nexus: Refactor DSP macro splitting to make it more generic

Signed-off-by: David Shah <>
This commit is contained in:
David Shah 2020-11-16 13:04:43 +00:00
parent 30c65931b2
commit d8e748bc58
5 changed files with 152 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -183,4 +183,14 @@ void copy_port(Context *ctx, CellInfo *old_cell, IdString old_name, CellInfo *ne
connect_port(ctx, old_cell->, new_cell, new_name);
void copy_bus(Context *ctx, CellInfo *old_cell, IdString old_name, int old_offset, bool old_brackets,
CellInfo *new_cell, IdString new_name, int new_offset, bool new_brackets, int width)
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
IdString old_port = ctx->id(stringf(old_brackets ? "%s[%d]" : "%s%d", old_name.c_str(ctx), i + old_offset));
IdString new_port = ctx->id(stringf(new_brackets ? "%s[%d]" : "%s%d", new_name.c_str(ctx), i + new_offset));
copy_port(ctx, old_cell, old_port, new_cell, new_port);

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@ -110,6 +110,10 @@ void print_utilisation(const Context *ctx);
void replace_bus(Context *ctx, CellInfo *old_cell, IdString old_name, int old_offset, bool old_brackets,
CellInfo *new_cell, IdString new_name, int new_offset, bool new_brackets, int width);
// Copy a bus of nets (if connected) from old, and connect it to the new ports
void copy_bus(Context *ctx, CellInfo *old_cell, IdString old_name, int old_offset, bool old_brackets,
CellInfo *new_cell, IdString new_name, int new_offset, bool new_brackets, int width);
// Copy a port from one cell to another
void copy_port(Context *ctx, CellInfo *old_cell, IdString old_name, CellInfo *new_cell, IdString new_name);

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@ -312,3 +312,13 @@ X(CEOUT)

