/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2022 Lofty * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "log.h" #include "nextpnr.h" namespace { USING_NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE; template uint64_t wrap(T thing) { static_assert(sizeof(T) <= 8, "T is too big for FFI"); uint64_t b = 0; memcpy(&b, &thing, sizeof(T)); return b; } BelId unwrap_bel(uint64_t bel) { static_assert(sizeof(BelId) <= 8, "T is too big for FFI"); auto b = BelId(); memcpy(&b, &bel, sizeof(BelId)); return b; } PipId unwrap_pip(uint64_t pip) { static_assert(sizeof(PipId) <= 8, "T is too big for FFI"); auto p = PipId(); memcpy(&p, &pip, sizeof(PipId)); return p; } WireId unwrap_wire(uint64_t wire) { static_assert(sizeof(WireId) <= 8, "T is too big for FFI"); auto w = WireId(); memcpy(&w, &wire, sizeof(WireId)); return w; } } extern "C" { USING_NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE; /* DONE: ctx->bindPip ctx->bindWire ctx->check ctx->debug ctx->estimateDelay ctx->getDelayEpsilon ctx->getPipDstWire ctx->getPipSrcWire ctx->getGridDimX ctx->getGridDimY ctx->id ctx->nameOf ctx->unbindWire ctx->verbose UNNECESSARY: ctx->getDelayNS - all FFI calls go through it anyway. TODO: ctx->checkPipAvail ctx->checkPipAvailForNet ctx->checkWireAvail ctx->getBelPinType ctx->getBoundPipNet ctx->getBoundWireNet ctx->getNetinfoSinkWire ctx->getNetinfoSinkWires ctx->getNetinfoSourceWire ctx->getPipDelay ctx->getPipLocation ctx->getPipsDownhill ctx->getPipsUphill ctx->getRouteBoundingBox ctx->getWireBelPins ctx->getWireDelay ctx->getWires ctx->getWireType ctx->nameOfPip ctx->nameOfWire ctx->nets ctx->nets.at ctx->nets.size ctx->rng64 ctx->setting ctx->setting ctx->setting ctx->sorted_shuffle */ void npnr_log_info(const char *const format) { log_info("%s", format); } void npnr_log_error(const char *const format) { log_error("%s", format); } uint64_t npnr_belid_null() { return wrap(BelId()); } uint64_t npnr_wireid_null() { return wrap(WireId()); } int npnr_context_get_grid_dim_x(const Context *const ctx) { return ctx->getGridDimX(); } int npnr_context_get_grid_dim_y(const Context *const ctx) { return ctx->getGridDimY(); } void npnr_context_bind_bel(Context *ctx, uint64_t bel, CellInfo* cell, PlaceStrength strength) { return ctx->bindBel(unwrap_bel(bel), cell, strength); } void npnr_context_unbind_bel(Context *ctx, uint64_t bel) { return ctx->unbindBel(unwrap_bel(bel)); } bool npnr_context_check_bel_avail(Context *const ctx, uint64_t bel) { return ctx->checkBelAvail(unwrap_bel(bel)); } void npnr_context_bind_wire(Context *ctx, uint64_t wire, NetInfo* net, PlaceStrength strength) { ctx->bindWire(unwrap_wire(wire), net, strength); } void npnr_context_unbind_wire(Context *ctx, uint64_t wire) { ctx->unbindWire(unwrap_wire(wire)); } void npnr_context_bind_pip(Context *ctx, uint64_t pip, NetInfo* net, PlaceStrength strength) { ctx->bindPip(unwrap_pip(pip), net, strength); } void npnr_context_unbind_pip(Context *ctx, uint64_t pip) { ctx->unbindPip(unwrap_pip(pip)); } uint64_t npnr_context_get_pip_src_wire(const Context *const ctx, uint64_t pip) { return wrap(ctx->getPipSrcWire(unwrap_pip(pip))); } uint64_t npnr_context_get_pip_dst_wire(const Context *const ctx, uint64_t pip) { return wrap(ctx->getPipDstWire(unwrap_pip(pip))); } float npnr_context_estimate_delay(const Context *const ctx, uint64_t src, uint64_t dst) { return