Move FAQ, Wiki stuff to docs/
Signed-off-by: Clifford Wolf <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ nextpnr -- a portable FPGA place and route tool
nextpnr aims to be a vendor neutral, timing driven, FOSS FPGA place and route
nextpnr aims to be a vendor neutral, timing driven, FOSS FPGA place and route
nextpnr was [started by SymbioticEDA]( as an
experimental replacement for the existing Arachne-PNR base toolchain (hence the
name *next*pnr). Focusing on supporting timing driven place and route for
multiple FPGA architectures from the ground up, the experiment has proven
successful and we believe nextpnr is on its way to being a suitable
replacement for all users of Arachne-PNR.
Currently nextpnr supports;
Currently nextpnr supports;
* Lattice iCE40 devices supported by [Project IceStorm](,
* Lattice iCE40 devices supported by [Project IceStorm](,
* *(experimental)* Lattice ECP5 devices supported by [Project Trellis](,
* *(experimental)* Lattice ECP5 devices supported by [Project Trellis](,
@ -22,11 +15,14 @@ FPGAs supported in the future. We would love your help in developing this
awesome new project.
awesome new project.
Here is a screenshot of nextpnr for iCE40. Build instructions and
Here is a screenshot of nextpnr for iCE40. Build instructions and
[getting started notes](#getting-started) and an [FAQ](#FAQ) can be found
[getting started notes](#getting-started) can be found below.
<img src="" width="640"/>
<img src="" width="640"/>
See also:
- [F.A.Q.](docs/
- [Architecture API](docs/
@ -150,133 +146,6 @@ Testing
- Running valgrind example `valgrind --leak-check=yes --tool=memcheck ./nextpnr-ice40 --json ice40/blinky.json`
- Running valgrind example `valgrind --leak-check=yes --tool=memcheck ./nextpnr-ice40 --json ice40/blinky.json`
### Which tool chain should I use and why?
* If you wish to do new **research** into FPGA architectures, place and route
algorithms or other similar topics, we suggest you look at using
[Verilog to Routing](
* If you are developing FPGA code in **Verilog** for a **Lattice iCE40** and
need an open source toolchain, we suggest you use nextpnr.
* If you are developing FPGA code in **Verilog** for a **Lattice iCE40** with
the **existing Arachne-PNR toolchain**, we suggest you start thinking about
migrating to nextpnr.
* If you are developing Verilog FPGA code targeted at the Lattice ECP5 and
need an open source toolchain, you may consider the **extremely
experimental** ECP5 support in nextpnr.
* If you are developing FPGA code in **VHDL** you will need to use either a
version of [Yosys with Verific support]() or the vendor provided tools due
to the lack of open source VHDL support in Yosys.
### Why didn't you just improve [Arachne-PNR](
[Arachne-PNR]( was originally developed as
part of [Project IceStorm]( to demonstrate it
was possible to create an open source place and route tool for the iCE40 FPGAs
that actually produced valid bitstreams.
For it's original purpose it has served the community extremely well. However,
it was never designed to support multiple different FPGA devices, nor more
complicated timing driven routing used by most commercial place and route
It felt like extending Arachne-PNR was not going to be the best path forward, so
[SymbioticEDA]( decided to invest in an
experiment around creating a replacement. nextpnr is the result of that
experiment and we believe well on it's way to being a direct replacement for
Arachne-PNR (and hence why it is called *next*pnr).
### Arachne-PNR does X better!
If you have a use case which prevents you from switching to nextpnr from
Arachne, we want to hear about it! Please create an issue following the
[Arachne-PNR regression template]() and we will do our best to solve the problem!
We want nextpnr to be a suitable replacement for anyone who is currently a user
of Arachne.
### Why are you not just contributing to [Verilog to Routing](
We believe that [Verilog to Routing]( is a great
tool and many of the nextpnr developers have made (and continue to make)
contributions to the project.
VtR is an extremely flexible tool but focuses on research around FPGA
architecture and algorithm development. If your goal is research, then we very
much encourage you to look into VtR further!
nextpnr takes a different approach by focusing on users developing FPGA code
for current FPGAs.
We also believe that support for real architectures will enable interesting new
research. nextpnr (like all place and route systems). depends heavily on
research groups like the VtR developers to investigate and push forward FPGA
algorithms in new and exciting ways.
#### What is VPR?
VPR is the "place and route" tool from Verilog To Routing. It has a similar
role in an FPGA development flow as nextpnr.
### What about [SymbiFlow](
We expect that as nextpnr matures, it will become a key part of the
[SymbiFlow]( For now, while still in a more
experimental state SymbioticEDA will continue to host the project.
For the moment SymbiFlow is continuing to concentrate on extending Verilog to
Routing tool to work with real world architectures.
