package controller import ( "background/config" "background/db" "background/logs" "background/model" "fmt" "strconv" "sync" "" "" "" ) type DocTree struct{ ID int64 `json:"id"` Label string `json:"label"` Level int `json:"level"` Children []*DocTree `json:"children"` } var gDocMapCache map[int]*DocTree = nil var gLock sync.Mutex func init(){ if nil == gDocMapCache{ gDocMapCache = make(map[int]*DocTree) } } func InitDocCache(){ gLock.Lock() for k := range gDocMapCache { delete(gDocMapCache, k) } articles := []model.Doc{} e := db.GetMysqlClient().Query2("select id,title,father,level from doc_copy1", &articles) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) return } for _,v := range articles{ tmp := new (DocTree) tmp.ID = v.ID tmp.Level = int(v.Level) tmp.Label = v.Title tmp.Children = make([]*DocTree,0) gDocMapCache[int(v.ID)] = tmp } for _,v := range articles{ tmp := new (DocTree) tmp.ID = v.ID tmp.Label = v.Title tmp.Level = int(v.Level) tmp.Children = make([]*DocTree,0) gDocMapCache[int(v.ID)] = tmp } for _,v := range articles{ if v.Father != 0{ gDocMapCache[int(v.Father)].Children = append(gDocMapCache[int(v.Father)].Children, gDocMapCache[int(v.ID)]) } } gLock.Unlock() log.Print(gDocMapCache) } func GetPageParaFromQuery(c *gin.Context) (int, int) { limit := c.Query("limit") offset := c.Query("offset") iLmit, e := strconv.Atoi(limit) if nil != e { return 0, 0 } iOffset, e := strconv.Atoi(offset) if nil != e { return 0, 0 } return iLmit, iOffset } func GetArticlesTree(c *gin.Context) { rsp := RespBase{"ERR", -1, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() articles := []model.Doc{} e := db.GetMysqlClient().Query2("select id,title,father,level from doc_copy1", &articles) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) return } InitDocCache() ret := []*DocTree{} for _, v := range articles { if v.Level == 0{ ret = append(ret, gDocMapCache[int(v.ID)]) } } rsp.Data = ret rsp.Msg = "OK" rsp.Status = 0 } func GetArticles(c *gin.Context) { type ReqArticles struct { Name string `json:"name"` Type int32 `json:"types"` } var req ReqArticles rsp := RespBase{"ERR", -1, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() e := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) return } article := []model.Doc{} limit, offset := GetPageParaFromQuery(c) public := c.Query("is_public") var sql string if req.Name != "" { if req.Type == 110 { is_public := 0 if public == "true" { is_public = 1 } else { is_public = 0 } sql = "select * from doc where doc.title like '%%%s%%' and is_public = %d limit %d offset %d " sql = fmt.Sprintf(sql, req.Name, is_public, limit, offset*limit) } else { is_public := 0 if public == "true" { is_public = 1 } else { is_public = 0 } sql = fmt.Sprintf("select * from doc where doc.title like '%%%s%%' and doc.type = %d and is_public = %d limit %d offset %d ", req.Name, req.Type, is_public, limit, offset*limit) } } else { if req.Type == 110 { is_public := 0 if public == "true" { is_public = 1 } else { is_public = 0 } sql = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT,,LEFT(doc.content,50) as content,doc.title,doc.type from doc where is_public = %d "+ "order by id desc limit %d offset %d", is_public, limit, offset) } else { is_public := 0 if public == "true" { is_public = 1 } else { is_public = 0 } sql = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT,,LEFT(doc.content,50) as content,doc.title,doc.type from doc where doc.type = %d and is_public = %d "+ " order by id desc limit %d offset %d", req.Type, is_public, limit, offset) } } log.Print(sql) e = db.GetMysqlClient().Query2(sql, &article) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error(), sql) return } for k, _ := range article { article[k].Content += "..." } rsp.Data = article rsp.Status = 0 rsp.Msg = "OK" } func GetArticleCount(c *gin.Context) { resp := RespBase{Msg: "FAIL", Status: 211} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() query := fmt.Sprintf("select count(*) as cnt from doc") type Cnt struct { Cnt int64 `sql:"cnt" json:"cnt"` } cnt := []Cnt{} e := db.GetMysqlClient().Query2(query, &cnt) if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error()) return } resp.Data = cnt[0] resp.Status = 0 resp.Msg = "OK" } func GetArticleHistory(c *gin.Context) { resp := RespBase{Msg: "FAIL", Status: 211} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() sid := c.Query("id") log.Print(sid) query := `select * from doc_history where doc_id=` + sid log.Print(query) doc_history := []model.DocHistory{} e := db.GetMysqlClient().Query2(query, &doc_history) if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error()) return } resp.Data = doc_history resp.Status = 0 resp.Msg = "OK" } func GetArticle(c *gin.Context) { resp := RespBase{Msg: "FAIL", Status: 211} sid := c.Param("id") var id int var err error defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() if sid == "" { return } else { id, err = strconv.Atoi(sid) if nil != err { return } } query := fmt.Sprintf("select * from doc_copy1 where = '%d'", id) docs := []model.Doc{} e := db.GetMysqlClient().Query2(query, &docs) if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error()) return } if len(docs) > 0 { resp.Data = docs[0] resp.Status = 0 resp.Msg = "OK" } } func UpdateArtilce(c *gin.Context) { rsp := RespBase{Msg: "FAIL", Status: 210} type ReqUpdateArticle struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Content string `json:"content"` Author string `json:"author"` Type int64 `json:"type"` IsPublic int `json:"is_public"` } var req ReqUpdateArticle defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() er := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != er { logs.Error(er.Error()) return } if req.Title == "" { rsp.Msg = "title required" return } query := fmt.Sprintf("select * from doc where = '%d'", req.ID) docs := []model.Doc{} e := db.GetMysqlClient().Query2(query, &docs) if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error()) return } if len(docs) == 0 { rsp.Msg = "不存在该" return } e = model.UpdateDoc( model.Doc{ Type: int32(req.Type), Title: req.Title, Content: req.Content, Author: req.Author, ID: req.ID, IsPublic: int32(req.IsPublic), Version: (docs[0].Version + 1), }, ) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) return } rsp.Msg = "OK" rsp.Status = 0 } func UpdateArtilceTree(c *gin.Context) { rsp := RespBase{Msg: "FAIL", Status: 210} type ReqUpdateArticle struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Content string `json:"content"` Author string `json:"author"` Type int64 `json:"type"` IsPublic int `json:"is_public"` Father int `json:"father"` Level int `json:"level"` } var req ReqUpdateArticle defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() er := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != er { logs.Error(er.Error()) return } if req.Title == "" { rsp.Msg = "title required" return } query := fmt.Sprintf("select * from doc_copy1 where = '%d'", req.ID) docs := []model.Doc{} e := db.GetMysqlClient().Query2(query, &docs) if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error()) return } if len(docs) == 0 { rsp.Msg = "不存在该" return } e = model.UpdateDocTree( model.DocTree{ Type: int32(req.Type), Title: req.Title, Content: req.Content, Author: req.Author, ID: req.ID, IsPublic: int32(req.IsPublic), Version: (docs[0].Version + 1), Father: int32(req.Father), Level: int32(req.Level), }, ) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) return } config.RedisOne().Del("artilcetree") rsp.Msg = "OK" rsp.Status = 0 } func SearchArticleESHightLight(c *gin.Context) { type RetHighlight struct{ ID int64 `json:"id" gorm:"column:id" sql:"id"` Title string `json:"title" gorm:"column:title" sql:"title"` Type int32 `json:"type" gorm:"column:type" sql:"type"` Highlight []string `json:"highlight" gorm:"column:highlight" sql:"highlight"` } rsp := RespBase{Msg: "FAIL", Status: 210} defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() type Req struct{ Term string `json:"term"` } var req Req e := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != e{ log.Print(e.Error()) return } query := elastic.NewMatchQuery("content", req.Term) highlight := elastic.NewHighlight() highlight = highlight.Fields(elastic.NewHighlighterField("content")) highlight = highlight.PreTags("").PostTags("") x := []RetHighlight{} _, e = db.GetElastic(). QueryHighlight("doc", query, &x,highlight, 10, 0) if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error()) return } rsp.Data = x rsp.Msg = "OK" rsp.Status = 0 } func SearchArticleES(c *gin.Context) { rsp := RespBase{Msg: "FAIL", Status: 210} defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() type Req struct{ Term string `json:"term"` } var req Req e := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != e{ log.Print(e.Error()) return } query := elastic.NewTermQuery("content", req.Term) x := []model.Doc{} _, e = db.GetElastic().Query("doc", query, &x, 10, 0) if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error()) return } rsp.Data = x rsp.Msg = "OK" rsp.Status = 0 } func AddArticle(c *gin.Context) { rsp := RespBase{Msg: "FAIL", Status: 210} type ReqAddArticle struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` Content string `json:"content"` Author string `json:"author"` Type int64 `json:"type"` Ispublic int `json:"is_public"` } var req ReqAddArticle defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() er := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != er { logs.Error(er.Error()) return } if req.Title == "" { rsp.Msg = "title required" return } e := model.CreateDoc( model.Doc{ Type: int32(req.Type), Title: req.Title, Content: req.Content, Author: req.Author, IsPublic: int32(req.Ispublic), }, ) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) return } rsp.Msg = "OK" rsp.Status = 0 } func AddArticleTree(c *gin.Context) { rsp := RespBase{Msg: "FAIL", Status: 210} type ReqAddArticle struct { Title string `json:"title"` Content string `json:"content"` Author string `json:"author"` Type int64 `json:"type"` Ispublic int `json:"is_public"` Father int `json:"father"` Level int `json:"level"` } var req ReqAddArticle defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() er := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != er { logs.Error(er.Error()) return } if req.Title == "" { rsp.Msg = "title required" return } log.Print(req.Level) e := model.CreateDocTree( model.DocTree{ Type: int32(req.Type), Title: req.Title, Content: req.Content, Author: req.Author, IsPublic: int32(req.Ispublic), Father: int32(req.Father), Level: int32(req.Level), }, ) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) return } config.RedisOne().Del("artilcetree") rsp.Msg = "OK" rsp.Status = 0 } func ArticlesType(c *gin.Context) { rsp := RespBase{Msg: "FAIL", Status: 210} defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() rsp.Data = model.GetArticlesType() rsp.Msg = "OK" rsp.Status = 0 } func DeleteArticleType(c *gin.Context) { rsp := RespBase{Msg: "Fail", Status: 210} defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() sid := c.Query("id") if sid == "" { return } id, e := strconv.Atoi(sid) if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error()) return } rsp.Data = model.DeleteArticleType(int32(id)) rsp.Msg = "OK" rsp.Status = 0 } func AddArticleType(c *gin.Context) { rsp := RespBase{Msg: "Fail", Status: 210} defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() typeName := c.Query("name") group := c.Query("group") groupid, e := strconv.Atoi(group) if nil != e { return } id := c.Query("id") if id != "" { if typeName == "" { return } articleType := model.ArticleType{ Id: 0, Name: typeName, Group: int32(groupid), } rsp.Data = model.UpdateArticleType(articleType) rsp.Msg = "OK" rsp.Status = 0 } else { if typeName == "" { return } articleType := model.ArticleType{ Id: 0, Name: typeName, Group: int32(groupid), } rsp.Data = model.AddArticleType(articleType) rsp.Msg = "OK" rsp.Status = 0 } } func DeleteArticle(c *gin.Context) { rsp := RespBase{Msg: "FAIL", Status: 210} defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() sid := c.Param("id") id, err := strconv.Atoi(sid) if nil != err { rsp.Status = -234 c.JSON(200, rsp) } err = model.DeleteDoc(int64(id)) if nil != err { rsp.Status = -234 c.JSON(200, rsp) } rsp.Data = id rsp.Status = 0 rsp.Msg = "OK" } func DeleteArticleTree(c *gin.Context) { rsp := RespBase{Msg: "FAIL", Status: 210} defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() sid := c.Param("id") id, err := strconv.Atoi(sid) if nil != err { rsp.Status = -234 c.JSON(200, rsp) } err = model.DeleteDocTree(int64(id)) if nil != err { rsp.Status = -234 c.JSON(200, rsp) } rsp.Data = id rsp.Status = 0 rsp.Msg = "OK" } func ArticlesTypes(c *gin.Context) { resp := RespBase{"unkown error", -231, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() docTypes := []model.ArticleType{} e := db.GetMysqlClient().Query2("select * from doc_type", &docTypes) if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error()) return } resp.Data = docTypes