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@ -1435,6 +1435,22 @@ struct NexusPacker
cell->params[id_SHIFTA] = std::string("DISABLED");
cell->params[id_SIGNEDSTATIC_EN] = std::string("DISABLED");
cell->params[id_SR_18BITSHIFT_EN] = std::string("DISABLED");
} else if (type == id_MULT18_CORE) {
cell->params[id_MULT18X18] = std::string("ENABLED");
cell->params[id_ROUNDBIT] = std::string("ROUND_TO_BIT0");
cell->params[id_ROUNDHALFUP] = std::string("DISABLED");
cell->params[id_ROUNDRTZI] = std::string("ROUND_TO_ZERO");
cell->params[id_SFTEN] = std::string("DISABLED");
} else if (type == id_MULT18X36_CORE) {
cell->params[id_SFTEN] = std::string("DISABLED");
cell->params[id_MULT18X36] = std::string("ENABLED");
cell->params[id_MULT36] = std::string("DISABLED");
cell->params[id_MULT36X36H] = std::string("USED_AS_LOWER_BIT_GENERATION");
cell->params[id_ROUNDHALFUP] = std::string("DISABLED");
cell->params[id_ROUNDRTZI] = std::string("ROUND_TO_ZERO");
cell->params[id_ROUNDBIT] = std::string("ROUND_TO_BIT0");
} else if (type == id_MULT36_CORE) {
cell->params[id_MULT36X36] = std::string("ENABLED");
} else if (type == id_REG18_CORE) {
cell->params[id_GSR] = std::string("DISABLED");
cell->params[id_REGBYPS] = std::string("BYPASS");
@ -1460,6 +1476,26 @@ struct NexusPacker
dst->params[dst_name] = orig->params[orig_name];
struct DSPMacroType
int a_width; // width of 'A' input
int b_width; // width of 'B' input
int c_width; // width of 'C' input
int z_width; // width of 'Z' output
int N9x9; // number of 9x9 mult+preadds
int N18x18; // number of 18x18 mult
int N18x36; // number of 18x36 mult
bool has_preadd; // preadder is used
bool has_addsub; // post-multiply ALU addsub is used
const std::unordered_map<IdString, DSPMacroType> dsp_types = {
{id_MULT9X9, {9, 9, 0, 18, 1, 0, 0, false, false}},
{id_MULT18X18, {18, 18, 0, 36, 2, 1, 0, false, false}},
{id_MULT18X36, {18, 36, 0, 54, 4, 2, 1, false, false}},
{id_MULT36X36, {36, 36, 0, 72, 8, 4, 2, false, false}},
void pack_dsps()
log_info("Packing DSPs...\n");
@ -1467,36 +1503,81 @@ struct NexusPacker
for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) {
CellInfo *ci = cell.second;
if (ci->type == id_MULT9X9) {
// MULT9X9: PREADD9 -> MULT9 -> REG18
CellInfo *preadd9_0 = create_dsp_cell(ci->name, id_PREADD9_CORE, nullptr, 0, 0);
CellInfo *mult9_0 = create_dsp_cell(ci->name, id_MULT9_CORE, preadd9_0, 0, 2);
CellInfo *reg18_0 = create_dsp_cell(ci->name, id_REG18_CORE, preadd9_0, 2, 0);
replace_bus(ctx, ci, id_B, 0, true, preadd9_0, id_B, 0, false, 9);
replace_bus(ctx, ci, id_A, 0, true, mult9_0, id_A, 0, false, 9);
replace_bus(ctx, ci, id_Z, 0, true, reg18_0, id_PP, 0, false, 18);
replace_port(ci, id_SIGNEDA, mult9_0, id_ASIGNED);
replace_port(ci, id_SIGNEDB, preadd9_0, id_BSIGNED);
if (!dsp_types.count(ci->type))
auto &mt =>type);
int Nreg18 = mt.z_width / 18;
copy_port(ctx, ci, id_CLK, preadd9_0, id_CLK);
copy_port(ctx, ci, id_CLK, mult9_0, id_CLK);
copy_port(ctx, ci, id_CLK, reg18_0, id_CLK);
replace_port(ci, id_CEA, mult9_0, id_CEA);
replace_port(ci, id_RSTA, mult9_0, id_RSTA);
replace_port(ci, id_CEB, preadd9_0, id_CEB);
replace_port(ci, id_RSTB, preadd9_0, id_RSTB);
replace_port(ci, id_CEOUT, reg18_0, id_CEP);
replace_port(ci, id_RSTOUT, reg18_0, id_RSTP);
copy_param(ci, id_REGINPUTA, mult9_0, id_REGBYPSA1);
copy_param(ci, id_REGINPUTB, preadd9_0, id_REGBYPSBR0);
copy_param(ci, id_REGOUTPUT, reg18_0, id_REGBYPS);
copy_global_dsp_params(ci, preadd9_0);
// Create consituent cells
std::vector<CellInfo *> preadd9(mt.N9x9), mult9(mt.N9x9), mult18(mt.N18x18), mult18x36(mt.N18x36),
for (int i = 0; i < mt.N9x9; i++) {
preadd9[i] = create_dsp_cell(ci->name, id_PREADD9_CORE, preadd9[0], (i / 4) * 4 + (i / 2) % 2, (i % 2));
mult9[i] = create_dsp_cell(ci->name, id_MULT9_CORE, preadd9[0], (i / 4) * 4 + (i / 2) % 2, (i % 2) + 2);
for (int i = 0; i < mt.N18x18; i++)
mult18[i] = create_dsp_cell(ci->name, id_MULT18_CORE, preadd9[0], (i / 2) * 4 + i % 2, 4);
for (int i = 0; i < mt.N18x36; i++)
mult18x36[i] = create_dsp_cell(ci->name, id_MULT18X36_CORE, preadd9[0], (i * 4) + 2, 4);
for (int i = 0; i < Nreg18; i++) {
reg18[i] = create_dsp_cell(ci->name, id_REG18_CORE, preadd9[0], (i / 4) * 4 + 2, i % 4);
// Configure the 9x9 preadd+multiply blocks
for (int i = 0; i < mt.N9x9; i++) {
// B input split across pre-adders
int b_start = (9 * i) % mt.b_width;
copy_bus(ctx, ci, id_B, b_start, true, preadd9[i], id_B, 0, false, 9);
// A input split across MULT9s
int a_start = 9 * (i % 2) + 18 * (i / 4);
copy_bus(ctx, ci, id_A, a_start, true, mult9[i], id_A, 0, false, 9);
// Connect control set signals
copy_port(ctx, ci, id_CLK, mult9[i], id_CLK);
copy_port(ctx, ci, id_CEA, mult9[i], id_CEA);
copy_port(ctx, ci, id_RSTA, mult9[i], id_RSTA);
copy_port(ctx, ci, id_CLK, preadd9[i], id_CLK);
copy_port(ctx, ci, id_CEB, preadd9[i], id_CEB);
copy_port(ctx, ci, id_RSTB, preadd9[i], id_RSTB);
// Copy register configuration
copy_param(ci, id_REGINPUTA, mult9[i], id_REGBYPSA1);
copy_param(ci, id_REGINPUTB, preadd9[i], id_REGBYPSBR0);
// Connect up signedness for the most significant nonet
if ((b_start + 9) == mt.b_width)
copy_port(ctx, ci, id_BSIGNED, preadd9[i], id_SIGNEDB);
if ((a_start + 9) == mt.a_width)
copy_port(ctx, ci, id_ASIGNED, mult9[i], id_SIGNEDA);
bool mult36_used = (mt.a_width >= 36) && (mt.b_width >= 36);
// Configure mult18x36s
for (int i = 0; i < mt.N18x36; i++) {
mult18x36[i]->params[id_MULT36] = mult36_used ? std::string("ENABLED") : std::string("DISABLED");
mult18x36[i]->params[id_MULT36X36H] = (i == 1) ? std::string("USED_AS_HIGHER_BIT_GENERATION")
// Create final mult36 if needed
CellInfo *mult36 = nullptr;
if (mult36_used) {
mult36 = create_dsp_cell(ci->name, id_MULT36_CORE, preadd9[0], 6, 6);
// Configure output registers
for (int i = 0; i < Nreg18; i++) {
// Output split across reg18s
replace_bus(ctx, ci, id_Z, i * 18, true, reg18[i], id_PP, 0, false, 18);
// Connect control set signals
copy_port(ctx, ci, id_CLK, reg18[i], id_CLK);
copy_port(ctx, ci, id_CEOUT, reg18[i], id_CEP);
copy_port(ctx, ci, id_RSTOUT, reg18[i], id_RSTP);
// Copy register configuration
copy_param(ci, id_REGOUTPUT, reg18[i], id_REGBYPS);
// Misc finalisation
copy_global_dsp_params(ci, preadd9[0]);
for (auto cell : to_remove) {

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@ -124,6 +124,25 @@ static const std::unordered_map<IdString, Arch::CellPinsData> base_cell_pin_data
} // namespace