### Who is working on this project?
nextpnr was
[started as an experiment by SymbioticEDA]( but
hopes to grow beyond being both just an experiment and developed by a single
company. Like Linux grew from Linus Torvalds experiment in creating his own
operating system to something contributed too by many different companies, are
hope is the same will happen here.
The project has already accepted a number of contributions from people not
employed by SymbioticEDA and now with the public release encourages the
community to contribute too.
### What is [Project Trellis](
[Project Trellis]( is the effort to
document the bitstream format for the Lattice ECP5 series of FPGAs. It also
includes tooling around bitstream creation.
Project Trellis is used by nextpnr to enable support for creation of bitstreams
for these parts.
### What is [Project X-Ray](
[Project X-Ray]( is the effort to document
the bitstream format for the Xilinx Series 7 series of FPGAs. It also includes
tooling around bitstream generation for these parts.
While nextpnr currently does **not** support these Xilinx parts, we expect it
will soon by using Project X Ray in a similar manner to Project Trellis.
### What is [Project IceStorm](
[Project IceStorm]( was both a project to
document the bitstream for the Lattice iCE40 series of parts **and** a full
flow including Yosys and Arachne-PNR for converting Verilog into a bitstream for
these parts.
As the open source community now has support for multiple different FPGA parts,
in the nextpnr documentation we generally use Project IceStorm to mean the
tools that fulfil the same role as Project Trellis or Project X-Ray.
Links and references
Links and references
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
Each architecture must implement the following types and APIs.
The syntax `const_range<T>` is used to denote anything that has a `begin()` and `end()` method that return const forward iterators. This can be a `std::list<T>`, `std::vector<T>`, a (const) reference to those, or anything else that behaves in a similar way.
The architecture-specific `archdefs.h` must define the following types.
With the exception of `ArchNetInfo` and `ArchCellInfo`, the following types should be "lightweight" enough so that passing them by value is sensible.
### delay_t
A scalar type that is used to represent delays. May be an integer or float type.
### DelayInfo
A struct representing the delay across a timing arc. Must provide a `+` operator for getting the combined delay of two arcs, and the following methods to access concrete timings:
delay_t minRaiseDelay() const { return delay; }
delay_t maxRaiseDelay() const { return delay; }
delay_t minFallDelay() const { return delay; }
delay_t maxFallDelay() const { return delay; }
delay_t minDelay() const { return delay; }
delay_t maxDelay() const { return delay; }
### BelType
A type representing a bel type name. `BelType()` must construct a unique null-value. Must provide `==` and `!=` operators and a specialization for `std::hash<BelType>`.
### PortPin
A type representing a port or pin name. `PortPin()` must construct a unique null-value. Must provide `==` and `!=` operators and a specialization for `std::hash<PortPin>`.
### BelId
A type representing a bel name. `BelId()` must construct a unique null-value. Must provide `==` and `!=` operators and a specialization for `std::hash<BelId>`.
### WireId
A type representing a wire name. `WireId()` must construct a unique null-value. Must provide `==` and `!=` operators and a specialization for `std::hash<WireId>`.
### PipId
A type representing a pip name. `PipId()` must construct a unique null-value. Must provide `==` and `!=` operators and a specialization for `std::hash<PipId>`.
### GroupId
A type representing a group name. `GroupId()` must construct a unique null-value. Must provide `==` and `!=` operators and a specialization for `std::hash<GroupId>`.
### DecalId
A type representing a reference to a graphical decal. `DecalId()` must construct a unique null-value. Must provide `==` and `!=` operators and a specialization for `std::hash<DecalId>`.
### ArchNetInfo
The global `NetInfo` type derives from this one. Can be used to add arch-specific data (caches of information derived from wire attributes, bound wires and pips, and other net state). Must be declared as empty struct if unused.
### ArchCellInfo
The global `CellInfo` type derives from this one. Can be used to add arch-specific data (caches of information derived from cell attributes and parameters, bound bel, and other cell state). Must be declared as empty struct if unused.
Each architecture must provide their own implementation of the `Arch` struct in `arch.h`. `Arch` must derive from `BaseCtx` and must provide the following methods:
General Methods
### Arch(ArchArgs args)
Constructor. ArchArgs is a architecture-specific type (usually a struct also defined in `arch.h`).
### std::string getChipName() const
Return a string representation of the ArchArgs that was used to construct this object.
### IdString belTypeToId(BelType type) const
Convert a `BelType` to an `IdString`.
### IdString portPinToId(PortPin type) const
Convert a `PortPin` to an `IdString`.
### BelType belTypeFromId(IdString id) const
Convert `IdString` to `BelType`.
### PortPin portPinFromId(IdString id) const
Convert `IdString` to `PortPin`.
