Update placers to use new cluster APIs

Signed-off-by: gatecat <gatecat@ds0.me>
This commit is contained in:
gatecat 2021-04-28 15:43:02 +01:00
parent 6a3eacddd6
commit 14863bc04e
10 changed files with 150 additions and 345 deletions

View File

@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ template <typename R> struct ArchAPI : BaseCtx
// Cluster methods
virtual CellInfo *getClusterRootCell(ClusterId cluster) const = 0;
virtual ArcBounds getClusterBounds(ClusterId cluster) const = 0;
virtual Loc getClusterOffset(CellInfo *cell) const = 0;
virtual bool isClusterStrict(CellInfo *cell) const = 0;
virtual Loc getClusterOffset(const CellInfo *cell) const = 0;
virtual bool isClusterStrict(const CellInfo *cell) const = 0;
virtual bool getClusterPlacement(ClusterId cluster, BelId root_bel,
std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo *, BelId>> &placement) const = 0;
// Flow methods

View File

@ -393,13 +393,13 @@ template <typename R> struct BaseArch : ArchAPI<R>
virtual Loc getClusterOffset(CellInfo *cell) const override
virtual Loc getClusterOffset(const CellInfo *cell) const override
return if_using_basecluster<Loc>(cell,
[](const BaseClusterInfo *c) { return Loc(c->constr_x, c->constr_y, 0); });
virtual bool isClusterStrict(CellInfo *cell) const override { return true; }
virtual bool isClusterStrict(const CellInfo *cell) const override { return true; }
virtual bool getClusterPlacement(ClusterId cluster, BelId root_bel,
std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo *, BelId>> &placement) const override

View File

@ -152,25 +152,6 @@ void BaseCtx::archInfoToAttributes()
ci->attrs[id("NEXTPNR_BEL")] = getCtx()->getBelName(ci->bel).str(getCtx());
ci->attrs[id("BEL_STRENGTH")] = (int)ci->belStrength;
if (ci->constr_x != ci->UNCONSTR)
ci->attrs[id("CONSTR_X")] = ci->constr_x;
if (ci->constr_y != ci->UNCONSTR)
ci->attrs[id("CONSTR_Y")] = ci->constr_y;
if (ci->constr_z != ci->UNCONSTR) {
ci->attrs[id("CONSTR_Z")] = ci->constr_z;
ci->attrs[id("CONSTR_ABS_Z")] = ci->constr_abs_z ? 1 : 0;
if (ci->constr_parent != nullptr)
ci->attrs[id("CONSTR_PARENT")] = ci->constr_parent->name.str(this);
if (!ci->constr_children.empty()) {
std::string constr = "";
for (auto &item : ci->constr_children) {
if (!constr.empty())
constr += std::string(";");
constr += item->name.c_str(this);
ci->attrs[id("CONSTR_CHILDREN")] = constr;
for (auto &net : getCtx()->nets) {
auto ni = net.second.get();
@ -204,48 +185,6 @@ void BaseCtx::attributesToArchInfo()
BelId b = getCtx()->getBelByNameStr(val->second.as_string());
getCtx()->bindBel(b, ci, strength);
val = ci->attrs.find(id("CONSTR_PARENT"));
if (val != ci->attrs.end()) {
auto parent = cells.find(id(val->second.str));
if (parent != cells.end())
ci->constr_parent = parent->second.get();
val = ci->attrs.find(id("CONSTR_X"));
if (val != ci->attrs.end())
ci->constr_x = val->second.as_int64();
val = ci->attrs.find(id("CONSTR_Y"));
if (val != ci->attrs.end())
ci->constr_y = val->second.as_int64();
val = ci->attrs.find(id("CONSTR_Z"));
if (val != ci->attrs.end())
ci->constr_z = val->second.as_int64();
val = ci->attrs.find(id("CONSTR_ABS_Z"));
if (val != ci->attrs.end())
ci->constr_abs_z = val->second.as_int64() == 1;
val = ci->attrs.find(id("CONSTR_PARENT"));
if (val != ci->attrs.end()) {
auto parent = cells.find(id(val->second.as_string()));
if (parent != cells.end())
ci->constr_parent = parent->second.get();
val = ci->attrs.find(id("CONSTR_CHILDREN"));
if (val != ci->attrs.end()) {
std::vector<std::string> strs;
auto children = val->second.as_string();
boost::split(strs, children, boost::is_any_of(";"));
for (auto val : strs) {
if (cells.count(id(val.c_str())))
for (auto &net : getCtx()->nets) {
auto ni = net.second.get();

