3rdparty: Bump vendored pybind11 version for py3.11 support

Signed-off-by: gatecat <gatecat@ds0.me>
This commit is contained in:
gatecat 2022-09-14 09:28:47 +02:00
parent f1349e114f
commit a72f898ff4
214 changed files with 21623 additions and 10004 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
version: 1.0.{build}
- Visual Studio 2015
- Visual Studio 2017
test: off
skip_branch_with_pr: true
@ -11,15 +11,13 @@ environment:
- PYTHON: 36
- PYTHON: 27
- ps: |
$env:CMAKE_GENERATOR = "Visual Studio 14 2015"
$env:CMAKE_GENERATOR = "Visual Studio 15 2017"
if ($env:PLATFORM -eq "x64") { $env:PYTHON = "$env:PYTHON-x64" }
$env:PATH = "C:\Python$env:PYTHON\;C:\Python$env:PYTHON\Scripts\;$env:PATH"
python -W ignore -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
python -W ignore -m pip install pytest numpy --no-warn-script-location
python -W ignore -m pip install pytest numpy --no-warn-script-location pytest-timeout
- ps: |
Start-FileDownload 'https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/archive/3.3.7/eigen-3.3.7.zip'
7z x eigen-3.3.7.zip -y > $null

3rdparty/pybind11/.clang-format vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# See all possible options and defaults with:
# clang-format --style=llvm --dump-config
BasedOnStyle: LLVM
AccessModifierOffset: -4
AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: true
AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: Yes
BinPackArguments: false
BinPackParameters: false
BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: All
BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeColon
ColumnLimit: 99
CommentPragmas: 'NOLINT:.*|^ IWYU pragma:'
IncludeBlocks: Regroup
IndentCaseLabels: true
IndentPPDirectives: AfterHash
IndentWidth: 4
Language: Cpp
SpaceAfterCStyleCast: true
Standard: Cpp11
StatementMacros: ['PyObject_HEAD']
TabWidth: 4
- Regex: '<pybind11/.*'
Priority: -1
- Regex: 'pybind11.h"$'
Priority: 1
- Regex: '^".*/?detail/'
Priority: 1
SortPriority: 2
- Regex: '^"'
Priority: 1
SortPriority: 3
- Regex: '<[[:alnum:]._]+>'
Priority: 4
- Regex: '.*'
Priority: 5

View File

@ -1,13 +1,77 @@
FormatStyle: file
Checks: '
Checks: |
- key: modernize-use-equals-default.IgnoreMacros
value: false
- key: performance-for-range-copy.WarnOnAllAutoCopies
value: true
- key: performance-inefficient-string-concatenation.StrictMode
value: true
- key: performance-unnecessary-value-param.AllowedTypes
value: 'exception_ptr$;'
- key: readability-implicit-bool-conversion.AllowPointerConditions
value: true
HeaderFilterRegex: 'pybind11/.*h'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
template <op_id id, op_type ot, typename L = undefined_t, typename R = undefined_t>
template <typename ThisT>
auto &this_ = static_cast<ThisT &>(*this);
if (load_impl<ThisT>(temp, false)) {
ssize_t nd = 0;
auto trivial = broadcast(buffers, nd, shape);
auto ndim = (size_t) nd;
int nd;
ssize_t ndim() const { return detail::array_proxy(m_ptr)->nd; }
using op = op_impl<id, ot, Base, L_type, R_type>;
template <op_id id, op_type ot, typename L, typename R>
template <detail::op_id id, detail::op_type ot, typename L, typename R, typename... Extra>
class_ &def(const detail::op_<id, ot, L, R> &op, const Extra &...extra) {
class_ &def_cast(const detail::op_<id, ot, L, R> &op, const Extra &...extra) {
@pytest.mark.parametrize("access", ["ro", "rw", "static_ro", "static_rw"])
struct IntStruct {
explicit IntStruct(int v) : value(v){};
~IntStruct() { value = -value; }
IntStruct(const IntStruct &) = default;
IntStruct &operator=(const IntStruct &) = default;
py::class_<IntStruct>(m, "IntStruct").def(py::init([](const int i) { return IntStruct(i); }));
py::implicitly_convertible<int, IntStruct>();
m.def("test", [](int expected, const IntStruct &in) {
[](int expected, const IntStruct &in) {

3rdparty/pybind11/.gitattributes vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
docs/*.svg binary

3rdparty/pybind11/.github/CODEOWNERS vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
*.cmake @henryiii
CMakeLists.txt @henryiii
*.yml @henryiii
*.yaml @henryiii
/tools/ @henryiii
/pybind11/ @henryiii
noxfile.py @henryiii
.clang-format @henryiii
.clang-tidy @henryiii

View File

@ -53,6 +53,33 @@ derivative works thereof, in binary and source code form.
## Development of pybind11
### Quick setup
To setup a quick development environment, use [`nox`](https://nox.thea.codes).
This will allow you to do some common tasks with minimal setup effort, but will
take more time to run and be less flexible than a full development environment.
If you use [`pipx run nox`](https://pipx.pypa.io), you don't even need to
install `nox`. Examples:
# List all available sessions
nox -l
# Run linters
nox -s lint
# Run tests on Python 3.9
nox -s tests-3.9
# Build and preview docs
nox -s docs -- serve
# Build SDists and wheels
nox -s build
### Full setup
To setup an ideal development environment, run the following commands on a
system with CMake 3.14+:
@ -66,11 +93,10 @@ cmake --build build -j4
* You can use `virtualenv` (from PyPI) instead of `venv` (which is Python 3
* You can use `virtualenv` (faster, from PyPI) instead of `venv`.
* You can select any name for your environment folder; if it contains "env" it
will be ignored by git.
* If you dont have CMake 3.14+, just add “cmake” to the pip install command.
* If you don't have CMake 3.14+, just add "cmake" to the pip install command.
* You can use `-DPYBIND11_FINDPYTHON=ON` to use FindPython on CMake 3.12+
* In classic mode, you may need to set `-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/python`.
FindPython uses `-DPython_ROOT_DIR=/path/to` or
@ -78,7 +104,7 @@ Tips:
### Configuration options
In CMake, configuration options are given with “-D”. Options are stored in the
In CMake, configuration options are given with "-D". Options are stored in the
build directory, in the `CMakeCache.txt` file, so they are remembered for each
build directory. Two selections are special - the generator, given with `-G`,
and the compiler, which is selected based on environment variables `CXX` and
@ -88,12 +114,12 @@ after the initial run.
The valid options are:
* `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE`: Release, Debug, MinSizeRel, RelWithDebInfo
* `-DPYBIND11_FINDPYTHON=ON`: Use CMake 3.12+s FindPython instead of the
* `-DPYBIND11_FINDPYTHON=ON`: Use CMake 3.12+'s FindPython instead of the
classic, deprecated, custom FindPythonLibs
* `-DPYBIND11_NOPYTHON=ON`: Disable all Python searching (disables tests)
* `-DBUILD_TESTING=ON`: Enable the tests
* `-DDOWNLOAD_CATCH=ON`: Download catch to build the C++ tests
* `-DOWNLOAD_EIGEN=ON`: Download Eigen for the NumPy tests
* `-DDOWNLOAD_EIGEN=ON`: Download Eigen for the NumPy tests
* `-DPYBIND11_INSTALL=ON/OFF`: Enable the install target (on by default for the
master project)
* `-DUSE_PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR=ON`: Try to install into the python dir
@ -126,13 +152,26 @@ cmake --build build --target check
`--target` can be spelled `-t` in CMake 3.15+. You can also run individual
tests with these targets:
* `pytest`: Python tests only
* `pytest`: Python tests only, using the
[pytest](https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/) framework
* `cpptest`: C++ tests only
* `test_cmake_build`: Install / subdirectory tests
If you want to build just a subset of tests, use
`-DPYBIND11_TEST_OVERRIDE="test_callbacks.cpp;test_pickling.cpp"`. If this is
empty, all tests will be built.
`-DPYBIND11_TEST_OVERRIDE="test_callbacks;test_pickling"`. If this is
empty, all tests will be built. Tests are specified without an extension if they need both a .py and
.cpp file.
You may also pass flags to the `pytest` target by editing `tests/pytest.ini` or
by using the `PYTEST_ADDOPTS` environment variable
(see [`pytest` docs](https://docs.pytest.org/en/2.7.3/customize.html#adding-default-options)). As an example:
env PYTEST_ADDOPTS="--capture=no --exitfirst" \
cmake --build build --target pytest
# Or using abbreviated flags
env PYTEST_ADDOPTS="-s -x" cmake --build build --target pytest
### Formatting
@ -164,18 +203,46 @@ name, pre-commit):
pre-commit install
### Clang-Tidy
### Clang-Format
To run Clang tidy, the following recipe should work. Files will be modified in
place, so you can use git to monitor the changes.
As of v2.6.2, pybind11 ships with a [`clang-format`][clang-format]
configuration file at the top level of the repo (the filename is
`.clang-format`). Currently, formatting is NOT applied automatically, but
manually using `clang-format` for newly developed files is highly encouraged.
To check if a file needs formatting:
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/pybind11 -it silkeh/clang:10
apt-get update && apt-get install python3-dev python3-pytest
cmake -S pybind11/ -B build -DCMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY="$(which clang-tidy);-fix"
cmake --build build
clang-format -style=file --dry-run some.cpp
The output will show things to be fixed, if any. To actually format the file:
clang-format -style=file -i some.cpp
Note that the `-style-file` option searches the parent directories for the
`.clang-format` file, i.e. the commands above can be run in any subdirectory
of the pybind11 repo.
### Clang-Tidy
[`clang-tidy`][clang-tidy] performs deeper static code analyses and is
more complex to run, compared to `clang-format`, but support for `clang-tidy`
is built into the pybind11 CMake configuration. To run `clang-tidy`, the
following recipe should work. Run the `docker` command from the top-level
directory inside your pybind11 git clone. Files will be modified in place,
so you can use git to monitor the changes.
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/mounted_pybind11 -it silkeh/clang:13
apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3-dev python3-pytest
cmake -S /mounted_pybind11/ -B build -DCMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY="$(which clang-tidy);--use-color" -DDOWNLOAD_EIGEN=ON -DDOWNLOAD_CATCH=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17
cmake --build build -j 2
You can add `--fix` to the options list if you want.
### Include what you use
To run include what you use, install (`brew install include-what-you-use` on
@ -186,12 +253,12 @@ cmake -S . -B build-iwyu -DCMAKE_CXX_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE=$(which include-what-y
cmake --build build
The report is sent to stderr; you can pip it into a file if you wish.
The report is sent to stderr; you can pipe it into a file if you wish.
### Build recipes
This builds with the Intel compiler (assuming it is in your path, along with a
recent CMake and Python 3):
recent CMake and Python):
python3 -m venv venv
@ -313,6 +380,8 @@ if you really want to.
[pre-commit]: https://pre-commit.com
[clang-format]: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html
[clang-tidy]: https://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/
[pybind11.readthedocs.org]: http://pybind11.readthedocs.org/en/latest
[issue tracker]: https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/issues
[gitter]: https://gitter.im/pybind/Lobby

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
name: Bug Report
description: File an issue about a bug
title: "[BUG]: "
labels: [triage]
- type: markdown
value: |
Maintainers will only make a best effort to triage PRs. Please do your best to make the issue as easy to act on as possible, and only open if clearly a problem with pybind11 (ask first if unsure).
- type: checkboxes
id: steps
label: Required prerequisites
description: Make sure you've completed the following steps before submitting your issue -- thank you!
- label: Make sure you've read the [documentation](https://pybind11.readthedocs.io). Your issue may be addressed there.
required: true
- label: Search the [issue tracker](https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/issues) and [Discussions](https:/pybind/pybind11/discussions) to verify that this hasn't already been reported. +1 or comment there if it has.
required: true
- label: Consider asking first in the [Gitter chat room](https://gitter.im/pybind/Lobby) or in a [Discussion](https:/pybind/pybind11/discussions/new).
required: false
- type: textarea
id: description
label: Problem description
placeholder: >-
Provide a short description, state the expected behavior and what
actually happens. Include relevant information like what version of
pybind11 you are using, what system you are on, and any useful commands
/ output.
required: true
- type: textarea
id: code
label: Reproducible example code
placeholder: >-
The code should be minimal, have no external dependencies, isolate the
function(s) that cause breakage. Submit matched and complete C++ and
Python snippets that can be easily compiled and run to diagnose the
issue. If possible, make a PR with a new, failing test to give us a
starting point to work on!
render: text

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
blank_issues_enabled: false
- name: Ask a question
url: https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/discussions/new
about: Please ask and answer questions here, or propose new ideas.
- name: Gitter room
url: https://gitter.im/pybind/Lobby
about: A room for discussing pybind11 with an active community

View File

@ -5,7 +5,3 @@ updates:
directory: "/"
interval: "daily"
# Offical actions have moving tags like v1
# that are used, so they don't need updates here
- dependency-name: "actions/*"

View File

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
Title (above): please place [branch_name] at the beginning if you are targeting a branch other than master. *Do not target stable*.
It is recommended to use conventional commit format, see conventionalcommits.org, but not required.
## Description
<!-- Include relevant issues or PRs here, describe what changed and why -->
@ -5,7 +9,8 @@
## Suggested changelog entry:
<!-- fill in the below block with the expected RestructuredText entry (delete if no entry needed) -->
<!-- Fill in the below block with the expected RestructuredText entry. Delete if no entry needed;
but do not delete header or rst block if an entry is needed! Will be collected via a script. -->

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
arch: [x64]
cmake: [3.18]
cmake: ["3.23"]
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
@ -29,22 +29,18 @@ jobs:
arch: x64
cmake: 3.7
- runs-on: windows-2016
arch: x86
cmake: 3.8
- runs-on: windows-2016
arch: x86
- runs-on: windows-2019
arch: x64 # x86 compilers seem to be missing on 2019 image
cmake: 3.18
name: 🐍 3.7 • CMake ${{ matrix.cmake }} • ${{ matrix.runs-on }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.runs-on }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup Python 3.7
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: 3.7
architecture: ${{ matrix.arch }}
@ -55,7 +51,7 @@ jobs:
# An action for adding a specific version of CMake:
# https://github.com/jwlawson/actions-setup-cmake
- name: Setup CMake ${{ matrix.cmake }}
uses: jwlawson/actions-setup-cmake@v1.3
uses: jwlawson/actions-setup-cmake@v1.12
cmake-version: ${{ matrix.cmake }}

View File

@ -12,24 +12,33 @@ on:
- stable
- "v*"
name: Format
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-python@v2
- uses: pre-commit/action@v2.0.0
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: "3.x"
- name: Add matchers
run: echo "::add-matcher::$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/.github/matchers/pylint.json"
- uses: pre-commit/action@v3.0.0
# Slow hooks are marked with manual - slow is okay here, run them too
extra_args: --hook-stage manual --all-files
# When making changes here, please also review the "Clang-Tidy" section
# in .github/CONTRIBUTING.md and update as needed.
name: Clang-Tidy
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
container: silkeh/clang:10
container: silkeh/clang:13
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install requirements
run: apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3-dev python3-pytest
@ -37,10 +46,10 @@ jobs:
- name: Configure
run: >
cmake -S . -B build
-DCMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY="$(which clang-tidy);--warnings-as-errors=*"
-DCMAKE_CXX_CLANG_TIDY="$(which clang-tidy);--use-color;--warnings-as-errors=*"
- name: Build
run: cmake --build build -j 2
run: cmake --build build -j 2 -- --keep-going

View File

@ -12,24 +12,28 @@ on:
- published
# This builds the sdists and wheels and makes sure the files are exactly as
# expected. Using Windows and Python 2.7, since that is often the most
# expected. Using Windows and Python 3.6, since that is often the most
# challenging matrix element.
name: 🐍 2.7 • 📦 tests • windows-latest
name: 🐍 3.6 • 📦 tests • windows-latest
runs-on: windows-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup 🐍 2.7
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
- name: Setup 🐍 3.6
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: 2.7
python-version: 3.6
- name: Prepare env
run: python -m pip install -r tests/requirements.txt --prefer-binary
run: |
python -m pip install -r tests/requirements.txt
- name: Python Packaging tests
run: pytest tests/extra_python_package/
@ -42,15 +46,16 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup 🐍 3.8
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: 3.8
- name: Prepare env
run: python -m pip install -r tests/requirements.txt build twine --prefer-binary
run: |
python -m pip install -r tests/requirements.txt build twine
- name: Python Packaging tests
run: pytest tests/extra_python_package/
@ -64,13 +69,13 @@ jobs:
run: twine check dist/*
- name: Save standard package
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: standard
path: dist/pybind11-*
- name: Save global package
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: global
path: dist/pybind11_global-*
@ -85,19 +90,21 @@ jobs:
needs: [packaging]
- uses: actions/setup-python@v2
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: "3.x"
# Downloads all to directories matching the artifact names
- uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
- uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
- name: Publish standard package
uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@v1.4.1
uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@v1.5.1
password: ${{ secrets.pypi_password }}
packages_dir: standard/
- name: Publish global package
uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@v1.4.1
uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@v1.5.1
password: ${{ secrets.pypi_password_global }}
packages_dir: global/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
name: Upstream
group: upstream-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
name: "🐍 3.11 latest internals • ubuntu-latest • x64"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: "contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'python dev')"
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup Python 3.11
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: "3.11-dev"
- name: Setup Boost (Linux)
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
run: sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
- name: Update CMake
uses: jwlawson/actions-setup-cmake@v1.12
- name: Prepare env
run: |
python -m pip install -r tests/requirements.txt
- name: Setup annotations on Linux
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
run: python -m pip install pytest-github-actions-annotate-failures
# First build - C++11 mode and inplace
- name: Configure C++11
run: >
cmake -S . -B .
- name: Build C++11
run: cmake --build . -j 2
- name: Python tests C++11
run: cmake --build . --target pytest -j 2
- name: C++11 tests
run: cmake --build . --target cpptest -j 2
- name: Interface test C++11
run: cmake --build . --target test_cmake_build
- name: Clean directory
run: git clean -fdx
# Second build - C++17 mode and in a build directory
- name: Configure C++17
run: >
cmake -S . -B build2
${{ matrix.args }}
${{ matrix.args2 }}
- name: Build
run: cmake --build build2 -j 2
- name: Python tests
run: cmake --build build2 --target pytest
- name: C++ tests
run: cmake --build build2 --target cpptest
# Third build - C++17 mode with unstable ABI
- name: Configure (unstable ABI)
run: >
cmake -S . -B build3
${{ matrix.args }}
- name: Build (unstable ABI)
run: cmake --build build3 -j 2
- name: Python tests (unstable ABI)
run: cmake --build build3 --target pytest
- name: Interface test
run: cmake --build build3 --target test_cmake_build
# This makes sure the setup_helpers module can build packages using
# setuptools
- name: Setuptools helpers test
run: pytest tests/extra_setuptools

View File

@ -41,3 +41,5 @@ pybind11Targets.cmake

View File

@ -12,49 +12,112 @@
# See https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit
# third-party content
exclude: ^tools/JoinPaths.cmake$
# Standard hooks
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
rev: v3.2.0
rev: "v4.3.0"
- id: check-added-large-files
- id: check-case-conflict
- id: check-docstring-first
- id: check-merge-conflict
- id: check-symlinks
- id: check-toml
- id: check-yaml
- id: debug-statements
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: mixed-line-ending
- id: requirements-txt-fixer
- id: trailing-whitespace
- id: fix-encoding-pragma
# Upgrade old Python syntax
- repo: https://github.com/asottile/pyupgrade
rev: "v2.37.3"
- id: pyupgrade
args: [--py36-plus]
# Nicely sort includes
- repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/isort
rev: "5.10.1"
- id: isort
# Black, the code formatter, natively supports pre-commit
- repo: https://github.com/psf/black
rev: 20.8b1
rev: "22.8.0" # Keep in sync with blacken-docs
- id: black
# By default, this ignores pyi files, though black supports them
types: [text]
files: \.pyi?$
# Also code format the docs
- repo: https://github.com/asottile/blacken-docs
rev: "v1.12.1"
- id: blacken-docs
- black==22.8.0 # keep in sync with black hook
# Changes tabs to spaces
- repo: https://github.com/Lucas-C/pre-commit-hooks
rev: v1.1.9
rev: "v1.3.1"
- id: remove-tabs
- repo: https://github.com/sirosen/texthooks
rev: "0.4.0"
- id: fix-ligatures
- id: fix-smartquotes
# Autoremoves unused imports
- repo: https://github.com/hadialqattan/pycln
rev: "v2.1.1"
- id: pycln
stages: [manual]
# Checking for common mistakes
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pygrep-hooks
rev: "v1.9.0"
- id: python-check-blanket-noqa
- id: python-check-blanket-type-ignore
- id: python-no-log-warn
- id: python-use-type-annotations
- id: rst-backticks
- id: rst-directive-colons
- id: rst-inline-touching-normal
# Automatically remove noqa that are not used
- repo: https://github.com/asottile/yesqa
rev: "v1.4.0"
- id: yesqa
additional_dependencies: &flake8_dependencies
- flake8-bugbear
- pep8-naming
# Flake8 also supports pre-commit natively (same author)
- repo: https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8
rev: 3.8.3
- repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8
rev: "5.0.4"
- id: flake8
additional_dependencies: [flake8-bugbear, pep8-naming]
exclude: ^(docs/.*|tools/.*)$
additional_dependencies: *flake8_dependencies
# PyLint has native support - not always usable, but works for us
- repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint
rev: "v2.15.2"
- id: pylint
files: ^pybind11
# CMake formatting
- repo: https://github.com/cheshirekow/cmake-format-precommit
rev: v0.6.13
rev: "v0.6.13"
- id: cmake-format
additional_dependencies: [pyyaml]
@ -63,38 +126,50 @@ repos:
# Check static types with mypy
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-mypy
rev: v0.790
rev: "v0.971"
- id: mypy
# The default Python type ignores .pyi files, so let's rerun if detected
types: [text]
files: ^pybind11.*\.pyi?$
# Running per-file misbehaves a bit, so just run on all files, it's fast
pass_filenames: false
args: []
exclude: ^(tests|docs)/
additional_dependencies: [nox, rich]
# Checks the manifest for missing files (native support)
- repo: https://github.com/mgedmin/check-manifest
rev: "0.43"
rev: "0.48"
- id: check-manifest
# This is a slow hook, so only run this if --hook-stage manual is passed
stages: [manual]
additional_dependencies: [cmake, ninja]
# The original pybind11 checks for a few C++ style items
# Check for spelling
# Use tools/codespell_ignore_lines_from_errors.py
# to rebuild .codespell-ignore-lines
- repo: https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell
rev: "v2.2.1"
- id: codespell
exclude: ".supp$"
args: ["-x", ".codespell-ignore-lines"]
# Check for common shell mistakes
- repo: https://github.com/shellcheck-py/shellcheck-py
rev: "v0.8.0.4"
- id: shellcheck
# Disallow some common capitalization mistakes
- repo: local
- id: disallow-caps
name: Disallow improper capitalization
language: pygrep
entry: PyBind|Numpy|Cmake|CCache
exclude: .pre-commit-config.yaml
entry: PyBind|Numpy|Cmake|CCache|PyTest
exclude: ^\.pre-commit-config.yaml$
- repo: local
# Clang format the codebase automatically
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-clang-format
rev: "v14.0.6"
- id: check-style
name: Classic check-style
language: system
- c++
entry: ./tools/check-style.sh
- id: clang-format
types_or: [c++, c, cuda]

View File

@ -7,13 +7,18 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4)
# The `cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4...3.18)` syntax does not work with
# The `cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4...3.22)` syntax does not work with
# some versions of VS that have a patched CMake 3.11. This forces us to emulate
# the behavior using the following workaround:
cmake_policy(VERSION 3.18)
cmake_policy(VERSION 3.22)
# Avoid infinite recursion if tests include this as a subdirectory
# Extract project version from source
set(pybind11_system "")
set(pybind11_system SYSTEM)
@ -82,6 +91,9 @@ endif()
option(PYBIND11_INSTALL "Install pybind11 header files?" ${PYBIND11_MASTER_PROJECT})
option(PYBIND11_TEST "Build pybind11 test suite?" ${PYBIND11_MASTER_PROJECT})
option(PYBIND11_NOPYTHON "Disable search for Python" OFF)
CACHE STRING "Override the ABI version, may be used to enable the unstable ABI.")
@ -98,6 +110,7 @@ set(PYBIND11_HEADERS
@ -109,6 +122,7 @@ set(PYBIND11_HEADERS
@ -116,7 +130,8 @@ set(PYBIND11_HEADERS
# Compare with grep and warn if mismatched
@ -159,14 +174,33 @@ endif()
# You can also place ifs *in* the Config.in, but not here.
# This section builds targets, but does *not* touch Python
# Non-IMPORT targets cannot be defined twice
if(NOT TARGET pybind11_headers)
# Build the headers-only target (no Python included):
# (long name used here to keep this from clashing in subdirectory mode)
add_library(pybind11_headers INTERFACE)
add_library(pybind11::pybind11_headers ALIAS pybind11_headers) # to match exported target
add_library(pybind11::headers ALIAS pybind11_headers) # easier to use/remember
# Build the headers-only target (no Python included):
# (long name used here to keep this from clashing in subdirectory mode)
add_library(pybind11_headers INTERFACE)
add_library(pybind11::pybind11_headers ALIAS pybind11_headers) # to match exported target
add_library(pybind11::headers ALIAS pybind11_headers) # easier to use/remember
pybind11_headers ${pybind11_system} INTERFACE $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${pybind11_INCLUDE_DIR}>
target_compile_features(pybind11_headers INTERFACE cxx_inheriting_constructors cxx_user_literals
# It is invalid to install a target twice, too.
# https://github.com/jtojnar/cmake-snips/#concatenating-paths-when-building-pkg-config-files
# TODO: cmake 3.20 adds the cmake_path() function, which obsoletes this snippet
# Relative directory setting
# Fill in headers target
pybind11_headers ${pybind11_system} INTERFACE $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${pybind11_INCLUDE_DIR}>
target_compile_features(pybind11_headers INTERFACE cxx_inheriting_constructors cxx_user_literals
CACHE STRING "install path for pybind11Config.cmake")
tools/${PROJECT_NAME}Config.cmake.in "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}Config.cmake"
@ -233,6 +265,16 @@ if(PYBIND11_INSTALL)
NAMESPACE "pybind11::"
# pkg-config support
if(NOT prefix_for_pc_file)
set(prefix_for_pc_file "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}")
join_paths(includedir_for_pc_file "\${prefix}" "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}")
install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/pybind11.pc"
# Uninstall target

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
recursive-include pybind11/include/pybind11 *.h
recursive-include pybind11 *.py
recursive-include pybind11 py.typed
recursive-include pybind11 *.pyi
include pybind11/share/cmake/pybind11/*.cmake
include LICENSE README.rst pyproject.toml setup.py setup.cfg

View File

@ -3,20 +3,16 @@
**pybind11 — Seamless operability between C++11 and Python**
|Latest Documentation Status| |Stable Documentation Status| |Gitter chat| |CI| |Build status|
|Latest Documentation Status| |Stable Documentation Status| |Gitter chat| |GitHub Discussions| |CI| |Build status|
.. warning::
|Repology| |PyPI package| |Conda-forge| |Python Versions|
Combining older versions of pybind11 (< 2.6.0) with the brand-new Python
3.9.0 will trigger undefined behavior that typically manifests as crashes
during interpreter shutdown (but could also destroy your data. **You have been
`Setuptools example <https://github.com/pybind/python_example>`_
`Scikit-build example <https://github.com/pybind/scikit_build_example>`_
`CMake example <https://github.com/pybind/cmake_example>`_
.. start
We recommend that you wait for Python 3.9.1 slated for release in December,
which will include a `fix <https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/22670>`_
that resolves this problem. In the meantime, please update to the latest
version of pybind11 (2.6.0 or newer), which includes a temporary workaround
specifically when Python 3.9.0 is detected at runtime.
**pybind11** is a lightweight header-only library that exposes C++ types
in Python and vice versa, mainly to create Python bindings of existing
@ -36,9 +32,9 @@ this heavy machinery has become an excessively large and unnecessary
Think of this library as a tiny self-contained version of Boost.Python
with everything stripped away that isnt relevant for binding
with everything stripped away that isn't relevant for binding
generation. Without comments, the core header files only require ~4K
lines of code and depend on Python (2.7 or 3.5+, or PyPy) and the C++
lines of code and depend on Python (3.6+, or PyPy) and the C++
standard library. This compact implementation was possible thanks to
some of the new C++11 language features (specifically: tuples, lambda
functions and variadic templates). Since its creation, this library has
@ -82,8 +78,8 @@ Goodies
In addition to the core functionality, pybind11 provides some extra
- Python 2.7, 3.5+, and PyPy/PyPy3 7.3 are supported with an
implementation-agnostic interface.
- Python 3.6+, and PyPy3 7.3 are supported with an implementation-agnostic
interface (pybind11 2.9 was the last version to support Python 2 and 3.5).
- It is possible to bind C++11 lambda functions with captured
variables. The lambda capture data is stored inside the resulting
@ -92,8 +88,8 @@ goodies:
- pybind11 uses C++11 move constructors and move assignment operators
whenever possible to efficiently transfer custom data types.
- Its easy to expose the internal storage of custom data types through
Pythons buffer protocols. This is handy e.g. for fast conversion
- It's easy to expose the internal storage of custom data types through
Pythons' buffer protocols. This is handy e.g. for fast conversion
between C++ matrix classes like Eigen and NumPy without expensive
copy operations.
@ -101,7 +97,7 @@ goodies:
transparently applied to all entries of one or more NumPy array
- Pythons slice-based access and assignment operations can be
- Python's slice-based access and assignment operations can be
supported with just a few lines of code.
- Everything is contained in just a few header files; there is no need
@ -110,7 +106,7 @@ goodies:
- Binaries are generally smaller by a factor of at least 2 compared to
equivalent bindings generated by Boost.Python. A recent pybind11
conversion of PyRosetta, an enormous Boost.Python binding project,
`reported <http://graylab.jhu.edu/RosettaCon2016/PyRosetta-4.pdf>`_
`reported <https://graylab.jhu.edu/Sergey/2016.RosettaCon/PyRosetta-4.pdf>`_
a binary size reduction of **5.4x** and compile time reduction by
@ -123,15 +119,14 @@ goodies:
Supported compilers
1. Clang/LLVM 3.3 or newer (for Apple Xcodes clang, this is 5.0.0 or
1. Clang/LLVM 3.3 or newer (for Apple Xcode's clang, this is 5.0.0 or
2. GCC 4.8 or newer
3. Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 or newer
4. Intel C++ compiler 18 or newer
(`possible issue <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2573>`_ on 20.2)
5. Cygwin/GCC (tested on 2.5.1)
6. NVCC (CUDA 11.0 tested)
7. NVIDIA PGI (20.7 and 20.9 tested)
3. Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 or newer
4. Intel classic C++ compiler 18 or newer (ICC 20.2 tested in CI)
5. Cygwin/GCC (previously tested on 2.5.1)
6. NVCC (CUDA 11.0 tested in CI)
7. NVIDIA PGI (20.9 tested in CI)
@ -139,9 +134,9 @@ About
This project was created by `Wenzel
Jakob <http://rgl.epfl.ch/people/wjakob>`_. Significant features and/or
improvements to the code were contributed by Jonas Adler, Lori A. Burns,
Sylvain Corlay, Eric Cousineau, Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve, Trent Houliston, Axel
Sylvain Corlay, Eric Cousineau, Aaron Gokaslan, Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve, Trent Houliston, Axel
Huebl, @hulucc, Yannick Jadoul, Sergey Lyskov Johan Mabille, Tomasz Miąsko,
Dean Moldovan, Ben Pritchard, Jason Rhinelander, Boris Schäling, Pim
Dean Moldovan, Ben Pritchard, Jason Rhinelander, Boris Schäling, Pim
Schellart, Henry Schreiner, Ivan Smirnov, Boris Staletic, and Patrick Stewart.
We thank Google for a generous financial contribution to the continuous
@ -165,7 +160,7 @@ to the terms and conditions of this license.
.. |Latest Documentation Status| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/pybind11/badge?version=latest
:target: http://pybind11.readthedocs.org/en/latest
.. |Stable Documentation Status| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-stable-blue
.. |Stable Documentation Status| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-stable-blue.svg
:target: http://pybind11.readthedocs.org/en/stable
.. |Gitter chat| image:: https://img.shields.io/gitter/room/gitterHQ/gitter.svg
:target: https://gitter.im/pybind/Lobby
@ -173,3 +168,13 @@ to the terms and conditions of this license.
:target: https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/actions
.. |Build status| image:: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/riaj54pn4h08xy40?svg=true
:target: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/wjakob/pybind11
.. |PyPI package| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/pybind11.svg
:target: https://pypi.org/project/pybind11/
.. |Conda-forge| image:: https://img.shields.io/conda/vn/conda-forge/pybind11.svg
:target: https://github.com/conda-forge/pybind11-feedstock
.. |Repology| image:: https://repology.org/badge/latest-versions/python:pybind11.svg
:target: https://repology.org/project/python:pybind11/versions
.. |Python Versions| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/pybind11.svg
:target: https://pypi.org/project/pybind11/
.. |GitHub Discussions| image:: https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=Discussions&message=Ask&color=blue&logo=github
:target: https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/discussions

View File

@ -18,6 +18,4 @@ ALIASES += "endrst=\endverbatim"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
.highlight .go {
color: #707070;

View File

@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ The following Python snippet demonstrates the intended usage from the Python sid
def __int__(self):
return 123
from example import print
To register the necessary conversion routines, it is necessary to add an
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ type is explicitly allowed.
.. code-block:: cpp
namespace pybind11 { namespace detail {
namespace PYBIND11_NAMESPACE { namespace detail {
template <> struct type_caster<inty> {
@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ type is explicitly allowed.
* function signatures and declares a local variable
* 'value' of type inty
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(inty, _("inty"));
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(inty, const_name("inty"));
* Conversion part 1 (Python->C++): convert a PyObject into a inty
@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ type is explicitly allowed.
return PyLong_FromLong(src.long_value);
}} // namespace pybind11::detail
}} // namespace PYBIND11_NAMESPACE::detail
.. note::

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ can be mapped *and* if the numpy array is writeable (that is
the passed variable will be transparently carried out directly on the
This means you can can write code such as the following and have it work as
This means you can write code such as the following and have it work as
.. code-block:: cpp
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ example:
.. code-block:: python
a = MyClass()
m = a.get_matrix() # flags.writeable = True, flags.owndata = False
m = a.get_matrix() # flags.writeable = True, flags.owndata = False
v = a.view_matrix() # flags.writeable = False, flags.owndata = False
c = a.copy_matrix() # flags.writeable = True, flags.owndata = True
# m[5,6] and v[5,6] refer to the same element, c[5,6] does not.
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ adding the ``order='F'`` option when creating an array:
.. code-block:: python
myarray = np.array(source, order='F')
myarray = np.array(source, order="F")
Such an object will be passable to a bound function accepting an
``Eigen::Ref<MatrixXd>`` (or similar column-major Eigen type).

View File

@ -75,91 +75,96 @@ The following basic data types are supported out of the box (some may require
an additional extension header to be included). To pass other data structures
as arguments and return values, refer to the section on binding :ref:`classes`.
| Data type | Description | Header file |
| ``int8_t``, ``uint8_t`` | 8-bit integers | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``int16_t``, ``uint16_t`` | 16-bit integers | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``int32_t``, ``uint32_t`` | 32-bit integers | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``int64_t``, ``uint64_t`` | 64-bit integers | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``ssize_t``, ``size_t`` | Platform-dependent size | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``float``, ``double`` | Floating point types | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``bool`` | Two-state Boolean type | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``char`` | Character literal | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``char16_t`` | UTF-16 character literal | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``char32_t`` | UTF-32 character literal | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``wchar_t`` | Wide character literal | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``const char *`` | UTF-8 string literal | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``const char16_t *`` | UTF-16 string literal | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``const char32_t *`` | UTF-32 string literal | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``const wchar_t *`` | Wide string literal | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::string`` | STL dynamic UTF-8 string | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::u16string`` | STL dynamic UTF-16 string | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::u32string`` | STL dynamic UTF-32 string | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::wstring`` | STL dynamic wide string | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::string_view``, | STL C++17 string views | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::u16string_view``, etc. | | |
| ``std::pair<T1, T2>`` | Pair of two custom types | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::tuple<...>`` | Arbitrary tuple of types | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::reference_wrapper<...>`` | Reference type wrapper | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::complex<T>`` | Complex numbers | :file:`pybind11/complex.h` |
| ``std::array<T, Size>`` | STL static array | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::vector<T>`` | STL dynamic array | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::deque<T>`` | STL double-ended queue | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::valarray<T>`` | STL value array | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::list<T>`` | STL linked list | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::map<T1, T2>`` | STL ordered map | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::unordered_map<T1, T2>`` | STL unordered map | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::set<T>`` | STL ordered set | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::unordered_set<T>`` | STL unordered set | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::optional<T>`` | STL optional type (C++17) | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::experimental::optional<T>`` | STL optional type (exp.) | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::variant<...>`` | Type-safe union (C++17) | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::function<...>`` | STL polymorphic function | :file:`pybind11/functional.h` |
| ``std::chrono::duration<...>`` | STL time duration | :file:`pybind11/chrono.h` |
| ``std::chrono::time_point<...>`` | STL date/time | :file:`pybind11/chrono.h` |
| ``Eigen::Matrix<...>`` | Eigen: dense matrix | :file:`pybind11/eigen.h` |
| ``Eigen::Map<...>`` | Eigen: mapped memory | :file:`pybind11/eigen.h` |
| ``Eigen::SparseMatrix<...>`` | Eigen: sparse matrix | :file:`pybind11/eigen.h` |
| Data type | Description | Header file |
| ``int8_t``, ``uint8_t`` | 8-bit integers | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``int16_t``, ``uint16_t`` | 16-bit integers | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``int32_t``, ``uint32_t`` | 32-bit integers | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``int64_t``, ``uint64_t`` | 64-bit integers | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``ssize_t``, ``size_t`` | Platform-dependent size | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``float``, ``double`` | Floating point types | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``bool`` | Two-state Boolean type | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``char`` | Character literal | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``char16_t`` | UTF-16 character literal | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``char32_t`` | UTF-32 character literal | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``wchar_t`` | Wide character literal | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``const char *`` | UTF-8 string literal | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``const char16_t *`` | UTF-16 string literal | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``const char32_t *`` | UTF-32 string literal | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``const wchar_t *`` | Wide string literal | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::string`` | STL dynamic UTF-8 string | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::u16string`` | STL dynamic UTF-16 string | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::u32string`` | STL dynamic UTF-32 string | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::wstring`` | STL dynamic wide string | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::string_view``, | STL C++17 string views | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::u16string_view``, etc. | | |
| ``std::pair<T1, T2>`` | Pair of two custom types | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::tuple<...>`` | Arbitrary tuple of types | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::reference_wrapper<...>`` | Reference type wrapper | :file:`pybind11/pybind11.h` |
| ``std::complex<T>`` | Complex numbers | :file:`pybind11/complex.h` |
| ``std::array<T, Size>`` | STL static array | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::vector<T>`` | STL dynamic array | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::deque<T>`` | STL double-ended queue | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::valarray<T>`` | STL value array | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::list<T>`` | STL linked list | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::map<T1, T2>`` | STL ordered map | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::unordered_map<T1, T2>`` | STL unordered map | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::set<T>`` | STL ordered set | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::unordered_set<T>`` | STL unordered set | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::optional<T>`` | STL optional type (C++17) | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::experimental::optional<T>`` | STL optional type (exp.) | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::variant<...>`` | Type-safe union (C++17) | :file:`pybind11/stl.h` |
| ``std::filesystem::path<T>`` | STL path (C++17) [#]_ | :file:`pybind11/stl/filesystem.h` |
| ``std::function<...>`` | STL polymorphic function | :file:`pybind11/functional.h` |
| ``std::chrono::duration<...>`` | STL time duration | :file:`pybind11/chrono.h` |
| ``std::chrono::time_point<...>`` | STL date/time | :file:`pybind11/chrono.h` |
| ``Eigen::Matrix<...>`` | Eigen: dense matrix | :file:`pybind11/eigen.h` |
| ``Eigen::Map<...>`` | Eigen: mapped memory | :file:`pybind11/eigen.h` |
| ``Eigen::SparseMatrix<...>`` | Eigen: sparse matrix | :file:`pybind11/eigen.h` |
.. [#] ``std::filesystem::path`` is converted to ``pathlib.Path`` and
``os.PathLike`` is converted to ``std::filesystem::path``.

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ types:
.. code-block:: cpp
// `boost::optional` as an example -- can be any `std::optional`-like container
namespace pybind11 { namespace detail {
namespace PYBIND11_NAMESPACE { namespace detail {
template <typename T>
struct type_caster<boost::optional<T>> : optional_caster<boost::optional<T>> {};
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ for custom variant types:
.. code-block:: cpp
// `boost::variant` as an example -- can be any `std::variant`-like container
namespace pybind11 { namespace detail {
namespace PYBIND11_NAMESPACE { namespace detail {
template <typename... Ts>
struct type_caster<boost::variant<Ts...>> : variant_caster<boost::variant<Ts...>> {};
@ -66,18 +66,27 @@ for custom variant types:
return boost::apply_visitor(args...);
}} // namespace pybind11::detail
}} // namespace PYBIND11_NAMESPACE::detail
The ``visit_helper`` specialization is not required if your ``name::variant`` provides
a ``name::visit()`` function. For any other function name, the specialization must be
included to tell pybind11 how to visit the variant.
.. warning::
When converting a ``variant`` type, pybind11 follows the same rules as when
determining which function overload to call (:ref:`overload_resolution`), and
so the same caveats hold. In particular, the order in which the ``variant``'s
alternatives are listed is important, since pybind11 will try conversions in
this order. This means that, for example, when converting ``variant<int, bool>``,
the ``bool`` variant will never be selected, as any Python ``bool`` is already
an ``int`` and is convertible to a C++ ``int``. Changing the order of alternatives
(and using ``variant<bool, int>``, in this example) provides a solution.
.. note::
pybind11 only supports the modern implementation of ``boost::variant``
which makes use of variadic templates. This requires Boost 1.56 or newer.
Additionally, on Windows, MSVC 2017 is required because ``boost::variant``
falls back to the old non-variadic implementation on MSVC 2015.
.. _opaque:

View File

@ -1,14 +1,6 @@
Strings, bytes and Unicode conversions
.. note::
This section discusses string handling in terms of Python 3 strings. For
Python 2.7, replace all occurrences of ``str`` with ``unicode`` and
``bytes`` with ``str``. Python 2.7 users may find it best to use ``from
__future__ import unicode_literals`` to avoid unintentionally using ``str``
instead of ``unicode``.
Passing Python strings to C++
@ -36,13 +28,13 @@ everywhere <http://utf8everywhere.org/>`_.
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> utf8_test('🎂')
>>> utf8_test("🎂")
utf-8 is icing on the cake.
>>> utf8_charptr('🍕')
>>> utf8_charptr("🍕")
My favorite food is
@ -58,9 +50,9 @@ Passing bytes to C++
A Python ``bytes`` object will be passed to C++ functions that accept
``std::string`` or ``char*`` *without* conversion. On Python 3, in order to
make a function *only* accept ``bytes`` (and not ``str``), declare it as taking
a ``py::bytes`` argument.
``std::string`` or ``char*`` *without* conversion. In order to make a function
*only* accept ``bytes`` (and not ``str``), declare it as taking a ``py::bytes``
Returning C++ strings to Python
@ -80,7 +72,7 @@ raise a ``UnicodeDecodeError``.
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> isinstance(example.std_string_return(), str)
@ -114,7 +106,7 @@ conversion has the same overhead as implicit conversion.
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> str_output()
'Send your résumé to Alice in HR'
@ -143,7 +135,7 @@ returned to Python as ``bytes``, then one can return the data as a
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> example.return_bytes()
@ -160,7 +152,7 @@ encoding, but cannot convert ``std::string`` back to ``bytes`` implicitly.
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> isinstance(example.asymmetry(b"have some bytes"), str)
@ -204,11 +196,6 @@ decoded to Python ``str``.
.. warning::
Wide character strings may not work as described on Python 2.7 or Python
3.3 compiled with ``--enable-unicode=ucs2``.
Strings in multibyte encodings such as Shift-JIS must transcoded to a
UTF-8/16/32 before being returned to Python.
@ -229,16 +216,16 @@ character.
m.def("pass_char", [](char c) { return c; });
m.def("pass_wchar", [](wchar_t w) { return w; });
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> example.pass_char('A')
>>> example.pass_char("A")
While C++ will cast integers to character types (``char c = 0x65;``), pybind11
does not convert Python integers to characters implicitly. The Python function
``chr()`` can be used to convert integers to characters.
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> example.pass_char(0x65)
@ -259,17 +246,17 @@ a combining acute accent). The combining character will be lost if the
two-character sequence is passed as an argument, even though it renders as a
single grapheme.
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> example.pass_wchar('é')
>>> example.pass_wchar("é")
>>> combining_e_acute = 'e' + '\u0301'
>>> combining_e_acute = "e" + "\u0301"
>>> combining_e_acute
>>> combining_e_acute == 'é'
>>> combining_e_acute == "é"
>>> example.pass_wchar(combining_e_acute)
@ -278,9 +265,9 @@ single grapheme.
Normalizing combining characters before passing the character literal to C++
may resolve *some* of these issues:
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> example.pass_wchar(unicodedata.normalize('NFC', combining_e_acute))
>>> example.pass_wchar(unicodedata.normalize("NFC", combining_e_acute))
In some languages (Thai for example), there are `graphemes that cannot be

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ that you are already familiar with the basics from :doc:`/classes`.
Overriding virtual functions in Python
Suppose that a C++ class or interface has a virtual function that we'd like to
Suppose that a C++ class or interface has a virtual function that we'd like
to override from within Python (we'll focus on the class ``Animal``; ``Dog`` is
given as a specific example of how one would do this with traditional C++
@ -133,14 +133,14 @@ a virtual method call.
>>> from example import *
>>> d = Dog()
>>> call_go(d)
u'woof! woof! woof! '
'woof! woof! woof! '
>>> class Cat(Animal):
... def go(self, n_times):
... return "meow! " * n_times
... return "meow! " * n_times
>>> c = Cat()
>>> call_go(c)
u'meow! meow! meow! '
'meow! meow! meow! '
If you are defining a custom constructor in a derived Python class, you *must*
ensure that you explicitly call the bound C++ constructor using ``__init__``,
@ -159,8 +159,9 @@ Here is an example:
class Dachshund(Dog):
def __init__(self, name):
Dog.__init__(self) # Without this, a TypeError is raised.
Dog.__init__(self) # Without this, a TypeError is raised.
self.name = name
def bark(self):
return "yap!"
@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ override the ``name()`` method):
.. note::
Note the trailing commas in the ``PYBIND11_OVERIDE`` calls to ``name()``
Note the trailing commas in the ``PYBIND11_OVERRIDE`` calls to ``name()``
and ``bark()``. These are needed to portably implement a trampoline for a
function that does not take any arguments. For functions that take
a nonzero number of arguments, the trailing comma must be omitted.
@ -804,7 +805,7 @@ to bind these two functions:
The ``__setstate__`` part of the ``py::picke()`` definition follows the same
The ``__setstate__`` part of the ``py::pickle()`` definition follows the same
rules as the single-argument version of ``py::init()``. The return type can be
a value, pointer or holder type. See :ref:`custom_constructors` for details.
@ -812,26 +813,21 @@ An instance can now be pickled as follows:
.. code-block:: python
import cPickle as pickle # Use cPickle on Python 2.7
except ImportError:
import pickle
import pickle
p = Pickleable("test_value")
data = pickle.dumps(p, 2)
data = pickle.dumps(p)
.. note::
Note that only the cPickle module is supported on Python 2.7.
The second argument to ``dumps`` is also crucial: it selects the pickle
protocol version 2, since the older version 1 is not supported. Newer
versions are also fine—for instance, specify ``-1`` to always use the
latest available version. Beware: failure to follow these instructions
will cause important pybind11 memory allocation routines to be skipped
during unpickling, which will likely lead to memory corruption and/or
segmentation faults.
If given, the second argument to ``dumps`` must be 2 or larger - 0 and 1 are
not supported. Newer versions are also fine; for instance, specify ``-1`` to
always use the latest available version. Beware: failure to follow these
instructions will cause important pybind11 memory allocation routines to be
skipped during unpickling, which will likely lead to memory corruption
and/or segmentation faults. Python defaults to version 3 (Python 3-3.7) and
version 4 for Python 3.8+.
.. seealso::
@ -848,11 +844,9 @@ Python normally uses references in assignments. Sometimes a real copy is needed
to prevent changing all copies. The ``copy`` module [#f5]_ provides these
On Python 3, a class with pickle support is automatically also (deep)copy
A class with pickle support is automatically also (deep)copy
compatible. However, performance can be improved by adding custom
``__copy__`` and ``__deepcopy__`` methods. With Python 2.7, these custom methods
are mandatory for (deep)copy compatibility, because pybind11 only supports
``__copy__`` and ``__deepcopy__`` methods.
For simple classes (deep)copy can be enabled by using the copy constructor,
which should look as follows:
@ -1124,13 +1118,6 @@ described trampoline:
py::class_<A, Trampoline>(m, "A") // <-- `Trampoline` here
.def("foo", &Publicist::foo); // <-- `Publicist` here, not `Trampoline`!
.. note::
MSVC 2015 has a compiler bug (fixed in version 2017) which
requires a more explicit function binding in the form of
``.def("foo", static_cast<int (A::*)() const>(&Publicist::foo));``
where ``int (A::*)() const`` is the type of ``A::foo``.
Binding final classes
@ -1153,12 +1140,65 @@ error:
>>> class PyFinalChild(IsFinal):
... pass
TypeError: type 'IsFinal' is not an acceptable base type
.. note:: This attribute is currently ignored on PyPy
.. versionadded:: 2.6
Binding classes with template parameters
pybind11 can also wrap classes that have template parameters. Consider these classes:
.. code-block:: cpp
struct Cat {};
struct Dog {};
template <typename PetType>
struct Cage {
Cage(PetType& pet);
PetType& get();
C++ templates may only be instantiated at compile time, so pybind11 can only
wrap instantiated templated classes. You cannot wrap a non-instantiated template:
.. code-block:: cpp
// BROKEN (this will not compile)
py::class_<Cage>(m, "Cage");
.def("get", &Cage::get);
You must explicitly specify each template/type combination that you want to
wrap separately.
.. code-block:: cpp
// ok
py::class_<Cage<Cat>>(m, "CatCage")
.def("get", &Cage<Cat>::get);
// ok
py::class_<Cage<Dog>>(m, "DogCage")
.def("get", &Cage<Dog>::get);
If your class methods have template parameters you can wrap those as well,
but once again each instantiation must be explicitly specified:
.. code-block:: cpp
typename <typename T>
struct MyClass {
template <typename V>
T fn(V v);
py::class<MyClass<int>>(m, "MyClassT")
.def("fn", &MyClass<int>::fn<std::string>);
Custom automatic downcasters
@ -1188,7 +1228,7 @@ whether a downcast is safe, you can proceed by specializing the
std::string bark() const { return sound; }
namespace pybind11 {
namespace PYBIND11_NAMESPACE {
template<> struct polymorphic_type_hook<Pet> {
static const void *get(const Pet *src, const std::type_info*& type) {
// note that src may be nullptr
@ -1199,7 +1239,7 @@ whether a downcast is safe, you can proceed by specializing the
return src;
} // namespace pybind11
} // namespace PYBIND11_NAMESPACE
When pybind11 wants to convert a C++ pointer of type ``Base*`` to a
Python object, it calls ``polymorphic_type_hook<Base>::get()`` to
@ -1247,7 +1287,7 @@ Accessing the type object
You can get the type object from a C++ class that has already been registered using:
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: cpp
py::type T_py = py::type::of<T>();
@ -1259,3 +1299,37 @@ object, just like ``type(ob)`` in Python.
Other types, like ``py::type::of<int>()``, do not work, see :ref:`type-conversions`.
.. versionadded:: 2.6
Custom type setup
For advanced use cases, such as enabling garbage collection support, you may
wish to directly manipulate the ``PyHeapTypeObject`` corresponding to a
``py::class_`` definition.
You can do that using ``py::custom_type_setup``:
.. code-block:: cpp
struct OwnsPythonObjects {
py::object value = py::none();
py::class_<OwnsPythonObjects> cls(
m, "OwnsPythonObjects", py::custom_type_setup([](PyHeapTypeObject *heap_type) {
auto *type = &heap_type->ht_type;
type->tp_flags |= Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC;
type->tp_traverse = [](PyObject *self_base, visitproc visit, void *arg) {
auto &self = py::cast<OwnsPythonObjects&>(py::handle(self_base));
return 0;
type->tp_clear = [](PyObject *self_base) {
auto &self = py::cast<OwnsPythonObjects&>(py::handle(self_base));
self.value = py::none();
return 0;
cls.def_readwrite("value", &OwnsPythonObjects::value);
.. versionadded:: 2.8

View File

@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ The essential structure of the ``main.cpp`` file looks like this:
The interpreter must be initialized before using any Python API, which includes
all the functions and classes in pybind11. The RAII guard class `scoped_interpreter`
all the functions and classes in pybind11. The RAII guard class ``scoped_interpreter``
takes care of the interpreter lifetime. After the guard is destroyed, the interpreter
shuts down and clears its memory. No Python functions can be called after this.
Executing Python code
There are a few different ways to run Python code. One option is to use `eval`,
`exec` or `eval_file`, as explained in :ref:`eval`. Here is a quick example in
There are a few different ways to run Python code. One option is to use ``eval``,
``exec`` or ``eval_file``, as explained in :ref:`eval`. Here is a quick example in
the context of an executable with an embedded interpreter:
.. code-block:: cpp
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ The two approaches can also be combined:
Importing modules
Python modules can be imported using `module_::import()`:
Python modules can be imported using ``module_::import()``:
.. code-block:: cpp
@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ embedding the interpreter. This makes it easy to import local Python files:
"""calc.py located in the working directory"""
def add(i, j):
return i + j
@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ embedding the interpreter. This makes it easy to import local Python files:
int n = result.cast<int>();
assert(n == 3);
Modules can be reloaded using `module_::reload()` if the source is modified e.g.
Modules can be reloaded using ``module_::reload()`` if the source is modified e.g.
by an external process. This can be useful in scenarios where the application
imports a user defined data processing script which needs to be updated after
changes by the user. Note that this function does not reload modules recursively.
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ changes by the user. Note that this function does not reload modules recursively
Adding embedded modules
Embedded binary modules can be added using the `PYBIND11_EMBEDDED_MODULE` macro.
Embedded binary modules can be added using the ``PYBIND11_EMBEDDED_MODULE`` macro.
Note that the definition must be placed at global scope. They can be imported
like any other module.
@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ like any other module.
Unlike extension modules where only a single binary module can be created, on
the embedded side an unlimited number of modules can be added using multiple
`PYBIND11_EMBEDDED_MODULE` definitions (as long as they have unique names).
``PYBIND11_EMBEDDED_MODULE`` definitions (as long as they have unique names).
These modules are added to Python's list of builtins, so they can also be
imported in pure Python files loaded by the interpreter. Everything interacts
@ -215,9 +216,9 @@ naturally:
Interpreter lifetime
The Python interpreter shuts down when `scoped_interpreter` is destroyed. After
The Python interpreter shuts down when ``scoped_interpreter`` is destroyed. After
this, creating a new instance will restart the interpreter. Alternatively, the
`initialize_interpreter` / `finalize_interpreter` pair of functions can be used
``initialize_interpreter`` / ``finalize_interpreter`` pair of functions can be used
to directly set the state at any time.
Modules created with pybind11 can be safely re-initialized after the interpreter
@ -229,8 +230,8 @@ global data. All the details can be found in the CPython documentation.
.. warning::
Creating two concurrent `scoped_interpreter` guards is a fatal error. So is
calling `initialize_interpreter` for a second time after the interpreter
Creating two concurrent ``scoped_interpreter`` guards is a fatal error. So is
calling ``initialize_interpreter`` for a second time after the interpreter
has already been initialized.
Do not use the raw CPython API functions ``Py_Initialize`` and
@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ global data. All the details can be found in the CPython documentation.
Sub-interpreter support
Creating multiple copies of `scoped_interpreter` is not possible because it
Creating multiple copies of ``scoped_interpreter`` is not possible because it
represents the main Python interpreter. Sub-interpreters are something different
and they do permit the existence of multiple interpreters. This is an advanced
feature of the CPython API and should be handled with care. pybind11 does not
@ -257,5 +258,5 @@ We'll just mention a couple of caveats the sub-interpreters support in pybind11:
2. Managing multiple threads, multiple interpreters and the GIL can be
challenging and there are several caveats here, even within the pure
CPython API (please refer to the Python docs for details). As for
pybind11, keep in mind that `gil_scoped_release` and `gil_scoped_acquire`
pybind11, keep in mind that ``gil_scoped_release`` and ``gil_scoped_acquire``
do not take sub-interpreters into account.

