/***************************************************************************//** * @file ad9361_conv.c * @brief Implementation of AD9361 Conv Driver. ******************************************************************************** * Copyright 2014-2015(c) Analog Devices, Inc. * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * - Neither the name of Analog Devices, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * - The use of this software may or may not infringe the patent rights * of one or more patent holders. This license does not release you * from the requirement that you obtain separate licenses from these * patent holders to use this software. * - Use of the software either in source or binary form, must be run * on or directly connected to an Analog Devices Inc. component. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ANALOG DEVICES "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL ANALOG DEVICES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /***************************** Include Files **********************************/ /******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "ad9361.h" #include "platform.h" #ifndef AXI_ADC_NOT_PRESENT /** * HDL loopback enable/disable. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param enable Enable/disable option. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_hdl_loopback(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, bool enable) { struct axiadc_converter *conv = phy->adc_conv; struct axiadc_state *st = phy->adc_state; int32_t reg, addr, chan; uint32_t version = axiadc_read(st, 0x4000); /* Still there but implemented a bit different */ if (PCORE_VERSION_MAJOR(version) > 7) addr = 0x4418; else addr = 0x4414; for (chan = 0; chan < conv->chip_info->num_channels; chan++) { reg = axiadc_read(st, addr + (chan) * 0x40); if (PCORE_VERSION_MAJOR(version) > 7) { if (enable && reg != 0x8) { conv->scratch_reg[chan] = reg; reg = 0x8; } else if (reg == 0x8) { reg = conv->scratch_reg[chan]; } } else { /* DAC_LB_ENB If set enables loopback of receive data */ if (enable) reg |= BIT(1); else reg &= ~BIT(1); } axiadc_write(st, addr + (chan) * 0x40, reg); } return 0; } /** * Set IO delay. * @param st The AXI ADC state structure. * @param lane Lane number. * @param val Value. * @param tx The Synthesizer TX = 1, RX = 0. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ static int32_t ad9361_iodelay_set(struct axiadc_state *st, unsigned lane, unsigned val, bool tx) { if (tx) { if (PCORE_VERSION_MAJOR(st->pcore_version) > 8) axiadc_write(st, 0x4000 + ADI_REG_DELAY(lane), val); else return -ENODEV; } else { axiadc_idelay_set(st, lane, val); } return 0; } /** * Set midscale IO delay. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param tx The Synthesizer TX = 1, RX = 0. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ static int32_t ad9361_midscale_iodelay(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, bool tx) { struct axiadc_state *st = phy->adc_state; int32_t ret = 0, i; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) ret |= ad9361_iodelay_set(st, i, 15, tx); return 0; } /** * Digital tune IO delay. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param tx The Synthesizer TX = 1, RX = 0. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ static int32_t ad9361_dig_tune_iodelay(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, bool tx) { struct axiadc_converter *conv = phy->adc_conv; struct axiadc_state *st = phy->adc_state; int32_t ret, i, j, chan, num_chan; uint32_t s0, c0; uint8_t field[32]; num_chan = (conv->chip_info->num_channels > 4) ? 