View File

@ -44,26 +44,9 @@ void CellInfo::unsetParam(IdString name) { params.erase(name); }
void CellInfo::setAttr(IdString name, Property value) { attrs[name] = value; }
void CellInfo::unsetAttr(IdString name) { attrs.erase(name); }
bool CellInfo::isConstrained(bool include_abs_z_constr) const
return constr_parent != nullptr || !constr_children.empty() || (include_abs_z_constr && constr_abs_z);
bool CellInfo::testRegion(BelId bel) const
return region == nullptr || !region->constr_bels || region->bels.count(bel);
Loc CellInfo::getConstrainedLoc(Loc parent_loc) const
NPNR_ASSERT(constr_parent != nullptr);
Loc cloc = parent_loc;
if (constr_x != UNCONSTR)
cloc.x += constr_x;
if (constr_y != UNCONSTR)
cloc.y += constr_y;
if (constr_z != UNCONSTR)
cloc.z = constr_abs_z ? constr_z : (parent_loc.z + constr_z);
return cloc;

View File

@ -178,14 +178,8 @@ struct CellInfo : ArchCellInfo
void unsetParam(IdString name);
void setAttr(IdString name, Property value);
void unsetAttr(IdString name);
// return true if the cell has placement constraints (optionally excluding the case where the only case is an
// absolute z constraint)
bool isConstrained(bool include_abs_z_constr = true) const;
// check whether a bel complies with the cell's region constraint
bool testRegion(BelId bel) const;
// get the constrained location for this cell given a provisional location for its parent
Loc getConstrainedLoc(Loc parent_loc) const;
enum TimingPortClass

