/*! \mainpage \section intro Introduction gmio is a reusable C library providing complete I/O support for various CAD file formats (eg. STL) gmio aims to be fast, portable (C90 conformance) and feature-rich. Main highlights: \li Abstract streams that does not tie the user to C stream (\c FILE*) \li Buffering of input/ouput for efficient device usage \li Operations can be easily aborted \li Progress report about the I/O operation \li Available under the CeCILL-B license, which is fully BSD compatible \section sup_cadf Supported CAD files format Current version only supports the STL file format (STereoLithography), but support is complete : \li ASCII format: Case-insensitive reading \li ASCII format: Output format(\%f, \%e, ...) and precision of floats support \li Binary format: Little/big endian support \li Binary format: 80-byte header and facet "attribute byte count" support \li Detection of the input format \li Retrieval of infomations about contents(facet count, solid name, ...) \li Multiple solids from stream(eg. 4 solids in STL ascii file) In addition, the STL module has the following advatanges: \li The user keeps its own geometry data structures, no conversion needed \li Fixed memory consumption and independant of the mesh size \li Seamless use of OpenCascade \c StlMesh_Mesh and \c MeshVS_DataSource in gmio(see \c gmio_support) \section build Building gmio gmio can be built with CMake, by default a static library is generated. Read the Build instructions \section bug_report How to report a bug If you think you have found a bug in gmio, we would like to hear about it so that we can fix it.\n The gmio bug tracking system is open to the public at https://github.com/fougue/gmio/issues. Always include the following information in your bug report: \li the name and version number of your compiler \li the name and version number of your operating system \li the version of gmio you are using \li what configure options it was compiled with. If the problem you are reporting is only visible at run-time, try to create a small test program that shows the problem when run. \section lic License This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.\n You can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at this URL \section creds Credits "gmio" logo rendered with Prism font (thanks to Erik Yin !) */ /*! \example ../examples/occstl_read_file.cpp \example ../examples/occstl_redefine_mesh_creator.cpp \example ../examples/occstl_write_file.cpp \example ../examples/stl_get_infos.c \example ../examples/stl_read_file.c \example ../examples/stl_write_file.c */