### int getGridDimX() const
Get grid X dimension. All bels must have Y coordinates in the range `0 .. getGridDimX()-1` (inclusive).
### int getGridDimY() const
Get grid Y dimension. All bels must have Y coordinates in the range `0 .. getGridDimY()-1` (inclusive).
### int getTileDimZ(int x, int y) const
Get Z dimension for the specified tile. All bels with the specified X and Y coordinates must have a Z coordinate in the range `0 .. getTileDimZ(X,Y)-1` (inclusive).
Bel Methods
### BelId getBelByName(IdString name) const
Lookup a bel by its name.
### IdString getBelName(BelId bel) const
Get the name for a bel. (Bel names must be unique.)
### Loc getBelLocation(BelId bel) const
Get the X/Y/Z location of a given bel.
### BelId getBelByLocation(Loc loc) const
Lookup a bel by its X/Y/Z location.
### const_range\<BelId\> getBelsByTile(int x, int y) const
Return a list of all bels at the give X/Y location.
### bool getBelGlobalBuf(BelId bel) const
Returns true if the given bel is a global buffer. A global buffer does not "pull in" other cells it drives to be close to the location of the global buffer.
### uint32_t getBelChecksum(BelId bel) const
Return a checksum for the state of a bel. (Used to calculate the design checksum.)
### void bindBel(BelId bel, IdString cell, PlaceStrength strength)
Bind a given bel to a given cell with the given strength.
### void unbindBel(BelId bel)
Unbind a bel.
### bool checkBelAvail(BelId bel) const
Returns true if the bel is available. A bel can be unavailable because it is bound, or because it is exclusive to some other resource that is bound.
### IdString getBoundBelCell(BelId bel) const
Return the cell the given bel is bound to, or `IdString()` if the bel is not bound.
### IdString getConflictingBelCell(BelId bel) const
If the bel is unavailable, and unbinding a single cell would make it available, then this method must return the name of that cell.
### const_range\<BelId\> getBels() const
Return a list of all bels on the device.
### BelType getBelType(BelId bel) const
Return the type of a given bel.
### WireId getBelPinWire(BelId bel, PortPin pin) const
Return the wire connected to the given bel pin.
### PortType getBelPinType(BelId bel, PortPin pin) const
Return the type (input/output/inout) of the given bel pin.
### const_range\<PortPin\> getBelPins(BelId bel) const
Return a list of all pins on that bel.
Wire Methods
WireId getWireByName(IdString name) const
IdString getWireName(WireId wire) const
IdString getWireType(WireId wire) const
uint32_t getWireChecksum(WireId wire) const
void bindWire(WireId wire, IdString net, PlaceStrength strength)
void unbindWire(WireId wire)
bool checkWireAvail(WireId wire) const
IdString getBoundWireNet(WireId wire) const
IdString getConflictingWireNet(WireId wire) const
DelayInfo getWireDelay(WireId wire) const
const_range<WireId> getWires() const
const_range<BelPin> getWireBelPins(WireId wire) const
Pip Methods
PipId getPipByName(IdString name) const
IdString getPipName(PipId pip) const
IdString getPipType(PipId pip) const
uint32_t getPipChecksum(PipId pip) const
void bindPip(PipId pip, IdString net, PlaceStrength strength)
void unbindPip(PipId pip)
bool checkPipAvail(PipId pip) const
IdString getBoundPipNet(PipId pip) const
IdString getConflictingPipNet(PipId pip) const
const_range<PipId> getPips() const
WireId getPipSrcWire(PipId pip) const
WireId getPipDstWire(PipId pip) const
DelayInfo getPipDelay(PipId pip) const
const_range<PipId> getPipsDownhill(WireId wire) const
const_range<PipId> getPipsUphill(WireId wire) const
const_range<PipId> getWireAliases(WireId wire) const
Group Methods
GroupId getGroupByName(IdString name) const
IdString getGroupName(GroupId group) const
const_range<GroupId> getGroups() const
const_range<BelId> getGroupBels(GroupId group) const
const_range<WireId> getGroupWires(GroupId group) const
const_range<PipId> getGroupPips(GroupId group) const
const_range<GroupId> getGroupGroups(GroupId group) const
Delay Methods
delay_t estimateDelay(WireId src, WireId dst) const
delay_t getDelayEpsilon() const
delay_t getRipupDelayPenalty() const
float getDelayNS(delay_t v) const
uint32_t getDelayChecksum(delay_t v) const
Flow Methods
bool pack()
bool place()
bool route()
Graphics Methods
const_range<GraphicElement> getDecalGraphics(DecalId decal) const
DecalXY getFrameDecal() const
DecalXY getBelDecal(BelId bel) const
DecalXY getWireDecal(WireId wire) const
DecalXY getPipDecal(PipId pip) const
DecalXY getGroupDecal(GroupId group) const
Cell Delay Methods
bool getCellDelay(const CellInfo *cell, IdString fromPort, IdString toPort, DelayInfo &delay) const
