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// Copyright (c) 2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
// This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
// OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
// distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
// Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
// commercial license or contractual agreement.
#pragma once
#include <type_traits>
class Standard_Transient;
namespace opencascade {
//! Trait yielding true if class T1 is base of T2 but not the same
template <class T1, class T2, class Dummy = void>
struct is_base_but_not_same : std::is_base_of <T1, T2> {};
//! Explicit specialization of is_base_of trait to workaround the
//! requirement of type to be complete when T1 and T2 are the same.
template <class T1, class T2>
struct is_base_but_not_same <T1, T2, typename std::enable_if <std::is_same <T1, T2>::value>::type> : std::false_type {};
template <class T>
class handle
typedef T element_type;
handle() {}
handle(const T*) {}
handle(const handle&) {}
handle(handle&&) {}
~handle() {}
void Nullify() {}
bool IsNull() const { return true; }
void reset(T*) {}
handle& operator=(const handle&) { return *this; }
handle& operator=(const T*) { return *this; }
handle& operator= (handle&&) { return *this; }
const T* get() const { return 0; }
T* get() { return 0; }
T* operator->() const { return 0; }
T& operator* () { return *get(); }
const T& operator*() const { return *get(); }
template<class T2> bool operator==(const handle<T2>&) const { return false; }
template<class T2> bool operator==(const T2*) const { return false; }
template<class T2> friend bool operator==(const T2*, const handle&) { return false; }
template<class T2> bool operator!=(const handle<T2>&) const { return false; }
template<class T2> bool operator!=(const T2*) const { return false; }
template<class T2> friend bool operator!=(const T2*, const handle&) { return false; }
template<class T2> bool operator<(const handle<T2>&) const { return false; }
template<class T2>
static typename std::enable_if<is_base_but_not_same<T2, T>::value, handle>::type
DownCast (const handle<T2>& theObject)
{ return handle (dynamic_cast<T*>(const_cast<T2*>(theObject.get()))); }
template <class T2>
static typename std::enable_if<is_base_but_not_same<T2, T>::value, handle>::type
DownCast (const T2* thePtr)
{ return handle (dynamic_cast<T*>(const_cast<T2*>(thePtr))); }
//! For compatibility, define down casting operator from non-base type, as deprecated
template <class T2>
static handle DownCast (const handle<T2>& theObject, typename std::enable_if<!is_base_but_not_same<T2, T>::value, void*>::type = 0)
{ return handle (dynamic_cast<T*>(const_cast<T2*>(theObject.get()))); }
//! For compatibility, define down casting operator from non-base type, as deprecated
template <class T2>
static handle DownCast (const T2* thePtr, typename std::enable_if<!is_base_but_not_same<T2, T>::value, void*>::type = 0)
{ return handle (dynamic_cast<T*>(const_cast<T2*>(thePtr))); }
#if (defined(__clang__)) || (defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && __INTEL_COMPILER >= 1300) || \
(defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1800) || \
(defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)))
//! Conversion to bool for use in conditional expressions
explicit operator bool () const { return entity != nullptr; }
#else /* fallback version for compilers not supporting explicit conversion operators (VC10, VC11, GCC below 4.5) */
//! Conversion to bool-compatible type for use in conditional expressions
operator Standard_Transient* handle::* () const
return entity ? &handle::entity : 0;
// Support of conversions to handle of base type:
// - copy and move constructors and assignment operators if OCCT_HANDLE_NOCAST is defined
// - operators of upcast to const reference to base type otherwise
#if (defined(__clang__)) || (defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && __INTEL_COMPILER >= 1206) || \
(defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1800) || \
(defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)))
//! Generalized copy constructor.
//! Constructs handle holding entity of base type (T) from the one which holds entity of derived type (T2).
template <class T2, typename = typename std::enable_if <is_base_but_not_same <T, T2>::value>::type>
handle (const handle<T2>& theHandle) :
//! Generalized move constructor
template <class T2, typename = typename std::enable_if <is_base_but_not_same <T, T2>::value>::type>
handle (handle<T2>&& theHandle)
: entity(theHandle.entity)
theHandle.entity = 0;
//! Generalized assignment operator
template <class T2, typename = typename std::enable_if <is_base_but_not_same <T, T2>::value>::type>
handle operator = (const handle<T2>& theHandle)
Assign (theHandle.entity);
return *this;
//! Generalized move operator
template <class T2, typename = typename std::enable_if <is_base_but_not_same <T, T2>::value>::type>
handle& operator= (handle<T2>&& theHandle)
std::swap (this->entity, theHandle.entity);
return *this;
//! Upcast to const reference to base type.
template <class T2, typename = typename std::enable_if<is_base_but_not_same<T2, T>::value>::type>
operator const handle<T2>& () const
return reinterpret_cast<const handle<T2>&>(*this);
//! Upcast to non-const reference to base type.
//! NB: this cast can be dangerous, but required for legacy code; see #26377
template <class T2, typename = typename std::enable_if<is_base_but_not_same<T2, T>::value>::type>
operator handle<T2>& ()
return reinterpret_cast<handle<T2>&>(*this);
#else /* fallback version for compilers not supporting default arguments of function templates (VC10, VC11, GCC below 4.3) */
//! Generalized copy constructor.
//! Constructs handle holding entity of base type (T) from the one which holds entity of derived type (T2).
template <class T2>
handle (const handle<T2>& theHandle, typename std::enable_if <is_base_but_not_same <T, T2>::value>::type* = nullptr) :
//! Generalized move constructor
template <class T2>
handle (handle<T2>&& theHandle, typename std::enable_if <is_base_but_not_same <T, T2>::value>::type* = nullptr)
: entity(theHandle.entity)
theHandle.entity = 0;
//! Generalized assignment operator.
template <class T2>
handle operator = (const handle<T2>& theHandle)
std::enable_if <is_base_but_not_same <T, T2>::value, void*>::type aTypeCheckHelperVar;
Assign (theHandle.entity);
return *this;
//! Generalized move operator
template <class T2>
handle& operator= (handle<T2>&& theHandle)
std::enable_if <is_base_but_not_same <T, T2>::value, void*>::type aTypeCheckHelperVar;
std::swap (this->entity, theHandle.entity);
return *this;
//! Upcast to const reference to base type.
//! NB: this implementation will cause ambiguity errors on calls to overloaded
//! functions accepting handles to different types, since compatibility is
//! checked in the cast code rather than ensured by SFINAE (possible with C++11)
template <class T2>
operator const handle<T2>& () const
// error "type is not a member of enable_if" will be generated if T2 is not sub-type of T
// (handle is being cast to const& to handle of non-base type)
return reinterpret_cast<typename std::enable_if<is_base_but_not_same<T2, T>::value, const handle<T2>&>::type>(*this);
//! Upcast to non-const reference to base type.
//! NB: this cast can be dangerous, but required for legacy code; see #26377
template <class T2>
Standard_DEPRECATED("Passing non-const reference to handle of base type in function is unsafe; use variable of exact type")
operator handle<T2>& ()
// error "type is not a member of enable_if" will be generated if T2 is not sub-type of T
// (handle is being cast to const& to handle of non-base type)
return reinterpret_cast<typename std::enable_if<is_base_but_not_same<T2, T>::value, handle<T2>&>::type>(*this);
#endif /* compiler switch */
void Assign (Standard_Transient*) {}
void BeginScope() {}
void EndScope() {}
template <class T2> friend class handle;
Standard_Transient* entity;
} // namespace opencascade