View File

@ -179,6 +179,8 @@ class ConstraintLegaliseWorker
Context *ctx;
std::set<IdString> rippedCells;
std::unordered_map<IdString, Loc> oldLocations;
std::unordered_map<ClusterId, std::vector<CellInfo *>> cluster2cells;
class IncreasingDiameterSearch
@ -228,83 +230,52 @@ class ConstraintLegaliseWorker
typedef std::unordered_map<IdString, Loc> CellLocations;
// Check if a location would be suitable for a cell and all its constrained children
// This also makes a crude attempt to "solve" unconstrained constraints, that is slow and horrible
// and will need to be reworked if mixed constrained/unconstrained chains become common
bool valid_loc_for(const CellInfo *cell, Loc loc, CellLocations &solution, std::unordered_set<Loc> &usedLocations)
BelId locBel = ctx->getBelByLocation(loc);
if (locBel == BelId()) {
if (locBel == BelId())
return false;
if (!ctx->isValidBelForCellType(cell->type, locBel)) {
return false;
if (!ctx->checkBelAvail(locBel)) {
CellInfo *confCell = ctx->getConflictingBelCell(locBel);
if (confCell->belStrength >= STRENGTH_STRONG) {
if (cell->cluster == ClusterId()) {
if (!ctx->isValidBelForCellType(cell->type, locBel))
return false;
// Don't place at tiles where any strongly bound Bels exist, as we might need to rip them up later
for (auto tilebel : ctx->getBelsByTile(loc.x, loc.y)) {
CellInfo *tcell = ctx->getBoundBelCell(tilebel);
if (tcell && tcell->belStrength >= STRENGTH_STRONG)
return false;
for (auto child : cell->constr_children) {
IncreasingDiameterSearch xSearch, ySearch, zSearch;
if (child->constr_x == child->UNCONSTR) {
xSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(loc.x, 0, ctx->getGridDimX() - 1);
} else {
xSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(loc.x + child->constr_x);
if (child->constr_y == child->UNCONSTR) {
ySearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(loc.y, 0, ctx->getGridDimY() - 1);
} else {
ySearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(loc.y + child->constr_y);
if (child->constr_z == child->UNCONSTR) {
zSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(loc.z, 0, ctx->getTileBelDimZ(loc.x, loc.y));
} else {
if (child->constr_abs_z) {
zSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(child->constr_z);
} else {
zSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(loc.z + child->constr_z);
if (!ctx->checkBelAvail(locBel)) {
CellInfo *confCell = ctx->getConflictingBelCell(locBel);
if (confCell->belStrength >= STRENGTH_STRONG) {
return false;
bool success = false;
while (!xSearch.done()) {
Loc cloc;
cloc.x = xSearch.get();
cloc.y = ySearch.get();
cloc.z = zSearch.get();
if (zSearch.done()) {
if (ySearch.done()) {
// Don't place at tiles where any strongly bound Bels exist, as we might need to rip them up later
for (auto tilebel : ctx->getBelsByTile(loc.x, loc.y)) {
CellInfo *tcell = ctx->getBoundBelCell(tilebel);
if (tcell && tcell->belStrength >= STRENGTH_STRONG)
return false;
solution[cell->name] = loc;
} else {
std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo *, BelId>> placement;
if (!ctx->getClusterPlacement(cell->cluster, locBel, placement))
return false;
for (auto &p : placement) {
Loc p_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(p.second);
if (!ctx->checkBelAvail(p.second)) {
CellInfo *confCell = ctx->getConflictingBelCell(p.second);
if (confCell->belStrength >= STRENGTH_STRONG) {
return false;
if (usedLocations.count(cloc))
if (valid_loc_for(child, cloc, solution, usedLocations)) {
success = true;
// Don't place at tiles where any strongly bound Bels exist, as we might need to rip them up later
for (auto tilebel : ctx->getBelsByTile(p_loc.x, p_loc.y)) {
CellInfo *tcell = ctx->getBoundBelCell(tilebel);
if (tcell && tcell->belStrength >= STRENGTH_STRONG)
return false;
if (!success) {
return false;
solution[p.first->name] = p_loc;
if (solution.count(cell->name))
solution[cell->name] = loc;
return true;
@ -312,18 +283,18 @@ class ConstraintLegaliseWorker
void lockdown_chain(CellInfo *root)
root->belStrength = STRENGTH_STRONG;
for (auto child : root->constr_children)
if (root->cluster != ClusterId())
for (auto child : cluster2cells.at(root->cluster))
child->belStrength = STRENGTH_STRONG;
// Legalise placement constraints on a cell
bool legalise_cell(CellInfo *cell)
if (cell->constr_parent != nullptr)
if (cell->cluster != ClusterId() && ctx->getClusterRootCell(cell->cluster) != cell)
return true; // Only process chain roots
if (constraints_satisfied(cell)) {