IdString getPortClock(const CellInfo *cell, IdString port) const
bool isClockPort(const CellInfo *cell, IdString port) const
Placer Methods
bool isValidBelForCell(CellInfo *cell, BelId bel) const
bool isBelLocationValid(BelId bel) const
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
Nextpnr and other tools
### Which tool chain should I use and why?
* If you wish to do new **research** into FPGA architectures, place and route
algorithms or other similar topics, we suggest you look at using
[Verilog to Routing](
* If you are developing FPGA code in **Verilog** for a **Lattice iCE40** and
need an open source toolchain, we suggest you use nextpnr.
* If you are developing FPGA code in **Verilog** for a **Lattice iCE40** with
the **existing Arachne-PNR toolchain**, we suggest you start thinking about
migrating to nextpnr.
* If you are developing Verilog FPGA code targeted at the Lattice ECP5 and
need an open source toolchain, you may consider the **extremely
experimental** ECP5 support in nextpnr.
* If you are developing FPGA code in **VHDL** you will need to use either a
version of [Yosys with Verific support]() or the vendor provided tools due
to the lack of open source VHDL support in Yosys.
### Why didn't you just improve [Arachne-PNR](
[Arachne-PNR]( was originally developed as
part of [Project IceStorm]( to demonstrate it
was possible to create an open source place and route tool for the iCE40 FPGAs
that actually produced valid bitstreams.
For it's original purpose it has served the community extremely well. However,
it was never designed to support multiple different FPGA devices, nor more
complicated timing driven routing used by most commercial place and route
It felt like extending Arachne-PNR was not going to be the best path forward, so
[SymbioticEDA]( decided to invest in an
experiment around creating a replacement. nextpnr is the result of that
experiment and we believe well on it's way to being a direct replacement for
Arachne-PNR (and hence why it is called *next*pnr).
### Arachne-PNR does X better!
If you have a use case which prevents you from switching to nextpnr from
Arachne, we want to hear about it! Please create an issue following the
[Arachne-PNR regression template]() and we will do our best to solve the problem!
We want nextpnr to be a suitable replacement for anyone who is currently a user
of Arachne.
### Why are you not just contributing to [Verilog to Routing](
We believe that [Verilog to Routing]( is a great
tool and many of the nextpnr developers have made (and continue to make)
contributions to the project.
VtR is an extremely flexible tool but focuses on research around FPGA
architecture and algorithm development. If your goal is research, then we very
much encourage you to look into VtR further!
nextpnr takes a different approach by focusing on users developing FPGA code
for current FPGAs.
We also believe that support for real architectures will enable interesting new
research. nextpnr (like all place and route systems). depends heavily on
research groups like the VtR developers to investigate and push forward FPGA
algorithms in new and exciting ways.
#### What is VPR?
VPR is the "place and route" tool from Verilog To Routing. It has a similar
role in an FPGA development flow as nextpnr.
### What about [SymbiFlow](
We expect that as nextpnr matures, it will become a key part of the
[SymbiFlow]( For now, while still in a more
experimental state SymbioticEDA will continue to host the project.
For the moment SymbiFlow is continuing to concentrate on extending Verilog to
Routing tool to work with real world architectures.
### Who is working on this project?
nextpnr was
[started as an experiment by SymbioticEDA]( but
hopes to grow beyond being both just an experiment and developed by a single
company. Like Linux grew from Linus Torvalds experiment in creating his own
operating system to something contributed too by many different companies, are
hope is the same will happen here.
The project has already accepted a number of contributions from people not
employed by SymbioticEDA and now with the public release encourages the
community to contribute too.
### What is [Project Trellis](
[Project Trellis]( is the effort to
document the bitstream format for the Lattice ECP5 series of FPGAs. It also
includes tooling around bitstream creation.
Project Trellis is used by nextpnr to enable support for creation of bitstreams
for these parts.
### What is [Project X-Ray](
[Project X-Ray]( is the effort to document
the bitstream format for the Xilinx Series 7 series of FPGAs. It also includes
tooling around bitstream generation for these parts.
While nextpnr currently does **not** support these Xilinx parts, we expect it
will soon by using Project X Ray in a similar manner to Project Trellis.
### What is [Project IceStorm](
[Project IceStorm]( was both a project to
document the bitstream for the Lattice iCE40 series of parts **and** a full
flow including Yosys and Arachne-PNR for converting Verilog into a bitstream for
these parts.
As the open source community now has support for multiple different FPGA parts,
in the nextpnr documentation we generally use Project IceStorm to mean the
tools that fulfil the same role as Project Trellis or Project X-Ray.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user