299 lines
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299 lines
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#ifndef TRACE_H
#define TRACE_H
#include "touchstone.h"
#include "csv.h"
#include "Device/devicedriver.h"
#include "Math/tracemath.h"
#include "Tools/parameters.h"
#include <QObject>
#include <complex>
#include <map>
#include <QColor>
#include <set>
#include <QTime>
#include <QTimer>
class Marker;
class TraceModel;
class Trace : public TraceMath
using Data = TraceMath::Data;
enum class Source {
Trace(QString name = QString(), QColor color = Qt::darkYellow, QString live = "S11");
enum class LivedataType {
void clear(bool force = false);
void addData(const Data& d, DataType domain, double reference_impedance = 50.0, int index = -1);
void addData(const Data& d, const DeviceDriver::SASettings &s, int index = -1);
void addDeembeddingData(const Data& d, int index = -1);
void setName(QString name);
void setVelocityFactor(double v);
void fillFromTouchstone(Touchstone &t, unsigned int parameter);
QString fillFromCSV(CSV &csv, unsigned int parameter); // returns the suggested trace name (not yet set in member data)
static void fillFromDatapoints(std::map<QString, Trace*> traceSet, const std::vector<DeviceDriver::VNAMeasurement> &data, bool deembedded = false);
void fromLivedata(LivedataType type, QString param);
void fromMath();
QString name() { return _name; }
QColor color() { return _color; }
bool isVisible();
bool canBePaused();
void pause();
void resume();
bool isPaused();
Source getSource() {return source;}
bool isReflection();
QString liveParameter() { return liveParam; }
LivedataType liveType() { return _liveType; }
TraceMath::DataType outputType() const { return lastMath->getDataType(); }
TraceMath *getLastMath() { return lastMath;}
unsigned int size() const;
bool isDeembeddingActive();
bool deembeddingAvailable();
void setDeembeddingActive(bool active);
void clearDeembedding();
double minX();
double maxX();
double findExtremum(bool max, double xmin = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(), double xmax = std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
/* Searches for peaks in the trace data and returns the peak frequencies in ascending order.
* Up to maxPeaks will be returned, with higher level peaks taking priority over lower level peaks.
* Only peaks with at least minLevel will be considered.
* To detect the next peak, the signal first has to drop at least minValley below the peak level.
std::vector<double> findPeakFrequencies(unsigned int maxPeaks = 100, double minLevel = -100.0, double minValley = 3.0,
double xmin = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(), double xmax = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), bool negativePeaks = false);
enum class SampleType {
Data sample(unsigned int index, bool getStepResponse = false) const;
virtual Data getSample(unsigned int index) override;
virtual Data getInterpolatedSample(double x) override;
virtual unsigned int numSamples() override;
virtual std::vector<Data>& rData() override;
double getUnwrappedPhase(unsigned int index);
// returns a (possibly interpolated sample) at a specified frequency/time/power
Data interpolatedSample(double x);
QString getFilename() const;
unsigned int getFileParameter() const;
/* Returns the noise in dbm/Hz for spectrum analyzer measurements. May return NaN if calculation not possible */
double getNoise(double frequency);
int index(double x);
std::set<Marker *> getMarkers() const;
void setCalibration();
void setReflection(bool value);
DataType outputType(DataType inputType) override;
QString description() override;
bool mathEnabled(); // check if math operations are enabled
bool hasMathOperations(); // check if math operations are set up (not necessarily enabled)
void enableMath(bool enable);
// Adds a new math operation at the end of the list and enables it
void addMathOperation(TraceMath *math);
void addMathOperations(std::vector<TraceMath*> maths);
// removes the math operation at the given index. Index 0 is invalid as this would be the trace itself
void removeMathOperation(unsigned int index);
// swaps the order of math operations at index and index+1. Does nothing if either index is invalid
void swapMathOrder(unsigned int index);
void enableMathOperation(unsigned int index, bool enable);
class MathInfo {
TraceMath *math;
bool enabled;
const std::vector<MathInfo>& getMathOperations() const;
static bool isSAParameter(QString param);
static bool isVNAParameter(QString param);
double velocityFactor();
double timeToDistance(double time);
double distanceToTime(double distance);
virtual nlohmann::json toJSON() override;
virtual void fromJSON(nlohmann::json j) override;
Type getType() override {return Type::Last;} // can return invalid type, this will never be called
// Traces are referenced by pointers throughout this project (e.g. when added to a graph)
// When saving the current graph configuration, the pointer is not useful. Instead a trace
// hash is saved to identify the correct trace. The hash should be influenced by every setting
// the trace can have (and its math function). It should not depend on the acquired trace samples
unsigned int toHash(bool forceUpdate = false);
static std::vector<Trace*> createFromTouchstone(Touchstone &t);
static std::vector<Trace*> createFromCSV(CSV &csv);
// Assembles datapoints as received from the VNA from four S parameter traces. Requires that all traces are in the frequency domain,
// have the same number of samples and their samples must be at the same frequencies across all traces
static std::vector<DeviceDriver::VNAMeasurement> assembleDatapoints(std::map<QString, Trace *> traceSet);
static LivedataType TypeFromString(QString s);
static QString TypeToString(LivedataType t);
double getReferenceImpedance() const;
void setModel(TraceModel *newModel);
TraceModel *getModel() const;
const QString &getMathFormula() const;
void setMathFormula(const QString &newMathFormula);
bool mathFormularValid() const;
// When loading setups, some traces may be used as a math source before they are loaded.