if (cell->constr_children.size() > 0 || cell->constr_x != cell->UNCONSTR ||
cell->constr_y != cell->UNCONSTR || cell->constr_z != cell->UNCONSTR)
if (cell->cluster != ClusterId())
} else {
IncreasingDiameterSearch xRootSearch, yRootSearch, zRootSearch;
@ -332,21 +303,10 @@ class ConstraintLegaliseWorker
currentLoc = ctx->getBelLocation(cell->bel);
currentLoc = oldLocations[cell->name];
if (cell->constr_x == cell->UNCONSTR)
xRootSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(currentLoc.x, 0, ctx->getGridDimX() - 1);
xRootSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(cell->constr_x);
xRootSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(currentLoc.x, 0, ctx->getGridDimX() - 1);
yRootSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(currentLoc.y, 0, ctx->getGridDimY() - 1);
zRootSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(currentLoc.z, 0, ctx->getTileBelDimZ(currentLoc.x, currentLoc.y));
if (cell->constr_y == cell->UNCONSTR)
yRootSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(currentLoc.y, 0, ctx->getGridDimY() - 1);
yRootSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(cell->constr_y);
if (cell->constr_z == cell->UNCONSTR)
zRootSearch =
IncreasingDiameterSearch(currentLoc.z, 0, ctx->getTileBelDimZ(currentLoc.x, currentLoc.y));
zRootSearch = IncreasingDiameterSearch(cell->constr_z);
while (!xRootSearch.done()) {
Loc rootLoc;
@ -415,29 +375,13 @@ class ConstraintLegaliseWorker
bool constraints_satisfied(const CellInfo *cell) { return get_constraints_distance(ctx, cell) == 0; }
ConstraintLegaliseWorker(Context *ctx) : ctx(ctx){};
void print_chain(CellInfo *cell, int depth = 0)
ConstraintLegaliseWorker(Context *ctx) : ctx(ctx)
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
log(" ");
log("'%s' (", cell->name.c_str(ctx));
if (cell->constr_x != cell->UNCONSTR)
log("%d, ", cell->constr_x);
log("*, ");
if (cell->constr_y != cell->UNCONSTR)
log("%d, ", cell->constr_y);
log("*, ");
if (cell->constr_z != cell->UNCONSTR)
log("%d", cell->constr_z);
for (auto child : cell->constr_children)
print_chain(child, depth + 1);
for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) {
if (cell.second->cluster != ClusterId())
unsigned print_stats(const char *point)
@ -476,8 +420,6 @@ class ConstraintLegaliseWorker
for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) {
bool res = legalise_cell(cell.second);
if (!res) {
if (ctx->verbose)
log_error("failed to place chain starting at cell '%s'\n", cell.first.c_str(ctx));
return -1;
@ -509,30 +451,36 @@ int get_constraints_distance(const Context *ctx, const CellInfo *cell)
if (cell->bel == BelId())
return 100000;
Loc loc = ctx->getBelLocation(cell->bel);
if (cell->constr_parent == nullptr) {
if (cell->constr_x != cell->UNCONSTR)
dist += std::abs(cell->constr_x - loc.x);
if (cell->constr_y != cell->UNCONSTR)
dist += std::abs(cell->constr_y - loc.y);
if (cell->constr_z != cell->UNCONSTR)
dist += std::abs(cell->constr_z - loc.z);
} else {
if (cell->constr_parent->bel == BelId())
return 100000;
Loc parent_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(cell->constr_parent->bel);
if (cell->constr_x != cell->UNCONSTR)
dist += std::abs(cell->constr_x - (loc.x - parent_loc.x));
if (cell->constr_y != cell->UNCONSTR)
dist += std::abs(cell->constr_y - (loc.y - parent_loc.y));
if (cell->constr_z != cell->UNCONSTR) {
if (cell->constr_abs_z)
dist += std::abs(cell->constr_z - loc.z);
dist += std::abs(cell->constr_z - (loc.z - parent_loc.z));
if (cell->cluster != ClusterId()) {
CellInfo *root = ctx->getClusterRootCell(cell->cluster);
if (root == cell) {
// parent
std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo *, BelId>> placement;
if (!ctx->getClusterPlacement(cell->cluster, cell->bel, placement)) {
return 100000;
} else {
for (const auto &p : placement) {
if (p.first->bel == BelId())
return 100000;
Loc c_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(p.first->bel);
Loc p_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(p.second);
dist += std::abs(c_loc.x - p_loc.x);
dist += std::abs(c_loc.y - p_loc.y);
dist += std::abs(c_loc.z - p_loc.z);
} else {
// child
if (root->bel == BelId())
return 100000;
Loc root_loc = ctx->getBelLocation(root->bel);
Loc offset = ctx->getClusterOffset(cell);
dist += std::abs((root_loc.x + offset.x) - loc.x);
dist += std::abs((root_loc.y + offset.y) - loc.y);
for (auto child : cell->constr_children)
dist += get_constraints_distance(ctx, child);
return dist;