View File

@ -43,18 +43,28 @@ at its exception handler.
| | of bounds access in ``__getitem__``, |
| | ``__setitem__``, etc.) |
| :class:`pybind11::value_error` | ``ValueError`` (used to indicate |
| | wrong value passed in |
| | ``container.remove(...)``) |
| :class:`pybind11::key_error` | ``KeyError`` (used to indicate out |
| | of bounds access in ``__getitem__``, |
| | ``__setitem__`` in dict-like |
| | objects, etc.) |
| :class:`pybind11::value_error` | ``ValueError`` (used to indicate |
| | wrong value passed in |
| | ``container.remove(...)``) |
| :class:`pybind11::type_error` | ``TypeError`` |
| :class:`pybind11::buffer_error` | ``BufferError`` |
| :class:`pybind11::import_error` | ``ImportError`` |
| :class:`pybind11::attribute_error` | ``AttributeError`` |
| Any other exception | ``RuntimeError`` |
Exception translation is not bidirectional. That is, *catching* the C++
exceptions defined above above will not trap exceptions that originate from
exceptions defined above will not trap exceptions that originate from
Python. For that, catch :class:`pybind11::error_already_set`. See :ref:`below
<handling_python_exceptions_cpp>` for further details.
@ -67,9 +77,10 @@ Registering custom translators
If the default exception conversion policy described above is insufficient,
pybind11 also provides support for registering custom exception translators.
To register a simple exception conversion that translates a C++ exception into
a new Python exception using the C++ exception's ``what()`` method, a helper
function is available:
Similar to pybind11 classes, exception translators can be local to the module
they are defined in or global to the entire python session. To register a simple
exception conversion that translates a C++ exception into a new Python exception
using the C++ exception's ``what()`` method, a helper function is available:
.. code-block:: cpp
@ -79,29 +90,39 @@ This call creates a Python exception class with the name ``PyExp`` in the given
module and automatically converts any encountered exceptions of type ``CppExp``
into Python exceptions of type ``PyExp``.
A matching function is available for registering a local exception translator:
.. code-block:: cpp
py::register_local_exception<CppExp>(module, "PyExp");
It is possible to specify base class for the exception using the third
parameter, a `handle`:
parameter, a ``handle``:
.. code-block:: cpp
py::register_exception<CppExp>(module, "PyExp", PyExc_RuntimeError);
py::register_local_exception<CppExp>(module, "PyExp", PyExc_RuntimeError);
Then `PyExp` can be caught both as `PyExp` and `RuntimeError`.
Then ``PyExp`` can be caught both as ``PyExp`` and ``RuntimeError``.
The class objects of the built-in Python exceptions are listed in the Python
documentation on `Standard Exceptions <https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/exceptions.html#standard-exceptions>`_.
The default base class is `PyExc_Exception`.
The default base class is ``PyExc_Exception``.
When more advanced exception translation is needed, the function
``py::register_exception_translator(translator)`` can be used to register
When more advanced exception translation is needed, the functions
``py::register_exception_translator(translator)`` and
``py::register_local_exception_translator(translator)`` can be used to register
functions that can translate arbitrary exception types (and which may include
additional logic to do so). The function takes a stateless callable (e.g. a
additional logic to do so). The functions takes a stateless callable (e.g. a
function pointer or a lambda function without captured variables) with the call
signature ``void(std::exception_ptr)``.
When a C++ exception is thrown, the registered exception translators are tried
in reverse order of registration (i.e. the last registered translator gets the
first shot at handling the exception).
first shot at handling the exception). All local translators will be tried
before a global translator is tried.
Inside the translator, ``std::rethrow_exception`` should be used within
a try block to re-throw the exception. One or more catch clauses to catch
@ -156,6 +177,57 @@ section.
may be explicitly (re-)thrown to delegate it to the other,
previously-declared existing exception translators.
Note that ``libc++`` and ``libstdc++`` `behave differently <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19496643/using-clang-fvisibility-hidden-and-typeinfo-and-type-erasure/28827430>`_
with ``-fvisibility=hidden``. Therefore exceptions that are used across ABI boundaries need to be explicitly exported, as exercised in ``tests/test_exceptions.h``.
See also: "Problems with C++ exceptions" under `GCC Wiki <https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Visibility>`_.
Local vs Global Exception Translators
When a global exception translator is registered, it will be applied across all
modules in the reverse order of registration. This can create behavior where the
order of module import influences how exceptions are translated.
If module1 has the following translator:
.. code-block:: cpp
py::register_exception_translator([](std::exception_ptr p) {
try {
if (p) std::rethrow_exception(p);
} catch (const std::invalid_argument &e) {
PyErr_SetString("module1 handled this")
and module2 has the following similar translator:
.. code-block:: cpp
py::register_exception_translator([](std::exception_ptr p) {
try {
if (p) std::rethrow_exception(p);
} catch (const std::invalid_argument &e) {
PyErr_SetString("module2 handled this")
then which translator handles the invalid_argument will be determined by the
order that module1 and module2 are imported. Since exception translators are
applied in the reverse order of registration, which ever module was imported
last will "win" and that translator will be applied.
If there are multiple pybind11 modules that share exception types (either
standard built-in or custom) loaded into a single python instance and
consistent error handling behavior is needed, then local translators should be
Changing the previous example to use ``register_local_exception_translator``
would mean that when invalid_argument is thrown in the module2 code, the
module2 translator will always handle it, while in module1, the module1
translator will do the same.
.. _handling_python_exceptions_cpp:
Handling exceptions from Python in C++
@ -188,7 +260,7 @@ For example:
} catch (py::error_already_set &e) {
if (e.matches(PyExc_FileNotFoundError)) {
py::print("missing.txt not found");
} else if (e.match(PyExc_PermissionError)) {
} else if (e.matches(PyExc_PermissionError)) {
py::print("missing.txt found but not accessible");
} else {
@ -253,6 +325,34 @@ Alternately, to ignore the error, call `PyErr_Clear
Any Python error must be thrown or cleared, or Python/pybind11 will be left in
an invalid state.
Chaining exceptions ('raise from')
Python has a mechanism for indicating that exceptions were caused by other
.. code-block:: py
print(1 / 0)
except Exception as exc:
raise RuntimeError("could not divide by zero") from exc
To do a similar thing in pybind11, you can use the ``py::raise_from`` function. It
sets the current python error indicator, so to continue propagating the exception
you should ``throw py::error_already_set()``.
.. code-block:: cpp
try {
py::eval("print(1 / 0"));
} catch (py::error_already_set &e) {
py::raise_from(e, PyExc_RuntimeError, "could not divide by zero");
throw py::error_already_set();
.. versionadded:: 2.8
.. _unraisable_exceptions:
Handling unraisable exceptions

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ implied transfer of ownership, i.e.:
.. code-block:: cpp
m.def("get_data", &get_data, return_value_policy::reference);
m.def("get_data", &get_data, py::return_value_policy::reference);
On the other hand, this is not the right policy for many other situations,
where ignoring ownership could lead to resource leaks.
@ -90,17 +90,18 @@ The following table provides an overview of available policies:
| | return value is referenced by Python. This is the default policy for |
| | property getters created via ``def_property``, ``def_readwrite``, etc. |
| :enum:`return_value_policy::automatic` | **Default policy.** This policy falls back to the policy |
| :enum:`return_value_policy::automatic` | This policy falls back to the policy |
| | :enum:`return_value_policy::take_ownership` when the return value is a |
| | pointer. Otherwise, it uses :enum:`return_value_policy::move` or |
| | :enum:`return_value_policy::copy` for rvalue and lvalue references, |
| | respectively. See above for a description of what all of these different |
| | policies do. |
| | policies do. This is the default policy for ``py::class_``-wrapped types. |
| :enum:`return_value_policy::automatic_reference` | As above, but use policy :enum:`return_value_policy::reference` when the |
| | return value is a pointer. This is the default conversion policy for |
| | function arguments when calling Python functions manually from C++ code |
| | (i.e. via handle::operator()). You probably won't need to use this. |
| | (i.e. via ``handle::operator()``) and the casters in ``pybind11/stl.h``. |
| | You probably won't need to use this explicitly. |
Return value policies can also be applied to properties:
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ targeted arguments can be passed through the :class:`cpp_function` constructor:
.. code-block:: cpp
class_<MyClass>(m, "MyClass")
py::cpp_function(&MyClass::getData, py::return_value_policy::copy),
@ -182,6 +183,9 @@ relies on the ability to create a *weak reference* to the nurse object. When
the nurse object is not a pybind11-registered type and does not support weak
references, an exception will be thrown.
If you use an incorrect argument index, you will get a ``RuntimeError`` saying
``Could not activate keep_alive!``. You should review the indices you're using.
Consider the following example: here, the binding code for a list append
operation ties the lifetime of the newly added element to the underlying
@ -228,7 +232,7 @@ is equivalent to the following pseudocode:
The only requirement is that ``T`` is default-constructible, but otherwise any
scope guard will work. This is very useful in combination with `gil_scoped_release`.
scope guard will work. This is very useful in combination with ``gil_scoped_release``.
See :ref:`gil`.
Multiple guards can also be specified as ``py::call_guard<T1, T2, T3...>``. The
@ -251,7 +255,7 @@ For instance, the following statement iterates over a Python ``dict``:
.. code-block:: cpp
void print_dict(py::dict dict) {
void print_dict(const py::dict& dict) {
/* Easily interact with Python types */
for (auto item : dict)
std::cout << "key=" << std::string(py::str(item.first)) << ", "
@ -268,7 +272,7 @@ And used in Python as usual:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> print_dict({'foo': 123, 'bar': 'hello'})
>>> print_dict({"foo": 123, "bar": "hello"})
key=foo, value=123
key=bar, value=hello
@ -289,7 +293,7 @@ Such functions can also be created using pybind11:
.. code-block:: cpp
void generic(py::args args, py::kwargs kwargs) {
void generic(py::args args, const py::kwargs& kwargs) {
/// .. do something with args
if (kwargs)
/// .. do something with kwargs
@ -302,8 +306,9 @@ The class ``py::args`` derives from ``py::tuple`` and ``py::kwargs`` derives
from ``py::dict``.
You may also use just one or the other, and may combine these with other
arguments as long as the ``py::args`` and ``py::kwargs`` arguments are the last
arguments accepted by the function.
arguments. Note, however, that ``py::kwargs`` must always be the last argument
of the function, and ``py::args`` implies that any further arguments are
keyword-only (see :ref:`keyword_only_arguments`).
Please refer to the other examples for details on how to iterate over these,
and on how to cast their entries into C++ objects. A demonstration is also
@ -362,10 +367,12 @@ like so:
.def("myFunction", py::arg("arg") = static_cast<SomeType *>(nullptr));
.. _keyword_only_arguments:
Keyword-only arguments
Python 3 introduced keyword-only arguments by specifying an unnamed ``*``
Python implements keyword-only arguments by specifying an unnamed ``*``
argument in a function definition:
.. code-block:: python
@ -373,10 +380,11 @@ argument in a function definition:
def f(a, *, b): # a can be positional or via keyword; b must be via keyword
f(a=1, b=2) # good
f(b=2, a=1) # good
f(1, b=2) # good
f(1, 2) # TypeError: f() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
f(1, b=2) # good
f(1, 2) # TypeError: f() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
Pybind11 provides a ``py::kw_only`` object that allows you to implement
the same behaviour by specifying the object between positional and keyword-only
@ -387,11 +395,19 @@ argument annotations when registering the function:
m.def("f", [](int a, int b) { /* ... */ },
py::arg("a"), py::kw_only(), py::arg("b"));
Note that you currently cannot combine this with a ``py::args`` argument. This
feature does *not* require Python 3 to work.
.. versionadded:: 2.6
A ``py::args`` argument implies that any following arguments are keyword-only,
as if ``py::kw_only()`` had been specified in the same relative location of the
argument list as the ``py::args`` argument. The ``py::kw_only()`` may be
included to be explicit about this, but is not required.
.. versionchanged:: 2.9
This can now be combined with ``py::args``. Before, ``py::args`` could only
occur at the end of the argument list, or immediately before a ``py::kwargs``
argument at the end.
Positional-only arguments
@ -524,6 +540,8 @@ The default behaviour when the tag is unspecified is to allow ``None``.
not allow ``None`` as argument. To pass optional argument of these copied types consider
using ``std::optional<T>``
.. _overload_resolution:
Overload resolution order
@ -559,3 +577,38 @@ prefers earlier-defined overloads to later-defined ones.
.. versionadded:: 2.6
The ``py::prepend()`` tag.
Binding functions with template parameters
You can bind functions that have template parameters. Here's a function:
.. code-block:: cpp
template <typename T>
void set(T t);
C++ templates cannot be instantiated at runtime, so you cannot bind the
non-instantiated function:
.. code-block:: cpp
// BROKEN (this will not compile)
m.def("set", &set);
You must bind each instantiated function template separately. You may bind
each instantiation with the same name, which will be treated the same as
an overloaded function:
.. code-block:: cpp
m.def("set", &set<int>);
m.def("set", &set<std::string>);
Sometimes it's more clear to bind them with separate names, which is also
an option:
.. code-block:: cpp
m.def("setInt", &set<int>);
m.def("setString", &set<std::string>);

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ could be realized as follows (important changes highlighted):
The ``call_go`` wrapper can also be simplified using the `call_guard` policy
The ``call_go`` wrapper can also be simplified using the ``call_guard`` policy
(see :ref:`call_policies`) which yields the same result:
.. code-block:: cpp

View File

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ buffer objects (e.g. a NumPy matrix).
/* Request a buffer descriptor from Python */
py::buffer_info info = b.request();
/* Some sanity checks ... */
/* Some basic validation checks ... */
if (info.format != py::format_descriptor<Scalar>::format())
throw std::runtime_error("Incompatible format: expected a double array!");
@ -150,8 +150,10 @@ NumPy array containing double precision values.
When it is invoked with a different type (e.g. an integer or a list of
integers), the binding code will attempt to cast the input into a NumPy array
of the requested type. Note that this feature requires the
:file:`pybind11/numpy.h` header to be included.
of the requested type. This feature requires the :file:`pybind11/numpy.h`
header to be included. Note that :file:`pybind11/numpy.h` does not depend on
the NumPy headers, and thus can be used without declaring a build-time
dependency on NumPy; NumPy>=1.7.0 is a runtime dependency.
Data in NumPy arrays is not guaranteed to packed in a dense manner;
furthermore, entries can be separated by arbitrary column and row strides.
@ -169,6 +171,31 @@ template parameter, and it ensures that non-conforming arguments are converted
into an array satisfying the specified requirements instead of trying the next
function overload.
There are several methods on arrays; the methods listed below under references
work, as well as the following functions based on the NumPy API:
- ``.dtype()`` returns the type of the contained values.
- ``.strides()`` returns a pointer to the strides of the array (optionally pass
an integer axis to get a number).
- ``.flags()`` returns the flag settings. ``.writable()`` and ``.owndata()``
are directly available.
- ``.offset_at()`` returns the offset (optionally pass indices).
- ``.squeeze()`` returns a view with length-1 axes removed.
- ``.view(dtype)`` returns a view of the array with a different dtype.
- ``.reshape({i, j, ...})`` returns a view of the array with a different shape.
``.resize({...})`` is also available.
- ``.index_at(i, j, ...)`` gets the count from the beginning to a given index.
There are also several methods for getting references (described below).
Structured types
@ -231,8 +258,8 @@ by the compiler. The result is returned as a NumPy array of type
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> x = np.array([[1, 3],[5, 7]])
>>> y = np.array([[2, 4],[6, 8]])
>>> x = np.array([[1, 3], [5, 7]])
>>> y = np.array([[2, 4], [6, 8]])
>>> z = 3
>>> result = vectorized_func(x, y, z)
@ -343,21 +370,21 @@ The returned proxy object supports some of the same methods as ``py::array`` so
that it can be used as a drop-in replacement for some existing, index-checked
uses of ``py::array``:
- ``r.ndim()`` returns the number of dimensions
- ``.ndim()`` returns the number of dimensions
- ``r.data(1, 2, ...)`` and ``r.mutable_data(1, 2, ...)``` returns a pointer to
- ``.data(1, 2, ...)`` and ``r.mutable_data(1, 2, ...)``` returns a pointer to
the ``const T`` or ``T`` data, respectively, at the given indices. The
latter is only available to proxies obtained via ``a.mutable_unchecked()``.
- ``itemsize()`` returns the size of an item in bytes, i.e. ``sizeof(T)``.
- ``.itemsize()`` returns the size of an item in bytes, i.e. ``sizeof(T)``.
- ``ndim()`` returns the number of dimensions.
- ``.ndim()`` returns the number of dimensions.
- ``shape(n)`` returns the size of dimension ``n``
- ``.shape(n)`` returns the size of dimension ``n``
- ``size()`` returns the total number of elements (i.e. the product of the shapes).
- ``.size()`` returns the total number of elements (i.e. the product of the shapes).
- ``nbytes()`` returns the number of bytes used by the referenced elements
- ``.nbytes()`` returns the number of bytes used by the referenced elements
(i.e. ``itemsize()`` times ``size()``).
.. seealso::
@ -368,15 +395,13 @@ uses of ``py::array``:
Python 3 provides a convenient ``...`` ellipsis notation that is often used to
Python provides a convenient ``...`` ellipsis notation that is often used to
slice multidimensional arrays. For instance, the following snippet extracts the
middle dimensions of a tensor with the first and last index set to zero.
In Python 2, the syntactic sugar ``...`` is not available, but the singleton
``Ellipsis`` (of type ``ellipsis``) can still be used directly.
.. code-block:: python
a = # a NumPy array
a = ... # a NumPy array
b = a[0, ..., 0]
The function ``py::ellipsis()`` function can be used to perform the same
@ -387,8 +412,6 @@ operation on the C++ side:
py::array a = /* A NumPy array */;
py::array b = a[py::make_tuple(0, py::ellipsis(), 0)];
.. versionchanged:: 2.6
``py::ellipsis()`` is now also avaliable in Python 2.
Memory view
@ -410,7 +433,7 @@ following:
{ 2, 4 }, // shape (rows, cols)
{ sizeof(uint8_t) * 4, sizeof(uint8_t) } // strides in bytes
This approach is meant for providing a ``memoryview`` for a C/C++ buffer not
managed by Python. The user is responsible for managing the lifetime of the
@ -426,11 +449,7 @@ We can also use ``memoryview::from_memory`` for a simple 1D contiguous buffer:
buffer, // buffer pointer
sizeof(uint8_t) * 8 // buffer size
.. note::
``memoryview::from_memory`` is not available in Python 2.
.. versionchanged:: 2.6
``memoryview::from_memory`` added.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,40 @@ Available types include :class:`handle`, :class:`object`, :class:`bool_`,
Be sure to review the :ref:`pytypes_gotchas` before using this heavily in
your C++ API.
.. _instantiating_compound_types:
Instantiating compound Python types from C++
Dictionaries can be initialized in the :class:`dict` constructor:
.. code-block:: cpp
using namespace pybind11::literals; // to bring in the `_a` literal
py::dict d("spam"_a=py::none(), "eggs"_a=42);
A tuple of python objects can be instantiated using :func:`py::make_tuple`:
.. code-block:: cpp
py::tuple tup = py::make_tuple(42, py::none(), "spam");
Each element is converted to a supported Python type.
A `simple namespace`_ can be instantiated using
.. code-block:: cpp
using namespace pybind11::literals; // to bring in the `_a` literal
py::object SimpleNamespace = py::module_::import("types").attr("SimpleNamespace");
py::object ns = SimpleNamespace("spam"_a=py::none(), "eggs"_a=42);
Attributes on a namespace can be modified with the :func:`py::delattr`,
:func:`py::getattr`, and :func:`py::setattr` functions. Simple namespaces can
be useful as lightweight stand-ins for class instances.
.. _simple namespace: https://docs.python.org/3/library/types.html#types.SimpleNamespace
.. _casting_back_and_forth:
Casting back and forth
@ -30,7 +64,7 @@ types to Python, which can be done using :func:`py::cast`:
.. code-block:: cpp
MyClass *cls = ..;
MyClass *cls = ...;
py::object obj = py::cast(cls);
The reverse direction uses the following syntax:
@ -132,6 +166,7 @@ Keyword arguments are also supported. In Python, there is the usual call syntax:
def f(number, say, to):
... # function code
f(1234, say="hello", to=some_instance) # keyword call in Python
In C++, the same call can be made using:

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Capturing standard output from ostream
Often, a library will use the streams ``std::cout`` and ``std::cerr`` to print,
but this does not play well with Python's standard ``sys.stdout`` and ``sys.stderr``
redirection. Replacing a library's printing with `py::print <print>` may not
redirection. Replacing a library's printing with ``py::print <print>`` may not
be feasible. This can be fixed using a guard around the library function that
redirects output to the corresponding Python streams:
@ -47,15 +47,26 @@ redirects output to the corresponding Python streams:
.. warning::
The implementation in ``pybind11/iostream.h`` is NOT thread safe. Multiple
threads writing to a redirected ostream concurrently cause data races
and potentially buffer overflows. Therefore it is currently a requirement
that all (possibly) concurrent redirected ostream writes are protected by
a mutex. #HelpAppreciated: Work on iostream.h thread safety. For more
background see the discussions under
`PR #2982 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2982>`_ and
`PR #2995 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2995>`_.
This method respects flushes on the output streams and will flush if needed
when the scoped guard is destroyed. This allows the output to be redirected in
real time, such as to a Jupyter notebook. The two arguments, the C++ stream and
the Python output, are optional, and default to standard output if not given. An
extra type, `py::scoped_estream_redirect <scoped_estream_redirect>`, is identical
extra type, ``py::scoped_estream_redirect <scoped_estream_redirect>``, is identical
except for defaulting to ``std::cerr`` and ``sys.stderr``; this can be useful with
`py::call_guard`, which allows multiple items, but uses the default constructor:
``py::call_guard``, which allows multiple items, but uses the default constructor:
.. code-block:: py
.. code-block:: cpp
// Alternative: Call single function using call guard
m.def("noisy_func", &call_noisy_function,
@ -63,7 +74,7 @@ except for defaulting to ``std::cerr`` and ``sys.stderr``; this can be useful wi
The redirection can also be done in Python with the addition of a context
manager, using the `py::add_ostream_redirect() <add_ostream_redirect>` function:
manager, using the ``py::add_ostream_redirect() <add_ostream_redirect>`` function:
.. code-block:: cpp
@ -92,7 +103,7 @@ arguments to disable one of the streams if needed.
Evaluating Python expressions from strings and files
pybind11 provides the `eval`, `exec` and `eval_file` functions to evaluate
pybind11 provides the ``eval``, ``exec`` and ``eval_file`` functions to evaluate
Python expressions and statements. The following example illustrates how they
can be used.

View File

@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ segmentation fault).
.. code-block:: python
from example import Parent
The problem is that ``Parent::get_child()`` returns a pointer to an instance of
@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ specialized:
// Only needed if the type's `.get()` goes by another name
namespace pybind11 { namespace detail {
namespace PYBIND11_NAMESPACE { namespace detail {
template <typename T>
struct holder_helper<SmartPtr<T>> { // <-- specialization
static const T *get(const SmartPtr<T> &p) { return p.getPointer(); }

View File

@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ The last line will both compile and run the tests.
On Windows, only **Visual Studio 2015** and newer are supported since pybind11 relies
on various C++11 language features that break older versions of Visual Studio.
On Windows, only **Visual Studio 2017** and newer are supported.
.. Note::
@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ a file named :file:`example.cpp` with the following contents:
PYBIND11_MODULE(example, m) {
m.doc() = "pybind11 example plugin"; // optional module docstring
m.def("add", &add, "A function which adds two numbers");
m.def("add", &add, "A function that adds two numbers");
.. [#f1] In practice, implementation and binding code will generally be located
@ -136,7 +135,14 @@ On Linux, the above example can be compiled using the following command:
.. code-block:: bash
$ c++ -O3 -Wall -shared -std=c++11 -fPIC `python3 -m pybind11 --includes` example.cpp -o example`python3-config --extension-suffix`
$ c++ -O3 -Wall -shared -std=c++11 -fPIC $(python3 -m pybind11 --includes) example.cpp -o example$(python3-config --extension-suffix)
.. note::
If you used :ref:`include_as_a_submodule` to get the pybind11 source, then
use ``$(python3-config --includes) -Iextern/pybind11/include`` instead of
``$(python3 -m pybind11 --includes)`` in the above compilation, as
explained in :ref:`building_manually`.
For more details on the required compiler flags on Linux and macOS, see
:ref:`building_manually`. For complete cross-platform compilation instructions,
@ -159,12 +165,12 @@ load and execute the example:
.. code-block:: pycon
$ python
Python 2.7.10 (default, Aug 22 2015, 20:33:39)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.0.0 (clang-700.0.59.1)] on darwin
Python 3.9.10 (main, Jan 15 2022, 11:48:04)
[Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import example
>>> example.add(1, 2)
.. _keyword_args:

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import random
import os
import time
import datetime as dt
import os
import random
nfns = 4 # Functions per class
nargs = 4 # Arguments per function
@ -13,20 +11,20 @@ def generate_dummy_code_pybind11(nclasses=10):
bindings = ""
for cl in range(nclasses):
decl += "class cl%03i;\n" % cl
decl += f"class cl{cl:03};\n"
decl += "\n"
for cl in range(nclasses):
decl += "class cl%03i {\n" % cl
decl += f"class {cl:03} {{\n"
decl += "public:\n"
bindings += ' py::class_<cl%03i>(m, "cl%03i")\n' % (cl, cl)
bindings += f' py::class_<cl{cl:03}>(m, "cl{cl:03}")\n'
for fn in range(nfns):
ret = random.randint(0, nclasses - 1)
params = [random.randint(0, nclasses - 1) for i in range(nargs)]
decl += " cl%03i *fn_%03i(" % (ret, fn)
decl += ", ".join("cl%03i *" % p for p in params)
decl += f" cl{ret:03} *fn_{fn:03}("
decl += ", ".join(f"cl{p:03} *" for p in params)
decl += ");\n"
bindings += ' .def("fn_%03i", &cl%03i::fn_%03i)\n' % (fn, cl, fn)
bindings += f' .def("fn_{fn:03}", &cl{cl:03}::fn_{fn:03})\n'
decl += "};\n\n"
bindings += " ;\n"
@ -44,23 +42,20 @@ def generate_dummy_code_boost(nclasses=10):
bindings = ""
for cl in range(nclasses):
decl += "class cl%03i;\n" % cl
decl += f"class cl{cl:03};\n"
decl += "\n"
for cl in range(nclasses):
decl += "class cl%03i {\n" % cl
decl += "public:\n"
bindings += ' py::class_<cl%03i>("cl%03i")\n' % (cl, cl)
bindings += f' py::class_<cl{cl:03}>("cl{cl:03}")\n'
for fn in range(nfns):
ret = random.randint(0, nclasses - 1)
params = [random.randint(0, nclasses - 1) for i in range(nargs)]
decl += " cl%03i *fn_%03i(" % (ret, fn)
decl += ", ".join("cl%03i *" % p for p in params)
decl += f" cl{ret:03} *fn_{fn:03}("
decl += ", ".join(f"cl{p:03} *" for p in params)
decl += ");\n"
bindings += (
' .def("fn_%03i", &cl%03i::fn_%03i, py::return_value_policy<py::manage_new_object>())\n'
% (fn, cl, fn)
bindings += f' .def("fn_{fn:03}", &cl{cl:03}::fn_{fn:03}, py::return_value_policy<py::manage_new_object>())\n'
decl += "};\n\n"
bindings += " ;\n"
@ -76,7 +71,7 @@ def generate_dummy_code_boost(nclasses=10):
for codegen in [generate_dummy_code_pybind11, generate_dummy_code_boost]:
for i in range(0, 10):
nclasses = 2 ** i
nclasses = 2**i
with open("test.cpp", "w") as f:
n1 = dt.datetime.now()

View File

@ -6,6 +6,931 @@ Changelog
Starting with version 1.8.0, pybind11 releases use a `semantic versioning
<http://semver.org>`_ policy.
Changes will be added here periodically from the "Suggested changelog entry"
block in pull request descriptions.
Changes will be summarized here periodically.
Version 2.10.0 (Jul 15, 2022)
Removed support for Python 2.7, Python 3.5, and MSVC 2015. Support for MSVC
2017 is limited due to availability of CI runners; we highly recommend MSVC
2019 or 2022 be used. Initial support added for Python 3.11.
New features:
* ``py::anyset`` & ``py::frozenset`` were added, with copying (cast) to
``std::set`` (similar to ``set``).
`#3901 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3901>`_
* Support bytearray casting to string.
`#3707 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3707>`_
* ``type_caster<std::monostate>`` was added. ``std::monostate`` is a tag type
that allows ``std::variant`` to act as an optional, or allows default
construction of a ``std::variant`` holding a non-default constructible type.
`#3818 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3818>`_
* ``pybind11::capsule::set_name`` added to mutate the name of the capsule instance.
`#3866 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3866>`_
* NumPy: dtype constructor from type number added, accessors corresponding to
Python API ``dtype.num``, ``dtype.byteorder``, ``dtype.flags`` and
``dtype.alignment`` added.
`#3868 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3868>`_
* Python 3.6 is now the minimum supported version.
`#3688 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3688>`_
`#3719 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3719>`_
* The minimum version for MSVC is now 2017.
`#3722 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3722>`_
* Fix issues with CPython 3.11 betas and add to supported test matrix.
`#3923 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3923>`_
* ``error_already_set`` is now safer and more performant, especially for
exceptions with long tracebacks, by delaying computation.
`#1895 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/1895>`_
* Improve exception handling in python ``str`` bindings.
`#3826 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3826>`_
* The bindings for capsules now have more consistent exception handling.
`#3825 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3825>`_
* ``PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT`` and ``PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT_DEFAULT`` macro can now be
used to define classes in namespaces other than pybind11.
`#3797 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3797>`_
* Error printing code now uses ``PYBIND11_DETAILED_ERROR_MESSAGES`` instead of
requiring ``NDEBUG``, allowing use with release builds if desired.
`#3913 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3913>`_
* Implicit conversion of the literal ``0`` to ``pybind11::handle`` is now disabled.
`#4008 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/4008>`_
Bug fixes:
* Fix exception handling when ``pybind11::weakref()`` fails.
`#3739 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3739>`_
* ``module_::def_submodule`` was missing proper error handling. This is fixed now.
`#3973 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3973>`_
* The behavior or ``error_already_set`` was made safer and the highly opaque
"Unknown internal error occurred" message was replaced with a more helpful
`#3982 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3982>`_
* ``error_already_set::what()`` now handles non-normalized exceptions correctly.
`#3971 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3971>`_
* Support older C++ compilers where filesystem is not yet part of the standard
library and is instead included in ``std::experimental::filesystem``.
`#3840 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3840>`_
* Fix ``-Wfree-nonheap-object`` warnings produced by GCC by avoiding returning
pointers to static objects with ``return_value_policy::take_ownership``.
`#3946 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3946>`_
* Fix cast from pytype rvalue to another pytype.
`#3949 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3949>`_
* Ensure proper behavior when garbage collecting classes with dynamic attributes in Python >=3.9.
`#4051 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/4051>`_
* A couple long-standing ``PYBIND11_NAMESPACE``
``__attribute__((visibility("hidden")))`` inconsistencies are now fixed
(affects only unusual environments).
`#4043 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/4043>`_
* ``pybind11::detail::get_internals()`` is now resilient to in-flight Python
`#3981 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3981>`_
* Arrays with a dimension of size 0 are now properly converted to dynamic Eigen
matrices (more common in NumPy 1.23).
`#4038 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/4038>`_
* Avoid catching unrelated errors when importing NumPy.
`#3974 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3974>`_
Performance and style:
* Added an accessor overload of ``(object &&key)`` to reference steal the
object when using python types as keys. This prevents unnecessary reference
count overhead for attr, dictionary, tuple, and sequence look ups. Added
additional regression tests. Fixed a performance bug the caused accessor
assignments to potentially perform unnecessary copies.
`#3970 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3970>`_
* Perfect forward all args of ``make_iterator``.
`#3980 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3980>`_
* Avoid potential bug in pycapsule destructor by adding an ``error_guard`` to
one of the dtors.
`#3958 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3958>`_
* Optimize dictionary access in ``strip_padding`` for numpy.
`#3994 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3994>`_
* ``stl_bind.h`` bindings now take slice args as a const-ref.
`#3852 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3852>`_
* Made slice constructor more consistent, and improve performance of some
casters by allowing reference stealing.
`#3845 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3845>`_
* Change numpy dtype from_args method to use const ref.
`#3878 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3878>`_
* Follow rule of three to ensure ``PyErr_Restore`` is called only once.
`#3872 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3872>`_
* Added missing perfect forwarding for ``make_iterator`` functions.
`#3860 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3860>`_
* Optimize c++ to python function casting by using the rvalue caster.
`#3966 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3966>`_
* Optimize Eigen sparse matrix casting by removing unnecessary temporary.
`#4064 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/4064>`_
* Avoid potential implicit copy/assignment constructors causing double free in
`#3905 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3905>`_
* Enable clang-tidy checks ``misc-definitions-in-headers``,
``modernize-loop-convert``, and ``modernize-use-nullptr``.
`#3881 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3881>`_
`#3988 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3988>`_
Build system improvements:
* CMake: Fix file extension on Windows with cp36 and cp37 using FindPython.
`#3919 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3919>`_
* CMake: Support multiple Python targets (such as on vcpkg).
`#3948 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3948>`_
* CMake: Fix issue with NVCC on Windows.
`#3947 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3947>`_
* CMake: Drop the bitness check on cross compiles (like targeting WebAssembly
via Emscripten).
`#3959 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3959>`_
* Add MSVC builds in debug mode to CI.
`#3784 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3784>`_
* MSVC 2022 C++20 coverage was added to GitHub Actions, including Eigen.
`#3732 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3732>`_,
`#3741 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3741>`_
Backend and tidying up:
* New theme for the documentation.
`#3109 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3109>`_
* Remove idioms in code comments. Use more inclusive language.
`#3809 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3809>`_
* ``#include <iostream>`` was removed from the ``pybind11/stl.h`` header. Your
project may break if it has a transitive dependency on this include. The fix
is to "Include What You Use".
`#3928 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3928>`_
* Avoid ``setup.py <command>`` usage in internal tests.
`#3734 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3734>`_
Version 2.9.2 (Mar 29, 2022)
* Enum now has an ``__index__`` method on Python <3.8 too.
`#3700 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3700>`_
* Local internals are now cleared after finalizing the interpreter.
`#3744 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3744>`_
Bug fixes:
* Better support for Python 3.11 alphas.
`#3694 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3694>`_
* ``PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER`` now uses fully qualified symbols, so it can be used
outside of ``pybind11::detail``.
`#3758 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3758>`_
* Some fixes for PyPy 3.9.
`#3768 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3768>`_
* Fixed a potential memleak in PyPy in ``get_type_override``.
`#3774 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3774>`_
`#3721 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3721>`_
Build system improvements:
* Uses ``sysconfig`` module to determine installation locations on Python >=
3.10, instead of ``distutils`` which has been deprecated.
`#3764 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3764>`_
* Support Catch 2.13.5+ (supporting GLIBC 2.34+).
`#3679 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3679>`_
* Fix test failures with numpy 1.22 by ignoring whitespace when comparing
``str()`` of dtypes.
`#3682 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3682>`_
Backend and tidying up:
* clang-tidy: added ``readability-qualified-auto``,
``cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-static-cast-downcast``, and
`#3702 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3702>`_,
`#3699 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3699>`_,
`#3716 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3716>`_,
`#3709 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3709>`_
* clang-format was added to the pre-commit actions, and the entire code base
automatically reformatted (after several iterations preparing for this leap).
`#3713 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3713>`_
Version 2.9.1 (Feb 2, 2022)
* If possible, attach Python exception with ``py::raise_from`` to ``TypeError``
when casting from C++ to Python. This will give additional info if Python
exceptions occur in the caster. Adds a test case of trying to convert a set
from C++ to Python when the hash function is not defined in Python.
`#3605 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3605>`_
* Add a mapping of C++11 nested exceptions to their Python exception
equivalent using ``py::raise_from``. This attaches the nested exceptions in
Python using the ``__cause__`` field.
`#3608 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3608>`_
* Propagate Python exception traceback using ``raise_from`` if a pybind11
function runs out of overloads.
`#3671 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3671>`_
* ``py::multiple_inheritance`` is now only needed when C++ bases are hidden
from pybind11.
`#3650 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3650>`_ and
`#3659 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3659>`_
Bug fixes:
* Remove a boolean cast in ``numpy.h`` that causes MSVC C4800 warnings when
compiling against Python 3.10 or newer.
`#3669 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3669>`_
* Render ``py::bool_`` and ``py::float_`` as ``bool`` and ``float``
`#3622 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3622>`_
Build system improvements:
* Fix CMake extension suffix computation on Python 3.10+.
`#3663 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3663>`_
* Allow ``CMAKE_ARGS`` to override CMake args in pybind11's own ``setup.py``.
`#3577 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3577>`_
* Remove a few deprecated c-headers.
`#3610 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3610>`_
* More uniform handling of test targets.
`#3590 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3590>`_
* Add clang-tidy readability check to catch potentially swapped function args.
`#3611 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3611>`_
Version 2.9.0 (Dec 28, 2021)
This is the last version to support Python 2.7 and 3.5.
New Features:
* Allow ``py::args`` to be followed by other arguments; the remaining arguments
are implicitly keyword-only, as if a ``py::kw_only{}`` annotation had been
`#3402 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3402>`_
* Make str/bytes/memoryview more interoperable with ``std::string_view``.
`#3521 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3521>`_
* Replace ``_`` with ``const_name`` in internals, avoid defining ``pybind::_``
if ``_`` defined as macro (common gettext usage)
`#3423 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3423>`_
Bug fixes:
* Fix a rare warning about extra copy in an Eigen constructor.
`#3486 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3486>`_
* Fix caching of the C++ overrides.
`#3465 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3465>`_
* Add missing ``std::forward`` calls to some ``cpp_function`` overloads.
`#3443 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3443>`_
* Support PyPy 7.3.7 and the PyPy3.8 beta. Test python-3.11 on PRs with the
``python dev`` label.
`#3419 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3419>`_
* Replace usage of deprecated ``Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix`` with
``Eigen::Map<Eigen::SparseMatrix<...>>`` for Eigen 3.3+.
`#3499 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3499>`_
* Tweaks to support Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
`#3497 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3497>`_
Build system improvements:
* Nicer CMake printout and IDE organisation for pybind11's own tests.
`#3479 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3479>`_
* CMake: report version type as part of the version string to avoid a spurious
space in the package status message.
`#3472 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3472>`_
* Flags starting with ``-g`` in ``$CFLAGS`` and ``$CPPFLAGS`` are no longer
overridden by ``.Pybind11Extension``.
`#3436 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3436>`_
* Ensure ThreadPool is closed in ``setup_helpers``.
`#3548 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3548>`_
* Avoid LTS on ``mips64`` and ``ppc64le`` (reported broken).
`#3557 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3557>`_
v2.8.1 (Oct 27, 2021)
Changes and additions:
* The simple namespace creation shortcut added in 2.8.0 was deprecated due to
usage of CPython internal API, and will be removed soon. Use
`#3374 <https://github.com/pybinyyd/pybind11/pull/3374>`_
* Add C++ Exception type to throw and catch ``AttributeError``. Useful for
defining custom ``__setattr__`` and ``__getattr__`` methods.
`#3387 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3387>`_
* Fixed the potential for dangling references when using properties with
``std::optional`` types.
`#3376 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3376>`_
* Modernize usage of ``PyCodeObject`` on Python 3.9+ (moving toward support for
Python 3.11a1)
`#3368 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3368>`_
* A long-standing bug in ``eigen.h`` was fixed (originally PR #3343). The bug
was unmasked by newly added ``static_assert``'s in the Eigen 3.4.0 release.
`#3352 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3352>`_
* Support multiple raw inclusion of CMake helper files (Conan.io does this for
multi-config generators).
`#3420 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3420>`_
* Fix harmless warning on upcoming CMake 3.22.
`#3368 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3368>`_
* Fix 2.8.0 regression with MSVC 2017 + C++17 mode + Python 3.
`#3407 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3407>`_
* Fix 2.8.0 regression that caused undefined behavior (typically
segfaults) in ``make_key_iterator``/``make_value_iterator`` if dereferencing
the iterator returned a temporary value instead of a reference.
`#3348 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3348>`_
v2.8.0 (Oct 4, 2021)
New features:
* Added ``py::raise_from`` to enable chaining exceptions.
`#3215 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3215>`_
* Allow exception translators to be optionally registered local to a module
instead of applying globally across all pybind11 modules. Use
``register_local_exception_translator(ExceptionTranslator&& translator)``
instead of ``register_exception_translator(ExceptionTranslator&&
translator)`` to keep your exception remapping code local to the module.
`#2650 <https://github.com/pybinyyd/pybind11/pull/2650>`_
* Add ``make_simple_namespace`` function for instantiating Python
``SimpleNamespace`` objects. **Deprecated in 2.8.1.**
`#2840 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2840>`_
* ``pybind11::scoped_interpreter`` and ``initialize_interpreter`` have new
arguments to allow ``sys.argv`` initialization.
`#2341 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2341>`_
* Allow Python builtins to be used as callbacks in CPython.
`#1413 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/1413>`_
* Added ``view`` to view arrays with a different datatype.
`#987 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/987>`_
* Implemented ``reshape`` on arrays.
`#984 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/984>`_
* Enable defining custom ``__new__`` methods on classes by fixing bug
preventing overriding methods if they have non-pybind11 siblings.
`#3265 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3265>`_
* Add ``make_value_iterator()``, and fix ``make_key_iterator()`` to return
references instead of copies.
`#3293 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3293>`_
* Improve the classes generated by ``bind_map``: `#3310 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3310>`_
* Change ``.items`` from an iterator to a dictionary view.
* Add ``.keys`` and ``.values`` (both dictionary views).
* Allow ``__contains__`` to take any object.
* ``pybind11::custom_type_setup`` was added, for customizing the
``PyHeapTypeObject`` corresponding to a class, which may be useful for
enabling garbage collection support, among other things.
`#3287 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3287>`_
* Set ``__file__`` constant when running ``eval_file`` in an embedded interpreter.
`#3233 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3233>`_
* Python objects and (C++17) ``std::optional`` now accepted in ``py::slice``
`#1101 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/1101>`_
* The pybind11 proxy types ``str``, ``bytes``, ``bytearray``, ``tuple``,
``list`` now consistently support passing ``ssize_t`` values for sizes and
indexes. Previously, only ``size_t`` was accepted in several interfaces.
`#3219 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3219>`_
* Avoid evaluating ``PYBIND11_TLS_REPLACE_VALUE`` arguments more than once.
`#3290 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3290>`_
* Bug fix: enum value's ``__int__`` returning non-int when underlying type is
bool or of char type.
`#1334 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/1334>`_
* Fixes bug in setting error state in Capsule's pointer methods.
`#3261 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3261>`_
* A long-standing memory leak in ``py::cpp_function::initialize`` was fixed.
`#3229 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3229>`_
* Fixes thread safety for some ``pybind11::type_caster`` which require lifetime
extension, such as for ``std::string_view``.
`#3237 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3237>`_
* Restore compatibility with gcc 4.8.4 as distributed by ubuntu-trusty, linuxmint-17.
`#3270 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3270>`_
Build system improvements:
* Fix regression in CMake Python package config: improper use of absolute path.
`#3144 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3144>`_
* Cached Python version information could become stale when CMake was re-run
with a different Python version. The build system now detects this and
updates this information.
`#3299 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3299>`_
* Specified UTF8-encoding in setup.py calls of open().
`#3137 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3137>`_
* Fix a harmless warning from CMake 3.21 with the classic Python discovery.
`#3220 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3220>`_
* Eigen repo and version can now be specified as cmake options.
`#3324 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3324>`_
Backend and tidying up:
* Reduced thread-local storage required for keeping alive temporary data for
type conversion to one key per ABI version, rather than one key per extension
module. This makes the total thread-local storage required by pybind11 2
keys per ABI version.
`#3275 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3275>`_
* Optimize NumPy array construction with additional moves.
`#3183 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3183>`_
* Conversion to ``std::string`` and ``std::string_view`` now avoids making an
extra copy of the data on Python >= 3.3.
`#3257 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3257>`_
* Remove const modifier from certain C++ methods on Python collections
(``list``, ``set``, ``dict``) such as (``clear()``, ``append()``,
``insert()``, etc...) and annotated them with ``py-non-const``.
* Enable readability ``clang-tidy-const-return`` and remove useless consts.
`#3254 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3254>`_
`#3194 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3194>`_
* The clang-tidy ``google-explicit-constructor`` option was enabled.
`#3250 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3250>`_
* Mark a pytype move constructor as noexcept (perf).
`#3236 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3236>`_
* Enable clang-tidy check to guard against inheritance slicing.
`#3210 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3210>`_
* Legacy warning suppression pragma were removed from eigen.h. On Unix
platforms, please use -isystem for Eigen include directories, to suppress
compiler warnings originating from Eigen headers. Note that CMake does this
by default. No adjustments are needed for Windows.
`#3198 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3198>`_
* Format pybind11 with isort consistent ordering of imports
`#3195 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3195>`_
* The warnings-suppression "pragma clamp" at the top/bottom of pybind11 was
removed, clearing the path to refactoring and IWYU cleanup.
`#3186 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3186>`_
* Enable most bugprone checks in clang-tidy and fix the found potential bugs
and poor coding styles.
`#3166 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3166>`_
* Add ``clang-tidy-readability`` rules to make boolean casts explicit improving
code readability. Also enabled other misc and readability clang-tidy checks.
`#3148 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3148>`_
* Move object in ``.pop()`` for list.
`#3116 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3116>`_
v2.7.1 (Aug 3, 2021)
Minor missing functionality added:
* Allow Python builtins to be used as callbacks in CPython.
`#1413 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/1413>`_
Bug fixes:
* Fix regression in CMake Python package config: improper use of absolute path.
`#3144 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3144>`_
* Fix Mingw64 and add to the CI testing matrix.
`#3132 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3132>`_
* Specified UTF8-encoding in setup.py calls of open().
`#3137 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3137>`_
* Add clang-tidy-readability rules to make boolean casts explicit improving
code readability. Also enabled other misc and readability clang-tidy checks.
`#3148 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3148>`_
* Move object in ``.pop()`` for list.
`#3116 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3116>`_
Backend and tidying up:
* Removed and fixed warning suppressions.
`#3127 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3127>`_
`#3129 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3129>`_
`#3135 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3135>`_
`#3141 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3141>`_
`#3142 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3142>`_
`#3150 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3150>`_
`#3152 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3152>`_
`#3160 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3160>`_
`#3161 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3161>`_
v2.7.0 (Jul 16, 2021)
New features:
* Enable ``py::implicitly_convertible<py::none, ...>`` for
``py::class_``-wrapped types.
`#3059 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3059>`_
* Allow function pointer extraction from overloaded functions.
`#2944 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2944>`_
* NumPy: added ``.char_()`` to type which gives the NumPy public ``char``
result, which also distinguishes types by bit length (unlike ``.kind()``).
`#2864 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2864>`_
* Add ``pybind11::bytearray`` to manipulate ``bytearray`` similar to ``bytes``.
`#2799 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2799>`_
* ``pybind11/stl/filesystem.h`` registers a type caster that, on C++17/Python
3.6+, converts ``std::filesystem::path`` to ``pathlib.Path`` and any
``os.PathLike`` to ``std::filesystem::path``.
`#2730 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2730>`_
* A ``PYBIND11_VERSION_HEX`` define was added, similar to ``PY_VERSION_HEX``.
`#3120 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3120>`_
* ``py::str`` changed to exclusively hold ``PyUnicodeObject``. Previously
``py::str`` could also hold ``bytes``, which is probably surprising, was
never documented, and can mask bugs (e.g. accidental use of ``py::str``
instead of ``py::bytes``).
`#2409 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2409>`_
* Add a safety guard to ensure that the Python GIL is held when C++ calls back
into Python via ``object_api<>::operator()`` (e.g. ``py::function``
``__call__``). (This feature is available for Python 3.6+ only.)
`#2919 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2919>`_
* Catch a missing ``self`` argument in calls to ``__init__()``.
`#2914 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2914>`_
* Use ``std::string_view`` if available to avoid a copy when passing an object
to a ``std::ostream``.
`#3042 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3042>`_
* An important warning about thread safety was added to the ``iostream.h``
documentation; attempts to make ``py::scoped_ostream_redirect`` thread safe
have been removed, as it was only partially effective.
`#2995 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2995>`_
* Performance: avoid unnecessary strlen calls.
`#3058 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3058>`_
* Fix auto-generated documentation string when using ``const T`` in
`#3020 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3020>`_
* Unify error messages thrown by ``simple_collector``/``unpacking_collector``.
`#3013 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3013>`_
* ``pybind11::builtin_exception`` is now explicitly exported, which means the
types included/defined in different modules are identical, and exceptions
raised in different modules can be caught correctly. The documentation was
updated to explain that custom exceptions that are used across module
boundaries need to be explicitly exported as well.
`#2999 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2999>`_
* Fixed exception when printing UTF-8 to a ``scoped_ostream_redirect``.
`#2982 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2982>`_
* Pickle support enhancement: ``setstate`` implementation will attempt to
``setattr`` ``__dict__`` only if the unpickled ``dict`` object is not empty,
to not force use of ``py::dynamic_attr()`` unnecessarily.
`#2972 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2972>`_
* Allow negative timedelta values to roundtrip.
`#2870 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2870>`_
* Fix unchecked errors could potentially swallow signals/other exceptions.
`#2863 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2863>`_
* Add null pointer check with ``std::localtime``.
`#2846 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2846>`_
* Fix the ``weakref`` constructor from ``py::object`` to create a new
``weakref`` on conversion.
`#2832 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2832>`_
* Avoid relying on exceptions in C++17 when getting a ``shared_ptr`` holder
from a ``shared_from_this`` class.
`#2819 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2819>`_
* Allow the codec's exception to be raised instead of :code:`RuntimeError` when
casting from :code:`py::str` to :code:`std::string`.
`#2903 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2903>`_
Build system improvements:
* In ``setup_helpers.py``, test for platforms that have some multiprocessing
features but lack semaphores, which ``ParallelCompile`` requires.
`#3043 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3043>`_
* Fix ``pybind11_INCLUDE_DIR`` in case ``CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR`` is
`#3005 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3005>`_
* Fix bug not respecting ``WITH_SOABI`` or ``WITHOUT_SOABI`` to CMake.
`#2938 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2938>`_
* Fix the default ``Pybind11Extension`` compilation flags with a Mingw64 python.
`#2921 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2921>`_
* Clang on Windows: do not pass ``/MP`` (ignored flag).
`#2824 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2824>`_
* ``pybind11.setup_helpers.intree_extensions`` can be used to generate
``Pybind11Extension`` instances from cpp files placed in the Python package
source tree.
`#2831 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2831>`_
Backend and tidying up:
* Enable clang-tidy performance, readability, and modernization checks
throughout the codebase to enforce best coding practices.
`#3046 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3046>`_,
`#3049 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3049>`_,
`#3051 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3051>`_,
`#3052 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3052>`_,
`#3080 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3080>`_, and
`#3094 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3094>`_
* Checks for common misspellings were added to the pre-commit hooks.
`#3076 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3076>`_
* Changed ``Werror`` to stricter ``Werror-all`` for Intel compiler and fixed
minor issues.
`#2948 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2948>`_
* Fixed compilation with GCC < 5 when the user defines ``_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI``.
`#2956 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2956>`_
* Added nox support for easier local testing and linting of contributions.
`#3101 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3101>`_ and
`#3121 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3121>`_
* Avoid RTD style issue with docutils 0.17+.
`#3119 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3119>`_
* Support pipx run, such as ``pipx run pybind11 --include`` for a quick compile.
`#3117 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3117>`_
v2.6.2 (Jan 26, 2021)
Minor missing functionality added:
* enum: add missing Enum.value property.
`#2739 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2739>`_
* Allow thread termination to be avoided during shutdown for CPython 3.7+ via
``.disarm`` for ``gil_scoped_acquire``/``gil_scoped_release``.
`#2657 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2657>`_
Fixed or improved behavior in a few special cases:
* Fix bug where the constructor of ``object`` subclasses would not throw on
being passed a Python object of the wrong type.
`#2701 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2701>`_
* The ``type_caster`` for integers does not convert Python objects with
``__int__`` anymore with ``noconvert`` or during the first round of trying
`#2698 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2698>`_
* When casting to a C++ integer, ``__index__`` is always called and not
considered as conversion, consistent with Python 3.8+.
`#2801 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2801>`_
Build improvements:
* Setup helpers: ``extra_compile_args`` and ``extra_link_args`` automatically set by
Pybind11Extension are now prepended, which allows them to be overridden
by user-set ``extra_compile_args`` and ``extra_link_args``.
`#2808 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2808>`_
* Setup helpers: Don't trigger unused parameter warning.
`#2735 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2735>`_
* CMake: Support running with ``--warn-uninitialized`` active.
`#2806 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2806>`_
* CMake: Avoid error if included from two submodule directories.
`#2804 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2804>`_
* CMake: Fix ``STATIC`` / ``SHARED`` being ignored in FindPython mode.
`#2796 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2796>`_
* CMake: Respect the setting for ``CMAKE_CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET`` if defined.
`#2793 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2793>`_
* CMake: Fix issue with FindPython2/FindPython3 not working with ``pybind11::embed``.
`#2662 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2662>`_
* CMake: mixing local and installed pybind11's would prioritize the installed
one over the local one (regression in 2.6.0).
`#2716 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2716>`_
Bug fixes:
* Fixed segfault in multithreaded environments when using
`#2675 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2675>`_
* Leave docstring unset when all docstring-related options are disabled, rather
than set an empty string.
`#2745 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2745>`_
* The module key in builtins that pybind11 uses to store its internals changed
from std::string to a python str type (more natural on Python 2, no change on
Python 3).
`#2814 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2814>`_
* Fixed assertion error related to unhandled (later overwritten) exception in
CPython 3.8 and 3.9 debug builds.
`#2685 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2685>`_
* Fix ``py::gil_scoped_acquire`` assert with CPython 3.9 debug build.
`#2683 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2683>`_
* Fix issue with a test failing on pytest 6.2.
`#2741 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2741>`_
Warning fixes:
* Fix warning modifying constructor parameter 'flag' that shadows a field of
'set_flag' ``[-Wshadow-field-in-constructor-modified]``.
`#2780 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2780>`_
* Suppressed some deprecation warnings about old-style
``__init__``/``__setstate__`` in the tests.
`#2759 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2759>`_
Valgrind work:
* Fix invalid access when calling a pybind11 ``__init__`` on a non-pybind11
class instance.
`#2755 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2755>`_
* Fixed various minor memory leaks in pybind11's test suite.
`#2758 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2758>`_
* Resolved memory leak in cpp_function initialization when exceptions occurred.
`#2756 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2756>`_
* Added a Valgrind build, checking for leaks and memory-related UB, to CI.
`#2746 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2746>`_
Compiler support:
* Intel compiler was not activating C++14 support due to a broken define.
`#2679 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2679>`_
* Support ICC and NVIDIA HPC SDK in C++17 mode.
`#2729 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2729>`_
* Support Intel OneAPI compiler (ICC 20.2) and add to CI.
`#2573 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2573>`_
v2.6.1 (Nov 11, 2020)
@ -14,7 +939,7 @@ v2.6.1 (Nov 11, 2020)
and ``eval`` in pure Python.
`#2616 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2616>`_
* ``setup_helpers`` will no longer set a minimum macOS version lower than the
* ``setup_helpers`` will no longer set a minimum macOS version higher than the
current version.
`#2622 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2622>`_
@ -142,7 +1067,7 @@ Packaging / building improvements:
`#2338 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2338>`_ and
`#2370 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2370>`_
* Full integration with CMakes C++ standard system and compile features
* Full integration with CMake's C++ standard system and compile features
replaces ``PYBIND11_CPP_STANDARD``.
* Generated config file is now portable to different Python/compiler/CMake
@ -374,7 +1299,7 @@ v2.4.0 (Sep 19, 2019)
`#1888 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/1888>`_.
* ``py::details::overload_cast_impl`` is available in C++11 mode, can be used
like ``overload_cast`` with an additional set of parantheses.
like ``overload_cast`` with an additional set of parentheses.
`#1581 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/1581>`_.
* Fixed ``get_include()`` on Conda.
@ -696,6 +1621,7 @@ v2.2.0 (August 31, 2017)
from cpp_module import CppBase1, CppBase2
class PyDerived(CppBase1, CppBase2):
def __init__(self):
CppBase1.__init__(self) # C++ bases must be initialized explicitly
@ -908,7 +1834,7 @@ v2.2.0 (August 31, 2017)
* Intel C++ compiler compatibility fixes.
`#937 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/937>`_.
* Fixed implicit conversion of `py::enum_` to integer types on Python 2.7.
* Fixed implicit conversion of ``py::enum_`` to integer types on Python 2.7.
`#821 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/821>`_.
* Added ``py::hash`` to fetch the hash value of Python objects, and