resp.Msg = "OK" resp.Status = 0 } func SearchArticles(c *gin.Context) { type ReqSearch struct{ Term string `json:"term"` } resp := RespBase{"unkown error", -231, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() docTypes := []model.Doc{} e := db.GetMysqlClient().Query2("select * from doc_type", &docTypes) if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error()) return } resp.Data = docTypes resp.Msg = "OK" resp.Status = 0 } func CreateMemo(c *gin.Context) { resp := RespBase{"unkown error", -231, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() var req model.Memo e := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) resp.Msg = "wrong input" return } e = model.CreateMemo(req) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) return } resp.Data = nil resp.Msg = "OK" resp.Status = 0 } func CreateBook(c *gin.Context) { resp := RespBase{"unkown error", -231, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() var req model.Book e := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) resp.Msg = "wrong input" return } req.ID = 0 e = db.GetOrm().Create(&req).Error if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) return } resp.Data = req resp.Msg = "OK" resp.Status = 0 } func BookCount(c *gin.Context) { resp := RespBase{"unkown error", -231, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() count := 0 db.GetOrm().Model(&model.Book{}).Count(&count) resp.Data = count resp.Msg = "OK" resp.Status = 0 } func Delbook(c *gin.Context) { type Req struct{ ID int32 `json:"id"` } var req Req resp := RespBase{"unkown error", -231, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() e := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) resp.Msg = "wrong input" return } count := 0 e = db.GetOrm().Model(&model.Book{}).Delete(model.Book{ID: int64(req.ID)}).Error if nil != e{ log.Printf(e.Error()) return } resp.Data = count resp.Msg = "OK" resp.Status = 0 } func UpdateBook(c *gin.Context) { resp := RespBase{"unkown error", -231, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() var req model.Book e := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != e { resp.Msg = "wrong input" log.Print(e.Error()) return } e = db.GetOrm().Model(&model.Book{}).Update(&req).Error if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) return } resp.Data = nil resp.Msg = "OK" resp.Status = 0 } func GetBook(c *gin.Context) { type ReqGetBook struct { ID int32 `json:"id"` } resp := RespBase{} var req ReqGetBook defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() e := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) return } var book model.Book book.ID = int64(req.ID) e = db.GetOrm().First(&book, req.ID).Error if e != nil { logs.Error(e.Error) return } resp.Data = book resp.Msg = "OK" resp.Status = 0 } func GetPageBook(c *gin.Context) { type ReqGetPageBook struct { BookName string `json:"book_name"` } var req ReqGetPageBook resp := RespBase{} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() limit := c.Query("limit") offset := c.Query("offset") iLmit, e := strconv.Atoi(limit) if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error()) return } iOffset, e := strconv.Atoi(offset) if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error()) return } e = c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) return } books := []model.Book{} if req.BookName != ""{ e = db.GetOrm().Model(&model.Book{}). Where(fmt.Sprintf("book_name like '%%%s%%' ",req.BookName)). Limit(iLmit).Offset(iOffset).Find(&books).Error if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error()) return } }else{ e = db.GetOrm().Model(&model.Book{}). Limit(iLmit).Offset(iOffset).Find(&books).Error if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error()) return } } resp.Status = 0 resp.Msg = "OK" resp.Data = books } func UpdateMemo(c *gin.Context) { resp := RespBase{"unkown error", -231, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() var req model.Memo e := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != e { resp.Msg = "wrong input" return } e = model.UpdateMemo(req) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) return } resp.Data = nil resp.Msg = "OK" resp.Status = 0 } func GetDocTypeGroup(c *gin.Context) { type DocType struct { Id int32 `json:"id"` } rsp := RespBase{"ERR", -1, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() var id DocType e := c.BindJSON(&id) if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error) return } group, e := model.GetTypeGroup(id.Id) if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error) return } rsp.Data = group rsp.Status = 0 rsp.Msg = "OK" } func GetDoGroupcType(c *gin.Context) { type DocType struct { Id int32 `json:"id"` } rsp := RespBase{"ERR", -1, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() var id DocType e := c.BindJSON(&id) if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error) return } group, e := model.GetGroupTypes(id.Id) if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error) return } rsp.Data = group rsp.Status = 0 rsp.Msg = "OK" } func GetDocGroup(c *gin.Context) { rsp := RespBase{"ERR", -1, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() group, e := model.GetAllGroup() if nil != e { log.Print(e.Error()) return } rsp.Data = group rsp.Status = 0 rsp.Msg = "OK" } func GetTemplates(c *gin.Context) { rsp := RespBase{"ERR", -1, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() } func GetMemos(c *gin.Context) { rsp := RespBase{"ERR", -1, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() type ReqMemos struct { Title string `json:"title"` } req := ReqMemos{} e := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) return } limit, offset := GetPageParaFromQuery(c) if limit != 0 && offset != 0 { dat, e := model.GetMemos(req.Title, limit, offset) if nil != e { return } rsp.Data = dat rsp.Status = 0 rsp.Msg = "OK" } else { dat, e := model.GetMemos(req.Title, limit, offset) if nil != e { return } rsp.Data = dat rsp.Status = 0 rsp.Msg = "OK" } } func GetMemoCnt(c *gin.Context) { rsp := RespBase{"ERR", -1, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() count := model.MemoCnt() rsp.Msg = "OK" rsp.Status = 0 rsp.Data = count } func GetMemo(c *gin.Context) { rsp := RespBase{"ERR", -1, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, rsp) }() id := c.Query("id") dat, e := model.ReadMemo(int32(db.Atoi(id))) if nil != e { return } rsp.Msg = "OK" rsp.Status = 0 rsp.Data = dat } func DeleteMemos(c *gin.Context) { resp := RespBase{"unkown error", -231, nil} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() type DelReq struct { Id int32 `json:"id"` } var req DelReq e := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != e { resp.Msg = "wrong input" return } e = model.DeleteMemo(req.Id) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) return } resp.Data = nil resp.Msg = "OK" resp.Status = 0 } func CreateDocTemplate(c *gin.Context) { resp := RespBase{} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() var req model.DocTemplate e := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) resp.Msg = "wrong input" return } e = model.CreateDocTemplate(req) if nil != e{ log.Print(e.Error()) return } resp.Data = nil resp.Msg = "OK" resp.Status = 0 } func UpdateDocTemplate(c *gin.Context) { resp := RespBase{} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() var req model.DocTemplate e := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != e { resp.Msg = "wrong input" return } e = model.UpdateDocTemplate(req) if nil != e { logs.Error(e.Error()) return } resp.Data = nil resp.Msg = "OK" resp.Status = 0 } func GetDocTemplate(c *gin.Context) { type ReqGet struct{ Title string `json:"title"` } req := ReqGet{} resp := RespBase{} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() e := c.BindJSON(&req) if nil != e{ log.Print(e.Error()) return } ret,e := model.GetDocTemplate(req.Title,5,0) if nil != e{ log.Print(e.Error()) return } resp.Data = ret resp.Msg = "OK" resp.Status = 0 } func DeleteDocTemplate(c *gin.Context) { resp := RespBase{} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() sid := c.Param("id") id,e := strconv.Atoi(sid) if nil != e{ log.Print(e.Error()) return } e = model.DeleteDocTemplate(int32(id)) if nil != e{ log.Print(e.Error()) return } resp.Data = nil resp.Msg = "OK" resp.Status = 0 } func GetDocTemplateId(c *gin.Context) { resp := RespBase{} defer func() { c.JSON(200, resp) }() sid := c.Param("id") id,e := strconv.Atoi(sid) if nil != e{ log.Print(e.Error()) return } ret,e := model.ReadDocTemplate(int32(id)) if nil != e{ log.Print(e.Error()) return } if len(ret) > 0{ resp.Data = ret[0] }else{ resp.Data = nil } resp.Msg = "OK" resp.Status = 0 }