/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 Serge Bazanski * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fpgaviewwidget.h" #include "log.h" #include "mainwindow.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN FPGAViewWidget::FPGAViewWidget(QWidget *parent) : QOpenGLWidget(parent), ctx_(nullptr), paintTimer_(this), lineShader_(this), zoom_(500.0f), rendererData_(new FPGAViewWidget::RendererData), rendererArgs_(new FPGAViewWidget::RendererArgs) { colors_.background = QColor("#000000"); colors_.grid = QColor("#333"); colors_.frame = QColor("#808080"); colors_.hidden = QColor("#606060"); colors_.inactive = QColor("#303030"); colors_.active = QColor("#f0f0f0"); colors_.selected = QColor("#ff6600"); colors_.highlight[0] = QColor("#6495ed"); colors_.highlight[1] = QColor("#7fffd4"); colors_.highlight[2] = QColor("#98fb98"); colors_.highlight[3] = QColor("#ffd700"); colors_.highlight[4] = QColor("#cd5c5c"); colors_.highlight[5] = QColor("#fa8072"); colors_.highlight[6] = QColor("#ff69b4"); colors_.highlight[7] = QColor("#da70d6"); rendererArgs_->highlightedOrSelectedChanged = false; auto fmt = format(); fmt.setMajorVersion(3); fmt.setMinorVersion(1); setFormat(fmt); fmt = format(); if (fmt.majorVersion() < 3) { printf("Could not get OpenGL 3.0 context. Aborting.\n"); log_abort(); } if (fmt.minorVersion() < 1) { printf("Could not get OpenGL 3.1 context - trying anyway...\n "); } connect(&paintTimer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(update())); paintTimer_.start(1000 / 20); // paint GL 20 times per second renderRunner_ = std::unique_ptr(new PeriodicRunner(this, [this] { renderLines(); })); renderRunner_->start(); renderRunner_->startTimer(1000 / 2); // render lines 2 times per second } FPGAViewWidget::~FPGAViewWidget() {} void FPGAViewWidget::newContext(Context *ctx) { ctx_ = ctx; onSelectedArchItem(std::vector()); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) onHighlightGroupChanged(std::vector(), i); pokeRenderer(); } QSize FPGAViewWidget::minimumSizeHint() const { return QSize(640, 480); } QSize FPGAViewWidget::sizeHint() const { return QSize(640, 480); } void FPGAViewWidget::initializeGL() { if (!lineShader_.compile()) { log_error("Could not compile shader.\n"); } initializeOpenGLFunctions(); glClearColor(colors_.background.red() / 255, colors_.background.green() / 255, colors_.background.blue() / 255, 0.0); } void FPGAViewWidget::drawGraphicElement(LineShaderData &out, const GraphicElement &el, float x, float y) { const float scale = 1.0; if (el.type == GraphicElement::TYPE_BOX) { auto line = PolyLine(true); line.point(x + scale * el.x1, y + scale * el.y1); line.point(x + scale * el.x2, y + scale * el.y1); line.point(x + scale * el.x2, y + scale * el.y2); line.point(x + scale * el.x1, y + scale * el.y2); line.build(out); } if (el.type == GraphicElement::TYPE_LINE || el.type == GraphicElement::TYPE_ARROW) { PolyLine(x + scale * el.x1, y + scale * el.y1, x + scale * el.x2, y + scale * el.y2) .build(out); } } void FPGAViewWidget::drawDecal(LineShaderData &out, const DecalXY &decal) { float offsetX = decal.x; float offsetY = decal.y; for (auto &el : ctx_->getDecalGraphics(decal.decal)) { drawGraphicElement(out, el, offsetX, offsetY); } } void FPGAViewWidget::drawArchDecal(LineShaderData out[GraphicElement::STYLE_MAX], const DecalXY &decal) { float offsetX = decal.x; float offsetY = decal.y; for (auto &el : ctx_->getDecalGraphics(decal.decal)) { switch (el.style) { case GraphicElement::STYLE_FRAME: case GraphicElement::STYLE_INACTIVE: case GraphicElement::STYLE_ACTIVE: drawGraphicElement(out[el.style], el, offsetX, offsetY); break; default: break; } } } QMatrix4x4 FPGAViewWidget::getProjection(void) { QMatrix4x4 matrix; const float aspect = float(width()) / float(height()); matrix.perspective(3.14 / 2, aspect, zoomNear_, zoomFar_); matrix.translate(0.0f, 0.0f, -zoom_); return matrix; } void FPGAViewWidget::paintGL() { auto gl = QOpenGLContext::currentContext()->functions(); const