ecp5: Implement IdStringList for all arch object names
This is a complete implementation of IdStringList for ECP5; excluding the GUI (which you will have to disable for it to build). Signed-off-by: D. Shah <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ void archcheck_names(const Context *ctx)
log_info("Checking wire names..\n");
for (WireId wire : ctx->getWires()) {
IdString name = ctx->getWireName(wire);
IdStringList name = ctx->getWireName(wire);
WireId wire2 = ctx->getWireByName(name);
if (wire != wire2) {
log_error("wire != wire2, name = %s\n", ctx->nameOfWire(wire));
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ void archcheck_names(const Context *ctx)
#ifndef ARCH_ECP5
log_info("Checking pip names..\n");
for (PipId pip : ctx->getPips()) {
IdString name = ctx->getPipName(pip);
IdStringList name = ctx->getPipName(pip);
PipId pip2 = ctx->getPipByName(name);
if (pip != pip2) {
log_error("pip != pip2, name = %s\n", ctx->nameOfPip(pip));
@ -299,19 +299,25 @@ const char *BaseCtx::nameOfBel(BelId bel) const
const char *BaseCtx::nameOfWire(WireId wire) const
const Context *ctx = getCtx();
return ctx->getWireName(wire).c_str(ctx);
std::string &s = ctx->;
ctx->getWireName(wire).build_str(ctx, s);
return s.c_str();
const char *BaseCtx::nameOfPip(PipId pip) const
const Context *ctx = getCtx();
return ctx->getPipName(pip).c_str(ctx);
std::string &s = ctx->;
ctx->getPipName(pip).build_str(ctx, s);
return s.c_str();
const char *BaseCtx::nameOfGroup(GroupId group) const
const Context *ctx = getCtx();
return ctx->getGroupName(group).c_str(ctx);
std::string &s = ctx->;
ctx->getGroupName(group).build_str(ctx, s);
return s.c_str();
BelId BaseCtx::getBelByNameStr(const std::string &str)
@ -320,6 +326,24 @@ BelId BaseCtx::getBelByNameStr(const std::string &str)
return ctx->getBelByName(IdStringList::parse(ctx, str));
WireId BaseCtx::getWireByNameStr(const std::string &str)
Context *ctx = getCtx();
return ctx->getWireByName(IdStringList::parse(ctx, str));
PipId BaseCtx::getPipByNameStr(const std::string &str)
Context *ctx = getCtx();
return ctx->getPipByName(IdStringList::parse(ctx, str));
GroupId BaseCtx::getGroupByNameStr(const std::string &str)
Context *ctx = getCtx();
return ctx->getGroupByName(IdStringList::parse(ctx, str));
WireId Context::getNetinfoSourceWire(const NetInfo *net_info) const
if (net_info->driver.cell == nullptr)
@ -701,10 +725,10 @@ void BaseCtx::archInfoToAttributes()
for (auto &item : ni->wires) {
if (!first)
routing += ";";
routing += getCtx()->getWireName(item.first).c_str(this);
routing += getCtx()->getWireName(item.first).str(getCtx());
routing += ";";
if (item.second.pip != PipId())
routing += getCtx()->getPipName(item.second.pip).c_str(this);
routing += getCtx()->getPipName(item.second.pip).str(getCtx());
routing += ";" + std::to_string(item.second.strength);
first = false;
@ -235,8 +235,28 @@ struct IdStringList
const IdString *begin() const { return ids.begin(); }
const IdString *end() const { return ids.end(); }
const IdString &operator[](size_t idx) const { return ids[idx]; }
bool operator==(const IdStringList &other) const { return ids == other.ids; }
bool operator!=(const IdStringList &other) const { return ids != other.ids; }
namespace std {
template <> struct hash<NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX IdStringList>
std::size_t operator()(const NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX IdStringList &obj) const noexcept
std::size_t seed = 0;
boost::hash_combine(seed, hash<size_t>()(obj.size()));
for (auto &id : obj)
boost::hash_combine(seed, hash<NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_PREFIX IdString>()(id));
return seed;
} // namespace std
// A ring buffer of strings, so we can return a simple const char * pointer for %s formatting - inspired by how logging
// in Yosys works Let's just hope noone tries to log more than 100 things in one call....