View File

@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ interactive Python session demonstrating this example is shown below:
% python
>>> import example
>>> p = example.Pet('Molly')
>>> p = example.Pet("Molly")
>>> print(p)
<example.Pet object at 0x10cd98060>
>>> p.getName()
>>> p.setName('Charly')
>>> p.setName("Charly")
>>> p.getName()
.. seealso::
@ -122,12 +122,12 @@ This makes it possible to write
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> p = example.Pet('Molly')
>>> p = example.Pet("Molly")
>>> p.name
>>> p.name = 'Charly'
>>> p.name = "Charly"
>>> p.name
Now suppose that ``Pet::name`` was a private internal variable
that can only be accessed via setters and getters.
@ -174,10 +174,10 @@ Native Python classes can pick up new attributes dynamically:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> class Pet:
... name = 'Molly'
... name = "Molly"
>>> p = Pet()
>>> p.name = 'Charly' # overwrite existing
>>> p.name = "Charly" # overwrite existing
>>> p.age = 2 # dynamically add a new attribute
By default, classes exported from C++ do not support this and the only writable
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ Trying to set any other attribute results in an error:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> p = example.Pet()
>>> p.name = 'Charly' # OK, attribute defined in C++
>>> p.name = "Charly" # OK, attribute defined in C++
>>> p.age = 2 # fail
AttributeError: 'Pet' object has no attribute 'age'
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ Now everything works as expected:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> p = example.Pet()
>>> p.name = 'Charly' # OK, overwrite value in C++
>>> p.name = "Charly" # OK, overwrite value in C++
>>> p.age = 2 # OK, dynamically add a new attribute
>>> p.__dict__ # just like a native Python class
{'age': 2}
@ -280,11 +280,11 @@ expose fields and methods of both types:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> p = example.Dog('Molly')
>>> p = example.Dog("Molly")
>>> p.name
>>> p.bark()
The C++ classes defined above are regular non-polymorphic types with an
inheritance relationship. This is reflected in Python:
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ will automatically recognize this:
>>> type(p)
PolymorphicDog # automatically downcast
>>> p.bark()
Given a pointer to a polymorphic base, pybind11 performs automatic downcasting
to the actual derived type. Note that this goes beyond the usual situation in
@ -434,8 +434,7 @@ you can use ``py::detail::overload_cast_impl`` with an additional set of parenth
.def("set", overload_cast_<int>()(&Pet::set), "Set the pet's age")
.def("set", overload_cast_<const std::string &>()(&Pet::set), "Set the pet's name");
.. [#cpp14] A compiler which supports the ``-std=c++14`` flag
or Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 and newer.
.. [#cpp14] A compiler which supports the ``-std=c++14`` flag.
.. note::
@ -446,8 +445,7 @@ you can use ``py::detail::overload_cast_impl`` with an additional set of parenth
Enumerations and internal types
Let's now suppose that the example class contains an internal enumeration type,
Let's now suppose that the example class contains internal types like enumerations, e.g.:
.. code-block:: cpp
@ -457,10 +455,15 @@ e.g.:
struct Attributes {
float age = 0;
Pet(const std::string &name, Kind type) : name(name), type(type) { }
std::string name;
Kind type;
Attributes attr;
The binding code for this example looks as follows:
@ -471,22 +474,28 @@ The binding code for this example looks as follows:
pet.def(py::init<const std::string &, Pet::Kind>())
.def_readwrite("name", &Pet::name)
.def_readwrite("type", &Pet::type);
.def_readwrite("type", &Pet::type)
.def_readwrite("attr", &Pet::attr);
py::enum_<Pet::Kind>(pet, "Kind")
.value("Dog", Pet::Kind::Dog)
.value("Cat", Pet::Kind::Cat)
To ensure that the ``Kind`` type is created within the scope of ``Pet``, the
``pet`` :class:`class_` instance must be supplied to the :class:`enum_`.
py::class_<Pet::Attributes>(pet, "Attributes")
.def_readwrite("age", &Pet::Attributes::age);
To ensure that the nested types ``Kind`` and ``Attributes`` are created within the scope of ``Pet``, the
``pet`` :class:`class_` instance must be supplied to the :class:`enum_` and :class:`class_`
constructor. The :func:`enum_::export_values` function exports the enum entries
into the parent scope, which should be skipped for newer C++11-style strongly
typed enums.
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> p = Pet('Lucy', Pet.Cat)
>>> p = Pet("Lucy", Pet.Cat)
>>> p.type
>>> int(p.type)
@ -508,7 +517,7 @@ The ``name`` property returns the name of the enum value as a unicode string.
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> p = Pet( "Lucy", Pet.Cat )
>>> p = Pet("Lucy", Pet.Cat)
>>> pet_type = p.type
>>> pet_type

View File

@ -42,10 +42,7 @@ An example of a ``setup.py`` using pybind11's helpers:
setup(..., ext_modules=ext_modules)
If you want to do an automatic search for the highest supported C++ standard,
that is supported via a ``build_ext`` command override; it will only affect
@ -64,11 +61,20 @@ that is supported via a ``build_ext`` command override; it will only affect
cmdclass={"build_ext": build_ext},
setup(..., cmdclass={"build_ext": build_ext}, ext_modules=ext_modules)
If you have single-file extension modules that are directly stored in the
Python source tree (``foo.cpp`` in the same directory as where a ``foo.py``
would be located), you can also generate ``Pybind11Extensions`` using
``setup_helpers.intree_extensions``: ``intree_extensions(["path/to/foo.cpp",
...])`` returns a list of ``Pybind11Extensions`` which can be passed to
``ext_modules``, possibly after further customizing their attributes
(``libraries``, ``include_dirs``, etc.). By doing so, a ``foo.*.so`` extension
module will be generated and made available upon installation.
``intree_extension`` will automatically detect if you are using a ``src``-style
layout (as long as no namespace packages are involved), but you can also
explicitly pass ``package_dir`` to it (as in ``setuptools.setup``).
Since pybind11 does not require NumPy when building, a light-weight replacement
for NumPy's parallel compilation distutils tool is included. Use it like this:
@ -84,22 +90,23 @@ for NumPy's parallel compilation distutils tool is included. Use it like this:
The argument is the name of an environment variable to control the number of
threads, such as ``NPY_NUM_BUILD_JOBS`` (as used by NumPy), though you can set
something different if you want. You can also pass ``default=N`` to set the
default number of threads (0 will take the number of threads available) and
``max=N``, the maximum number of threads; if you have a large extension you may
want set this to a memory dependent number.
something different if you want; ``CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL`` is another choice
a user might expect. You can also pass ``default=N`` to set the default number
of threads (0 will take the number of threads available) and ``max=N``, the
maximum number of threads; if you have a large extension you may want set this
to a memory dependent number.
If you are developing rapidly and have a lot of C++ files, you may want to
avoid rebuilding files that have not changed. For simple cases were you are
using ``pip install -e .`` and do not have local headers, you can skip the
rebuild if a object file is newer than it's source (headers are not checked!)
rebuild if an object file is newer than its source (headers are not checked!)
with the following:
.. code-block:: python
from pybind11.setup_helpers import ParallelCompile, naive_recompile
SmartCompile("NPY_NUM_BUILD_JOBS", needs_recompile=naive_recompile).install()
ParallelCompile("NPY_NUM_BUILD_JOBS", needs_recompile=naive_recompile).install()
If you have a more complex build, you can implement a smarter function and pass
@ -136,7 +143,7 @@ Your ``pyproject.toml`` file will likely look something like this:
.. code-block:: toml
requires = ["setuptools", "wheel", "pybind11==2.6.0"]
requires = ["setuptools>=42", "wheel", "pybind11~=2.6.1"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
.. note::
@ -147,10 +154,12 @@ Your ``pyproject.toml`` file will likely look something like this:
in Python) using something like `cibuildwheel`_, remember that ``setup.py``
and ``pyproject.toml`` are not even contained in the wheel, so this high
Pip requirement is only for source builds, and will not affect users of
your binary wheels.
your binary wheels. If you are building SDists and wheels, then
`pypa-build`_ is the recommended official tool.
.. _PEP 517: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0517/
.. _cibuildwheel: https://cibuildwheel.readthedocs.io
.. _pypa-build: https://pypa-build.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
.. _setup_helpers-setup_requires:
@ -331,7 +340,7 @@ standard explicitly with
set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14 CACHE STRING "C++ version selection") # or 11, 14, 17, 20
set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) # optional, ensure standard is supported
set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) # optional, keep compiler extensionsn off
set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) # optional, keep compiler extensions off
The variables can also be set when calling CMake from the command line using
the ``-D<variable>=<value>`` flag. You can also manually set ``CXX_STANDARD``
@ -401,16 +410,17 @@ can refer to the same [cmake_example]_ repository for a full sample project
FindPython mode
CMake 3.12+ (3.15+ recommended) added a new module called FindPython that had a
highly improved search algorithm and modern targets and tools. If you use
FindPython, pybind11 will detect this and use the existing targets instead:
CMake 3.12+ (3.15+ recommended, 3.18.2+ ideal) added a new module called
FindPython that had a highly improved search algorithm and modern targets
and tools. If you use FindPython, pybind11 will detect this and use the
existing targets instead:
.. code-block:: cmake
cmake_minumum_required(VERSION 3.15...3.18)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15...3.22)
project(example LANGUAGES CXX)
find_package(Python COMPONENTS Interpreter Development REQUIRED)
find_package(Python 3.6 COMPONENTS Interpreter Development REQUIRED)
find_package(pybind11 CONFIG REQUIRED)
# or add_subdirectory(pybind11)
@ -423,9 +433,8 @@ algorithms from the CMake invocation, with ``-DPYBIND11_FINDPYTHON=ON``.
.. warning::
If you use FindPython2 and FindPython3 to dual-target Python, use the
individual targets listed below, and avoid targets that directly include
Python parts.
If you use FindPython to multi-target Python versions, use the individual
targets listed below, and avoid targets that directly include Python parts.
There are `many ways to hint or force a discovery of a specific Python
installation <https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FindPython.html>`_),
@ -433,6 +442,14 @@ setting ``Python_ROOT_DIR`` may be the most common one (though with
virtualenv/venv support, and Conda support, this tends to find the correct
Python version more often than the old system did).
.. warning::
When the Python libraries (i.e. ``libpythonXX.a`` and ``libpythonXX.so``
on Unix) are not available, as is the case on a manylinux image, the
``Development`` component will not be resolved by ``FindPython``. When not
using the embedding functionality, CMake 3.18+ allows you to specify
``Development.Module`` instead of ``Development`` to resolve this issue.
.. versionadded:: 2.6
Advanced: interface library targets
@ -444,11 +461,8 @@ available in all modes. The targets provided are:
Just the pybind11 headers and minimum compile requirements
Quiets the warning/error when mixing C++14 or higher and Python 2
Python headers + ``pybind11::headers`` + ``pybind11::python2_no_register`` (Python 2 only)
Python headers + ``pybind11::headers``
Just the "linking" part of pybind11:module
@ -457,7 +471,7 @@ available in all modes. The targets provided are:
Everything for extension modules - ``pybind11::pybind11`` + ``Python::Module`` (FindPython CMake 3.15+) or ``pybind11::python_link_helper``
Everything for embedding the Python interpreter - ``pybind11::pybind11`` + ``Python::Embed`` (FindPython) or Python libs
Everything for embedding the Python interpreter - ``pybind11::pybind11`` + ``Python::Python`` (FindPython) or Python libs
``pybind11::lto`` / ``pybind11::thin_lto``
An alternative to `INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION` for adding link-time optimization.
@ -491,7 +505,10 @@ You can use these targets to build complex applications. For example, the
target_link_libraries(example PRIVATE pybind11::module pybind11::lto pybind11::windows_extras)
# Strip unnecessary sections of the binary on Linux/macOS
set_target_properties(example PROPERTIES CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET "hidden"
@ -504,7 +521,7 @@ Instead of setting properties, you can set ``CMAKE_*`` variables to initialize t
compiler flags are provided to ensure high quality code generation. In
contrast to the ``pybind11_add_module()`` command, the CMake interface
provides a *composable* set of targets to ensure that you retain flexibility.
It can be expecially important to provide or set these properties; the
It can be especially important to provide or set these properties; the
:ref:`FAQ <faq:symhidden>` contains an explanation on why these are needed.
.. versionadded:: 2.6
@ -557,10 +574,7 @@ On Linux, you can compile an example such as the one given in
.. code-block:: bash
$ c++ -O3 -Wall -shared -std=c++11 -fPIC `python3 -m pybind11 --includes` example.cpp -o example`python3-config --extension-suffix`
The flags given here assume that you're using Python 3. For Python 2, just
change the executable appropriately (to ``python`` or ``python2``).
$ c++ -O3 -Wall -shared -std=c++11 -fPIC $(python3 -m pybind11 --includes) example.cpp -o example$(python3-config --extension-suffix)
The ``python3 -m pybind11 --includes`` command fetches the include paths for
both pybind11 and Python headers. This assumes that pybind11 has been installed
@ -568,19 +582,13 @@ using ``pip`` or ``conda``. If it hasn't, you can also manually specify
``-I <path-to-pybind11>/include`` together with the Python includes path
``python3-config --includes``.
Note that Python 2.7 modules don't use a special suffix, so you should simply
use ``example.so`` instead of ``example`python3-config --extension-suffix```.
Besides, the ``--extension-suffix`` option may or may not be available, depending
on the distribution; in the latter case, the module extension can be manually
set to ``.so``.
On macOS: the build command is almost the same but it also requires passing
the ``-undefined dynamic_lookup`` flag so as to ignore missing symbols when
building the module:
.. code-block:: bash
$ c++ -O3 -Wall -shared -std=c++11 -undefined dynamic_lookup `python3 -m pybind11 --includes` example.cpp -o example`python3-config --extension-suffix`
$ c++ -O3 -Wall -shared -std=c++11 -undefined dynamic_lookup $(python3 -m pybind11 --includes) example.cpp -o example$(python3-config --extension-suffix)
In general, it is advisable to include several additional build parameters
that can considerably reduce the size of the created binary. Refer to section

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pybind11 documentation build configuration file, created by
# sphinx-quickstart on Sun Oct 11 19:23:48 2015.
@ -13,12 +12,11 @@
# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
# serve to show the default.
import sys
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
DIR = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
@ -37,6 +35,7 @@ DIR = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
# ones.
extensions = [
@ -127,23 +126,7 @@ todo_include_todos = False
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
on_rtd = os.environ.get("READTHEDOCS", None) == "True"
if not on_rtd: # only import and set the theme if we're building docs locally
import sphinx_rtd_theme
html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme"
html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()]
html_context = {"css_files": ["_static/theme_overrides.css"]}
html_context = {
"css_files": [
html_theme = "furo"
# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
@ -174,6 +157,10 @@ else:
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
html_static_path = ["_static"]
html_css_files = [
# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or
# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied
# directly to the root of the documentation.
@ -239,6 +226,8 @@ htmlhelp_basename = "pybind11doc"
# -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
latex_engine = "pdflatex"
latex_elements = {
# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
# 'papersize': 'letterpaper',
@ -344,17 +333,20 @@ def generate_doxygen_xml(app):
subprocess.call(["doxygen", "--version"])
retcode = subprocess.call(["doxygen"], cwd=app.confdir)
if retcode < 0:
sys.stderr.write("doxygen error code: {}\n".format(-retcode))
sys.stderr.write(f"doxygen error code: {-retcode}\n")
except OSError as e:
sys.stderr.write("doxygen execution failed: {}\n".format(e))
sys.stderr.write(f"doxygen execution failed: {e}\n")
def prepare(app):
with open(DIR.parent / "README.rst") as f:
contents = f.read()
# Filter out section titles for index.rst for LaTeX
if app.builder.name == "latex":
# Remove badges and stuff from start
contents = contents[contents.find(r".. start") :]
# Filter out section titles for index.rst for LaTeX
contents = re.sub(r"^(.*)\n[-~]{3,}$", r"**\1**", contents, flags=re.MULTILINE)
with open(DIR / "readme.rst", "w") as f:

View File

@ -5,12 +5,10 @@ Frequently asked questions
1. Make sure that the name specified in PYBIND11_MODULE is identical to the
filename of the extension library (without suffixes such as .so)
filename of the extension library (without suffixes such as ``.so``).
2. If the above did not fix the issue, you are likely using an incompatible
version of Python (for instance, the extension library was compiled against
Python 2, while the interpreter is running on top of some version of Python
3, or vice versa).
version of Python that does not match what you compiled with.
"Symbol not found: ``__Py_ZeroStruct`` / ``_PyInstanceMethod_Type``"
@ -54,7 +52,7 @@ provided by the caller -- in fact, it does nothing at all.
.. code-block:: python
def increment(i):
i += 1 # nope..
i += 1 # nope..
pybind11 is also affected by such language-level conventions, which means that
binding ``increment`` or ``increment_ptr`` will also create Python functions
@ -147,7 +145,7 @@ using C++14 template metaprogramming.
.. _`faq:hidden_visibility`:
"SomeClass declared with greater visibility than the type of its field SomeClass::member [-Wattributes]"
"'SomeClass' declared with greater visibility than the type of its field 'SomeClass::member' [-Wattributes]"
This error typically indicates that you are compiling without the required
@ -169,8 +167,8 @@ can be changed, but even if it isn't it is not always enough to guarantee
complete independence of the symbols involved when not using
Additionally, ``-fvisiblity=hidden`` can deliver considerably binary size
savings. (See the following section for more details).
Additionally, ``-fvisibility=hidden`` can deliver considerably binary size
savings. (See the following section for more details.)
.. _`faq:symhidden`:
@ -180,7 +178,7 @@ How can I create smaller binaries?
To do its job, pybind11 extensively relies on a programming technique known as
*template metaprogramming*, which is a way of performing computation at compile
time using type information. Template metaprogamming usually instantiates code
time using type information. Template metaprogramming usually instantiates code
involving significant numbers of deeply nested types that are either completely
removed or reduced to just a few instructions during the compiler's optimization
phase. However, due to the nested nature of these types, the resulting symbol
@ -222,20 +220,6 @@ In addition to decreasing binary size, ``-fvisibility=hidden`` also avoids
potential serious issues when loading multiple modules and is required for
proper pybind operation. See the previous FAQ entry for more details.
Working with ancient Visual Studio 2008 builds on Windows
The official Windows distributions of Python are compiled using truly
ancient versions of Visual Studio that lack good C++11 support. Some users
implicitly assume that it would be impossible to load a plugin built with
Visual Studio 2015 into a Python distribution that was compiled using Visual
Studio 2008. However, no such issue exists: it's perfectly legitimate to
interface DLLs that are built with different compilers and/or C libraries.
Common gotchas to watch out for involve not ``free()``-ing memory region
that that were ``malloc()``-ed in another shared library, using data
structures with incompatible ABIs, and so on. pybind11 is very careful not
to make these types of mistakes.
How can I properly handle Ctrl-C in long-running functions?
@ -289,27 +273,7 @@ Conflicts can arise, however, when using pybind11 in a project that *also* uses
the CMake Python detection in a system with several Python versions installed.
This difference may cause inconsistencies and errors if *both* mechanisms are
used in the same project. Consider the following CMake code executed in a
system with Python 2.7 and 3.x installed:
.. code-block:: cmake
It will detect Python 2.7 and pybind11 will pick it as well.
In contrast this code:
.. code-block:: cmake
will detect Python 3.x for pybind11 and may crash on
``find_package(PythonLibs)`` afterwards.
used in the same project.
There are three possible solutions:

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ There are several ways to get the pybind11 source, which lives at
developers recommend one of the first three ways listed here, submodule, PyPI,
or conda-forge, for obtaining pybind11.
.. _include_as_a_submodule:
Include as a submodule
@ -16,7 +18,7 @@ as a submodule. From your git repository, use:
.. code-block:: bash
git submodule add ../../pybind/pybind11 extern/pybind11 -b stable
git submodule add -b stable ../../pybind/pybind11 extern/pybind11
git submodule update --init
This assumes you are placing your dependencies in ``extern/``, and that you are

View File

@ -57,16 +57,16 @@ clean, well written patch would likely be accepted to solve them.
Python 3.9.0 warning
Combining older versions of pybind11 (< 2.6.0) with Python on 3.9.0 will
trigger undefined behavior that typically manifests as crashes during
Combining older versions of pybind11 (< 2.6.0) with Python on exactly 3.9.0
will trigger undefined behavior that typically manifests as crashes during
interpreter shutdown (but could also destroy your data. **You have been
This issue has been
`fixed in Python <https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/22670>`_. As a
mitigation until 3.9.1 is released and commonly used, pybind11 (2.6.0 or newer)
includes a temporary workaround specifically when Python 3.9.0 is detected at
runtime, leaking about 50 bytes of memory when a callback function is garbage
collected. For reference; the pybind11 test suite has about 2,000 such
callbacks, but only 49 are garbage collected before the end-of-process. Wheels
built with Python 3.9.0 will correctly avoid the leak when run in Python 3.9.1.
This issue was `fixed in Python <https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/22670>`_.
As a mitigation for this bug, pybind11 2.6.0 or newer includes a workaround
specifically when Python 3.9.0 is detected at runtime, leaking about 50 bytes
of memory when a callback function is garbage collected. For reference, the
pybind11 test suite has about 2,000 such callbacks, but only 49 are garbage
collected before the end-of-process. Wheels (even if built with Python 3.9.0)
will correctly avoid the leak when run in Python 3.9.1, and this does not
affect other 3.X versions.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 57 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 60 KiB

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@ -52,6 +52,20 @@ Convenience classes for specific Python types
.. doxygengroup:: pytypes
Convenience functions converting to Python types
.. doxygenfunction:: make_tuple(Args&&...)
.. doxygenfunction:: make_iterator(Iterator, Sentinel, Extra &&...)
.. doxygenfunction:: make_iterator(Type &, Extra&&...)
.. doxygenfunction:: make_key_iterator(Iterator, Sentinel, Extra &&...)
.. doxygenfunction:: make_key_iterator(Type &, Extra&&...)
.. doxygenfunction:: make_value_iterator(Iterator, Sentinel, Extra &&...)
.. doxygenfunction:: make_value_iterator(Type &, Extra&&...)
.. _extras:
Passing extra arguments to ``def`` or ``class_``
@ -110,7 +124,6 @@ Exceptions
.. doxygenclass:: builtin_exception

View File

@ -15,26 +15,37 @@ For example:
For beta, ``PYBIND11_VERSION_PATCH`` should be ``Z.b1``. RC's can be ``Z.rc1``.
Always include the dot (even though PEP 440 allows it to be dropped). For a
final release, this must be a simple integer.
final release, this must be a simple integer. There is also a HEX version of
the version just below.
To release a new version of pybind11:
If you don't have nox, you should either use ``pipx run nox`` instead, or use
``pipx install nox`` or ``brew install nox`` (Unix).
- Update the version number
- Update ``PYBIND11_VERSION_MAJOR`` etc. in
``include/pybind11/detail/common.h``. PATCH should be a simple integer.
- Update ``pybind11/_version.py`` (match above)
- Ensure that all the information in ``setup.py`` is up-to-date.
- Add release date in ``docs/changelog.rst``.
- ``git add`` and ``git commit``, ``git push``. **Ensure CI passes**. (If it
fails due to a known flake issue, either ignore or restart CI.)
- Add a release branch if this is a new minor version
- ``git checkout -b vX.Y``, ``git push -u origin vX.Y``
- Update ``PYBIND11_VERSION_MAJOR`` etc. in
``include/pybind11/detail/common.h``. PATCH should be a simple integer.
- Update the version HEX just below, as well.
- Update ``pybind11/_version.py`` (match above)
- Run ``nox -s tests_packaging`` to ensure this was done correctly.
- Ensure that all the information in ``setup.cfg`` is up-to-date, like
supported Python versions.
- Add release date in ``docs/changelog.rst``.
- Check to make sure
`needs-changelog <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+label%3A%22needs+changelog%22>`_
issues are entered in the changelog (clear the label when done).
- ``git add`` and ``git commit``, ``git push``. **Ensure CI passes**. (If it
fails due to a known flake issue, either ignore or restart CI.)
- Add a release branch if this is a new minor version, or update the existing release branch if it is a patch version
- New branch: ``git checkout -b vX.Y``, ``git push -u origin vX.Y``
- Update branch: ``git checkout vX.Y``, ``git merge <release branch>``, ``git push``
- Update tags (optional; if you skip this, the GitHub release makes a
non-annotated tag for you)
- ``git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m 'vX.Y.Z release'``.
- ``git push --tags``.
non-annotated tag for you)
- ``git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m 'vX.Y.Z release'``.
- ``git push --tags``.
- Update stable
- ``git checkout stable``
- ``git merge master``
@ -42,25 +53,36 @@ To release a new version of pybind11:
- Make a GitHub release (this shows up in the UI, sends new release
notifications to users watching releases, and also uploads PyPI packages).
(Note: if you do not use an existing tag, this creates a new lightweight tag
for you, so you could skip the above step).
- GUI method: click "Create a new release" on the far right, fill in the tag
name (if you didn't tag above, it will be made here), fill in a release
name like "Version X.Y.Z", and optionally copy-and-paste the changelog into
the description (processed as markdown by Pandoc). Check "pre-release" if
this is a beta/RC.
- CLI method: with ``gh`` installed, run ``gh release create vX.Y.Z -t "Version X.Y.Z"``
If this is a pre-release, add ``-p``.
for you, so you could skip the above step.)
- GUI method: Under `releases <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/releases>`_
click "Draft a new release" on the far right, fill in the tag name
(if you didn't tag above, it will be made here), fill in a release name
like "Version X.Y.Z", and copy-and-paste the markdown-formatted (!) changelog
into the description (usually ``cat docs/changelog.rst | pandoc -f rst -t gfm``).
Check "pre-release" if this is a beta/RC.
- CLI method: with ``gh`` installed, run ``gh release create vX.Y.Z -t "Version X.Y.Z"``
If this is a pre-release, add ``-p``.
- Get back to work
- Make sure you are on master, not somewhere else: ``git checkout master``
- Update version macros in ``include/pybind11/detail/common.h`` (set PATCH to
``0.dev1`` and increment MINOR).
- Update ``_version.py`` to match
- Add a plot for in-development updates in ``docs/changelog.rst``.
- ``git add``, ``git commit``, ``git push``
- Make sure you are on master, not somewhere else: ``git checkout master``
- Update version macros in ``include/pybind11/detail/common.h`` (set PATCH to
``0.dev1`` and increment MINOR).
- Update ``_version.py`` to match
- Run ``nox -s tests_packaging`` to ensure this was done correctly.
- Add a spot for in-development updates in ``docs/changelog.rst``.
- ``git add``, ``git commit``, ``git push``
If a version branch is updated, remember to set PATCH to ``1.dev1``.
If you'd like to bump homebrew, run:
.. code-block:: console
brew bump-formula-pr --url https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/archive/vX.Y.Z.tar.gz
Conda-forge should automatically make a PR in a few hours, and automatically
merge it if there are no issues.
Manual packaging
@ -69,9 +91,7 @@ If you need to manually upload releases, you can download the releases from the
.. code-block:: bash
python3 -m pip install build
python3 -m build
PYBIND11_SDIST_GLOBAL=1 python3 -m build
nox -s build
twine upload dist/*
This makes SDists and wheels, and the final line uploads them.

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@

View File

@ -8,6 +8,46 @@ to a new version. But it goes into more detail. This includes things like
deprecated APIs and their replacements, build system changes, general code
modernization and other useful information.
.. _upgrade-guide-2.9:
* Any usage of the recently added ``py::make_simple_namespace`` should be
converted to using ``py::module_::import("types").attr("SimpleNamespace")``
* The use of ``_`` in custom type casters can now be replaced with the more
readable ``const_name`` instead. The old ``_`` shortcut has been retained
unless it is being used as a macro (like for gettext).
.. _upgrade-guide-2.7:
*Before* v2.7, ``py::str`` can hold ``PyUnicodeObject`` or ``PyBytesObject``,
and ``py::isinstance<str>()`` is ``true`` for both ``py::str`` and
``py::bytes``. Starting with v2.7, ``py::str`` exclusively holds
``PyUnicodeObject`` (`#2409 <https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2409>`_),
and ``py::isinstance<str>()`` is ``true`` only for ``py::str``. To help in
the transition of user code, the ``PYBIND11_STR_LEGACY_PERMISSIVE`` macro
is provided as an escape hatch to go back to the legacy behavior. This macro
will be removed in future releases. Two types of required fixes are expected
to be common:
* Accidental use of ``py::str`` instead of ``py::bytes``, masked by the legacy
behavior. These are probably very easy to fix, by changing from
``py::str`` to ``py::bytes``.
* Reliance on py::isinstance<str>(obj) being ``true`` for
``py::bytes``. This is likely to be easy to fix in most cases by adding
``|| py::isinstance<bytes>(obj)``, but a fix may be more involved, e.g. if
``py::isinstance<T>`` appears in a template. Such situations will require
careful review and custom fixes.
.. _upgrade-guide-2.6:
@ -192,7 +232,7 @@ way to get and set object state. See :ref:`pickling` for details.
[](const Foo &self) { // __getstate__
return py::make_tuple(f.value1(), f.value2(), ...); // unchanged
return py::make_tuple(self.value1(), self.value2(), ...); // unchanged
[](py::tuple t) { // __setstate__, note: no `self` argument
return new Foo(t[0].cast<std::string>(), ...);
@ -256,7 +296,7 @@ Within pybind11's CMake build system, ``pybind11_add_module`` has always been
setting the ``-fvisibility=hidden`` flag in release mode. From now on, it's
being applied unconditionally, even in debug mode and it can no longer be opted
out of with the ``NO_EXTRAS`` option. The ``pybind11::module`` target now also
adds this flag to it's interface. The ``pybind11::embed`` target is unchanged.
adds this flag to its interface. The ``pybind11::embed`` target is unchanged.
The most significant change here is for the ``pybind11::module`` target. If you
were previously relying on default visibility, i.e. if your Python module was
@ -484,7 +524,7 @@ include a declaration of the form:
PYBIND11_DECLARE_HOLDER_TYPE(T, std::shared_ptr<T>)
Continuing to do so wont cause an error or even a deprecation warning,
Continuing to do so won't cause an error or even a deprecation warning,
but it's completely redundant.

View File

@ -10,72 +10,113 @@
#pragma once
#include "detail/common.h"
#include "cast.h"
#include <functional>
/// \addtogroup annotations
/// @{
/// Annotation for methods
struct is_method { handle class_; is_method(const handle &c) : class_(c) { } };
struct is_method {
handle class_;
explicit is_method(const handle &c) : class_(c) {}
/// Annotation for operators
struct is_operator { };
struct is_operator {};
/// Annotation for classes that cannot be subclassed
struct is_final { };
struct is_final {};
/// Annotation for parent scope
struct scope { handle value; scope(const handle &s) : value(s) { } };
struct scope {
handle value;
explicit scope(const handle &s) : value(s) {}
/// Annotation for documentation
struct doc { const char *value; doc(const char *value) : value(value) { } };
struct doc {
const char *value;
explicit doc(const char *value) : value(value) {}
/// Annotation for function names
struct name { const char *value; name(const char *value) : value(value) { } };
struct name {
const char *value;
explicit name(const char *value) : value(value) {}
/// Annotation indicating that a function is an overload associated with a given "sibling"
struct sibling { handle value; sibling(const handle &value) : value(value.ptr()) { } };
struct sibling {
handle value;
explicit sibling(const handle &value) : value(value.ptr()) {}
/// Annotation indicating that a class derives from another given type
template <typename T> struct base {
template <typename T>
struct base {
PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("base<T>() was deprecated in favor of specifying 'T' as a template argument to class_")
base() { } // NOLINT(modernize-use-equals-default): breaks MSVC 2015 when adding an attribute
"base<T>() was deprecated in favor of specifying 'T' as a template argument to class_")
base() = default;
/// Keep patient alive while nurse lives
template <size_t Nurse, size_t Patient> struct keep_alive { };
template <size_t Nurse, size_t Patient>
struct keep_alive {};
/// Annotation indicating that a class is involved in a multiple inheritance relationship
struct multiple_inheritance { };
struct multiple_inheritance {};
/// Annotation which enables dynamic attributes, i.e. adds `__dict__` to a class
struct dynamic_attr { };
struct dynamic_attr {};
/// Annotation which enables the buffer protocol for a type
struct buffer_protocol { };
struct buffer_protocol {};
/// Annotation which requests that a special metaclass is created for a type
struct metaclass {
handle value;
PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("py::metaclass() is no longer required. It's turned on by default now.")
metaclass() { } // NOLINT(modernize-use-equals-default): breaks MSVC 2015 when adding an attribute
metaclass() = default;
/// Override pybind11's default metaclass
explicit metaclass(handle value) : value(value) { }
explicit metaclass(handle value) : value(value) {}
/// Specifies a custom callback with signature `void (PyHeapTypeObject*)` that
/// may be used to customize the Python type.
/// The callback is invoked immediately before `PyType_Ready`.
/// Note: This is an advanced interface, and uses of it may require changes to
/// work with later versions of pybind11. You may wish to consult the
/// implementation of `make_new_python_type` in `detail/classes.h` to understand
/// the context in which the callback will be run.
struct custom_type_setup {
using callback = std::function<void(PyHeapTypeObject *heap_type)>;
explicit custom_type_setup(callback value) : value(std::move(value)) {}
callback value;
/// Annotation that marks a class as local to the module:
struct module_local { const bool value; constexpr module_local(bool v = true) : value(v) { } };
struct module_local {
const bool value;
constexpr explicit module_local(bool v = true) : value(v) {}
/// Annotation to mark enums as an arithmetic type
struct arithmetic { };
struct arithmetic {};
/// Mark a function for addition at the beginning of the existing overload chain instead of the end
struct prepend { };
struct prepend {};
/** \rst
A call policy which places one or more guard variables (``Ts...``) around the function call.
@ -95,9 +136,13 @@ struct prepend { };
return foo(args...); // forwarded arguments
\endrst */
template <typename... Ts> struct call_guard;
template <typename... Ts>
struct call_guard;
template <> struct call_guard<> { using type = detail::void_type; };
template <>
struct call_guard<> {
using type = detail::void_type;
template <typename T>
struct call_guard<T> {
@ -122,8 +167,9 @@ PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_BEGIN(detail)
enum op_id : int;
enum op_type : int;
struct undefined_t;
template <op_id id, op_type ot, typename L = undefined_t, typename R = undefined_t> struct op_;
inline void keep_alive_impl(size_t Nurse, size_t Patient, function_call &call, handle ret);
template <op_id id, op_type ot, typename L = undefined_t, typename R = undefined_t>
struct op_;
void keep_alive_impl(size_t Nurse, size_t Patient, function_call &call, handle ret);
/// Internal data structure which holds metadata about a keyword argument
struct argument_record {
@ -134,15 +180,16 @@ struct argument_record {
bool none : 1; ///< True if None is allowed when loading
argument_record(const char *name, const char *descr, handle value, bool convert, bool none)
: name(name), descr(descr), value(value), convert(convert), none(none) { }
: name(name), descr(descr), value(value), convert(convert), none(none) {}
/// Internal data structure which holds metadata about a bound function (signature, overloads, etc.)
/// Internal data structure which holds metadata about a bound function (signature, overloads,
/// etc.)
struct function_record {
: is_constructor(false), is_new_style_constructor(false), is_stateless(false),
is_operator(false), is_method(false), has_args(false),
has_kwargs(false), has_kw_only_args(false), prepend(false) { }
is_operator(false), is_method(false), has_args(false), has_kwargs(false),
prepend(false) {}
/// Function name
char *name = nullptr; /* why no C++ strings? They generate heavier code.. */
@ -157,13 +204,13 @@ struct function_record {
std::vector<argument_record> args;
/// Pointer to lambda function which converts arguments and performs the actual call
handle (*impl) (function_call &) = nullptr;
handle (*impl)(function_call &) = nullptr;
/// Storage for the wrapped function pointer and captured data, if any
void *data[3] = { };
void *data[3] = {};
/// Pointer to custom destructor for 'data' (if needed)
void (*free_data) (function_record *ptr) = nullptr;
void (*free_data)(function_record *ptr) = nullptr;
/// Return value policy associated with this function
return_value_policy policy = return_value_policy::automatic;
@ -189,17 +236,15 @@ struct function_record {
/// True if the function has a '**kwargs' argument
bool has_kwargs : 1;
/// True once a 'py::kw_only' is encountered (any following args are keyword-only)
bool has_kw_only_args : 1;
/// True if this function is to be inserted at the beginning of the overload resolution chain
bool prepend : 1;
/// Number of arguments (including py::args and/or py::kwargs, if present)
std::uint16_t nargs;
/// Number of trailing arguments (counted in `nargs`) that are keyword-only
std::uint16_t nargs_kw_only = 0;
/// Number of leading positional arguments, which are terminated by a py::args or py::kwargs
/// argument or by a py::kw_only annotation.
std::uint16_t nargs_pos = 0;
/// Number of leading arguments (counted in `nargs`) that are positional-only
std::uint16_t nargs_pos_only = 0;
@ -221,7 +266,7 @@ struct function_record {
struct type_record {
PYBIND11_NOINLINE type_record()
: multiple_inheritance(false), dynamic_attr(false), buffer_protocol(false),
default_holder(true), module_local(false), is_final(false) { }
default_holder(true), module_local(false), is_final(false) {}
/// Handle to the parent scope
handle scope;
@ -259,6 +304,9 @@ struct type_record {
/// Custom metaclass (optional)
handle metaclass;
/// Custom type setup.
custom_type_setup::callback custom_type_setup_callback;
/// Multiple inheritance marker
bool multiple_inheritance : 1;
@ -277,42 +325,45 @@ struct type_record {
/// Is the class inheritable from python classes?
bool is_final : 1;
PYBIND11_NOINLINE void add_base(const std::type_info &base, void *(*caster)(void *)) {
auto base_info = detail::get_type_info(base, false);
PYBIND11_NOINLINE void add_base(const std::type_info &base, void *(*caster)(void *) ) {
auto *base_info = detail::get_type_info(base, false);
if (!base_info) {
std::string tname(base.name());
pybind11_fail("generic_type: type \"" + std::string(name) +
"\" referenced unknown base type \"" + tname + "\"");
pybind11_fail("generic_type: type \"" + std::string(name)
+ "\" referenced unknown base type \"" + tname + "\"");
if (default_holder != base_info->default_holder) {
std::string tname(base.name());
pybind11_fail("generic_type: type \"" + std::string(name) + "\" " +
(default_holder ? "does not have" : "has") +
" a non-default holder type while its base \"" + tname + "\" " +
(base_info->default_holder ? "does not" : "does"));
pybind11_fail("generic_type: type \"" + std::string(name) + "\" "
+ (default_holder ? "does not have" : "has")
+ " a non-default holder type while its base \"" + tname + "\" "
+ (base_info->default_holder ? "does not" : "does"));
bases.append((PyObject *) base_info->type);
if (base_info->type->tp_dictoffset != 0)
dynamic_attr = true;
#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x030B0000
dynamic_attr |= base_info->type->tp_dictoffset != 0;
dynamic_attr |= (base_info->type->tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_MANAGED_DICT) != 0;
if (caster)
if (caster) {
base_info->implicit_casts.emplace_back(type, caster);
inline function_call::function_call(const function_record &f, handle p) :
func(f), parent(p) {
inline function_call::function_call(const function_record &f, handle p) : func(f), parent(p) {
/// Tag for a new-style `__init__` defined in `detail/init.h`
struct is_new_style_constructor { };
struct is_new_style_constructor {};
* Partial template specializations to process custom attributes provided to
@ -320,129 +371,177 @@ struct is_new_style_constructor { };
* fields in the type_record and function_record data structures or executed at
* runtime to deal with custom call policies (e.g. keep_alive).
template <typename T, typename SFINAE = void> struct process_attribute;
template <typename T, typename SFINAE = void>
struct process_attribute;
template <typename T> struct process_attribute_default {
template <typename T>
struct process_attribute_default {
/// Default implementation: do nothing
static void init(const T &, function_record *) { }
static void init(const T &, type_record *) { }
static void precall(function_call &) { }
static void postcall(function_call &, handle) { }
static void init(const T &, function_record *) {}
static void init(const T &, type_record *) {}
static void precall(function_call &) {}
static void postcall(function_call &, handle) {}
/// Process an attribute specifying the function's name
template <> struct process_attribute<name> : process_attribute_default<name> {
template <>
struct process_attribute<name> : process_attribute_default<name> {
static void init(const name &n, function_record *r) { r->name = const_cast<char *>(n.value); }
/// Process an attribute specifying the function's docstring
template <> struct process_attribute<doc> : process_attribute_default<doc> {
template <>
struct process_attribute<doc> : process_attribute_default<doc> {
static void init(const doc &n, function_record *r) { r->doc = const_cast<char *>(n.value); }
/// Process an attribute specifying the function's docstring (provided as a C-style string)
template <> struct process_attribute<const char *> : process_attribute_default<const char *> {
template <>
struct process_attribute<const char *> : process_attribute_default<const char *> {
static void init(const char *d, function_record *r) { r->doc = const_cast<char *>(d); }
static void init(const char *d, type_record *r) { r->doc = const_cast<char *>(d); }
template <> struct process_attribute<char *> : process_attribute<const char *> { };
template <>
struct process_attribute<char *> : process_attribute<const char *> {};
/// Process an attribute indicating the function's return value policy
template <> struct process_attribute<return_value_policy> : process_attribute_default<return_value_policy> {
template <>
struct process_attribute<return_value_policy> : process_attribute_default<return_value_policy> {
static void init(const return_value_policy &p, function_record *r) { r->policy = p; }
/// Process an attribute which indicates that this is an overloaded function associated with a given sibling
template <> struct process_attribute<sibling> : process_attribute_default<sibling> {
/// Process an attribute which indicates that this is an overloaded function associated with a
/// given sibling
template <>
struct process_attribute<sibling> : process_attribute_default<sibling> {
static void init(const sibling &s, function_record *r) { r->sibling = s.value; }
/// Process an attribute which indicates that this function is a method
template <> struct process_attribute<is_method> : process_attribute_default<is_method> {
static void init(const is_method &s, function_record *r) { r->is_method = true; r->scope = s.class_; }
template <>
struct process_attribute<is_method> : process_attribute_default<is_method> {
static void init(const is_method &s, function_record *r) {
r->is_method = true;
r->scope = s.class_;
/// Process an attribute which indicates the parent scope of a method
template <> struct process_attribute<scope> : process_attribute_default<scope> {
template <>
struct process_attribute<scope> : process_attribute_default<scope> {
static void init(const scope &s, function_record *r) { r->scope = s.value; }
/// Process an attribute which indicates that this function is an operator
template <> struct process_attribute<is_operator> : process_attribute_default<is_operator> {
template <>
struct process_attribute<is_operator> : process_attribute_default<is_operator> {
static void init(const is_operator &, function_record *r) { r->is_operator = true; }
template <> struct process_attribute<is_new_style_constructor> : process_attribute_default<is_new_style_constructor> {
static void init(const is_new_style_constructor &, function_record *r) { r->is_new_style_constructor = true; }
template <>
struct process_attribute<is_new_style_constructor>
: process_attribute_default<is_new_style_constructor> {
static void init(const is_new_style_constructor &, function_record *r) {
r->is_new_style_constructor = true;
inline void process_kw_only_arg(const arg &a, function_record *r) {
if (!a.name || strlen(a.name) == 0)
pybind11_fail("arg(): cannot specify an unnamed argument after an kw_only() annotation");
inline void check_kw_only_arg(const arg &a, function_record *r) {
if (r->args.size() > r->nargs_pos && (!a.name || a.name[0] == '\0')) {
pybind11_fail("arg(): cannot specify an unnamed argument after a kw_only() annotation or "
"args() argument");
inline void append_self_arg_if_needed(function_record *r) {
if (r->is_method && r->args.empty()) {
r->args.emplace_back("self", nullptr, handle(), /*convert=*/true, /*none=*/false);
/// Process a keyword argument attribute (*without* a default value)
template <> struct process_attribute<arg> : process_attribute_default<arg> {
template <>
struct process_attribute<arg> : process_attribute_default<arg> {
static void init(const arg &a, function_record *r) {
if (r->is_method && r->args.empty())
r->args.emplace_back("self", nullptr, handle(), true /*convert*/, false /*none not allowed*/);
r->args.emplace_back(a.name, nullptr, handle(), !a.flag_noconvert, a.flag_none);
if (r->has_kw_only_args) process_kw_only_arg(a, r);
check_kw_only_arg(a, r);
/// Process a keyword argument attribute (*with* a default value)
template <> struct process_attribute<arg_v> : process_attribute_default<arg_v> {
template <>
struct process_attribute<arg_v> : process_attribute_default<arg_v> {
static void init(const arg_v &a, function_record *r) {
if (r->is_method && r->args.empty())
r->args.emplace_back("self", nullptr /*descr*/, handle() /*parent*/, true /*convert*/, false /*none not allowed*/);
if (r->is_method && r->args.empty()) {
"self", /*descr=*/nullptr, /*parent=*/handle(), /*convert=*/true, /*none=*/false);
if (!a.value) {
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
std::string descr("'");
if (a.name) descr += std::string(a.name) + ": ";
if (a.name) {
descr += std::string(a.name) + ": ";
descr += a.type + "'";
if (r->is_method) {
if (r->name)
descr += " in method '" + (std::string) str(r->scope) + "." + (std::string) r->name + "'";
if (r->name) {
descr += " in method '" + (std::string) str(r->scope) + "."
+ (std::string) r->name + "'";
} else {
descr += " in method of '" + (std::string) str(r->scope) + "'";
} else if (r->name) {
descr += " in function '" + (std::string) r->name + "'";
pybind11_fail("arg(): could not convert default argument "
+ descr + " into a Python object (type not registered yet?)");
pybind11_fail("arg(): could not convert default argument " + descr
+ " into a Python object (type not registered yet?)");
pybind11_fail("arg(): could not convert default argument "
"into a Python object (type not registered yet?). "
"Compile in debug mode for more information.");
"#define PYBIND11_DETAILED_ERROR_MESSAGES or compile in debug mode for "
"more information.");
r->args.emplace_back(a.name, a.descr, a.value.inc_ref(), !a.flag_noconvert, a.flag_none);
if (r->has_kw_only_args) process_kw_only_arg(a, r);
check_kw_only_arg(a, r);
/// Process a keyword-only-arguments-follow pseudo argument
template <> struct process_attribute<kw_only> : process_attribute_default<kw_only> {
template <>
struct process_attribute<kw_only> : process_attribute_default<kw_only> {
static void init(const kw_only &, function_record *r) {
r->has_kw_only_args = true;
if (r->has_args && r->nargs_pos != static_cast<std::uint16_t>(r->args.size())) {
pybind11_fail("Mismatched args() and kw_only(): they must occur at the same relative "
"argument location (or omit kw_only() entirely)");
r->nargs_pos = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(r->args.size());
/// Process a positional-only-argument maker
template <> struct process_attribute<pos_only> : process_attribute_default<pos_only> {
template <>
struct process_attribute<pos_only> : process_attribute_default<pos_only> {
static void init(const pos_only &, function_record *r) {
r->nargs_pos_only = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(r->args.size());
if (r->nargs_pos_only > r->nargs_pos) {
pybind11_fail("pos_only(): cannot follow a py::args() argument");
// It also can't follow a kw_only, but a static_assert in pybind11.h checks that
/// Process a parent class attribute. Single inheritance only (class_ itself already guarantees that)
/// Process a parent class attribute. Single inheritance only (class_ itself already guarantees
/// that)
template <typename T>
struct process_attribute<T, enable_if_t<is_pyobject<T>::value>> : process_attribute_default<handle> {
struct process_attribute<T, enable_if_t<is_pyobject<T>::value>>
: process_attribute_default<handle> {
static void init(const handle &h, type_record *r) { r->bases.append(h); }
@ -455,7 +554,9 @@ struct process_attribute<base<T>> : process_attribute_default<base<T>> {
/// Process a multiple inheritance attribute
template <>
struct process_attribute<multiple_inheritance> : process_attribute_default<multiple_inheritance> {
static void init(const multiple_inheritance &, type_record *r) { r->multiple_inheritance = true; }
static void init(const multiple_inheritance &, type_record *r) {
r->multiple_inheritance = true;
template <>
@ -463,6 +564,13 @@ struct process_attribute<dynamic_attr> : process_attribute_default<dynamic_attr>
static void init(const dynamic_attr &, type_record *r) { r->dynamic_attr = true; }
template <>
struct process_attribute<custom_type_setup> {
static void init(const custom_type_setup &value, type_record *r) {
r->custom_type_setup_callback = value.value;
template <>
struct process_attribute<is_final> : process_attribute_default<is_final> {
static void init(const is_final &, type_record *r) { r->is_final = true; }
@ -494,41 +602,59 @@ template <>
struct process_attribute<arithmetic> : process_attribute_default<arithmetic> {};
template <typename... Ts>
struct process_attribute<call_guard<Ts...>> : process_attribute_default<call_guard<Ts...>> { };
struct process_attribute<call_guard<Ts...>> : process_attribute_default<call_guard<Ts...>> {};
* Process a keep_alive call policy -- invokes keep_alive_impl during the
* pre-call handler if both Nurse, Patient != 0 and use the post-call handler
* otherwise
template <size_t Nurse, size_t Patient> struct process_attribute<keep_alive<Nurse, Patient>> : public process_attribute_default<keep_alive<Nurse, Patient>> {
template <size_t Nurse, size_t Patient>
struct process_attribute<keep_alive<Nurse, Patient>>
: public process_attribute_default<keep_alive<Nurse, Patient>> {
template <size_t N = Nurse, size_t P = Patient, enable_if_t<N != 0 && P != 0, int> = 0>
static void precall(function_call &call) { keep_alive_impl(Nurse, Patient, call, handle()); }
static void precall(function_call &call) {
keep_alive_impl(Nurse, Patient, call, handle());
template <size_t N = Nurse, size_t P = Patient, enable_if_t<N != 0 && P != 0, int> = 0>
static void postcall(function_call &, handle) { }
static void postcall(function_call &, handle) {}
template <size_t N = Nurse, size_t P = Patient, enable_if_t<N == 0 || P == 0, int> = 0>
static void precall(function_call &) { }
static void precall(function_call &) {}
template <size_t N = Nurse, size_t P = Patient, enable_if_t<N == 0 || P == 0, int> = 0>
static void postcall(function_call &call, handle ret) { keep_alive_impl(Nurse, Patient, call, ret); }
static void postcall(function_call &call, handle ret) {
keep_alive_impl(Nurse, Patient, call, ret);
/// Recursively iterate over variadic template arguments
template <typename... Args> struct process_attributes {
static void init(const Args&... args, function_record *r) {
int unused[] = { 0, (process_attribute<typename std::decay<Args>::type>::init(args, r), 0) ... };
template <typename... Args>
struct process_attributes {
static void init(const Args &...args, function_record *r) {
using expander = int[];
(void) expander{
0, ((void) process_attribute<typename std::decay<Args>::type>::init(args, r), 0)...};
static void init(const Args&... args, type_record *r) {
int unused[] = { 0, (process_attribute<typename std::decay<Args>::type>::init(args, r), 0) ... };
static void init(const Args &...args, type_record *r) {
using expander = int[];
(void) expander{0,
(process_attribute<typename std::decay<Args>::type>::init(args, r), 0)...};
static void precall(function_call &call) {
int unused[] = { 0, (process_attribute<typename std::decay<Args>::type>::precall(call), 0) ... };
using expander = int[];
(void) expander{0,
(process_attribute<typename std::decay<Args>::type>::precall(call), 0)...};
static void postcall(function_call &call, handle fn_ret) {
int unused[] = { 0, (process_attribute<typename std::decay<Args>::type>::postcall(call, fn_ret), 0) ... };
using expander = int[];
(void) expander{
0, (process_attribute<typename std::decay<Args>::type>::postcall(call, fn_ret), 0)...};
@ -542,9 +668,10 @@ using extract_guard_t = typename exactly_one_t<is_call_guard, call_guard<>, Extr
/// Check the number of named arguments at compile time
template <typename... Extra,
size_t named = constexpr_sum(std::is_base_of<arg, Extra>::value...),
size_t self = constexpr_sum(std::is_same<is_method, Extra>::value...)>
size_t self = constexpr_sum(std::is_same<is_method, Extra>::value...)>
constexpr bool expected_num_args(size_t nargs, bool has_args, bool has_kwargs) {
return named == 0 || (self + named + has_args + has_kwargs) == nargs;
PYBIND11_WORKAROUND_INCORRECT_MSVC_C4100(nargs, has_args, has_kwargs);
return named == 0 || (self + named + size_t(has_args) + size_t(has_kwargs)) == nargs;

View File

@ -19,9 +19,11 @@ PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_BEGIN(detail)
inline std::vector<ssize_t> c_strides(const std::vector<ssize_t> &shape, ssize_t itemsize) {
auto ndim = shape.size();
std::vector<ssize_t> strides(ndim, itemsize);
if (ndim > 0)
for (size_t i = ndim - 1; i > 0; --i)
if (ndim > 0) {
for (size_t i = ndim - 1; i > 0; --i) {
strides[i - 1] = strides[i] * shape[i];
return strides;
@ -29,8 +31,9 @@ inline std::vector<ssize_t> c_strides(const std::vector<ssize_t> &shape, ssize_t
inline std::vector<ssize_t> f_strides(const std::vector<ssize_t> &shape, ssize_t itemsize) {
auto ndim = shape.size();
std::vector<ssize_t> strides(ndim, itemsize);
for (size_t i = 1; i < ndim; ++i)
for (size_t i = 1; i < ndim; ++i) {
strides[i] = strides[i - 1] * shape[i - 1];
return strides;
@ -41,61 +44,89 @@ struct buffer_info {
void *ptr = nullptr; // Pointer to the underlying storage
ssize_t itemsize = 0; // Size of individual items in bytes
ssize_t size = 0; // Total number of entries
std::string format; // For homogeneous buffers, this should be set to format_descriptor<T>::format()
std::string format; // For homogeneous buffers, this should be set to
// format_descriptor<T>::format()
ssize_t ndim = 0; // Number of dimensions
std::vector<ssize_t> shape; // Shape of the tensor (1 entry per dimension)
std::vector<ssize_t> strides; // Number of bytes between adjacent entries (for each per dimension)
std::vector<ssize_t> strides; // Number of bytes between adjacent entries
// (for each per dimension)
bool readonly = false; // flag to indicate if the underlying storage may be written to
buffer_info() = default;
buffer_info(void *ptr, ssize_t itemsize, const std::string &format, ssize_t ndim,
detail::any_container<ssize_t> shape_in, detail::any_container<ssize_t> strides_in, bool readonly=false)
: ptr(ptr), itemsize(itemsize), size(1), format(format), ndim(ndim),
shape(std::move(shape_in)), strides(std::move(strides_in)), readonly(readonly) {
if (ndim != (ssize_t) shape.size() || ndim != (ssize_t) strides.size())
buffer_info(void *ptr,
ssize_t itemsize,
const std::string &format,
ssize_t ndim,
detail::any_container<ssize_t> shape_in,
detail::any_container<ssize_t> strides_in,
bool readonly = false)
: ptr(ptr), itemsize(itemsize), size(1), format(format), ndim(ndim),
shape(std::move(shape_in)), strides(std::move(strides_in)), readonly(readonly) {
if (ndim != (ssize_t) shape.size() || ndim != (ssize_t) strides.size()) {
pybind11_fail("buffer_info: ndim doesn't match shape and/or strides length");
for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t) ndim; ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t) ndim; ++i) {
size *= shape[i];
template <typename T>
buffer_info(T *ptr, detail::any_container<ssize_t> shape_in, detail::any_container<ssize_t> strides_in, bool readonly=false)
: buffer_info(private_ctr_tag(), ptr, sizeof(T), format_descriptor<T>::format(), static_cast<ssize_t>(shape_in->size()), std::move(shape_in), std::move(strides_in), readonly) { }
buffer_info(T *ptr,
detail::any_container<ssize_t> shape_in,
detail::any_container<ssize_t> strides_in,
bool readonly = false)
: buffer_info(private_ctr_tag(),
readonly) {}
buffer_info(void *ptr, ssize_t itemsize, const std::string &format, ssize_t size, bool readonly=false)
: buffer_info(ptr, itemsize, format, 1, {size}, {itemsize}, readonly) { }
buffer_info(void *ptr,
ssize_t itemsize,
const std::string &format,
ssize_t size,
bool readonly = false)
: buffer_info(ptr, itemsize, format, 1, {size}, {itemsize}, readonly) {}
template <typename T>
buffer_info(T *ptr, ssize_t size, bool readonly=false)
: buffer_info(ptr, sizeof(T), format_descriptor<T>::format(), size, readonly) { }
buffer_info(T *ptr, ssize_t size, bool readonly = false)
: buffer_info(ptr, sizeof(T), format_descriptor<T>::format(), size, readonly) {}
template <typename T>
buffer_info(const T *ptr, ssize_t size, bool readonly=true)
: buffer_info(const_cast<T*>(ptr), sizeof(T), format_descriptor<T>::format(), size, readonly) { }
buffer_info(const T *ptr, ssize_t size, bool readonly = true)
: buffer_info(
const_cast<T *>(ptr), sizeof(T), format_descriptor<T>::format(), size, readonly) {}
explicit buffer_info(Py_buffer *view, bool ownview = true)
: buffer_info(view->buf, view->itemsize, view->format, view->ndim,
: buffer_info(
{view->shape, view->shape + view->ndim},
/* Though buffer::request() requests PyBUF_STRIDES, ctypes objects
* ignore this flag and return a view with NULL strides.
* When strides are NULL, build them manually. */
? std::vector<ssize_t>(view->strides, view->strides + view->ndim)
: detail::c_strides({view->shape, view->shape + view->ndim}, view->itemsize),
view->readonly) {
? std::vector<ssize_t>(view->strides, view->strides + view->ndim)
: detail::c_strides({view->shape, view->shape + view->ndim}, view->itemsize),
(view->readonly != 0)) {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-prefer-member-initializer)
this->m_view = view;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-prefer-member-initializer)
this->ownview = ownview;
buffer_info(const buffer_info &) = delete;
buffer_info& operator=(const buffer_info &) = delete;
buffer_info &operator=(const buffer_info &) = delete;
buffer_info(buffer_info &&other) {
(*this) = std::move(other);
buffer_info(buffer_info &&other) noexcept { (*this) = std::move(other); }
buffer_info& operator=(buffer_info &&rhs) {
buffer_info &operator=(buffer_info &&rhs) noexcept {
ptr = rhs.ptr;
itemsize = rhs.itemsize;
size = rhs.size;
@ -110,17 +141,28 @@ struct buffer_info {
~buffer_info() {
if (m_view && ownview) { PyBuffer_Release(m_view); delete m_view; }
if (m_view && ownview) {
delete m_view;
Py_buffer *view() const { return m_view; }
Py_buffer *&view() { return m_view; }
struct private_ctr_tag { };
buffer_info(private_ctr_tag, void *ptr, ssize_t itemsize, const std::string &format, ssize_t ndim,
detail::any_container<ssize_t> &&shape_in, detail::any_container<ssize_t> &&strides_in, bool readonly)
: buffer_info(ptr, itemsize, format, ndim, std::move(shape_in), std::move(strides_in), readonly) { }
struct private_ctr_tag {};
void *ptr,
ssize_t itemsize,
const std::string &format,
ssize_t ndim,
detail::any_container<ssize_t> &&shape_in,
detail::any_container<ssize_t> &&strides_in,
bool readonly)
: buffer_info(
ptr, itemsize, format, ndim, std::move(shape_in), std::move(strides_in), readonly) {}
Py_buffer *m_view = nullptr;
bool ownview = false;
@ -128,17 +170,22 @@ private:
template <typename T, typename SFINAE = void> struct compare_buffer_info {
static bool compare(const buffer_info& b) {
template <typename T, typename SFINAE = void>
struct compare_buffer_info {
static bool compare(const buffer_info &b) {
return b.format == format_descriptor<T>::format() && b.itemsize == (ssize_t) sizeof(T);
template <typename T> struct compare_buffer_info<T, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value>> {
static bool compare(const buffer_info& b) {
return (size_t) b.itemsize == sizeof(T) && (b.format == format_descriptor<T>::value ||
((sizeof(T) == sizeof(long)) && b.format == (std::is_unsigned<T>::value ? "L" : "l")) ||
((sizeof(T) == sizeof(size_t)) && b.format == (std::is_unsigned<T>::value ? "N" : "n")));
template <typename T>
struct compare_buffer_info<T, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value>> {
static bool compare(const buffer_info &b) {
return (size_t) b.itemsize == sizeof(T)
&& (b.format == format_descriptor<T>::value
|| ((sizeof(T) == sizeof(long))
&& b.format == (std::is_unsigned<T>::value ? "L" : "l"))
|| ((sizeof(T) == sizeof(size_t))
&& b.format == (std::is_unsigned<T>::value ? "N" : "n")));

