For nextpnr we are using the following terminology.
### Design Database Terminology
- **Cell**: an instantiation of a physical block inside the netlist. The packer may combine or otherwise modify cells; and the placer places them onto Bels.
- **Port**: an input or output of a Cell, can be connected to a single net.
- **Net**: a connection between cell ports inside the netlist. One net will be routed using one or more wires inside the chip. Nets are always one bit in size, multibit nets are always split.
- **Source**: The cell output port driving a given net
- **Sink**: A cell input port driven by a given net
- **Arc**: A source-sink-pair on a net
### Architecture Database Terminology
- **Bel**: Basic Element, the functional blocks of an FPGA such as logic cells, IO cells, blockrams, etc. Up to one cell may be placed at each Bel.
- **Pin**: an input or output of a Bel, permanently connected to a single wire.
- **Pip**: Programmable Interconnect Point, a configurable connection in one direction between two wires
- **Wire**: a fixed physical connection inside the FPGA between Pips and/or Bel pins.
- **Alias**: a special automatic-on Pip to represent a permanent connection between two wires
The delays estimates returned by that method should also be as fine-grain as possible. It definitely pays off to spend some time improving the `estimateDelay()`
for your architecture once implementing small designs work.
### Ripup Information
The `getConflictingWireWire()`, `getConflictingWireNet()`, `getConflictingPipWire()`, and `getConflictingPipNet()` methods are used by the router
to determine which resources to rip up in order to make a given routing resource (wire or pip) available.
The architecture must guanrantee that the following invariants hold.
**Invariant 1:**
if (!ctx->checkWireAvail(wire)) {
WireId w = getConflictingWireWire(wire);
if (w != WireId()) {
**Invariant 2:**
if (!ctx->checkWireAvail(wire)) {
NetInfo *n = getConflictingWireNet(wire);
if (n != nullptr) {
for (auto &it : n->wires)
**Invariant 3:**
if (!ctx->checkPipAvail(pip)) {
WireId w = getConflictingPipWire(pip);
if (w != WireId()) {
**Invariant 4:**
if (!ctx->checkPipAvail(pip)) {
NetInfo *n = getConflictingPipNet(pip);
if (n != nullptr) {
for (auto &it : n->wires)
**Invariant 5:**
if (ctx->checkWireAvail(wire)) {
// bind is guaranteed to succeed
ctx->bindWire(wire, net, strength);
**Invariant 6:**
if (ctx->checkPipAvail(pip) && ctx->checkWireAvail(ctx->getPipDstWire(pip))) {