class StrRingBuffer
@ -890,8 +910,11 @@ struct BaseCtx
const char *nameOfPip(PipId pip) const;
const char *nameOfGroup(GroupId group) const;
// Overrides of arch functions that take a string and handle IdStringList parsing
// Wrappers of arch functions that take a string and handle IdStringList parsing
BelId getBelByNameStr(const std::string &str);
WireId getWireByNameStr(const std::string &str);
PipId getPipByNameStr(const std::string &str);
GroupId getGroupByNameStr(const std::string &str);
// --------------------------------------------------------------
@ -37,17 +37,6 @@
static std::tuple<int, int, std::string> split_identifier_name(const std::string &name)
size_t first_slash = name.find('/');
NPNR_ASSERT(first_slash != std::string::npos);
size_t second_slash = name.find('/', first_slash + 1);
NPNR_ASSERT(second_slash != std::string::npos);
return std::make_tuple(std::stoi(name.substr(1, first_slash)),
std::stoi(name.substr(first_slash + 2, second_slash - first_slash)),
name.substr(second_slash + 1));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void IdString::initialize_arch(const BaseCtx *ctx)
@ -133,6 +122,17 @@ Arch::Arch(ArchArgs args) : args(args)
x_ids.push_back(id(stringf("X%d", i)));
for (int i = 0; i < chip_info->height; i++)
y_ids.push_back(id(stringf("Y%d", i)));
for (int i = 0; i < chip_info->width; i++) {
IdString x_id = id(stringf("X%d", i));
id_to_x[x_id] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < chip_info->height; i++) {
IdString y_id = id(stringf("Y%d", i));
id_to_y[y_id] = i;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -215,30 +215,22 @@ IdString Arch::archArgsToId(ArchArgs args) const
BelId Arch::getBelByName(IdStringList name) const
// TODO: take advantage of IdStringList for fast parsing
if (name.size() != 3)
return BelId();
BelId ret;
#if 0
auto it = bel_by_name.find(name);
if (it != bel_by_name.end())
return it->second;
Location loc;
std::string basename;
std::tie(loc.x, loc.y, basename) = split_identifier_name(name.str(getCtx()));
loc.x =[0]);
loc.y =[1]);
ret.location = loc;
const LocationTypePOD *loci = locInfo(ret);
for (int i = 0; i < int(loci->bel_data.size()); i++) {
if (std::strcmp(loci->bel_data[i].name.get(), basename.c_str()) == 0) {
if (std::strcmp(loci->bel_data[i].name.get(), name[2].c_str(this)) == 0) {
ret.index = i;
#if 0
if (ret.index >= 0)
bel_by_name[name] = ret;
return ret;
return BelId();
BelRange Arch::getBelsByTile(int x, int y) const
@ -286,36 +278,31 @@ PortType Arch::getBelPinType(BelId bel, IdString pin) const
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
WireId Arch::getWireByName(IdString name) const
WireId Arch::getWireByName(IdStringList name) const
if (name.size() != 3)
return WireId();
WireId ret;
auto it = wire_by_name.find(name);
if (it != wire_by_name.end())
return it->second;
Location loc;
std::string basename;
std::tie(loc.x, loc.y, basename) = split_identifier_name(name.str(this));
loc.x =[0]);
loc.y =[1]);
ret.location = loc;
const LocationTypePOD *loci = locInfo(ret);
for (int i = 0; i < int(loci->wire_data.size()); i++) {
if (std::strcmp(loci->wire_data[i].name.get(), basename.c_str()) == 0) {
if (std::strcmp(loci->wire_data[i].name.get(), name[2].c_str(this)) == 0) {
ret.index = i;
ret.location = loc;
if (ret.index >= 0)
wire_by_name[name] = ret;
ret.location = Location();
return ret;
return WireId();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
PipId Arch::getPipByName(IdString name) const
PipId Arch::getPipByName(IdStringList name) const
if (name.size() != 3)
return PipId();
auto it = pip_by_name.find(name);
if (it != pip_by_name.end())
return it->second;
@ -323,7 +310,8 @@ PipId Arch::getPipByName(IdString name) const
PipId ret;
Location loc;
std::string basename;
std::tie(loc.x, loc.y, basename) = split_identifier_name(name.str(this));
loc.x =[0]);
loc.y =[1]);
ret.location = loc;
const LocationTypePOD *loci = locInfo(ret);
for (int i = 0; i < int(loci->pip_data.size()); i++) {
@ -333,24 +321,23 @@ PipId Arch::getPipByName(IdString name) const
pip_by_name[getPipName(curr)] = curr;
if (pip_by_name.find(name) == pip_by_name.end())
NPNR_ASSERT_FALSE_STR("no pip named " + name.str(this));
NPNR_ASSERT_FALSE_STR("no pip named " + name.str(getCtx()));
return pip_by_name[name];
IdString Arch::getPipName(PipId pip) const
IdStringList Arch::getPipName(PipId pip) const
NPNR_ASSERT(pip != PipId());
int x = pip.location.x;
int y = pip.location.y;
// TODO: can we improve how pip names are stored/built?
