205 lines
5.6 KiB
205 lines
5.6 KiB
#ifndef VNA_H
#define VNA_H
#include "appwindow.h"
#include "mode.h"
#include "CustomWidgets/tilewidget.h"
#include "Device/device.h"
#include "Deembedding/deembedding.h"
#include "scpi.h"
#include "Traces/tracewidget.h"
#include "Calibration/calibration.h"
#include <QObject>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QScrollArea>
#include <functional>
class VNA : public Mode
VNA(AppWindow *window, QString name = "Vector Network Analyzer");
void deactivate() override;
void initializeDevice() override;
void deviceDisconnected() override;
void shutdown() override;
virtual Type getType() override { return Type::VNA;}
// Only save/load user changeable stuff, no need to save the widgets/mode name etc.
virtual nlohmann::json toJSON() override;
virtual void fromJSON(nlohmann::json j) override;
void updateGraphColors();
void setAveragingMode(Averaging::Mode mode) override;
void preset() override;
enum class SweepType {
Frequency = 0,
Power = 1,
static QString SweepTypeToString(SweepType sw);
static SweepType SweepTypeFromString(QString s);
class Settings {
: sweepType(SweepType::Frequency)
, Freq({.start=1000000, .stop=6000000000, .excitation_power=-10, .logSweep=false})
, Power({.start=-40, .stop=-10, .frequency=1000000000})
, npoints(501), bandwidth(1000)
, segments(1), activeSegment(0){}
SweepType sweepType;
struct {
double start;
double stop;
double excitation_power;
bool logSweep;
} Freq;
struct {
double start;
double stop;
double frequency;
} Power;
unsigned int npoints;
double bandwidth;
std::vector<int> excitedPorts;
// if the number of points is higher than supported by the hardware, the sweep has to be segmented into multiple parts
int segments;
int activeSegment;
bool zerospan;
double firstPointTime; // timestamp of the first point in the sweep, only use when zerospan is used
public slots:
bool LoadCalibration(QString filename = "");
bool SaveCalibration(QString filename = "");
private slots:
void NewDatapoint(DeviceDriver::VNAMeasurement m);
void StartImpedanceMatching();
void StartMixedModeConversion();
// Sweep control
void SetSweepType(SweepType sw);
void SetStartFreq(double freq);
void SetStopFreq(double freq);
void SetCenterFreq(double freq);
void SetSpan(double span);
void SetFullSpan();
void SetZeroSpan();
void SpanZoomIn();
void SpanZoomOut();
void SetLogSweep(bool log);
// Acquisition control
void SetSourceLevel(double level);
// Power sweep settings
void SetStartPower(double level);
void SetStopPower(double level);
void SetPowerSweepFrequency(double freq);
void SetPoints(unsigned int points);
void SetIFBandwidth(double bandwidth);
void SetAveraging(unsigned int averages);
void ExcitationRequired();
// Calibration
void DisableCalibration();
void ApplyCalibration(Calibration::CalType type);
void StartCalibrationMeasurements(std::set<CalibrationMeasurement::Base*> m);
bool CalibrationMeasurementActive() { return calWaitFirst || calMeasuring; }
void SetupSCPI();
void UpdateAverageCount();
void SettingsChanged();
void ConstrainAndUpdateFrequencies();
void LoadSweepSettings();
void StoreSweepSettings();
void UpdateCalWidget();
void createDefaultTracesAndGraphs(int ports);
private slots:
void EnableDeembedding(bool enable);
void UpdateStatusbar();
void SetSingleSweep(bool single);
void Run();
void Stop();
void ConfigureDevice(bool resetTraces = true, std::function<void(bool)> cb = nullptr);
void ResetLiveTraces();
Settings settings;
unsigned int averages;
TraceModel traceModel;
TraceWidget *traceWidget;
MarkerModel *markerModel;
Averaging average;
bool singleSweep;
bool running;
QTimer configurationTimer;
// Calibration
Calibration cal;
bool changingSettings;
std::set<CalibrationMeasurement::Base*> calMeasurements;
bool calMeasuring;
bool calWaitFirst;
QProgressDialog calDialog;
Calibration::InterpolationType getCalInterpolation();
QString getCalStyle();
QString getCalToolTip();
QComboBox *cbSweepType;
QCheckBox *cbLogSweep;
QPushButton *bZero;
QMenu *defaultCalMenu;
QAction *assignDefaultCal, *removeDefaultCal;
QAction *saveCal;
Deembedding deembedding;
QAction *enableDeembeddingAction;
bool deembedding_active;
// Status Labels
QLabel *lAverages;
QLabel *calLabel;
TileWidget *tiles;
QScrollArea *central;
void deviceInitialized();
void dataChanged();
void sweepTypeChanged(SweepType sw);
void startFreqChanged(double freq);
void stopFreqChanged(double freq);
void centerFreqChanged(double freq);
void spanChanged(double span);
void logSweepChanged(bool log);
void singleSweepChanged(bool single);
void sourceLevelChanged(double level);
void pointsChanged(unsigned int points);
void IFBandwidthChanged(double bandwidth);
void averagingChanged(unsigned int averages);
void startPowerChanged(double level);
void stopPowerChanged(double level);
void powerSweepFrequencyChanged(double freq);
void sweepStopped();
void sweepStarted();
void calibrationMeasurementPercentage(int percent);
#endif // VNA_H