213 lines
5.1 KiB
213 lines
5.1 KiB
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
namespace Protocol {
static constexpr uint16_t Version = 7;
#pragma pack(push, 1)
using Datapoint = struct _datapoint {
float real_S11, imag_S11;
float real_S21, imag_S21;
float real_S12, imag_S12;
float real_S22, imag_S22;
uint64_t frequency;
int16_t cdbm;
uint16_t pointNum;
using SweepSettings = struct _sweepSettings {
uint64_t f_start;
uint64_t f_stop;
uint16_t points;
uint32_t if_bandwidth;
int16_t cdbm_excitation_start; // in 1/100 dbm
uint8_t excitePort1:1;
uint8_t excitePort2:1;
uint8_t suppressPeaks:1;
uint8_t fixedPowerSetting:1; // if set the attenuator and source PLL power will not be changed across the sweep
int16_t cdbm_excitation_stop; // in 1/100 dbm
using ReferenceSettings = struct _referenceSettings {
uint32_t ExtRefOuputFreq;
uint8_t AutomaticSwitch:1;
uint8_t UseExternalRef:1;
using GeneratorSettings = struct _generatorSettings {
uint64_t frequency;
int16_t cdbm_level;
uint8_t activePort :2;
uint8_t applyAmplitudeCorrection :1;
using DeviceInfo = struct _deviceInfo {
uint16_t ProtocolVersion;
uint8_t FW_major;
uint8_t FW_minor;
uint8_t FW_patch;
char HW_Revision;
uint8_t extRefAvailable:1;
uint8_t extRefInUse:1;
uint8_t FPGA_configured:1;
uint8_t source_locked:1;
uint8_t LO1_locked:1;
uint8_t ADC_overload:1;
uint8_t unlevel:1;
uint8_t temp_source;
uint8_t temp_LO1;
uint8_t temp_MCU;
uint64_t limits_minFreq;
uint64_t limits_maxFreq;
uint32_t limits_minIFBW;
uint32_t limits_maxIFBW;
uint16_t limits_maxPoints;
int16_t limits_cdbm_min;
int16_t limits_cdbm_max;
uint32_t limits_minRBW;
uint32_t limits_maxRBW;
uint8_t limits_maxAmplitudePoints;
uint64_t limits_maxFreqHarmonic;
using ManualStatus = struct _manualstatus {
int16_t port1min, port1max;
int16_t port2min, port2max;
int16_t refmin, refmax;
float port1real, port1imag;
float port2real, port2imag;
float refreal, refimag;
uint8_t temp_source;
uint8_t temp_LO;
uint8_t source_locked :1;
uint8_t LO_locked :1;
using ManualControl = struct _manualControl {
// Highband Source
uint8_t SourceHighCE :1;
uint8_t SourceHighRFEN :1;
uint8_t SourceHighPower :2;
uint8_t SourceHighLowpass :2;
uint64_t SourceHighFrequency;
// Lowband Source
uint8_t SourceLowEN :1;
uint8_t SourceLowPower :2;
uint32_t SourceLowFrequency;
// Source signal path
uint8_t attenuator :7;
uint8_t SourceHighband :1;
uint8_t AmplifierEN :1;
uint8_t PortSwitch :1;
// LO1
uint8_t LO1CE :1;
uint8_t LO1RFEN :1;
uint64_t LO1Frequency;
// LO2
uint8_t LO2EN :1;
uint32_t LO2Frequency;
// Acquisition
uint8_t Port1EN :1;
uint8_t Port2EN :1;
uint8_t RefEN :1;
uint32_t Samples;
uint8_t WindowType :2;
using SpectrumAnalyzerSettings = struct _spectrumAnalyzerSettings {
uint64_t f_start;
uint64_t f_stop;
uint32_t RBW;
uint16_t pointNum;
uint8_t WindowType :2;
uint8_t SignalID :1;
uint8_t Detector :3;
uint8_t UseDFT :1;
uint8_t applyReceiverCorrection :1;
uint8_t trackingGenerator :1;
uint8_t applySourceCorrection :1;
uint8_t trackingGeneratorPort :1; // 0 for port1, 1 for port2
int64_t trackingGeneratorOffset;
int16_t trackingPower;
using SpectrumAnalyzerResult = struct _spectrumAnalyzerResult {
float port1;
float port2;
uint64_t frequency;
uint16_t pointNum;
static constexpr uint16_t FirmwareChunkSize = 256;
using FirmwarePacket = struct _firmwarePacket {
uint32_t address;
uint8_t data[FirmwareChunkSize];
using AmplitudeCorrectionPoint = struct _amplitudecorrectionpoint {
uint8_t totalPoints;
uint8_t pointNum;
uint32_t freq;
int16_t port1;
int16_t port2;
using FrequencyCorrection = struct _frequencycorrection {
float ppm;
enum class PacketType : uint8_t {
None = 0,
Datapoint = 1,
SweepSettings = 2,
Status = 3,
ManualControl = 4,
DeviceInfo = 5,
FirmwarePacket = 6,
Ack = 7,
ClearFlash = 8,
PerformFirmwareUpdate = 9,
Nack = 10,
Reference = 11,
Generator = 12,
SpectrumAnalyzerSettings = 13,
SpectrumAnalyzerResult = 14,
RequestDeviceInfo = 15,
RequestSourceCal = 16,
RequestReceiverCal = 17,
SourceCalPoint = 18,
ReceiverCalPoint = 19,
SetIdle = 20,
RequestFrequencyCorrection = 21,
FrequencyCorrection = 22,
using PacketInfo = struct _packetinfo {
PacketType type;
union {
Datapoint datapoint;
SweepSettings settings;
ReferenceSettings reference;
GeneratorSettings generator;
DeviceInfo info;
ManualControl manual;
FirmwarePacket firmware;
ManualStatus status;
SpectrumAnalyzerSettings spectrumSettings;
SpectrumAnalyzerResult spectrumResult;
AmplitudeCorrectionPoint amplitudePoint;
FrequencyCorrection frequencyCorrection;
#pragma pack(pop)
uint32_t CRC32(uint32_t crc, const void *data, uint32_t len);
uint16_t DecodeBuffer(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len, PacketInfo *info);
uint16_t EncodePacket(const PacketInfo &packet, uint8_t *dest, uint16_t destsize);