// If that happens, their hashes are added to a list. Call this function for every new trace
// after all traces from the setup file have been created. It will look for the missing traces
bool resolveMathSourceHashes();
void setReferenceImpedance(double value);
public slots:
void setVisible(bool visible);
void setColor(QColor color);
void addMarker(Marker *m);
void removeMarker(Marker *m);
// Functions for handling source == Source::Math
// Checks whether the trace data depends on trace t.
// If onlyDirectDependency is true, only the direct math sources are checked (i.e. the math sources of this trace).
// If onlyDirectDependency is false, math sources and all their sources are checked recursively
bool mathDependsOn(Trace *t, bool onlyDirectDependency = false);
// Checks whether a trace can potentially be used as a math source. It can not be used if:
// - it is the trace itself
// - it is in a different domain than an already used math source
// - it depends on this trace
bool canAddAsMathSource(Trace *t);
// Adds another trace as a math source, with a custom variable name. The same trace may be added multiple times with
// different names, older variable names will be replaced with the new one
bool addMathSource(Trace *t, QString variableName);
// Removes a trace as a math source (if its variable name is still used in the mathFormula, this will break the calculation)
void removeMathSource(Trace *t);
// Retrieves the variable name used for the specified trace. If the trace is not used as a math source, an emptry string is returned
QString getSourceVariableName(Trace *t);
void cleared(Trace *t);
void typeChanged(Trace *t);
void deleted(Trace *t);
void visibilityChanged(Trace *t);
void dataChanged(unsigned int begin, unsigned int end);
void nameChanged();
void pauseChanged();
void deembeddingChanged();
void colorChanged(Trace *t);
void markerAdded(Marker *m);
void markerRemoved(Marker *m);
void markerFormatChanged(Marker *m);
void lastMathChanged();
private slots:
void markerVisibilityChanged(Marker *m);
// Functions for handling source == Source::Math
// Updates the datapoints, based on the available span of all math sources.
// The least common span is used for this trace. This function only creates the datapoints
// and sets the X coordinate. The Y coordinates are set in calculateMath()
void updateMathTracePoints();
// Keeps track of deleted traces and removes them from the math sources
void mathSourceTraceDeleted(Trace *t);
// Schedules an update of this trace, should be called whenever any source data changes.
// As it is likely that multiple source traces will change directly after each other, no
// calculation is performed directly. Instead the calculation is only scheduled and executed
// shortly after. This prevents calculating data that will be overwritten immediately afterwards
void scheduleMathCalculation(unsigned int begin, unsigned int end);
// Actually calculates the Y coordinate values of this trace. It expects that the data vector is
// already set up with the required amount of points and X coordinates
void calculateMath();
// Removes all math sources, use this when switching to a different source mode
void clearMathSources();
// Attempts to add a math source using the trace hash instead of a pointer (when loading setups)
bool addMathSource(unsigned int hash, QString variableName);
TraceModel *model; // model which this trace will be part of
QString _name;
QColor _color;
Source source;
// Hash for identifying the trace when loading/saving setup files.
// When writing setup files, the hash is created from the JSON representation of the trace.
// When loading setup files, the hash specified in the setup file is used (prevents different
// hashes when the JSON format changes in newer versions)
unsigned int hash;
bool hashSet;
bool JSONskipHash;
// Members for when source == Source::Live
LivedataType _liveType;
QString liveParam;
// Members for when source == Source::File
QString filename;
unsigned int fileParameter;
// Members for when source == Source::Math
std::map<Trace*,QString> mathSourceTraces;
std::map<unsigned int,QString> mathSourceUnresolvedHashes;
QString mathFormula;
static constexpr int MinMathUpdateInterval = 100;
QTime lastMathUpdate;
QTimer mathCalcTimer;
unsigned int mathUpdateBegin;
unsigned int mathUpdateEnd;
double vFactor;
bool reflection;
bool visible;
bool paused;
double reference_impedance;
DataType domain;
std::set<Marker*> markers;
struct {
union {
DeviceDriver::SASettings SA;
bool valid;
} settings;
// de-embedding variables
std::vector<Data> deembeddingData;
bool deembeddingActive;
std::vector<MathInfo> mathOps;
TraceMath *lastMath;
std::vector<double> unwrappedPhase;
void updateLastMath(std::vector<MathInfo>::reverse_iterator start);
#endif // TRACE_H