auto &pip_data = locInfo(pip)->pip_data[pip.index];
WireId src = getPipSrcWire(pip), dst = getPipDstWire(pip);
std::string pip_name = stringf("%d_%d_%s->%d_%d_%s", pip_data.rel_src_loc.x, pip_data.rel_src_loc.y,
getWireBasename(src).c_str(this), pip_data.rel_dst_loc.x, pip_data.rel_dst_loc.y,
std::string src_name = getWireName(getPipSrcWire(pip)).str(this);
std::replace(src_name.begin(), src_name.end(), '/', '.');
std::string dst_name = getWireName(getPipDstWire(pip)).str(this);
std::replace(dst_name.begin(), dst_name.end(), '/', '.');
return id("X" + std::to_string(x) + "/Y" + std::to_string(y) + "/" + src_name + ".->." + dst_name);
std::array<IdString, 3> ids{,, id(pip_name)};
return IdStringList(ids);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1215,7 +1202,7 @@ const std::vector<std::string> Arch::availableRouters = {"router1", "router2"};
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GroupId Arch::getGroupByName(IdString name) const
GroupId Arch::getGroupByName(IdStringList name) const
for (auto g : getGroups())
if (getGroupName(g) == name)
@ -1223,7 +1210,7 @@ GroupId Arch::getGroupByName(IdString name) const
return GroupId();
IdString Arch::getGroupName(GroupId group) const
IdStringList Arch::getGroupName(GroupId group) const
std::string suffix;
@ -1232,10 +1219,11 @@ IdString Arch::getGroupName(GroupId group) const
suffix = "switchbox";
return IdString();
return IdStringList();
return id("X" + std::to_string(group.location.x) + "/Y" + std::to_string(group.location.y) + "/" + suffix);
std::array<IdString, 3> ids{,, id(suffix)};
return IdStringList(ids);
std::vector<GroupId> Arch::getGroups() const
@ -441,9 +441,7 @@ struct Arch : BaseCtx
const PackageInfoPOD *package_info;
const SpeedGradePOD *speed_grade;
mutable std::unordered_map<IdString, BelId> bel_by_name;
mutable std::unordered_map<IdString, WireId> wire_by_name;
mutable std::unordered_map<IdString, PipId> pip_by_name;
mutable std::unordered_map<IdStringList, PipId> pip_by_name;
std::vector<CellInfo *> bel_to_cell;
std::unordered_map<WireId, NetInfo *> wire_to_net;
@ -452,6 +450,8 @@ struct Arch : BaseCtx
// fast access to X and Y IdStrings for building object names
std::vector<IdString> x_ids, y_ids;
// inverse of the above for name->object mapping
std::unordered_map<IdString, int> id_to_x, id_to_y;
ArchArgs args;
Arch(ArchArgs args);
@ -598,16 +598,14 @@ struct Arch : BaseCtx
// -------------------------------------------------
WireId getWireByName(IdString name) const;
WireId getWireByName(IdStringList name) const;
IdString getWireName(WireId wire) const
IdStringList getWireName(WireId wire) const
NPNR_ASSERT(wire != WireId());
std::stringstream name;
name << "X" << wire.location.x << "/Y" << wire.location.y << "/"
<< locInfo(wire)->wire_data[wire.index].name.get();
return id(name.str());
std::array<IdString, 3> ids{,,
return IdStringList(ids);
IdString getWireType(WireId wire) const
@ -716,8 +714,8 @@ struct Arch : BaseCtx
// -------------------------------------------------
PipId getPipByName(IdString name) const;
IdString getPipName(PipId pip) const;
PipId getPipByName(IdStringList name) const;
IdStringList getPipName(PipId pip) const;
IdString getPipType(PipId pip) const { return IdString(); }
@ -895,8 +893,8 @@ struct Arch : BaseCtx
// -------------------------------------------------
GroupId getGroupByName(IdString name) const;
IdString getGroupName(GroupId group) const;
GroupId getGroupByName(IdStringList name) const;
IdStringList getGroupName(GroupId group) const;
std::vector<GroupId> getGroups() const;
std::vector<BelId> getGroupBels(GroupId group) const;
std::vector<WireId> getGroupWires(GroupId group) const;
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ template <> struct string_converter<BelId>