qreal retinaScale = devicePixelRatio(); gl->glViewport(0, 0, width() * retinaScale, height() * retinaScale); gl->glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); QMatrix4x4 matrix = getProjection(); matrix *= viewMove_; // Calculate world thickness to achieve a screen 1px/1.1px line. float thick1Px = mouseToWorldDimensions(1, 0).x(); float thick11Px = mouseToWorldDimensions(1.1, 0).x(); // Render grid. auto grid = LineShaderData(); for (float i = -100.0f; i < 100.0f; i += 1.0f) { PolyLine(-100.0f, i, 100.0f, i).build(grid); PolyLine(i, -100.0f, i, 100.0f).build(grid); } // Draw grid. lineShader_.draw(grid, colors_.grid, thick1Px, matrix); rendererDataLock_.lock(); // Render Arch graphics. lineShader_.draw(rendererData_->gfxByStyle[GraphicElement::STYLE_FRAME], colors_.frame, thick11Px, matrix); lineShader_.draw(rendererData_->gfxByStyle[GraphicElement::STYLE_HIDDEN], colors_.hidden, thick11Px, matrix); lineShader_.draw(rendererData_->gfxByStyle[GraphicElement::STYLE_INACTIVE], colors_.inactive, thick11Px, matrix); lineShader_.draw(rendererData_->gfxByStyle[GraphicElement::STYLE_ACTIVE], colors_.active, thick11Px, matrix); // Draw highlighted items. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) lineShader_.draw(rendererData_->gfxHighlighted[i], colors_.highlight[i], thick11Px, matrix); lineShader_.draw(rendererData_->gfxSelected, colors_.selected, thick11Px, matrix); rendererDataLock_.unlock(); } void FPGAViewWidget::pokeRenderer(void) { renderRunner_->poke(); } void FPGAViewWidget::renderLines(void) { if (ctx_ == nullptr) return; // Data from Context needed to render all decals. std::vector belDecals; std::vector wireDecals; std::vector pipDecals; std::vector groupDecals; bool decalsChanged = false; { // Take the UI/Normal mutex on the Context, copy over all we need as // fast as we can. std::lock_guard lock_ui(ctx_->ui_mutex); std::lock_guard lock(ctx_->mutex); // For now, collapse any decal changes into change of all decals. // TODO(q3k): fix this if (ctx_->allUiReload) { ctx_->allUiReload = false; decalsChanged = true; } if (ctx_->frameUiReload) { ctx_->frameUiReload = false; decalsChanged = true; } if (ctx_->belUiReload.size() > 0) { ctx_->belUiReload.clear(); decalsChanged = true; } if (ctx_->wireUiReload.size() > 0) { ctx_->wireUiReload.clear(); decalsChanged = true; } if (ctx_->pipUiReload.size() > 0) { ctx_->pipUiReload.clear(); decalsChanged = true; } if (ctx_->groupUiReload.size() > 0) { ctx_->groupUiReload.clear(); decalsChanged = true; } // Local copy of decals, taken as fast as possible to not block the P&R. if (decalsChanged) { for (auto bel : ctx_->getBels()) { belDecals.push_back(ctx_->getBelDecal(bel)); } for (auto wire : ctx_->getWires()) { wireDecals.push_back(ctx_->getWireDecal(wire)); } for (auto pip : ctx_->getPips()) { pipDecals.push_back(ctx_->getPipDecal(pip)); } for (auto group : ctx_->getGroups()) { groupDecals.push_back(ctx_->getGroupDecal(group)); } } } // Arguments from the main UI thread on what we should render. std::vector selectedDecals; std::vector highlightedDecals[8]; bool highlightedOrSelectedChanged; { // Take the renderer arguments lock, copy over all we need. QMutexLocker lock(&rendererArgsLock_); selectedDecals = rendererArgs_->selectedDecals; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) highlightedDecals[i] = rendererArgs_->highlightedDecals[i]; highlightedOrSelectedChanged = rendererArgs_->highlightedOrSelectedChanged; rendererArgs_->highlightedOrSelectedChanged = false; } QuadTreeBels::BoundingBox globalBB = QuadTreeBels::BoundingBox(-1000, -1000, 1000, 1000); // Render decals if necessary. if (decalsChanged) { auto data = std::unique_ptr(new FPGAViewWidget::RendererData); // Draw Bels. data->qtBels = std::unique_ptr(new QuadTreeBels(globalBB)); for (auto const &decal : belDecals) { drawArchDecal(data->gfxByStyle, decal); } // Draw Wires. for (auto const &decal : wireDecals) { drawArchDecal(data->gfxByStyle, decal); } // Draw