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -11,62 +11,63 @@
#pragma once
#include "pybind11.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <chrono>
#include <datetime.h>
// Backport the PyDateTime_DELTA functions from Python3.3 if required
#ifndef PyDateTime_DELTA_GET_DAYS
#define PyDateTime_DELTA_GET_DAYS(o) (((PyDateTime_Delta*)o)->days)
#ifndef PyDateTime_DELTA_GET_SECONDS
#define PyDateTime_DELTA_GET_SECONDS(o) (((PyDateTime_Delta*)o)->seconds)
#define PyDateTime_DELTA_GET_MICROSECONDS(o) (((PyDateTime_Delta*)o)->microseconds)
#include <mutex>
template <typename type> class duration_caster {
template <typename type>
class duration_caster {
using rep = typename type::rep;
using period = typename type::period;
using days = std::chrono::duration<uint_fast32_t, std::ratio<86400>>;
// signed 25 bits required by the standard.
using days = std::chrono::duration<int_least32_t, std::ratio<86400>>;
bool load(handle src, bool) {
using namespace std::chrono;
// Lazy initialise the PyDateTime import
if (!PyDateTimeAPI) { PyDateTime_IMPORT; }
if (!PyDateTimeAPI) {
if (!src) return false;
if (!src) {
return false;
// If invoked with datetime.delta object
if (PyDelta_Check(src.ptr())) {
value = type(duration_cast<duration<rep, period>>(
+ seconds(PyDateTime_DELTA_GET_SECONDS(src.ptr()))
+ microseconds(PyDateTime_DELTA_GET_MICROSECONDS(src.ptr()))));
return true;
// If invoked with a float we assume it is seconds and convert
else if (PyFloat_Check(src.ptr())) {
value = type(duration_cast<duration<rep, period>>(duration<double>(PyFloat_AsDouble(src.ptr()))));
if (PyFloat_Check(src.ptr())) {
value = type(duration_cast<duration<rep, period>>(
return true;
else return false;
return false;
// If this is a duration just return it back
static const std::chrono::duration<rep, period>& get_duration(const std::chrono::duration<rep, period> &src) {
static const std::chrono::duration<rep, period> &
get_duration(const std::chrono::duration<rep, period> &src) {
return src;
// If this is a time_point get the time_since_epoch
template <typename Clock> static std::chrono::duration<rep, period> get_duration(const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, std::chrono::duration<rep, period>> &src) {
template <typename Clock>
static std::chrono::duration<rep, period>
get_duration(const std::chrono::time_point<Clock, std::chrono::duration<rep, period>> &src) {
return src.time_since_epoch();
@ -78,9 +79,12 @@ public:
auto d = get_duration(src);
// Lazy initialise the PyDateTime import
if (!PyDateTimeAPI) { PyDateTime_IMPORT; }
if (!PyDateTimeAPI) {
// Declare these special duration types so the conversions happen with the correct primitive types (int)
// Declare these special duration types so the conversions happen with the correct
// primitive types (int)
using dd_t = duration<int, std::ratio<86400>>;
using ss_t = duration<int, std::ratio<1>>;
using us_t = duration<int, std::micro>;
@ -92,79 +96,109 @@ public:
return PyDelta_FromDSU(dd.count(), ss.count(), us.count());
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(type, _("datetime.timedelta"));
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(type, const_name("datetime.timedelta"));
inline std::tm *localtime_thread_safe(const std::time_t *time, std::tm *buf) {
#if (defined(__STDC_LIB_EXT1__) && defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__)) || defined(_MSC_VER)
if (localtime_s(buf, time))
return nullptr;
return buf;
static std::mutex mtx;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mtx);
std::tm *tm_ptr = std::localtime(time);
if (tm_ptr != nullptr) {
*buf = *tm_ptr;
return tm_ptr;
// This is for casting times on the system clock into datetime.datetime instances
template <typename Duration> class type_caster<std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, Duration>> {
template <typename Duration>
class type_caster<std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, Duration>> {
using type = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, Duration>;
bool load(handle src, bool) {
using namespace std::chrono;
// Lazy initialise the PyDateTime import
if (!PyDateTimeAPI) { PyDateTime_IMPORT; }
if (!PyDateTimeAPI) {
if (!src) return false;
if (!src) {
return false;
std::tm cal;
microseconds msecs;
if (PyDateTime_Check(src.ptr())) {
cal.tm_sec = PyDateTime_DATE_GET_SECOND(src.ptr());
cal.tm_min = PyDateTime_DATE_GET_MINUTE(src.ptr());
cal.tm_hour = PyDateTime_DATE_GET_HOUR(src.ptr());
cal.tm_mday = PyDateTime_GET_DAY(src.ptr());
cal.tm_mon = PyDateTime_GET_MONTH(src.ptr()) - 1;
cal.tm_year = PyDateTime_GET_YEAR(src.ptr()) - 1900;
cal.tm_sec = PyDateTime_DATE_GET_SECOND(src.ptr());
cal.tm_min = PyDateTime_DATE_GET_MINUTE(src.ptr());
cal.tm_hour = PyDateTime_DATE_GET_HOUR(src.ptr());
cal.tm_mday = PyDateTime_GET_DAY(src.ptr());
cal.tm_mon = PyDateTime_GET_MONTH(src.ptr()) - 1;
cal.tm_year = PyDateTime_GET_YEAR(src.ptr()) - 1900;
cal.tm_isdst = -1;
msecs = microseconds(PyDateTime_DATE_GET_MICROSECOND(src.ptr()));
msecs = microseconds(PyDateTime_DATE_GET_MICROSECOND(src.ptr()));
} else if (PyDate_Check(src.ptr())) {
cal.tm_sec = 0;
cal.tm_min = 0;
cal.tm_hour = 0;
cal.tm_mday = PyDateTime_GET_DAY(src.ptr());
cal.tm_mon = PyDateTime_GET_MONTH(src.ptr()) - 1;
cal.tm_year = PyDateTime_GET_YEAR(src.ptr()) - 1900;
cal.tm_sec = 0;
cal.tm_min = 0;
cal.tm_hour = 0;
cal.tm_mday = PyDateTime_GET_DAY(src.ptr());
cal.tm_mon = PyDateTime_GET_MONTH(src.ptr()) - 1;
cal.tm_year = PyDateTime_GET_YEAR(src.ptr()) - 1900;
cal.tm_isdst = -1;
msecs = microseconds(0);
msecs = microseconds(0);
} else if (PyTime_Check(src.ptr())) {
cal.tm_sec = PyDateTime_TIME_GET_SECOND(src.ptr());
cal.tm_min = PyDateTime_TIME_GET_MINUTE(src.ptr());
cal.tm_hour = PyDateTime_TIME_GET_HOUR(src.ptr());
cal.tm_mday = 1; // This date (day, month, year) = (1, 0, 70)
cal.tm_mon = 0; // represents 1-Jan-1970, which is the first
cal.tm_year = 70; // earliest available date for Python's datetime
cal.tm_sec = PyDateTime_TIME_GET_SECOND(src.ptr());
cal.tm_min = PyDateTime_TIME_GET_MINUTE(src.ptr());
cal.tm_hour = PyDateTime_TIME_GET_HOUR(src.ptr());
cal.tm_mday = 1; // This date (day, month, year) = (1, 0, 70)
cal.tm_mon = 0; // represents 1-Jan-1970, which is the first
cal.tm_year = 70; // earliest available date for Python's datetime
cal.tm_isdst = -1;
msecs = microseconds(PyDateTime_TIME_GET_MICROSECOND(src.ptr()));
msecs = microseconds(PyDateTime_TIME_GET_MICROSECOND(src.ptr()));
} else {
return false;
else return false;
value = time_point_cast<Duration>(system_clock::from_time_t(std::mktime(&cal)) + msecs);
return true;
static handle cast(const std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, Duration> &src, return_value_policy /* policy */, handle /* parent */) {
static handle cast(const std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock, Duration> &src,
return_value_policy /* policy */,
handle /* parent */) {
using namespace std::chrono;
// Lazy initialise the PyDateTime import
if (!PyDateTimeAPI) { PyDateTime_IMPORT; }
if (!PyDateTimeAPI) {
// Get out microseconds, and make sure they are positive, to avoid bug in eastern hemisphere time zones
// (cfr. https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/issues/2417)
// Get out microseconds, and make sure they are positive, to avoid bug in eastern
// hemisphere time zones (cfr. https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/issues/2417)
using us_t = duration<int, std::micro>;
auto us = duration_cast<us_t>(src.time_since_epoch() % seconds(1));
if (us.count() < 0)
if (us.count() < 0) {
us += seconds(1);
// Subtract microseconds BEFORE `system_clock::to_time_t`, because:
// > If std::time_t has lower precision, it is implementation-defined whether the value is rounded or truncated.
// (https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/chrono/system_clock/to_time_t)
std::time_t tt = system_clock::to_time_t(time_point_cast<system_clock::duration>(src - us));
// this function uses static memory so it's best to copy it out asap just in case
// otherwise other code that is using localtime may break this (not just python code)
std::tm localtime = *std::localtime(&tt);
// > If std::time_t has lower precision, it is implementation-defined whether the value is
// rounded or truncated. (https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/chrono/system_clock/to_time_t)
std::time_t tt
= system_clock::to_time_t(time_point_cast<system_clock::duration>(src - us));
std::tm localtime;
std::tm *localtime_ptr = localtime_thread_safe(&tt, &localtime);
if (!localtime_ptr) {
throw cast_error("Unable to represent system_clock in local time");
return PyDateTime_FromDateAndTime(localtime.tm_year + 1900,
localtime.tm_mon + 1,
@ -173,19 +207,19 @@ public:
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(type, _("datetime.datetime"));
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(type, const_name("datetime.datetime"));
// Other clocks that are not the system clock are not measured as datetime.datetime objects
// since they are not measured on calendar time. So instead we just make them timedeltas
// Or if they have passed us a time as a float we convert that
template <typename Clock, typename Duration> class type_caster<std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>>
: public duration_caster<std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>> {
template <typename Clock, typename Duration>
class type_caster<std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>>
: public duration_caster<std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>> {};
template <typename Rep, typename Period> class type_caster<std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>>
: public duration_caster<std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>> {
template <typename Rep, typename Period>
class type_caster<std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>>
: public duration_caster<std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period>> {};

View File

@ -10,42 +10,50 @@
#pragma once
#include "pybind11.h"
#include <complex>
/// glibc defines I as a macro which breaks things, e.g., boost template names
#ifdef I
# undef I
# undef I
template <typename T> struct format_descriptor<std::complex<T>, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>> {
template <typename T>
struct format_descriptor<std::complex<T>, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>> {
static constexpr const char c = format_descriptor<T>::c;
static constexpr const char value[3] = { 'Z', c, '\0' };
static constexpr const char value[3] = {'Z', c, '\0'};
static std::string format() { return std::string(value); }
#ifndef PYBIND11_CPP17
template <typename T> constexpr const char format_descriptor<
std::complex<T>, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>>::value[3];
template <typename T>
constexpr const char
template <typename T> struct is_fmt_numeric<std::complex<T>, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>> {
template <typename T>
struct is_fmt_numeric<std::complex<T>, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>> {
static constexpr bool value = true;
static constexpr int index = is_fmt_numeric<T>::index + 3;
template <typename T> class type_caster<std::complex<T>> {
template <typename T>
class type_caster<std::complex<T>> {
bool load(handle src, bool convert) {
if (!src)
if (!src) {
return false;
if (!convert && !PyComplex_Check(src.ptr()))
if (!convert && !PyComplex_Check(src.ptr())) {
return false;
Py_complex result = PyComplex_AsCComplex(src.ptr());
if (result.real == -1.0 && PyErr_Occurred()) {
@ -55,11 +63,12 @@ public:
return true;
static handle cast(const std::complex<T> &src, return_value_policy /* policy */, handle /* parent */) {
static handle
cast(const std::complex<T> &src, return_value_policy /* policy */, handle /* parent */) {
return PyComplex_FromDoubles((double) src.real(), (double) src.imag());
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(std::complex<T>, _("complex"));
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(std::complex<T>, const_name("complex"));

View File

@ -15,13 +15,14 @@
#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03030000 && !defined(PYPY_VERSION)
# define PYBIND11_SET_OLDPY_QUALNAME(obj, nameobj)
#if !defined(PYPY_VERSION)
# define PYBIND11_SET_OLDPY_QUALNAME(obj, nameobj)
// In pre-3.3 Python, we still set __qualname__ so that we can produce reliable function type
// signatures; in 3.3+ this macro expands to nothing:
# define PYBIND11_SET_OLDPY_QUALNAME(obj, nameobj) setattr((PyObject *) obj, "__qualname__", nameobj)
// In PyPy, we still set __qualname__ so that we can produce reliable function type
// signatures; in CPython this macro expands to nothing:
# define PYBIND11_SET_OLDPY_QUALNAME(obj, nameobj) \
setattr((PyObject *) obj, "__qualname__", nameobj)
inline std::string get_fully_qualified_tp_name(PyTypeObject *type) {
@ -65,24 +66,26 @@ inline PyTypeObject *make_static_property_type() {
issue no Python C API calls which could potentially invoke the
garbage collector (the GC will call type_traverse(), which will in
turn find the newly constructed type in an invalid state) */
auto heap_type = (PyHeapTypeObject *) PyType_Type.tp_alloc(&PyType_Type, 0);
if (!heap_type)
auto *heap_type = (PyHeapTypeObject *) PyType_Type.tp_alloc(&PyType_Type, 0);
if (!heap_type) {
pybind11_fail("make_static_property_type(): error allocating type!");
heap_type->ht_name = name_obj.inc_ref().ptr();
heap_type->ht_qualname = name_obj.inc_ref().ptr();
# endif
auto type = &heap_type->ht_type;
auto *type = &heap_type->ht_type;
type->tp_name = name;
type->tp_base = type_incref(&PyProperty_Type);
type->tp_descr_get = pybind11_static_get;
type->tp_descr_set = pybind11_static_set;
if (PyType_Ready(type) < 0)
if (PyType_Ready(type) < 0) {
pybind11_fail("make_static_property_type(): failure in PyType_Ready()!");
setattr((PyObject *) type, "__module__", str("pybind11_builtins"));
PYBIND11_SET_OLDPY_QUALNAME(type, name_obj);
@ -98,15 +101,17 @@ inline PyTypeObject *make_static_property_type() {
inline PyTypeObject *make_static_property_type() {
auto d = dict();
PyObject *result = PyRun_String(R"(\
class pybind11_static_property(property):
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
return property.__get__(self, cls, cls)
class pybind11_static_property(property):
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
return property.__get__(self, cls, cls)
def __set__(self, obj, value):
cls = obj if isinstance(obj, type) else type(obj)
property.__set__(self, cls, value)
)", Py_file_input, d.ptr(), d.ptr()
def __set__(self, obj, value):
cls = obj if isinstance(obj, type) else type(obj)
property.__set__(self, cls, value)
if (result == nullptr)
throw error_already_set();
@ -119,7 +124,7 @@ inline PyTypeObject *make_static_property_type() {
By default, Python replaces the `static_property` itself, but for wrapped C++ types
we need to call `static_property.__set__()` in order to propagate the new value to
the underlying C++ data structure. */
extern "C" inline int pybind11_meta_setattro(PyObject* obj, PyObject* name, PyObject* value) {
extern "C" inline int pybind11_meta_setattro(PyObject *obj, PyObject *name, PyObject *value) {
// Use `_PyType_Lookup()` instead of `PyObject_GetAttr()` in order to get the raw
// descriptor (`property`) instead of calling `tp_descr_get` (`property.__get__()`).
PyObject *descr = _PyType_Lookup((PyTypeObject *) obj, name);
@ -128,9 +133,10 @@ extern "C" inline int pybind11_meta_setattro(PyObject* obj, PyObject* name, PyOb
// 1. `Type.static_prop = value` --> descr_set: `Type.static_prop.__set__(value)`
// 2. `Type.static_prop = other_static_prop` --> setattro: replace existing `static_prop`
// 3. `Type.regular_attribute = value` --> setattro: regular attribute assignment
const auto static_prop = (PyObject *) get_internals().static_property_type;
const auto call_descr_set = descr && value && PyObject_IsInstance(descr, static_prop)
&& !PyObject_IsInstance(value, static_prop);
auto *const static_prop = (PyObject *) get_internals().static_property_type;
const auto call_descr_set = (descr != nullptr) && (value != nullptr)
&& (PyObject_IsInstance(descr, static_prop) != 0)
&& (PyObject_IsInstance(value, static_prop) == 0);
if (call_descr_set) {
// Call `static_property.__set__()` instead of replacing the `static_property`.
#if !defined(PYPY_VERSION)
@ -149,7 +155,6 @@ extern "C" inline int pybind11_meta_setattro(PyObject* obj, PyObject* name, PyOb
* Python 3's PyInstanceMethod_Type hides itself via its tp_descr_get, which prevents aliasing
* methods via cls.attr("m2") = cls.attr("m1"): instead the tp_descr_get returns a plain function,
@ -162,11 +167,8 @@ extern "C" inline PyObject *pybind11_meta_getattro(PyObject *obj, PyObject *name
return descr;
else {
return PyType_Type.tp_getattro(obj, name);
return PyType_Type.tp_getattro(obj, name);
/// metaclass `__call__` function that is used to create all pybind11 objects.
extern "C" inline PyObject *pybind11_meta_call(PyObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) {
@ -178,12 +180,13 @@ extern "C" inline PyObject *pybind11_meta_call(PyObject *type, PyObject *args, P
// This must be a pybind11 instance
auto instance = reinterpret_cast<detail::instance *>(self);
auto *instance = reinterpret_cast<detail::instance *>(self);
// Ensure that the base __init__ function(s) were called
for (const auto &vh : values_and_holders(instance)) {
if (!vh.holder_constructed()) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "%.200s.__init__() must be called when overriding __init__",
"%.200s.__init__() must be called when overriding __init__",
return nullptr;
@ -202,27 +205,28 @@ extern "C" inline void pybind11_meta_dealloc(PyObject *obj) {
// 1) be found in internals.registered_types_py
// 2) have exactly one associated `detail::type_info`
auto found_type = internals.registered_types_py.find(type);
if (found_type != internals.registered_types_py.end() &&
found_type->second.size() == 1 &&
found_type->second[0]->type == type) {
if (found_type != internals.registered_types_py.end() && found_type->second.size() == 1
&& found_type->second[0]->type == type) {
auto *tinfo = found_type->second[0];
auto tindex = std::type_index(*tinfo->cpptype);
if (tinfo->module_local)
if (tinfo->module_local) {
} else {
// Actually just `std::erase_if`, but that's only available in C++20
auto &cache = internals.inactive_override_cache;
for (auto it = cache.begin(), last = cache.end(); it != last; ) {
if (it->first == (PyObject *) tinfo->type)
for (auto it = cache.begin(), last = cache.end(); it != last;) {
if (it->first == (PyObject *) tinfo->type) {
it = cache.erase(it);
} else {
delete tinfo;
@ -234,7 +238,7 @@ extern "C" inline void pybind11_meta_dealloc(PyObject *obj) {
/** This metaclass is assigned by default to all pybind11 types and is required in order
for static properties to function correctly. Users may override this using `py::metaclass`.
Return value: New reference. */
inline PyTypeObject* make_default_metaclass() {
inline PyTypeObject *make_default_metaclass() {
constexpr auto *name = "pybind11_type";
auto name_obj = reinterpret_steal<object>(PYBIND11_FROM_STRING(name));
@ -242,16 +246,17 @@ inline PyTypeObject* make_default_metaclass() {
issue no Python C API calls which could potentially invoke the
garbage collector (the GC will call type_traverse(), which will in
turn find the newly constructed type in an invalid state) */
auto heap_type = (PyHeapTypeObject *) PyType_Type.tp_alloc(&PyType_Type, 0);
if (!heap_type)
auto *heap_type = (PyHeapTypeObject *) PyType_Type.tp_alloc(&PyType_Type, 0);
if (!heap_type) {
pybind11_fail("make_default_metaclass(): error allocating metaclass!");
heap_type->ht_name = name_obj.inc_ref().ptr();
heap_type->ht_qualname = name_obj.inc_ref().ptr();
auto type = &heap_type->ht_type;
auto *type = &heap_type->ht_type;
type->tp_name = name;
type->tp_base = type_incref(&PyType_Type);
@ -259,14 +264,13 @@ inline PyTypeObject* make_default_metaclass() {
type->tp_call = pybind11_meta_call;
type->tp_setattro = pybind11_meta_setattro;
type->tp_getattro = pybind11_meta_getattro;
type->tp_dealloc = pybind11_meta_dealloc;
if (PyType_Ready(type) < 0)
if (PyType_Ready(type) < 0) {
pybind11_fail("make_default_metaclass(): failure in PyType_Ready()!");
setattr((PyObject *) type, "__module__", str("pybind11_builtins"));
PYBIND11_SET_OLDPY_QUALNAME(type, name_obj);
@ -276,16 +280,20 @@ inline PyTypeObject* make_default_metaclass() {
/// For multiple inheritance types we need to recursively register/deregister base pointers for any
/// base classes with pointers that are difference from the instance value pointer so that we can
/// correctly recognize an offset base class pointer. This calls a function with any offset base ptrs.
inline void traverse_offset_bases(void *valueptr, const detail::type_info *tinfo, instance *self,
bool (*f)(void * /*parentptr*/, instance * /*self*/)) {
/// correctly recognize an offset base class pointer. This calls a function with any offset base
/// ptrs.
inline void traverse_offset_bases(void *valueptr,
const detail::type_info *tinfo,
instance *self,
bool (*f)(void * /*parentptr*/, instance * /*self*/)) {
for (handle h : reinterpret_borrow<tuple>(tinfo->type->tp_bases)) {
if (auto parent_tinfo = get_type_info((PyTypeObject *) h.ptr())) {
if (auto *parent_tinfo = get_type_info((PyTypeObject *) h.ptr())) {
for (auto &c : parent_tinfo->implicit_casts) {
if (c.first == tinfo->cpptype) {
auto *parentptr = c.second(valueptr);
if (parentptr != valueptr)
if (parentptr != valueptr) {
f(parentptr, self);
traverse_offset_bases(parentptr, parent_tinfo, self, f);
@ -312,36 +320,36 @@ inline bool deregister_instance_impl(void *ptr, instance *self) {
inline void register_instance(instance *self, void *valptr, const type_info *tinfo) {
register_instance_impl(valptr, self);
if (!tinfo->simple_ancestors)
if (!tinfo->simple_ancestors) {
traverse_offset_bases(valptr, tinfo, self, register_instance_impl);
inline bool deregister_instance(instance *self, void *valptr, const type_info *tinfo) {
bool ret = deregister_instance_impl(valptr, self);
if (!tinfo->simple_ancestors)
if (!tinfo->simple_ancestors) {
traverse_offset_bases(valptr, tinfo, self, deregister_instance_impl);
return ret;
/// Instance creation function for all pybind11 types. It allocates the internal instance layout for
/// holding C++ objects and holders. Allocation is done lazily (the first time the instance is cast
/// to a reference or pointer), and initialization is done by an `__init__` function.
/// Instance creation function for all pybind11 types. It allocates the internal instance layout
/// for holding C++ objects and holders. Allocation is done lazily (the first time the instance is
/// cast to a reference or pointer), and initialization is done by an `__init__` function.
inline PyObject *make_new_instance(PyTypeObject *type) {
#if defined(PYPY_VERSION)
// PyPy gets tp_basicsize wrong (issue 2482) under multiple inheritance when the first inherited
// object is a a plain Python type (i.e. not derived from an extension type). Fix it.
// PyPy gets tp_basicsize wrong (issue 2482) under multiple inheritance when the first
// inherited object is a plain Python type (i.e. not derived from an extension type). Fix it.
ssize_t instance_size = static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(instance));
if (type->tp_basicsize < instance_size) {
type->tp_basicsize = instance_size;
PyObject *self = type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
auto inst = reinterpret_cast<instance *>(self);
auto *inst = reinterpret_cast<instance *>(self);
// Allocate the value/holder internals:
inst->owned = true;
return self;
@ -363,14 +371,14 @@ extern "C" inline int pybind11_object_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *, PyObject
inline void add_patient(PyObject *nurse, PyObject *patient) {
auto &internals = get_internals();
auto instance = reinterpret_cast<detail::instance *>(nurse);
auto *instance = reinterpret_cast<detail::instance *>(nurse);
instance->has_patients = true;
inline void clear_patients(PyObject *self) {
auto instance = reinterpret_cast<detail::instance *>(self);
auto *instance = reinterpret_cast<detail::instance *>(self);
auto &internals = get_internals();
auto pos = internals.patients.find(self);
assert(pos != internals.patients.end());
@ -380,14 +388,15 @@ inline void clear_patients(PyObject *self) {
auto patients = std::move(pos->second);
instance->has_patients = false;
for (PyObject *&patient : patients)
for (PyObject *&patient : patients) {
/// Clears all internal data from the instance and removes it from registered instances in
/// preparation for deallocation.
inline void clear_instance(PyObject *self) {
auto instance = reinterpret_cast<detail::instance *>(self);
auto *instance = reinterpret_cast<detail::instance *>(self);
// Deallocate any values/holders, if present:
for (auto &v_h : values_and_holders(instance)) {
@ -395,25 +404,32 @@ inline void clear_instance(PyObject *self) {
// We have to deregister before we call dealloc because, for virtual MI types, we still
// need to be able to get the parent pointers.
if (v_h.instance_registered() && !deregister_instance(instance, v_h.value_ptr(), v_h.type))
pybind11_fail("pybind11_object_dealloc(): Tried to deallocate unregistered instance!");
if (v_h.instance_registered()
&& !deregister_instance(instance, v_h.value_ptr(), v_h.type)) {
"pybind11_object_dealloc(): Tried to deallocate unregistered instance!");
if (instance->owned || v_h.holder_constructed())
if (instance->owned || v_h.holder_constructed()) {
// Deallocate the value/holder layout internals:
if (instance->weakrefs)
if (instance->weakrefs) {
PyObject **dict_ptr = _PyObject_GetDictPtr(self);
if (dict_ptr)
if (dict_ptr) {
if (instance->has_patients)
if (instance->has_patients) {
/// Instance destructor function for all pybind11 types. It calls `type_info.dealloc`
@ -421,7 +437,7 @@ inline void clear_instance(PyObject *self) {
extern "C" inline void pybind11_object_dealloc(PyObject *self) {
auto type = Py_TYPE(self);
auto *type = Py_TYPE(self);
#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03080000
@ -439,6 +455,8 @@ extern "C" inline void pybind11_object_dealloc(PyObject *self) {
std::string error_string();
/** Create the type which can be used as a common base for all classes. This is
needed in order to satisfy Python's requirements for multiple inheritance.
Return value: New reference. */
@ -450,16 +468,17 @@ inline PyObject *make_object_base_type(PyTypeObject *metaclass) {
issue no Python C API calls which could potentially invoke the
garbage collector (the GC will call type_traverse(), which will in
turn find the newly constructed type in an invalid state) */
auto heap_type = (PyHeapTypeObject *) metaclass->tp_alloc(metaclass, 0);
if (!heap_type)
auto *heap_type = (PyHeapTypeObject *) metaclass->tp_alloc(metaclass, 0);
if (!heap_type) {
pybind11_fail("make_object_base_type(): error allocating type!");
heap_type->ht_name = name_obj.inc_ref().ptr();
heap_type->ht_qualname = name_obj.inc_ref().ptr();
auto type = &heap_type->ht_type;
auto *type = &heap_type->ht_type;
type->tp_name = name;
type->tp_base = type_incref(&PyBaseObject_Type);
type->tp_basicsize = static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(instance));
@ -472,8 +491,9 @@ inline PyObject *make_object_base_type(PyTypeObject *metaclass) {
/* Support weak references (needed for the keep_alive feature) */
type->tp_weaklistoffset = offsetof(instance, weakrefs);
if (PyType_Ready(type) < 0)
pybind11_fail("PyType_Ready failed in make_object_base_type():" + error_string());
if (PyType_Ready(type) < 0) {
pybind11_fail("PyType_Ready failed in make_object_base_type(): " + error_string());
setattr((PyObject *) type, "__module__", str("pybind11_builtins"));
PYBIND11_SET_OLDPY_QUALNAME(type, name_obj);
@ -482,33 +502,14 @@ inline PyObject *make_object_base_type(PyTypeObject *metaclass) {
return (PyObject *) heap_type;
/// dynamic_attr: Support for `d = instance.__dict__`.
extern "C" inline PyObject *pybind11_get_dict(PyObject *self, void *) {
PyObject *&dict = *_PyObject_GetDictPtr(self);
if (!dict)
dict = PyDict_New();
return dict;
/// dynamic_attr: Support for `instance.__dict__ = dict()`.
extern "C" inline int pybind11_set_dict(PyObject *self, PyObject *new_dict, void *) {
if (!PyDict_Check(new_dict)) {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "__dict__ must be set to a dictionary, not a '%.200s'",
return -1;
PyObject *&dict = *_PyObject_GetDictPtr(self);
dict = new_dict;
return 0;
/// dynamic_attr: Allow the garbage collector to traverse the internal instance `__dict__`.
extern "C" inline int pybind11_traverse(PyObject *self, visitproc visit, void *arg) {
PyObject *&dict = *_PyObject_GetDictPtr(self);
// https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/typeobj.html#c.PyTypeObject.tp_traverse
#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03090000
return 0;
@ -521,17 +522,28 @@ extern "C" inline int pybind11_clear(PyObject *self) {
/// Give instances of this type a `__dict__` and opt into garbage collection.
inline void enable_dynamic_attributes(PyHeapTypeObject *heap_type) {
auto type = &heap_type->ht_type;
auto *type = &heap_type->ht_type;
type->tp_flags |= Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC;
type->tp_dictoffset = type->tp_basicsize; // place dict at the end
type->tp_basicsize += (ssize_t)sizeof(PyObject *); // and allocate enough space for it
#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x030B0000
type->tp_dictoffset = type->tp_basicsize; // place dict at the end
type->tp_basicsize += (ssize_t) sizeof(PyObject *); // and allocate enough space for it
type->tp_flags |= Py_TPFLAGS_MANAGED_DICT;
type->tp_traverse = pybind11_traverse;
type->tp_clear = pybind11_clear;
static PyGetSetDef getset[] = {
{const_cast<char*>("__dict__"), pybind11_get_dict, pybind11_set_dict, nullptr, nullptr},
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}
static PyGetSetDef getset[] = {{
#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03070000
const_cast<char *>("__dict__"),
{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}};
type->tp_getset = getset;
@ -541,38 +553,42 @@ extern "C" inline int pybind11_getbuffer(PyObject *obj, Py_buffer *view, int fla
type_info *tinfo = nullptr;
for (auto type : reinterpret_borrow<tuple>(Py_TYPE(obj)->tp_mro)) {
tinfo = get_type_info((PyTypeObject *) type.ptr());
if (tinfo && tinfo->get_buffer)
if (tinfo && tinfo->get_buffer) {
if (view == nullptr || !tinfo || !tinfo->get_buffer) {
if (view)
if (view) {
view->obj = nullptr;
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_BufferError, "pybind11_getbuffer(): Internal error");
return -1;
std::memset(view, 0, sizeof(Py_buffer));
buffer_info *info = tinfo->get_buffer(obj, tinfo->get_buffer_data);
if ((flags & PyBUF_WRITABLE) == PyBUF_WRITABLE && info->readonly) {
delete info;
// view->obj = nullptr; // Was just memset to 0, so not necessary
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_BufferError, "Writable buffer requested for readonly storage");
return -1;
view->obj = obj;
view->ndim = 1;
view->internal = info;
view->buf = info->ptr;
view->itemsize = info->itemsize;
view->len = view->itemsize;
for (auto s : info->shape)
for (auto s : info->shape) {
view->len *= s;
view->readonly = info->readonly;
if ((flags & PyBUF_WRITABLE) == PyBUF_WRITABLE && info->readonly) {
if (view)
view->obj = nullptr;
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_BufferError, "Writable buffer requested for readonly storage");
return -1;
if ((flags & PyBUF_FORMAT) == PyBUF_FORMAT)
view->readonly = static_cast<int>(info->readonly);
if ((flags & PyBUF_FORMAT) == PyBUF_FORMAT) {
view->format = const_cast<char *>(info->format.c_str());
if ((flags & PyBUF_STRIDES) == PyBUF_STRIDES) {
view->ndim = (int) info->ndim;
view->strides = &info->strides[0];
view->shape = &info->shape[0];
view->strides = info->strides.data();
view->shape = info->shape.data();
return 0;
@ -586,9 +602,6 @@ extern "C" inline void pybind11_releasebuffer(PyObject *, Py_buffer *view) {
/// Give this type a buffer interface.
inline void enable_buffer_protocol(PyHeapTypeObject *heap_type) {
heap_type->ht_type.tp_as_buffer = &heap_type->as_buffer;
heap_type->ht_type.tp_flags |= Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_NEWBUFFER;
heap_type->as_buffer.bf_getbuffer = pybind11_getbuffer;
heap_type->as_buffer.bf_releasebuffer = pybind11_releasebuffer;
@ -596,70 +609,68 @@ inline void enable_buffer_protocol(PyHeapTypeObject *heap_type) {
/** Create a brand new Python type according to the `type_record` specification.
Return value: New reference. */
inline PyObject* make_new_python_type(const type_record &rec) {
inline PyObject *make_new_python_type(const type_record &rec) {
auto name = reinterpret_steal<object>(PYBIND11_FROM_STRING(rec.name));
auto qualname = name;
if (rec.scope && !PyModule_Check(rec.scope.ptr()) && hasattr(rec.scope, "__qualname__")) {
qualname = reinterpret_steal<object>(
PyUnicode_FromFormat("%U.%U", rec.scope.attr("__qualname__").ptr(), name.ptr()));
qualname = str(rec.scope.attr("__qualname__").cast<std::string>() + "." + rec.name);
object module_;
if (rec.scope) {
if (hasattr(rec.scope, "__module__"))
if (hasattr(rec.scope, "__module__")) {
module_ = rec.scope.attr("__module__");
else if (hasattr(rec.scope, "__name__"))
} else if (hasattr(rec.scope, "__name__")) {
module_ = rec.scope.attr("__name__");
auto full_name = c_str(
const auto *full_name = c_str(
#if !defined(PYPY_VERSION)
module_ ? str(module_).cast<std::string>() + "." + rec.name :
char *tp_doc = nullptr;
if (rec.doc && options::show_user_defined_docstrings()) {
/* Allocate memory for docstring (using PyObject_MALLOC, since
Python will free this later on) */
size_t size = strlen(rec.doc) + 1;
size_t size = std::strlen(rec.doc) + 1;
tp_doc = (char *) PyObject_MALLOC(size);
memcpy((void *) tp_doc, rec.doc, size);
std::memcpy((void *) tp_doc, rec.doc, size);
auto &internals = get_internals();
auto bases = tuple(rec.bases);
auto base = (bases.empty()) ? internals.instance_base
: bases[0].ptr();
auto *base = (bases.empty()) ? internals.instance_base : bases[0].ptr();
/* Danger zone: from now (and until PyType_Ready), make sure to
issue no Python C API calls which could potentially invoke the
garbage collector (the GC will call type_traverse(), which will in
turn find the newly constructed type in an invalid state) */
auto metaclass = rec.metaclass.ptr() ? (PyTypeObject *) rec.metaclass.ptr()
: internals.default_metaclass;
auto *metaclass
= rec.metaclass.ptr() ? (PyTypeObject *) rec.metaclass.ptr() : internals.default_metaclass;
auto heap_type = (PyHeapTypeObject *) metaclass->tp_alloc(metaclass, 0);
if (!heap_type)
auto *heap_type = (PyHeapTypeObject *) metaclass->tp_alloc(metaclass, 0);
if (!heap_type) {
pybind11_fail(std::string(rec.name) + ": Unable to create type object!");
heap_type->ht_name = name.release().ptr();
heap_type->ht_qualname = qualname.inc_ref().ptr();
auto type = &heap_type->ht_type;
auto *type = &heap_type->ht_type;
type->tp_name = full_name;
type->tp_doc = tp_doc;
type->tp_base = type_incref((PyTypeObject *)base);
type->tp_base = type_incref((PyTypeObject *) base);
type->tp_basicsize = static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(instance));
if (!bases.empty())
if (!bases.empty()) {
type->tp_bases = bases.release().ptr();
/* Don't inherit base __init__ */
type->tp_init = pybind11_object_init;
@ -668,38 +679,42 @@ inline PyObject* make_new_python_type(const type_record &rec) {
type->tp_as_number = &heap_type->as_number;
type->tp_as_sequence = &heap_type->as_sequence;
type->tp_as_mapping = &heap_type->as_mapping;
#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03050000
type->tp_as_async = &heap_type->as_async;
/* Flags */
type->tp_flags |= Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES;
if (!rec.is_final)
if (!rec.is_final) {
type->tp_flags |= Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE;
if (rec.dynamic_attr)
if (rec.dynamic_attr) {
if (rec.buffer_protocol)
if (rec.buffer_protocol) {
if (PyType_Ready(type) < 0)
pybind11_fail(std::string(rec.name) + ": PyType_Ready failed (" + error_string() + ")!");
if (rec.custom_type_setup_callback) {
assert(rec.dynamic_attr ? PyType_HasFeature(type, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC)
: !PyType_HasFeature(type, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC));
if (PyType_Ready(type) < 0) {
pybind11_fail(std::string(rec.name) + ": PyType_Ready failed: " + error_string());
assert(!rec.dynamic_attr || PyType_HasFeature(type, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC));
/* Register type with the parent scope */
if (rec.scope)
if (rec.scope) {
setattr(rec.scope, rec.name, (PyObject *) type);
} else {
Py_INCREF(type); // Keep it alive forever (reference leak)
if (module_) // Needed by pydoc
if (module_) { // Needed by pydoc
setattr((PyObject *) type, "__module__", module_);
PYBIND11_SET_OLDPY_QUALNAME(type, qualname);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
# define PYBIND11_DESCR_CONSTEXPR static constexpr
# define PYBIND11_DESCR_CONSTEXPR static constexpr
/* Concatenate type signatures at compile time */
template <size_t N, typename... Ts>
struct descr {
char text[N + 1];
char text[N + 1]{'\0'};
constexpr descr() : text{'\0'} { }
constexpr descr(char const (&s)[N+1]) : descr(s, make_index_sequence<N>()) { }
constexpr descr() = default;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
constexpr descr(char const (&s)[N + 1]) : descr(s, make_index_sequence<N>()) {}
template <size_t... Is>
constexpr descr(char const (&s)[N+1], index_sequence<Is...>) : text{s[Is]..., '\0'} { }
constexpr descr(char const (&s)[N + 1], index_sequence<Is...>) : text{s[Is]..., '\0'} {}
template <typename... Chars>
constexpr descr(char c, Chars... cs) : text{c, static_cast<char>(cs)..., '\0'} { }
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
constexpr descr(char c, Chars... cs) : text{c, static_cast<char>(cs)..., '\0'} {}
static constexpr std::array<const std::type_info *, sizeof...(Ts) + 1> types() {
return {{&typeid(Ts)..., nullptr}};
@ -40,60 +42,116 @@ struct descr {
template <size_t N1, size_t N2, typename... Ts1, typename... Ts2, size_t... Is1, size_t... Is2>
constexpr descr<N1 + N2, Ts1..., Ts2...> plus_impl(const descr<N1, Ts1...> &a, const descr<N2, Ts2...> &b,
index_sequence<Is1...>, index_sequence<Is2...>) {
constexpr descr<N1 + N2, Ts1..., Ts2...> plus_impl(const descr<N1, Ts1...> &a,
const descr<N2, Ts2...> &b,
index_sequence<Is2...>) {
return {a.text[Is1]..., b.text[Is2]...};
template <size_t N1, size_t N2, typename... Ts1, typename... Ts2>
constexpr descr<N1 + N2, Ts1..., Ts2...> operator+(const descr<N1, Ts1...> &a, const descr<N2, Ts2...> &b) {
constexpr descr<N1 + N2, Ts1..., Ts2...> operator+(const descr<N1, Ts1...> &a,
const descr<N2, Ts2...> &b) {
return plus_impl(a, b, make_index_sequence<N1>(), make_index_sequence<N2>());
template <size_t N>
constexpr descr<N - 1> _(char const(&text)[N]) { return descr<N - 1>(text); }
constexpr descr<0> _(char const(&)[1]) { return {}; }
constexpr descr<N - 1> const_name(char const (&text)[N]) {
return descr<N - 1>(text);
constexpr descr<0> const_name(char const (&)[1]) { return {}; }
template <size_t Rem, size_t... Digits> struct int_to_str : int_to_str<Rem/10, Rem%10, Digits...> { };
template <size_t...Digits> struct int_to_str<0, Digits...> {
template <size_t Rem, size_t... Digits>
struct int_to_str : int_to_str<Rem / 10, Rem % 10, Digits...> {};
template <size_t... Digits>
struct int_to_str<0, Digits...> {
// WARNING: This only works with C++17 or higher.
static constexpr auto digits = descr<sizeof...(Digits)>(('0' + Digits)...);
// Ternary description (like std::conditional)
template <bool B, size_t N1, size_t N2>
constexpr enable_if_t<B, descr<N1 - 1>> _(char const(&text1)[N1], char const(&)[N2]) {
return _(text1);
constexpr enable_if_t<B, descr<N1 - 1>> const_name(char const (&text1)[N1], char const (&)[N2]) {
return const_name(text1);
template <bool B, size_t N1, size_t N2>
constexpr enable_if_t<!B, descr<N2 - 1>> _(char const(&)[N1], char const(&text2)[N2]) {
return _(text2);
constexpr enable_if_t<!B, descr<N2 - 1>> const_name(char const (&)[N1], char const (&text2)[N2]) {
return const_name(text2);
template <bool B, typename T1, typename T2>
constexpr enable_if_t<B, T1> _(const T1 &d, const T2 &) { return d; }
constexpr enable_if_t<B, T1> const_name(const T1 &d, const T2 &) {
return d;
template <bool B, typename T1, typename T2>
constexpr enable_if_t<!B, T2> _(const T1 &, const T2 &d) { return d; }
constexpr enable_if_t<!B, T2> const_name(const T1 &, const T2 &d) {
return d;
template <size_t Size> auto constexpr _() -> decltype(int_to_str<Size / 10, Size % 10>::digits) {
template <size_t Size>
auto constexpr const_name() -> remove_cv_t<decltype(int_to_str<Size / 10, Size % 10>::digits)> {
return int_to_str<Size / 10, Size % 10>::digits;
template <typename Type> constexpr descr<1, Type> _() { return {'%'}; }
template <typename Type>
constexpr descr<1, Type> const_name() {
return {'%'};
// If "_" is defined as a macro, py::detail::_ cannot be provided.
// It is therefore best to use py::detail::const_name universally.
// This block is for backward compatibility only.
// (The const_name code is repeated to avoid introducing a "_" #define ourselves.)
#ifndef _
template <size_t N>
constexpr descr<N - 1> _(char const (&text)[N]) {
return const_name<N>(text);
template <bool B, size_t N1, size_t N2>
constexpr enable_if_t<B, descr<N1 - 1>> _(char const (&text1)[N1], char const (&text2)[N2]) {
return const_name<B, N1, N2>(text1, text2);
template <bool B, size_t N1, size_t N2>
constexpr enable_if_t<!B, descr<N2 - 1>> _(char const (&text1)[N1], char const (&text2)[N2]) {
return const_name<B, N1, N2>(text1, text2);
template <bool B, typename T1, typename T2>
constexpr enable_if_t<B, T1> _(const T1 &d1, const T2 &d2) {
return const_name<B, T1, T2>(d1, d2);
template <bool B, typename T1, typename T2>
constexpr enable_if_t<!B, T2> _(const T1 &d1, const T2 &d2) {
return const_name<B, T1, T2>(d1, d2);
template <size_t Size>
auto constexpr _() -> remove_cv_t<decltype(int_to_str<Size / 10, Size % 10>::digits)> {
return const_name<Size>();
template <typename Type>
constexpr descr<1, Type> _() {
return const_name<Type>();
#endif // #ifndef _
constexpr descr<0> concat() { return {}; }
template <size_t N, typename... Ts>
constexpr descr<N, Ts...> concat(const descr<N, Ts...> &descr) { return descr; }
constexpr descr<N, Ts...> concat(const descr<N, Ts...> &descr) {
return descr;
template <size_t N, typename... Ts, typename... Args>
constexpr auto concat(const descr<N, Ts...> &d, const Args &...args)
-> decltype(std::declval<descr<N + 2, Ts...>>() + concat(args...)) {
return d + _(", ") + concat(args...);
return d + const_name(", ") + concat(args...);
template <size_t N, typename... Ts>
constexpr descr<N + 2, Ts...> type_descr(const descr<N, Ts...> &descr) {
return _("{") + descr + _("}");
return const_name("{") + descr + const_name("}");

View File

@ -22,9 +22,10 @@ public:
return true;
template <typename> using cast_op_type = value_and_holder &;
operator value_and_holder &() { return *value; }
static constexpr auto name = _<value_and_holder>();
template <typename>
using cast_op_type = value_and_holder &;
explicit operator value_and_holder &() { return *value; }
static constexpr auto name = const_name<value_and_holder>();
value_and_holder *value = nullptr;
@ -33,15 +34,21 @@ private:
inline void no_nullptr(void *ptr) {
if (!ptr) throw type_error("pybind11::init(): factory function returned nullptr");
if (!ptr) {
throw type_error("pybind11::init(): factory function returned nullptr");
// Implementing functions for all forms of py::init<...> and py::init(...)
template <typename Class> using Cpp = typename Class::type;
template <typename Class> using Alias = typename Class::type_alias;
template <typename Class> using Holder = typename Class::holder_type;
template <typename Class>
using Cpp = typename Class::type;
template <typename Class>
using Alias = typename Class::type_alias;
template <typename Class>
using Holder = typename Class::holder_type;
template <typename Class> using is_alias_constructible = std::is_constructible<Alias<Class>, Cpp<Class> &&>;
template <typename Class>
using is_alias_constructible = std::is_constructible<Alias<Class>, Cpp<Class> &&>;
// Takes a Cpp pointer and returns true if it actually is a polymorphic Alias instance.
template <typename Class, enable_if_t<Class::has_alias, int> = 0>
@ -50,17 +57,27 @@ bool is_alias(Cpp<Class> *ptr) {
// Failing fallback version of the above for a no-alias class (always returns false)
template <typename /*Class*/>
constexpr bool is_alias(void *) { return false; }
constexpr bool is_alias(void *) {
return false;
// Constructs and returns a new object; if the given arguments don't map to a constructor, we fall
// back to brace aggregate initiailization so that for aggregate initialization can be used with
// py::init, e.g. `py::init<int, int>` to initialize a `struct T { int a; int b; }`. For
// non-aggregate types, we need to use an ordinary T(...) constructor (invoking as `T{...}` usually
// works, but will not do the expected thing when `T` has an `initializer_list<T>` constructor).
template <typename Class, typename... Args, detail::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<Class, Args...>::value, int> = 0>
inline Class *construct_or_initialize(Args &&...args) { return new Class(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
template <typename Class, typename... Args, detail::enable_if_t<!std::is_constructible<Class, Args...>::value, int> = 0>
inline Class *construct_or_initialize(Args &&...args) { return new Class{std::forward<Args>(args)...}; }
template <typename Class,
typename... Args,
detail::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<Class, Args...>::value, int> = 0>
inline Class *construct_or_initialize(Args &&...args) {
return new Class(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename Class,
typename... Args,
detail::enable_if_t<!std::is_constructible<Class, Args...>::value, int> = 0>
inline Class *construct_or_initialize(Args &&...args) {
return new Class{std::forward<Args>(args)...};
// Attempts to constructs an alias using a `Alias(Cpp &&)` constructor. This allows types with
// an alias to provide only a single Cpp factory function as long as the Alias can be
@ -69,12 +86,14 @@ inline Class *construct_or_initialize(Args &&...args) { return new Class{std::fo
// inherit all the base class constructors.
template <typename Class>
void construct_alias_from_cpp(std::true_type /*is_alias_constructible*/,
value_and_holder &v_h, Cpp<Class> &&base) {
value_and_holder &v_h,
Cpp<Class> &&base) {
v_h.value_ptr() = new Alias<Class>(std::move(base));
template <typename Class>
[[noreturn]] void construct_alias_from_cpp(std::false_type /*!is_alias_constructible*/,
value_and_holder &, Cpp<Class> &&) {
value_and_holder &,
Cpp<Class> &&) {
throw type_error("pybind11::init(): unable to convert returned instance to required "
"alias class: no `Alias<Class>(Class &&)` constructor available");
@ -84,8 +103,8 @@ template <typename Class>
template <typename Class>
void construct(...) {
static_assert(!std::is_same<Class, Class>::value /* always false */,
"pybind11::init(): init function must return a compatible pointer, "
"holder, or value");
"pybind11::init(): init function must return a compatible pointer, "
"holder, or value");
// Pointer return v1: the factory function returns a class pointer for a registered class.
@ -94,8 +113,9 @@ void construct(...) {
// construct an Alias from the returned base instance.
template <typename Class>
void construct(value_and_holder &v_h, Cpp<Class> *ptr, bool need_alias) {
if (Class::has_alias && need_alias && !is_alias<Class>(ptr)) {
if (PYBIND11_SILENCE_MSVC_C4127(Class::has_alias) && need_alias && !is_alias<Class>(ptr)) {
// We're going to try to construct an alias by moving the cpp type. Whether or not
// that succeeds, we still need to destroy the original cpp pointer (either the
// moved away leftover, if the alias construction works, or the value itself if we
@ -105,7 +125,7 @@ void construct(value_and_holder &v_h, Cpp<Class> *ptr, bool need_alias) {
// the holder and destruction happens when we leave the C++ scope, and the holder
// class gets to handle the destruction however it likes.
v_h.value_ptr() = ptr;
v_h.set_instance_registered(true); // To prevent init_instance from registering it
v_h.set_instance_registered(true); // To prevent init_instance from registering it
v_h.type->init_instance(v_h.inst, nullptr); // Set up the holder
Holder<Class> temp_holder(std::move(v_h.holder<Holder<Class>>())); // Steal the holder
v_h.type->dealloc(v_h); // Destroys the moved-out holder remains, resets value ptr to null
@ -128,15 +148,18 @@ void construct(value_and_holder &v_h, Alias<Class> *alias_ptr, bool) {
// Holder return: copy its pointer, and move or copy the returned holder into the new instance's
// holder. This also handles types like std::shared_ptr<T> and std::unique_ptr<T> where T is a
// derived type (through those holder's implicit conversion from derived class holder constructors).
// derived type (through those holder's implicit conversion from derived class holder
// constructors).
template <typename Class>
void construct(value_and_holder &v_h, Holder<Class> holder, bool need_alias) {
auto *ptr = holder_helper<Holder<Class>>::get(holder);
// If we need an alias, check that the held pointer is actually an alias instance
if (Class::has_alias && need_alias && !is_alias<Class>(ptr))
if (PYBIND11_SILENCE_MSVC_C4127(Class::has_alias) && need_alias && !is_alias<Class>(ptr)) {
throw type_error("pybind11::init(): construction failed: returned holder-wrapped instance "
"is not an alias instance");
v_h.value_ptr() = ptr;
v_h.type->init_instance(v_h.inst, &holder);
@ -148,12 +171,14 @@ void construct(value_and_holder &v_h, Holder<Class> holder, bool need_alias) {
// need it, we simply move-construct the cpp value into a new instance.
template <typename Class>
void construct(value_and_holder &v_h, Cpp<Class> &&result, bool need_alias) {
"pybind11::init() return-by-value factory function requires a movable class");
if (Class::has_alias && need_alias)
"pybind11::init() return-by-value factory function requires a movable class");
if (PYBIND11_SILENCE_MSVC_C4127(Class::has_alias) && need_alias) {
construct_alias_from_cpp<Class>(is_alias_constructible<Class>{}, v_h, std::move(result));
} else {
v_h.value_ptr() = new Cpp<Class>(std::move(result));
// return-by-value version 2: returning a value of the alias type itself. We move-construct an
@ -161,7 +186,8 @@ void construct(value_and_holder &v_h, Cpp<Class> &&result, bool need_alias) {
// cases where Alias initialization is always desired.
template <typename Class>
void construct(value_and_holder &v_h, Alias<Class> &&result, bool) {
"pybind11::init() return-by-alias-value factory function requires a movable alias class");
v_h.value_ptr() = new Alias<Class>(std::move(result));
@ -170,48 +196,76 @@ void construct(value_and_holder &v_h, Alias<Class> &&result, bool) {
template <typename... Args>
struct constructor {
template <typename Class, typename... Extra, enable_if_t<!Class::has_alias, int> = 0>
static void execute(Class &cl, const Extra&... extra) {
cl.def("__init__", [](value_and_holder &v_h, Args... args) {
v_h.value_ptr() = construct_or_initialize<Cpp<Class>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
}, is_new_style_constructor(), extra...);
template <typename Class, typename... Extra,
enable_if_t<Class::has_alias &&
std::is_constructible<Cpp<Class>, Args...>::value, int> = 0>
static void execute(Class &cl, const Extra&... extra) {
cl.def("__init__", [](value_and_holder &v_h, Args... args) {
if (Py_TYPE(v_h.inst) == v_h.type->type)
static void execute(Class &cl, const Extra &...extra) {
[](value_and_holder &v_h, Args... args) {
v_h.value_ptr() = construct_or_initialize<Cpp<Class>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
v_h.value_ptr() = construct_or_initialize<Alias<Class>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
}, is_new_style_constructor(), extra...);
template <typename Class, typename... Extra,
enable_if_t<Class::has_alias &&
!std::is_constructible<Cpp<Class>, Args...>::value, int> = 0>
static void execute(Class &cl, const Extra&... extra) {
cl.def("__init__", [](value_and_holder &v_h, Args... args) {
v_h.value_ptr() = construct_or_initialize<Alias<Class>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
}, is_new_style_constructor(), extra...);
template <typename Class,
typename... Extra,
enable_if_t<Class::has_alias && std::is_constructible<Cpp<Class>, Args...>::value,
int> = 0>
static void execute(Class &cl, const Extra &...extra) {
[](value_and_holder &v_h, Args... args) {
if (Py_TYPE(v_h.inst) == v_h.type->type) {
= construct_or_initialize<Cpp<Class>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
} else {
= construct_or_initialize<Alias<Class>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename Class,
typename... Extra,
enable_if_t<Class::has_alias && !std::is_constructible<Cpp<Class>, Args...>::value,
int> = 0>
static void execute(Class &cl, const Extra &...extra) {
[](value_and_holder &v_h, Args... args) {
= construct_or_initialize<Alias<Class>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Implementing class for py::init_alias<...>()
template <typename... Args> struct alias_constructor {
template <typename Class, typename... Extra,
enable_if_t<Class::has_alias && std::is_constructible<Alias<Class>, Args...>::value, int> = 0>
static void execute(Class &cl, const Extra&... extra) {
cl.def("__init__", [](value_and_holder &v_h, Args... args) {
v_h.value_ptr() = construct_or_initialize<Alias<Class>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
}, is_new_style_constructor(), extra...);
template <typename... Args>
struct alias_constructor {
template <typename Class,
typename... Extra,
enable_if_t<Class::has_alias && std::is_constructible<Alias<Class>, Args...>::value,
int> = 0>
static void execute(Class &cl, const Extra &...extra) {
[](value_and_holder &v_h, Args... args) {
= construct_or_initialize<Alias<Class>>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Implementation class for py::init(Func) and py::init(Func, AliasFunc)
template <typename CFunc, typename AFunc = void_type (*)(),
typename = function_signature_t<CFunc>, typename = function_signature_t<AFunc>>
template <typename CFunc,
typename AFunc = void_type (*)(),
typename = function_signature_t<CFunc>,
typename = function_signature_t<AFunc>>
struct factory;
// Specialization for py::init(Func)
@ -219,7 +273,8 @@ template <typename Func, typename Return, typename... Args>
struct factory<Func, void_type (*)(), Return(Args...)> {
remove_reference_t<Func> class_factory;
factory(Func &&f) : class_factory(std::forward<Func>(f)) { }
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
factory(Func &&f) : class_factory(std::forward<Func>(f)) {}
// The given class either has no alias or has no separate alias factory;
// this always constructs the class itself. If the class is registered with an alias
@ -228,22 +283,32 @@ struct factory<Func, void_type (*)(), Return(Args...)> {
// instance, or the alias needs to be constructible from a `Class &&` argument.
template <typename Class, typename... Extra>
void execute(Class &cl, const Extra &...extra) && {
#if defined(PYBIND11_CPP14)
cl.def("__init__", [func = std::move(class_factory)]
#if defined(PYBIND11_CPP14)
[func = std::move(class_factory)]
auto &func = class_factory;
cl.def("__init__", [func]
(value_and_holder &v_h, Args... args) {
construct<Class>(v_h, func(std::forward<Args>(args)...),
Py_TYPE(v_h.inst) != v_h.type->type);
}, is_new_style_constructor(), extra...);
(value_and_holder &v_h, Args... args) {
v_h, func(std::forward<Args>(args)...), Py_TYPE(v_h.inst) != v_h.type->type);
// Specialization for py::init(Func, AliasFunc)
template <typename CFunc, typename AFunc,
typename CReturn, typename... CArgs, typename AReturn, typename... AArgs>
template <typename CFunc,
typename AFunc,
typename CReturn,
typename... CArgs,
typename AReturn,
typename... AArgs>
struct factory<CFunc, AFunc, CReturn(CArgs...), AReturn(AArgs...)> {
static_assert(sizeof...(CArgs) == sizeof...(AArgs),
"pybind11::init(class_factory, alias_factory): class and alias factories "
@ -256,29 +321,37 @@ struct factory<CFunc, AFunc, CReturn(CArgs...), AReturn(AArgs...)> {
remove_reference_t<AFunc> alias_factory;
factory(CFunc &&c, AFunc &&a)
: class_factory(std::forward<CFunc>(c)), alias_factory(std::forward<AFunc>(a)) { }
: class_factory(std::forward<CFunc>(c)), alias_factory(std::forward<AFunc>(a)) {}
// The class factory is called when the `self` type passed to `__init__` is the direct
// class (i.e. not inherited), the alias factory when `self` is a Python-side subtype.
template <typename Class, typename... Extra>
void execute(Class &cl, const Extra&... extra) && {
static_assert(Class::has_alias, "The two-argument version of `py::init()` can "
"only be used if the class has an alias");
#if defined(PYBIND11_CPP14)
cl.def("__init__", [class_func = std::move(class_factory), alias_func = std::move(alias_factory)]
void execute(Class &cl, const Extra &...extra) && {
"The two-argument version of `py::init()` can "
"only be used if the class has an alias");
#if defined(PYBIND11_CPP14)
[class_func = std::move(class_factory), alias_func = std::move(alias_factory)]
auto &class_func = class_factory;
auto &alias_func = alias_factory;
cl.def("__init__", [class_func, alias_func]
(value_and_holder &v_h, CArgs... args) {
if (Py_TYPE(v_h.inst) == v_h.type->type)
// If the instance type equals the registered type we don't have inheritance, so
// don't need the alias and can construct using the class function:
construct<Class>(v_h, class_func(std::forward<CArgs>(args)...), false);
construct<Class>(v_h, alias_func(std::forward<CArgs>(args)...), true);
}, is_new_style_constructor(), extra...);
[class_func, alias_func]
(value_and_holder &v_h, CArgs... args) {
if (Py_TYPE(v_h.inst) == v_h.type->type) {
// If the instance type equals the registered type we don't have inheritance,
// so don't need the alias and can construct using the class function:
construct<Class>(v_h, class_func(std::forward<CArgs>(args)...), false);
} else {
construct<Class>(v_h, alias_func(std::forward<CArgs>(args)...), true);
@ -289,20 +362,34 @@ void setstate(value_and_holder &v_h, T &&result, bool need_alias) {
/// Set both the C++ and Python states
template <typename Class, typename T, typename O,
template <typename Class,
typename T,
typename O,
enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<O, handle>::value, int> = 0>
void setstate(value_and_holder &v_h, std::pair<T, O> &&result, bool need_alias) {
construct<Class>(v_h, std::move(result.first), need_alias);
setattr((PyObject *) v_h.inst, "__dict__", result.second);
auto d = handle(result.second);
if (PyDict_Check(d.ptr()) && PyDict_Size(d.ptr()) == 0) {
// Skipping setattr below, to not force use of py::dynamic_attr() for Class unnecessarily.
// See PR #2972 for details.
setattr((PyObject *) v_h.inst, "__dict__", d);
/// Implementation for py::pickle(GetState, SetState)
template <typename Get, typename Set,
typename = function_signature_t<Get>, typename = function_signature_t<Set>>
template <typename Get,
typename Set,
typename = function_signature_t<Get>,
typename = function_signature_t<Set>>
struct pickle_factory;
template <typename Get, typename Set,
typename RetState, typename Self, typename NewInstance, typename ArgState>
template <typename Get,
typename Set,
typename RetState,
typename Self,
typename NewInstance,
typename ArgState>
struct pickle_factory<Get, Set, RetState(Self), NewInstance(ArgState)> {
static_assert(std::is_same<intrinsic_t<RetState>, intrinsic_t<ArgState>>::value,
"The type returned by `__getstate__` must be the same "
@ -311,26 +398,31 @@ struct pickle_factory<Get, Set, RetState(Self), NewInstance(ArgState)> {
remove_reference_t<Get> get;
remove_reference_t<Set> set;
pickle_factory(Get get, Set set)
: get(std::forward<Get>(get)), set(std::forward<Set>(set)) { }
pickle_factory(Get get, Set set) : get(std::forward<Get>(get)), set(std::forward<Set>(set)) {}
template <typename Class, typename... Extra>
void execute(Class &cl, const Extra &...extra) && {
cl.def("__getstate__", std::move(get));
#if defined(PYBIND11_CPP14)
cl.def("__setstate__", [func = std::move(set)]
[func = std::move(set)]
auto &func = set;
cl.def("__setstate__", [func]
(value_and_holder &v_h, ArgState state) {
setstate<Class>(v_h, func(std::forward<ArgState>(state)),
Py_TYPE(v_h.inst) != v_h.type->type);
}, is_new_style_constructor(), extra...);
(value_and_holder &v_h, ArgState state) {
v_h, func(std::forward<ArgState>(state)), Py_TYPE(v_h.inst) != v_h.type->type);

