2023-01-16 00:25:29 +01:00

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#include "devicedriver.h"
#include "../../VNA_embedded/Application/Communication/Protocol.hpp"
#include <functional>
class LibreVNADriver : public DeviceDriver
enum class TransmissionResult {
* @brief Returns the serial number of the connected device
* @return Serial number of connected device (empty string if no device is connected)
virtual QString getSerial() override {return serial;}
* @brief Returns the device information. This function will be called when a device has been connected. Its return value must be valid
* directly after returning from DeviceDriver::connectTo()
* Emit the InfoUpdate() signal whenever the return value of this function changes.
* @return Device information
virtual Info getInfo() override {return info;}
* @brief Returns a set of all active flags
* There is also a convenience function to check a specific flag, see DeviceDriver::asserted()
* @return Set of active flags
virtual std::set<Flag> getFlags() override;
* @brief Returns the device status string. It will be displayed in the status bar of the application
* Emit the StatusUpdated() signal whenever the return value of this function changes
* @return Status string
virtual QString getStatus() override;
* @brief Returns the driver specific settings
* The settings are returned as a map.
* Key: user-readable setting name
* Value: SettingDescription, consisting of:
* - var: Pointer to the setting variable (should be a private member of the derived class)
* - name: Arbitrary string used to persistently store this setting (never visible to the user)
* - def: Default value of the setting
* These settings will be persistent across reboots. For each device driver, a section within the preferences
* will be created where these settings can be changed.
* @return Map of driver specific settings
virtual std::vector<Savable::SettingDescription> driverSpecificSettings() override;
* @brief Return driver specific actions.
* The returned actions will be appended to the device menu.
* @return List of actions
virtual std::vector<QAction*> driverSpecificActions() override;
* @brief Names of available measurements.
* The names must be identical to the names used in the returned VNAMeasurement.
* Typically the S parameters, e.g. this function may return {"S11","S12","S21","S22"} but any other names are also allowed.
* @return List of available VNA measurement parameters
virtual QStringList availableVNAMeasurements() override;
* @brief Configures the VNA and starts a sweep
* @param s VNA settings
* @param cb Callback, must be called after the VNA has been configured
* @return true if configuration successful, false otherwise
virtual bool setVNA(const VNASettings &s, std::function<void(bool)> cb = nullptr) override;
* @brief Names of available measurements.
* The names must be identical to the names used in the returned SAMeasurement.
* Typically the port names, e.g. this function may return {"PORT1","PORT2"} but any other names are also allowed.
* @return List of available SA measurement parameters
virtual QStringList availableSAMeasurements() override;
* @brief Configures the SA and starts a sweep
* @param s SA settings
* @param cb Callback, must be called after the SA has been configured
* @return true if configuration successful, false otherwise
virtual bool setSA(const SASettings &s, std::function<void(bool)> cb = nullptr) override;
* @brief Returns the number of points in one spectrum analyzer sweep (as configured by the last setSA() call)
* @return Number of points in the sweep
virtual unsigned int getSApoints() {return SApoints;}
* @brief Names of available generator ports.
* Typically the port names, e.g. this function may return {"PORT1","PORT2"} but any other names are also allowed.
* @return List of available SA measurement parameters
virtual QStringList availableSGPorts() override;
* @brief Configures the generator
* @param s Generator settings
* @return true if configuration successful, false otherwise
virtual bool setSG(const SGSettings &s) override;
* @brief Sets the device to idle
* Stops all sweeps and signal generation
* @param cb Callback, must be called after the device has stopped all operations
* @return true if configuration successful, false otherwise
virtual bool setIdle(std::function<void(bool)> cb = nullptr) override;
* @brief Returns the available options for the external reference input
* @return External reference input options
virtual QStringList availableExtRefInSettings() override;
* @brief Returns the available options for the external reference output
* @return External reference output options
virtual QStringList availableExtRefOutSettings() override;
* @brief Configures the external reference input/output
* @param option_in Reference input option (one of the options returned by availableExtRefInSettings())
* @param option_out Reference output option (one of the options returned by availableExtRefOutSettings())
* @return true if configuration successful, false otherwise
virtual bool setExtRef(QString option_in, QString option_out) override;
// Required for the compound device driver
void passOnReceivedPacket(const Protocol::PacketInfo& packet);
virtual bool SendPacket(const Protocol::PacketInfo& packet, std::function<void(TransmissionResult)> cb = nullptr, unsigned int timeout = 500) = 0;
void receivedAnswer(TransmissionResult result);
void receivedPacket(const Protocol::PacketInfo& packet);
protected slots:
void handleReceivedPacket(const Protocol::PacketInfo& packet);
bool sendWithoutPayload(Protocol::PacketType type, std::function<void(TransmissionResult)> cb = nullptr);
bool connected;
QString serial;
Info info;
Protocol::DeviceStatusV1 lastStatus;
bool skipOwnPacketHandling;
bool zerospan;
unsigned int SApoints;
std::map<int, int> portStageMapping; // maps from excitedPort (count starts at zero) to stage (count starts at zero)
// Driver specific settings
bool captureRawReceiverValues;
bool SASignalID;
bool SAUseDFT;
double SARBWLimitForDFT;
bool VNASuppressInvalidPeaks;
bool VNAAdjustPowerLevel;