/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include #include #include "log.h" #include "route.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct QueuedWire { WireId wire; PipId pip; float delay = 0, togo = 0; struct Greater { bool operator()(const QueuedWire &lhs, const QueuedWire &rhs) const noexcept { return (lhs.delay + lhs.togo) > (rhs.delay + rhs.togo); } }; }; void route_design(Design *design, bool verbose) { auto &chip = design->chip; int itercnt = 0, netcnt = 0; float maxDelay = 0.0; log_info("Routing..\n"); for (auto &net_it : design->nets) { auto net_name = net_it.first; auto net_info = net_it.second; if (net_info->driver.cell == nullptr) continue; if (verbose) log("Routing net %s.\n", net_name.c_str()); netcnt++; if (verbose) log(" Source: %s.%s.\n", net_info->driver.cell->name.c_str(), net_info->driver.port.c_str()); auto src_bel = net_info->driver.cell->bel; if (src_bel == BelId()) log_error("Source cell %s (%s) is not mapped to a bel.\n", net_info->driver.cell->name.c_str(), net_info->driver.cell->type.c_str()); if (verbose) log(" Source bel: %s\n", chip.getBelName(src_bel).c_str()); auto src_pos = chip.getBelPosition(src_bel); auto src_wire = chip.getWireBelPin( src_bel, portPinFromId(net_info->driver.port)); if (src_wire == WireId()) log_error("No wire found for port %s on source bel.\n", net_info->driver.port.c_str()); if (verbose) log(" Source wire: %s\n", chip.getWireName(src_wire).c_str()); std::unordered_map src_wires; src_wires[src_wire] = DelayInfo(); net_info->wires[src_wire] = PipId(); chip.bindWire(src_wire, net_name); for (auto &user_it : net_info->users) { if (verbose) log(" Route to: %s.%s.\n", user_it.cell->name.c_str(), user_it.port.c_str()); auto dst_bel = user_it.cell->bel; auto dst_pos = chip.getBelPosition(dst_bel); if (dst_bel == BelId()) log_error("Destination cell is not mapped to a bel.\n"); if (verbose) { log(" Destination bel: %s\n", chip.getBelName(dst_bel).c_str()); log(" Path delay estimate: %.2f\n", chip.estimateDelay(src_pos, dst_pos)); } auto dst_wire = chip.getWireBelPin(dst_bel, portPinFromId(user_it.port)); if (dst_wire == WireId()) log_error("No wire found for port %s on destination bel.\n", user_it.port.c_str()); if (verbose) log(" Destination wire: %s\n", chip.getWireName(dst_wire).c_str()); std::unordered_map visited; std::priority_queue, QueuedWire::Greater> queue; for (auto &it : src_wires) { QueuedWire qw; qw.wire = it.first; qw.pip = PipId(); qw.delay = it.second.avgDelay(); qw.togo = chip.estimateDelay(chip.getWirePosition(qw.wire), dst_pos); queue.push(qw); visited[qw.wire] = qw; } while (!queue.empty()) { itercnt++; QueuedWire qw = queue.top(); queue.pop(); for (auto pip : chip.getPipsDownhill(qw.wire)) { if (!chip.checkPipAvail(pip)) continue; WireId next_wire = chip.getPipDstWire(pip); float next_delay = qw.delay + chip.getPipDelay(pip).avgDelay(); if (visited.count(next_wire)) { if (visited.at(next_wire).delay <= next_delay + 1e-3) continue; if (verbose) log("Found better route to %s. Old vs new delay " "estimate: %.2f %.2f\n", chip.getWireName(next_wire).c_str(), visited.at(next_wire).delay, next_delay); } if (!chip.checkWireAvail(next_wire)) continue; QueuedWire next_qw; next_qw.wire = next_wire; next_qw.pip = pip; next_qw.delay = next_delay; next_qw.togo = chip.estimateDelay( chip.getWirePosition(next_wire), dst_pos); visited[next_qw.wire] = next_qw; queue.push(next_qw); if (next_qw.wire == dst_wire) { std::priority_queue, QueuedWire::Greater> empty_queue; std::swap(queue, empty_queue); break; } } } if (visited.count(dst_wire) == 0) log_error("Failed to route %s -> %s.\n", chip.getWireName(src_wire).c_str(), chip.getWireName(dst_wire).c_str()); if (verbose) log(" Final path delay: %.2f\n", visited[dst_wire].delay); maxDelay = fmaxf(maxDelay, visited[dst_wire].delay); if (verbose) log(" Route (from destination to source):\n"); WireId cursor = dst_wire; while (1) { if (verbose) log(" %8.2f %s\n", visited[cursor].delay, chip.getWireName(cursor).c_str()); if (src_wires.count(cursor)) break; net_info->wires[cursor] = visited[cursor].pip; chip.bindWire(cursor, net_name); chip.bindPip(visited[cursor].pip, net_name); src_wires[cursor] = chip.getPipDelay(visited[cursor].pip); cursor = chip.getPipSrcWire(visited[cursor].pip); } } } log_info("routed %d nets, visited %d wires.\n", netcnt, itercnt); log_info("longest path delay: %.2f\n", maxDelay); } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END