template <> struct string_converter<WireId>
WireId from_str(Context *ctx, std::string name) { return ctx->getWireByName(ctx->id(name)); }
WireId from_str(Context *ctx, std::string name) { return ctx->getWireByNameStr(name); }
std::string to_str(Context *ctx, WireId id)
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ template <> struct string_converter<WireId>
template <> struct string_converter<const WireId>
WireId from_str(Context *ctx, std::string name) { return ctx->getWireByName(ctx->id(name)); }
WireId from_str(Context *ctx, std::string name) { return ctx->getWireByNameStr(name); }
std::string to_str(Context *ctx, WireId id)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ template <> struct string_converter<const WireId>
template <> struct string_converter<PipId>
PipId from_str(Context *ctx, std::string name) { return ctx->getPipByName(ctx->id(name)); }
PipId from_str(Context *ctx, std::string name) { return ctx->getPipByNameStr(name); }
std::string to_str(Context *ctx, PipId id)
@ -811,14 +811,12 @@ void write_bitstream(Context *ctx, std::string base_config_file, std::string tex
NetInfo *lsrnet = nullptr;
if (ci->ports.find(ctx->id("LSR")) != ci->ports.end() && ci->>id("LSR")).net != nullptr)
lsrnet = ci->>id("LSR")).net;
if (ctx->getBoundWireNet(ctx->getWireByName(
ctx->id(fmt_str("X" << bel.location.x << "/Y" << bel.location.y << "/LSR0")))) == lsrnet) {
if (ctx->getBoundWireNet(ctx->getWireByLocAndBasename(bel.location, "LSR0")) == lsrnet) {
str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("SRMODE"), "LSR_OVER_CE"));
cc.tiles[tname].add_enum("LSR0.LSRMUX", str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("LSRMUX"), "LSR"));
if (ctx->getBoundWireNet(ctx->getWireByName(
ctx->id(fmt_str("X" << bel.location.x << "/Y" << bel.location.y << "/LSR1")))) == lsrnet) {
if (ctx->getBoundWireNet(ctx->getWireByLocAndBasename(bel.location, "LSR1")) == lsrnet) {
str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("SRMODE"), "LSR_OVER_CE"));
cc.tiles[tname].add_enum("LSR1.LSRMUX", str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("LSRMUX"), "LSR"));
@ -827,12 +825,10 @@ void write_bitstream(Context *ctx, std::string base_config_file, std::string tex
NetInfo *clknet = nullptr;
if (ci->ports.find(ctx->id("CLK")) != ci->ports.end() && ci->>id("CLK")).net != nullptr)
clknet = ci->>id("CLK")).net;
if (ctx->getBoundWireNet(ctx->getWireByName(
ctx->id(fmt_str("X" << bel.location.x << "/Y" << bel.location.y << "/CLK0")))) == clknet) {
if (ctx->getBoundWireNet(ctx->getWireByLocAndBasename(bel.location, "CLK0")) == clknet) {
cc.tiles[tname].add_enum("CLK0.CLKMUX", str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("CLKMUX"), "CLK"));
if (ctx->getBoundWireNet(ctx->getWireByName(
ctx->id(fmt_str("X" << bel.location.x << "/Y" << bel.location.y << "/CLK1")))) == clknet) {
if (ctx->getBoundWireNet(ctx->getWireByLocAndBasename(bel.location, "CLK1")) == clknet) {
cc.tiles[tname].add_enum("CLK1.CLKMUX", str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("CLKMUX"), "CLK"));
@ -907,8 +903,7 @@ void write_bitstream(Context *ctx, std::string base_config_file, std::string tex
(ci->ports.find(ctx->id("IOLTO")) == ci->ports.end() ||
ci->>id("IOLTO")).net == nullptr)) {
// Tie tristate low if unconnected for outputs or bidir
std::string jpt = fmt_str("X" << bel.location.x << "/Y" << bel.location.y << "/JPADDT" << pio.back());
WireId jpt_wire = ctx->getWireByName(ctx->id(jpt));
WireId jpt_wire = ctx->getWireByLocAndBasename(bel.location, fmt_str("JPADDT" << pio.back()));
PipId jpt_pip = *ctx->getPipsUphill(jpt_wire).begin();
WireId cib_wire = ctx->getPipSrcWire(jpt_pip);
std::string cib_tile =
Reference in New Issue
Block a user