4 : conv->chip_info->num_channels; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) { ad9361_iodelay_set(st, i, j, tx); mdelay(1); for (chan = 0; chan < num_chan; chan++) axiadc_write(st, ADI_REG_CHAN_STATUS(chan), ADI_PN_ERR | ADI_PN_OOS); mdelay(10); for (chan = 0, ret = 0; chan < num_chan; chan++) ret |= axiadc_read(st, ADI_REG_CHAN_STATUS(chan)); field[j] = ret; } c0 = ad9361_find_opt(&field[0], 32, &s0); ad9361_iodelay_set(st, i, s0 + c0 / 2, tx); dev_dbg(&phy->spi->dev, "%s Lane %"PRId32", window cnt %"PRIu32" , start %"PRIu32", IODELAY set to %"PRIu32"\n", tx ? "TX" :"RX", i , c0, s0, s0 + c0 / 2); } return 0; } /** * Digital tune verbose print. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param field Field. * @param tx The Synthesizer TX = 1, RX = 0. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ static void ad9361_dig_tune_verbose_print(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t field[][16], bool tx) { int32_t i, j; printk("SAMPL CLK: %"PRIu32" tuning: %s\n", clk_get_rate(phy, phy->ref_clk_scale[RX_SAMPL_CLK]), tx ? "TX" : "RX"); printk(" "); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) printk("%"PRIx32":", i); printk("\n"); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { printk("%"PRIx32":", i); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { printk("%c ", (field[i][j] ? '#' : 'o')); } printk("\n"); } printk("\n"); } /** * Digital interface timing analysis. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param buf The buffer. * @param buflen The buffer length. * @return The size in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_dig_interface_timing_analysis(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, char *buf, int32_t buflen) { struct axiadc_state *st = phy->adc_state; int32_t ret, i, j, chan, len = 0; uint8_t field[16][16]; uint8_t rx; dev_dbg(&phy->spi->dev, "%s:\n", __func__); rx = ad9361_spi_read(phy->spi, REG_RX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY); ad9361_bist_prbs(phy, BIST_INJ_RX); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_RX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY, DATA_CLK_DELAY(j) | RX_DATA_DELAY(i)); for (chan = 0; chan < 4; chan++) axiadc_write(st, ADI_REG_CHAN_STATUS(chan), ADI_PN_ERR | ADI_PN_OOS); mdelay(1); if (axiadc_read(st, ADI_REG_STATUS) & ADI_STATUS) { for (chan = 0, ret = 0; chan < 4; chan++) ret |= axiadc_read(st, ADI_REG_CHAN_STATUS(chan)); } else { ret = 1; } field[i][j] = ret; } } ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_RX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY, rx); ad9361_bist_prbs(phy, BIST_DISABLE); len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen, "CLK: %"PRIu32" Hz 'o' = PASS\n", clk_get_rate(phy, phy->ref_clk_scale[RX_SAMPL_CLK])); len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen, "DC"); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen, "%"PRIx32":", i); len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen, "\n"); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen, "%"PRIx32":", i); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen, "%c ", (field[i][j] ? '.' : 'o')); } len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen, "\n"); } len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen, "\n"); return len; } /** * Digital tune. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param max_freq Maximum frequency. * @param flags Flags: BE_VERBOSE, BE_MOREVERBOSE, DO_IDELAY, DO_ODELAY. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_dig_tune(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t max_freq, enum dig_tune_flags flags) { struct axiadc_converter *conv = phy->adc_conv; struct axiadc_state *st = phy->adc_state; int32_t ret, i, j, k, chan, t, num_chan, err = 0; uint32_t s0, s1, c0, c1, tmp, saved = 0; uint8_t field[2][16]; uint32_t rates[3] = {25000000U, 40000000U, 61440000U}; uint32_t hdl_dac_version; dev_dbg(&phy->spi->dev, "%s: freq %u flags 0x%X\n", __func__, max_freq, flags); hdl_dac_version = axiadc_read(st, 0x4000); if ((phy->pdata->dig_interface_tune_skipmode == 2) || (flags & RESTORE_DEFAULT)) { /* skip completely and use defaults */ ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_RX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY, phy->pdata->port_ctrl.rx_clk_data_delay); ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_TX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY, phy->pdata->port_ctrl.tx_clk_data_delay); return 0; } if (flags & DO_IDELAY) ad9361_midscale_iodelay(phy, 0); if (flags & DO_ODELAY) ad9361_midscale_iodelay(phy, 1); if (!phy->pdata->fdd) { ad9361_set_ensm_mode(phy, true, false); ad9361_ensm_force_state(phy, ENSM_STATE_FDD); } else { ad9361_ensm_force_state(phy, ENSM_STATE_ALERT); ad9361_ensm_restore_prev_state(phy); } num_chan = (conv->chip_info->num_channels > 4) ? 4 : conv->chip_info->num_channels; ad9361_bist_prbs(phy, BIST_INJ_RX); for (t = 0; t < 2; t++) { memset(field, 0, 32); for (k = 0; (uint32_t)k < (max_freq ? ARRAY_SIZE(rates) : 1); k++) { if (max_freq) ad9361_set_trx_clock_chain_freq(phy, rates[k]); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_RX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY + t, RX_DATA_DELAY(i == 0 ? j : 0) | DATA_CLK_DELAY(i ? j : 0)); for (chan = 0; chan < num_chan; chan++) axiadc_write(st, ADI_REG_CHAN_STATUS(chan), ADI_PN_ERR | ADI_PN_OOS); mdelay(4); if ((t == 1) || (axiadc_read(st, ADI_REG_STATUS) & ADI_STATUS)) { for (chan = 0, ret = 0; chan < num_chan; chan++) { ret |= axiadc_read(st, ADI_REG_CHAN_STATUS(chan)); } } else { ret = 1; } field[i][j] |= ret; } } if ((flags & BE_MOREVERBOSE) && max_freq) { ad9361_dig_tune_verbose_print(phy, field, t); } } c0 = ad9361_find_opt(&field[0][0], 16, &s0); c1 = ad9361_find_opt(&field[1][0], 16, &s1); if (!c0 && !c1) { ad9361_dig_tune_verbose_print(phy, field, t); dev_err(&phy->spi->dev, "%s: Tuning %s FAILED!", __func__, t ? "TX" : "RX"); err |= -EIO; } else if (flags & BE_VERBOSE) { ad9361_dig_tune_verbose_print(phy, field, t); } if (c1 > c0) ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_RX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY + t, DATA_CLK_DELAY(s1 + c1 / 2) | RX_DATA_DELAY(0)); else ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_RX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY + t, DATA_CLK_DELAY(0) | RX_DATA_DELAY(s0 + c0 / 2)); if (t == 0) { if (flags & DO_IDELAY) ad9361_dig_tune_iodelay(phy, 0); /* Now do the loopback and tune the digital out */ ad9361_bist_prbs(phy, BIST_DISABLE); axiadc_write(st, ADI_REG_RSTN, ADI_MMCM_RSTN); axiadc_write(st, ADI_REG_RSTN, ADI_RSTN | ADI_MMCM_RSTN); if (phy->pdata->dig_interface_tune_skipmode == 1) { /* skip TX */ if (!(flags & SKIP_STORE_RESULT)) phy->pdata->port_ctrl.rx_clk_data_delay = ad9361_spi_read(phy->spi, REG_RX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY); if (!phy->pdata->fdd) { ad9361_set_ensm_mode(phy, phy->pdata->fdd, phy->pdata->ensm_pin_ctrl); ad9361_ensm_restore_prev_state(phy); } return 0; } ad9361_bist_loopback(phy, 1); axiadc_write(st, 0x4000 + ADI_REG_RSTN, ADI_RSTN | ADI_MMCM_RSTN); for (chan = 0; chan < num_chan; chan++) { axiadc_write(st, ADI_REG_CHAN_CNTRL(chan), ADI_FORMAT_SIGNEXT | ADI_FORMAT_ENABLE | ADI_ENABLE | ADI_IQCOR_ENB); axiadc_set_pnsel(st, chan, ADC_PN_CUSTOM); if (PCORE_VERSION_MAJOR(hdl_dac_version) > 7) { axiadc_write(st, 0x4418 + (chan) * 