1betweenPoints = true;
if(abs(distance(a, inter2) + distance(b, inter2) - distance(a, b)) < 0.000001) {
inter2betweenPoints = true;
if(inter1betweenPoints && inter2betweenPoints) {
// adjust both points, order does not matter
a = inter1;
b = inter2;
} else if(!inter1betweenPoints && !inter2betweenPoints) {
// the line intersect the circle but outside of the segment defined by the points -> ignore
a += center;
b += center;
return false;
} else {
// exactly one intersection point must lie between the two line points, otherwise we would have returned already
auto inter = inter1betweenPoints ? inter1 : inter2;
if(distance(a, QPointF(0,0)) < radius) {
// point is in the circle and can remain unchanged. Use inter as new point b
b = inter;
} else {
// the other way around
a = inter;
a += center;
b += center;
return true;
PolarArc::PolarArc(QPointF center, double radius, double startAngle, double spanAngle)
: center(center),
void PolarArc::constrainToCircle(QPointF center, double radius)
// check if arc/circle intersect
auto centerDiff = this->center - center;
auto centerDistSquared = centerDiff.x() * centerDiff.x() + centerDiff.y() * centerDiff.y();
if (centerDistSquared >= (radius + this->radius) * (radius + this->radius)) {
// arc completely outside of constraining circle
spanAngle = 0.0;
} else if (centerDistSquared <= (radius - this->radius) * (radius - this->radius)) {
if (radius >= this->radius) {
// arc completely in constraining circle, do nothing
} else {
// arc completely outside of circle
spanAngle = 0.0;
} else {
// there are intersections between the arc and the circle. Calculate points according to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3349125/circle-circle-intersection-points
auto distance = sqrt(centerDistSquared);
auto a = (this->radius*this->radius-radius*radius+distance*distance) / (2*distance);
auto h = sqrt(this->radius*this->radius - a*a);
auto intersectMiddle = this->center + a*(center - this->center) / distance;
auto rotatedCenterDiff = center - this->center;
swap(rotatedCenterDiff.rx(), rotatedCenterDiff.ry());
auto intersect1 = intersectMiddle + h * rotatedCenterDiff / distance;
auto intersect2 = intersectMiddle - h * rotatedCenterDiff / distance;
// got intersection points, convert into angles from arc center
auto wrapAngle = [](double angle) -> double {
double ret = fmod(angle, 2*M_PI);
if(ret < 0) {
ret += 2*M_PI;
return ret;
auto angle1 = wrapAngle(atan2((intersect1 - this->center).y(), (intersect1 - this->center).x()));
auto angle2 = wrapAngle(atan2((intersect2 - this->center).y(), (intersect2 - this->center).x()));
auto angleDiff = wrapAngle(angle2 - angle1);
if ((angleDiff >= M_PI) ^ (a > 0.0)) {
// allowed angles go from intersect1 to intersect2
if(startAngle < angle1) {
startAngle = angle1;
auto maxSpan = wrapAngle(angle2 - startAngle);
if(spanAngle > maxSpan) {
spanAngle = maxSpan;
} else {
// allowed angles go from intersect2 to intersect1
if(startAngle < angle2) {
startAngle = angle2;
auto maxSpan = wrapAngle(angle1 - startAngle);
if(spanAngle > maxSpan) {
spanAngle = maxSpan;