/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 Miodrag Milanovic * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #ifndef TREEMODEL_H #define TREEMODEL_H #include #include #include "nextpnr.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN enum class ElementType { NONE, BEL, WIRE, PIP, NET, CELL, GROUP }; namespace TreeModel { class Item { protected: QString name_; Item *parent_; QList children_; ElementType type_; void addChild(Item *child) { children_.append(child); } public: Item(QString name, Item *parent, ElementType type) : name_(name), parent_(parent), type_(type) { // Register in parent if exists. if (parent_ != nullptr) { parent_->addChild(this); } }; int count() const { return children_.count(); } QString name() const { return name_; } Item *child(int index) { return children_.at(index); } int indexOf(const Item *child) const { // Dropping the const for indexOf to work. return children_.indexOf((Item *)child, 0); } int indexOf(Item *child) { return children_.indexOf(child, 0); } const Item *parent() const { return parent_; } Item *parent() { return parent_; } ElementType type() const { return type_; } virtual bool canFetchMore() const = 0; virtual void fetchMore() = 0; virtual IdString id() const = 0; virtual ~Item() {} }; class StaticTreeItem : public Item { public: using Item::Item; virtual bool canFetchMore() const override { return false; } virtual void fetchMore() override { } virtual ~StaticTreeItem() {} virtual IdString id() const override { return IdString(); } }; class IdStringItem : public StaticTreeItem { private: IdString id_; public: IdStringItem(Context *ctx, IdString str, Item *parent, ElementType type) : StaticTreeItem(QString(str.c_str(ctx)), parent, type), id_(str) {} virtual IdString id() const override { return id_; } }; template class ElementList : public Item { public: using ElementMap = std::map, std::vector>; using ElementGetter = std::function; private: Context *ctx_; const ElementMap *map_; int x_, y_; ElementGetter getter_; std::unordered_map> managed_; ElementType child_type_; // scope valid until map gets mutated... const std::vector *elements() const { return &map_->at(std::pair(x_, y_)); } public: ElementList(Context *ctx, QString name, Item *parent, ElementMap *map, int x, int y, ElementGetter getter, ElementType type) : Item(name, parent, ElementType::NONE), ctx_(ctx), map_(map), x_(x), y_(y), getter_(getter), child_type_(type) { } virtual bool canFetchMore() const override { return (size_t)children_.size() < elements()->size(); } void fetchMore(int count) { size_t start = children_.size(); size_t end = std::min(start + count, elements()->size()); for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++) { auto idstring = getter_(ctx_, elements()->at(i)); QString name(idstring.c_str(ctx_)); // Remove X.../Y.../ prefix QString prefix = QString("X%1/Y%2/").arg(x_).arg(y_); if (name.startsWith(prefix)) name.remove(0, prefix.size()); auto item = new IdStringItem(ctx_, idstring, this, child_type_); managed_[idstring] = std::move(std::unique_ptr(item)); } } virtual void fetchMore() override { fetchMore(100); } virtual IdString id() const override { return IdString(); } boost::optional getById(IdString id) { // Search requires us to load all our elements... while (canFetchMore()) fetchMore(); auto res = managed_.find(id); if (res != managed_.end()) { return res->second.get(); } return boost::none; } }; class IdStringList : public StaticTreeItem { private: std::unordered_map> managed_; ElementType child_type_; public: IdStringList(QString name, Item *parent, ElementType type) : StaticTreeItem(name, parent, ElementType::NONE), child_type_(type) {} using StaticTreeItem::StaticTreeItem; static std::vector alphaNumSplit(const QString &str) { std::vector res; QString current_part; bool number = true; for (const auto c : str) { if (current_part.size() == 0 && res.size() == 0) { current_part.push_back(c); number = c.isNumber(); continue; } if (number != c.isNumber()) { number = c.isNumber(); res.push_back(current_part); current_part.clear(); } current_part.push_back(c); } res.push_back(current_part); return res; } IdStringItem *getById(IdString id) const { return managed_.at(id).get(); } void updateElements(Context *ctx, std::vector elements) { // for any elements that are not yet in