View File

@ -11,8 +11,32 @@
#include "../pytypes.h"
#include <exception>
/// Tracks the `internals` and `type_info` ABI version independent of the main library version.
/// Some portions of the code use an ABI that is conditional depending on this
/// version number. That allows ABI-breaking changes to be "pre-implemented".
/// Once the default version number is incremented, the conditional logic that
/// no longer applies can be removed. Additionally, users that need not
/// maintain ABI compatibility can increase the version number in order to take
/// advantage of any functionality/efficiency improvements that depend on the
/// newer ABI.
/// WARNING: If you choose to manually increase the ABI version, note that
/// pybind11 may not be tested as thoroughly with a non-default ABI version, and
/// further ABI-incompatible changes may be made before the ABI is officially
/// changed to the new version.
using ExceptionTranslator = void (*)(std::exception_ptr);
// Forward declarations
inline PyTypeObject *make_static_property_type();
inline PyTypeObject *make_default_metaclass();
@ -21,30 +45,59 @@ inline PyObject *make_object_base_type(PyTypeObject *metaclass);
// The old Python Thread Local Storage (TLS) API is deprecated in Python 3.7 in favor of the new
// Thread Specific Storage (TSS) API.
#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03070000
# define PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_INIT(var) Py_tss_t *var = nullptr
# define PYBIND11_TLS_GET_VALUE(key) PyThread_tss_get((key))
# define PYBIND11_TLS_REPLACE_VALUE(key, value) PyThread_tss_set((key), (value))
# define PYBIND11_TLS_DELETE_VALUE(key) PyThread_tss_set((key), nullptr)
# define PYBIND11_TLS_FREE(key) PyThread_tss_free(key)
// Usually an int but a long on Cygwin64 with Python 3.x
# define PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_INIT(var) decltype(PyThread_create_key()) var = 0
# define PYBIND11_TLS_GET_VALUE(key) PyThread_get_key_value((key))
# define PYBIND11_TLS_DELETE_VALUE(key) \
# define PYBIND11_TLS_REPLACE_VALUE(key, value) \
do { \
PyThread_delete_key_value((key)); \
PyThread_set_key_value((key), (value)); \
} while (false)
// Avoid unnecessary allocation of `Py_tss_t`, since we cannot use
// `Py_LIMITED_API` anyway.
# define PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_REF Py_tss_t &
# ifdef __GNUC__
// Clang on macOS warns due to `Py_tss_NEEDS_INIT` not specifying an initializer
// for every field.
# define PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_INIT(var) \
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic push") /**/ \
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wmissing-field-initializers\"") /**/ \
Py_tss_t var \
= Py_tss_NEEDS_INIT; \
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop")
# else
# define PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_INIT(var) Py_tss_t var = Py_tss_NEEDS_INIT;
# endif
# define PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_CREATE(var) (PyThread_tss_create(&(var)) == 0)
# define PYBIND11_TLS_GET_VALUE(key) PyThread_tss_get(&(key))
# define PYBIND11_TLS_REPLACE_VALUE(key, value) PyThread_tss_set(&(key), (value))
# define PYBIND11_TLS_DELETE_VALUE(key) PyThread_tss_set(&(key), nullptr)
# define PYBIND11_TLS_FREE(key) PyThread_tss_delete(&(key))
# else
# define PYBIND11_TLS_DELETE_VALUE(key) \
PyThread_set_key_value((key), nullptr)
# define PYBIND11_TLS_REPLACE_VALUE(key, value) \
PyThread_set_key_value((key), (value))
# define PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_REF Py_tss_t *
# define PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_INIT(var) Py_tss_t *var = nullptr;
# define PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_CREATE(var) \
(((var) = PyThread_tss_alloc()) != nullptr && (PyThread_tss_create((var)) == 0))
# define PYBIND11_TLS_GET_VALUE(key) PyThread_tss_get((key))
# define PYBIND11_TLS_REPLACE_VALUE(key, value) PyThread_tss_set((key), (value))
# define PYBIND11_TLS_DELETE_VALUE(key) PyThread_tss_set((key), nullptr)
# define PYBIND11_TLS_FREE(key) PyThread_tss_free(key)
# endif
# define PYBIND11_TLS_FREE(key) (void)key
// Usually an int but a long on Cygwin64 with Python 3.x
# define PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_REF decltype(PyThread_create_key())
# define PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_INIT(var) PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_REF var = 0;
# define PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_CREATE(var) (((var) = PyThread_create_key()) != -1)
# define PYBIND11_TLS_GET_VALUE(key) PyThread_get_key_value((key))
# if defined(PYPY_VERSION)
// On CPython < 3.4 and on PyPy, `PyThread_set_key_value` strangely does not set
// the value if it has already been set. Instead, it must first be deleted and
// then set again.
inline void tls_replace_value(PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_REF key, void *value) {
PyThread_set_key_value(key, value);
# define PYBIND11_TLS_DELETE_VALUE(key) PyThread_delete_key_value(key)
# define PYBIND11_TLS_REPLACE_VALUE(key, value) \
::pybind11::detail::tls_replace_value((key), (value))
# else
# define PYBIND11_TLS_DELETE_VALUE(key) PyThread_set_key_value((key), nullptr)
# define PYBIND11_TLS_REPLACE_VALUE(key, value) PyThread_set_key_value((key), (value))
# endif
# define PYBIND11_TLS_FREE(key) (void) key
// Python loads modules by default with dlopen with the RTLD_LOCAL flag; under libc++ and possibly
@ -66,8 +119,9 @@ struct type_hash {
size_t operator()(const std::type_index &t) const {
size_t hash = 5381;
const char *ptr = t.name();
while (auto c = static_cast<unsigned char>(*ptr++))
while (auto c = static_cast<unsigned char>(*ptr++)) {
hash = (hash * 33) ^ c;
return hash;
@ -83,9 +137,9 @@ template <typename value_type>
using type_map = std::unordered_map<std::type_index, value_type, type_hash, type_equal_to>;
struct override_hash {
inline size_t operator()(const std::pair<const PyObject *, const char *>& v) const {
inline size_t operator()(const std::pair<const PyObject *, const char *> &v) const {
size_t value = std::hash<const void *>()(v.first);
value ^= std::hash<const void *>()(v.second) + 0x9e3779b9 + (value<<6) + (value>>2);
value ^= std::hash<const void *>()(v.second) + 0x9e3779b9 + (value << 6) + (value >> 2);
return value;
@ -94,30 +148,44 @@ struct override_hash {
/// Whenever binary incompatible changes are made to this structure,
/// `PYBIND11_INTERNALS_VERSION` must be incremented.
struct internals {
type_map<type_info *> registered_types_cpp; // std::type_index -> pybind11's type information
std::unordered_map<PyTypeObject *, std::vector<type_info *>> registered_types_py; // PyTypeObject* -> base type_info(s)
std::unordered_multimap<const void *, instance*> registered_instances; // void * -> instance*
std::unordered_set<std::pair<const PyObject *, const char *>, override_hash> inactive_override_cache;
// std::type_index -> pybind11's type information
type_map<type_info *> registered_types_cpp;
// PyTypeObject* -> base type_info(s)
std::unordered_map<PyTypeObject *, std::vector<type_info *>> registered_types_py;
std::unordered_multimap<const void *, instance *> registered_instances; // void * -> instance*
std::unordered_set<std::pair<const PyObject *, const char *>, override_hash>
type_map<std::vector<bool (*)(PyObject *, void *&)>> direct_conversions;
std::unordered_map<const PyObject *, std::vector<PyObject *>> patients;
std::forward_list<void (*) (std::exception_ptr)> registered_exception_translators;
std::unordered_map<std::string, void *> shared_data; // Custom data to be shared across extensions
std::vector<PyObject *> loader_patient_stack; // Used by `loader_life_support`
std::forward_list<std::string> static_strings; // Stores the std::strings backing detail::c_str()
std::forward_list<ExceptionTranslator> registered_exception_translators;
std::unordered_map<std::string, void *> shared_data; // Custom data to be shared across
// extensions
std::vector<PyObject *> unused_loader_patient_stack_remove_at_v5;
std::forward_list<std::string> static_strings; // Stores the std::strings backing
// detail::c_str()
PyTypeObject *static_property_type;
PyTypeObject *default_metaclass;
PyObject *instance_base;
#if defined(WITH_THREAD)
PyInterpreterState *istate = nullptr;
~internals() {
// This destructor is called *after* Py_Finalize() in finalize_interpreter().
// That *SHOULD BE* fine. The following details what happens whe PyThread_tss_free is called.
// PYBIND11_TLS_FREE is PyThread_tss_free on python 3.7+. On older python, it does nothing.
// PyThread_tss_free calls PyThread_tss_delete and PyMem_RawFree.
// PyThread_tss_delete just calls TlsFree (on Windows) or pthread_key_delete (on *NIX). Neither
// of those have anything to do with CPython internals.
// PyMem_RawFree *requires* that the `tstate` be allocated with the CPython allocator.
// That *SHOULD BE* fine. The following details what happens when PyThread_tss_free is
// called. PYBIND11_TLS_FREE is PyThread_tss_free on python 3.7+. On older python, it does
// nothing. PyThread_tss_free calls PyThread_tss_delete and PyMem_RawFree.
// PyThread_tss_delete just calls TlsFree (on Windows) or pthread_key_delete (on *NIX).
// Neither of those have anything to do with CPython internals. PyMem_RawFree *requires*
// that the `tstate` be allocated with the CPython allocator.
@ -132,14 +200,16 @@ struct type_info {
void *(*operator_new)(size_t);
void (*init_instance)(instance *, const void *);
void (*dealloc)(value_and_holder &v_h);
std::vector<PyObject *(*)(PyObject *, PyTypeObject *)> implicit_conversions;
std::vector<std::pair<const std::type_info *, void *(*)(void *)>> implicit_casts;
std::vector<PyObject *(*) (PyObject *, PyTypeObject *)> implicit_conversions;
std::vector<std::pair<const std::type_info *, void *(*) (void *)>> implicit_casts;
std::vector<bool (*)(PyObject *, void *&)> *direct_conversions;
buffer_info *(*get_buffer)(PyObject *, void *) = nullptr;
void *get_buffer_data = nullptr;
void *(*module_local_load)(PyObject *, const type_info *) = nullptr;
/* A simple type never occurs as a (direct or indirect) parent
* of a class that makes use of multiple inheritance */
* of a class that makes use of multiple inheritance.
* A type can be simple even if it has non-simple ancestors as long as it has no descendants.
bool simple_type : 1;
/* True if there is no multiple inheritance in this type's inheritance tree */
bool simple_ancestors : 1;
@ -149,72 +219,73 @@ struct type_info {
bool module_local : 1;
/// Tracks the `internals` and `type_info` ABI version independent of the main library version
/// On MSVC, debug and release builds are not ABI-compatible!
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DEBUG)
# define PYBIND11_BUILD_TYPE "_debug"
# define PYBIND11_BUILD_TYPE "_debug"
# define PYBIND11_BUILD_TYPE ""
# define PYBIND11_BUILD_TYPE ""
/// Let's assume that different compilers are ABI-incompatible.
/// A user can manually set this string if they know their
/// compiler is compatible.
# if defined(_MSC_VER)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_msvc"
# elif defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_icc"
# elif defined(__clang__)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_clang"
# elif defined(__PGI)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_pgi"
# elif defined(__MINGW32__)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_mingw"
# elif defined(__CYGWIN__)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_gcc_cygwin"
# elif defined(__GNUC__)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_gcc"
# else
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_unknown"
# endif
# if defined(_MSC_VER)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_msvc"
# elif defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_icc"
# elif defined(__clang__)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_clang"
# elif defined(__PGI)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_pgi"
# elif defined(__MINGW32__)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_mingw"
# elif defined(__CYGWIN__)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_gcc_cygwin"
# elif defined(__GNUC__)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_gcc"
# else
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_unknown"
# endif
/// Also standard libs
# if defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)
# define PYBIND11_STDLIB "_libcpp"
# elif defined(__GLIBCXX__) || defined(__GLIBCPP__)
# define PYBIND11_STDLIB "_libstdcpp"
# else
# define PYBIND11_STDLIB ""
# endif
# if defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)
# define PYBIND11_STDLIB "_libcpp"
# elif defined(__GLIBCXX__) || defined(__GLIBCPP__)
# define PYBIND11_STDLIB "_libstdcpp"
# else
# define PYBIND11_STDLIB ""
# endif
/// On Linux/OSX, changes in __GXX_ABI_VERSION__ indicate ABI incompatibility.
# if defined(__GXX_ABI_VERSION)
# else
# define PYBIND11_BUILD_ABI ""
# endif
# if defined(__GXX_ABI_VERSION)
# else
# define PYBIND11_BUILD_ABI ""
# endif
# if defined(WITH_THREAD)
# else
# define PYBIND11_INTERNALS_KIND "_without_thread"
# endif
# if defined(WITH_THREAD)
# else
# define PYBIND11_INTERNALS_KIND "_without_thread"
# endif
#define PYBIND11_INTERNALS_ID "__pybind11_internals_v" \
"__pybind11_internals_v" PYBIND11_TOSTRING(PYBIND11_INTERNALS_VERSION) \
#define PYBIND11_MODULE_LOCAL_ID "__pybind11_module_local_v" \
"__pybind11_module_local_v" PYBIND11_TOSTRING(PYBIND11_INTERNALS_VERSION) \
/// Each module locally stores a pointer to the `internals` data. The data
/// itself is shared among modules with the same `PYBIND11_INTERNALS_ID`.
@ -223,21 +294,93 @@ inline internals **&get_internals_pp() {
return internals_pp;
// forward decl
inline void translate_exception(std::exception_ptr);
template <class T,
enable_if_t<std::is_same<std::nested_exception, remove_cvref_t<T>>::value, int> = 0>
bool handle_nested_exception(const T &exc, const std::exception_ptr &p) {
std::exception_ptr nested = exc.nested_ptr();
if (nested != nullptr && nested != p) {
return true;
return false;
template <class T,
enable_if_t<!std::is_same<std::nested_exception, remove_cvref_t<T>>::value, int> = 0>
bool handle_nested_exception(const T &exc, const std::exception_ptr &p) {
if (const auto *nep = dynamic_cast<const std::nested_exception *>(std::addressof(exc))) {
return handle_nested_exception(*nep, p);
return false;
inline bool raise_err(PyObject *exc_type, const char *msg) {
if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
raise_from(exc_type, msg);
return true;
PyErr_SetString(exc_type, msg);
return false;
inline void translate_exception(std::exception_ptr p) {
if (!p) {
try {
if (p) std::rethrow_exception(p);
} catch (error_already_set &e) { e.restore(); return;
} catch (const builtin_exception &e) { e.set_error(); return;
} catch (const std::bad_alloc &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, e.what()); return;
} catch (const std::domain_error &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, e.what()); return;
} catch (const std::invalid_argument &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, e.what()); return;
} catch (const std::length_error &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, e.what()); return;
} catch (const std::out_of_range &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, e.what()); return;
} catch (const std::range_error &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, e.what()); return;
} catch (const std::overflow_error &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError, e.what()); return;
} catch (const std::exception &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, e.what()); return;
} catch (error_already_set &e) {
handle_nested_exception(e, p);
} catch (const builtin_exception &e) {
// Could not use template since it's an abstract class.
if (const auto *nep = dynamic_cast<const std::nested_exception *>(std::addressof(e))) {
handle_nested_exception(*nep, p);
} catch (const std::bad_alloc &e) {
handle_nested_exception(e, p);
raise_err(PyExc_MemoryError, e.what());
} catch (const std::domain_error &e) {
handle_nested_exception(e, p);
raise_err(PyExc_ValueError, e.what());
} catch (const std::invalid_argument &e) {
handle_nested_exception(e, p);
raise_err(PyExc_ValueError, e.what());
} catch (const std::length_error &e) {
handle_nested_exception(e, p);
raise_err(PyExc_ValueError, e.what());
} catch (const std::out_of_range &e) {
handle_nested_exception(e, p);
raise_err(PyExc_IndexError, e.what());
} catch (const std::range_error &e) {
handle_nested_exception(e, p);
raise_err(PyExc_ValueError, e.what());
} catch (const std::overflow_error &e) {
handle_nested_exception(e, p);
raise_err(PyExc_OverflowError, e.what());
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
handle_nested_exception(e, p);
raise_err(PyExc_RuntimeError, e.what());
} catch (const std::nested_exception &e) {
handle_nested_exception(e, p);
raise_err(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Caught an unknown nested exception!");
} catch (...) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Caught an unknown exception!");
raise_err(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Caught an unknown exception!");
@ -245,28 +388,36 @@ inline void translate_exception(std::exception_ptr p) {
#if !defined(__GLIBCXX__)
inline void translate_local_exception(std::exception_ptr p) {
try {
if (p) std::rethrow_exception(p);
} catch (error_already_set &e) { e.restore(); return;
} catch (const builtin_exception &e) { e.set_error(); return;
if (p) {
} catch (error_already_set &e) {
} catch (const builtin_exception &e) {
/// Return a reference to the current `internals` data
PYBIND11_NOINLINE inline internals &get_internals() {
PYBIND11_NOINLINE internals &get_internals() {
auto **&internals_pp = get_internals_pp();
if (internals_pp && *internals_pp)
if (internals_pp && *internals_pp) {
return **internals_pp;
// Ensure that the GIL is held since we will need to make Python calls.
// Cannot use py::gil_scoped_acquire here since that constructor calls get_internals.
struct gil_scoped_acquire_local {
gil_scoped_acquire_local() : state (PyGILState_Ensure()) {}
gil_scoped_acquire_local() : state(PyGILState_Ensure()) {}
~gil_scoped_acquire_local() { PyGILState_Release(state); }
const PyGILState_STATE state;
} gil;
error_scope err_scope;
constexpr auto *id = PYBIND11_INTERNALS_ID;
auto builtins = handle(PyEval_GetBuiltins());
if (builtins.contains(id) && isinstance<capsule>(builtins[id])) {
internals_pp = static_cast<internals **>(capsule(builtins[id]));
@ -276,30 +427,34 @@ PYBIND11_NOINLINE inline internals &get_internals() {
// initial exception translator, below, so add another for our local exception classes.
// libstdc++ doesn't require this (types there are identified only by name)
// libc++ with CPython doesn't require this (types are explicitly exported)
// libc++ with PyPy still need it, awaiting further investigation
#if !defined(__GLIBCXX__)
} else {
if (!internals_pp) internals_pp = new internals*();
if (!internals_pp) {
internals_pp = new internals *();
auto *&internals_ptr = *internals_pp;
internals_ptr = new internals();
#if defined(WITH_THREAD)
#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03090000
# if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03090000
# endif
PyThreadState *tstate = PyThreadState_Get();
#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03070000
internals_ptr->tstate = PyThread_tss_alloc();
if (!internals_ptr->tstate || PyThread_tss_create(internals_ptr->tstate))
pybind11_fail("get_internals: could not successfully initialize the TSS key!");
PyThread_tss_set(internals_ptr->tstate, tstate);
internals_ptr->tstate = PyThread_create_key();
if (internals_ptr->tstate == -1)
pybind11_fail("get_internals: could not successfully initialize the TLS key!");
PyThread_set_key_value(internals_ptr->tstate, tstate);
if (!PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_CREATE(internals_ptr->tstate)) {
pybind11_fail("get_internals: could not successfully initialize the tstate TSS key!");
PYBIND11_TLS_REPLACE_VALUE(internals_ptr->tstate, tstate);
if (!PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_CREATE(internals_ptr->loader_life_support_tls_key)) {
pybind11_fail("get_internals: could not successfully initialize the "
"loader_life_support TSS key!");
# endif
internals_ptr->istate = tstate->interp;
builtins[id] = capsule(internals_pp);
@ -311,9 +466,53 @@ PYBIND11_NOINLINE inline internals &get_internals() {
return **internals_pp;
/// Works like `internals.registered_types_cpp`, but for module-local registered types:
inline type_map<type_info *> &registered_local_types_cpp() {
static type_map<type_info *> locals{};
// the internals struct (above) is shared between all the modules. local_internals are only
// for a single module. Any changes made to internals may require an update to
// PYBIND11_INTERNALS_VERSION, breaking backwards compatibility. local_internals is, by design,
// restricted to a single module. Whether a module has local internals or not should not
// impact any other modules, because the only things accessing the local internals is the
// module that contains them.
struct local_internals {
type_map<type_info *> registered_types_cpp;
std::forward_list<ExceptionTranslator> registered_exception_translators;
// For ABI compatibility, we can't store the loader_life_support TLS key in
// the `internals` struct directly. Instead, we store it in `shared_data` and
// cache a copy in `local_internals`. If we allocated a separate TLS key for
// each instance of `local_internals`, we could end up allocating hundreds of
// TLS keys if hundreds of different pybind11 modules are loaded (which is a
// plausible number).
// Holds the shared TLS key for the loader_life_support stack.
struct shared_loader_life_support_data {
shared_loader_life_support_data() {
if (!PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_CREATE(loader_life_support_tls_key)) {
pybind11_fail("local_internals: could not successfully initialize the "
"loader_life_support TLS key!");
// We can't help but leak the TLS key, because Python never unloads extension modules.
local_internals() {
auto &internals = get_internals();
// Get or create the `loader_life_support_stack_key`.
auto &ptr = internals.shared_data["_life_support"];
if (!ptr) {
ptr = new shared_loader_life_support_data;
= static_cast<shared_loader_life_support_data *>(ptr)->loader_life_support_tls_key;
#endif // defined(WITH_THREAD) && PYBIND11_INTERNALS_VERSION == 4
/// Works like `get_internals`, but for things which are locally registered.
inline local_internals &get_local_internals() {
static local_internals locals;
return locals;
@ -333,14 +532,14 @@ PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_END(detail)
/// Returns a named pointer that is shared among all extension modules (using the same
/// pybind11 version) running in the current interpreter. Names starting with underscores
/// are reserved for internal usage. Returns `nullptr` if no matching entry was found.
inline PYBIND11_NOINLINE void *get_shared_data(const std::string &name) {
PYBIND11_NOINLINE void *get_shared_data(const std::string &name) {
auto &internals = detail::get_internals();
auto it = internals.shared_data.find(name);
return it != internals.shared_data.end() ? it->second : nullptr;
/// Set the shared data that can be later recovered by `get_shared_data()`.
inline PYBIND11_NOINLINE void *set_shared_data(const std::string &name, void *data) {
PYBIND11_NOINLINE void *set_shared_data(const std::string &name, void *data) {
detail::get_internals().shared_data[name] = data;
return data;
@ -348,7 +547,7 @@ inline PYBIND11_NOINLINE void *set_shared_data(const std::string &name, void *da
/// Returns a typed reference to a shared data entry (by using `get_shared_data()`) if
/// such entry exists. Otherwise, a new object of default-constructible type `T` is
/// added to the shared data under the given name and a reference to it is returned.
template<typename T>
template <typename T>
T &get_or_create_shared_data(const std::string &name) {
auto &internals = detail::get_internals();
auto it = internals.shared_data.find(name);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -13,29 +13,33 @@
#include <cstdlib>
#if defined(__GNUG__)
#include <cxxabi.h>
# include <cxxabi.h>
#include "common.h"
/// Erase all occurrences of a substring
inline void erase_all(std::string &string, const std::string &search) {
for (size_t pos = 0;;) {
pos = string.find(search, pos);
if (pos == std::string::npos) break;
if (pos == std::string::npos) {
string.erase(pos, search.length());
PYBIND11_NOINLINE inline void clean_type_id(std::string &name) {
PYBIND11_NOINLINE void clean_type_id(std::string &name) {
#if defined(__GNUG__)
int status = 0;
std::unique_ptr<char, void (*)(void *)> res {
abi::__cxa_demangle(name.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, &status), std::free };
if (status == 0)
std::unique_ptr<char, void (*)(void *)> res{
abi::__cxa_demangle(name.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, &status), std::free};
if (status == 0) {
name = res.get();
detail::erase_all(name, "class ");
detail::erase_all(name, "struct ");
@ -43,13 +47,19 @@ PYBIND11_NOINLINE inline void clean_type_id(std::string &name) {
detail::erase_all(name, "pybind11::");
/// Return a string representation of a C++ type
template <typename T> static std::string type_id() {
std::string name(typeid(T).name());
inline std::string clean_type_id(const char *typeid_name) {
std::string name(typeid_name);
return name;
/// Return a string representation of a C++ type
template <typename T>
static std::string type_id() {
return detail::clean_type_id(typeid(T).name());

View File

@ -9,218 +9,266 @@
#pragma once
/* HINT: To suppress warnings originating from the Eigen headers, use -isystem.
See also:
#include "numpy.h"
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
# pragma warning(disable: 1682) // implicit conversion of a 64-bit integral type to a smaller integral type (potential portability problem)
#elif defined(__GNUG__) || defined(__clang__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
# ifdef __clang__
// Eigen generates a bunch of implicit-copy-constructor-is-deprecated warnings with -Wdeprecated
// under Clang, so disable that warning here:
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated"
# endif
# if __GNUC__ >= 7
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wint-in-bool-context"
# endif
// The C4127 suppression was introduced for Eigen 3.4.0. In theory we could
// make it version specific, or even remove it later, but considering that
// 1. C4127 is generally far more distracting than useful for modern template code, and
// 2. we definitely want to ignore any MSVC warnings originating from Eigen code,
// it is probably best to keep this around indefinitely.
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable: 4127) // warning C4127: Conditional expression is constant
# pragma warning(disable: 4996) // warning C4996: std::unary_negate is deprecated in C++17
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable : 4127) // C4127: conditional expression is constant
# pragma warning(disable : 5054) // https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/3741
// C5054: operator '&': deprecated between enumerations of different types
#elif defined(__MINGW32__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/SparseCore>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(pop)
#elif defined(__MINGW32__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// Eigen prior to 3.2.7 doesn't have proper move constructors--but worse, some classes get implicit
// move constructors that break things. We could detect this an explicitly copy, but an extra copy
// of matrices seems highly undesirable.
static_assert(EIGEN_VERSION_AT_LEAST(3,2,7), "Eigen support in pybind11 requires Eigen >= 3.2.7");
static_assert(EIGEN_VERSION_AT_LEAST(3, 2, 7),
"Eigen support in pybind11 requires Eigen >= 3.2.7");
// Provide a convenience alias for easier pass-by-ref usage with fully dynamic strides:
using EigenDStride = Eigen::Stride<Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>;
template <typename MatrixType> using EigenDRef = Eigen::Ref<MatrixType, 0, EigenDStride>;
template <typename MatrixType> using EigenDMap = Eigen::Map<MatrixType, 0, EigenDStride>;
template <typename MatrixType>
using EigenDRef = Eigen::Ref<MatrixType, 0, EigenDStride>;
template <typename MatrixType>
using EigenDMap = Eigen::Map<MatrixType, 0, EigenDStride>;
using EigenIndex = Eigen::Index;
template <typename Scalar, int Flags, typename StorageIndex>
using EigenMapSparseMatrix = Eigen::Map<Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, Flags, StorageIndex>>;
template <typename Scalar, int Flags, typename StorageIndex>
using EigenMapSparseMatrix = Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix<Scalar, Flags, StorageIndex>;
// Matches Eigen::Map, Eigen::Ref, blocks, etc:
template <typename T> using is_eigen_dense_map = all_of<is_template_base_of<Eigen::DenseBase, T>, std::is_base_of<Eigen::MapBase<T, Eigen::ReadOnlyAccessors>, T>>;
template <typename T> using is_eigen_mutable_map = std::is_base_of<Eigen::MapBase<T, Eigen::WriteAccessors>, T>;
template <typename T> using is_eigen_dense_plain = all_of<negation<is_eigen_dense_map<T>>, is_template_base_of<Eigen::PlainObjectBase, T>>;
template <typename T> using is_eigen_sparse = is_template_base_of<Eigen::SparseMatrixBase, T>;
template <typename T>
using is_eigen_dense_map = all_of<is_template_base_of<Eigen::DenseBase, T>,
std::is_base_of<Eigen::MapBase<T, Eigen::ReadOnlyAccessors>, T>>;
template <typename T>
using is_eigen_mutable_map = std::is_base_of<Eigen::MapBase<T, Eigen::WriteAccessors>, T>;
template <typename T>
using is_eigen_dense_plain
= all_of<negation<is_eigen_dense_map<T>>, is_template_base_of<Eigen::PlainObjectBase, T>>;
template <typename T>
using is_eigen_sparse = is_template_base_of<Eigen::SparseMatrixBase, T>;
// Test for objects inheriting from EigenBase<Derived> that aren't captured by the above. This
// basically covers anything that can be assigned to a dense matrix but that don't have a typical
// matrix data layout that can be copied from their .data(). For example, DiagonalMatrix and
// SelfAdjointView fall into this category.
template <typename T> using is_eigen_other = all_of<
is_template_base_of<Eigen::EigenBase, T>,
negation<any_of<is_eigen_dense_map<T>, is_eigen_dense_plain<T>, is_eigen_sparse<T>>>
template <typename T>
using is_eigen_other
= all_of<is_template_base_of<Eigen::EigenBase, T>,
negation<any_of<is_eigen_dense_map<T>, is_eigen_dense_plain<T>, is_eigen_sparse<T>>>>;
// Captures numpy/eigen conformability status (returned by EigenProps::conformable()):
template <bool EigenRowMajor> struct EigenConformable {
template <bool EigenRowMajor>
struct EigenConformable {
bool conformable = false;
EigenIndex rows = 0, cols = 0;
EigenDStride stride{0, 0}; // Only valid if negativestrides is false!
bool negativestrides = false; // If true, do not use stride!
EigenDStride stride{0, 0}; // Only valid if negativestrides is false!
bool negativestrides = false; // If true, do not use stride!
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
EigenConformable(bool fits = false) : conformable{fits} {}
// Matrix type:
EigenConformable(EigenIndex r, EigenIndex c,
EigenIndex rstride, EigenIndex cstride) :
conformable{true}, rows{r}, cols{c} {
// TODO: when Eigen bug #747 is fixed, remove the tests for non-negativity. http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=747
if (rstride < 0 || cstride < 0) {
negativestrides = true;
} else {
stride = {EigenRowMajor ? rstride : cstride /* outer stride */,
EigenRowMajor ? cstride : rstride /* inner stride */ };
EigenConformable(EigenIndex r, EigenIndex c, EigenIndex rstride, EigenIndex cstride)
: conformable{true}, rows{r}, cols{c},
// TODO: when Eigen bug #747 is fixed, remove the tests for non-negativity.
// http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=747
stride{EigenRowMajor ? (rstride > 0 ? rstride : 0)
: (cstride > 0 ? cstride : 0) /* outer stride */,
EigenRowMajor ? (cstride > 0 ? cstride : 0)
: (rstride > 0 ? rstride : 0) /* inner stride */},
negativestrides{rstride < 0 || cstride < 0} {}
// Vector type:
EigenConformable(EigenIndex r, EigenIndex c, EigenIndex stride)
: EigenConformable(r, c, r == 1 ? c*stride : stride, c == 1 ? r : r*stride) {}
: EigenConformable(r, c, r == 1 ? c * stride : stride, c == 1 ? r : r * stride) {}
template <typename props> bool stride_compatible() const {
template <typename props>
bool stride_compatible() const {
// To have compatible strides, we need (on both dimensions) one of fully dynamic strides,
// matching strides, or a dimension size of 1 (in which case the stride value is irrelevant)
!negativestrides &&
(props::inner_stride == Eigen::Dynamic || props::inner_stride == stride.inner() ||
(EigenRowMajor ? cols : rows) == 1) &&
(props::outer_stride == Eigen::Dynamic || props::outer_stride == stride.outer() ||
(EigenRowMajor ? rows : cols) == 1);
// matching strides, or a dimension size of 1 (in which case the stride value is
// irrelevant). Alternatively, if any dimension size is 0, the strides are not relevant
// (and numpy ≥ 1.23 sets the strides to 0 in that case, so we need to check explicitly).
if (negativestrides) {
return false;
if (rows == 0 || cols == 0) {
return true;
return (props::inner_stride == Eigen::Dynamic || props::inner_stride == stride.inner()
|| (EigenRowMajor ? cols : rows) == 1)
&& (props::outer_stride == Eigen::Dynamic || props::outer_stride == stride.outer()
|| (EigenRowMajor ? rows : cols) == 1);
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator bool() const { return conformable; }
template <typename Type> struct eigen_extract_stride { using type = Type; };
template <typename Type>
struct eigen_extract_stride {
using type = Type;
template <typename PlainObjectType, int MapOptions, typename StrideType>
struct eigen_extract_stride<Eigen::Map<PlainObjectType, MapOptions, StrideType>> { using type = StrideType; };
struct eigen_extract_stride<Eigen::Map<PlainObjectType, MapOptions, StrideType>> {
using type = StrideType;
template <typename PlainObjectType, int Options, typename StrideType>
struct eigen_extract_stride<Eigen::Ref<PlainObjectType, Options, StrideType>> { using type = StrideType; };
struct eigen_extract_stride<Eigen::Ref<PlainObjectType, Options, StrideType>> {
using type = StrideType;
// Helper struct for extracting information from an Eigen type
template <typename Type_> struct EigenProps {
template <typename Type_>
struct EigenProps {
using Type = Type_;
using Scalar = typename Type::Scalar;
using StrideType = typename eigen_extract_stride<Type>::type;
static constexpr EigenIndex
rows = Type::RowsAtCompileTime,
cols = Type::ColsAtCompileTime,
size = Type::SizeAtCompileTime;
static constexpr bool
row_major = Type::IsRowMajor,
vector = Type::IsVectorAtCompileTime, // At least one dimension has fixed size 1
fixed_rows = rows != Eigen::Dynamic,
fixed_cols = cols != Eigen::Dynamic,
fixed = size != Eigen::Dynamic, // Fully-fixed size
dynamic = !fixed_rows && !fixed_cols; // Fully-dynamic size
static constexpr EigenIndex rows = Type::RowsAtCompileTime, cols = Type::ColsAtCompileTime,
size = Type::SizeAtCompileTime;
static constexpr bool row_major = Type::IsRowMajor,
= Type::IsVectorAtCompileTime, // At least one dimension has fixed size 1
fixed_rows = rows != Eigen::Dynamic, fixed_cols = cols != Eigen::Dynamic,
fixed = size != Eigen::Dynamic, // Fully-fixed size
dynamic = !fixed_rows && !fixed_cols; // Fully-dynamic size
template <EigenIndex i, EigenIndex ifzero> using if_zero = std::integral_constant<EigenIndex, i == 0 ? ifzero : i>;
static constexpr EigenIndex inner_stride = if_zero<StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime, 1>::value,
outer_stride = if_zero<StrideType::OuterStrideAtCompileTime,
vector ? size : row_major ? cols : rows>::value;
static constexpr bool dynamic_stride = inner_stride == Eigen::Dynamic && outer_stride == Eigen::Dynamic;
static constexpr bool requires_row_major = !dynamic_stride && !vector && (row_major ? inner_stride : outer_stride) == 1;
static constexpr bool requires_col_major = !dynamic_stride && !vector && (row_major ? outer_stride : inner_stride) == 1;
template <EigenIndex i, EigenIndex ifzero>
using if_zero = std::integral_constant<EigenIndex, i == 0 ? ifzero : i>;
static constexpr EigenIndex inner_stride
= if_zero<StrideType::InnerStrideAtCompileTime, 1>::value,
outer_stride = if_zero < StrideType::OuterStrideAtCompileTime,
vector ? size
: row_major ? cols
: rows > ::value;
static constexpr bool dynamic_stride
= inner_stride == Eigen::Dynamic && outer_stride == Eigen::Dynamic;
static constexpr bool requires_row_major
= !dynamic_stride && !vector && (row_major ? inner_stride : outer_stride) == 1;
static constexpr bool requires_col_major
= !dynamic_stride && !vector && (row_major ? outer_stride : inner_stride) == 1;
// Takes an input array and determines whether we can make it fit into the Eigen type. If
// the array is a vector, we attempt to fit it into either an Eigen 1xN or Nx1 vector
// (preferring the latter if it will fit in either, i.e. for a fully dynamic matrix type).
static EigenConformable<row_major> conformable(const array &a) {
const auto dims = a.ndim();
if (dims < 1 || dims > 2)
if (dims < 1 || dims > 2) {
return false;
if (dims == 2) { // Matrix type: require exact match (or dynamic)
np_rows = a.shape(0),
np_cols = a.shape(1),
np_rstride = a.strides(0) / static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(Scalar)),
np_cstride = a.strides(1) / static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(Scalar));
if ((fixed_rows && np_rows != rows) || (fixed_cols && np_cols != cols))
EigenIndex np_rows = a.shape(0), np_cols = a.shape(1),
np_rstride = a.strides(0) / static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(Scalar)),
np_cstride = a.strides(1) / static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(Scalar));
if ((PYBIND11_SILENCE_MSVC_C4127(fixed_rows) && np_rows != rows)
|| (PYBIND11_SILENCE_MSVC_C4127(fixed_cols) && np_cols != cols)) {
return false;
return {np_rows, np_cols, np_rstride, np_cstride};
// Otherwise we're storing an n-vector. Only one of the strides will be used, but whichever
// is used, we want the (single) numpy stride value.
// Otherwise we're storing an n-vector. Only one of the strides will be used, but
// whichever is used, we want the (single) numpy stride value.
const EigenIndex n = a.shape(0),
stride = a.strides(0) / static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(Scalar));
stride = a.strides(0) / static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(Scalar));
if (vector) { // Eigen type is a compile-time vector
if (fixed && size != n)
if (PYBIND11_SILENCE_MSVC_C4127(fixed) && size != n) {
return false; // Vector size mismatch
return {rows == 1 ? 1 : n, cols == 1 ? 1 : n, stride};
else if (fixed) {
if (fixed) {
// The type has a fixed size, but is not a vector: abort
return false;
else if (fixed_cols) {
if (fixed_cols) {
// Since this isn't a vector, cols must be != 1. We allow this only if it exactly
// equals the number of elements (rows is Dynamic, and so 1 row is allowed).
if (cols != n) return false;
if (cols != n) {
return false;
return {1, n, stride};
} // Otherwise it's either fully dynamic, or column dynamic; both become a column vector
if (PYBIND11_SILENCE_MSVC_C4127(fixed_rows) && rows != n) {
return false;
else {
// Otherwise it's either fully dynamic, or column dynamic; both become a column vector
if (fixed_rows && rows != n) return false;
return {n, 1, stride};
return {n, 1, stride};
static constexpr bool show_writeable = is_eigen_dense_map<Type>::value && is_eigen_mutable_map<Type>::value;
static constexpr bool show_writeable
= is_eigen_dense_map<Type>::value && is_eigen_mutable_map<Type>::value;
static constexpr bool show_order = is_eigen_dense_map<Type>::value;
static constexpr bool show_c_contiguous = show_order && requires_row_major;
static constexpr bool show_f_contiguous = !show_c_contiguous && show_order && requires_col_major;
static constexpr bool show_f_contiguous
= !show_c_contiguous && show_order && requires_col_major;
static constexpr auto descriptor =
_("numpy.ndarray[") + npy_format_descriptor<Scalar>::name +
_("[") + _<fixed_rows>(_<(size_t) rows>(), _("m")) +
_(", ") + _<fixed_cols>(_<(size_t) cols>(), _("n")) +
_("]") +
// For a reference type (e.g. Ref<MatrixXd>) we have other constraints that might need to be
// satisfied: writeable=True (for a mutable reference), and, depending on the map's stride
// options, possibly f_contiguous or c_contiguous. We include them in the descriptor output
// to provide some hint as to why a TypeError is occurring (otherwise it can be confusing to
// see that a function accepts a 'numpy.ndarray[float64[3,2]]' and an error message that you
// *gave* a numpy.ndarray of the right type and dimensions.
_<show_writeable>(", flags.writeable", "") +
_<show_c_contiguous>(", flags.c_contiguous", "") +
_<show_f_contiguous>(", flags.f_contiguous", "") +
static constexpr auto descriptor
= const_name("numpy.ndarray[") + npy_format_descriptor<Scalar>::name + const_name("[")
+ const_name<fixed_rows>(const_name<(size_t) rows>(), const_name("m")) + const_name(", ")
+ const_name<fixed_cols>(const_name<(size_t) cols>(), const_name("n")) + const_name("]")
// For a reference type (e.g. Ref<MatrixXd>) we have other constraints that might need to
// be satisfied: writeable=True (for a mutable reference), and, depending on the map's
// stride options, possibly f_contiguous or c_contiguous. We include them in the
// descriptor output to provide some hint as to why a TypeError is occurring (otherwise
// it can be confusing to see that a function accepts a 'numpy.ndarray[float64[3,2]]' and
// an error message that you *gave* a numpy.ndarray of the right type and dimensions.
const_name<show_writeable>(", flags.writeable", "")
+ const_name<show_c_contiguous>(", flags.c_contiguous", "")
+ const_name<show_f_contiguous>(", flags.f_contiguous", "") + const_name("]");
// Casts an Eigen type to numpy array. If given a base, the numpy array references the src data,
// otherwise it'll make a copy. writeable lets you turn off the writeable flag for the array.
template <typename props> handle eigen_array_cast(typename props::Type const &src, handle base = handle(), bool writeable = true) {
template <typename props>
eigen_array_cast(typename props::Type const &src, handle base = handle(), bool writeable = true) {
constexpr ssize_t elem_size = sizeof(typename props::Scalar);
array a;
if (props::vector)
a = array({ src.size() }, { elem_size * src.innerStride() }, src.data(), base);
a = array({ src.rows(), src.cols() }, { elem_size * src.rowStride(), elem_size * src.colStride() },
src.data(), base);
if (props::vector) {
a = array({src.size()}, {elem_size * src.innerStride()}, src.data(), base);
} else {
a = array({src.rows(), src.cols()},
{elem_size * src.rowStride(), elem_size * src.colStride()},
if (!writeable)
if (!writeable) {
array_proxy(a.ptr())->flags &= ~detail::npy_api::NPY_ARRAY_WRITEABLE_;
return a.release();
@ -236,10 +284,10 @@ handle eigen_ref_array(Type &src, handle parent = none()) {
return eigen_array_cast<props>(src, parent, !std::is_const<Type>::value);
// Takes a pointer to some dense, plain Eigen type, builds a capsule around it, then returns a numpy
// array that references the encapsulated data with a python-side reference to the capsule to tie
// its destruction to that of any dependent python objects. Const-ness is determined by whether or
// not the Type of the pointer given is const.
// Takes a pointer to some dense, plain Eigen type, builds a capsule around it, then returns a
// numpy array that references the encapsulated data with a python-side reference to the capsule to
// tie its destruction to that of any dependent python objects. Const-ness is determined by
// whether or not the Type of the pointer given is const.
template <typename props, typename Type, typename = enable_if_t<is_eigen_dense_plain<Type>::value>>
handle eigen_encapsulate(Type *src) {
capsule base(src, [](void *o) { delete static_cast<Type *>(o); });
@ -248,35 +296,42 @@ handle eigen_encapsulate(Type *src) {
// Type caster for regular, dense matrix types (e.g. MatrixXd), but not maps/refs/etc. of dense
// types.
template<typename Type>
template <typename Type>
struct type_caster<Type, enable_if_t<is_eigen_dense_plain<Type>::value>> {
using Scalar = typename Type::Scalar;
using props = EigenProps<Type>;
bool load(handle src, bool convert) {
// If we're in no-convert mode, only load if given an array of the correct type
if (!convert && !isinstance<array_t<Scalar>>(src))
if (!convert && !isinstance<array_t<Scalar>>(src)) {
return false;
// Coerce into an array, but don't do type conversion yet; the copy below handles it.
auto buf = array::ensure(src);
if (!buf)
if (!buf) {
return false;
auto dims = buf.ndim();
if (dims < 1 || dims > 2)
if (dims < 1 || dims > 2) {
return false;
auto fits = props::conformable(buf);
if (!fits)
if (!fits) {
return false;
// Allocate the new type, then build a numpy reference into it
value = Type(fits.rows, fits.cols);
auto ref = reinterpret_steal<array>(eigen_ref_array<props>(value));
if (dims == 1) ref = ref.squeeze();
else if (ref.ndim() == 1) buf = buf.squeeze();
if (dims == 1) {
ref = ref.squeeze();
} else if (ref.ndim() == 1) {
buf = buf.squeeze();
int result = detail::npy_api::get().PyArray_CopyInto_(ref.ptr(), buf.ptr());
@ -289,7 +344,6 @@ struct type_caster<Type, enable_if_t<is_eigen_dense_plain<Type>::value>> {
// Cast implementation
template <typename CType>
static handle cast_impl(CType *src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) {
@ -312,7 +366,6 @@ private:
// Normal returned non-reference, non-const value:
static handle cast(Type &&src, return_value_policy /* policy */, handle parent) {
return cast_impl(&src, return_value_policy::move, parent);
@ -323,14 +376,18 @@ public:
// lvalue reference return; default (automatic) becomes copy
static handle cast(Type &src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) {
if (policy == return_value_policy::automatic || policy == return_value_policy::automatic_reference)
if (policy == return_value_policy::automatic
|| policy == return_value_policy::automatic_reference) {
policy = return_value_policy::copy;
return cast_impl(&src, policy, parent);
// const lvalue reference return; default (automatic) becomes copy
static handle cast(const Type &src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) {
if (policy == return_value_policy::automatic || policy == return_value_policy::automatic_reference)
if (policy == return_value_policy::automatic
|| policy == return_value_policy::automatic_reference) {
policy = return_value_policy::copy;
return cast(&src, policy, parent);
// non-const pointer return
@ -344,28 +401,32 @@ public:
static constexpr auto name = props::descriptor;
operator Type*() { return &value; }
operator Type&() { return value; }
operator Type&&() && { return std::move(value); }
template <typename T> using cast_op_type = movable_cast_op_type<T>;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator Type *() { return &value; }
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator Type &() { return value; }
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator Type &&() && { return std::move(value); }
template <typename T>
using cast_op_type = movable_cast_op_type<T>;
Type value;
// Base class for casting reference/map/block/etc. objects back to python.
template <typename MapType> struct eigen_map_caster {
template <typename MapType>
struct eigen_map_caster {
using props = EigenProps<MapType>;
// Directly referencing a ref/map's data is a bit dangerous (whatever the map/ref points to has
// to stay around), but we'll allow it under the assumption that you know what you're doing (and
// have an appropriate keep_alive in place). We return a numpy array pointing directly at the
// ref's data (The numpy array ends up read-only if the ref was to a const matrix type.) Note
// that this means you need to ensure you don't destroy the object in some other way (e.g. with
// an appropriate keep_alive, or with a reference to a statically allocated matrix).
// to stay around), but we'll allow it under the assumption that you know what you're doing
// (and have an appropriate keep_alive in place). We return a numpy array pointing directly at
// the ref's data (The numpy array ends up read-only if the ref was to a const matrix type.)
// Note that this means you need to ensure you don't destroy the object in some other way (e.g.
// with an appropriate keep_alive, or with a reference to a statically allocated matrix).
static handle cast(const MapType &src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) {
switch (policy) {
case return_value_policy::copy:
@ -389,43 +450,50 @@ public:
// you end up here if you try anyway.
bool load(handle, bool) = delete;
operator MapType() = delete;
template <typename> using cast_op_type = MapType;
template <typename>
using cast_op_type = MapType;
// We can return any map-like object (but can only load Refs, specialized next):
template <typename Type> struct type_caster<Type, enable_if_t<is_eigen_dense_map<Type>::value>>
: eigen_map_caster<Type> {};
template <typename Type>
struct type_caster<Type, enable_if_t<is_eigen_dense_map<Type>::value>> : eigen_map_caster<Type> {};
// Loader for Ref<...> arguments. See the documentation for info on how to make this work without
// copying (it requires some extra effort in many cases).
template <typename PlainObjectType, typename StrideType>
struct type_caster<
Eigen::Ref<PlainObjectType, 0, StrideType>,
enable_if_t<is_eigen_dense_map<Eigen::Ref<PlainObjectType, 0, StrideType>>::value>
> : public eigen_map_caster<Eigen::Ref<PlainObjectType, 0, StrideType>> {
enable_if_t<is_eigen_dense_map<Eigen::Ref<PlainObjectType, 0, StrideType>>::value>>
: public eigen_map_caster<Eigen::Ref<PlainObjectType, 0, StrideType>> {
using Type = Eigen::Ref<PlainObjectType, 0, StrideType>;
using props = EigenProps<Type>;
using Scalar = typename props::Scalar;
using MapType = Eigen::Map<PlainObjectType, 0, StrideType>;
using Array = array_t<Scalar, array::forcecast |
((props::row_major ? props::inner_stride : props::outer_stride) == 1 ? array::c_style :
(props::row_major ? props::outer_stride : props::inner_stride) == 1 ? array::f_style : 0)>;
using Array
= array_t<Scalar,
| ((props::row_major ? props::inner_stride : props::outer_stride) == 1
? array::c_style
: (props::row_major ? props::outer_stride : props::inner_stride) == 1
? array::f_style
: 0)>;
static constexpr bool need_writeable = is_eigen_mutable_map<Type>::value;
// Delay construction (these have no default constructor)
std::unique_ptr<MapType> map;
std::unique_ptr<Type> ref;
// Our array. When possible, this is just a numpy array pointing to the source data, but
// sometimes we can't avoid copying (e.g. input is not a numpy array at all, has an incompatible
// layout, or is an array of a type that needs to be converted). Using a numpy temporary
// (rather than an Eigen temporary) saves an extra copy when we need both type conversion and
// storage order conversion. (Note that we refuse to use this temporary copy when loading an
// argument for a Ref<M> with M non-const, i.e. a read-write reference).
// sometimes we can't avoid copying (e.g. input is not a numpy array at all, has an
// incompatible layout, or is an array of a type that needs to be converted). Using a numpy
// temporary (rather than an Eigen temporary) saves an extra copy when we need both type
// conversion and storage order conversion. (Note that we refuse to use this temporary copy
// when loading an argument for a Ref<M> with M non-const, i.e. a read-write reference).
Array copy_or_ref;
bool load(handle src, bool convert) {
// First check whether what we have is already an array of the right type. If not, we can't
// avoid a copy (because the copy is also going to do type conversion).
// First check whether what we have is already an array of the right type. If not, we
// can't avoid a copy (because the copy is also going to do type conversion).
bool need_copy = !isinstance<Array>(src);
EigenConformable<props::row_major> fits;
@ -436,13 +504,15 @@ public:
if (aref && (!need_writeable || aref.writeable())) {
fits = props::conformable(aref);
if (!fits) return false; // Incompatible dimensions
if (!fits.template stride_compatible<props>())
if (!fits) {
return false; // Incompatible dimensions
if (!fits.template stride_compatible<props>()) {
need_copy = true;
} else {
copy_or_ref = std::move(aref);
else {
} else {
need_copy = true;
@ -451,64 +521,93 @@ public:
// We need to copy: If we need a mutable reference, or we're not supposed to convert
// (either because we're in the no-convert overload pass, or because we're explicitly
// instructed not to copy (via `py::arg().noconvert()`) we have to fail loading.
if (!convert || need_writeable) return false;
if (!convert || need_writeable) {
return false;
Array copy = Array::ensure(src);
if (!copy) return false;
fits = props::conformable(copy);
if (!fits || !fits.template stride_compatible<props>())
if (!copy) {
return false;
fits = props::conformable(copy);
if (!fits || !fits.template stride_compatible<props>()) {
return false;
copy_or_ref = std::move(copy);
map.reset(new MapType(data(copy_or_ref), fits.rows, fits.cols, make_stride(fits.stride.outer(), fits.stride.inner())));
map.reset(new MapType(data(copy_or_ref),
make_stride(fits.stride.outer(), fits.stride.inner())));
ref.reset(new Type(*map));
return true;
operator Type*() { return ref.get(); }
operator Type&() { return *ref; }
template <typename _T> using cast_op_type = pybind11::detail::cast_op_type<_T>;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator Type *() { return ref.get(); }
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor)
operator Type &() { return *ref; }
template <typename _T>
using cast_op_type = pybind11::detail::cast_op_type<_T>;
template <typename T = Type, enable_if_t<is_eigen_mutable_map<T>::value, int> = 0>
Scalar *data(Array &a) { return a.mutable_data(); }
Scalar *data(Array &a) {
return a.mutable_data();
template <typename T = Type, enable_if_t<!is_eigen_mutable_map<T>::value, int> = 0>
const Scalar *data(Array &a) { return a.data(); }
const Scalar *data(Array &a) {
return a.data();
// Attempt to figure out a constructor of `Stride` that will work.
// If both strides are fixed, use a default constructor:
template <typename S> using stride_ctor_default = bool_constant<
S::InnerStrideAtCompileTime != Eigen::Dynamic && S::OuterStrideAtCompileTime != Eigen::Dynamic &&
template <typename S>
using stride_ctor_default = bool_constant<S::InnerStrideAtCompileTime != Eigen::Dynamic
&& S::OuterStrideAtCompileTime != Eigen::Dynamic
&& std::is_default_constructible<S>::value>;
// Otherwise, if there is a two-index constructor, assume it is (outer,inner) like
// Eigen::Stride, and use it:
template <typename S> using stride_ctor_dual = bool_constant<
!stride_ctor_default<S>::value && std::is_constructible<S, EigenIndex, EigenIndex>::value>;
template <typename S>
using stride_ctor_dual
= bool_constant<!stride_ctor_default<S>::value
&& std::is_constructible<S, EigenIndex, EigenIndex>::value>;
// Otherwise, if there is a one-index constructor, and just one of the strides is dynamic, use
// it (passing whichever stride is dynamic).
template <typename S> using stride_ctor_outer = bool_constant<
!any_of<stride_ctor_default<S>, stride_ctor_dual<S>>::value &&
S::OuterStrideAtCompileTime == Eigen::Dynamic && S::InnerStrideAtCompileTime != Eigen::Dynamic &&
std::is_constructible<S, EigenIndex>::value>;
template <typename S> using stride_ctor_inner = bool_constant<
!any_of<stride_ctor_default<S>, stride_ctor_dual<S>>::value &&
S::InnerStrideAtCompileTime == Eigen::Dynamic && S::OuterStrideAtCompileTime != Eigen::Dynamic &&
std::is_constructible<S, EigenIndex>::value>;
template <typename S>
using stride_ctor_outer
= bool_constant<!any_of<stride_ctor_default<S>, stride_ctor_dual<S>>::value
&& S::OuterStrideAtCompileTime == Eigen::Dynamic
&& S::InnerStrideAtCompileTime != Eigen::Dynamic
&& std::is_constructible<S, EigenIndex>::value>;
template <typename S>
using stride_ctor_inner
= bool_constant<!any_of<stride_ctor_default<S>, stride_ctor_dual<S>>::value
&& S::InnerStrideAtCompileTime == Eigen::Dynamic
&& S::OuterStrideAtCompileTime != Eigen::Dynamic
&& std::is_constructible<S, EigenIndex>::value>;
template <typename S = StrideType, enable_if_t<stride_ctor_default<S>::value, int> = 0>
static S make_stride(EigenIndex, EigenIndex) { return S(); }
static S make_stride(EigenIndex, EigenIndex) {
return S();
template <typename S = StrideType, enable_if_t<stride_ctor_dual<S>::value, int> = 0>
static S make_stride(EigenIndex outer, EigenIndex inner) { return S(outer, inner); }
static S make_stride(EigenIndex outer, EigenIndex inner) {
return S(outer, inner);
template <typename S = StrideType, enable_if_t<stride_ctor_outer<S>::value, int> = 0>
static S make_stride(EigenIndex outer, EigenIndex) { return S(outer); }
static S make_stride(EigenIndex outer, EigenIndex) {
return S(outer);
template <typename S = StrideType, enable_if_t<stride_ctor_inner<S>::value, int> = 0>
static S make_stride(EigenIndex, EigenIndex inner) { return S(inner); }
static S make_stride(EigenIndex, EigenIndex inner) {
return S(inner);
// type_caster for special matrix types (e.g. DiagonalMatrix), which are EigenBase, but not
@ -518,14 +617,18 @@ private:
template <typename Type>
struct type_caster<Type, enable_if_t<is_eigen_other<Type>::value>> {
using Matrix = Eigen::Matrix<typename Type::Scalar, Type::RowsAtCompileTime, Type::ColsAtCompileTime>;
using Matrix
= Eigen::Matrix<typename Type::Scalar, Type::RowsAtCompileTime, Type::ColsAtCompileTime>;
using props = EigenProps<Matrix>;
static handle cast(const Type &src, return_value_policy /* policy */, handle /* parent */) {
handle h = eigen_encapsulate<props>(new Matrix(src));
return h;
static handle cast(const Type *src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) { return cast(*src, policy, parent); }
static handle cast(const Type *src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) {
return cast(*src, policy, parent);
static constexpr auto name = props::descriptor;
@ -534,10 +637,11 @@ public:
// you end up here if you try anyway.
bool load(handle, bool) = delete;
operator Type() = delete;
template <typename> using cast_op_type = Type;
template <typename>
using cast_op_type = Type;
template<typename Type>
template <typename Type>
struct type_caster<Type, enable_if_t<is_eigen_sparse<Type>::value>> {
using Scalar = typename Type::Scalar;
using StorageIndex = remove_reference_t<decltype(*std::declval<Type>().outerIndexPtr())>;
@ -545,13 +649,13 @@ struct type_caster<Type, enable_if_t<is_eigen_sparse<Type>::value>> {
static constexpr bool rowMajor = Type::IsRowMajor;
bool load(handle src, bool) {
if (!src)
if (!src) {
return false;
auto obj = reinterpret_borrow<object>(src);
object sparse_module = module_::import("scipy.sparse");
object matrix_type = sparse_module.attr(
rowMajor ? "csr_matrix" : "csc_matrix");
object matrix_type = sparse_module.attr(rowMajor ? "csr_matrix" : "csc_matrix");
if (!type::handle_of(obj).is(matrix_type)) {
try {
@ -567,41 +671,43 @@ struct type_caster<Type, enable_if_t<is_eigen_sparse<Type>::value>> {
auto shape = pybind11::tuple((pybind11::object) obj.attr("shape"));
auto nnz = obj.attr("nnz").cast<Index>();
if (!values || !innerIndices || !outerIndices)
if (!values || !innerIndices || !outerIndices) {
return false;
value = Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix<Scalar, Type::Flags, StorageIndex>(
shape[0].cast<Index>(), shape[1].cast<Index>(), nnz,
outerIndices.mutable_data(), innerIndices.mutable_data(), values.mutable_data());
value = EigenMapSparseMatrix<Scalar,
Type::Flags &(Eigen::RowMajor | Eigen::ColMajor),
return true;
static handle cast(const Type &src, return_value_policy /* policy */, handle /* parent */) {
const_cast<Type &>(src).makeCompressed();
object matrix_type = module_::import("scipy.sparse").attr(
rowMajor ? "csr_matrix" : "csc_matrix");
object matrix_type
= module_::import("scipy.sparse").attr(rowMajor ? "csr_matrix" : "csc_matrix");
array data(src.nonZeros(), src.valuePtr());
array outerIndices((rowMajor ? src.rows() : src.cols()) + 1, src.outerIndexPtr());
array innerIndices(src.nonZeros(), src.innerIndexPtr());
return matrix_type(
std::make_tuple(data, innerIndices, outerIndices),
std::make_pair(src.rows(), src.cols())
return matrix_type(pybind11::make_tuple(
std::move(data), std::move(innerIndices), std::move(outerIndices)),
pybind11::make_tuple(src.rows(), src.cols()))
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(Type, _<(Type::IsRowMajor) != 0>("scipy.sparse.csr_matrix[", "scipy.sparse.csc_matrix[")
+ npy_format_descriptor<Scalar>::name + _("]"));
const_name<(Type::IsRowMajor) != 0>("scipy.sparse.csr_matrix[",
+ npy_format_descriptor<Scalar>::name + const_name("]"));
#if defined(__GNUG__) || defined(__clang__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(pop)

