// Created on: 2014-04-15 // Created by: Denis BOGOLEPOV // Copyright (c) 2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS // // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty. // // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE // commercial license or contractual agreement. #ifndef NCollection_StlIterator_HeaderFile #define NCollection_StlIterator_HeaderFile #include #include // This file uses C++11 utilities like std::is_base<>, which are not // available in some environments (e.g. MSVC includes them since VS 2008). // Hence here we define our own implementation of these tools in namespace opencascade. // When all compilers support this, this namespace can be removed and replaced by std. namespace opencascade { template struct enable_if { typedef T type; }; template struct enable_if { }; template struct is_same { enum { value = 0 }; }; template struct is_same { enum { value = 1 }; }; template struct conditional { typedef TypeTrue type; }; template struct conditional { typedef TypeFalse type; }; } //! Helper class that allows to use NCollection iterators as STL iterators. //! NCollection iterator can be extended to STL iterator of any category by //! adding necessary methods: STL forward iterator requires IsEqual method, //! STL bidirectional iterator requires Previous method, and STL random access //! iterator requires Offset and Differ methods. See NCollection_Vector as //! example of declaring custom STL iterators. template class NCollection_StlIterator : public std::iterator::type, typename opencascade::conditional::type> { public: //! Default constructor NCollection_StlIterator () {} //! Constructor from NCollection iterator NCollection_StlIterator (const BaseIterator& theIterator) : myIterator (theIterator) { } //! Cast from non-const variant to const one NCollection_StlIterator (const NCollection_StlIterator& theIterator) : myIterator (theIterator.Iterator()) { } //! Assignment of non-const iterator to const one NCollection_StlIterator& operator= (const NCollection_StlIterator& theIterator) { myIterator = theIterator.myIterator; return *this; } //! Access to NCollection iterator instance const BaseIterator& Iterator () const { return myIterator; } protected: //! @name methods related to forward STL iterator // Note: Here we use SFINAE (Substitution failure is not an error) to choose // an appropriate method based on template arguments (at instantiation time). template typename opencascade::enable_if::type Reference() const { return myIterator.ChangeValue(); } template typename opencascade::enable_if::type Reference() const { return myIterator.Value(); } public: //! @name methods related to forward STL iterator //! Test for equality bool operator== (const NCollection_StlIterator& theOther) const { return myIterator.More() == theOther.myIterator.More() && (!myIterator.More() || myIterator.IsEqual (theOther.myIterator)); } //! Test for inequality bool operator!= (const NCollection_StlIterator& theOther) const { return !(*this == theOther); } //! Get reference to current item typename NCollection_StlIterator::reference operator*() const { return Reference(); } //! Dereferencing operator typename NCollection_StlIterator::pointer operator->() const { return &Reference(); } //! Prefix increment NCollection_StlIterator& operator++() { myIterator.Next(); return *this; } //! Postfix increment NCollection_StlIterator operator++(int) { const NCollection_StlIterator theOld (*this); ++(*this); return theOld; } public: //! @name methods related to bidirectional STL iterator //! Prefix decrement NCollection_StlIterator& operator--() { myIterator.Previous(); return *this; } //! Postfix decrement NCollection_StlIterator operator--(int) { NCollection_StlIterator theOld (*this); --(*this); return theOld; } public: //! @name methods related to random access STL iterator //! Move forward NCollection_StlIterator& operator+= (typename NCollection_StlIterator::difference_type theOffset) { myIterator.Offset (theOffset); return *this; } //! Addition NCollection_StlIterator operator+ (typename NCollection_StlIterator::difference_type theOffset) const { NCollection_StlIterator aTemp (*this); return aTemp += theOffset; } //! Move backward NCollection_StlIterator& operator-= (typename NCollection_StlIterator::difference_type theOffset) { return *this += -theOffset; } //! Decrease NCollection_StlIterator operator- (typename NCollection_StlIterator::difference_type theOffset) const { NCollection_StlIterator aTemp (*this); return aTemp += -theOffset; } //! Difference typename NCollection_StlIterator::difference_type operator- (const NCollection_StlIterator& theOther) const { return myIterator.Differ (theOther.myIterator); } //! Get item at offset from current typename NCollection_StlIterator::reference operator[] (typename NCollection_StlIterator::difference_type theOffset) const { return *(*this + theOffset); } //! Comparison bool operator< (const NCollection_StlIterator& theOther) const { return (*this - theOther) < 0; } //! Comparison bool operator> (const NCollection_StlIterator& theOther) const { return theOther < *this; } //! Comparison bool operator<= (const NCollection_StlIterator& theOther) const { return !(theOther < *this); } //! Comparison bool operator>= (const NCollection_StlIterator& theOther) const { return !(*this < theOther); } private: //! NCollection iterator BaseIterator myIterator; }; #endif // NCollection_StlIterator_HeaderFile