ctx->getDelayNS(ctx->estimateDelay(unwrap_wire(src), unwrap_wire(dst))); } float npnr_context_delay_epsilon(const Context *const ctx) { return ctx->getDelayNS(ctx->getDelayEpsilon()); } void npnr_context_check(const Context *const ctx) { ctx->check(); } bool npnr_context_debug(const Context *const ctx) { return ctx->debug; } int npnr_context_id(const Context *const ctx, const char *const str) { return ctx->id(str).hash(); } const char *npnr_context_name_of(const Context *const ctx, IdString str) { return ctx->nameOf(str); } bool npnr_context_verbose(const Context *const ctx) { return ctx->verbose; } uint64_t npnr_context_get_netinfo_source_wire(const Context *const ctx, const NetInfo *const net) { return wrap(ctx->getNetinfoSourceWire(net)); } uint64_t npnr_context_get_netinfo_sink_wire(const Context *const ctx, const NetInfo *const net, const PortRef *const sink, uint32_t n) { if (ctx == nullptr) { return 0; } return wrap(ctx->getNetinfoSinkWire(net, *sink, n)); } uint32_t npnr_context_nets_leak(const Context *const ctx, int **names, NetInfo ***nets) { auto name_vec = std::vector{}; auto nets_vec = std::vector{}; for (auto& item : ctx->nets) { name_vec.push_back(item.first.hash()); nets_vec.push_back(item.second.get()); } name_vec.shrink_to_fit(); nets_vec.shrink_to_fit(); auto size = name_vec.size(); *names = name_vec.data(); *nets = nets_vec.data(); // Yes, by placement-newing over `name_vec` and `nets_vec` we leak memory. new (&name_vec) std::vector; new (&nets_vec) std::vector; return size; } // Yes, this is quadratic. It gets imported once and then never worried about again. // There are bigger fish to fry. int npnr_context_nets_key(const Context *const ctx, uint32_t n) { if (ctx == nullptr) { return 0; } for (auto& item : ctx->nets) { if (n == 0) { return item.first.hash(); } n--; } return 0; } NetInfo* npnr_context_nets_value(const Context *const ctx, uint32_t n) { if (ctx == nullptr) { return nullptr; } for (auto& item : ctx->nets) { if (n == 0) { return item.second.get(); } n--; } return nullptr; } PortRef* npnr_netinfo_driver(NetInfo *const net) { if (net == nullptr) { return nullptr; } return &net->driver; } uint32_t npnr_netinfo_users_leak(NetInfo *const net, PortRef ***users) { auto x = std::vector{}; for (auto& item : net->users) { x.push_back(&item); } x.shrink_to_fit(); *users = x.data(); auto size = x.size(); // Yes, by placement-newing over `x` we leak memory. new (&x) std::vector{}; return size; } #ifdef ARCH_ECP5 bool npnr_netinfo_is_global(NetInfo *const net) { return net->is_global; } #else bool npnr_netinfo_is_global(NetInfo *const net) { return false; } #endif CellInfo* npnr_portref_cell(const PortRef *const port) { return port->cell; } int npnr_cellinfo_get_location_x(const CellInfo *const info) { return info->getLocation().x; } int npnr_cellinfo_get_location_y(const CellInfo *const info) { return info->getLocation().y; } extern bool npnr_router_awooter(Context *ctx); } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN bool router_awooter(Context *ctx) { static_assert(std::is_standard_layout::value == true, "IdString is not FFI-safe"); log_info("Running Awooter...\n"); auto result = npnr_router_awooter(ctx); log_info("Router returned: %d\n", result); NPNR_ASSERT_FALSE_STR("I haven't implemented anything beyond this yet."); return result; } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END