View File

@ -225,14 +225,16 @@ class SAPlacer
} else {
for (auto &cell : ctx->cells) {
CellInfo *ci = cell.second.get();
if (ci->belStrength > STRENGTH_STRONG)
if (ci->belStrength > STRENGTH_STRONG) {
else if (ci->constr_parent != nullptr)
else if (!ci->constr_children.empty() || ci->constr_z != ci->UNCONSTR)
} else if (ci->cluster != ClusterId()) {
if (ctx->getClusterRootCell(ci->cluster) == ci)
} else {
require_legal = false;
diameter = 3;
@ -359,8 +361,8 @@ class SAPlacer
for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) {
if (cell.second->belStrength <= STRENGTH_STRONG && cell.second->constr_parent == nullptr &&
if (cell.second->belStrength <= STRENGTH_STRONG && cell.second->cluster != ClusterId() &&
ctx->getClusterRootCell(cell.second->cluster) == cell.second)
else if (cell.second->belStrength < STRENGTH_STRONG)
@ -507,12 +509,12 @@ class SAPlacer
static const double epsilon = 1e-20;
if (!require_legal && cell->isConstrained(false))
if (!require_legal && cell->cluster != ClusterId())
return false;
BelId oldBel = cell->bel;
CellInfo *other_cell = ctx->getBoundBelCell(newBel);
if (!require_legal && other_cell != nullptr &&
(other_cell->isConstrained(false) || other_cell->belStrength > STRENGTH_WEAK)) {
(other_cell->cluster != ClusterId() || other_cell->belStrength > STRENGTH_WEAK)) {
return false;
int old_dist = get_constraints_distance(ctx, cell);
@ -612,9 +614,9 @@ class SAPlacer
if (bound != nullptr)
ctx->bindBel(newBel, cell, cell->isConstrained(false) ? STRENGTH_STRONG : STRENGTH_WEAK);
ctx->bindBel(newBel, cell, (cell->cluster != ClusterId()) ? STRENGTH_STRONG : STRENGTH_WEAK);
if (bound != nullptr) {
ctx->bindBel(oldBel, bound, bound->isConstrained(false) ? STRENGTH_STRONG : STRENGTH_WEAK);
ctx->bindBel(oldBel, bound, (bound->cluster != ClusterId()) ? STRENGTH_STRONG : STRENGTH_WEAK);
if (cfg.netShareWeight > 0)
update_nets_by_tile(bound, ctx->getBelLocation(newBel), ctx->getBelLocation(oldBel));
@ -623,16 +625,6 @@ class SAPlacer
return oldBel;
// Discover the relative positions of all cells in a chain
void discover_chain(Loc baseLoc, CellInfo *cell, std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo *, Loc>> &cell_rel)
Loc cellLoc = ctx->getBelLocation(cell->bel);
Loc rel{cellLoc.x - baseLoc.x, cellLoc.y - baseLoc.y, cellLoc.z};
cell_rel.emplace_back(std::make_pair(cell, rel));
for (auto child : cell->constr_children)
discover_chain(baseLoc, child, cell_rel);
// Attempt to swap a chain with a non-chain
bool try_swap_chain(CellInfo *cell, BelId newBase)
@ -647,32 +639,23 @@ class SAPlacer
if (ctx->debug)
log_info("finding cells for chain swap %s\n", cell->name.c_str(ctx));
Loc baseLoc = ctx->getBelLocation(cell->bel);
discover_chain(baseLoc, cell, cell_rel);
Loc newBaseLoc = ctx->getBelLocation(newBase);
NPNR_ASSERT(newBaseLoc.z == baseLoc.z);
for (const auto &cr : cell_rel)
if (!ctx->getClusterPlacement(cell->cluster, newBase, dest_bels))
return false;
for (const auto &cr : cell_rel) {
Loc targetLoc = {newBaseLoc.x + cr.second.x, newBaseLoc.y + cr.second.y, cr.second.z};
BelId targetBel = ctx->getBelByLocation(targetLoc);
if (targetBel == BelId())
return false;
if (!ctx->isValidBelForCellType(cell->type, targetBel))
return false;
CellInfo *bound = ctx->getBoundBelCell(targetBel);
for (const auto &db : dest_bels)
for (const auto &db : dest_bels) {
CellInfo *bound = ctx->getBoundBelCell(db.second);
// We don't consider swapping chains with other chains, at least for the time being - unless it is
// part of this chain
if (bound != nullptr && !cells.count(bound->name) &&
(bound->belStrength >= STRENGTH_STRONG || bound->isConstrained(false)))
(bound->belStrength >= STRENGTH_STRONG || bound->cluster != ClusterId()))
return false;
if (bound != nullptr)
if (!ctx->isValidBelForCellType(bound->type, cr.first->bel))
if (!ctx->isValidBelForCellType(bound->type, db.first->bel))
return false;
dest_bels.emplace_back(std::make_pair(cr.first, targetBel));
#if 0
if (ctx->debug)