managed_, created them. std::unordered_set element_set; for (auto elem : elements) { element_set.insert(elem); auto existing = managed_.find(elem); if (existing == managed_.end()) { auto item = new IdStringItem(ctx, elem, this, child_type_); managed_.emplace(elem, std::unique_ptr(item)); } } children_.clear(); // for any elements that are in managed_ but not in new, delete them. for (auto &pair : managed_) { if (element_set.count(pair.first) != 0) { children_.push_back(pair.second.get()); continue; } managed_.erase(pair.first); } // sort new children qSort(children_.begin(), children_.end(), [&](const Item *a, const Item *b){ auto parts_a = alphaNumSplit(a->name()); auto parts_b = alphaNumSplit(b->name()); if (parts_a.size() != parts_b.size()) { return parts_a.size() < parts_b.size(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < parts_a.size(); i++) { auto &part_a = parts_a.at(i); auto &part_b = parts_b.at(i); bool a_is_number, b_is_number; int a_number = part_a.toInt(&a_is_number); int b_number = part_b.toInt(&b_is_number); if (a_is_number && b_is_number) { if (a_number != b_number) { return a_number < b_number; } else { continue; } } if (a_is_number != b_is_number) { return a_is_number; } // both strings if (part_a == part_b) { continue; } return part_a < part_b; } // both equal return true; }); } }; template class ElementXYRoot : public StaticTreeItem { public: using ElementMap = std::map, std::vector>; using ElementGetter = std::function; private: Context *ctx_; std::vector> managed_labels_; std::vector>> managed_lists_; ElementMap map_; ElementGetter getter_; ElementType child_type_; public: ElementXYRoot(Context *ctx, QString name, Item *parent, ElementMap map, ElementGetter getter, ElementType type) : StaticTreeItem(name, parent, ElementType::NONE), ctx_(ctx), map_(map), getter_(getter), child_type_(type) { std::vector y_present; for (int i = 0; i < ctx->getGridDimX(); i++) { y_present.clear(); // first find all the elements in all Y coordinates in this X for (int j = 0; j < ctx->getGridDimY(); j++) { if (map_.count(std::pair(i, j)) == 0) continue; y_present.push_back(j); } // no bels in any X coordinate? do not add X tree item. if (y_present.size() == 0) continue; // create X item for tree auto item = new StaticTreeItem(QString("X%1").arg(i), this, child_type_); managed_labels_.push_back(std::move(std::unique_ptr(item))); for (auto j : y_present) { auto item2 = new ElementList(ctx_, QString("Y%1").arg(j), item, &map_, i, j, getter_, child_type_); item2->fetchMore(1); managed_lists_.push_back(std::move(std::unique_ptr>(item2))); } } } boost::optional getById(IdString id) { // For now, scan linearly all ElementLists. // TODO(q3k) fix this once we have tree API from arch for (auto &l : managed_lists_) { auto res = l->getById(id); if (res) { return res; } } return boost::none; } }; class Model : public QAbstractItemModel { public: using BelXYRoot = ElementXYRoot; using WireXYRoot = ElementXYRoot; using PipXYRoot = ElementXYRoot; Model(QObject *parent = nullptr); ~Model(); void loadContext(Context *ctx); void updateCellsNets(Context *ctx); Item *nodeFromIndex(const QModelIndex &idx) const; QModelIndex indexFromNode(Item *node) { const Item *parent = node->parent(); if (parent == nullptr) return QModelIndex(); return createIndex(parent->indexOf(node), 0, node); } QList search(QString text); boost::optional nodeForIdType(ElementType type, IdString id) const { switch (type) { case ElementType::BEL: return bel_root_->getById(id); case ElementType::WIRE: return wire_root_->getById(id); case ElementType::PIP: return pip_root_->getById(id); case ElementType::CELL: return cell_root_->getById(id); case ElementType::NET: return net_root_->getById(id); default: return boost::none; } } // Override QAbstractItemModel methods int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &child) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void fetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; bool canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; private: std::unique_ptr root_; std::unique_ptr bel_root_; std::unique_ptr wire_root_; std::unique_ptr pip_root_; std::unique_ptr cell_root_; std::unique_ptr net_root_; }; }; // namespace TreeModel NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END #endif // TREEMODEL_H