/***************************************************************************//** * @file ad9361_api.c * @brief Implementation of AD9361 API Driver. * @author DBogdan (dragos.bogdan@analog.com) ******************************************************************************** * Copyright 2013(c) Analog Devices, Inc. * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * - Neither the name of Analog Devices, Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * - The use of this software may or may not infringe the patent rights * of one or more patent holders. This license does not release you * from the requirement that you obtain separate licenses from these * patent holders to use this software. * - Use of the software either in source or binary form, must be run * on or directly connected to an Analog Devices Inc. component. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ANALOG DEVICES "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL ANALOG DEVICES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /***************************** Include Files **********************************/ /******************************************************************************/ #include "ad9361.h" #include "ad9361_api.h" #include "platform.h" #include "util.h" #ifndef AXI_ADC_NOT_PRESENT /******************************************************************************/ /************************ Constants Definitions *******************************/ /******************************************************************************/ static struct axiadc_chip_info axiadc_chip_info_tbl[] = { { "AD9361", 4, 61440000UL, }, { "AD9364", 2, 122880000UL, }, }; #endif /** * Initialize the AD9361 part. * @param init_param The structure that contains the AD9361 initial parameters. * @return A structure that contains the AD9361 current state in case of * success, negative error code otherwise. * * Note: This function will/may affect the data path. */ int32_t ad9361_init (struct ad9361_rf_phy **ad9361_phy, AD9361_InitParam *init_param) { struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy; int32_t ret = 0; int32_t rev = 0; int32_t i = 0; phy = (struct ad9361_rf_phy *)zmalloc(sizeof(*phy)); if (!phy) { return -ENOMEM; } phy->spi = (struct spi_device *)zmalloc(sizeof(*phy->spi)); if (!phy->spi) { return -ENOMEM; } phy->clk_refin = (struct clk *)zmalloc(sizeof(*phy->clk_refin)); if (!phy->clk_refin) { return -ENOMEM; } phy->pdata = (struct ad9361_phy_platform_data *)zmalloc(sizeof(*phy->pdata)); if (!phy->pdata) { return -ENOMEM; } #ifndef AXI_ADC_NOT_PRESENT phy->adc_conv = (struct axiadc_converter *)zmalloc(sizeof(*phy->adc_conv)); if (!phy->adc_conv) { return -ENOMEM; } phy->adc_state = (struct axiadc_state *)zmalloc(sizeof(*phy->adc_state)); if (!phy->adc_state) { return -ENOMEM; } phy->adc_state->phy = phy; phy->adc_state->pcore_version = axiadc_read(phy->adc_state, ADI_REG_VERSION); #endif phy->spi->id_no = init_param->id_no; /* Identification number */ phy->id_no = init_param->id_no; /* Reference Clock */ phy->clk_refin->rate = init_param->reference_clk_rate; /* Base Configuration */ phy->pdata->fdd = init_param->frequency_division_duplex_mode_enable; phy->pdata->fdd_independent_mode = init_param->frequency_division_duplex_independent_mode_enable; phy->pdata->rx2tx2 = init_param->two_rx_two_tx_mode_enable; phy->pdata->tdd_use_dual_synth = init_param->tdd_use_dual_synth_mode_enable; phy->pdata->tdd_skip_vco_cal = init_param->tdd_skip_vco_cal_enable; phy->pdata->rx_fastlock_delay_ns = init_param->rx_fastlock_delay_ns; phy->pdata->tx_fastlock_delay_ns = init_param->tx_fastlock_delay_ns; phy->pdata->trx_fastlock_pinctrl_en[0] = init_param->rx_fastlock_pincontrol_enable; phy->pdata->trx_fastlock_pinctrl_en[1] = init_param->tx_fastlock_pincontrol_enable; phy->pdata->use_ext_rx_lo = init_param->external_rx_lo_enable; phy->pdata->use_ext_tx_lo = init_param->external_tx_lo_enable; phy->pdata->dc_offset_update_events = init_param->dc_offset_tracking_update_event_mask; phy->pdata->dc_offset_attenuation_high = init_param->dc_offset_attenuation_high_range; phy->pdata->dc_offset_attenuation_low = init_param->dc_offset_attenuation_low_range; phy->pdata->rf_dc_offset_count_high = init_param->dc_offset_count_high_range; phy->pdata->rf_dc_offset_count_low = init_param->dc_offset_count_low_range; phy->pdata->tdd_use_fdd_tables = init_param->tdd_use_fdd_vco_tables_enable; phy->pdata->split_gt = init_param->split_gain_table_mode_enable; phy->pdata->trx_synth_max_fref = init_param->trx_synthesizer_target_fref_overwrite_hz; phy->pdata->qec_tracking_slow_mode_en = init_param->qec_tracking_slow_mode_enable; /* ENSM Control */ phy->pdata->ensm_pin_pulse_mode = init_param->ensm_enable_pin_pulse_mode_enable; phy->pdata->ensm_pin_ctrl = init_param->ensm_enable_txnrx_control_enable; /* LO Control */ phy->pdata->rx_synth_freq = init_param->rx_synthesizer_frequency_hz; phy->pdata->tx_synth_freq = init_param->tx_synthesizer_frequency_hz; /* Rate & BW Control */ for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { phy->pdata->rx_path_clks[i] = init_param->rx_path_clock_frequencies[i]; } for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { phy->pdata->tx_path_clks[i] = init_param->tx_path_clock_frequencies[i]; } phy->pdata->rf_rx_bandwidth_Hz = init_param->rf_rx_bandwidth_hz; phy->pdata->rf_tx_bandwidth_Hz = init_param->rf_tx_bandwidth_hz; /* RF Port Control */ phy->pdata->rf_rx_input_sel = init_param->rx_rf_port_input_select; phy->pdata->rf_tx_output_sel = init_param->tx_rf_port_input_select; /* TX Attenuation Control */ phy->pdata->tx_atten = init_param->tx_attenuation_mdB; phy->pdata->update_tx_gain_via_alert = init_param->update_tx_gain_in_alert_enable; /* Reference Clock Control */ phy->pdata->use_extclk = init_param->xo_disable_use_ext_refclk_enable; phy->pdata->dcxo_coarse = init_param->dcxo_coarse_and_fine_tune[0]; phy->pdata->dcxo_fine = init_param->dcxo_coarse_and_fine_tune[1]; phy->pdata->ad9361_clkout_mode = (enum ad9361_clkout)init_param->clk_output_mode_select; /* Gain Control */ phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.rx1_mode = (enum rf_gain_ctrl_mode)init_param->gc_rx1_mode; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.rx2_mode = (enum rf_gain_ctrl_mode)init_param->gc_rx2_mode; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.adc_large_overload_thresh = init_param->gc_adc_large_overload_thresh; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.adc_ovr_sample_size = init_param->gc_adc_ovr_sample_size; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.adc_small_overload_thresh = init_param->gc_adc_small_overload_thresh; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.dec_pow_measuremnt_duration = init_param->gc_dec_pow_measurement_duration; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.dig_gain_en = init_param->gc_dig_gain_enable; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.lmt_overload_high_thresh = init_param->gc_lmt_overload_high_thresh; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.lmt_overload_low_thresh = init_param->gc_lmt_overload_low_thresh; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.low_power_thresh = init_param->gc_low_power_thresh; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.max_dig_gain = init_param->gc_max_dig_gain; /* Gain MGC Control */ phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.mgc_dec_gain_step = init_param->mgc_dec_gain_step; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.mgc_inc_gain_step = init_param->mgc_inc_gain_step; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.mgc_rx1_ctrl_inp_en = init_param->mgc_rx1_ctrl_inp_enable; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.mgc_rx2_ctrl_inp_en = init_param->mgc_rx2_ctrl_inp_enable; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.mgc_split_table_ctrl_inp_gain_mode = init_param->mgc_split_table_ctrl_inp_gain_mode; /* Gain AGC Control */ phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.adc_large_overload_exceed_counter = init_param->agc_adc_large_overload_exceed_counter; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.adc_large_overload_inc_steps = init_param->agc_adc_large_overload_inc_steps; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.adc_lmt_small_overload_prevent_gain_inc = init_param->agc_adc_lmt_small_overload_prevent_gain_inc_enable; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.adc_small_overload_exceed_counter = init_param->agc_adc_small_overload_exceed_counter; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.dig_gain_step_size = init_param->agc_dig_gain_step_size; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.dig_saturation_exceed_counter = init_param->agc_dig_saturation_exceed_counter; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.gain_update_interval_us = init_param->agc_gain_update_interval_us; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.immed_gain_change_if_large_adc_overload = init_param->agc_immed_gain_change_if_large_adc_overload_enable; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.immed_gain_change_if_large_lmt_overload = init_param->agc_immed_gain_change_if_large_lmt_overload_enable; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.agc_inner_thresh_high = init_param->agc_inner_thresh_high; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.agc_inner_thresh_high_dec_steps = init_param->agc_inner_thresh_high_dec_steps; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.agc_inner_thresh_low = init_param->agc_inner_thresh_low; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.agc_inner_thresh_low_inc_steps = init_param->agc_inner_thresh_low_inc_steps; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.lmt_overload_large_exceed_counter = init_param->agc_lmt_overload_large_exceed_counter; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.lmt_overload_large_inc_steps = init_param->agc_lmt_overload_large_inc_steps; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.lmt_overload_small_exceed_counter = init_param->agc_lmt_overload_small_exceed_counter; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.agc_outer_thresh_high = init_param->agc_outer_thresh_high; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.agc_outer_thresh_high_dec_steps = init_param->agc_outer_thresh_high_dec_steps; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.agc_outer_thresh_low = init_param->agc_outer_thresh_low; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.agc_outer_thresh_low_inc_steps = init_param->agc_outer_thresh_low_inc_steps; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.agc_attack_delay_extra_margin_us = init_param->agc_attack_delay_extra_margin_us; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.sync_for_gain_counter_en = init_param->agc_sync_for_gain_counter_enable; /* Fast AGC */ phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_dec_pow_measuremnt_duration = init_param->fagc_dec_pow_measuremnt_duration; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_state_wait_time_ns = init_param->fagc_state_wait_time_ns; /* Fast AGC - Low Power */ phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_allow_agc_gain_increase = init_param->fagc_allow_agc_gain_increase; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_lp_thresh_increment_time = init_param->fagc_lp_thresh_increment_time; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_lp_thresh_increment_steps = init_param->fagc_lp_thresh_increment_steps; /* Fast AGC - Lock Level */ phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_lock_level = init_param->fagc_lock_level; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_lock_level_lmt_gain_increase_en = init_param->fagc_lock_level_lmt_gain_increase_en; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_lock_level_gain_increase_upper_limit = init_param->fagc_lock_level_gain_increase_upper_limit; /* Fast AGC - Peak Detectors and Final Settling */ phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_lpf_final_settling_steps = init_param->fagc_lpf_final_settling_steps; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_lmt_final_settling_steps = init_param->fagc_lmt_final_settling_steps; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_final_overrange_count = init_param->fagc_final_overrange_count; /* Fast AGC - Final Power Test */ phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_gain_increase_after_gain_lock_en = init_param->fagc_gain_increase_after_gain_lock_en; /* Fast AGC - Unlocking the Gain */ phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_gain_index_type_after_exit_rx_mode = (enum f_agc_target_gain_index_type)init_param->fagc_gain_index_type_after_exit_rx_mode; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_use_last_lock_level_for_set_gain_en = init_param->fagc_use_last_lock_level_for_set_gain_en; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_rst_gla_stronger_sig_thresh_exceeded_en = init_param->fagc_rst_gla_stronger_sig_thresh_exceeded_en; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_optimized_gain_offset = init_param->fagc_optimized_gain_offset; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_rst_gla_stronger_sig_thresh_above_ll = init_param->fagc_rst_gla_stronger_sig_thresh_above_ll; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_rst_gla_engergy_lost_sig_thresh_exceeded_en = init_param->fagc_rst_gla_engergy_lost_sig_thresh_exceeded_en; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_rst_gla_engergy_lost_goto_optim_gain_en = init_param->fagc_rst_gla_engergy_lost_goto_optim_gain_en; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_rst_gla_engergy_lost_sig_thresh_below_ll = init_param->fagc_rst_gla_engergy_lost_sig_thresh_below_ll; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_energy_lost_stronger_sig_gain_lock_exit_cnt = init_param->fagc_energy_lost_stronger_sig_gain_lock_exit_cnt; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_rst_gla_large_adc_overload_en = init_param->fagc_rst_gla_large_adc_overload_en; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_rst_gla_large_lmt_overload_en = init_param->fagc_rst_gla_large_lmt_overload_en; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_rst_gla_en_agc_pulled_high_en = init_param->fagc_rst_gla_en_agc_pulled_high_en; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_rst_gla_if_en_agc_pulled_high_mode = (enum f_agc_target_gain_index_type)init_param->fagc_rst_gla_if_en_agc_pulled_high_mode; phy->pdata->gain_ctrl.f_agc_power_measurement_duration_in_state5 = init_param->fagc_power_measurement_duration_in_state5; /* RSSI Control */ phy->pdata->rssi_ctrl.rssi_delay = init_param->rssi_delay; phy->pdata->rssi_ctrl.rssi_duration = init_param->rssi_duration; phy->pdata->rssi_ctrl.restart_mode = (enum rssi_restart_mode)init_param->rssi_restart_mode; phy->pdata->rssi_ctrl.rssi_unit_is_rx_samples = init_param->rssi_unit_is_rx_samples_enable; phy->pdata->rssi_ctrl.rssi_wait = init_param->rssi_wait; /* Aux ADC Control */ phy->pdata->auxadc_ctrl.auxadc_decimation = init_param->aux_adc_decimation; phy->pdata->auxadc_ctrl.auxadc_clock_rate = init_param->aux_adc_rate; /* AuxDAC Control */ phy->pdata->auxdac_ctrl.auxdac_manual_mode_en = init_param->aux_dac_manual_mode_enable; phy->pdata->auxdac_ctrl.dac1_default_value = init_param->aux_dac1_default_value_mV; phy->pdata->auxdac_ctrl.dac1_in_rx_en = init_param->aux_dac1_active_in_rx_enable; phy->pdata->auxdac_ctrl.dac1_in_tx_en = init_param->aux_dac1_active_in_tx_enable; phy->pdata->auxdac_ctrl.dac1_in_alert_en = init_param->aux_dac1_active_in_alert_enable; phy->pdata->auxdac_ctrl.dac1_rx_delay_us = init_param->aux_dac1_rx_delay_us; phy->pdata->auxdac_ctrl.dac1_tx_delay_us = init_param->aux_dac1_tx_delay_us; phy->pdata->auxdac_ctrl.dac2_default_value = init_param->aux_dac2_default_value_mV; phy->pdata->auxdac_ctrl.dac2_in_rx_en = init_param->aux_dac2_active_in_rx_enable; phy->pdata->auxdac_ctrl.dac2_in_tx_en = init_param->aux_dac2_active_in_tx_enable; phy->pdata->auxdac_ctrl.dac2_in_alert_en = init_param->aux_dac2_active_in_alert_enable; phy->pdata->auxdac_ctrl.dac2_rx_delay_us = init_param->aux_dac2_rx_delay_us; phy->pdata->auxdac_ctrl.dac2_tx_delay_us = init_param->aux_dac2_tx_delay_us; /* Temperature Sensor Control */ phy->pdata->auxadc_ctrl.temp_sensor_decimation = init_param->temp_sense_decimation; phy->pdata->auxadc_ctrl.temp_time_inteval_ms = init_param->temp_sense_measurement_interval_ms; phy->pdata->auxadc_ctrl.offset = init_param->temp_sense_offset_signed; phy->pdata->auxadc_ctrl.periodic_temp_measuremnt = init_param->temp_sense_periodic_measurement_enable; /* Control Out Setup */ phy->pdata->ctrl_outs_ctrl.en_mask = init_param->ctrl_outs_enable_mask; phy->pdata->ctrl_outs_ctrl.index = init_param->ctrl_outs_index; /* External LNA Control */ phy->pdata->elna_ctrl.settling_delay_ns = init_param->elna_settling_delay_ns; phy->pdata->elna_ctrl.gain_mdB = init_param->elna_gain_mdB; phy->pdata->elna_ctrl.bypass_loss_mdB = init_param->elna_bypass_loss_mdB; phy->pdata->elna_ctrl.elna_1_control_en = init_param->elna_rx1_gpo0_control_enable; phy->pdata->elna_ctrl.elna_2_control_en = init_param->elna_rx2_gpo1_control_enable; phy->pdata->elna_ctrl.elna_in_gaintable_all_index_en = init_param->elna_gaintable_all_index_enable; /* Digital Interface Control */ phy->pdata->dig_interface_tune_skipmode = (init_param->digital_interface_tune_skip_mode); phy->pdata->dig_interface_tune_fir_disable = (init_param->digital_interface_tune_fir_disable); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[0] = (init_param->pp_tx_swap_enable << 7); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[0] |= (init_param->pp_rx_swap_enable << 6); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[0] |= (init_param->tx_channel_swap_enable << 5); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[0] |= (init_param->rx_channel_swap_enable << 4); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[0] |= (init_param->rx_frame_pulse_mode_enable << 3); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[0] |= (init_param->two_t_two_r_timing_enable << 2); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[0] |= (init_param->invert_data_bus_enable << 1); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[0] |= (init_param->invert_data_clk_enable << 0); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[1] = (init_param->fdd_alt_word_order_enable << 7); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[1] |= (init_param->invert_rx_frame_enable << 2); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[2] = (init_param->fdd_rx_rate_2tx_enable << 7); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[2] |= (init_param->swap_ports_enable << 6); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[2] |= (init_param->single_data_rate_enable << 5); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[2] |= (init_param->lvds_mode_enable << 4); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[2] |= (init_param->half_duplex_mode_enable << 3); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[2] |= (init_param->single_port_mode_enable << 2); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[2] |= (init_param->full_port_enable << 1); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[2] |= (init_param->full_duplex_swap_bits_enable << 0); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.pp_conf[1] |= (init_param->delay_rx_data & 0x3); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.rx_clk_data_delay = DATA_CLK_DELAY(init_param->rx_data_clock_delay); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.rx_clk_data_delay |= RX_DATA_DELAY(init_param->rx_data_delay); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.tx_clk_data_delay = FB_CLK_DELAY(init_param->tx_fb_clock_delay); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.tx_clk_data_delay |= TX_DATA_DELAY(init_param->tx_data_delay); phy->pdata->port_ctrl.lvds_bias_ctrl = (init_param->lvds_bias_mV / 75) & 0x7; phy->pdata->port_ctrl.lvds_bias_ctrl |= (init_param->lvds_rx_onchip_termination_enable << 5); phy->pdata->rx1rx2_phase_inversion_en = init_param->rx1rx2_phase_inversion_en; /* GPO Control */ phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo0_inactive_state_high_en = init_param->gpo0_inactive_state_high_enable; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo1_inactive_state_high_en = init_param->gpo1_inactive_state_high_enable; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo2_inactive_state_high_en = init_param->gpo2_inactive_state_high_enable; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo3_inactive_state_high_en = init_param->gpo3_inactive_state_high_enable; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo0_slave_rx_en = init_param->gpo0_slave_rx_enable; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo0_slave_tx_en = init_param->gpo0_slave_tx_enable; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo1_slave_rx_en = init_param->gpo1_slave_rx_enable; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo1_slave_tx_en = init_param->gpo1_slave_tx_enable; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo2_slave_rx_en = init_param->gpo2_slave_rx_enable; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo2_slave_tx_en = init_param->gpo2_slave_tx_enable; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo3_slave_rx_en = init_param->gpo3_slave_rx_enable; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo3_slave_tx_en = init_param->gpo3_slave_tx_enable; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo0_rx_delay_us = init_param->gpo0_rx_delay_us; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo0_tx_delay_us = init_param->gpo0_tx_delay_us; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo1_rx_delay_us = init_param->gpo1_rx_delay_us; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo1_tx_delay_us = init_param->gpo1_tx_delay_us; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo2_rx_delay_us = init_param->gpo2_rx_delay_us; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo2_tx_delay_us = init_param->gpo2_tx_delay_us; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo3_rx_delay_us = init_param->gpo3_rx_delay_us; phy->pdata->gpo_ctrl.gpo3_tx_delay_us = init_param->gpo3_tx_delay_us; /* Tx Monitor Control */ phy->pdata->txmon_ctrl.low_high_gain_threshold_mdB = init_param->low_high_gain_threshold_mdB; phy->pdata->txmon_ctrl.low_gain_dB = init_param->low_gain_dB; phy->pdata->txmon_ctrl.high_gain_dB = init_param->high_gain_dB; phy->pdata->txmon_ctrl.tx_mon_track_en = init_param->tx_mon_track_en; phy->pdata->txmon_ctrl.one_shot_mode_en = init_param->one_shot_mode_en; phy->pdata->txmon_ctrl.tx_mon_delay = init_param->tx_mon_delay; phy->pdata->txmon_ctrl.tx_mon_duration = init_param->tx_mon_duration; phy->pdata->txmon_ctrl.tx1_mon_front_end_gain = init_param->tx1_mon_front_end_gain; phy->pdata->txmon_ctrl.tx2_mon_front_end_gain = init_param->tx2_mon_front_end_gain; phy->pdata->txmon_ctrl.tx1_mon_lo_cm = init_param->tx1_mon_lo_cm; phy->pdata->txmon_ctrl.tx2_mon_lo_cm = init_param->tx2_mon_lo_cm; phy->pdata->debug_mode = true; phy->pdata->gpio_resetb = init_param->gpio_resetb; /* Optional: next three GPIOs are used for MCS synchronization */ phy->pdata->gpio_sync = init_param->gpio_sync; phy->pdata->gpio_cal_sw1 = init_param->gpio_cal_sw1; phy->pdata->gpio_cal_sw2 = init_param->gpio_cal_sw2; phy->pdata->port_ctrl.digital_io_ctrl = 0; phy->pdata->port_ctrl.lvds_invert[0] = init_param->lvds_invert1_control; phy->pdata->port_ctrl.lvds_invert[1] = init_param->lvds_invert2_control; #ifndef AXI_ADC_NOT_PRESENT phy->adc_conv->chip_info = &axiadc_chip_info_tbl[phy->pdata->rx2tx2 ? ID_AD9361 : ID_AD9364]; #endif phy->rx_eq_2tx = false; phy->current_table = RXGAIN_TBLS_END; phy->bypass_tx_fir = true; phy->bypass_rx_fir = true; phy->rate_governor = 1; phy->rfdc_track_en = true; phy->bbdc_track_en = true; phy->quad_track_en = true; phy->bist_loopback_mode = 0; phy->bist_prbs_mode = BIST_DISABLE; phy->bist_tone_mode = BIST_DISABLE; phy->bist_tone_freq_Hz = 0; phy->bist_tone_level_dB = 0; phy->bist_tone_mask = 0; ad9361_reset(phy); ret = ad9361_spi_read(phy->spi, REG_PRODUCT_ID); if ((ret & PRODUCT_ID_MASK) != PRODUCT_ID_9361) { printf("%s : Unsupported PRODUCT_ID 0x%X", "ad9361_init", (unsigned int)ret); ret = -ENODEV; goto out; } rev = ret & REV_MASK; phy->ad9361_rfpll_ext_recalc_rate = init_param->ad9361_rfpll_ext_recalc_rate; phy->ad9361_rfpll_ext_round_rate = init_param->ad9361_rfpll_ext_round_rate; phy->ad9361_rfpll_ext_set_rate = init_param->ad9361_rfpll_ext_set_rate; ret = register_clocks(phy); if (ret < 0) goto out; #ifndef AXI_ADC_NOT_PRESENT axiadc_init(phy); #endif ad9361_init_gain_tables(phy); ret = ad9361_setup(phy); if (ret < 0) goto out; #ifndef AXI_ADC_NOT_PRESENT /* platform specific wrapper to call ad9361_post_setup() */ ret = axiadc_post_setup(phy); if (ret < 0) goto out; #endif printf("%s : AD9361 Rev %d successfully initialized\n", "ad9361_init", (int)rev); *ad9361_phy = phy; return 0; out: free(phy->spi); #ifndef AXI_ADC_NOT_PRESENT free(phy->adc_conv); free(phy->adc_state); #endif free(phy->clk_refin); free(phy->pdata); free(phy); printf("%s : AD9361 initialization error\n", "ad9361_init"); return -ENODEV; } /** * Set the Enable State Machine (ENSM) mode. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param mode The ENSM mode. * Accepted values: * ENSM_MODE_TX * ENSM_MODE_RX * ENSM_MODE_ALERT * ENSM_MODE_FDD * ENSM_MODE_WAIT * ENSM_MODE_SLEEP * ENSM_MODE_PINCTRL * ENSM_MODE_PINCTRL_FDD_INDEP * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. * * Note: This function will/may affect the data path. */ int32_t ad9361_set_en_state_machine_mode (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t mode) { int32_t ret; uint8_t ensm_state; bool pinctrl = false; phy->pdata->fdd_independent_mode = false; switch (mode) { case ENSM_MODE_TX: ensm_state = ENSM_STATE_TX; break; case ENSM_MODE_RX: ensm_state = ENSM_STATE_RX; break; case ENSM_MODE_ALERT: ensm_state = ENSM_STATE_ALERT; break; case ENSM_MODE_FDD: ensm_state = ENSM_STATE_FDD; break; case ENSM_MODE_WAIT: ensm_state = ENSM_STATE_SLEEP_WAIT; break; case ENSM_MODE_SLEEP: ensm_state = ENSM_STATE_SLEEP; break; case ENSM_MODE_PINCTRL: ensm_state = ENSM_STATE_SLEEP_WAIT; pinctrl = true; break; case ENSM_MODE_PINCTRL_FDD_INDEP: ensm_state = ENSM_STATE_FDD; phy->pdata->fdd_independent_mode = true; break; default: return -EINVAL; } ad9361_set_ensm_mode(phy, phy->pdata->fdd, pinctrl); ret = ad9361_ensm_set_state(phy, ensm_state, pinctrl); return ret; } /** * Get the Enable State Machine (ENSM) mode. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param mode A variable to store the selected ENSM mode. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_en_state_machine_mode (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t *mode) { uint8_t ensm_state = phy->curr_ensm_state; bool pinctrl = false; int32_t ret; ret = ad9361_spi_read(phy->spi, REG_ENSM_CONFIG_1); if ((ret & ENABLE_ENSM_PIN_CTRL) == ENABLE_ENSM_PIN_CTRL) pinctrl = true; switch (ensm_state) { case ENSM_STATE_TX: *mode = ENSM_MODE_TX; break; case ENSM_STATE_RX: *mode = ENSM_MODE_RX; break; case ENSM_STATE_ALERT: *mode = ENSM_MODE_ALERT; break; case ENSM_STATE_FDD: if (phy->pdata->fdd_independent_mode) *mode = ENSM_MODE_PINCTRL_FDD_INDEP; else *mode = ENSM_MODE_FDD; break; case ENSM_STATE_SLEEP_WAIT: if (pinctrl) *mode = ENSM_MODE_PINCTRL; else *mode = ENSM_MODE_WAIT; break; case ENSM_STATE_SLEEP: *mode = ENSM_MODE_SLEEP; break; default: return -EINVAL; } return 0; } /** * Set the receive RF gain for the selected channel. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param ch The desired channel number (RX1, RX2). * Accepted values: * RX1 (0) * RX2 (1) * @param gain_db The RF gain (dB). * Example: * 10 (10 dB) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_set_rx_rf_gain (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t ch, int32_t gain_db) { struct rf_rx_gain rx_gain = {0}; int32_t ret = 0; rx_gain.gain_db = gain_db; ret = ad9361_set_rx_gain(phy, ch + 1, &rx_gain); return ret; } /** * Get current receive RF gain for the selected channel. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param ch The desired channel number (RX1, RX2). * Accepted values: * RX1 (0) * RX2 (1) * @param gain_db A variable to store the RF gain (dB). * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_rx_rf_gain (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t ch, int32_t *gain_db) { struct rf_rx_gain rx_gain = {0}; int32_t ret = 0; ret = ad9361_get_rx_gain(phy, ch + 1, &rx_gain); *gain_db = rx_gain.gain_db; return ret; } /** * Set the RX RF bandwidth. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param bandwidth_hz The desired bandwidth (Hz). * Example: * 18000000 (18 MHz) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. * * Note: This function will/may affect the data path. */ int32_t ad9361_set_rx_rf_bandwidth (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t bandwidth_hz) { int32_t ret = 0; if (phy->current_rx_bw_Hz != bandwidth_hz) ret = ad9361_update_rf_bandwidth(phy, bandwidth_hz, phy->current_tx_bw_Hz); else ret = 0; return ret; } /** * Get the RX RF bandwidth. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param bandwidth_hz A variable to store the bandwidth value (Hz). * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_rx_rf_bandwidth (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t *bandwidth_hz) { *bandwidth_hz = phy->current_rx_bw_Hz; return 0; } /** * Set the RX sampling frequency. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param sampling_freq_hz The desired frequency (Hz). * Example: * 30720000 (30.72 MHz) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. * * Note: This function will/may affect the data path. */ int32_t ad9361_set_rx_sampling_freq (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t sampling_freq_hz) { int32_t ret; uint32_t rx[6], tx[6]; ret = ad9361_calculate_rf_clock_chain(phy, sampling_freq_hz, phy->rate_governor, rx, tx); if (ret < 0) return ret; ad9361_set_trx_clock_chain(phy, rx, tx); ret = ad9361_update_rf_bandwidth(phy, phy->current_rx_bw_Hz, phy->current_tx_bw_Hz); return ret; } /** * Get current RX sampling frequency. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param sampling_freq_hz A variable to store the frequency value (Hz). * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_rx_sampling_freq (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t *sampling_freq_hz) { *sampling_freq_hz = (uint32_t)clk_get_rate(phy, phy->ref_clk_scale[RX_SAMPL_CLK]); return 0; } /** * Set the RX LO frequency. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param lo_freq_hz The desired frequency (Hz). * Example: * 2400000000 (2.4 GHz) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. * * Note: This function will/may affect the data path. */ int32_t ad9361_set_rx_lo_freq (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint64_t lo_freq_hz) { int32_t ret; ret = clk_set_rate(phy, phy->ref_clk_scale[RX_RFPLL], ad9361_to_clk(lo_freq_hz)); return ret; } /** * Get current RX LO frequency. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param lo_freq_hz A variable to store the frequency value (Hz). * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_rx_lo_freq (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint64_t *lo_freq_hz) { *lo_freq_hz = ad9361_from_clk(clk_get_rate(phy, phy->ref_clk_scale[RX_RFPLL])); return 0; } /** * Switch between internal and external LO. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param int_ext The selected lo (INT_LO, EXT_LO). * Accepted values: * INT_LO * EXT_LO * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_set_rx_lo_int_ext(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t int_ext) { phy->pdata->use_ext_rx_lo = int_ext; return ad9361_clk_mux_set_parent(phy->ref_clk_scale[RX_RFPLL], int_ext); } /** * Get the RSSI for the selected channel. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param ch The desired channel (RX1, RX2). * Accepted values: * RX1 (0) * RX2 (1) * @param rssi A variable to store the RSSI. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_rx_rssi (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t ch, struct rf_rssi *rssi) { int32_t ret; rssi->ant = ch + 1; rssi->duration = 1; ret = ad9361_read_rssi(phy, rssi); return ret; } /** * Set the gain control mode for the selected channel. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param ch The desired channel (RX1, RX2). * Accepted values: * RX1 (0) * RX2 (1) * @param gc_mode The gain control mode (manual, fast_attack, slow_attack, * hybrid). * Accepted values: * RF_GAIN_MGC (manual) * RF_GAIN_FASTATTACK_AGC (fast_attack) * RF_GAIN_SLOWATTACK_AGC (slow_attack) * RF_GAIN_HYBRID_AGC (hybrid) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_set_rx_gain_control_mode (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t ch, uint8_t gc_mode) { struct rf_gain_ctrl gc = {0}; gc.ant = ch + 1; gc.mode = phy->agc_mode[ch] = gc_mode; ad9361_set_gain_ctrl_mode(phy, &gc); return 0; } /** * Get the gain control mode for the selected channel. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param ch The desired channel (RX1, RX2). * Accepted values: * RX1 (0) * RX2 (1) * @param gc_mode A variable to store the gain control mode. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_rx_gain_control_mode (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t ch, uint8_t *gc_mode) { *gc_mode = phy->agc_mode[ch]; return 0; } /** * Set the RX FIR filter configuration. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param fir_cfg FIR filter configuration. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. * * Note: This function will/may affect the data path. */ int32_t ad9361_set_rx_fir_config (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, AD9361_RXFIRConfig fir_cfg) { int32_t ret; phy->rx_fir_dec = fir_cfg.rx_dec; ret = ad9361_load_fir_filter_coef(phy, (enum fir_dest)(fir_cfg.rx | FIR_IS_RX), fir_cfg.rx_gain, fir_cfg.rx_coef_size, fir_cfg.rx_coef); return ret; } /** * Get the RX FIR filter configuration. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param tx_ch The selected RX channel (RX1, RX2). * Accepted values: * RX1 (0) * RX2 (1) * @param fir_cfg FIR filter configuration output file. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_rx_fir_config(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t rx_ch, AD9361_RXFIRConfig *fir_cfg) { int32_t ret; uint32_t fir_conf; uint8_t index; rx_ch += 1; ret = ad9361_spi_read(phy->spi, REG_RX_FILTER_CONFIG); if(ret < 0) return ret; fir_conf = ret; fir_cfg->rx_coef_size = (((fir_conf & FIR_NUM_TAPS(7)) >> 5) + 1) * 16; ret = ad9361_spi_read(phy->spi, REG_RX_FILTER_GAIN); if(ret < 0) return ret; fir_cfg->rx_gain = -6 * (ret & FILTER_GAIN(3)) + 6; fir_cfg->rx = rx_ch; fir_conf &= ~FIR_SELECT(3); fir_conf |= FIR_SELECT(rx_ch) | FIR_START_CLK; ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_RX_FILTER_CONFIG, fir_conf); for(index = 0; index < 128; index++) { ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_RX_FILTER_COEF_ADDR, index); ret = ad9361_spi_read(phy->spi, REG_RX_FILTER_COEF_READ_DATA_1); if(ret < 0) return ret; fir_cfg->rx_coef[index] = ret; ret = ad9361_spi_read(phy->spi, REG_RX_FILTER_COEF_READ_DATA_2); if(ret < 0) return ret; fir_cfg->rx_coef[index] |= (ret << 8); } fir_conf &= ~FIR_START_CLK; ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_RX_FILTER_CONFIG, fir_conf); fir_cfg->rx_dec = phy->rx_fir_dec; return 0; } /** * Enable/disable the RX FIR filter. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param en_dis The option (ENABLE, DISABLE). * Accepted values: * ENABLE (1) * DISABLE (0) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. * * Note: This function will/may affect the data path. */ int32_t ad9361_set_rx_fir_en_dis (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t en_dis) { int32_t ret = 0; if(phy->bypass_rx_fir == !en_dis) return ret; phy->bypass_rx_fir = !en_dis; ret = ad9361_validate_enable_fir(phy); if (ret < 0) { phy->bypass_rx_fir = true; } return ret; } /** * Get the status of the RX FIR filter. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param en_dis The enable/disable status buffer. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_rx_fir_en_dis (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t *en_dis) { *en_dis = !phy->bypass_rx_fir; return 0; } /** * Enable/disable the RX RFDC Tracking. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param en_dis The option (ENABLE, DISABLE). * Accepted values: * ENABLE (1) * DISABLE (0) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_set_rx_rfdc_track_en_dis (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t en_dis) { int32_t ret = 0; if(phy->rfdc_track_en == en_dis) return ret; phy->rfdc_track_en = en_dis; ret = ad9361_tracking_control(phy, phy->bbdc_track_en, phy->rfdc_track_en, phy->quad_track_en); return ret; } /** * Get the status of the RX RFDC Tracking. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param en_dis The enable/disable status buffer. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_rx_rfdc_track_en_dis (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t *en_dis) { *en_dis = phy->rfdc_track_en; return 0; } /** * Enable/disable the RX BasebandDC Tracking. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param en_dis The option (ENABLE, DISABLE). * Accepted values: * ENABLE (1) * DISABLE (0) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_set_rx_bbdc_track_en_dis (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t en_dis) { int32_t ret = 0; if(phy->bbdc_track_en == en_dis) return ret; phy->bbdc_track_en = en_dis; ret = ad9361_tracking_control(phy, phy->bbdc_track_en, phy->rfdc_track_en, phy->quad_track_en); return ret; } /** * Get the status of the RX BasebandDC Tracking. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param en_dis The enable/disable status buffer. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_rx_bbdc_track_en_dis (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t *en_dis) { *en_dis = phy->bbdc_track_en; return 0; } /** * Enable/disable the RX Quadrature Tracking. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param en_dis The option (ENABLE, DISABLE). * Accepted values: * ENABLE (1) * DISABLE (0) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_set_rx_quad_track_en_dis (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t en_dis) { int32_t ret = 0; if(phy->quad_track_en == en_dis) return ret; phy->quad_track_en = en_dis; ret = ad9361_tracking_control(phy, phy->bbdc_track_en, phy->rfdc_track_en, phy->quad_track_en); return ret; } /** * Get the status of the RX Quadrature Tracking. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param en_dis The enable/disable status buffer. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_rx_quad_track_en_dis (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t *en_dis) { *en_dis = phy->quad_track_en; return 0; } /** * Set the RX RF input port. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param mode The RF port. * Accepted values: * A_BALANCED (0 - (RX1A_N & RX1A_P) and (RX2A_N & RX2A_P) enabled; balanced) * B_BALANCED (1 - (RX1B_N & RX1B_P) and (RX2B_N & RX2B_P) enabled; balanced) * C_BALANCED (2 - (RX1C_N & RX1C_P) and (RX2C_N & RX2C_P) enabled; balanced) * A_N (3 - RX1A_N and RX2A_N enabled; unbalanced) * A_P (4 - RX1A_P and RX2A_P enabled; unbalanced) * B_N (5 - RX1B_N and RX2B_N enabled; unbalanced) * B_P (6 - RX1B_P and RX2B_P enabled; unbalanced) * C_N (7 - RX1C_N and RX2C_N enabled; unbalanced) * C_P (8 - RX1C_P and RX2C_P enabled; unbalanced) * TX_MON1 (9 - TX_MONITOR1) * TX_MON2 (10 - TX_MONITOR2) * TX_MON1_2 (11 - TX_MONITOR1 & TX_MONITOR2) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_set_rx_rf_port_input (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t mode) { int32_t ret; phy->pdata->rf_rx_input_sel = mode; ret = ad9361_rf_port_setup(phy, false, phy->pdata->rf_rx_input_sel, phy->pdata->rf_tx_output_sel); return ret; } /** * Get the selected RX RF input port. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param mode The RF port. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_rx_rf_port_input (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t *mode) { *mode = phy->pdata->rf_rx_input_sel; return 0; } /** * Store RX fastlock profile. * To create a profile tune the synthesizer (ad9361_set_rx_lo_freq()) and then * call this function specifying the target profile number. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param profile The profile number (0 - 7). * Accepted values: * 0 - 7 * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_rx_fastlock_store(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t profile) { return ad9361_fastlock_store(phy, 0, profile); } /** * Recall specified RX fastlock profile. * When in fastlock pin select mode (init_param->rx_fastlock_pincontrol_enable), * the function needs to be called before then the pin-control can be used. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param profile The profile number (0 - 7). * Accepted values: * 0 - 7 * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_rx_fastlock_recall(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t profile) { return ad9361_fastlock_recall(phy, 0, profile); } /** * Load RX fastlock profile. A previously saved profile can be loaded in any * of the 8 available slots. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param profile The profile number (0 - 7). * Accepted values: * 0 - 7 * @param values Fastlock profile program data. * Example: * val0,val1,val2,…,val15 * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_rx_fastlock_load(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t profile, uint8_t *values) { return ad9361_fastlock_load(phy, 0, profile, values); } /** * Save RX fastlock profile. In order to use more than 8 Profiles, an existing * profile can be read back and stored by the user application. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param profile The profile number (0 - 7). * Accepted values: * 0 - 7 * @param values Fastlock profile program data. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_rx_fastlock_save(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t profile, uint8_t *values) { return ad9361_fastlock_save(phy, 0, profile, values); } /** * Set the transmit attenuation for the selected channel. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param ch The desired channel number (TX1, TX2). * Accepted values: * TX1 (0) * TX2 (1) * @param attenuation_mdb The attenuation (mdB). * Example: * 10000 (10 dB) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_set_tx_attenuation (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t ch, uint32_t attenuation_mdb) { int32_t ret; ret = ad9361_set_tx_atten(phy, attenuation_mdb, ch == 0, ch == 1, !phy->pdata->update_tx_gain_via_alert); return ret; } /** * Get current transmit attenuation for the selected channel. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param ch The desired channel number (TX1, TX2). * Accepted values: * TX1 (0) * TX2 (1) * @param attenuation_mdb A variable to store the attenuation value (mdB). * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_tx_attenuation (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t ch, uint32_t *attenuation_db) { int32_t ret; ret = ad9361_get_tx_atten(phy, ch + 1); if(ret < 0) return ret; *attenuation_db = ret; return 0; } /** * Set the TX RF bandwidth. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param bandwidth_hz The desired bandwidth (Hz). * Example: * 18000000 (18 MHz) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. * * Note: This function will/may affect the data path. */ int32_t ad9361_set_tx_rf_bandwidth (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t bandwidth_hz) { int32_t ret = 0; if (phy->current_tx_bw_Hz != bandwidth_hz) ret = ad9361_update_rf_bandwidth(phy, phy->current_rx_bw_Hz, bandwidth_hz); else ret = 0; return ret; } /** * Get the TX RF bandwidth. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param bandwidth_hz A variable to store the bandwidth value (Hz). * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_tx_rf_bandwidth (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t *bandwidth_hz) { *bandwidth_hz = phy->current_tx_bw_Hz; return 0; } /** * Set the TX sampling frequency. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param sampling_freq_hz The desired frequency (Hz). * Example: * 30720000 (30.72 MHz) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. * * Note: This function will/may affect the data path. */ int32_t ad9361_set_tx_sampling_freq (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t sampling_freq_hz) { int32_t ret; uint32_t rx[6], tx[6]; ret = ad9361_calculate_rf_clock_chain(phy, sampling_freq_hz, phy->rate_governor, rx, tx); if (ret < 0) return ret; ad9361_set_trx_clock_chain(phy, rx, tx); ret = ad9361_update_rf_bandwidth(phy, phy->current_rx_bw_Hz, phy->current_tx_bw_Hz); return ret; } /** * Get current TX sampling frequency. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param sampling_freq_hz A variable to store the frequency value (Hz). * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_tx_sampling_freq (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t *sampling_freq_hz) { *sampling_freq_hz = (uint32_t)clk_get_rate(phy, phy->ref_clk_scale[TX_SAMPL_CLK]); return 0; } /** * Set the TX LO frequency. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param lo_freq_hz The desired frequency (Hz). * Example: * 2400000000 (2.4 GHz) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. * * Note: This function will/may affect the data path. */ int32_t ad9361_set_tx_lo_freq (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint64_t lo_freq_hz) { int32_t ret; ret = clk_set_rate(phy, phy->ref_clk_scale[TX_RFPLL], ad9361_to_clk(lo_freq_hz)); return ret; } /** * Get current TX LO frequency. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param lo_freq_hz A variable to store the frequency value (Hz). * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_tx_lo_freq (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint64_t *lo_freq_hz) { *lo_freq_hz = ad9361_from_clk(clk_get_rate(phy, phy->ref_clk_scale[TX_RFPLL])); return 0; } /** * Switch between internal and external LO. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param int_ext The selected lo (INT_LO, EXT_LO). * Accepted values: * INT_LO * EXT_LO * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_set_tx_lo_int_ext(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t int_ext) { phy->pdata->use_ext_tx_lo = int_ext; return ad9361_clk_mux_set_parent(phy->ref_clk_scale[TX_RFPLL], int_ext); } /** * Set the TX FIR filter configuration. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param fir_cfg FIR filter configuration. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. * * Note: This function will/may affect the data path. */ int32_t ad9361_set_tx_fir_config (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, AD9361_TXFIRConfig fir_cfg) { int32_t ret; phy->tx_fir_int = fir_cfg.tx_int; ret = ad9361_load_fir_filter_coef(phy, (enum fir_dest)fir_cfg.tx, fir_cfg.tx_gain, fir_cfg.tx_coef_size, fir_cfg.tx_coef); return ret; } /** * Get the TX FIR filter configuration. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param tx_ch The selected TX channel (TX1, TX2). * Accepted values: * TX1 (0) * TX2 (1) * @param fir_cfg FIR filter configuration output file. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_tx_fir_config(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t tx_ch, AD9361_TXFIRConfig *fir_cfg) { int32_t ret; uint32_t fir_conf; uint8_t index; tx_ch += 1; ret = ad9361_spi_read(phy->spi, REG_TX_FILTER_CONF); if(ret < 0) return ret; fir_conf = ret; fir_cfg->tx_coef_size = (((fir_conf & FIR_NUM_TAPS(7)) >> 5) + 1) * 16; fir_cfg->tx_gain = -6 * (fir_conf & TX_FIR_GAIN_6DB); fir_cfg->tx = tx_ch; fir_conf &= ~FIR_SELECT(3); fir_conf |= FIR_SELECT(tx_ch) | FIR_START_CLK; ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_TX_FILTER_CONF, fir_conf); for(index = 0; index < 128; index++) { ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_TX_FILTER_COEF_ADDR, index); ret = ad9361_spi_read(phy->spi, REG_TX_FILTER_COEF_READ_DATA_1); if(ret < 0) return ret; fir_cfg->tx_coef[index] = ret; ret = ad9361_spi_read(phy->spi, REG_TX_FILTER_COEF_READ_DATA_2); if(ret < 0) return ret; fir_cfg->tx_coef[index] |= (ret << 8); } fir_conf &= ~FIR_START_CLK; ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_TX_FILTER_CONF, fir_conf); fir_cfg->tx_int = phy->tx_fir_int; return 0; } /** * Enable/disable the TX FIR filter. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param en_dis The option (ENABLE, DISABLE). * Accepted values: * ENABLE (1) * DISABLE (0) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. * * Note: This function will/may affect the data path. */ int32_t ad9361_set_tx_fir_en_dis (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t en_dis) { int32_t ret = 0; if(phy->bypass_tx_fir == !en_dis) return ret; phy->bypass_tx_fir = !en_dis; ret = ad9361_validate_enable_fir(phy); if (ret < 0) { phy->bypass_tx_fir = true; } return ret; } /** * Get the status of the TX FIR filter. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param en_dis The enable/disable status buffer. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_tx_fir_en_dis (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t *en_dis) { *en_dis = !phy->bypass_tx_fir; return 0; } /** * Get the TX RSSI for the selected channel (TX_MON should be enabled). * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param ch The desired channel (TX1, TX2). * Accepted values: * TX1 (0) * TX2 (1) * @param rssi_db_x_1000 A variable to store the RSSI. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_tx_rssi (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t ch, uint32_t *rssi_db_x_1000) { uint8_t reg_val_buf[3]; uint32_t val; int32_t ret; ret = ad9361_spi_readm(phy->spi, REG_TX_RSSI_LSB, reg_val_buf, ARRAY_SIZE(reg_val_buf)); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } switch (ch) { case 0: val = (reg_val_buf[2] << 1) | (reg_val_buf[0] & TX_RSSI_1); break; case 1: val = (reg_val_buf[1] << 1) | ((reg_val_buf[0] & TX_RSSI_2) >> 1); break; default: return -EINVAL; } val *= RSSI_RESOLUTION; *rssi_db_x_1000 = ((val / RSSI_MULTIPLIER) * 1000) + (val % RSSI_MULTIPLIER); return 0; } /** * Set the TX RF output port. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param mode The RF port. * Accepted values: * TXA (0) * TXB (1) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_set_tx_rf_port_output (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t mode) { int32_t ret; phy->pdata->rf_tx_output_sel = mode; ret = ad9361_rf_port_setup(phy, true, phy->pdata->rf_rx_input_sel, phy->pdata->rf_tx_output_sel); return ret; } /** * Get the selected TX RF output port. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param mode The RF port. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_tx_rf_port_output (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t *mode) { *mode = phy->pdata->rf_tx_output_sel; return 0; } /** * Enable/disable the auto calibration. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param en_dis The option (ENABLE, DISABLE). * Accepted values: * ENABLE (1) * DISABLE (0) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_set_tx_auto_cal_en_dis (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t en_dis) { if (en_dis == 0) phy->auto_cal_en = 0; else phy->auto_cal_en = 1; return 0; } /** * Get the status of the auto calibration flag. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param en_dis The enable/disable status buffer. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_tx_auto_cal_en_dis (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t *en_dis) { *en_dis = phy->auto_cal_en; return 0; } /** * Store TX fastlock profile. * To create a profile tune the synthesizer (ad9361_set_tx_lo_freq()) and then * call this function specifying the target profile number. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param profile The profile number (0 - 7). * Accepted values: * 0 - 7 * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_tx_fastlock_store(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t profile) { return ad9361_fastlock_store(phy, 1, profile); } /** * Recall specified TX fastlock profile. * When in fastlock pin select mode (init_param->tx_fastlock_pincontrol_enable), * the function needs to be called before then the pin-control can be used. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param profile The profile number (0 - 7). * Accepted values: * 0 - 7 * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_tx_fastlock_recall(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t profile) { return ad9361_fastlock_recall(phy, 1, profile); } /** * Load TX fastlock profile. A previously saved profile can be loaded in any * of the 8 available slots. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param profile The profile number (0 - 7). * Accepted values: * 0 - 7 * @param values Fastlock profile program data. * Example: * val0,val1,val2,…,val15 * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_tx_fastlock_load(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t profile, uint8_t *values) { return ad9361_fastlock_load(phy, 1, profile, values); } /** * Save TX fastlock profile. In order to use more than 8 Profiles, an existing * profile can be read back and stored by the user application. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param profile The profile number (0 - 7). * Accepted values: * 0 - 7 * @param values Fastlock profile program data. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_tx_fastlock_save(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t profile, uint8_t *values) { return ad9361_fastlock_save(phy, 1, profile, values); } /** * Set the RX and TX path rates. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param rx_path_clks RX path rates buffer. * @param tx_path_clks TX path rates buffer. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. * * Note: This function will/may affect the data path. */ int32_t ad9361_set_trx_path_clks(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t *rx_path_clks, uint32_t *tx_path_clks) { int32_t ret; ret = ad9361_set_trx_clock_chain(phy, rx_path_clks, tx_path_clks); if (ret < 0) return ret; ret = ad9361_update_rf_bandwidth(phy, phy->current_rx_bw_Hz, phy->current_tx_bw_Hz); return ret; } /** * Get the RX and TX path rates. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param rx_path_clks RX path rates buffer. * @param tx_path_clks TX path rates buffer. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_trx_path_clks(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t *rx_path_clks, uint32_t *tx_path_clks) { return ad9361_get_trx_clock_chain(phy, rx_path_clks, tx_path_clks); } /** * Set the number of channels mode. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param ch_mode Number of channels mode (MODE_1x1, MODE_2x2). * Accepted values: * MODE_1x1 (1) * MODE_2x2 (2) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_set_no_ch_mode(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t no_ch_mode) { switch (no_ch_mode) { case 1: phy->pdata->rx2tx2 = 0; break; case 2: phy->pdata->rx2tx2 = 1; break; default: return -EINVAL; } #ifndef AXI_ADC_NOT_PRESENT phy->adc_conv->chip_info = &axiadc_chip_info_tbl[phy->pdata->rx2tx2 ? ID_AD9361 : ID_AD9364]; #endif ad9361_reset(phy); ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_SPI_CONF, SOFT_RESET | _SOFT_RESET); ad9361_spi_write(phy->spi, REG_SPI_CONF, 0x0); phy->clks[TX_REFCLK]->rate = ad9361_clk_factor_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[TX_REFCLK], phy->clk_refin->rate); phy->clks[TX_REFCLK]->rate = ad9361_clk_factor_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[TX_REFCLK], phy->clk_refin->rate); phy->clks[RX_REFCLK]->rate = ad9361_clk_factor_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[RX_REFCLK], phy->clk_refin->rate); phy->clks[BB_REFCLK]->rate = ad9361_clk_factor_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[BB_REFCLK], phy->clk_refin->rate); phy->clks[BBPLL_CLK]->rate = ad9361_bbpll_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[BBPLL_CLK], phy->clks[BB_REFCLK]->rate); phy->clks[ADC_CLK]->rate = ad9361_clk_factor_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[ADC_CLK], phy->clks[BBPLL_CLK]->rate); phy->clks[R2_CLK]->rate = ad9361_clk_factor_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[R2_CLK], phy->clks[ADC_CLK]->rate); phy->clks[R1_CLK]->rate = ad9361_clk_factor_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[R1_CLK], phy->clks[R2_CLK]->rate); phy->clks[CLKRF_CLK]->rate = ad9361_clk_factor_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[CLKRF_CLK], phy->clks[R1_CLK]->rate); phy->clks[RX_SAMPL_CLK]->rate = ad9361_clk_factor_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[RX_SAMPL_CLK], phy->clks[CLKRF_CLK]->rate); phy->clks[DAC_CLK]->rate = ad9361_clk_factor_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[DAC_CLK], phy->clks[ADC_CLK]->rate); phy->clks[T2_CLK]->rate = ad9361_clk_factor_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[T2_CLK], phy->clks[DAC_CLK]->rate); phy->clks[T1_CLK]->rate = ad9361_clk_factor_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[T1_CLK], phy->clks[T2_CLK]->rate); phy->clks[CLKTF_CLK]->rate = ad9361_clk_factor_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[CLKTF_CLK], phy->clks[T1_CLK]->rate); phy->clks[TX_SAMPL_CLK]->rate = ad9361_clk_factor_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[TX_SAMPL_CLK], phy->clks[CLKTF_CLK]->rate); phy->clks[RX_RFPLL_INT]->rate = ad9361_rfpll_int_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[RX_RFPLL_INT], phy->clks[RX_REFCLK]->rate); phy->clks[TX_RFPLL_INT]->rate = ad9361_rfpll_int_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[TX_RFPLL_INT], phy->clks[TX_REFCLK]->rate); phy->clks[RX_RFPLL_DUMMY]->rate = ad9361_rfpll_dummy_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[RX_RFPLL_DUMMY]); phy->clks[TX_RFPLL_DUMMY]->rate = ad9361_rfpll_dummy_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[TX_RFPLL_DUMMY]); phy->clks[RX_RFPLL]->rate = ad9361_rfpll_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[RX_RFPLL]); phy->clks[TX_RFPLL]->rate = ad9361_rfpll_recalc_rate(phy->ref_clk_scale[TX_RFPLL]); #ifndef AXI_ADC_NOT_PRESENT axiadc_init(phy); #endif ad9361_setup(phy); #ifndef AXI_ADC_NOT_PRESENT /* platform specific wrapper to call ad9361_post_setup() */ axiadc_post_setup(phy); #endif return 0; } /** * Do multi chip synchronization. * @param phy_master The AD9361 Master state structure. * @param phy_slave The AD9361 Slave state structure. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. * * Note: This function will/may affect the data path. */ int32_t ad9361_do_mcs(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy_master, struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy_slave) { uint32_t ensm_mode; int32_t step; int32_t reg; reg = ad9361_spi_read(phy_master->spi, REG_RX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY); ad9361_spi_write(phy_slave->spi, REG_RX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY, reg); reg = ad9361_spi_read(phy_master->spi, REG_TX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY); ad9361_spi_write(phy_slave->spi, REG_TX_CLOCK_DATA_DELAY, reg); ad9361_get_en_state_machine_mode(phy_master, &ensm_mode); ad9361_set_en_state_machine_mode(phy_master, ENSM_MODE_ALERT); ad9361_set_en_state_machine_mode(phy_slave, ENSM_MODE_ALERT); for (step = 0; step <= 5; step++) { ad9361_mcs(phy_slave, step); ad9361_mcs(phy_master, step); mdelay(100); } ad9361_set_en_state_machine_mode(phy_master, ensm_mode); ad9361_set_en_state_machine_mode(phy_slave, ensm_mode); return 0; } /** * Enable/disable the TRX FIR filters. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param en_dis The option (ENABLE, DISABLE). * Accepted values: * ENABLE (1) * DISABLE (0) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. * * Note: This function will/may affect the data path. */ int32_t ad9361_set_trx_fir_en_dis (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint8_t en_dis) { int32_t ret = 0; if ((phy->bypass_rx_fir == phy->bypass_tx_fir) && (phy->bypass_rx_fir == !en_dis)) return ret; phy->bypass_rx_fir = !en_dis; phy->bypass_tx_fir = !en_dis; ret = ad9361_validate_enable_fir(phy); if (ret < 0) { phy->bypass_rx_fir = true; phy->bypass_tx_fir = true; } return ret; } /** * Set the OSR rate governor. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param rate_gov OSR rate governor (highest, nominal). * Accepted values: * HIGHEST_OSR (0 - highest OSR) * NOMINAL_OSR (1 - nominal) * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_set_trx_rate_gov (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t rate_gov) { if (rate_gov == 0) phy->rate_governor = 0; else phy->rate_governor = 1; return 0; } /** * Get the OSR rate governor. * @param phy The AD9361 current state structure. * @param rate_gov Option buffer. * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. */ int32_t ad9361_get_trx_rate_gov (struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t *rate_gov) { *rate_gov = phy->rate_governor; return 0; } /** * Perform the selected calibration. * @param phy The AD9361 state structure. * @param cal The selected calibration (TX_QUAD_CAL, RFDC_CAL). * Accepted values: * TX_QUAD_CAL * RFDC_CAL * @param arg For TX_QUAD_CAL - the optional RX phase value overwrite (set to zero). * @return 0 in case of success, negative error code otherwise. * * Note: This function will/may affect the data path. */ int32_t ad9361_do_calib(struct ad9361_rf_phy *phy, uint32_t cal, int32_t arg) { return ad9361_do_calib_run(phy, cal, arg); }