View File

@ -145,6 +145,10 @@ class HeAPPlacer
tmg.setup_only = true;
for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells))
if (cell.second->cluster != ClusterId())
bool place()
@ -386,14 +390,8 @@ class HeAPPlacer
// cells of a certain type)
std::vector<CellInfo *> solve_cells;
// For cells in a chain, this is the ultimate root cell of the chain (sometimes this is not constr_parent
// where chains are within chains
std::unordered_map<IdString, CellInfo *> chain_root;
std::unordered_map<IdString, int> chain_size;
// The offset from chain_root to a cell in the chain
std::unordered_map<IdString, std::pair<int, int>> cell_offsets;
std::unordered_map<ClusterId, std::vector<CellInfo *>> cluster2cells;
std::unordered_map<ClusterId, int> chain_size;
// Performance counting
double solve_time = 0, cl_time = 0, sl_time = 0;
@ -549,7 +547,7 @@ class HeAPPlacer
cell_locs[cell.first].y = loc.y;
cell_locs[cell.first].locked = true;
cell_locs[cell.first].global = ctx->getBelGlobalBuf(ci->bel);
} else if (ci->constr_parent == nullptr) {
} else if (ci->cluster == ClusterId() || ctx->getClusterRootCell(ci->cluster) == ci) {
bool placed = false;
int attempt_count = 0;
while (!placed) {
@ -629,40 +627,27 @@ class HeAPPlacer
// Finally, update the udata of children
for (auto chained : chain_root)
ctx->cells.at(chained.first)->udata = chained.second->udata;
for (auto &cluster : cluster2cells)
for (auto child : cluster.second)
child->udata = ctx->getClusterRootCell(cluster.first)->udata;
return row;
// Update the location of all children of a chain
void update_chain(CellInfo *cell, CellInfo *root)
const auto &base = cell_locs[cell->name];
for (auto child : cell->constr_children) {
// FIXME: Improve handling of heterogeneous chains
if (child->type == root->type)
if (child->constr_x != child->UNCONSTR)
cell_locs[child->name].x = std::max(0, std::min(max_x, base.x + child->constr_x));
cell_locs[child->name].x = base.x; // better handling of UNCONSTR?
if (child->constr_y != child->UNCONSTR)
cell_locs[child->name].y = std::max(0, std::min(max_y, base.y + child->constr_y));
cell_locs[child->name].y = base.y; // better handling of UNCONSTR?
chain_root[child->name] = root;
if (!child->constr_children.empty())
update_chain(child, root);
// Update all chains
void update_all_chains()
for (auto cell : place_cells) {
chain_size[cell->name] = 1;
if (!cell->constr_children.empty())
update_chain(cell, cell);
if (cell->cluster != ClusterId()) {
const auto &base = cell_locs[cell->name];
for (auto child : cluster2cells.at(cell->cluster)) {
if (child->type == cell->type && child != cell)
Loc offset = ctx->getClusterOffset(child);
cell_locs[child->name].x = std::max(0, std::min(max_x, base.x + offset.x));
cell_locs[child->name].y = std::max(0, std::min(max_y, base.y + offset.y));
@ -721,10 +706,9 @@ class HeAPPlacer
} else {
es.add_rhs(row, -v_pos * weight);
if (cell_offsets.count(var.cell->name)) {
es.add_rhs(row, -(yaxis ? cell_offsets.at(var.cell->name).second
: cell_offsets.at(var.cell->name).first) *
if (var.cell->cluster != ClusterId()) {
Loc offset = ctx->getClusterOffset(var.cell);
es.add_rhs(row, -(yaxis ? offset.y : offset.x) * weight);
@ -827,8 +811,9 @@ class HeAPPlacer
// Unbind all cells placed in this solution
for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) {
CellInfo *ci = cell.second;
if (ci->bel != BelId() && (ci->udata != dont_solve ||
(chain_root.count(ci->name) && chain_root.at(ci->name)->udata != dont_solve)))
if (ci->bel != BelId() &&
(ci->udata != dont_solve ||
(ci->cluster != ClusterId() && ctx->getClusterRootCell(ci->cluster)->udata != dont_solve)))