View File

@ -12,23 +12,16 @@
#include "pybind11.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#if defined(PYPY_VERSION)
# error Embedding the interpreter is not supported with PyPy
# error Embedding the interpreter is not supported with PyPy
extern "C" PyObject *pybind11_init_impl_##name(); \
extern "C" PyObject *pybind11_init_impl_##name() { \
return pybind11_init_wrapper_##name(); \
extern "C" void pybind11_init_impl_##name(); \
extern "C" void pybind11_init_impl_##name() { \
pybind11_init_wrapper_##name(); \
extern "C" PyObject *pybind11_init_impl_##name(); \
extern "C" PyObject *pybind11_init_impl_##name() { return pybind11_init_wrapper_##name(); }
/** \rst
Add a new module to the table of builtins for the interpreter. Must be
@ -45,69 +38,143 @@
\endrst */
#define PYBIND11_EMBEDDED_MODULE(name, variable) \
static ::pybind11::module_::module_def \
PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_module_def_, name); \
static void PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_init_, name)(::pybind11::module_ &); \
static PyObject PYBIND11_CONCAT(*pybind11_init_wrapper_, name)() { \
auto m = ::pybind11::module_::create_extension_module( \
PYBIND11_TOSTRING(name), nullptr, \
&PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_module_def_, name)); \
try { \
PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_init_, name)(m); \
return m.ptr(); \
} \
::pybind11::detail::embedded_module PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_module_, name) \
PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_init_impl_, name)); \
void PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_init_, name)(::pybind11::module_ &variable)
#define PYBIND11_EMBEDDED_MODULE(name, variable) \
static ::pybind11::module_::module_def PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_module_def_, name); \
static void PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_init_, name)(::pybind11::module_ &); \
static PyObject PYBIND11_CONCAT(*pybind11_init_wrapper_, name)() { \
auto m = ::pybind11::module_::create_extension_module( \
PYBIND11_TOSTRING(name), nullptr, &PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_module_def_, name)); \
try { \
PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_init_, name)(m); \
return m.ptr(); \
} \
} \
::pybind11::detail::embedded_module PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_module_, name)( \
PYBIND11_TOSTRING(name), PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_init_impl_, name)); \
void PYBIND11_CONCAT(pybind11_init_, name)(::pybind11::module_ \
& variable) // NOLINT(bugprone-macro-parentheses)
/// Python 2.7/3.x compatible version of `PyImport_AppendInittab` and error checks.
struct embedded_module {
using init_t = PyObject *(*)();
using init_t = void (*)();
using init_t = PyObject *(*) ();
embedded_module(const char *name, init_t init) {
if (Py_IsInitialized())
if (Py_IsInitialized() != 0) {
pybind11_fail("Can't add new modules after the interpreter has been initialized");
auto result = PyImport_AppendInittab(name, init);
if (result == -1)
if (result == -1) {
pybind11_fail("Insufficient memory to add a new module");
struct wide_char_arg_deleter {
void operator()(wchar_t *ptr) const {
// API docs: https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/sys.html#c.Py_DecodeLocale
inline wchar_t *widen_chars(const char *safe_arg) {
wchar_t *widened_arg = Py_DecodeLocale(safe_arg, nullptr);
return widened_arg;
/** \rst
Initialize the Python interpreter. No other pybind11 or CPython API functions can be
called before this is done; with the exception of `PYBIND11_EMBEDDED_MODULE`. The
optional parameter can be used to skip the registration of signal handlers (see the
`Python documentation`_ for details). Calling this function again after the interpreter
has already been initialized is a fatal error.
optional `init_signal_handlers` parameter can be used to skip the registration of
signal handlers (see the `Python documentation`_ for details). Calling this function
again after the interpreter has already been initialized is a fatal error.
If initializing the Python interpreter fails, then the program is terminated. (This
is controlled by the CPython runtime and is an exception to pybind11's normal behavior
of throwing exceptions on errors.)
The remaining optional parameters, `argc`, `argv`, and `add_program_dir_to_path` are
used to populate ``sys.argv`` and ``sys.path``.
See the |PySys_SetArgvEx documentation|_ for details.
.. _Python documentation: https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/init.html#c.Py_InitializeEx
.. |PySys_SetArgvEx documentation| replace:: ``PySys_SetArgvEx`` documentation
.. _PySys_SetArgvEx documentation: https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/init.html#c.PySys_SetArgvEx
\endrst */
inline void initialize_interpreter(bool init_signal_handlers = true) {
if (Py_IsInitialized())
inline void initialize_interpreter(bool init_signal_handlers = true,
int argc = 0,
const char *const *argv = nullptr,
bool add_program_dir_to_path = true) {
if (Py_IsInitialized() != 0) {
pybind11_fail("The interpreter is already running");
#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x030B0000
Py_InitializeEx(init_signal_handlers ? 1 : 0);
// Make .py files in the working directory available by default
// Before it was special-cased in python 3.8, passing an empty or null argv
// caused a segfault, so we have to reimplement the special case ourselves.
bool special_case = (argv == nullptr || argc <= 0);
const char *const empty_argv[]{"\0"};
const char *const *safe_argv = special_case ? empty_argv : argv;
if (special_case) {
argc = 1;
auto argv_size = static_cast<size_t>(argc);
// SetArgv* on python 3 takes wchar_t, so we have to convert.
std::unique_ptr<wchar_t *[]> widened_argv(new wchar_t *[argv_size]);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[], detail::wide_char_arg_deleter>> widened_argv_entries;
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < argv_size; ++ii) {
if (!widened_argv_entries.back()) {
// A null here indicates a character-encoding failure or the python
// interpreter out of memory. Give up.
widened_argv[ii] = widened_argv_entries.back().get();
auto *pysys_argv = widened_argv.get();
PySys_SetArgvEx(argc, pysys_argv, static_cast<int>(add_program_dir_to_path));
PyConfig config;
config.isolated = 0;
config.use_environment = 1;
config.install_signal_handlers = init_signal_handlers ? 1 : 0;
PyStatus status = PyConfig_SetBytesArgv(&config, argc, const_cast<char *const *>(argv));
if (PyStatus_Exception(status)) {
// A failure here indicates a character-encoding failure or the python
// interpreter out of memory. Give up.
throw std::runtime_error(PyStatus_IsError(status) ? status.err_msg
: "Failed to prepare CPython");
status = Py_InitializeFromConfig(&config);
if (PyStatus_Exception(status)) {
throw std::runtime_error(PyStatus_IsError(status) ? status.err_msg
: "Failed to init CPython");
if (add_program_dir_to_path) {
PyRun_SimpleString("import sys, os.path; "
"sys.path.insert(0, "
"os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) "
"if sys.argv and os.path.exists(sys.argv[0]) else '')");
/** \rst
@ -154,8 +221,13 @@ inline void finalize_interpreter() {
// during destruction), so we get the pointer-pointer here and check it after Py_Finalize().
detail::internals **internals_ptr_ptr = detail::get_internals_pp();
// It could also be stashed in builtins, so look there too:
if (builtins.contains(id) && isinstance<capsule>(builtins[id]))
if (builtins.contains(id) && isinstance<capsule>(builtins[id])) {
internals_ptr_ptr = capsule(builtins[id]);
// Local internals contains data managed by the current interpreter, so we must clear them to
// avoid undefined behaviors when initializing another interpreter
@ -169,6 +241,8 @@ inline void finalize_interpreter() {
Scope guard version of `initialize_interpreter` and `finalize_interpreter`.
This a move-only guard and only a single instance can exist.
See `initialize_interpreter` for a discussion of its constructor arguments.
.. code-block:: cpp
#include <pybind11/embed.h>
@ -180,8 +254,11 @@ inline void finalize_interpreter() {
\endrst */
class scoped_interpreter {
scoped_interpreter(bool init_signal_handlers = true) {
explicit scoped_interpreter(bool init_signal_handlers = true,
int argc = 0,
const char *const *argv = nullptr,
bool add_program_dir_to_path = true) {
initialize_interpreter(init_signal_handlers, argc, argv, add_program_dir_to_path);
scoped_interpreter(const scoped_interpreter &) = delete;
@ -190,8 +267,9 @@ public:
scoped_interpreter &operator=(scoped_interpreter &&) = delete;
~scoped_interpreter() {
if (is_valid)
if (is_valid) {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
pybind11/exec.h: Support for evaluating Python expressions and statements
pybind11/eval.h: Support for evaluating Python expressions and statements
from strings and files
Copyright (c) 2016 Klemens Morgenstern <klemens.morgenstern@ed-chemnitz.de> and
@ -13,20 +13,22 @@
#include "pybind11.h"
#include <utility>
inline void ensure_builtins_in_globals(object &global) {
#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03080000
// Running exec and eval on Python 2 and 3 adds `builtins` module under
// `__builtins__` key to globals if not yet present.
// Python 3.8 made PyRun_String behave similarly. Let's also do that for
// older versions, for consistency.
if (!global.contains("__builtins__"))
global["__builtins__"] = module_::import(PYBIND11_BUILTINS_MODULE);
(void) global;
#if defined(PYPY_VERSION) || PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03080000
// Running exec and eval adds `builtins` module under `__builtins__` key to
// globals if not yet present. Python 3.8 made PyRun_String behave
// similarly. Let's also do that for older versions, for consistency. This
// was missing from PyPy3.8 7.3.7.
if (!global.contains("__builtins__"))
global["__builtins__"] = module_::import(PYBIND11_BUILTINS_MODULE);
(void) global;
@ -43,9 +45,10 @@ enum eval_mode {
template <eval_mode mode = eval_expr>
object eval(str expr, object global = globals(), object local = object()) {
if (!local)
object eval(const str &expr, object global = globals(), object local = object()) {
if (!local) {
local = global;
@ -53,38 +56,45 @@ object eval(str expr, object global = globals(), object local = object()) {
this seems to be the only alternative */
std::string buffer = "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n" + (std::string) expr;
int start;
int start = 0;
switch (mode) {
case eval_expr: start = Py_eval_input; break;
case eval_single_statement: start = Py_single_input; break;
case eval_statements: start = Py_file_input; break;
default: pybind11_fail("invalid evaluation mode");
case eval_expr:
start = Py_eval_input;
case eval_single_statement:
start = Py_single_input;
case eval_statements:
start = Py_file_input;
pybind11_fail("invalid evaluation mode");
PyObject *result = PyRun_String(buffer.c_str(), start, global.ptr(), local.ptr());
if (!result)
if (!result) {
throw error_already_set();
return reinterpret_steal<object>(result);
template <eval_mode mode = eval_expr, size_t N>
object eval(const char (&s)[N], object global = globals(), object local = object()) {
/* Support raw string literals by removing common leading whitespace */
auto expr = (s[0] == '\n') ? str(module_::import("textwrap").attr("dedent")(s))
: str(s);
return eval<mode>(expr, global, local);
auto expr = (s[0] == '\n') ? str(module_::import("textwrap").attr("dedent")(s)) : str(s);
return eval<mode>(expr, std::move(global), std::move(local));
inline void exec(str expr, object global = globals(), object local = object()) {
eval<eval_statements>(expr, global, local);
inline void exec(const str &expr, object global = globals(), object local = object()) {
eval<eval_statements>(expr, std::move(global), std::move(local));
template <size_t N>
void exec(const char (&s)[N], object global = globals(), object local = object()) {
eval<eval_statements>(s, global, local);
eval<eval_statements>(s, std::move(global), std::move(local));
#if defined(PYPY_VERSION) && PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
#if defined(PYPY_VERSION)
template <eval_mode mode = eval_statements>
object eval_file(str, object, object) {
pybind11_fail("eval_file not supported in PyPy3. Use eval");
@ -100,51 +110,45 @@ object eval_file(str) {
template <eval_mode mode = eval_statements>
object eval_file(str fname, object global = globals(), object local = object()) {
if (!local)
if (!local) {
local = global;
int start;
int start = 0;
switch (mode) {
case eval_expr: start = Py_eval_input; break;
case eval_single_statement: start = Py_single_input; break;
case eval_statements: start = Py_file_input; break;
default: pybind11_fail("invalid evaluation mode");
case eval_expr:
start = Py_eval_input;
case eval_single_statement:
start = Py_single_input;
case eval_statements:
start = Py_file_input;
pybind11_fail("invalid evaluation mode");
int closeFile = 1;
std::string fname_str = (std::string) fname;
#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03040000
FILE *f = _Py_fopen_obj(fname.ptr(), "r");
#elif PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
FILE *f = _Py_fopen(fname.ptr(), "r");
/* No unicode support in open() :( */
auto fobj = reinterpret_steal<object>(PyFile_FromString(
const_cast<char *>(fname_str.c_str()),
FILE *f = nullptr;
if (fobj)
f = PyFile_AsFile(fobj.ptr());
closeFile = 0;
if (!f) {
pybind11_fail("File \"" + fname_str + "\" could not be opened!");
#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000 && defined(PYPY_VERSION)
PyObject *result = PyRun_File(f, fname_str.c_str(), start, global.ptr(),
(void) closeFile;
PyObject *result = PyRun_FileEx(f, fname_str.c_str(), start, global.ptr(),
local.ptr(), closeFile);
if (!global.contains("__file__")) {
global["__file__"] = std::move(fname);
if (!result)
PyObject *result
= PyRun_FileEx(f, fname_str.c_str(), start, global.ptr(), local.ptr(), closeFile);
if (!result) {
throw error_already_set();
return reinterpret_steal<object>(result);

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "pybind11.h"
#include <functional>
@ -19,18 +20,21 @@ template <typename Return, typename... Args>
struct type_caster<std::function<Return(Args...)>> {
using type = std::function<Return(Args...)>;
using retval_type = conditional_t<std::is_same<Return, void>::value, void_type, Return>;
using function_type = Return (*) (Args...);
using function_type = Return (*)(Args...);
bool load(handle src, bool convert) {
if (src.is_none()) {
// Defer accepting None to other overloads (if we aren't in convert mode):
if (!convert) return false;
if (!convert) {
return false;
return true;
if (!isinstance<function>(src))
if (!isinstance<function>(src)) {
return false;
auto func = reinterpret_borrow<function>(src);
@ -43,24 +47,44 @@ public:
captured variables), in which case the roundtrip can be avoided.
if (auto cfunc = func.cpp_function()) {
auto c = reinterpret_borrow<capsule>(PyCFunction_GET_SELF(cfunc.ptr()));
auto rec = (function_record *) c;
auto *cfunc_self = PyCFunction_GET_SELF(cfunc.ptr());
if (isinstance<capsule>(cfunc_self)) {
auto c = reinterpret_borrow<capsule>(cfunc_self);
auto *rec = (function_record *) c;
if (rec && rec->is_stateless &&
same_type(typeid(function_type), *reinterpret_cast<const std::type_info *>(rec->data[1]))) {
struct capture { function_type f; };
value = ((capture *) &rec->data)->f;
return true;
while (rec != nullptr) {
if (rec->is_stateless
&& same_type(typeid(function_type),
*reinterpret_cast<const std::type_info *>(rec->data[1]))) {
struct capture {
function_type f;
value = ((capture *) &rec->data)->f;
return true;
rec = rec->next;
// PYPY segfaults here when passing builtin function like sum.
// Raising an fail exception here works to prevent the segfault, but only on gcc.
// See PR #1413 for full details
// ensure GIL is held during functor destruction
struct func_handle {
function f;
func_handle(function&& f_) : f(std::move(f_)) {}
func_handle(const func_handle& f_) {
#if !(defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER == 1916 && defined(PYBIND11_CPP17))
// This triggers a syntax error under very special conditions (very weird indeed).
func_handle(function &&f_) noexcept
: f(std::move(f_)) {
func_handle(const func_handle &f_) { operator=(f_); }
func_handle &operator=(const func_handle &f_) {
gil_scoped_acquire acq;
f = f_.f;
return *this;
~func_handle() {
gil_scoped_acquire acq;
@ -71,12 +95,11 @@ public:
// to emulate 'move initialization capture' in C++11
struct func_wrapper {
func_handle hfunc;
func_wrapper(func_handle&& hf): hfunc(std::move(hf)) {}
explicit func_wrapper(func_handle &&hf) noexcept : hfunc(std::move(hf)) {}
Return operator()(Args... args) const {
gil_scoped_acquire acq;
object retval(hfunc.f(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
/* Visual studio 2015 parser issue: need parentheses around this expression */
return (retval.template cast<Return>());
// casts the returned object as a rvalue to the return type
return hfunc.f(std::forward<Args>(args)...).template cast<Return>();
@ -86,18 +109,21 @@ public:
template <typename Func>
static handle cast(Func &&f_, return_value_policy policy, handle /* parent */) {
if (!f_)
if (!f_) {
return none().inc_ref();
auto result = f_.template target<function_type>();
if (result)
if (result) {
return cpp_function(*result, policy).release();
return cpp_function(std::forward<Func>(f_), policy).release();
return cpp_function(std::forward<Func>(f_), policy).release();
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(type, _("Callable[[") + concat(make_caster<Args>::name...) + _("], ")
+ make_caster<retval_type>::name + _("]"));
const_name("Callable[[") + concat(make_caster<Args>::name...)
+ const_name("], ") + make_caster<retval_type>::name
+ const_name("]"));

3rdparty/pybind11/include/pybind11/gil.h vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
pybind11/gil.h: RAII helpers for managing the GIL
Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "detail/common.h"
#include "detail/internals.h"
// forward declarations
PyThreadState *get_thread_state_unchecked();
#if defined(WITH_THREAD) && !defined(PYPY_VERSION)
/* The functions below essentially reproduce the PyGILState_* API using a RAII
* pattern, but there are a few important differences:
* 1. When acquiring the GIL from an non-main thread during the finalization
* phase, the GILState API blindly terminates the calling thread, which
* is often not what is wanted. This API does not do this.
* 2. The gil_scoped_release function can optionally cut the relationship
* of a PyThreadState and its associated thread, which allows moving it to
* another thread (this is a fairly rare/advanced use case).
* 3. The reference count of an acquired thread state can be controlled. This
* can be handy to prevent cases where callbacks issued from an external
* thread would otherwise constantly construct and destroy thread state data
* structures.
* See the Python bindings of NanoGUI (http://github.com/wjakob/nanogui) for an
* example which uses features 2 and 3 to migrate the Python thread of
* execution to another thread (to run the event loop on the original thread,
* in this case).
class gil_scoped_acquire {
PYBIND11_NOINLINE gil_scoped_acquire() {
auto &internals = detail::get_internals();
tstate = (PyThreadState *) PYBIND11_TLS_GET_VALUE(internals.tstate);
if (!tstate) {
/* Check if the GIL was acquired using the PyGILState_* API instead (e.g. if
calling from a Python thread). Since we use a different key, this ensures
we don't create a new thread state and deadlock in PyEval_AcquireThread
below. Note we don't save this state with internals.tstate, since we don't
create it we would fail to clear it (its reference count should be > 0). */
tstate = PyGILState_GetThisThreadState();
if (!tstate) {
tstate = PyThreadState_New(internals.istate);
if (!tstate) {
pybind11_fail("scoped_acquire: could not create thread state!");
# endif
tstate->gilstate_counter = 0;
PYBIND11_TLS_REPLACE_VALUE(internals.tstate, tstate);
} else {
release = detail::get_thread_state_unchecked() != tstate;
if (release) {
void inc_ref() { ++tstate->gilstate_counter; }
PYBIND11_NOINLINE void dec_ref() {
if (detail::get_thread_state_unchecked() != tstate) {
pybind11_fail("scoped_acquire::dec_ref(): thread state must be current!");
if (tstate->gilstate_counter < 0) {
pybind11_fail("scoped_acquire::dec_ref(): reference count underflow!");
# endif
if (tstate->gilstate_counter == 0) {
if (!release) {
pybind11_fail("scoped_acquire::dec_ref(): internal error!");
# endif
if (active) {
release = false;
/// This method will disable the PyThreadState_DeleteCurrent call and the
/// GIL won't be acquired. This method should be used if the interpreter
/// could be shutting down when this is called, as thread deletion is not
/// allowed during shutdown. Check _Py_IsFinalizing() on Python 3.7+, and
/// protect subsequent code.
PYBIND11_NOINLINE void disarm() { active = false; }
PYBIND11_NOINLINE ~gil_scoped_acquire() {
if (release) {
PyThreadState *tstate = nullptr;
bool release = true;
bool active = true;
class gil_scoped_release {
explicit gil_scoped_release(bool disassoc = false) : disassoc(disassoc) {
// `get_internals()` must be called here unconditionally in order to initialize
// `internals.tstate` for subsequent `gil_scoped_acquire` calls. Otherwise, an
// initialization race could occur as multiple threads try `gil_scoped_acquire`.
auto &internals = detail::get_internals();
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-prefer-member-initializer)
tstate = PyEval_SaveThread();
if (disassoc) {
// Python >= 3.7 can remove this, it's an int before 3.7
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-qualified-auto)
auto key = internals.tstate;
/// This method will disable the PyThreadState_DeleteCurrent call and the
/// GIL won't be acquired. This method should be used if the interpreter
/// could be shutting down when this is called, as thread deletion is not
/// allowed during shutdown. Check _Py_IsFinalizing() on Python 3.7+, and
/// protect subsequent code.
PYBIND11_NOINLINE void disarm() { active = false; }
~gil_scoped_release() {
if (!tstate) {
// `PyEval_RestoreThread()` should not be called if runtime is finalizing
if (active) {
if (disassoc) {
// Python >= 3.7 can remove this, it's an int before 3.7
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-qualified-auto)
auto key = detail::get_internals().tstate;
PyThreadState *tstate;
bool disassoc;
bool active = true;
#elif defined(PYPY_VERSION)
class gil_scoped_acquire {
PyGILState_STATE state;
gil_scoped_acquire() { state = PyGILState_Ensure(); }
~gil_scoped_acquire() { PyGILState_Release(state); }
void disarm() {}
class gil_scoped_release {
PyThreadState *state;
gil_scoped_release() { state = PyEval_SaveThread(); }
~gil_scoped_release() { PyEval_RestoreThread(state); }
void disarm() {}
class gil_scoped_acquire {
void disarm() {}
class gil_scoped_release {
void disarm() {}

View File

@ -5,17 +5,31 @@
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
WARNING: The implementation in this file is NOT thread safe. Multiple
threads writing to a redirected ostream concurrently cause data races
and potentially buffer overflows. Therefore it is currently a requirement
that all (possibly) concurrent redirected ostream writes are protected by
a mutex.
#HelpAppreciated: Work on iostream.h thread safety.
For more background see the discussions under
https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/pull/2982 and
#pragma once
#include "pybind11.h"
#include <streambuf>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <streambuf>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
@ -38,50 +52,85 @@ private:
return sync() == 0 ? traits_type::not_eof(c) : traits_type::eof();
// This function must be non-virtual to be called in a destructor. If the
// rare MSVC test failure shows up with this version, then this should be
// simplified to a fully qualified call.
int _sync() {
if (pbase() != pptr()) {
// This subtraction cannot be negative, so dropping the sign
str line(pbase(), static_cast<size_t>(pptr() - pbase()));
// Computes how many bytes at the end of the buffer are part of an
// incomplete sequence of UTF-8 bytes.
// Precondition: pbase() < pptr()
size_t utf8_remainder() const {
const auto rbase = std::reverse_iterator<char *>(pbase());
const auto rpptr = std::reverse_iterator<char *>(pptr());
auto is_ascii = [](char c) { return (static_cast<unsigned char>(c) & 0x80) == 0x00; };
auto is_leading = [](char c) { return (static_cast<unsigned char>(c) & 0xC0) == 0xC0; };
auto is_leading_2b = [](char c) { return static_cast<unsigned char>(c) <= 0xDF; };
auto is_leading_3b = [](char c) { return static_cast<unsigned char>(c) <= 0xEF; };
// If the last character is ASCII, there are no incomplete code points
if (is_ascii(*rpptr)) {
return 0;
// Otherwise, work back from the end of the buffer and find the first
// UTF-8 leading byte
const auto rpend = rbase - rpptr >= 3 ? rpptr + 3 : rbase;
const auto leading = std::find_if(rpptr, rpend, is_leading);
if (leading == rbase) {
return 0;
const auto dist = static_cast<size_t>(leading - rpptr);
size_t remainder = 0;
gil_scoped_acquire tmp;
if (dist == 0) {
remainder = 1; // 1-byte code point is impossible
} else if (dist == 1) {
remainder = is_leading_2b(*leading) ? 0 : dist + 1;
} else if (dist == 2) {
remainder = is_leading_3b(*leading) ? 0 : dist + 1;
// else if (dist >= 3), at least 4 bytes before encountering an UTF-8
// leading byte, either no remainder or invalid UTF-8.
// Invalid UTF-8 will cause an exception later when converting
// to a Python string, so that's not handled here.
return remainder;
// This function must be non-virtual to be called in a destructor.
int _sync() {
if (pbase() != pptr()) { // If buffer is not empty
gil_scoped_acquire tmp;
// This subtraction cannot be negative, so dropping the sign.
auto size = static_cast<size_t>(pptr() - pbase());
size_t remainder = utf8_remainder();
if (size > remainder) {
str line(pbase(), size - remainder);
// Copy the remainder at the end of the buffer to the beginning:
if (remainder > 0) {
std::memmove(pbase(), pptr() - remainder, remainder);
setp(pbase(), epptr());
return 0;
int sync() override {
return _sync();
int sync() override { return _sync(); }
pythonbuf(object pyostream, size_t buffer_size = 1024)
: buf_size(buffer_size),
d_buffer(new char[buf_size]),
explicit pythonbuf(const object &pyostream, size_t buffer_size = 1024)
: buf_size(buffer_size), d_buffer(new char[buf_size]), pywrite(pyostream.attr("write")),
pyflush(pyostream.attr("flush")) {
setp(d_buffer.get(), d_buffer.get() + buf_size - 1);
pythonbuf(pythonbuf&&) = default;
pythonbuf(pythonbuf &&) = default;
/// Sync before destroy
~pythonbuf() override {
~pythonbuf() override { _sync(); }
/** \rst
This a move-only guard that redirects output.
@ -102,8 +151,9 @@ PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_END(detail)
.. code-block:: cpp
py::scoped_ostream_redirect output{std::cerr, py::module_::import("sys").attr("stderr")};
std::cerr << "Hello, World!";
py::scoped_ostream_redirect output{
std::cerr, py::module::import("sys").attr("stderr")};
std::cout << "Hello, World!";
\endrst */
class scoped_ostream_redirect {
@ -113,16 +163,14 @@ protected:
detail::pythonbuf buffer;
std::ostream &costream = std::cout,
object pyostream = module_::import("sys").attr("stdout"))
explicit scoped_ostream_redirect(std::ostream &costream = std::cout,
const object &pyostream
= module_::import("sys").attr("stdout"))
: costream(costream), buffer(pyostream) {
old = costream.rdbuf(&buffer);
~scoped_ostream_redirect() {
~scoped_ostream_redirect() { costream.rdbuf(old); }
scoped_ostream_redirect(const scoped_ostream_redirect &) = delete;
scoped_ostream_redirect(scoped_ostream_redirect &&other) = default;
@ -130,7 +178,6 @@ public:
scoped_ostream_redirect &operator=(scoped_ostream_redirect &&) = delete;
/** \rst
Like `scoped_ostream_redirect`, but redirects cerr by default. This class
is provided primary to make ``py::call_guard`` easier to make.
@ -144,13 +191,12 @@ public:
\endrst */
class scoped_estream_redirect : public scoped_ostream_redirect {
std::ostream &costream = std::cerr,
object pyostream = module_::import("sys").attr("stderr"))
: scoped_ostream_redirect(costream,pyostream) {}
explicit scoped_estream_redirect(std::ostream &costream = std::cerr,
const object &pyostream
= module_::import("sys").attr("stderr"))
: scoped_ostream_redirect(costream, pyostream) {}
// Class to redirect output as a context manager. C++ backend.
@ -161,14 +207,16 @@ class OstreamRedirect {
std::unique_ptr<scoped_estream_redirect> redirect_stderr;
OstreamRedirect(bool do_stdout = true, bool do_stderr = true)
explicit OstreamRedirect(bool do_stdout = true, bool do_stderr = true)
: do_stdout_(do_stdout), do_stderr_(do_stderr) {}
void enter() {
if (do_stdout_)
if (do_stdout_) {
redirect_stdout.reset(new scoped_ostream_redirect());
if (do_stderr_)
if (do_stderr_) {
redirect_stderr.reset(new scoped_estream_redirect());
void exit() {
@ -206,11 +254,12 @@ PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_END(detail)
\endrst */
inline class_<detail::OstreamRedirect> add_ostream_redirect(module_ m, std::string name = "ostream_redirect") {
return class_<detail::OstreamRedirect>(m, name.c_str(), module_local())
.def(init<bool,bool>(), arg("stdout")=true, arg("stderr")=true)
inline class_<detail::OstreamRedirect>
add_ostream_redirect(module_ m, const std::string &name = "ostream_redirect") {
return class_<detail::OstreamRedirect>(std::move(m), name.c_str(), module_local())
.def(init<bool, bool>(), arg("stdout") = true, arg("stderr") = true)
.def("__enter__", &detail::OstreamRedirect::enter)
.def("__exit__", [](detail::OstreamRedirect &self_, args) { self_.exit(); });
.def("__exit__", [](detail::OstreamRedirect &self_, const args &) { self_.exit(); });

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -11,24 +11,55 @@
#include "pybind11.h"
#if defined(__clang__) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunsequenced" // multiple unsequenced modifications to 'self' (when using def(py::self OP Type()))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable: 4127) // warning C4127: Conditional expression is constant
/// Enumeration with all supported operator types
enum op_id : int {
op_add, op_sub, op_mul, op_div, op_mod, op_divmod, op_pow, op_lshift,
op_rshift, op_and, op_xor, op_or, op_neg, op_pos, op_abs, op_invert,
op_int, op_long, op_float, op_str, op_cmp, op_gt, op_ge, op_lt, op_le,
op_eq, op_ne, op_iadd, op_isub, op_imul, op_idiv, op_imod, op_ilshift,
op_irshift, op_iand, op_ixor, op_ior, op_complex, op_bool, op_nonzero,
op_repr, op_truediv, op_itruediv, op_hash
enum op_type : int {
@ -37,125 +68,126 @@ enum op_type : int {
op_u /* unary operator */
struct self_t { };
struct self_t {};
static const self_t self = self_t();
/// Type for an unused type slot
struct undefined_t { };
struct undefined_t {};
/// Don't warn about an unused variable
inline self_t __self() { return self; }
/// base template of operator implementations
template <op_id, op_type, typename B, typename L, typename R> struct op_impl { };
template <op_id, op_type, typename B, typename L, typename R>
struct op_impl {};
/// Operator implementation generator
template <op_id id, op_type ot, typename L, typename R> struct op_ {
template <typename Class, typename... Extra> void execute(Class &cl, const Extra&... extra) const {
template <op_id id, op_type ot, typename L, typename R>
struct op_ {
template <typename Class, typename... Extra>
void execute(Class &cl, const Extra &...extra) const {
using Base = typename Class::type;
using L_type = conditional_t<std::is_same<L, self_t>::value, Base, L>;
using R_type = conditional_t<std::is_same<R, self_t>::value, Base, R>;
using op = op_impl<id, ot, Base, L_type, R_type>;
cl.def(op::name(), &op::execute, is_operator(), extra...);
if (id == op_truediv || id == op_itruediv)
cl.def(id == op_itruediv ? "__idiv__" : ot == op_l ? "__div__" : "__rdiv__",
&op::execute, is_operator(), extra...);
template <typename Class, typename... Extra> void execute_cast(Class &cl, const Extra&... extra) const {
template <typename Class, typename... Extra>
void execute_cast(Class &cl, const Extra &...extra) const {
using Base = typename Class::type;
using L_type = conditional_t<std::is_same<L, self_t>::value, Base, L>;
using R_type = conditional_t<std::is_same<R, self_t>::value, Base, R>;
using op = op_impl<id, ot, Base, L_type, R_type>;
cl.def(op::name(), &op::execute_cast, is_operator(), extra...);
if (id == op_truediv || id == op_itruediv)
cl.def(id == op_itruediv ? "__idiv__" : ot == op_l ? "__div__" : "__rdiv__",
&op::execute, is_operator(), extra...);
#define PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(id, rid, op, expr) \
template <typename B, typename L, typename R> struct op_impl<op_##id, op_l, B, L, R> { \
static char const* name() { return "__" #id "__"; } \
static auto execute(const L &l, const R &r) -> decltype(expr) { return (expr); } \
static B execute_cast(const L &l, const R &r) { return B(expr); } \
}; \
template <typename B, typename L, typename R> struct op_impl<op_##id, op_r, B, L, R> { \
static char const* name() { return "__" #rid "__"; } \
static auto execute(const R &r, const L &l) -> decltype(expr) { return (expr); } \
static B execute_cast(const R &r, const L &l) { return B(expr); } \
}; \
inline op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, self_t> op(const self_t &, const self_t &) { \
return op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, self_t>(); \
} \
template <typename T> op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, T> op(const self_t &, const T &) { \
return op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, T>(); \
} \
template <typename T> op_<op_##id, op_r, T, self_t> op(const T &, const self_t &) { \
return op_<op_##id, op_r, T, self_t>(); \
#define PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(id, rid, op, expr) \
template <typename B, typename L, typename R> \
struct op_impl<op_##id, op_l, B, L, R> { \
static char const *name() { return "__" #id "__"; } \
static auto execute(const L &l, const R &r) -> decltype(expr) { return (expr); } \
static B execute_cast(const L &l, const R &r) { return B(expr); } \
}; \
template <typename B, typename L, typename R> \
struct op_impl<op_##id, op_r, B, L, R> { \
static char const *name() { return "__" #rid "__"; } \
static auto execute(const R &r, const L &l) -> decltype(expr) { return (expr); } \
static B execute_cast(const R &r, const L &l) { return B(expr); } \
}; \
inline op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, self_t> op(const self_t &, const self_t &) { \
return op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, self_t>(); \
} \
template <typename T> \
op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, T> op(const self_t &, const T &) { \
return op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, T>(); \
} \
template <typename T> \
op_<op_##id, op_r, T, self_t> op(const T &, const self_t &) { \
return op_<op_##id, op_r, T, self_t>(); \
#define PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(id, op, expr) \
template <typename B, typename L, typename R> struct op_impl<op_##id, op_l, B, L, R> { \
static char const* name() { return "__" #id "__"; } \
static auto execute(L &l, const R &r) -> decltype(expr) { return expr; } \
static B execute_cast(L &l, const R &r) { return B(expr); } \
}; \
template <typename T> op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, T> op(const self_t &, const T &) { \
return op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, T>(); \
#define PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(id, op, expr) \
template <typename B, typename L, typename R> \
struct op_impl<op_##id, op_l, B, L, R> { \
static char const *name() { return "__" #id "__"; } \
static auto execute(L &l, const R &r) -> decltype(expr) { return expr; } \
static B execute_cast(L &l, const R &r) { return B(expr); } \
}; \
template <typename T> \
op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, T> op(const self_t &, const T &) { \
return op_<op_##id, op_l, self_t, T>(); \
#define PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(id, op, expr) \
template <typename B, typename L> struct op_impl<op_##id, op_u, B, L, undefined_t> { \
static char const* name() { return "__" #id "__"; } \
static auto execute(const L &l) -> decltype(expr) { return expr; } \
static B execute_cast(const L &l) { return B(expr); } \
}; \
inline op_<op_##id, op_u, self_t, undefined_t> op(const self_t &) { \
return op_<op_##id, op_u, self_t, undefined_t>(); \
#define PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(id, op, expr) \
template <typename B, typename L> \
struct op_impl<op_##id, op_u, B, L, undefined_t> { \
static char const *name() { return "__" #id "__"; } \
static auto execute(const L &l) -> decltype(expr) { return expr; } \
static B execute_cast(const L &l) { return B(expr); } \
}; \
inline op_<op_##id, op_u, self_t, undefined_t> op(const self_t &) { \
return op_<op_##id, op_u, self_t, undefined_t>(); \
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(sub, rsub, operator-, l - r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(add, radd, operator+, l + r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(mul, rmul, operator*, l * r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(truediv, rtruediv, operator/, l / r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(mod, rmod, operator%, l % r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(lshift, rlshift, operator<<, l << r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(rshift, rrshift, operator>>, l >> r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(and, rand, operator&, l & r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(xor, rxor, operator^, l ^ r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(eq, eq, operator==, l == r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(ne, ne, operator!=, l != r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(or, ror, operator|, l | r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(gt, lt, operator>, l > r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(ge, le, operator>=, l >= r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(lt, gt, operator<, l < r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(le, ge, operator<=, l <= r)
//PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(pow, rpow, pow, std::pow(l, r))
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(iadd, operator+=, l += r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(isub, operator-=, l -= r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(imul, operator*=, l *= r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(itruediv, operator/=, l /= r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(imod, operator%=, l %= r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(ilshift, operator<<=, l <<= r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(irshift, operator>>=, l >>= r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(iand, operator&=, l &= r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(ixor, operator^=, l ^= r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(ior, operator|=, l |= r)
PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(neg, operator-, -l)
PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(pos, operator+, +l)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(sub, rsub, operator-, l - r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(add, radd, operator+, l + r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(mul, rmul, operator*, l *r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(truediv, rtruediv, operator/, l / r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(mod, rmod, operator%, l % r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(lshift, rlshift, operator<<, l << r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(rshift, rrshift, operator>>, l >> r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(and, rand, operator&, l &r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(xor, rxor, operator^, l ^ r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(eq, eq, operator==, l == r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(ne, ne, operator!=, l != r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(or, ror, operator|, l | r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(gt, lt, operator>, l > r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(ge, le, operator>=, l >= r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(lt, gt, operator<, l < r)
PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(le, ge, operator<=, l <= r)
// PYBIND11_BINARY_OPERATOR(pow, rpow, pow, std::pow(l, r))
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(iadd, operator+=, l += r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(isub, operator-=, l -= r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(imul, operator*=, l *= r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(itruediv, operator/=, l /= r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(imod, operator%=, l %= r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(ilshift, operator<<=, l <<= r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(irshift, operator>>=, l >>= r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(iand, operator&=, l &= r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(ixor, operator^=, l ^= r)
PYBIND11_INPLACE_OPERATOR(ior, operator|=, l |= r)
PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(neg, operator-, -l)
PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(pos, operator+, +l)
// WARNING: This usage of `abs` should only be done for existing STL overloads.
// Adding overloads directly in to the `std::` namespace is advised against:
// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/extending_std
PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(abs, abs, std::abs(l))
PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(hash, hash, std::hash<L>()(l))
PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(invert, operator~, (~l))
PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(bool, operator!, !!l)
PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(int, int_, (int) l)
PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(float, float_, (double) l)
PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(abs, abs, std::abs(l))
PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(hash, hash, std::hash<L>()(l))
PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(invert, operator~, (~l))
PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(bool, operator!, !!l)
PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(int, int_, (int) l)
PYBIND11_UNARY_OPERATOR(float, float_, (double) l)
@ -167,7 +199,3 @@ using detail::self;
using detail::hash;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning(pop)

View File

class options {
// Default RAII constructor, which leaves settings as they currently are.
options() : previous_state(global_state()) {}
// Class is non-copyable.
options(const options&) = delete;
options& operator=(const options&) = delete;
options(const options &) = delete;
options &operator=(const options &) = delete;
// Destructor, which restores settings that were in effect before.
~options() {
global_state() = previous_state;
~options() { global_state() = previous_state; }
// Setter methods (affect the global state):
options& disable_user_defined_docstrings() & { global_state().show_user_defined_docstrings = false; return *this; }
options &disable_user_defined_docstrings() & {
global_state().show_user_defined_docstrings = false;
return *this;
options& enable_user_defined_docstrings() & { global_state().show_user_defined_docstrings = true; return *this; }
options &enable_user_defined_docstrings() & {
global_state().show_user_defined_docstrings = true;
return *this;
options& disable_function_signatures() & { global_state().show_function_signatures = false; return *this; }
options &disable_function_signatures() & {
global_state().show_function_signatures = false;
return *this;
options& enable_function_signatures() & { global_state().show_function_signatures = true; return *this; }
options &enable_function_signatures() & {
global_state().show_function_signatures = true;
return *this;
// Getter methods (return the global state):
static bool show_user_defined_docstrings() { return global_state().show_user_defined_docstrings; }
static bool show_user_defined_docstrings() {
return global_state().show_user_defined_docstrings;
static bool show_function_signatures() { return global_state().show_function_signatures; }
// This type is not meant to be allocated on the heap.
void* operator new(size_t) = delete;
void *operator new(size_t) = delete;
struct state {
bool show_user_defined_docstrings = true; //< Include user-supplied texts in docstrings.
bool show_function_signatures = true; //< Include auto-generated function signatures in docstrings.
bool show_user_defined_docstrings = true; //< Include user-supplied texts in docstrings.
bool show_function_signatures = true; //< Include auto-generated function signatures
// in docstrings.
static state &global_state() {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -10,42 +10,26 @@
#pragma once
#include "pybind11.h"
#include <set>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include "detail/common.h"
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <valarray>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4127) // warning C4127: Conditional expression is constant
// See `detail/common.h` for implementation of these guards.
#if defined(PYBIND11_HAS_OPTIONAL)
# include <optional>
#elif defined(PYBIND11_HAS_EXP_OPTIONAL)
# include <experimental/optional>
#ifdef __has_include
// std::optional (but including it in c++14 mode isn't allowed)
# if defined(PYBIND11_CPP17) && __has_include(<optional>)
# include <optional>
# endif
// std::experimental::optional (but not allowed in c++11 mode)
# if defined(PYBIND11_CPP14) && (__has_include(<experimental/optional>) && \
# include <experimental/optional>
# endif
// std::variant
# if defined(PYBIND11_CPP17) && __has_include(<variant>)
#if defined(PYBIND11_HAS_VARIANT)
# include <variant>
# endif
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(PYBIND11_CPP17)
# include <optional>
# include <variant>
@ -54,29 +38,33 @@ PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_BEGIN(detail)
/// Extracts an const lvalue reference or rvalue reference for U based on the type of T (e.g. for
/// forwarding a container element). Typically used indirect via forwarded_type(), below.
template <typename T, typename U>
using forwarded_type = conditional_t<
std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value, remove_reference_t<U> &, remove_reference_t<U> &&>;
using forwarded_type = conditional_t<std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value,
remove_reference_t<U> &,
remove_reference_t<U> &&>;
/// Forwards a value U as rvalue or lvalue according to whether T is rvalue or lvalue; typically
/// used for forwarding a container's elements.
template <typename T, typename U>
forwarded_type<T, U> forward_like(U &&u) {
constexpr forwarded_type<T, U> forward_like(U &&u) {
return std::forward<detail::forwarded_type<T, U>>(std::forward<U>(u));
template <typename Type, typename Key> struct set_caster {
template <typename Type, typename Key>
struct set_caster {
using type = Type;
using key_conv = make_caster<Key>;
bool load(handle src, bool convert) {
if (!isinstance<pybind11::set>(src))
if (!isinstance<anyset>(src)) {
return false;
auto s = reinterpret_borrow<pybind11::set>(src);
auto s = reinterpret_borrow<anyset>(src);
for (auto entry : s) {
key_conv conv;
if (!conv.load(entry, convert))
if (!conv.load(entry, convert)) {
return false;
value.insert(cast_op<Key &&>(std::move(conv)));
return true;
@ -84,35 +72,40 @@ template <typename Type, typename Key> struct set_caster {
template <typename T>
static handle cast(T &&src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) {
if (!std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value)
if (!std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value) {
policy = return_value_policy_override<Key>::policy(policy);
pybind11::set s;
for (auto &&value : src) {
auto value_ = reinterpret_steal<object>(key_conv::cast(forward_like<T>(value), policy, parent));
if (!value_ || !s.add(value_))
auto value_ = reinterpret_steal<object>(
key_conv::cast(detail::forward_like<T>(value), policy, parent));
if (!value_ || !s.add(std::move(value_))) {
return handle();
return s.release();
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(type, _("Set[") + key_conv::name + _("]"));
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(type, const_name("Set[") + key_conv::name + const_name("]"));
template <typename Type, typename Key, typename Value> struct map_caster {
using key_conv = make_caster<Key>;
template <typename Type, typename Key, typename Value>
struct map_caster {
using key_conv = make_caster<Key>;
using value_conv = make_caster<Value>;
bool load(handle src, bool convert) {
if (!isinstance<dict>(src))
if (!isinstance<dict>(src)) {
return false;
auto d = reinterpret_borrow<dict>(src);
for (auto it : d) {
key_conv kconv;
value_conv vconv;
if (!kconv.load(it.first.ptr(), convert) ||
!vconv.load(it.second.ptr(), convert))
if (!kconv.load(it.first.ptr(), convert) || !vconv.load(it.second.ptr(), convert)) {
return false;
value.emplace(cast_op<Key &&>(std::move(kconv)), cast_op<Value &&>(std::move(vconv)));
return true;
@ -128,78 +121,94 @@ template <typename Type, typename Key, typename Value> struct map_caster {
policy_value = return_value_policy_override<Value>::policy(policy_value);
for (auto &&kv : src) {
auto key = reinterpret_steal<object>(key_conv::cast(forward_like<T>(kv.first), policy_key, parent));
auto value = reinterpret_steal<object>(value_conv::cast(forward_like<T>(kv.second), policy_value, parent));
if (!key || !value)
auto key = reinterpret_steal<object>(
key_conv::cast(detail::forward_like<T>(kv.first), policy_key, parent));
auto value = reinterpret_steal<object>(
value_conv::cast(detail::forward_like<T>(kv.second), policy_value, parent));
if (!key || !value) {
return handle();
d[key] = value;
d[std::move(key)] = std::move(value);
return d.release();
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(Type, _("Dict[") + key_conv::name + _(", ") + value_conv::name + _("]"));
const_name("Dict[") + key_conv::name + const_name(", ") + value_conv::name
+ const_name("]"));
template <typename Type, typename Value> struct list_caster {
template <typename Type, typename Value>
struct list_caster {
using value_conv = make_caster<Value>;
bool load(handle src, bool convert) {
if (!isinstance<sequence>(src) || isinstance<str>(src))
if (!isinstance<sequence>(src) || isinstance<bytes>(src) || isinstance<str>(src)) {
return false;
auto s = reinterpret_borrow<sequence>(src);
reserve_maybe(s, &value);
for (auto it : s) {
value_conv conv;
if (!conv.load(it, convert))
if (!conv.load(it, convert)) {
return false;
value.push_back(cast_op<Value &&>(std::move(conv)));
return true;
template <typename T = Type,
enable_if_t<std::is_same<decltype(std::declval<T>().reserve(0)), void>::value, int> = 0>
void reserve_maybe(sequence s, Type *) { value.reserve(s.size()); }
void reserve_maybe(sequence, void *) { }
template <
typename T = Type,
enable_if_t<std::is_same<decltype(std::declval<T>().reserve(0)), void>::value, int> = 0>
void reserve_maybe(const sequence &s, Type *) {
void reserve_maybe(const sequence &, void *) {}
template <typename T>
static handle cast(T &&src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) {
if (!std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value)
if (!std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value) {
policy = return_value_policy_override<Value>::policy(policy);
list l(src.size());
size_t index = 0;
ssize_t index = 0;
for (auto &&value : src) {
auto value_ = reinterpret_steal<object>(value_conv::cast(forward_like<T>(value), policy, parent));
if (!value_)
auto value_ = reinterpret_steal<object>(
value_conv::cast(detail::forward_like<T>(value), policy, parent));
if (!value_) {
return handle();
PyList_SET_ITEM(l.ptr(), (ssize_t) index++, value_.release().ptr()); // steals a reference
PyList_SET_ITEM(l.ptr(), index++, value_.release().ptr()); // steals a reference
return l.release();
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(Type, _("List[") + value_conv::name + _("]"));
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(Type, const_name("List[") + value_conv::name + const_name("]"));
template <typename Type, typename Alloc> struct type_caster<std::vector<Type, Alloc>>
: list_caster<std::vector<Type, Alloc>, Type> { };
template <typename Type, typename Alloc>
struct type_caster<std::vector<Type, Alloc>> : list_caster<std::vector<Type, Alloc>, Type> {};
template <typename Type, typename Alloc> struct type_caster<std::deque<Type, Alloc>>
: list_caster<std::deque<Type, Alloc>, Type> { };
template <typename Type, typename Alloc>
struct type_caster<std::deque<Type, Alloc>> : list_caster<std::deque<Type, Alloc>, Type> {};
template <typename Type, typename Alloc> struct type_caster<std::list<Type, Alloc>>
: list_caster<std::list<Type, Alloc>, Type> { };
template <typename Type, typename Alloc>
struct type_caster<std::list<Type, Alloc>> : list_caster<std::list<Type, Alloc>, Type> {};
template <typename ArrayType, typename Value, bool Resizable, size_t Size = 0> struct array_caster {
template <typename ArrayType, typename Value, bool Resizable, size_t Size = 0>
struct array_caster {
using value_conv = make_caster<Value>;
template <bool R = Resizable>
bool require_size(enable_if_t<R, size_t> size) {
if (value.size() != size)
if (value.size() != size) {
return true;
template <bool R = Resizable>
@ -209,16 +218,19 @@ private:
bool load(handle src, bool convert) {
if (!isinstance<sequence>(src))
if (!isinstance<sequence>(src)) {
return false;
auto l = reinterpret_borrow<sequence>(src);
if (!require_size(l.size()))
if (!require_size(l.size())) {
return false;
size_t ctr = 0;
for (auto it : l) {
value_conv conv;
if (!conv.load(it, convert))
if (!conv.load(it, convert)) {
return false;
value[ctr++] = cast_op<Value &&>(std::move(conv));
return true;
@ -227,81 +239,99 @@ public:
template <typename T>
static handle cast(T &&src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) {
list l(src.size());
size_t index = 0;
ssize_t index = 0;
for (auto &&value : src) {
auto value_ = reinterpret_steal<object>(value_conv::cast(forward_like<T>(value), policy, parent));
if (!value_)
auto value_ = reinterpret_steal<object>(
value_conv::cast(detail::forward_like<T>(value), policy, parent));
if (!value_) {
return handle();
PyList_SET_ITEM(l.ptr(), (ssize_t) index++, value_.release().ptr()); // steals a reference
PyList_SET_ITEM(l.ptr(), index++, value_.release().ptr()); // steals a reference
return l.release();
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(ArrayType, _("List[") + value_conv::name + _<Resizable>(_(""), _("[") + _<Size>() + _("]")) + _("]"));
const_name("List[") + value_conv::name
+ const_name<Resizable>(const_name(""),
const_name("[") + const_name<Size>()
+ const_name("]"))
+ const_name("]"));
template <typename Type, size_t Size> struct type_caster<std::array<Type, Size>>
: array_caster<std::array<Type, Size>, Type, false, Size> { };
template <typename Type, size_t Size>
struct type_caster<std::array<Type, Size>>
: array_caster<std::array<Type, Size>, Type, false, Size> {};
template <typename Type> struct type_caster<std::valarray<Type>>
: array_caster<std::valarray<Type>, Type, true> { };
template <typename Type>
struct type_caster<std::valarray<Type>> : array_caster<std::valarray<Type>, Type, true> {};
template <typename Key, typename Compare, typename Alloc> struct type_caster<std::set<Key, Compare, Alloc>>
: set_caster<std::set<Key, Compare, Alloc>, Key> { };
template <typename Key, typename Compare, typename Alloc>
struct type_caster<std::set<Key, Compare, Alloc>>
: set_caster<std::set<Key, Compare, Alloc>, Key> {};
template <typename Key, typename Hash, typename Equal, typename Alloc> struct type_caster<std::unordered_set<Key, Hash, Equal, Alloc>>
: set_caster<std::unordered_set<Key, Hash, Equal, Alloc>, Key> { };
template <typename Key, typename Hash, typename Equal, typename Alloc>
struct type_caster<std::unordered_set<Key, Hash, Equal, Alloc>>
: set_caster<std::unordered_set<Key, Hash, Equal, Alloc>, Key> {};
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare, typename Alloc> struct type_caster<std::map<Key, Value, Compare, Alloc>>
: map_caster<std::map<Key, Value, Compare, Alloc>, Key, Value> { };
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare, typename Alloc>
struct type_caster<std::map<Key, Value, Compare, Alloc>>
: map_caster<std::map<Key, Value, Compare, Alloc>, Key, Value> {};
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Hash, typename Equal, typename Alloc> struct type_caster<std::unordered_map<Key, Value, Hash, Equal, Alloc>>
: map_caster<std::unordered_map<Key, Value, Hash, Equal, Alloc>, Key, Value> { };
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Hash, typename Equal, typename Alloc>
struct type_caster<std::unordered_map<Key, Value, Hash, Equal, Alloc>>
: map_caster<std::unordered_map<Key, Value, Hash, Equal, Alloc>, Key, Value> {};
// This type caster is intended to be used for std::optional and std::experimental::optional
template<typename T> struct optional_caster {
using value_conv = make_caster<typename T::value_type>;
template <typename Type, typename Value = typename Type::value_type>
struct optional_caster {
using value_conv = make_caster<Value>;
template <typename T_>
static handle cast(T_ &&src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) {
if (!src)
template <typename T>
static handle cast(T &&src, return_value_policy policy, handle parent) {
if (!src) {
return none().inc_ref();
if (!std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value) {
policy = return_value_policy_override<T>::policy(policy);
return value_conv::cast(*std::forward<T_>(src), policy, parent);
if (!std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value) {
policy = return_value_policy_override<Value>::policy(policy);
return value_conv::cast(*std::forward<T>(src), policy, parent);
bool load(handle src, bool convert) {
if (!src) {
return false;
} else if (src.is_none()) {
return true; // default-constructed value is already empty
if (src.is_none()) {
return true; // default-constructed value is already empty
value_conv inner_caster;
if (!inner_caster.load(src, convert))
if (!inner_caster.load(src, convert)) {
return false;
value.emplace(cast_op<typename T::value_type &&>(std::move(inner_caster)));
value.emplace(cast_op<Value &&>(std::move(inner_caster)));
return true;
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(T, _("Optional[") + value_conv::name + _("]"));
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(Type, const_name("Optional[") + value_conv::name + const_name("]"));
#if defined(PYBIND11_HAS_OPTIONAL)
template<typename T> struct type_caster<std::optional<T>>
: public optional_caster<std::optional<T>> {};
template <typename T>
struct type_caster<std::optional<T>> : public optional_caster<std::optional<T>> {};
template<> struct type_caster<std::nullopt_t>
: public void_caster<std::nullopt_t> {};
template <>
struct type_caster<std::nullopt_t> : public void_caster<std::nullopt_t> {};
template<typename T> struct type_caster<std::experimental::optional<T>>
template <typename T>
struct type_caster<std::experimental::optional<T>>
: public optional_caster<std::experimental::optional<T>> {};
template<> struct type_caster<std::experimental::nullopt_t>
template <>
struct type_caster<std::experimental::nullopt_t>
: public void_caster<std::experimental::nullopt_t> {};
@ -322,7 +352,7 @@ struct variant_caster_visitor {
/// `namespace::variant` types which provide a `namespace::visit()` function are handled here
/// automatically using argument-dependent lookup. Users can provide specializations for other
/// variant-like classes, e.g. `boost::variant` and `boost::apply_visitor`.
template <template<typename...> class Variant>
template <template <typename...> class Variant>
struct visit_helper {
template <typename... Args>
static auto call(Args &&...args) -> decltype(visit(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {
@ -331,9 +361,10 @@ struct visit_helper {
/// Generic variant caster
template <typename Variant> struct variant_caster;
template <typename Variant>
struct variant_caster;
template <template<typename...> class V, typename... Ts>
template <template <typename...> class V, typename... Ts>
struct variant_caster<V<Ts...>> {
static_assert(sizeof...(Ts) > 0, "Variant must consist of at least one alternative.");
@ -341,7 +372,7 @@ struct variant_caster<V<Ts...>> {
bool load_alternative(handle src, bool convert, type_list<U, Us...>) {
auto caster = make_caster<U>();
if (caster.load(src, convert)) {
value = cast_op<U>(caster);
value = cast_op<U>(std::move(caster));
return true;
return load_alternative(src, convert, type_list<Us...>{});
@ -354,8 +385,9 @@ struct variant_caster<V<Ts...>> {
// E.g. `py::int_(1).cast<variant<double, int>>()` needs to fill the `int`
// slot of the variant. Without two-pass loading `double` would be filled
// because it appears first and a conversion is possible.
if (convert && load_alternative(src, false, type_list<Ts...>{}))
if (convert && load_alternative(src, false, type_list<Ts...>{})) {
return true;
return load_alternative(src, convert, type_list<Ts...>{});
@ -366,23 +398,28 @@ struct variant_caster<V<Ts...>> {
using Type = V<Ts...>;
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(Type, _("Union[") + detail::concat(make_caster<Ts>::name...) + _("]"));
const_name("Union[") + detail::concat(make_caster<Ts>::name...)
+ const_name("]"));
#if defined(PYBIND11_HAS_VARIANT)
template <typename... Ts>
struct type_caster<std::variant<Ts...>> : variant_caster<std::variant<Ts...>> { };
struct type_caster<std::variant<Ts...>> : variant_caster<std::variant<Ts...>> {};
template <>
struct type_caster<std::monostate> : public void_caster<std::monostate> {};
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const handle &obj) {
os << str(obj).cast<std::string_view>();
os << (std::string) str(obj);
return os;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(pop)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
// Copyright (c) 2021 The Pybind Development Team.
// All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "../pybind11.h"
#include "../detail/common.h"
#include "../detail/descr.h"
#include "../cast.h"
#include "../pytypes.h"
#include <string>
#ifdef __has_include
# if defined(PYBIND11_CPP17)
# if __has_include(<filesystem>) && \
PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03060000
# include <filesystem>
# elif __has_include(<experimental/filesystem>)
# include <experimental/filesystem>
# endif
# endif
# error \
"Neither #include <filesystem> nor #include <experimental/filesystem is available. (Use -DPYBIND11_HAS_FILESYSTEM_IS_OPTIONAL to ignore.)"
template <typename T>
struct path_caster {
static PyObject *unicode_from_fs_native(const std::string &w) {
# if !defined(PYPY_VERSION)
return PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefaultAndSize(w.c_str(), ssize_t(w.size()));
# else
// PyPy mistakenly declares the first parameter as non-const.
return PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefaultAndSize(const_cast<char *>(w.c_str()), ssize_t(w.size()));
# endif
static PyObject *unicode_from_fs_native(const std::wstring &w) {
return PyUnicode_FromWideChar(w.c_str(), ssize_t(w.size()));
static handle cast(const T &path, return_value_policy, handle) {
if (auto py_str = unicode_from_fs_native(path.native())) {
return module_::import("pathlib")
return nullptr;
bool load(handle handle, bool) {
// PyUnicode_FSConverter and PyUnicode_FSDecoder normally take care of
// calling PyOS_FSPath themselves, but that's broken on PyPy (PyPy
// issue #3168) so we do it ourselves instead.
PyObject *buf = PyOS_FSPath(handle.ptr());
if (!buf) {
return false;
PyObject *native = nullptr;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<typename T::value_type, char>) {
if (PyUnicode_FSConverter(buf, &native) != 0) {
if (auto *c_str = PyBytes_AsString(native)) {
// AsString returns a pointer to the internal buffer, which
// must not be free'd.
value = c_str;
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<typename T::value_type, wchar_t>) {
if (PyUnicode_FSDecoder(buf, &native) != 0) {
if (auto *c_str = PyUnicode_AsWideCharString(native, nullptr)) {
// AsWideCharString returns a new string that must be free'd.
value = c_str; // Copies the string.
if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
return false;
return true;
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(T, const_name("os.PathLike"));
template <>
struct type_caster<std::filesystem::path> : public path_caster<std::filesystem::path> {};
template <>
struct type_caster<std::experimental::filesystem::path>
: public path_caster<std::experimental::filesystem::path> {};