0x40, 9); axiadc_write(st, 0x4044, 0x1); } else axiadc_write(st, 0x4414 + (chan) * 0x40, 1); } if (PCORE_VERSION_MAJOR(hdl_dac_version) < 8) { saved = tmp = axiadc_read(st, 0x4048); tmp &= ~0xF; tmp |= 1; axiadc_write(st, 0x4048, tmp); } } else { if (flags & DO_ODELAY) ad9361_dig_tune_iodelay(phy, 1); ad9361_bist_loopback(phy, 0); if (PCORE_VERSION_MAJOR(hdl_dac_version) < 8) axiadc_write(st, 0x4048, saved); for (chan = 0; chan < num_chan; chan++) { axiadc_write(st, ADI_REG_CHAN_CNTRL(chan), ADI_FORMAT_SIGNEXT | ADI_FORMAT_ENABLE | ADI_ENABLE | ADI_IQCOR_ENB); axiadc_set_pnsel(st, chan, ADC_PN9); if (PCORE_VERSION_MAJOR(hdl_dac_version) > 7) { axiadc_write(st, 0x4418 + (chan) * 0x40, 0); axiadc_write(st, 0x4044, 0x1); } else axiadc_write(st, 0x4414 + (chan) * 0x40, 0); } if (err == -EIO) { ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_RX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY, phy->pdata->port_ctrl.rx_clk_data_delay); ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_TX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY, phy->pdata->port_ctrl.tx_clk_data_delay); if (!max_freq) err = 0; } else if (!(flags & SKIP_STORE_RESULT)) { phy->pdata->port_ctrl.rx_clk_data_delay = ad9361_spi_read(phy->spi, REG_RX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.tx_clk_data_delay = ad9361_spi_read(phy->spi, REG_TX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY); } if (!phy->pdata->fdd) { ad9361_set_ensm_mode(phy, phy->pdata->fdd, phy->pdata->ensm_pin_ctrl); ad9361_ensm_restore_prev_state(phy); } axiadc_write(st, ADI_REG_RSTN, ADI_MMCM_RSTN); axiadc_write(st, ADI_REG_RSTN, ADI_RSTN | ADI_MMCM_RSTN); return err; } } return -EINVAL; } /** * Setup the AD9361 device. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_post_setup(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy) { struct axiadc_converter *conv = phy->adc_conv; struct axiadc_state *st = phy->adc_state; int32_t rx2tx2 = phy->pdata->rx2tx2; int32_t tmp, num_chan, flags; int32_t i, ret; num_chan = (conv->chip_info->num_channels > 4) ? 4 : conv->chip_info->num_channels; axiadc_write(st, ADI_REG_CNTRL, rx2tx2 ? 0 : ADI_R1_MODE); tmp = axiadc_read(st, 0x4048); if (!rx2tx2) { axiadc_write(st, 0x4048, tmp | BIT(5)); /* R1_MODE */ axiadc_write(st, 0x404c, 1); /* RATE */ } else { tmp &= ~BIT(5); axiadc_write(st, 0x4048, tmp); axiadc_write(st, 0x404c, 3); /* RATE */ } for (i = 0; i < num_chan; i++) { axiadc_write(st, ADI_REG_CHAN_CNTRL_1(i), ADI_DCFILT_OFFSET(0)); axiadc_write(st, ADI_REG_CHAN_CNTRL_2(i), (i & 1) ? 0x00004000 : 0x40000000); axiadc_write(st, ADI_REG_CHAN_CNTRL(i), ADI_FORMAT_SIGNEXT | ADI_FORMAT_ENABLE | ADI_ENABLE | ADI_IQCOR_ENB); } flags = 0x0; ret = ad9361_dig_tune(phy, ((conv->chip_info->num_channels > 4) || axiadc_read(st, 0x0004)) ? 0 : 61440000, flags); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (flags & (DO_IDELAY | DO_ODELAY)) { ret = ad9361_dig_tune(phy, (axiadc_read(st, ADI_REG_ID)) ? 0 : 61440000, flags & BE_VERBOSE); if (ret < 0) return ret; } ret = ad9361_set_trx_clock_chain(phy, phy->pdata->rx_path_clks, phy->pdata->tx_path_clks); ad9361_ensm_force_state(phy, ENSM_STATE_ALERT); ad9361_ensm_restore_prev_state(phy); return ret; } #else /** * HDL loopback enable/disable. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param enable Enable/disable option. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_hdl_loopback(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, bool enable) { return -ENODEV; } /** * Setup the AD9361 device. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_post_setup(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy) { return 0; } #endif