@ -955,7 +940,7 @@ class HeAPPlacer
if (ci->constr_children.empty() && !ci->constr_abs_z) {
if (ci->cluster == ClusterId()) {
// The case where we have no relative constraints
for (auto sz : fb->at(nx).at(ny)) {
// Look through all bels in this tile; checking region constraint if applicable
@ -967,7 +952,7 @@ class HeAPPlacer
CellInfo *bound = ctx->getBoundBelCell(sz);
if (bound != nullptr) {
// Only rip up cells without constraints
if (bound->isConstrained())
if (bound->cluster != ClusterId())
@ -1019,45 +1004,23 @@ class HeAPPlacer
} else {
// We do have relative constraints
for (auto sz : fb->at(nx).at(ny)) {
Loc loc = ctx->getBelLocation(sz);
// Check that the absolute-z constraint is satisfied if applicable
if (ci->constr_abs_z && loc.z != ci->constr_z)
// List of cells and their destination
std::vector<std::pair<CellInfo *, BelId>> targets;
// List of bels we placed things at; and the cell that was there before if applicable
std::vector<std::pair<BelId, CellInfo *>> swaps_made;
// List of (cell, new location) pairs to check
std::queue<std::pair<CellInfo *, Loc>> visit;
// FIXME: this approach of having a visit queue is designed to deal with recursively chained
// cells. But is this a case we really want to care about given the complexity it adds? Start by
// considering the root cell at the root location
visit.emplace(ci, loc);
while (!visit.empty()) {
CellInfo *vc = visit.front().first;
NPNR_ASSERT(vc->bel == BelId());
Loc ploc = visit.front().second;
// Get the bel we're going to place this cell at
BelId target = ctx->getBelByLocation(ploc);
if (!ctx->getClusterPlacement(ci->cluster, sz, targets))
for (auto &target : targets) {
// Check it satisfies the region constraint if applicable
if (!vc->testRegion(target))
if (!target.first->testRegion(target.second))
goto fail;
CellInfo *bound;
// Check that the target bel exists and is of a suitable type
if (target == BelId() || !ctx->isValidBelForCellType(vc->type, target))
goto fail;
bound = ctx->getBoundBelCell(target);
CellInfo *bound = ctx->getBoundBelCell(target.second);
// Chains cannot overlap; so if we have to ripup a cell make sure it isn't part of a chain
if (bound != nullptr)
if (bound->isConstrained() || bound->belStrength > STRENGTH_WEAK)
if (bound->cluster != ClusterId() || bound->belStrength > STRENGTH_WEAK)
goto fail;
targets.emplace_back(vc, target);
for (auto child : vc->constr_children) {
// For all the constrained children; compute the location we need to place them at and
// add them to the queue
visit.emplace(child, child->getConstrainedLoc(ploc));
// Actually perform the move; keeping track of the moves we make so we can revert them if needed
for (auto &target : targets) {
@ -1307,10 +1270,8 @@ class HeAPPlacer
// Compute ultimate extent of each chain root
if (p->chain_root.count(cell_name)) {
set_chain_ext(p->chain_root.at(cell_name)->name, loc.x, loc.y);
} else if (!ctx->cells.at(cell_name)->constr_children.empty()) {
set_chain_ext(cell_name, loc.x, loc.y);
if (cell.cluster != ClusterId()) {
set_chain_ext(ctx->getClusterRootCell(cell.cluster)->name, loc.x, loc.y);
@ -1328,10 +1289,8 @@ class HeAPPlacer
// Transfer chain extents to the actual chains structure
ChainExtent *ce = nullptr;
if (p->chain_root.count(cell_name)) {
ce = &(cell_extents.at(p->chain_root.at(cell_name)->name));
} else if (!ctx->cells.at(cell_name)->constr_children.empty()) {
ce = &(cell_extents.at(cell_name));
if (cell.cluster != ClusterId()) {
ce = &(cell_extents.at(ctx->getClusterRootCell(cell.cluster)->name));
if (ce) {