View File

/* SFINAE helper class used by 'is_comparable */
template <typename T> struct container_traits {
template <typename T2> static std::true_type test_comparable(decltype(std::declval<const T2 &>() == std::declval<const T2 &>())*);
template <typename T2> static std::false_type test_comparable(...);
template <typename T2> static std::true_type test_value(typename T2::value_type *);
template <typename T2> static std::false_type test_value(...);
template <typename T2> static std::true_type test_pair(typename T2::first_type *, typename T2::second_type *);
template <typename T2> static std::false_type test_pair(...);
template <typename T>
struct container_traits {
template <typename T2>
static std::true_type
test_comparable(decltype(std::declval<const T2 &>() == std::declval<const T2 &>()) *);
template <typename T2>
static std::false_type test_comparable(...);
template <typename T2>
static std::true_type test_value(typename T2::value_type *);
template <typename T2>
static std::false_type test_value(...);
template <typename T2>
static std::true_type test_pair(typename T2::first_type *, typename T2::second_type *);
template <typename T2>
static std::false_type test_pair(...);
static constexpr const bool is_comparable = std::is_same<std::true_type, decltype(test_comparable<T>(nullptr))>::value;
static constexpr const bool is_pair = std::is_same<std::true_type, decltype(test_pair<T>(nullptr, nullptr))>::value;
static constexpr const bool is_vector = std::is_same<std::true_type, decltype(test_value<T>(nullptr))>::value;
static constexpr const bool is_comparable
= std::is_same<std::true_type, decltype(test_comparable<T>(nullptr))>::value;
static constexpr const bool is_pair
= std::is_same<std::true_type, decltype(test_pair<T>(nullptr, nullptr))>::value;
static constexpr const bool is_vector
= std::is_same<std::true_type, decltype(test_value<T>(nullptr))>::value;
static constexpr const bool is_element = !is_pair && !is_vector;
/* Default: is_comparable -> std::false_type */
template <typename T, typename SFINAE = void>
struct is_comparable : std::false_type { };
struct is_comparable : std::false_type {};
/* For non-map data structures, check whether operator== can be instantiated */
template <typename T>
struct is_comparable<
T, enable_if_t<container_traits<T>::is_element &&
: std::true_type { };
enable_if_t<container_traits<T>::is_element && container_traits<T>::is_comparable>>
: std::true_type {};
/* For a vector/map data structure, recursively check the value type (which is std::pair for maps) */
/* For a vector/map data structure, recursively check the value type
(which is std::pair for maps) */
template <typename T>
struct is_comparable<T, enable_if_t<container_traits<T>::is_vector>> {
static constexpr const bool value =
is_comparable<typename T::value_type>::value;
static constexpr const bool value = is_comparable<typename T::value_type>::value;
/* For pairs, recursively check the two data types */
template <typename T>
struct is_comparable<T, enable_if_t<container_traits<T>::is_pair>> {
static constexpr const bool value =
is_comparable<typename T::first_type>::value &&
is_comparable<typename T::second_type>::value;
static constexpr const bool value = is_comparable<typename T::first_type>::value
&& is_comparable<typename T::second_type>::value;
/* Fallback functions */
template <typename, typename, typename... Args> void vector_if_copy_constructible(const Args &...) { }
template <typename, typename, typename... Args> void vector_if_equal_operator(const Args &...) { }
template <typename, typename, typename... Args> void vector_if_insertion_operator(const Args &...) { }
template <typename, typename, typename... Args> void vector_modifiers(const Args &...) { }
template <typename, typename, typename... Args>
void vector_if_copy_constructible(const Args &...) {}
template <typename, typename, typename... Args>
void vector_if_equal_operator(const Args &...) {}
template <typename, typename, typename... Args>
void vector_if_insertion_operator(const Args &...) {}
template <typename, typename, typename... Args>
void vector_modifiers(const Args &...) {}
template<typename Vector, typename Class_>
template <typename Vector, typename Class_>
void vector_if_copy_constructible(enable_if_t<is_copy_constructible<Vector>::value, Class_> &cl) {
cl.def(init<const Vector &>(), "Copy constructor");
template<typename Vector, typename Class_>
template <typename Vector, typename Class_>
void vector_if_equal_operator(enable_if_t<is_comparable<Vector>::value, Class_> &cl) {
using T = typename Vector::value_type;
cl.def(self == self);
cl.def(self != self);
[](const Vector &v, const T &x) {
return std::count(v.begin(), v.end(), x);
[](const Vector &v, const T &x) { return std::count(v.begin(), v.end(), x); },
"Return the number of times ``x`` appears in the list"
"Return the number of times ``x`` appears in the list");
cl.def("remove", [](Vector &v, const T &x) {
[](Vector &v, const T &x) {
auto p = std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), x);
if (p != v.end())
if (p != v.end()) {
} else {
throw value_error();
"Remove the first item from the list whose value is x. "
"It is an error if there is no such item."
"It is an error if there is no such item.");
[](const Vector &v, const T &x) {
return std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), x) != v.end();
[](const Vector &v, const T &x) { return std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), x) != v.end(); },
"Return true the container contains ``x``"
"Return true the container contains ``x``");
// Vector modifiers -- requires a copyable vector_type:
// (Technically, some of these (pop and __delitem__) don't actually require copyability, but it seems
// silly to allow deletion but not insertion, so include them here too.)
// (Technically, some of these (pop and __delitem__) don't actually require copyability, but it
// seems silly to allow deletion but not insertion, so include them here too.)
template <typename Vector, typename Class_>
void vector_modifiers(enable_if_t<is_copy_constructible<typename Vector::value_type>::value, Class_> &cl) {
void vector_modifiers(
enable_if_t<is_copy_constructible<typename Vector::value_type>::value, Class_> &cl) {
using T = typename Vector::value_type;
using SizeType = typename Vector::size_type;
using DiffType = typename Vector::difference_type;
auto wrap_i = [](DiffType i, SizeType n) {
if (i < 0)
if (i < 0) {
i += n;
if (i < 0 || (SizeType)i >= n)
if (i < 0 || (SizeType) i >= n) {
throw index_error();
return i;
[](Vector &v, const T &value) { v.push_back(value); },
"Add an item to the end of the list");
[](Vector &v, const T &value) { v.push_back(value); },
"Add an item to the end of the list");
cl.def(init([](iterable it) {
cl.def(init([](const iterable &it) {
auto v = std::unique_ptr<Vector>(new Vector());
for (handle h : it)
for (handle h : it) {
return v.release();
[](Vector &v) {
"clear", [](Vector &v) { v.clear(); }, "Clear the contents");
[](Vector &v, const Vector &src) { v.insert(v.end(), src.begin(), src.end()); },
"Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list");
[](Vector &v, const iterable &it) {
const size_t old_size = v.size();
v.reserve(old_size + len_hint(it));
try {
for (handle h : it) {
} catch (const cast_error &) {
v.erase(v.begin() + static_cast<typename Vector::difference_type>(old_size),
try {
} catch (const std::exception &) {
// Do nothing
"Clear the contents"
"Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list");
[](Vector &v, const Vector &src) {
v.insert(v.end(), src.begin(), src.end());
"Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list"
[](Vector &v, iterable it) {
const size_t old_size = v.size();
v.reserve(old_size + len_hint(it));
try {
for (handle h : it) {
} catch (const cast_error &) {
v.erase(v.begin() + static_cast<typename Vector::difference_type>(old_size), v.end());
try {
} catch (const std::exception &) {
// Do nothing
"Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list"
[](Vector &v, DiffType i, const T &x) {
// Can't use wrap_i; i == v.size() is OK
if (i < 0)
if (i < 0) {
i += v.size();
if (i < 0 || (SizeType)i > v.size())
if (i < 0 || (SizeType) i > v.size()) {
throw index_error();
v.insert(v.begin() + i, x);
arg("i") , arg("x"),
"Insert an item at a given position."
"Insert an item at a given position.");
[](Vector &v) {
if (v.empty())
if (v.empty()) {
throw index_error();
T t = v.back();
T t = std::move(v.back());
return t;
"Remove and return the last item"
"Remove and return the last item");
[wrap_i](Vector &v, DiffType i) {
i = wrap_i(i, v.size());
T t = v[(SizeType) i];
v.erase(v.begin() + i);
T t = std::move(v[(SizeType) i]);
v.erase(std::next(v.begin(), i));
return t;
"Remove and return the item at index ``i``"
"Remove and return the item at index ``i``");
[wrap_i](Vector &v, DiffType i, const T &t) {
i = wrap_i(i, v.size());
v[(SizeType)i] = t;
cl.def("__setitem__", [wrap_i](Vector &v, DiffType i, const T &t) {
i = wrap_i(i, v.size());
v[(SizeType) i] = t;
/// Slicing protocol
[](const Vector &v, slice slice) -> Vector * {
size_t start, stop, step, slicelength;
[](const Vector &v, const slice &slice) -> Vector * {
size_t start = 0, stop = 0, step = 0, slicelength = 0;
if (!slice.compute(v.size(), &start, &stop, &step, &slicelength))
if (!slice.compute(v.size(), &start, &stop, &step, &slicelength)) {
throw error_already_set();
auto *seq = new Vector();
seq->reserve((size_t) slicelength);
for (size_t i=0; i<slicelength; ++i) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < slicelength; ++i) {
start += step;
return seq;
"Retrieve list elements using a slice object"
"Retrieve list elements using a slice object");
[](Vector &v, slice slice, const Vector &value) {
size_t start, stop, step, slicelength;
if (!slice.compute(v.size(), &start, &stop, &step, &slicelength))
[](Vector &v, const slice &slice, const Vector &value) {
size_t start = 0, stop = 0, step = 0, slicelength = 0;
if (!slice.compute(v.size(), &start, &stop, &step, &slicelength)) {
throw error_already_set();
if (slicelength != value.size())
throw std::runtime_error("Left and right hand size of slice assignment have different sizes!");
if (slicelength != value.size()) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"Left and right hand size of slice assignment have different sizes!");
for (size_t i=0; i<slicelength; ++i) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < slicelength; ++i) {
v[start] = value[i];
start += step;
"Assign list elements using a slice object"
"Assign list elements using a slice object");
[wrap_i](Vector &v, DiffType i) {
i = wrap_i(i, v.size());
v.erase(v.begin() + i);
"Delete the list elements at index ``i``"
"Delete the list elements at index ``i``");
[](Vector &v, slice slice) {
size_t start, stop, step, slicelength;
[](Vector &v, const slice &slice) {
size_t start = 0, stop = 0, step = 0, slicelength = 0;
if (!slice.compute(v.size(), &start, &stop, &step, &slicelength))
if (!slice.compute(v.size(), &start, &stop, &step, &slicelength)) {
throw error_already_set();
if (step == 1 && false) {
v.erase(v.begin() + (DiffType) start, v.begin() + DiffType(start + slicelength));
@ -277,15 +297,15 @@ void vector_modifiers(enable_if_t<is_copy_constructible<typename Vector::value_t
"Delete list elements using a slice object"
"Delete list elements using a slice object");
// If the type has an operator[] that doesn't return a reference (most notably std::vector<bool>),
// we have to access by copying; otherwise we return by reference.
template <typename Vector> using vector_needs_copy = negation<
std::is_same<decltype(std::declval<Vector>()[typename Vector::size_type()]), typename Vector::value_type &>>;
template <typename Vector>
using vector_needs_copy
= negation<std::is_same<decltype(std::declval<Vector>()[typename Vector::size_type()]),
typename Vector::value_type &>>;
// The usual case: access and iterate by reference
template <typename Vector, typename Class_>
@ -293,31 +313,34 @@ void vector_accessor(enable_if_t<!vector_needs_copy<Vector>::value, Class_> &cl)
using T = typename Vector::value_type;
using SizeType = typename Vector::size_type;
using DiffType = typename Vector::difference_type;
using ItType = typename Vector::iterator;
using ItType = typename Vector::iterator;
auto wrap_i = [](DiffType i, SizeType n) {
if (i < 0)
if (i < 0) {
i += n;
if (i < 0 || (SizeType)i >= n)
if (i < 0 || (SizeType) i >= n) {
throw index_error();
return i;
[wrap_i](Vector &v, DiffType i) -> T & {
i = wrap_i(i, v.size());
return v[(SizeType)i];
return v[(SizeType) i];
return_value_policy::reference_internal // ref + keepalive
[](Vector &v) {
return make_iterator<
return_value_policy::reference_internal, ItType, ItType, T&>(
v.begin(), v.end());
keep_alive<0, 1>() /* Essential: keep list alive while iterator exists */
[](Vector &v) {
return make_iterator<return_value_policy::reference_internal, ItType, ItType, T &>(
v.begin(), v.end());
keep_alive<0, 1>() /* Essential: keep list alive while iterator exists */
@ -327,96 +350,129 @@ void vector_accessor(enable_if_t<vector_needs_copy<Vector>::value, Class_> &cl)
using T = typename Vector::value_type;
using SizeType = typename Vector::size_type;
using DiffType = typename Vector::difference_type;
using ItType = typename Vector::iterator;
[](const Vector &v, DiffType i) -> T {
if (i < 0 && (i += v.size()) < 0)
throw index_error();
if ((SizeType)i >= v.size())
throw index_error();
return v[(SizeType)i];
using ItType = typename Vector::iterator;
cl.def("__getitem__", [](const Vector &v, DiffType i) -> T {
if (i < 0 && (i += v.size()) < 0) {
throw index_error();
if ((SizeType) i >= v.size()) {
throw index_error();
return v[(SizeType) i];
[](Vector &v) {
return make_iterator<
return_value_policy::copy, ItType, ItType, T>(
v.begin(), v.end());
keep_alive<0, 1>() /* Essential: keep list alive while iterator exists */
[](Vector &v) {
return make_iterator<return_value_policy::copy, ItType, ItType, T>(v.begin(), v.end());
keep_alive<0, 1>() /* Essential: keep list alive while iterator exists */
template <typename Vector, typename Class_> auto vector_if_insertion_operator(Class_ &cl, std::string const &name)
-> decltype(std::declval<std::ostream&>() << std::declval<typename Vector::value_type>(), void()) {
template <typename Vector, typename Class_>
auto vector_if_insertion_operator(Class_ &cl, std::string const &name)
-> decltype(std::declval<std::ostream &>() << std::declval<typename Vector::value_type>(),
void()) {
using size_type = typename Vector::size_type;
[name](Vector &v) {
[name](Vector &v) {
std::ostringstream s;
s << name << '[';
for (size_type i=0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
for (size_type i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
s << v[i];
if (i != v.size() - 1)
if (i != v.size() - 1) {
s << ", ";
s << ']';
return s.str();
"Return the canonical string representation of this list."
"Return the canonical string representation of this list.");
// Provide the buffer interface for vectors if we have data() and we have a format for it
// GCC seems to have "void std::vector<bool>::data()" - doing SFINAE on the existence of data() is insufficient, we need to check it returns an appropriate pointer
// GCC seems to have "void std::vector<bool>::data()" - doing SFINAE on the existence of data()
// is insufficient, we need to check it returns an appropriate pointer
template <typename Vector, typename = void>
struct vector_has_data_and_format : std::false_type {};
template <typename Vector>
struct vector_has_data_and_format<Vector, enable_if_t<std::is_same<decltype(format_descriptor<typename Vector::value_type>::format(), std::declval<Vector>().data()), typename Vector::value_type*>::value>> : std::true_type {};
struct vector_has_data_and_format<
enable_if_t<std::is_same<decltype(format_descriptor<typename Vector::value_type>::format(),
typename Vector::value_type *>::value>> : std::true_type {};
// [workaround(intel)] Separate function required here
// Workaround as the Intel compiler does not compile the enable_if_t part below
// (tested with icc (ICC) 2021.1 Beta 20200827)
template <typename... Args>
constexpr bool args_any_are_buffer() {
return detail::any_of<std::is_same<Args, buffer_protocol>...>::value;
// [workaround(intel)] Separate function required here
// [workaround(msvc)] Can't use constexpr bool in return type
// Add the buffer interface to a vector
template <typename Vector, typename Class_, typename... Args>
enable_if_t<detail::any_of<std::is_same<Args, buffer_protocol>...>::value>
vector_buffer(Class_& cl) {
void vector_buffer_impl(Class_ &cl, std::true_type) {
using T = typename Vector::value_type;
static_assert(vector_has_data_and_format<Vector>::value, "There is not an appropriate format descriptor for this vector");
"There is not an appropriate format descriptor for this vector");
// numpy.h declares this for arbitrary types, but it may raise an exception and crash hard at runtime if PYBIND11_NUMPY_DTYPE hasn't been called, so check here
// numpy.h declares this for arbitrary types, but it may raise an exception and crash hard
// at runtime if PYBIND11_NUMPY_DTYPE hasn't been called, so check here
cl.def_buffer([](Vector& v) -> buffer_info {
return buffer_info(v.data(), static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(T)), format_descriptor<T>::format(), 1, {v.size()}, {sizeof(T)});
cl.def_buffer([](Vector &v) -> buffer_info {
return buffer_info(v.data(),
cl.def(init([](buffer buf) {
cl.def(init([](const buffer &buf) {
auto info = buf.request();
if (info.ndim != 1 || info.strides[0] % static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(T)))
if (info.ndim != 1 || info.strides[0] % static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(T))) {
throw type_error("Only valid 1D buffers can be copied to a vector");
if (!detail::compare_buffer_info<T>::compare(info) || (ssize_t) sizeof(T) != info.itemsize)
throw type_error("Format mismatch (Python: " + info.format + " C++: " + format_descriptor<T>::format() + ")");
if (!detail::compare_buffer_info<T>::compare(info)
|| (ssize_t) sizeof(T) != info.itemsize) {
throw type_error("Format mismatch (Python: " + info.format
+ " C++: " + format_descriptor<T>::format() + ")");
T *p = static_cast<T*>(info.ptr);
T *p = static_cast<T *>(info.ptr);
ssize_t step = info.strides[0] / static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(T));
T *end = p + info.shape[0] * step;
if (step == 1) {
return Vector(p, end);
else {
Vector vec;
vec.reserve((size_t) info.shape[0]);
for (; p != end; p += step)
return vec;
Vector vec;
vec.reserve((size_t) info.shape[0]);
for (; p != end; p += step) {
return vec;
template <typename Vector, typename Class_, typename... Args>
enable_if_t<!detail::any_of<std::is_same<Args, buffer_protocol>...>::value> vector_buffer(Class_&) {}
void vector_buffer_impl(Class_ &, std::false_type) {}
template <typename Vector, typename Class_, typename... Args>
void vector_buffer(Class_ &cl) {
vector_buffer_impl<Vector, Class_, Args...>(
cl, detail::any_of<std::is_same<Args, buffer_protocol>...>{});
@ -424,13 +480,13 @@ PYBIND11_NAMESPACE_END(detail)
// std::vector
template <typename Vector, typename holder_type = std::unique_ptr<Vector>, typename... Args>
class_<Vector, holder_type> bind_vector(handle scope, std::string const &name, Args&&... args) {
class_<Vector, holder_type> bind_vector(handle scope, std::string const &name, Args &&...args) {
using Class_ = class_<Vector, holder_type>;
// If the value_type is unregistered (e.g. a converting type) or is itself registered
// module-local then make the vector binding module-local as well:
using vtype = typename Vector::value_type;
auto vtype_info = detail::get_type_info(typeid(vtype));
auto *vtype_info = detail::get_type_info(typeid(vtype));
bool local = !vtype_info || vtype_info->module_local;
Class_ cl(scope, name.c_str(), pybind11::module_local(local), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
@ -455,18 +511,13 @@ class_<Vector, holder_type> bind_vector(handle scope, std::string const &name, A
// Accessor and iterator; return by value if copyable, otherwise we return by ref + keep-alive
detail::vector_accessor<Vector, Class_>(cl);
[](const Vector &v) -> bool {
return !v.empty();
"Check whether the list is nonempty"
[](const Vector &v) -> bool { return !v.empty(); },
"Check whether the list is nonempty");
cl.def("__len__", &Vector::size);
#if 0
// C++ style functions deprecated, leaving it here as an example
@ -510,8 +561,6 @@ class_<Vector, holder_type> bind_vector(handle scope, std::string const &name, A
return cl;
// std::map, std::unordered_map
@ -519,81 +568,104 @@ class_<Vector, holder_type> bind_vector(handle scope, std::string const &name, A
/* Fallback functions */
template <typename, typename, typename... Args> void map_if_insertion_operator(const Args &...) { }
template <typename, typename, typename... Args> void map_assignment(const Args &...) { }
template <typename, typename, typename... Args>
void map_if_insertion_operator(const Args &...) {}
template <typename, typename, typename... Args>
void map_assignment(const Args &...) {}
// Map assignment when copy-assignable: just copy the value
template <typename Map, typename Class_>
void map_assignment(enable_if_t<is_copy_assignable<typename Map::mapped_type>::value, Class_> &cl) {
void map_assignment(
enable_if_t<is_copy_assignable<typename Map::mapped_type>::value, Class_> &cl) {
using KeyType = typename Map::key_type;
using MappedType = typename Map::mapped_type;
[](Map &m, const KeyType &k, const MappedType &v) {
auto it = m.find(k);
if (it != m.end()) it->second = v;
else m.emplace(k, v);
cl.def("__setitem__", [](Map &m, const KeyType &k, const MappedType &v) {
auto it = m.find(k);
if (it != m.end()) {
it->second = v;
} else {
m.emplace(k, v);
// Not copy-assignable, but still copy-constructible: we can update the value by erasing and reinserting
template<typename Map, typename Class_>
void map_assignment(enable_if_t<
!is_copy_assignable<typename Map::mapped_type>::value &&
is_copy_constructible<typename Map::mapped_type>::value,
Class_> &cl) {
// Not copy-assignable, but still copy-constructible: we can update the value by erasing and
// reinserting
template <typename Map, typename Class_>
void map_assignment(enable_if_t<!is_copy_assignable<typename Map::mapped_type>::value
&& is_copy_constructible<typename Map::mapped_type>::value,
Class_> &cl) {
using KeyType = typename Map::key_type;
using MappedType = typename Map::mapped_type;
[](Map &m, const KeyType &k, const MappedType &v) {
// We can't use m[k] = v; because value type might not be default constructable
auto r = m.emplace(k, v);
if (!r.second) {
// value type is not copy assignable so the only way to insert it is to erase it first...
m.emplace(k, v);
cl.def("__setitem__", [](Map &m, const KeyType &k, const MappedType &v) {
// We can't use m[k] = v; because value type might not be default constructable
auto r = m.emplace(k, v);
if (!r.second) {
// value type is not copy assignable so the only way to insert it is to erase it
// first...
m.emplace(k, v);
template <typename Map, typename Class_>
auto map_if_insertion_operator(Class_ &cl, std::string const &name)
-> decltype(std::declval<std::ostream &>() << std::declval<typename Map::key_type>()
<< std::declval<typename Map::mapped_type>(),
void()) {
template <typename Map, typename Class_> auto map_if_insertion_operator(Class_ &cl, std::string const &name)
-> decltype(std::declval<std::ostream&>() << std::declval<typename Map::key_type>() << std::declval<typename Map::mapped_type>(), void()) {
[name](Map &m) {
[name](Map &m) {
std::ostringstream s;
s << name << '{';
bool f = false;
for (auto const &kv : m) {
if (f)
if (f) {
s << ", ";
s << kv.first << ": " << kv.second;
f = true;
s << '}';
return s.str();
"Return the canonical string representation of this map."
"Return the canonical string representation of this map.");
template <typename Map>
struct keys_view {
Map &map;
template <typename Map>
struct values_view {
Map &map;
template <typename Map>
struct items_view {
Map &map;
template <typename Map, typename holder_type = std::unique_ptr<Map>, typename... Args>
class_<Map, holder_type> bind_map(handle scope, const std::string &name, Args&&... args) {
class_<Map, holder_type> bind_map(handle scope, const std::string &name, Args &&...args) {
using KeyType = typename Map::key_type;
using MappedType = typename Map::mapped_type;
using KeysView = detail::keys_view<Map>;
using ValuesView = detail::values_view<Map>;
using ItemsView = detail::items_view<Map>;
using Class_ = class_<Map, holder_type>;
// If either type is a non-module-local bound type then make the map binding non-local as well;
// otherwise (e.g. both types are either module-local or converting) the map will be
// module-local.
auto tinfo = detail::get_type_info(typeid(MappedType));
auto *tinfo = detail::get_type_info(typeid(MappedType));
bool local = !tinfo || tinfo->module_local;
if (local) {
tinfo = detail::get_type_info(typeid(KeyType));
@ -601,60 +673,112 @@ class_<Map, holder_type> bind_map(handle scope, const std::string &name, Args&&.
Class_ cl(scope, name.c_str(), pybind11::module_local(local), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
class_<KeysView> keys_view(
scope, ("KeysView[" + name + "]").c_str(), pybind11::module_local(local));
class_<ValuesView> values_view(
scope, ("ValuesView[" + name + "]").c_str(), pybind11::module_local(local));
class_<ItemsView> items_view(
scope, ("ItemsView[" + name + "]").c_str(), pybind11::module_local(local));
// Register stream insertion operator (if possible)
detail::map_if_insertion_operator<Map, Class_>(cl, name);
[](const Map &m) -> bool { return !m.empty(); },
"Check whether the map is nonempty"
"Check whether the map is nonempty");
[](Map &m) { return make_key_iterator(m.begin(), m.end()); },
keep_alive<0, 1>() /* Essential: keep map alive while iterator exists */
[](Map &m) { return make_key_iterator(m.begin(), m.end()); },
keep_alive<0, 1>() /* Essential: keep list alive while iterator exists */
[](Map &m) { return KeysView{m}; },
keep_alive<0, 1>() /* Essential: keep map alive while view exists */
[](Map &m) { return make_iterator(m.begin(), m.end()); },
keep_alive<0, 1>() /* Essential: keep list alive while iterator exists */
[](Map &m) { return ValuesView{m}; },
keep_alive<0, 1>() /* Essential: keep map alive while view exists */
[](Map &m) { return ItemsView{m}; },
keep_alive<0, 1>() /* Essential: keep map alive while view exists */
[](Map &m, const KeyType &k) -> MappedType & {
auto it = m.find(k);
if (it == m.end())
throw key_error();
return it->second;
if (it == m.end()) {
throw key_error();
return it->second;
return_value_policy::reference_internal // ref + keepalive
[](Map &m, const KeyType &k) -> bool {
auto it = m.find(k);
if (it == m.end())
return false;
return true;
cl.def("__contains__", [](Map &m, const KeyType &k) -> bool {
auto it = m.find(k);
if (it == m.end()) {
return false;
return true;
// Fallback for when the object is not of the key type
cl.def("__contains__", [](Map &, const object &) -> bool { return false; });
// Assignment provided only if the type is copyable
detail::map_assignment<Map, Class_>(cl);
[](Map &m, const KeyType &k) {
auto it = m.find(k);
if (it == m.end())
throw key_error();
cl.def("__delitem__", [](Map &m, const KeyType &k) {
auto it = m.find(k);
if (it == m.end()) {
throw key_error();
cl.def("__len__", &Map::size);
keys_view.def("__len__", [](KeysView &view) { return view.map.size(); });
[](KeysView &view) { return make_key_iterator(view.map.begin(), view.map.end()); },
keep_alive<0, 1>() /* Essential: keep view alive while iterator exists */
keys_view.def("__contains__", [](KeysView &view, const KeyType &k) -> bool {
auto it = view.map.find(k);
if (it == view.map.end()) {
return false;
return true;
// Fallback for when the object is not of the key type
keys_view.def("__contains__", [](KeysView &, const object &) -> bool { return false; });
values_view.def("__len__", [](ValuesView &view) { return view.map.size(); });
[](ValuesView &view) { return make_value_iterator(view.map.begin(), view.map.end()); },
keep_alive<0, 1>() /* Essential: keep view alive while iterator exists */
items_view.def("__len__", [](ItemsView &view) { return view.map.size(); });
[](ItemsView &view) { return make_iterator(view.map.begin(), view.map.end()); },
keep_alive<0, 1>() /* Essential: keep view alive while iterator exists */
return cl;

3rdparty/pybind11/noxfile.py vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
import os
import nox
nox.needs_version = ">=2022.1.7"
nox.options.sessions = ["lint", "tests", "tests_packaging"]
if os.environ.get("CI", None):
nox.options.error_on_missing_interpreters = True
def lint(session: nox.Session) -> None:
Lint the codebase (except for clang-format/tidy).
session.run("pre-commit", "run", "-a", *session.posargs)
def tests(session: nox.Session) -> None:
Run the tests (requires a compiler).
tmpdir = session.create_tmp()
session.install("-r", "tests/requirements.txt")
session.run("cmake", "--build", tmpdir)
session.run("cmake", "--build", tmpdir, "--config=Release", "--target", "check")
def tests_packaging(session: nox.Session) -> None:
Run the packaging tests.
session.install("-r", "tests/requirements.txt", "--prefer-binary")
session.run("pytest", "tests/extra_python_package", *session.posargs)
def docs(session: nox.Session) -> None:
Build the docs. Pass "serve" to serve.
session.install("-r", "docs/requirements.txt")
if "pdf" in session.posargs:
session.run("sphinx-build", "-M", "latexpdf", ".", "_build")
session.run("sphinx-build", "-M", "html", ".", "_build")
if "serve" in session.posargs:
session.log("Launching docs at http://localhost:8000/ - use Ctrl-C to quit")
session.run("python", "-m", "http.server", "8000", "-d", "_build/html")
elif session.posargs:
session.error("Unsupported argument to docs")
def make_changelog(session: nox.Session) -> None:
Inspect the closed issues and make entries for a changelog.
session.install("ghapi", "rich")
session.run("python", "tools/make_changelog.py")
def build(session: nox.Session) -> None:
Build SDists and wheels.
session.log("Building normal files")
session.run("python", "-m", "build", *session.posargs)
session.log("Building pybind11-global files (PYBIND11_GLOBAL_SDIST=1)")
"python", "-m", "build", *session.posargs, env={"PYBIND11_GLOBAL_SDIST": "1"}

View File

@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from ._version import version_info, __version__
from .commands import get_include, get_cmake_dir
if sys.version_info < (3, 6):
msg = "pybind11 does not support Python < 3.6. 2.9 was the last release supporting Python 2.7 and 3.5."
raise ImportError(msg)
from ._version import __version__, version_info
from .commands import get_cmake_dir, get_include, get_pkgconfig_dir
__all__ = (

View File

@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
import argparse
import sys
import sysconfig
from .commands import get_include, get_cmake_dir
from .commands import get_cmake_dir, get_include, get_pkgconfig_dir
def print_includes():
# type: () -> None
def print_includes() -> None:
dirs = [
@ -25,8 +23,7 @@ def print_includes():
print(" ".join("-I" + d for d in unique_dirs))
def main():
# type: () -> None
def main() -> None:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
@ -39,6 +36,11 @@ def main():
help="Print the CMake module directory, ideal for setting -Dpybind11_ROOT in CMake.",
help="Print the pkgconfig directory, ideal for setting $PKG_CONFIG_PATH.",
args = parser.parse_args()
if not sys.argv[1:]:
@ -46,6 +48,8 @@ def main():
if args.cmakedir:
if args.pkgconfigdir:
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import Union
def _to_int(s):
def _to_int(s: str) -> Union[int, str]:
return int(s)
except ValueError:
return s
__version__ = "2.6.1"
__version__ = "2.11.0.dev1"
version_info = tuple(_to_int(s) for s in __version__.split("."))

View File

@ -1,22 +1,37 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
def get_include(user=False):
# type: (bool) -> str
def get_include(user: bool = False) -> str: # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Return the path to the pybind11 include directory. The historical "user"
argument is unused, and may be removed.
installed_path = os.path.join(DIR, "include")
source_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(DIR), "include")
return installed_path if os.path.exists(installed_path) else source_path
def get_cmake_dir():
# type: () -> str
def get_cmake_dir() -> str:
Return the path to the pybind11 CMake module directory.
cmake_installed_path = os.path.join(DIR, "share", "cmake", "pybind11")
if os.path.exists(cmake_installed_path):
return cmake_installed_path
msg = "pybind11 not installed, installation required to access the CMake files"
raise ImportError(msg)
msg = "pybind11 not installed, installation required to access the CMake files"
raise ImportError(msg)
def get_pkgconfig_dir() -> str:
Return the path to the pybind11 pkgconfig directory.
pkgconfig_installed_path = os.path.join(DIR, "share", "pkgconfig")
if os.path.exists(pkgconfig_installed_path):
return pkgconfig_installed_path
msg = "pybind11 not installed, installation required to access the pkgconfig files"
raise ImportError(msg)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module provides helpers for C++11+ projects using pybind11.
import contextlib
import os
import platform
import shlex
import shutil
import sys
import sysconfig
import tempfile
import threading
import platform
import warnings
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext
from setuptools import Extension as _Extension
from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext
except ImportError:
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext
from distutils.extension import Extension as _Extension
import distutils.errors
import distutils.ccompiler
import distutils.errors
WIN = sys.platform.startswith("win32")
PY2 = sys.version_info[0] < 3
WIN = sys.platform.startswith("win32") and "mingw" not in sysconfig.get_platform()
MACOS = sys.platform.startswith("darwin")
STD_TMPL = "/std:c++{}" if WIN else "-std=c++{}"
@ -72,7 +84,7 @@ STD_TMPL = "/std:c++{}" if WIN else "-std=c++{}"
# directory into your path if it sits beside your setup.py.
class Pybind11Extension(_Extension):
class Pybind11Extension(_Extension): # type: ignore[misc]
Build a C++11+ Extension module with pybind11. This automatically adds the
recommended flags when you init the extension and assumes C++ sources - you
@ -84,7 +96,7 @@ class Pybind11Extension(_Extension):
* ``stdlib=libc++`` on macOS
* ``visibility=hidden`` and ``-g0`` on Unix
Finally, you can set ``cxx_std`` via constructor or afterwords to enable
Finally, you can set ``cxx_std`` via constructor or afterwards to enable
flags for C++ std, and a few extra helper flags related to the C++ standard
level. It is _highly_ recommended you either set this, or use the provided
``build_ext``, which will search for the highest supported extension for
@ -94,22 +106,18 @@ class Pybind11Extension(_Extension):
If you want to add pybind11 headers manually, for example for an exact
git checkout, then set ``include_pybind11=False``.
Warning: do not use property-based access to the instance on Python 2 -
this is an ugly old-style class due to Distutils.
def _add_cflags(self, *flags):
for flag in flags:
if flag not in self.extra_compile_args:
# flags are prepended, so that they can be further overridden, e.g. by
# ``extra_compile_args=["-g"]``.
def _add_lflags(self, *flags):
for flag in flags:
if flag not in self.extra_link_args:
def _add_cflags(self, flags: List[str]) -> None:
self.extra_compile_args[:0] = flags
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def _add_ldflags(self, flags: List[str]) -> None:
self.extra_link_args[:0] = flags
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
self._cxx_level = 0
cxx_std = kwargs.pop("cxx_std", 0)
@ -119,9 +127,7 @@ class Pybind11Extension(_Extension):
include_pybind11 = kwargs.pop("include_pybind11", True)
# Can't use super here because distutils has old-style classes in
# Python 2!
_Extension.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Include the installed package pybind11 headers
if include_pybind11:
@ -133,33 +139,41 @@ class Pybind11Extension(_Extension):
if pyinc not in self.include_dirs:
except ImportError:
except ModuleNotFoundError:
# Have to use the accessor manually to support Python 2 distutils
Pybind11Extension.cxx_std.__set__(self, cxx_std)
self.cxx_std = cxx_std
cflags = []
ldflags = []
if WIN:
self._add_cflags("/EHsc", "/bigobj")
cflags += ["/EHsc", "/bigobj"]
self._add_cflags("-fvisibility=hidden", "-g0")
cflags += ["-fvisibility=hidden"]
env_cflags = os.environ.get("CFLAGS", "")
env_cppflags = os.environ.get("CPPFLAGS", "")
c_cpp_flags = shlex.split(env_cflags) + shlex.split(env_cppflags)
if not any(opt.startswith("-g") for opt in c_cpp_flags):
cflags += ["-g0"]
cflags += ["-stdlib=libc++"]
ldflags += ["-stdlib=libc++"]
def cxx_std(self):
def cxx_std(self) -> int:
The CXX standard level. If set, will add the required flags. If left
at 0, it will trigger an automatic search when pybind11's build_ext
is used. If None, will have no effect. Besides just the flags, this
may add a register warning/error fix for Python 2 or macos-min 10.9
or 10.14.
The CXX standard level. If set, will add the required flags. If left at
0, it will trigger an automatic search when pybind11's build_ext is
used. If None, will have no effect. Besides just the flags, this may
add a macos-min 10.9 or 10.14 flag if MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET is
return self._cxx_level
def cxx_std(self, level):
def cxx_std(self, level: int) -> None:
if self._cxx_level:
warnings.warn("You cannot safely change the cxx_level after setting it!")
@ -174,7 +188,8 @@ class Pybind11Extension(_Extension):
if not level:
cflags = [STD_TMPL.format(level)]
ldflags = []
if MACOS and "MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET" not in os.environ:
# C++17 requires a higher min version of macOS. An earlier version
@ -185,28 +200,20 @@ class Pybind11Extension(_Extension):
current_macos = tuple(int(x) for x in platform.mac_ver()[0].split(".")[:2])
desired_macos = (10, 9) if level < 17 else (10, 14)
macos_string = ".".join(str(x) for x in min(current_macos, desired_macos))
macosx_min = "-mmacosx-version-min=" + macos_string
macosx_min = f"-mmacosx-version-min={macos_string}"
cflags += [macosx_min]
ldflags += [macosx_min]
if PY2:
if WIN:
# Will be ignored on MSVC 2015, where C++17 is not supported so
# this flag is not valid.
elif level >= 17:
elif level >= 14:
# Just in case someone clever tries to multithread
tmp_chdir_lock = threading.Lock()
cpp_cache_lock = threading.Lock()
def tmp_chdir():
def tmp_chdir() -> Iterator[str]:
"Prepare and enter a temporary directory, cleanup when done"
# Threadsafe
@ -222,7 +229,7 @@ def tmp_chdir():
# cf http://bugs.python.org/issue26689
def has_flag(compiler, flag):
def has_flag(compiler: Any, flag: str) -> bool:
Return the flag if a flag name is supported on the
specified compiler, otherwise None (can be used as a boolean).
@ -230,12 +237,12 @@ def has_flag(compiler, flag):
with tmp_chdir():
fname = "flagcheck.cpp"
with open(fname, "w") as f:
f.write("int main (int argc, char **argv) { return 0; }")
fname = Path("flagcheck.cpp")
# Don't trigger -Wunused-parameter.
fname.write_text("int main (int, char **) { return 0; }", encoding="utf-8")
compiler.compile([fname], extra_postargs=[flag])
compiler.compile([str(fname)], extra_postargs=[flag])
except distutils.errors.CompileError:
return False
return True
@ -245,7 +252,8 @@ def has_flag(compiler, flag):
cpp_flag_cache = None
def auto_cpp_level(compiler):
def auto_cpp_level(compiler: Any) -> Union[str, int]:
Return the max supported C++ std level (17, 14, or 11). Returns latest on Windows.
@ -253,48 +261,78 @@ def auto_cpp_level(compiler):
if WIN:
return "latest"
global cpp_flag_cache
# If this has been previously calculated with the same args, return that
with cpp_cache_lock:
if cpp_flag_cache:
return cpp_flag_cache
levels = [17, 14, 11]
for level in levels:
if has_flag(compiler, STD_TMPL.format(level)):
with cpp_cache_lock:
cpp_flag_cache = level
return level
msg = "Unsupported compiler -- at least C++11 support is needed!"
raise RuntimeError(msg)
class build_ext(_build_ext): # noqa: N801
class build_ext(_build_ext): # type: ignore[misc] # noqa: N801
Customized build_ext that allows an auto-search for the highest supported
C++ level for Pybind11Extension. This is only needed for the auto-search
for now, and is completely optional otherwise.
def build_extensions(self):
def build_extensions(self) -> None:
Build extensions, injecting C++ std for Pybind11Extension if needed.
for ext in self.extensions:
if hasattr(ext, "_cxx_level") and ext._cxx_level == 0:
# Python 2 syntax - old-style distutils class
ext.__class__.cxx_std.__set__(ext, auto_cpp_level(self.compiler))
ext.cxx_std = auto_cpp_level(self.compiler)
# Python 2 doesn't allow super here, since distutils uses old-style
# classes!
def naive_recompile(obj, src):
def intree_extensions(
paths: Iterable[str], package_dir: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
) -> List[Pybind11Extension]:
Generate Pybind11Extensions from source files directly located in a Python
source tree.
``package_dir`` behaves as in ``setuptools.setup``. If unset, the Python
package root parent is determined as the first parent directory that does
not contain an ``__init__.py`` file.
exts = []
if package_dir is None:
for path in paths:
parent, _ = os.path.split(path)
while os.path.exists(os.path.join(parent, "__init__.py")):
parent, _ = os.path.split(parent)
relname, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.relpath(path, parent))
qualified_name = relname.replace(os.path.sep, ".")
exts.append(Pybind11Extension(qualified_name, [path]))
return exts
for path in paths:
for prefix, parent in package_dir.items():
if path.startswith(parent):
relname, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.relpath(path, parent))
qualified_name = relname.replace(os.path.sep, ".")
if prefix:
qualified_name = prefix + "." + qualified_name
exts.append(Pybind11Extension(qualified_name, [path]))
msg = (
f"path {path} is not a child of any of the directories listed "
f"in 'package_dir' ({package_dir})"
raise ValueError(msg)
return exts
def naive_recompile(obj: str, src: str) -> bool:
This will recompile only if the source file changes. It does not check
header files, so a more advanced function or Ccache is better if you have
@ -303,7 +341,7 @@ def naive_recompile(obj, src):
return os.stat(obj).st_mtime < os.stat(src).st_mtime
def no_recompile(obg, src):
def no_recompile(obg: str, src: str) -> bool: # pylint: disable=unused-argument
This is the safest but slowest choice (and is the default) - will always
recompile sources.
@ -311,15 +349,33 @@ def no_recompile(obg, src):
return True
S = TypeVar("S", bound="ParallelCompile")
CCompilerMethod = Callable[
Optional[Union[Tuple[str], Tuple[str, Optional[str]]]],
# Optional parallel compile utility
# inspired by: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11013851/speeding-up-build-process-with-distutils
# and: https://github.com/tbenthompson/cppimport/blob/stable/cppimport/build_module.py
# and NumPy's parallel distutils module:
# https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/master/numpy/distutils/ccompiler.py
class ParallelCompile(object):
class ParallelCompile:
Make a parallel compile function. Inspired by
numpy.distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler_compile and cppimport.
numpy.distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler.compile and cppimport.
This takes several arguments that allow you to customize the compile
function created:
@ -354,35 +410,41 @@ class ParallelCompile(object):
__slots__ = ("envvar", "default", "max", "_old", "needs_recompile")
def __init__(self, envvar=None, default=0, max=0, needs_recompile=no_recompile):
def __init__(
envvar: Optional[str] = None,
default: int = 0,
max: int = 0, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
needs_recompile: Callable[[str, str], bool] = no_recompile,
) -> None:
self.envvar = envvar
self.default = default
self.max = max
self.needs_recompile = needs_recompile
self._old = []
self._old: List[CCompilerMethod] = []
def function(self):
def function(self) -> CCompilerMethod:
Builds a function object usable as distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler.compile.
def compile_function(
compiler: distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler,
sources: List[str],
output_dir: Optional[str] = None,
macros: Optional[Union[Tuple[str], Tuple[str, Optional[str]]]] = None,
include_dirs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
debug: bool = False,
extra_preargs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
extra_postargs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
depends: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> Any:
# These lines are directly from distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler
macros, objects, extra_postargs, pp_opts, build = compiler._setup_compile(
macros, objects, extra_postargs, pp_opts, build = compiler._setup_compile( # type: ignore[attr-defined]
output_dir, macros, include_dirs, sources, depends, extra_postargs
cc_args = compiler._get_cc_args(pp_opts, debug, extra_preargs)
cc_args = compiler._get_cc_args(pp_opts, debug, extra_preargs) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
# The number of threads; start with default.
threads = self.default
@ -391,17 +453,19 @@ class ParallelCompile(object):
if self.envvar is not None:
threads = int(os.environ.get(self.envvar, self.default))
def _single_compile(obj):
def _single_compile(obj: Any) -> None:
src, ext = build[obj]
except KeyError:
if not os.path.exists(obj) or self.needs_recompile(obj, src):
compiler._compile(obj, src, ext, cc_args, extra_postargs, pp_opts)
compiler._compile(obj, src, ext, cc_args, extra_postargs, pp_opts) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
import multiprocessing
# Importing .synchronize checks for platforms that have some multiprocessing
# capabilities but lack semaphores, such as AWS Lambda and Android Termux.
import multiprocessing.synchronize
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
except ImportError:
threads = 1
@ -414,8 +478,9 @@ class ParallelCompile(object):
threads = 1
if threads > 1:
for _ in ThreadPool(threads).imap_unordered(_single_compile, objects):
with ThreadPool(threads) as pool:
for _ in pool.imap_unordered(_single_compile, objects):
for ob in objects:
@ -424,13 +489,16 @@ class ParallelCompile(object):
return compile_function
def install(self):
distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler.compile = self.function()
def install(self: S) -> S:
Installs the compile function into distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler.compile.
distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler.compile = self.function() # type: ignore[assignment]
return self
def __enter__(self):
def __enter__(self: S) -> S:
return self.install()
def __exit__(self, *args):
distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler.compile = self._old.pop()
def __exit__(self, *args: Any) -> None:
distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler.compile = self._old.pop() # type: ignore[assignment]

View File

@ -1,3 +1,61 @@
requires = ["setuptools>=42", "wheel", "cmake>=3.18", "ninja"]
requires = ["setuptools>=42", "cmake>=3.18", "ninja"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
ignore = [
# Needs the compiled .so modules and env.py from tests
known_first_party = "env,pybind11_cross_module_tests,pybind11_tests,"
# For black compatibility
profile = "black"
files = ["pybind11"]
python_version = "3.6"
strict = true
show_error_codes = true
enable_error_code = ["ignore-without-code", "redundant-expr", "truthy-bool"]
warn_unreachable = true
module = ["ghapi.*", "setuptools.*"]
ignore_missing_imports = true
minversion = "6.0"
addopts = ["-ra", "--showlocals", "--strict-markers", "--strict-config"]
xfail_strict = true
filterwarnings = ["error"]
log_cli_level = "info"
testpaths = [
master.py-version = "3.6"
reports.output-format = "colorized"
messages_control.disable = [

View File

@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ classifiers =
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
Topic :: Utilities
Programming Language :: C++
Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
@ -30,42 +30,21 @@ keywords =
Python bindings
project_urls =
Documentation = https://pybind11.readthedocs.io/
Bug Tracker = https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/issues
Discussions = https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/discussions
Changelog = https://pybind11.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changelog.html
Chat = https://gitter.im/pybind/Lobby
python_requires = >=2.7, !=3.0, !=3.1, !=3.2, !=3.3, !=3.4
python_requires = >=3.6
zip_safe = False
ignore =
max-line-length = 99
max-line-length = 120
show_source = True
exclude = .git, __pycache__, build, dist, docs, tools, venv
ignore =
# required for pretty matrix formatting: multiple spaces after `,` and `[`
E201, E241, W504,
# camelcase 'cPickle' imported as lowercase 'pickle'
# Black conflict
W503, E203
files = pybind11
strict = True
extend-ignore = E203, E722, B903, B950
extend-select = B9