Pips. for (auto const &decal : pipDecals) { drawArchDecal(data->gfxByStyle, decal); } // Draw Groups. for (auto const &decal : groupDecals) { drawArchDecal(data->gfxByStyle, decal); } // Swap over. { QMutexLocker lock(&rendererDataLock_); // If we're not re-rendering any highlights/selections, let's // copy them over from teh current object. if (!highlightedOrSelectedChanged) { data->gfxSelected = rendererData_->gfxSelected; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) data->gfxHighlighted[i] = rendererData_->gfxHighlighted[i]; } rendererData_ = std::move(data); } } if (highlightedOrSelectedChanged) { QMutexLocker locker(&rendererDataLock_); // Render selected. rendererData_->gfxSelected.clear(); for (auto &decal : selectedDecals) { drawDecal(rendererData_->gfxSelected, decal); } // Render highlighted. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { rendererData_->gfxHighlighted[i].clear(); for (auto &decal : highlightedDecals[i]) { drawDecal(rendererData_->gfxHighlighted[i], decal); } } } } void FPGAViewWidget::onSelectedArchItem(std::vector decals) { { QMutexLocker locker(&rendererArgsLock_); rendererArgs_->selectedDecals = decals; rendererArgs_->highlightedOrSelectedChanged = true; } pokeRenderer(); } void FPGAViewWidget::onHighlightGroupChanged(std::vector decals, int group) { { QMutexLocker locker(&rendererArgsLock_); rendererArgs_->highlightedDecals[group] = decals; rendererArgs_->highlightedOrSelectedChanged = true; } pokeRenderer(); } void FPGAViewWidget::resizeGL(int width, int height) {} void FPGAViewWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->buttons() & Qt::RightButton || event->buttons() & Qt::MidButton) { lastDragPos_ = event->pos(); } if (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) { int x = event->x(); int y = event->y(); auto world = mouseToWorldCoordinates(x, y); rendererDataLock_.lock(); if (rendererData_->qtBels != nullptr) { auto elems = rendererData_->qtBels->get(world.x(), world.y()); if (elems.size() > 0) { clickedBel(elems[0]); } } rendererDataLock_.unlock(); } } // Invert the projection matrix to calculate screen/mouse to world/grid // coordinates. QVector4D FPGAViewWidget::mouseToWorldCoordinates(int x, int y) { const qreal retinaScale = devicePixelRatio(); auto projection = getProjection(); QMatrix4x4 vp; vp.viewport(0, 0, width() * retinaScale, height() * retinaScale); QVector4D vec(x, y, 0, 1); vec = vp.inverted() * vec; vec = projection.inverted() * vec; auto ray = vec.toVector3DAffine(); auto world = QVector4D(ray.x()*ray.z(), -ray.y()*ray.z(), 0, 1); world = viewMove_.inverted() * world; return world; } QVector4D FPGAViewWidget::mouseToWorldDimensions(int x, int y) { QMatrix4x4 p = getProjection(); QVector2D unit = p.map(QVector4D(1, 1, 0, 1)).toVector2DAffine(); float sx = (((float)x) / (width() / 2)); float sy = (((float)y) / (height() / 2)); return QVector4D(sx / unit.x(), sy / unit.y(), 0, 1); } void FPGAViewWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->buttons() & Qt::RightButton || event->buttons() & Qt::MidButton) { const int dx = event->x() - lastDragPos_.x(); const int dy = event->y() - lastDragPos_.y(); lastDragPos_ = event->pos(); auto world = mouseToWorldDimensions(dx, dy); viewMove_.translate(world.x(), -world.y()); update(); } } void FPGAViewWidget::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { QPoint degree = event->angleDelta() / 8; if (!degree.isNull()) zoom(degree.y()); } void FPGAViewWidget::zoom(int level) { if (zoom_ < zoomNear_) { zoom_ = zoomNear_; } else if (zoom_ < zoomLvl1_) { zoom_ -= level / 10.0; } else if (zoom_ < zoomLvl2_) { zoom_ -= level / 5.0; } else if (zoom_ < zoomFar_) { zoom_ -= level; } else { zoom_ = zoomFar_; } update(); } void FPGAViewWidget::zoomIn() { zoom(10); } void FPGAViewWidget::zoomOut() { zoom(-10); } void FPGAViewWidget::zoomSelected() {} void FPGAViewWidget::zoomOutbound() {} NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END