View File

@ -182,8 +182,7 @@ class TimingOptimiser
CellInfo *bound = ctx->getBoundBelCell(bel);
if (bound == nullptr) {
} else if (bound->belStrength <= STRENGTH_WEAK && bound->constr_parent == nullptr &&
bound->constr_children.empty()) {
} else if (bound->belStrength <= STRENGTH_WEAK && bound->cluster == ClusterId()) {
@ -378,7 +377,7 @@ class TimingOptimiser
if (front_net != nullptr && front_net->driver.cell != nullptr) {
auto front_cell = front_net->driver.cell;
if (front_cell->belStrength <= STRENGTH_WEAK && cfg.cellTypes.count(front_cell->type) &&
front_cell->constr_parent == nullptr && front_cell->constr_children.empty()) {
front_cell->cluster == ClusterId()) {
@ -392,7 +391,7 @@ class TimingOptimiser
if (std::find(path_cells.begin(), path_cells.end(), port->cell->name) != path_cells.end())
if (port->cell->belStrength > STRENGTH_WEAK || !cfg.cellTypes.count(port->cell->type) ||
port->cell->constr_parent != nullptr || !port->cell->constr_children.empty())
port->cell->cluster != ClusterId())
if (ctx->debug)
log_info(" can move\n");

View File

@ -736,13 +736,13 @@ Gets the root cell of a cluster, which is used as a datum point when placing the
Gets an approximate bounding box of the cluster. This is intended for area allocation in the placer and is permitted to occasionally give incorrect estimates, for example due to irregularities in the fabric depending on cluster placement. `getClusterPlacement` should always be used to get exact locations.
### Loc getClusterOffset(CellInfo \*cell) const
### Loc getClusterOffset(const CellInfo \*cell) const
Gets the approximate offset of a cell within its cluster, relative to the root cell. This is intended for global placement usage and is permitted to occasionally give incorrect estimates, for example due to irregularities in the fabric depending on cluster placement. `getClusterPlacement` should always be used to get exact locations.
The returned x and y coordinates, when added to the root location of the cluster, should give an approximate location where `cell` will end up placed at.
### bool isClusterStrict(CellInfo *cell) const
### bool isClusterStrict(const CellInfo *cell) const
Returns `true` if the cell **must** be placed according to the cluster; for example typical carry chains, and dedicated IO routing. Returns `false` if the cell can be split from the cluster if placement desires, at the expense of a less optimal result (for example dedicated LUT-FF paths where general routing can also be used).