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Setup script for PyPI; use CMakeFile.txt to build extension modules
@ -10,87 +9,110 @@ import shutil
import string
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Union
import setuptools.command.sdist
DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
DIR = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
VERSION_REGEX = re.compile(
r"^\s*#\s*define\s+PYBIND11_VERSION_([A-Z]+)\s+(.*)$", re.MULTILINE
VERSION_FILE = Path("pybind11/_version.py")
COMMON_FILE = Path("include/pybind11/detail/common.h")
def build_expected_version_hex(matches: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
patch_level_serial = matches["PATCH"]
serial = None
major = int(matches["MAJOR"])
minor = int(matches["MINOR"])
flds = patch_level_serial.split(".")
if flds:
patch = int(flds[0])
if len(flds) == 1:
level = "0"
serial = 0
elif len(flds) == 2:
level_serial = flds[1]
for level in ("a", "b", "c", "dev"):
if level_serial.startswith(level):
serial = int(level_serial[len(level) :])
if serial is None:
msg = f'Invalid PYBIND11_VERSION_PATCH: "{patch_level_serial}"'
raise RuntimeError(msg)
version_hex_str = f"{major:02x}{minor:02x}{patch:02x}{level[:1]}{serial:x}"
return f"0x{version_hex_str.upper()}"
# PYBIND11_GLOBAL_SDIST will build a different sdist, with the python-headers
# files, and the sys.prefix files (CMake and headers).
global_sdist = os.environ.get("PYBIND11_GLOBAL_SDIST", False)
setup_py = "tools/setup_global.py.in" if global_sdist else "tools/setup_main.py.in"
setup_py = Path(
"tools/setup_global.py.in" if global_sdist else "tools/setup_main.py.in"
extra_cmd = 'cmdclass["sdist"] = SDist\n'
to_src = (
("pyproject.toml", "tools/pyproject.toml"),
("setup.py", setup_py),
(Path("pyproject.toml"), Path("tools/pyproject.toml")),
(Path("setup.py"), setup_py),
# Read the listed version
with open("pybind11/_version.py") as f:
code = compile(f.read(), "pybind11/_version.py", "exec")
loc = {}
loc: Dict[str, str] = {}
code = compile(VERSION_FILE.read_text(encoding="utf-8"), "pybind11/_version.py", "exec")
exec(code, loc)
version = loc["__version__"]
# Verify that the version matches the one in C++
with open("include/pybind11/detail/common.h") as f:
matches = dict(VERSION_REGEX.findall(f.read()))
matches = dict(VERSION_REGEX.findall(COMMON_FILE.read_text(encoding="utf8")))
cpp_version = "{MAJOR}.{MINOR}.{PATCH}".format(**matches)
if version != cpp_version:
msg = "Python version {} does not match C++ version {}!".format(
version, cpp_version
msg = f"Python version {version} does not match C++ version {cpp_version}!"
raise RuntimeError(msg)
version_hex = matches.get("HEX", "MISSING")
exp_version_hex = build_expected_version_hex(matches)
if version_hex != exp_version_hex:
msg = f"PYBIND11_VERSION_HEX {version_hex} does not match expected value {exp_version_hex}!"
raise RuntimeError(msg)
def get_and_replace(filename, binary=False, **opts):
with open(filename, "rb" if binary else "r") as f:
contents = f.read()
# Replacement has to be done on text in Python 3 (both work in Python 2)
# TODO: use literals & overload (typing extensions or Python 3.8)
def get_and_replace(
filename: Path, binary: bool = False, **opts: str
) -> Union[bytes, str]:
if binary:
contents = filename.read_bytes()
return string.Template(contents.decode()).substitute(opts).encode()
return string.Template(contents).substitute(opts)
return string.Template(filename.read_text()).substitute(opts)
# Use our input files instead when making the SDist (and anything that depends
# on it, like a wheel)
class SDist(setuptools.command.sdist.sdist):
def make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files):
setuptools.command.sdist.sdist.make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files)
class SDist(setuptools.command.sdist.sdist): # type: ignore[misc]
def make_release_tree(self, base_dir: str, files: List[str]) -> None:
super().make_release_tree(base_dir, files)
for to, src in to_src:
txt = get_and_replace(src, binary=True, version=version, extra_cmd="")
dest = os.path.join(base_dir, to)
dest = Path(base_dir) / to
# This is normally linked, so unlink before writing!
with open(dest, "wb") as f:
# Backport from Python 3
def TemporaryDirectory(): # noqa: N802
"Prepare a temporary directory, cleanup when done"
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
yield tmpdir
dest.write_bytes(txt) # type: ignore[arg-type]
# Remove the CMake install directory when done
def remove_output(*sources):
def remove_output(*sources: str) -> Iterator[None]:
@ -105,10 +127,23 @@ with remove_output("pybind11/include", "pybind11/share"):
cmake_opts = dict(cwd=DIR, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
subprocess.check_call(cmd, **cmake_opts)
subprocess.check_call(["cmake", "--install", tmpdir], **cmake_opts)
if "CMAKE_ARGS" in os.environ:
fcommand = [
for c in os.environ["CMAKE_ARGS"].split()
cmd += fcommand
subprocess.run(cmd, check=True, cwd=DIR, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
["cmake", "--install", tmpdir],
txt = get_and_replace(setup_py, version=version, extra_cmd=extra_cmd)
code = compile(txt, setup_py, "exec")

View File

@ -10,27 +10,34 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4)
# The `cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4...3.18)` syntax does not work with
# some versions of VS that have a patched CMake 3.11. This forces us to emulate
# the behavior using the following workaround:
cmake_policy(VERSION 3.18)
cmake_policy(VERSION 3.21)
# Only needed for CMake < 3.5 support
# Filter out items; print an optional message if any items filtered
# Filter out items; print an optional message if any items filtered. This ignores extensions.
# Usage:
# pybind11_filter_tests(LISTNAME file1.cpp file2.cpp ... MESSAGE "")
macro(pybind11_filter_tests LISTNAME)
cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "" "MESSAGE" "" ${ARGN})
# Make a list of the test without any extensions, for easier filtering.
set(_TMP_ACTUAL_LIST "${${LISTNAME}};") # enforce ';' at the end to allow matching last item.
list(FIND ${LISTNAME} ${filename} _FILE_FOUND)
string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.[^.]*$" "" filename_no_ext ${filename})
# Search in the list without extensions.
list(REMOVE_AT ${LISTNAME} ${_FILE_FOUND}) # And remove from the list with extensions.
)# And our search list, to ensure it is in sync.
@ -39,6 +46,26 @@ macro(PYBIND11_FILTER_TESTS LISTNAME)
foreach(VARNAME ${ARGN})
set("${VARNAME}" "")
# Function to add additional targets if any of the provided tests are found.
# Needles; Specifies the test names to look for.
# Additions; Specifies the additional test targets to add when any of the needles are found.
macro(tests_extra_targets needles additions)
# Add the index for this relation to the index extra targets map.
# Add the test names to look for, and the associated test target additions.
# New Python support
find_package(pybind11 REQUIRED CONFIG)
message(STATUS "Setting tests build type to MinSizeRel as none was specified")
@ -84,52 +111,67 @@ if(PYBIND11_CUDA_TESTS)
# Full set of test files (you can override these; see below)
# Full set of test files (you can override these; see below, overrides ignore extension)
# Any test that has no extension is both .py and .cpp, so 'foo' will add 'foo.cpp' and 'foo.py'.
# Any test that has an extension is exclusively that and handled as such.
# Invoking cmake with something like:
# cmake -DPYBIND11_TEST_OVERRIDE="test_callbacks.cpp;test_pickling.cpp" ..
# lets you override the tests that get compiled and run. You can restore to all tests with:
# Instead of doing a direct override here, we iterate over the overrides without extension and
# match them against entries from the PYBIND11_TEST_FILES, anything that not matches goes into the filter list.
string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.[^.;]*;" ";" TEST_FILES_NO_EXT "${PYBIND11_TEST_FILES};")
# This allows the override to be done with extensions, preserving backwards compatibility.
foreach(test_name ${TEST_FILES_NO_EXT})
)# If not in the whitelist, add to be filtered out.
list(APPEND PYBIND11_TEST_FILTER ${test_name})
# You can also filter tests:
@ -137,11 +179,6 @@ if(PYBIND11_TEST_FILTER)
pybind11_filter_tests(PYBIND11_TEST_FILES ${PYBIND11_TEST_FILTER})
pybind11_filter_tests(PYBIND11_TEST_FILES test_async.cpp MESSAGE
"Skipping test_async on Python 2")
# Skip tests for CUDA check:
# /pybind11/tests/test_constants_and_functions.cpp(125):
# error: incompatible exception specifications
@ -151,15 +188,47 @@ if(PYBIND11_CUDA_TESTS)
"Skipping test_constants_and_functions due to incompatible exception specifications")
# Now that the test filtering is complete, we need to split the list into the test for PYTEST
# and the list for the cpp targets.
foreach(test_name ${PYBIND11_TEST_FILES})
if(test_name MATCHES "\\.py$") # Ends in .py, purely python test.
list(APPEND PYBIND11_PYTEST_FILES ${test_name})
elseif(test_name MATCHES "\\.cpp$") # Ends in .cpp, purely cpp test.
list(APPEND PYBIND11_CPPTEST_FILES ${test_name})
elseif(NOT test_name MATCHES "\\.") # No extension specified, assume both, add extension.
list(APPEND PYBIND11_PYTEST_FILES ${test_name}.py)
list(APPEND PYBIND11_CPPTEST_FILES ${test_name}.cpp)
message(WARNING "Unhanded test extension in test: ${test_name}")
# Contains the set of test files that require pybind11_cross_module_tests to be
# built; if none of these are built (i.e. because TEST_OVERRIDE is used and
# doesn't include them) the second module doesn't get built.
set(PYBIND11_CROSS_MODULE_TESTS test_exceptions.py test_local_bindings.py test_stl.py
set(PYBIND11_CROSS_MODULE_GIL_TESTS test_gil_scoped.py)
# And add additional targets for other tests.
tests_extra_targets("test_exceptions.py" "cross_module_interleaved_error_already_set")
tests_extra_targets("test_gil_scoped.py" "cross_module_gil_utils")
CACHE STRING "Eigen repository to use for tests")
# Always use a hash for reconfigure speed and security reasons
# Include the version number for pretty printing (keep in sync)
CACHE STRING "Eigen version to use for tests, format: VERSION;HASH")
# Check if Eigen is available; if not, remove from PYBIND11_TEST_FILES (but
# keep it in PYBIND11_PYTEST_FILES, so that we get the "eigen is not installed"
@ -174,22 +243,26 @@ if(PYBIND11_TEST_FILES_EIGEN_I GREATER -1)
message(FATAL_ERROR "CMake 3.11+ required when using DOWNLOAD_EIGEN")
GIT_REPOSITORY https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen.git
message(STATUS "Downloading Eigen")
# When getting locally, the version is not visible from a superprojet,
# so just force it.
find_package(Eigen3 3.2.7 QUIET CONFIG)
@ -217,7 +290,8 @@ if(PYBIND11_TEST_FILES_EIGEN_I GREATER -1)
message(STATUS "Building tests with Eigen v${EIGEN3_VERSION}")
message(STATUS "Building tests WITHOUT Eigen, use -DDOWNLOAD_EIGEN on CMake 3.11+ to download")
STATUS "Building tests WITHOUT Eigen, use -DDOWNLOAD_EIGEN=ON on CMake 3.11+ to download")
@ -238,10 +312,47 @@ if(Boost_FOUND)
# Check if we need to add -lstdc++fs or -lc++fs or nothing
"#include <filesystem>\nint main(int argc, char ** argv) {\n std::filesystem::path p(argv[0]);\n return p.string().length();\n}"
set(STD_FS_LIB stdc++fs)
set(STD_FS_LIB c++fs)
set(STD_FS_LIB "")
message(WARNING "Unknown C++17 compiler - not passing -lstdc++fs")
set(STD_FS_LIB "")
# Compile with compiler warnings turned on
function(pybind11_enable_warnings target_name)
target_compile_options(${target_name} PRIVATE /W4)
target_compile_options(${target_name} PRIVATE /W4 /wd4189)
@ -259,40 +370,35 @@ function(pybind11_enable_warnings target_name)
target_compile_options(${target_name} PRIVATE /WX)
target_compile_options(${target_name} PRIVATE "SHELL:-Werror all-warnings")
target_compile_options(${target_name} PRIVATE -Werror)
# Needs to be readded since the ordering requires these to be after the ones above
target_compile_options(${target_name} PUBLIC -Wno-deprecated-register)
target_compile_options(${target_name} PUBLIC -Wno-register)
target_compile_options(${target_name} PRIVATE -Wno-conversion)
# "Inlining inhibited by limit max-size", "Inlining inhibited by limit max-total-size"
-diag-disable 11074,11076)
set(test_targets pybind11_tests)
# Build pybind11_cross_module_tests if any test_whatever.py are being built that require it
if(i GREATER -1)
list(APPEND test_targets pybind11_cross_module_tests)
if(i GREATER -1)
list(APPEND test_targets cross_module_gil_utils)
# Check if any tests need extra targets by iterating through the mappings registered.
foreach(needle ${PYBIND11_TEST_EXTRA_TARGETS_NEEDLES_${i}})
# Add all the additional targets to the test list. List join in newer cmake.
foreach(extra_target ${PYBIND11_TEST_EXTRA_TARGETS_ADDITION_${i}})
list(APPEND test_targets ${extra_target})
break() # Breaks out of the needle search, continues with the next mapping.
# Support CUDA testing by forcing the target file to compile with NVCC
@ -341,18 +447,31 @@ foreach(target ${test_targets})
target_compile_definitions(${target} PRIVATE -DPYBIND11_TEST_BOOST)
target_link_libraries(${target} PRIVATE ${STD_FS_LIB})
# Always write the output file directly into the 'tests' directory (even on MSVC)
set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY
string(TOUPPER ${config} config)
set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_${config}
string(TOUPPER ${config} config)
set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_${config}
# Provide nice organisation in IDEs
PREFIX "Header Files"
# Make sure pytest is found or produce a warning
pybind11_find_import(pytest VERSION 3.1)
@ -370,12 +489,17 @@ endif()
CACHE STRING "Put this before pytest, use for checkers and such")
# A single command to compile and run the tests
DEPENDS ${test_targets}
@ -386,6 +510,27 @@ if(PYBIND11_TEST_OVERRIDE)
"Note: not all tests run: -DPYBIND11_TEST_OVERRIDE is in effect")
# cmake-format: off
DEPENDS ${test_targets}
# cmake-format: on
# Add a check target to run all the tests, starting with pytest (we add dependencies to this below)
add_custom_target(check DEPENDS pytest)

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""pytest configuration
Extends output capture as needed by pybind11: ignore constructors, optional unordered lines.
Adds docstring and exceptions message sanitizers: ignore Python 2 vs 3 differences.
Adds docstring and exceptions message sanitizers.
import contextlib
@ -13,19 +12,14 @@ import textwrap
import pytest
import env
# Early diagnostic for failed imports
import pybind11_tests # noqa: F401
import pybind11_tests
_unicode_marker = re.compile(r"u(\'[^\']*\')")
_long_marker = re.compile(r"([0-9])L")
_hexadecimal = re.compile(r"0x[0-9a-fA-F]+")
# Avoid collecting Python3 only files
collect_ignore = []
if env.PY2:
def _strip_and_dedent(s):
@ -45,7 +39,7 @@ def _make_explanation(a, b):
class Output(object):
class Output:
"""Basic output post-processing and comparison"""
def __init__(self, string):
@ -83,7 +77,7 @@ class Unordered(Output):
return False
class Capture(object):
class Capture:
def __init__(self, capfd):
self.capfd = capfd
self.out = ""
@ -126,7 +120,7 @@ def capture(capsys):
return Capture(capsys)
class SanitizedString(object):
class SanitizedString:
def __init__(self, sanitizer):
self.sanitizer = sanitizer
self.string = ""
@ -149,9 +143,7 @@ class SanitizedString(object):
def _sanitize_general(s):
s = s.strip()
s = s.replace("pybind11_tests.", "m.")
s = s.replace("unicode", "str")
s = _long_marker.sub(r"\1", s)
s = _unicode_marker.sub(r"\1", s)
return s
@ -206,3 +198,16 @@ def gc_collect():
def pytest_configure():
pytest.suppress = suppress
pytest.gc_collect = gc_collect
def pytest_report_header(config):
del config # Unused.
assert (
pybind11_tests.compiler_info is not None
), "Please update pybind11_tests.cpp if this assert fails."
return (
"C++ Info:"
f" {pybind11_tests.compiler_info}"
f" {pybind11_tests.cpp_std}"
f" {pybind11_tests.PYBIND11_INTERNALS_ID}"

View File

@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ from the ConstructorStats instance `.values()` method.
In some cases, when you need to track instances of a C++ class not registered with pybind11, you
need to add a function returning the ConstructorStats for the C++ class; this can be done with:
m.def("get_special_cstats", &ConstructorStats::get<SpecialClass>, py::return_value_policy::reference)
m.def("get_special_cstats", &ConstructorStats::get<SpecialClass>,
Finally, you can suppress the output messages, but keep the constructor tracking (for
inspection/testing in python) by using the functions with `print_` replaced with `track_` (e.g.
@ -65,15 +66,18 @@ inspection/testing in python) by using the functions with `print_` replaced with
#include "pybind11_tests.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <list>
#include <typeindex>
#include <sstream>
#include <typeindex>
#include <unordered_map>
class ConstructorStats {
std::unordered_map<void*, int> _instances; // Need a map rather than set because members can shared address with parents
std::list<std::string> _values; // Used to track values (e.g. of value constructors)
std::unordered_map<void *, int> _instances; // Need a map rather than set because members can
// shared address with parents
std::list<std::string> _values; // Used to track values
// (e.g. of value constructors)
int default_constructions = 0;
int copy_constructions = 0;
@ -96,26 +100,26 @@ public:
void created(void *inst) {
void created(void *inst) { ++_instances[inst]; }
void destroyed(void *inst) {
if (--_instances[inst] < 0)
if (--_instances[inst] < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("cstats.destroyed() called with unknown "
"instance; potential double-destruction "
"or a missing cstats.created()");
static void gc() {
// Force garbage collection to ensure any pending destructors are invoked:
#if defined(PYPY_VERSION)
PyObject *globals = PyEval_GetGlobals();
PyObject *result = PyRun_String(
"import gc\n"
"for i in range(2):"
" gc.collect()\n",
Py_file_input, globals, globals);
PyObject *result = PyRun_String("import gc\n"
"for i in range(2):\n"
" gc.collect()\n",
if (result == nullptr)
throw py::error_already_set();
@ -127,15 +131,18 @@ public:
int alive() {
int total = 0;
for (const auto &p : _instances)
if (p.second > 0)
for (const auto &p : _instances) {
if (p.second > 0) {
total += p.second;
return total;
void value() {} // Recursion terminator
// Takes one or more values, converts them to strings, then stores them.
template <typename T, typename... Tmore> void value(const T &v, Tmore &&...args) {
template <typename T, typename... Tmore>
void value(const T &v, Tmore &&...args) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << v;
@ -145,19 +152,22 @@ public:
// Move out stored values
py::list values() {
py::list l;
for (const auto &v : _values) l.append(py::cast(v));
for (const auto &v : _values) {
return l;
// Gets constructor stats from a C++ type index
static ConstructorStats& get(std::type_index type) {
static ConstructorStats &get(std::type_index type) {
static std::unordered_map<std::type_index, ConstructorStats> all_cstats;
return all_cstats[type];
// Gets constructor stats from a C++ type
template <typename T> static ConstructorStats& get() {
template <typename T>
static ConstructorStats &get() {
#if defined(PYPY_VERSION)
@ -165,11 +175,12 @@ public:
// Gets constructor stats from a Python class
static ConstructorStats& get(py::object class_) {
static ConstructorStats &get(py::object class_) {
auto &internals = py::detail::get_internals();
const std::type_index *t1 = nullptr, *t2 = nullptr;
try {
auto *type_info = internals.registered_types_py.at((PyTypeObject *) class_.ptr()).at(0);
auto *type_info
= internals.registered_types_py.at((PyTypeObject *) class_.ptr()).at(0);
for (auto &p : internals.registered_types_cpp) {
if (p.second == type_info) {
if (t1) {
@ -179,17 +190,23 @@ public:
t1 = &p.first;
} catch (const std::out_of_range &) {
if (!t1) {
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown class passed to ConstructorStats::get()");
catch (const std::out_of_range&) {}
if (!t1) throw std::runtime_error("Unknown class passed to ConstructorStats::get()");
auto &cs1 = get(*t1);
// If we have both a t1 and t2 match, one is probably the trampoline class; return whichever
// has more constructions (typically one or the other will be 0)
// If we have both a t1 and t2 match, one is probably the trampoline class; return
// whichever has more constructions (typically one or the other will be 0)
if (t2) {
auto &cs2 = get(*t2);
int cs1_total = cs1.default_constructions + cs1.copy_constructions + cs1.move_constructions + (int) cs1._values.size();
int cs2_total = cs2.default_constructions + cs2.copy_constructions + cs2.move_constructions + (int) cs2._values.size();
if (cs2_total > cs1_total) return cs2;
int cs1_total = cs1.default_constructions + cs1.copy_constructions
+ cs1.move_constructions + (int) cs1._values.size();
int cs2_total = cs2.default_constructions + cs2.copy_constructions
+ cs2.move_constructions + (int) cs2._values.size();
if (cs2_total > cs1_total) {
return cs2;
return cs1;
@ -198,78 +215,108 @@ public:
// To track construction/destruction, you need to call these methods from the various
// constructors/operators. The ones that take extra values record the given values in the
// constructor stats values for later inspection.
template <class T> void track_copy_created(T *inst) { ConstructorStats::get<T>().copy_created(inst); }
template <class T> void track_move_created(T *inst) { ConstructorStats::get<T>().move_created(inst); }
template <class T, typename... Values> void track_copy_assigned(T *, Values &&...values) {
template <class T>
void track_copy_created(T *inst) {
template <class T>
void track_move_created(T *inst) {
template <class T, typename... Values>
void track_copy_assigned(T *, Values &&...values) {
auto &cst = ConstructorStats::get<T>();
template <class T, typename... Values> void track_move_assigned(T *, Values &&...values) {
template <class T, typename... Values>
void track_move_assigned(T *, Values &&...values) {
auto &cst = ConstructorStats::get<T>();
template <class T, typename... Values> void track_default_created(T *inst, Values &&...values) {
template <class T, typename... Values>
void track_default_created(T *inst, Values &&...values) {
auto &cst = ConstructorStats::get<T>();
template <class T, typename... Values> void track_created(T *inst, Values &&...values) {
template <class T, typename... Values>
void track_created(T *inst, Values &&...values) {
auto &cst = ConstructorStats::get<T>();
template <class T, typename... Values> void track_destroyed(T *inst) {
template <class T, typename... Values>
void track_destroyed(T *inst) {
template <class T, typename... Values> void track_values(T *, Values &&...values) {
template <class T, typename... Values>
void track_values(T *, Values &&...values) {
/// Don't cast pointers to Python, print them as strings
inline const char *format_ptrs(const char *p) { return p; }
template <typename T>
py::str format_ptrs(T *p) { return "{:#x}"_s.format(reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(p)); }
py::str format_ptrs(T *p) {
return "{:#x}"_s.format(reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(p));
template <typename T>
auto format_ptrs(T &&x) -> decltype(std::forward<T>(x)) { return std::forward<T>(x); }
auto format_ptrs(T &&x) -> decltype(std::forward<T>(x)) {
return std::forward<T>(x);
template <class T, typename... Output>
void print_constr_details(T *inst, const std::string &action, Output &&...output) {
py::print("###", py::type_id<T>(), "@", format_ptrs(inst), action,
// Verbose versions of the above:
template <class T, typename... Values> void print_copy_created(T *inst, Values &&...values) { // NB: this prints, but doesn't store, given values
template <class T, typename... Values>
void print_copy_created(T *inst,
Values &&...values) { // NB: this prints, but doesn't store, given values
print_constr_details(inst, "created via copy constructor", values...);
template <class T, typename... Values> void print_move_created(T *inst, Values &&...values) { // NB: this prints, but doesn't store, given values
template <class T, typename... Values>
void print_move_created(T *inst,
Values &&...values) { // NB: this prints, but doesn't store, given values
print_constr_details(inst, "created via move constructor", values...);
template <class T, typename... Values> void print_copy_assigned(T *inst, Values &&...values) {
template <class T, typename... Values>
void print_copy_assigned(T *inst, Values &&...values) {
print_constr_details(inst, "assigned via copy assignment", values...);
track_copy_assigned(inst, values...);
template <class T, typename... Values> void print_move_assigned(T *inst, Values &&...values) {
template <class T, typename... Values>
void print_move_assigned(T *inst, Values &&...values) {
print_constr_details(inst, "assigned via move assignment", values...);
track_move_assigned(inst, values...);
template <class T, typename... Values> void print_default_created(T *inst, Values &&...values) {
template <class T, typename... Values>
void print_default_created(T *inst, Values &&...values) {
print_constr_details(inst, "created via default constructor", values...);
track_default_created(inst, values...);
template <class T, typename... Values> void print_created(T *inst, Values &&...values) {
template <class T, typename... Values>
void print_created(T *inst, Values &&...values) {
print_constr_details(inst, "created", values...);
track_created(inst, values...);
template <class T, typename... Values> void print_destroyed(T *inst, Values &&...values) { // Prints but doesn't store given values
template <class T, typename... Values>
void print_destroyed(T *inst, Values &&...values) { // Prints but doesn't store given values
print_constr_details(inst, "destroyed", values...);
template <class T, typename... Values> void print_values(T *inst, Values &&...values) {
template <class T, typename... Values>
void print_values(T *inst, Values &&...values) {
print_constr_details(inst, ":", values...);
track_values(inst, values...);

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <cstdint>
// This file mimics a DSO that makes pybind11 calls but does not define a
@ -24,50 +25,21 @@ void gil_acquire() { py::gil_scoped_acquire gil; }
constexpr char kModuleName[] = "cross_module_gil_utils";
struct PyModuleDef moduledef = {
PyMethodDef module_methods[] = {
PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, kModuleName, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr};
} // namespace
} // namespace
extern "C" PYBIND11_EXPORT
PyObject* PyInit_cross_module_gil_utils()
void initcross_module_gil_utils()
extern "C" PYBIND11_EXPORT PyObject *PyInit_cross_module_gil_utils() {
PyObject* m =
Py_InitModule(kModuleName, module_methods);
PyObject *m = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
if (m != NULL) {
sizeof(&gil_acquire) == sizeof(void*),
"Function pointer must have the same size as void*");
PyModule_AddObject(m, "gil_acquire_funcaddr",
if (m != nullptr) {
static_assert(sizeof(&gil_acquire) == sizeof(void *),
"Function pointer must have the same size as void*");
m, "gil_acquire_funcaddr", PyLong_FromVoidPtr(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&gil_acquire)));
return m;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Google LLC
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
// This file mimics a DSO that makes pybind11 calls but does not define a PYBIND11_MODULE,
// so that the first call of cross_module_error_already_set() triggers the first call of
// pybind11::detail::get_internals().
namespace {
namespace py = pybind11;
void interleaved_error_already_set() {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "1st error.");
try {
throw py::error_already_set();
} catch (const py::error_already_set &) {
// The 2nd error could be conditional in a real application.
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "2nd error.");
} // Here the 1st error is destroyed before the 2nd error is fetched.
// The error_already_set dtor triggers a pybind11::detail::get_internals()
// call via pybind11::gil_scoped_acquire.
if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
throw py::error_already_set();
constexpr char kModuleName[] = "cross_module_interleaved_error_already_set";
struct PyModuleDef moduledef = {
PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, kModuleName, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr};
} // namespace
extern "C" PYBIND11_EXPORT PyObject *PyInit_cross_module_interleaved_error_already_set() {
PyObject *m = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);
if (m != nullptr) {
static_assert(sizeof(&interleaved_error_already_set) == sizeof(void *),
"Function pointer must have the same size as void *");
PyLong_FromVoidPtr(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&interleaved_error_already_set)));
return m;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import platform
import sys
import pytest
LINUX = sys.platform.startswith("linux")
MACOS = sys.platform.startswith("darwin")
WIN = sys.platform.startswith("win32") or sys.platform.startswith("cygwin")
@ -9,6 +10,19 @@ WIN = sys.platform.startswith("win32") or sys.platform.startswith("cygwin")
CPYTHON = platform.python_implementation() == "CPython"
PYPY = platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy"
PY2 = sys.version_info.major == 2
PY = sys.version_info
def deprecated_call():
pytest.deprecated_call() seems broken in pytest<3.9.x; concretely, it
doesn't work on CPython 3.8.0 with pytest==3.3.2 on Ubuntu 18.04 (#2922).
This is a narrowed reimplementation of the following PR :(
# TODO: Remove this when testing requires pytest>=3.9.
pieces = pytest.__version__.split(".")
pytest_major_minor = (int(pieces[0]), int(pieces[1]))
if pytest_major_minor < (3, 9):
return pytest.warns((DeprecationWarning, PendingDeprecationWarning))
return pytest.deprecated_call()

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import contextlib
import os
import string
@ -13,6 +12,16 @@ import zipfile
DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
MAIN_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(DIR))
Name: pybind11
Description: Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
Version: {VERSION}
Cflags: -I${{includedir}}
main_headers = {
@ -25,6 +34,7 @@ main_headers = {
@ -41,9 +51,14 @@ detail_headers = {
stl_headers = {
cmake_files = {
@ -54,19 +69,21 @@ cmake_files = {
pkgconfig_files = {
py_files = {
headers = main_headers | detail_headers
src_files = headers | cmake_files
headers = main_headers | detail_headers | stl_headers
src_files = headers | cmake_files | pkgconfig_files
all_files = src_files | py_files
@ -75,9 +92,11 @@ sdist_files = {
@ -97,105 +116,106 @@ local_sdist_files = {
def read_tz_file(tar: tarfile.TarFile, name: str) -> bytes:
start = tar.getnames()[0] + "/"
inner_file = tar.extractfile(tar.getmember(f"{start}{name}"))
assert inner_file
with contextlib.closing(inner_file) as f:
return f.read()
def normalize_line_endings(value: bytes) -> bytes:
return value.replace(os.linesep.encode("utf-8"), b"\n")
def test_build_sdist(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
out = subprocess.check_output(
[sys.executable, "-m", "build", "--sdist", f"--outdir={tmpdir}"], check=True
if hasattr(out, "decode"):
out = out.decode()
(sdist,) = tmpdir.visit("*.tar")
(sdist,) = tmpdir.visit("*.tar.gz")
with tarfile.open(str(sdist)) as tar:
with tarfile.open(str(sdist), "r:gz") as tar:
start = tar.getnames()[0] + "/"
version = start[9:-1]
simpler = set(n.split("/", 1)[-1] for n in tar.getnames()[1:])
simpler = {n.split("/", 1)[-1] for n in tar.getnames()[1:]}
with contextlib.closing(
tar.extractfile(tar.getmember(start + "setup.py"))
) as f:
setup_py = f.read()
setup_py = read_tz_file(tar, "setup.py")
pyproject_toml = read_tz_file(tar, "pyproject.toml")
pkgconfig = read_tz_file(tar, "pybind11/share/pkgconfig/pybind11.pc")
cmake_cfg = read_tz_file(
tar, "pybind11/share/cmake/pybind11/pybind11Config.cmake"
with contextlib.closing(
tar.extractfile(tar.getmember(start + "pyproject.toml"))
) as f:
pyproject_toml = f.read()
assert (
'set(pybind11_INCLUDE_DIR "${PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR}/include")'
in cmake_cfg.decode("utf-8")
files = set("pybind11/{}".format(n) for n in all_files)
files = {f"pybind11/{n}" for n in all_files}
files |= sdist_files
files |= set("pybind11{}".format(n) for n in local_sdist_files)
files |= {f"pybind11{n}" for n in local_sdist_files}
assert simpler == files
with open(os.path.join(MAIN_DIR, "tools", "setup_main.py.in"), "rb") as f:
contents = (
.substitute(version=version, extra_cmd="")
assert setup_py == contents
assert setup_py == contents
with open(os.path.join(MAIN_DIR, "tools", "pyproject.toml"), "rb") as f:
contents = f.read()
assert pyproject_toml == contents
assert pyproject_toml == contents
simple_version = ".".join(version.split(".")[:3])
pkgconfig_expected = PKGCONFIG.format(VERSION=simple_version).encode("utf-8")
assert normalize_line_endings(pkgconfig) == pkgconfig_expected
def test_build_global_dist(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
monkeypatch.setenv("PYBIND11_GLOBAL_SDIST", "1")
out = subprocess.check_output(
[sys.executable, "-m", "build", "--sdist", "--outdir", str(tmpdir)], check=True
if hasattr(out, "decode"):
out = out.decode()
(sdist,) = tmpdir.visit("*.tar")
(sdist,) = tmpdir.visit("*.tar.gz")
with tarfile.open(str(sdist)) as tar:
with tarfile.open(str(sdist), "r:gz") as tar:
start = tar.getnames()[0] + "/"
version = start[16:-1]
simpler = set(n.split("/", 1)[-1] for n in tar.getnames()[1:])
simpler = {n.split("/", 1)[-1] for n in tar.getnames()[1:]}
with contextlib.closing(
tar.extractfile(tar.getmember(start + "setup.py"))
) as f:
setup_py = f.read()
setup_py = read_tz_file(tar, "setup.py")
pyproject_toml = read_tz_file(tar, "pyproject.toml")
pkgconfig = read_tz_file(tar, "pybind11/share/pkgconfig/pybind11.pc")
cmake_cfg = read_tz_file(
tar, "pybind11/share/cmake/pybind11/pybind11Config.cmake"
with contextlib.closing(
tar.extractfile(tar.getmember(start + "pyproject.toml"))
) as f:
pyproject_toml = f.read()
assert (
'set(pybind11_INCLUDE_DIR "${PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR}/include")'
in cmake_cfg.decode("utf-8")
files = set("pybind11/{}".format(n) for n in all_files)
files = {f"pybind11/{n}" for n in all_files}
files |= sdist_files
files |= set("pybind11_global{}".format(n) for n in local_sdist_files)
files |= {f"pybind11_global{n}" for n in local_sdist_files}
assert simpler == files
with open(os.path.join(MAIN_DIR, "tools", "setup_global.py.in"), "rb") as f:
contents = (
.substitute(version=version, extra_cmd="")
assert setup_py == contents
@ -203,17 +223,21 @@ def test_build_global_dist(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
contents = f.read()
assert pyproject_toml == contents
simple_version = ".".join(version.split(".")[:3])
pkgconfig_expected = PKGCONFIG.format(VERSION=simple_version).encode("utf-8")
assert normalize_line_endings(pkgconfig) == pkgconfig_expected
def tests_build_wheel(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
[sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "wheel", ".", "-w", str(tmpdir)]
[sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "wheel", ".", "-w", str(tmpdir)], check=True
(wheel,) = tmpdir.visit("*.whl")
files = set("pybind11/{}".format(n) for n in all_files)
files = {f"pybind11/{n}" for n in all_files}
files |= {
@ -226,10 +250,8 @@ def tests_build_wheel(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
with zipfile.ZipFile(str(wheel)) as z:
names = z.namelist()
trimmed = set(n for n in names if "dist-info" not in n)
trimmed |= set(
"dist-info/{}".format(n.split("/", 1)[-1]) for n in names if "dist-info" in n
trimmed = {n for n in names if "dist-info" not in n}
trimmed |= {f"dist-info/{n.split('/', 1)[-1]}" for n in names if "dist-info" in n}
assert files == trimmed
@ -237,14 +259,14 @@ def tests_build_global_wheel(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
monkeypatch.setenv("PYBIND11_GLOBAL_SDIST", "1")
[sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "wheel", ".", "-w", str(tmpdir)]
[sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "wheel", ".", "-w", str(tmpdir)], check=True
(wheel,) = tmpdir.visit("*.whl")
files = set("data/data/{}".format(n) for n in src_files)
files |= set("data/headers/{}".format(n[8:]) for n in headers)
files = {f"data/data/{n}" for n in src_files}
files |= {f"data/headers/{n[8:]}" for n in headers}
files |= {
@ -257,6 +279,6 @@ def tests_build_global_wheel(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
names = z.namelist()
beginning = names[0].split("/", 1)[0].rsplit(".", 1)[0]
trimmed = set(n[len(beginning) + 1 :] for n in names)
trimmed = {n[len(beginning) + 1 :] for n in names}
assert files == trimmed

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import sys
from textwrap import dedent
import pytest
DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
MAIN_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(DIR))
WIN = sys.platform.startswith("win32") or sys.platform.startswith("cygwin")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("parallel", [False, True])
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def test_simple_setup_py(monkeypatch, tmpdir, parallel, std):
(tmpdir / "setup.py").write_text(
import sys
@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ def test_simple_setup_py(monkeypatch, tmpdir, parallel, std):
).format(MAIN_DIR=MAIN_DIR, std=std, parallel=parallel),
(tmpdir / "main.cpp").write_text(
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
int f(int x) {
@ -71,13 +71,20 @@ def test_simple_setup_py(monkeypatch, tmpdir, parallel, std):
out = subprocess.check_output(
[sys.executable, "setup.py", "build_ext", "--inplace"],
if not WIN:
assert b"-g0" in out
out = subprocess.check_output(
[sys.executable, "setup.py", "build_ext", "--inplace", "--force"],
env=dict(os.environ, CFLAGS="-g"),
if not WIN:
assert b"-g0" not in out
# Debug helper printout, normally hidden
for item in tmpdir.listdir():
@ -88,7 +95,7 @@ def test_simple_setup_py(monkeypatch, tmpdir, parallel, std):
(tmpdir / "test.py").write_text(
import simple_setup
assert simple_setup.f(3) == 9
@ -99,3 +106,46 @@ def test_simple_setup_py(monkeypatch, tmpdir, parallel, std):
[sys.executable, "test.py"], stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr
def test_intree_extensions(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
from pybind11.setup_helpers import intree_extensions
root = tmpdir
subdir = root / "dir"
src = subdir / "ext.cpp"
relpath = src.relto(tmpdir)
(ext,) = intree_extensions([relpath])
assert ext.name == "ext"
(ext,) = intree_extensions([relpath])
assert ext.name == "dir.ext"
def test_intree_extensions_package_dir(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
from pybind11.setup_helpers import intree_extensions
root = tmpdir / "src"
subdir = root / "dir"
src = subdir / "ext.cpp"
(ext,) = intree_extensions([src.relto(tmpdir)], package_dir={"": "src"})
assert ext.name == "dir.ext"
(ext,) = intree_extensions([src.relto(tmpdir)], package_dir={"foo": "src"})
assert ext.name == "foo.dir.ext"
(ext,) = intree_extensions([src.relto(tmpdir)], package_dir={"": "src"})
assert ext.name == "dir.ext"
(ext,) = intree_extensions([src.relto(tmpdir)], package_dir={"foo": "src"})
assert ext.name == "foo.dir.ext"

View File

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
#pragma once
#include "pybind11_tests.h"
#include <utility>
/// Simple class used to test py::local:
template <int> class LocalBase {
template <int>
class LocalBase {
LocalBase(int i) : i(i) { }
explicit LocalBase(int i) : i(i) {}
int i = -1;
@ -33,32 +36,57 @@ using NonLocalVec2 = std::vector<NonLocal2>;
using NonLocalMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, NonLocalType>;
using NonLocalMap2 = std::unordered_map<std::string, uint8_t>;
// Exception that will be caught via the module local translator.
class LocalException : public std::exception {
explicit LocalException(const char *m) : message{m} {}
const char *what() const noexcept override { return message.c_str(); }
std::string message = "";
// Exception that will be registered with register_local_exception_translator
class LocalSimpleException : public std::exception {
explicit LocalSimpleException(const char *m) : message{m} {}
const char *what() const noexcept override { return message.c_str(); }
std::string message = "";
//PYBIND11_MAKE_OPAQUE(NonLocalVec2); // same type as LocalVec2
// PYBIND11_MAKE_OPAQUE(NonLocalVec2); // same type as LocalVec2
// Simple bindings (used with the above):
template <typename T, int Adjust = 0, typename... Args>
py::class_<T> bind_local(Args && ...args) {
return py::class_<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
.def("get", [](T &i) { return i.i + Adjust; });
py::class_<T> bind_local(Args &&...args) {
return py::class_<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...).def(py::init<int>()).def("get", [](T &i) {
return i.i + Adjust;
// Simulate a foreign library base class (to match the example in the docs):
namespace pets {
class Pet {
Pet(std::string name) : name_(name) {}
explicit Pet(std::string name) : name_(std::move(name)) {}
std::string name_;
const std::string &name() { return name_; }
const std::string &name() const { return name_; }
} // namespace pets
struct MixGL { int i; MixGL(int i) : i{i} {} };
struct MixGL2 { int i; MixGL2(int i) : i{i} {} };
struct MixGL {
int i;
explicit MixGL(int i) : i{i} {}
struct MixGL2 {
int i;
explicit MixGL2(int i) : i{i} {}

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#if !defined(__OBJECT_H)
#define __OBJECT_H
# define __OBJECT_H
#include <atomic>
#include "constructor_stats.h"
# include "constructor_stats.h"
# include <atomic>
/// Reference counted object base class
class Object {
@ -27,20 +28,23 @@ public:
void decRef(bool dealloc = true) const {
if (m_refCount == 0 && dealloc)
if (m_refCount == 0 && dealloc) {
delete this;
else if (m_refCount < 0)
} else if (m_refCount < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("Internal error: reference count < 0!");
virtual std::string toString() const = 0;
/** \brief Virtual protected deconstructor.
* (Will only be called by \ref ref)
virtual ~Object() { print_destroyed(this); }
mutable std::atomic<int> m_refCount { 0 };
mutable std::atomic<int> m_refCount{0};
// Tag class used to track constructions of ref objects. When we track constructors, below, we
@ -59,80 +63,105 @@ class ref_tag {};
* \ingroup libcore
template <typename T> class ref {
template <typename T>
class ref {
/// Create a nullptr reference
ref() : m_ptr(nullptr) { print_default_created(this); track_default_created((ref_tag*) this); }
ref() : m_ptr(nullptr) {
track_default_created((ref_tag *) this);
/// Construct a reference from a pointer
ref(T *ptr) : m_ptr(ptr) {
if (m_ptr) ((Object *) m_ptr)->incRef();
print_created(this, "from pointer", m_ptr); track_created((ref_tag*) this, "from pointer");
explicit ref(T *ptr) : m_ptr(ptr) {
if (m_ptr) {
((Object *) m_ptr)->incRef();
print_created(this, "from pointer", m_ptr);
track_created((ref_tag *) this, "from pointer");
/// Copy constructor
ref(const ref &r) : m_ptr(r.m_ptr) {
if (m_ptr)
if (m_ptr) {
((Object *) m_ptr)->incRef();
print_copy_created(this, "with pointer", m_ptr); track_copy_created((ref_tag*) this);
print_copy_created(this, "with pointer", m_ptr);
track_copy_created((ref_tag *) this);
/// Move constructor
ref(ref &&r) : m_ptr(r.m_ptr) {
ref(ref &&r) noexcept : m_ptr(r.m_ptr) {
r.m_ptr = nullptr;
print_move_created(this, "with pointer", m_ptr); track_move_created((ref_tag*) this);
print_move_created(this, "with pointer", m_ptr);
track_move_created((ref_tag *) this);
/// Destroy this reference
~ref() {
if (m_ptr)
if (m_ptr) {
((Object *) m_ptr)->decRef();
print_destroyed(this); track_destroyed((ref_tag*) this);
track_destroyed((ref_tag *) this);
/// Move another reference into the current one
ref& operator=(ref&& r) {
print_move_assigned(this, "pointer", r.m_ptr); track_move_assigned((ref_tag*) this);
ref &operator=(ref &&r) noexcept {
print_move_assigned(this, "pointer", r.m_ptr);
track_move_assigned((ref_tag *) this);
if (*this == r)
if (*this == r) {
return *this;
if (m_ptr)
if (m_ptr) {
((Object *) m_ptr)->decRef();
m_ptr = r.m_ptr;
r.m_ptr = nullptr;
return *this;
/// Overwrite this reference with another reference
ref& operator=(const ref& r) {
print_copy_assigned(this, "pointer", r.m_ptr); track_copy_assigned((ref_tag*) this);
if (m_ptr == r.m_ptr)
ref &operator=(const ref &r) {
if (this == &r) {
return *this;
if (m_ptr)
print_copy_assigned(this, "pointer", r.m_ptr);
track_copy_assigned((ref_tag *) this);
if (m_ptr == r.m_ptr) {
return *this;
if (m_ptr) {
((Object *) m_ptr)->decRef();
m_ptr = r.m_ptr;
if (m_ptr)
if (m_ptr) {
((Object *) m_ptr)->incRef();
return *this;
/// Overwrite this reference with a pointer to another object
ref& operator=(T *ptr) {
print_values(this, "assigned pointer"); track_values((ref_tag*) this, "assigned pointer");
ref &operator=(T *ptr) {
print_values(this, "assigned pointer");
track_values((ref_tag *) this, "assigned pointer");
if (m_ptr == ptr)
if (m_ptr == ptr) {
return *this;
if (m_ptr)
if (m_ptr) {
((Object *) m_ptr)->decRef();
m_ptr = ptr;
if (m_ptr)
if (m_ptr) {
((Object *) m_ptr)->incRef();
return *this;
@ -143,31 +172,32 @@ public:
bool operator!=(const ref &r) const { return m_ptr != r.m_ptr; }
/// Compare this reference with a pointer
bool operator==(const T* ptr) const { return m_ptr == ptr; }
bool operator==(const T *ptr) const { return m_ptr == ptr; }
/// Compare this reference with a pointer
bool operator!=(const T* ptr) const { return m_ptr != ptr; }
bool operator!=(const T *ptr) const { return m_ptr != ptr; }
/// Access the object referenced by this reference
T* operator->() { return m_ptr; }
T *operator->() { return m_ptr; }
/// Access the object referenced by this reference
const T* operator->() const { return m_ptr; }
const T *operator->() const { return m_ptr; }
/// Return a C++ reference to the referenced object
T& operator*() { return *m_ptr; }
T &operator*() { return *m_ptr; }
/// Return a const C++ reference to the referenced object
const T& operator*() const { return *m_ptr; }
const T &operator*() const { return *m_ptr; }
/// Return a pointer to the referenced object
operator T* () { return m_ptr; }
explicit operator T *() { return m_ptr; }
/// Return a const pointer to the referenced object
T* get_ptr() { return m_ptr; }
T *get_ptr() { return m_ptr; }
/// Return a pointer to the referenced object
const T* get_ptr() const { return m_ptr; }
const T *get_ptr() const { return m_ptr; }
T *m_ptr;

View File

@ -7,10 +7,14 @@
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "pybind11_tests.h"
#include "local_bindings.h"
#include <pybind11/stl_bind.h>
#include "local_bindings.h"
#include "pybind11_tests.h"
#include "test_exceptions.h"
#include <numeric>
#include <utility>
PYBIND11_MODULE(pybind11_cross_module_tests, m) {
m.doc() = "pybind11 cross-module test module";
@ -25,17 +29,46 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(pybind11_cross_module_tests, m) {
bind_local<ExternalType2>(m, "ExternalType2", py::module_local());
// test_exceptions.py
m.def("raise_runtime_error", []() { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "My runtime error"); throw py::error_already_set(); });
m.def("raise_value_error", []() { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "My value error"); throw py::error_already_set(); });
py::register_local_exception<LocalSimpleException>(m, "LocalSimpleException");
m.def("raise_runtime_error", []() {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "My runtime error");
throw py::error_already_set();
m.def("raise_value_error", []() {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "My value error");
throw py::error_already_set();
m.def("throw_pybind_value_error", []() { throw py::value_error("pybind11 value error"); });
m.def("throw_pybind_type_error", []() { throw py::type_error("pybind11 type error"); });
m.def("throw_stop_iteration", []() { throw py::stop_iteration(); });
m.def("throw_local_error", []() { throw LocalException("just local"); });
m.def("throw_local_simple_error", []() { throw LocalSimpleException("external mod"); });
py::register_exception_translator([](std::exception_ptr p) {
try {
if (p) {
} catch (const shared_exception &e) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, e.what());
// translate the local exception into a key error but only in this module
py::register_local_exception_translator([](std::exception_ptr p) {
try {
if (p) {
} catch (const LocalException &e) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, e.what());
// test_local_bindings.py
// Local to both:
bind_local<LocalType, 1>(m, "LocalType", py::module_local())
.def("get2", [](LocalType &t) { return t.i + 2; })
bind_local<LocalType, 1>(m, "LocalType", py::module_local()).def("get2", [](LocalType &t) {
return t.i + 2;
// Can only be called with our python type:
m.def("local_value", [](LocalType &l) { return l.i; });
@ -43,9 +76,7 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(pybind11_cross_module_tests, m) {
// test_nonlocal_failure
// This registration will fail (global registration when LocalFail is already registered
// globally in the main test module):
m.def("register_nonlocal", [m]() {
bind_local<NonLocalType, 0>(m, "NonLocalType");
m.def("register_nonlocal", [m]() { bind_local<NonLocalType, 0>(m, "NonLocalType"); });
// test_stl_bind_local
// stl_bind.h binders defaults to py::module_local if the types are local or converting:
@ -55,27 +86,21 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(pybind11_cross_module_tests, m) {
// test_stl_bind_global
// and global if the type (or one of the types, for the map) is global (so these will fail,
// assuming pybind11_tests is already loaded):
m.def("register_nonlocal_vec", [m]() {
py::bind_vector<NonLocalVec>(m, "NonLocalVec");
m.def("register_nonlocal_map", [m]() {
py::bind_map<NonLocalMap>(m, "NonLocalMap");
m.def("register_nonlocal_vec", [m]() { py::bind_vector<NonLocalVec>(m, "NonLocalVec"); });
m.def("register_nonlocal_map", [m]() { py::bind_map<NonLocalMap>(m, "NonLocalMap"); });
// The default can, however, be overridden to global using `py::module_local()` or
// `py::module_local(false)`.
// Explicitly made local:
py::bind_vector<NonLocalVec2>(m, "NonLocalVec2", py::module_local());
// Explicitly made global (and so will fail to bind):
m.def("register_nonlocal_map2", [m]() {
py::bind_map<NonLocalMap2>(m, "NonLocalMap2", py::module_local(false));
[m]() { py::bind_map<NonLocalMap2>(m, "NonLocalMap2", py::module_local(false)); });
// test_mixed_local_global
// We try this both with the global type registered first and vice versa (the order shouldn't
// matter).
m.def("register_mixed_global_local", [m]() {
bind_local<MixedGlobalLocal, 200>(m, "MixedGlobalLocal", py::module_local());
[m]() { bind_local<MixedGlobalLocal, 200>(m, "MixedGlobalLocal", py::module_local()); });
m.def("register_mixed_local_global", [m]() {
bind_local<MixedLocalGlobal, 2000>(m, "MixedLocalGlobal", py::module_local(false));
@ -83,25 +108,26 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(pybind11_cross_module_tests, m) {
m.def("get_mixed_lg", [](int i) { return MixedLocalGlobal(i); });
// test_internal_locals_differ
m.def("local_cpp_types_addr", []() { return (uintptr_t) &py::detail::registered_local_types_cpp(); });
[]() { return (uintptr_t) &py::detail::get_local_internals().registered_types_cpp; });
// test_stl_caster_vs_stl_bind
py::bind_vector<std::vector<int>>(m, "VectorInt");
m.def("load_vector_via_binding", [](std::vector<int> &v) {
return std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), 0);
[](std::vector<int> &v) { return std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), 0); });
// test_cross_module_calls
m.def("return_self", [](LocalVec *v) { return v; });
m.def("return_copy", [](const LocalVec &v) { return LocalVec(v); });
class Dog : public pets::Pet { public: Dog(std::string name) : Pet(name) {}; };
py::class_<pets::Pet>(m, "Pet", py::module_local())
.def("name", &pets::Pet::name);
class Dog : public pets::Pet {
explicit Dog(std::string name) : Pet(std::move(name)) {}
py::class_<pets::Pet>(m, "Pet", py::module_local()).def("name", &pets::Pet::name);
// Binding for local extending class:
py::class_<Dog, pets::Pet>(m, "Dog")
py::class_<Dog, pets::Pet>(m, "Dog").def(py::init<std::string>());
m.def("pet_name", [](pets::Pet &p) { return p.name(); });
py::class_<MixGL>(m, "MixGL", py::module_local()).def(py::init<int>());
@ -118,6 +144,6 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(pybind11_cross_module_tests, m) {
// test_missing_header_message
// The main module already includes stl.h, but we need to test the error message
// which appears when this header is missing.
m.def("missing_header_arg", [](std::vector<float>) { });
m.def("missing_header_arg", [](const std::vector<float> &) {});
m.def("missing_header_return", []() { return std::vector<float>(); });

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "pybind11_tests.h"
#include "constructor_stats.h"
#include <functional>
@ -31,9 +32,7 @@ std::list<std::function<void(py::module_ &)>> &initializers() {
return inits;
test_initializer::test_initializer(Initializer init) {
test_initializer::test_initializer(Initializer init) { initializers().emplace_back(init); }
test_initializer::test_initializer(const char *submodule_name, Initializer init) {
initializers().emplace_back([=](py::module_ &parent) {
@ -51,26 +50,52 @@ void bind_ConstructorStats(py::module_ &m) {
.def_readwrite("move_assignments", &ConstructorStats::move_assignments)
.def_readwrite("copy_constructions", &ConstructorStats::copy_constructions)
.def_readwrite("move_constructions", &ConstructorStats::move_constructions)
.def_static("get", (ConstructorStats &(*)(py::object)) &ConstructorStats::get, py::return_value_policy::reference_internal)
(ConstructorStats & (*) (py::object)) & ConstructorStats::get,
// Not exactly ConstructorStats, but related: expose the internal pybind number of registered instances
// to allow instance cleanup checks (invokes a GC first)
// Not exactly ConstructorStats, but related: expose the internal pybind number of
// registered instances to allow instance cleanup checks (invokes a GC first)
.def_static("detail_reg_inst", []() {
return py::detail::get_internals().registered_instances.size();
const char *cpp_std() {
#if defined(PYBIND11_CPP20)
#elif defined(PYBIND11_CPP17)
#elif defined(PYBIND11_CPP14)
PYBIND11_MODULE(pybind11_tests, m) {
m.doc() = "pybind11 test module";
// Intentionally kept minimal to not create a maintenance chore
// ("just enough" to be conclusive).
#if defined(_MSC_FULL_VER)
m.attr("compiler_info") = "MSVC " PYBIND11_TOSTRING(_MSC_FULL_VER);
#elif defined(__VERSION__)
m.attr("compiler_info") = __VERSION__;
m.attr("compiler_info") = py::none();
m.attr("cpp_std") = cpp_std();
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
m.attr("debug_enabled") = true;
m.attr("detailed_error_messages_enabled") = true;
m.attr("debug_enabled") = false;
m.attr("detailed_error_messages_enabled") = false;
py::class_<UserType>(m, "UserType", "A `py::class_` type for testing")
@ -79,13 +104,14 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(pybind11_tests, m) {
.def("get_value", &UserType::value, "Get value using a method")
.def("set_value", &UserType::set, "Set value using a method")
.def_property("value", &UserType::value, &UserType::set, "Get/set value using a property")
.def("__repr__", [](const UserType& u) { return "UserType({})"_s.format(u.value()); });
.def("__repr__", [](const UserType &u) { return "UserType({})"_s.format(u.value()); });
py::class_<IncType, UserType>(m, "IncType")
.def("__repr__", [](const IncType& u) { return "IncType({})"_s.format(u.value()); });
.def("__repr__", [](const IncType &u) { return "IncType({})"_s.format(u.value()); });
for (const auto &initializer : initializers())
for (const auto &initializer : initializers()) {

View File

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1910
// We get some really long type names here which causes MSVC 2015 to emit warnings
# pragma warning(disable: 4503) // warning C4503: decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated
#include <pybind11/eval.h>
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
namespace py = pybind11;
using namespace pybind11::literals;
@ -13,24 +10,23 @@ class test_initializer {
using Initializer = void (*)(py::module_ &);
test_initializer(Initializer init);
explicit test_initializer(Initializer init);
test_initializer(const char *submodule_name, Initializer init);
#define TEST_SUBMODULE(name, variable) \
void test_submodule_##name(py::module_ &); \
test_initializer name(#name, test_submodule_##name); \
void test_submodule_##name(py::module_ &variable)
#define TEST_SUBMODULE(name, variable) \
void test_submodule_##name(py::module_ &); \
test_initializer name(#name, test_submodule_##name); \
void test_submodule_##name(py::module_ &(variable))
/// Dummy type which is not exported anywhere -- something to trigger a conversion error
struct UnregisteredType { };
struct UnregisteredType {};
/// A user-defined type which is exported and can be used by any test
class UserType {
UserType() = default;
UserType(int i) : i(i) { }
explicit UserType(int i) : i(i) {}
int value() const { return i; }
void set(int set) { i = set; }
@ -44,7 +40,7 @@ class IncType : public UserType {
using UserType::UserType;
IncType() = default;
IncType(const IncType &other) : IncType(other.value() + 1) { }
IncType(const IncType &other) : IncType(other.value() + 1) {}
IncType(IncType &&) = delete;
IncType &operator=(const IncType &) = delete;
IncType &operator=(IncType &&) = delete;
@ -56,16 +52,34 @@ union IntFloat {
float f;
/// Custom cast-only type that casts to a string "rvalue" or "lvalue" depending on the cast context.
/// Used to test recursive casters (e.g. std::tuple, stl containers).
/// Custom cast-only type that casts to a string "rvalue" or "lvalue" depending on the cast
/// context. Used to test recursive casters (e.g. std::tuple, stl containers).
struct RValueCaster {};
template<> class type_caster<RValueCaster> {
template <>
class type_caster<RValueCaster> {
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(RValueCaster, _("RValueCaster"));
static handle cast(RValueCaster &&, return_value_policy, handle) { return py::str("rvalue").release(); }
static handle cast(const RValueCaster &, return_value_policy, handle) { return py::str("lvalue").release(); }
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(RValueCaster, const_name("RValueCaster"));
static handle cast(RValueCaster &&, return_value_policy, handle) {
return py::str("rvalue").release();
static handle cast(const RValueCaster &, return_value_policy, handle) {
return py::str("lvalue").release();
template <typename F>
void ignoreOldStyleInitWarnings(F &&body) {
message = "pybind11-bound class '.+' is using an old-style placement-new '(?:__init__|__setstate__)' which has been deprecated"
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=message, category=FutureWarning)
py::dict(py::arg("body") = py::cpp_function(body)));

View File

@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
minversion = 3.1
minversion = 3.10
norecursedirs = test_* extra_*
xfail_strict = True
addopts =
# show summary of skipped tests
# show summary of tests
# capture only Python print and C++ py::print, but not C output (low-level Python errors)
# enable all warnings
# Show local info when a failure occurs
log_cli_level = info
filterwarnings =
# make warnings into errors but ignore certain third-party extension issues
# somehow, some DeprecationWarnings do not get turned into errors
# importing scipy submodules on some version of Python
# bogus numpy ABI warning (see numpy/#432)

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