generic/examples: Add FASM writer Python script

Signed-off-by: David Shah <>
This commit is contained in:
David Shah 2019-04-17 11:00:23 +01:00
parent 90ceb829f3
commit 48c4c1ed05
9 changed files with 92 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -1 +1,3 @@

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@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ This contains a simple, artificial, example of the nextpnr generic API.
- annotates cells with timing data (this is a separate script that must be run after packing)
- stores design information after place-and-route to blinky.txt in place
of real bitstream generation
- uses the nextpnr Python API to write a FASM file for a design
- uses to create a FASM ("FPGA assembly") file for the place-and-routed design
- Run to build an example design on the FPGA above

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
from write_fasm import *
from simple_config import K
# Need to tell FASM generator how to write parameters
# (celltype, parameter) -> ParameterConfig
param_map = {
("GENERIC_SLICE", "K"): ParameterConfig(write=False),
("GENERIC_SLICE", "INIT"): ParameterConfig(write=True, numeric=True, width=2**K),
("GENERIC_SLICE", "FF_USED"): ParameterConfig(write=True, numeric=True, width=1),
("GENERIC_IOB", "INPUT_USED"): ParameterConfig(write=True, numeric=True, width=1),
("GENERIC_IOB", "OUTPUT_USED"): ParameterConfig(write=True, numeric=True, width=1),
("GENERIC_IOB", "ENABLE_USED"): ParameterConfig(write=True, numeric=True, width=1),
with open("blinky.fasm", "w") as f:
write_fasm(ctx, param_map, f)

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
with open("blinky.txt", "w") as f:
for nname, net in ctx.nets:
print("# Net %s" % nname, file=f)
# FIXME: Pip ordering
for wire, pip in net.wires:
if pip.pip != "":
print("%s" % pip.pip, file=f)
print("", file=f)
for cname, cell in ctx.cells:
print("# Cell %s at %s" % (cname, cell.bel), file=f)
for param, val in cell.params:
print("%s.%s %s" % (cell.bel, param, val), file=f)
print("", file=f)

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@ -1,22 +1,4 @@
# Grid size including IOBs at edges
X = 12
Y = 12
# SLICEs per tile
N = 8
# LUT input count
K = 4
# Number of local wires
Wl = N*(K+1) + 8
# 1/Fc for bel input wire pips
Si = 4
# 1/Fc for Q to local wire pips
Sq = 4
# ~1/Fc local to neighbour local wire pips
Sl = 8
# Create graphic elements
# Bels
ctx.addDecalGraphic("bel", GraphicElement(type=TYPE_BOX, style=STYLE_INACTIVE, x1=0, y1=0, x2=0.2, y2=(1/(N+1))-0.02, z=0))
from simple_config import *
def is_io(x, y):
return x == 0 or x == X-1 or y == 0 or y == Y-1
@ -41,7 +23,6 @@ for x in range(X):
ctx.addBelInput(bel="X%dY%d_IO%d" % (x, y, z), name="I", wire="X%dY%dZ%d_I0" % (x, y, z))
ctx.addBelInput(bel="X%dY%d_IO%d" % (x, y, z), name="EN", wire="X%dY%dZ%d_I1" % (x, y, z))
ctx.addBelOutput(bel="X%dY%d_IO%d" % (x, y, z), name="O", wire="X%dY%dZ%d_Q" % (x, y, z))
ctx.setBelDecal(bel="X%dY%d_IO%d" % (x, y, z), decalxy=ctx.DecalXY("bel", 0.6, z * (1/(N+1))))
for z in range(N):
ctx.addBel(name="X%dY%d_SLICE%d" % (x, y, z), type="GENERIC_SLICE", loc=Loc(x, y, z), gb=False)
@ -49,7 +30,6 @@ for x in range(X):
for k in range(K):
ctx.addBelInput(bel="X%dY%d_SLICE%d" % (x, y, z), name="I[%d]" % k, wire="X%dY%dZ%d_I%d" % (x, y, z, k))
ctx.addBelOutput(bel="X%dY%d_SLICE%d" % (x, y, z), name="Q", wire="X%dY%dZ%d_Q" % (x, y, z))
ctx.setBelDecal(bel="X%dY%d_SLICE%d" % (x, y, z), decalxy=ctx.DecalXY("bel", 0.6, z * (1/(N+1))))
for x in range(X):
for y in range(Y):

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
set -ex
yosys -p "tcl ../synth/synth_generic.tcl 4 blinky.json" blinky.v
../../nextpnr-generic --pre-pack --pre-place --json blinky.json --post-route
../../nextpnr-generic --pre-pack --pre-place --json blinky.json --post-route

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# Grid size including IOBs at edges
X = 12
Y = 12
# SLICEs per tile
N = 8
# LUT input count
K = 4
# Number of local wires
Wl = N*(K+1) + 8
# 1/Fc for bel input wire pips
Si = 4
# 1/Fc for Q to local wire pips
Sq = 4
# ~1/Fc local to neighbour local wire pips
Sl = 8

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
from collections import namedtuple
write: set to True to enable writing this parameter to FASM
numeric: set to True to write this parameter as a bit array (width>1) or
single bit (width==1) named after the parameter. Otherwise this
parameter will be written as `name.value`
width: width of numeric parameter (ignored for non-numeric parameters)
alias: an alternative name for this parameter (parameter name used if alias
is None)
ParameterConfig = namedtuple('ParameterConfig', 'write numeric width alias')
# FIXME use defaults= once Python 3.7 is standard
ParameterConfig.__new__.__defaults__ = (False, True, 1, None)
Write a design as FASM
ctx: nextpnr context
paramCfg: ParameterConfig describing how to write parameters
f: output file
def write_fasm(ctx, paramCfg, f):
for nname, net in sorted(ctx.nets, key=lambda x: str(x[1].name)):
print("# Net %s" % nname, file=f)
for wire, pip in sorted(net.wires, key=lambda x: str(x[1])):
if pip.pip != "":
print("%s" % pip.pip, file=f)
print("", file=f)
for cname, cell in sorted(ctx.cells, key=lambda x: str(x[1].name)):
print("# Cell %s at %s" % (cname, cell.bel), file=f)
for param, val in sorted(cell.params, key=lambda x: str(x)):
cfg = paramCfg[(cell.type, param)]
if not cfg.write:
fasm_name = cfg.alias if cfg.alias is not None else param
if cfg.numeric:
if cfg.width == 1:
if int(val) != 0:
print("%s.%s" % (cell.bel, fasm_name), file=f)
# Parameters with width >32 are direct binary, otherwise denary
binval = val if cfg.width > 32 else "{:0{}b}".format(int(val), cfg.width)
print("%s.%s[%d:0] = %d'b%s" % (cell.bel, fasm_name, cfg.width-1, cfg.width, binval), file=f)
print("%s.%s.%s" % (cell.bel, fasm_name, val), file=f)
print("", file=f)