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// Created on: 2002-04-15
// Created by: Alexander Kartomin (akm)
// Copyright (c) 2002-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
// This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
// OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
// distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
// Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
// commercial license or contractual agreement.
#ifndef NCollection_Array1_HeaderFile
#define NCollection_Array1_HeaderFile
#include <NCollection_StlIterator.hxx>
#include <Standard_TypeDef.hxx>
#include <cstddef>
// *********************************************** Template for Array1 class
* Purpose: The class Array1 represents unidimensional arrays
* of fixed size known at run time.
* The range of the index is user defined.
* An array1 can be constructed with a "C array".
* This functionality is useful to call methods expecting
* an Array1. It allows to carry the bounds inside the arrays.
* Examples: Item tab[100]; // An example with a C array
* Array1OfItem ttab (tab[0],1,100);
* Array1OfItem tttab (ttab(10),10,20); // a slice of ttab
* If you want to reindex an array from 1 to Length do :
* Array1 tab1(tab(tab.Lower()),1,tab.Length());
* Warning: Programs client of such a class must be independant
* of the range of the first element. Then, a C++ for
* loop must be written like this
* for (i = A.Lower(); i <= A.Upper(); i++)
* Changes: In comparison to TCollection the flag isAllocated was
* renamed into myDeletable (alike in the Array2). For naming
* compatibility the method IsAllocated remained in class along
* with IsDeletable.
template <class TheItemType>
class NCollection_Array1
//! STL-compliant typedef for value type
typedef TheItemType value_type;
//! Implementation of the Iterator interface.
class Iterator
//! Empty constructor - for later Init
Iterator (void) :
myPtrCur (NULL),
myPtrEnd (NULL)
//! Constructor with initialization
Iterator (const NCollection_Array1& theArray, Standard_Boolean theToEnd = Standard_False) :
myPtrEnd (const_cast<TheItemType*> (&theArray.Last() + 1))
myPtrCur = theToEnd ? myPtrEnd : const_cast<TheItemType*> (&theArray.First());
//! Initialisation
void Init (const NCollection_Array1& theArray)
myPtrCur = const_cast<TheItemType*> (&theArray.First());
myPtrEnd = const_cast<TheItemType*> (&theArray.Last() + 1);
//! Assignment
Iterator& operator= (const Iterator& theOther)
myPtrCur = theOther.myPtrCur;
myPtrEnd = theOther.myPtrEnd;
return *this;
//! Check end
Standard_Boolean More (void) const
{ return myPtrCur < myPtrEnd; }
//! Increment operator
void Next (void)
{ ++myPtrCur; }
//! Decrement operator
void Previous()
{ --myPtrCur; }
//! Offset operator.
void Offset (ptrdiff_t theOffset)
{ myPtrCur += theOffset; }
//! Difference operator.
ptrdiff_t Differ (const Iterator& theOther) const
{ return myPtrCur - theOther.myPtrCur; }
//! Constant value access
const TheItemType& Value (void) const
{ return *myPtrCur; }
//! Variable value access
TheItemType& ChangeValue (void) const
{ return *myPtrCur; }
//! Performs comparison of two iterators
Standard_Boolean IsEqual (const Iterator& theOther) const
{ return myPtrCur == theOther.myPtrCur; }
TheItemType* myPtrCur; //!< Pointer to the current element in the array
TheItemType* myPtrEnd; //!< Pointer to the past-the-end element in the array
}; // End of the nested class Iterator
//! Shorthand for a regular iterator type.
typedef NCollection_StlIterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, Iterator, TheItemType, false> iterator;
//! Shorthand for a constant iterator type.
typedef NCollection_StlIterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, Iterator, TheItemType, true> const_iterator;
//! Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the array.
iterator begin() const { return Iterator (*this, false); }
//! Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the array.
iterator end() const { return Iterator (*this, true); }
//! Returns a const iterator pointing to the first element in the array.
