/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2021-22 gatecat * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ /* This provides core data structures for a thread-safe detail placer that needs to swap cells and evaluate the cost changes of swaps. It works on a partition-based threading approach; although threading can be avoided by only instantiating one per-thread structure and calling its methods from the main thread. Each thread's data includes its own local net indexing for nets inside the partition (which can overlap thread boundaries); and its own local cell-to-bel mapping for any cells on those nets, so there are no races with moves made by other threads. A move is an atomic transaction of updated cell to bel mappings inside a thread. The first step is to reset the per-move structures; then to add all of the moved cells to the move with add_to_move. Evaluation of wirelength and timing changes of a move is done with compute_changes_for_cell and compute_total_change. bind_move will probationally bind the move using the arch API functions, acquiring a lock during this time to prevent races on non-thread-safe arch implementations, returning true if the bind succeeded or false if something went wrong and it should be aborted. check_validity must then be called to use the arch API validity check functions on the move. Finally if the move meets criteria and is accepted then commit_move marks it as committed, otherwise revert_move aborts the entire move transaction. */ #ifndef DETAIL_PLACE_CORE_H #define DETAIL_PLACE_CORE_H #include "nextpnr.h" #include "detail_place_cfg.h" #include "fast_bels.h" #include "timing.h" #include #if !defined(NPNR_DISABLE_THREADS) #include #endif NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct PlacePartition { int x0, y0, x1, y1; std::vector cells; PlacePartition() = default; explicit PlacePartition(Context *ctx); void split(Context *ctx, bool yaxis, float pivot, PlacePartition &l, PlacePartition &r); }; typedef int64_t wirelen_t; struct NetBB { // Actual bounding box int x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = 0, y1 = 0; // Number of cells at each extremity int nx0 = 0, nx1 = 0, ny0 = 0, ny1 = 0; inline wirelen_t hpwl(const DetailPlaceCfg &cfg) const { return wirelen_t(cfg.hpwl_scale_x * (x1 - x0) + cfg.hpwl_scale_y * (y1 - y0)); } static NetBB compute(const Context *ctx, const NetInfo *net, const dict *cell2bel = nullptr); }; struct DetailPlacerState { explicit DetailPlacerState(Context *ctx, DetailPlaceCfg &cfg) : ctx(ctx), base_cfg(cfg), bels(ctx, false, 64), tmg(ctx) {}; Context *ctx; DetailPlaceCfg &base_cfg; FastBels bels; std::vector flat_nets; // flat array of all nets in the design for fast referencing by index std::vector last_bounds; std::vector> last_tmg_costs; dict region_bounds; TimingAnalyser tmg; wirelen_t total_wirelen = 0; double total_timing_cost = 0; #if !defined(NPNR_DISABLE_THREADS) std::shared_timed_mutex archapi_mutex; #endif inline double get_timing_cost(const NetInfo *net, store_index user, const dict *cell2bel = nullptr) { if (!net->driver.cell) return 0; const auto &sink = net->users.at(user); IdString driver_pin, sink_pin; // Pick the first pin for a prediction; assume all will be similar enouhg for (auto pin : ctx->getBelPinsForCellPin(net->driver.cell, net->driver.port)) { driver_pin = pin; break; } for (auto pin : ctx->getBelPinsForCellPin(sink.cell, sink.port)) { sink_pin = pin; break; } float crit = tmg.get_criticality(CellPortKey(sink)); BelId src_bel = cell2bel ? cell2bel->at(net->driver.cell->name) : net->driver.cell->bel; BelId dst_bel = cell2bel ? cell2bel->at(sink.cell->name) : sink.cell->bel; double delay = ctx->getDelayNS(ctx->predictDelay(src_bel, driver_pin, dst_bel, sink_pin)); return delay * std::pow(crit, base_cfg.crit_exp); } inline bool skip_net(const NetInfo *net) const { if (!net->driver.cell) return true; if (ctx->getBelGlobalBuf(net->driver.cell->bel)) return true; return false; } inline bool timing_skip_net(const NetInfo *net) const { if (!net->driver.cell) return true; int cc; auto cls = ctx->getPortTimingClass(net->driver.cell, net->driver.port, cc); if (cls == TMG_IGNORE || cls == TMG_GEN_CLOCK) return true; return false; } void update_global_costs(); }; struct DetailPlacerThreadState { Context *ctx; // Nextpnr context pointer DetailPlacerState &g; // Placer engine state int idx; // Index of the thread DeterministicRNG rng; // Local RNG // The cell partition that the thread works on PlacePartition p; // Mapping from design-wide net index to thread-wide net index -- not all nets are in all partitions, so we can // optimise std::vector thread_net_idx; // List of nets inside the partition; and their committed bounding boxes & timing costs from the thread's // perspective std::vector thread_nets; std::vector net_bounds; std::vector> arc_tmg_cost; std::vector ignored_nets, tmg_ignored_nets; bool arch_state_dirty = false; // Our local cell-bel map; that won't be affected by out-of-partition moves dict local_cell2bel; // Data on an inflight move dict> moved_cells; // cell -> (old; new) // For cluster moves only std::vector> cell_rel; // For incremental wirelength and delay updates wirelen_t wirelen_delta = 0; double timing_delta = 0; // Wirelen related are handled on a per-axis basis to reduce enum BoundChange { NO_CHANGE, CELL_MOVED_INWARDS, CELL_MOVED_OUTWARDS, FULL_RECOMPUTE }; struct AxisChanges { std::vector bounds_changed_nets; std::vector already_bounds_changed; }; std::array axes; std::vector new_net_bounds; std::vector> already_timing_changed; std::vector>> timing_changed_arcs; std::vector new_timing_costs; DetailPlacerThreadState(Context *ctx, DetailPlacerState &g, int idx) : ctx(ctx), g(g), idx(idx) {}; void set_partition(const PlacePartition &part); void setup_initial_state(); bool bounds_check(BelId bel); // Reset the inflight move state void reset_move_state(); // Add a cell change to the move bool add_to_move(CellInfo *cell, BelId old_bel, BelId new_bel); // For an inflight move; attempt to actually apply the changes to the arch API bool bind_move(); // Checks if the arch API bel validity for a move is accepted bool check_validity(); // Undo any changes relating to an inflight move void revert_move(); // Mark the inflight move as complete and update cost structures void commit_move(); // Update the inflight cost change structures for a given cell moe void compute_changes_for_cell(CellInfo *cell, BelId old_bel, BelId new_bel); // Update the total cost change for an inflight move void compute_total_change(); }; NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END #endif