const_iterator cbegin() const { return Iterator (*this, false); }
//! Returns a const iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the array.
const_iterator cend() const { return Iterator (*this, true); }
// ---------- PUBLIC METHODS ------------
//! Constructor
NCollection_Array1(const Standard_Integer theLower,
const Standard_Integer theUpper) :
myLowerBound (theLower),
myUpperBound (theUpper),
myDeletable (Standard_True)
TheItemType* pBegin = new TheItemType[Length()];
myData = pBegin - theLower;
//! Copy constructor
NCollection_Array1 (const NCollection_Array1& theOther) :
myLowerBound (theOther.Lower()),
myUpperBound (theOther.Upper()),
myDeletable (Standard_True)
TheItemType* pBegin = new TheItemType[Length()];
myData = pBegin - myLowerBound;
*this = theOther;
//! C array-based constructor
NCollection_Array1 (const TheItemType& theBegin,
const Standard_Integer theLower,
const Standard_Integer theUpper) :
myLowerBound (theLower),
myUpperBound (theUpper),
myDeletable (Standard_False)
myData = (TheItemType *) &theBegin - theLower;
//! Initialise the items with theValue
void Init (const TheItemType& theValue)
TheItemType *pCur = &myData[myLowerBound], *pEnd=&myData[myUpperBound];
for(; pCur <= pEnd; pCur++)
*pCur = (TheItemType&) theValue;
//! Size query
Standard_Integer Size (void) const
{ return Length(); }
//! Length query (the same)
Standard_Integer Length (void) const
{ return (myUpperBound-myLowerBound+1); }
//! Lower bound
Standard_Integer Lower (void) const
{ return myLowerBound; }
//! Upper bound
Standard_Integer Upper (void) const
{ return myUpperBound; }
//! myDeletable flag
Standard_Boolean IsDeletable (void) const
{ return myDeletable; }
//! IsAllocated flag - for naming compatibility
Standard_Boolean IsAllocated (void) const
{ return myDeletable; }
//! Assignment
NCollection_Array1& Assign (const NCollection_Array1& theOther)
if (&theOther == this)
return *this;
TheItemType * pMyItem = &myData[myLowerBound];
TheItemType * const pEndItem = &(theOther.myData)[theOther.myUpperBound];
TheItemType * pItem = &(theOther.myData)[theOther.myLowerBound];
while (pItem <= pEndItem) * pMyItem ++ = * pItem ++;
return *this;
//! Assignment operator
NCollection_Array1& operator= (const NCollection_Array1& theOther)
return Assign (theOther);
//! @return first element
const TheItemType& First() const
return myData[myLowerBound];
//! @return first element
TheItemType& ChangeFirst()
return myData[myLowerBound];
//! @return last element
const TheItemType& Last() const
return myData[myUpperBound];
//! @return last element
TheItemType& ChangeLast()
return myData[myUpperBound];
//! Constant value access
const TheItemType& Value (const Standard_Integer theIndex) const
return myData[theIndex];
//! operator() - alias to Value
const TheItemType& operator() (const Standard_Integer theIndex) const
{ return Value (theIndex); }
//! Variable value access
TheItemType& ChangeValue (const Standard_Integer theIndex)
return myData[theIndex];
//! operator() - alias to ChangeValue
TheItemType& operator() (const Standard_Integer theIndex)
{ return ChangeValue (theIndex); }
//! Set value
void SetValue (const Standard_Integer theIndex,
const TheItemType& theItem)
myData[theIndex] = theItem;
//! Destructor - releases the memory
~NCollection_Array1 (void)
{ if (myDeletable) delete [] &(myData[myLowerBound]); }
// ---------- PROTECTED FIELDS -----------
Standard_Integer myLowerBound;
Standard_Integer myUpperBound;
Standard_Boolean myDeletable; //!< Flag showing who allocated the array
TheItemType* myData; //!< Pointer to '0'th array item