/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2021 Symbiflow Authors * * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "arch.h" #include "design_utils.h" #include "log.h" #include "nextpnr.h" #include "util.h" #include #include NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN enum ClusterWireNodeState { IN_SINK_SITE = 0, IN_ROUTING = 1, IN_SOURCE_SITE = 2, ONLY_IN_SOURCE_SITE = 3 }; enum ExpansionDirection { CLUSTER_UPHILL_DIR = 0, CLUSTER_DOWNHILL_DIR = 1, CLUSTER_BOTH_DIR = 2 }; struct ClusterWireNode { WireId wire; ClusterWireNodeState state; int depth; bool only_down; }; static void handle_expansion_node(const Context *ctx, WireId prev_wire, PipId pip, ClusterWireNode curr_node, std::vector &nodes_to_expand, pool &bels, ExpansionDirection direction) { WireId wire; if (direction == CLUSTER_UPHILL_DIR) wire = ctx->getPipSrcWire(pip); else wire = ctx->getPipDstWire(pip); if (wire == WireId()) return; ClusterWireNode next_node; next_node.wire = wire; next_node.depth = curr_node.depth; if (next_node.depth >= 2) return; auto const &wire_data = ctx->wire_info(wire); bool expand_node = true; if (ctx->is_site_port(pip)) { switch (curr_node.state) { case ONLY_IN_SOURCE_SITE: expand_node = false; break; case IN_SOURCE_SITE: NPNR_ASSERT(wire_data.site == -1); next_node.state = IN_ROUTING; break; case IN_ROUTING: NPNR_ASSERT(wire_data.site != -1); next_node.state = IN_SINK_SITE; break; case IN_SINK_SITE: expand_node = false; break; default: // Unreachable!!! NPNR_ASSERT(false); } } else { if (next_node.state == IN_ROUTING) next_node.depth++; next_node.state = curr_node.state; } if (expand_node) nodes_to_expand.push_back(next_node); else return; if (next_node.state == IN_SINK_SITE || next_node.state == ONLY_IN_SOURCE_SITE) { for (BelPin bel_pin : ctx->getWireBelPins(wire)) { BelId bel = bel_pin.bel; auto const &bel_data = bel_info(ctx->chip_info, bel); if (bels.count(bel)) continue; if (bel_data.category != BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC) return; if (bel_data.synthetic) return; if (direction == CLUSTER_UPHILL_DIR) { // Check that the BEL is indeed the one reached by backward exploration, // by checking the previous visited wire. for (IdString check_pin : ctx->getBelPins(bel)) { if (prev_wire == ctx->getBelPinWire(bel, check_pin)) { bels.insert(bel); break; } } } else { bels.insert(bel); } } } return; } static pool find_cluster_bels(const Context *ctx, WireId wire, ExpansionDirection direction, bool out_of_site_expansion = false) { std::vector nodes_to_expand; pool bels; const auto &wire_data = ctx->wire_info(wire); NPNR_ASSERT(wire_data.site != -1); ClusterWireNode wire_node; wire_node.wire = wire; wire_node.state = IN_SOURCE_SITE; if (!out_of_site_expansion) wire_node.state = ONLY_IN_SOURCE_SITE; wire_node.depth = 0; nodes_to_expand.push_back(wire_node); while (!nodes_to_expand.empty()) { ClusterWireNode node_to_expand = nodes_to_expand.back(); WireId prev_wire = node_to_expand.wire; nodes_to_expand.pop_back(); if (direction == CLUSTER_DOWNHILL_DIR) { for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsDownhill(node_to_expand.wire)) { if (ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip)) continue; handle_expansion_node(ctx, prev_wire, pip, node_to_expand, nodes_to_expand, bels, direction); } } else { NPNR_ASSERT(direction == CLUSTER_UPHILL_DIR); for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsUphill(node_to_expand.wire)) { if (ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip)) continue; handle_expansion_node(ctx, prev_wire, pip, node_to_expand, nodes_to_expand, bels, direction); } } } return bels; } CellInfo *Arch::getClusterRootCell(ClusterId cluster) const { NPNR_ASSERT(cluster != ClusterId()); return clusters.at(cluster).root; } bool Arch::normal_cluster_placement( const Context *ctx, const Cluster &packed_cluster, const ClusterPOD &cluster_data, CellInfo *root_cell, BelId root_bel, std::vector> &placement) const { BelId next_bel; // Place cluster for (CellInfo *cluster_node : packed_cluster.cluster_nodes) { if (cluster_node == root_cell) { next_bel = root_bel; } else { // Find next chained cluster node IdString next_bel_pin(cluster_data.chainable_ports[0].bel_source); WireId next_bel_pin_wire = ctx->getBelPinWire(next_bel, next_bel_pin); next_bel = BelId(); for (BelId bel : find_cluster_bels(ctx, next_bel_pin_wire, CLUSTER_DOWNHILL_DIR, /*out_of_site_expansion=*/true)) { if (ctx->isValidBelForCellType(cluster_node->type, bel)) { next_bel = bel; break; } } if (next_bel == BelId()) return false; } // Build a cell to bell mapping required to find BELs connected to the cluster ports. dict> cell_bel_pins; int32_t mapping = bel_info(chip_info, next_bel).pin_map[get_cell_type_index(cluster_node->type)]; NPNR_ASSERT(mapping >= 0); const CellBelMapPOD &cell_pin_map = chip_info->cell_map->cell_bel_map[mapping]; for (const auto &pin_map : cell_pin_map.common_pins) { IdString cell_pin(pin_map.cell_pin); IdString bel_pin(pin_map.bel_pin); cell_bel_pins[cell_pin].push_back(bel_pin); } placement.emplace_back(cluster_node, next_bel); // Place cluster node cells at the same site for (auto port_cell : packed_cluster.cluster_node_cells.at(cluster_node->name)) { bool placed_cell = false; IdString port = port_cell.first; CellInfo *cell = port_cell.second; NPNR_ASSERT(cell_bel_pins.count(port)); PortType port_type = cluster_node->ports.at(port).type; if (port_type == PORT_INOUT) continue; for (auto &bel_pin : cell_bel_pins.at(port)) { WireId bel_pin_wire = ctx->getBelPinWire(next_bel, bel_pin); ExpansionDirection direction = port_type == PORT_IN ? CLUSTER_UPHILL_DIR : CLUSTER_DOWNHILL_DIR; pool cluster_bels = find_cluster_bels(ctx, bel_pin_wire, direction, (bool)cluster_data.out_of_site_clusters); if (cluster_bels.size() == 0) continue; for (BelId bel : cluster_bels) { if (ctx->isValidBelForCellType(cell->type, bel)) { placement.emplace_back(cell, bel); placed_cell = true; break; } } if (placed_cell) break; } if (!placed_cell) return false; } } return true; } /* static void handle_macro_expansion_node( const Context *ctx, WireId wire, PipId pip, ClusterWireNode curr_node, std::vector &nodes_to_expand, BelPin root_pin, dict, dict>> &bels, ExpansionDirection direction, pool &visited, CellInfo *cell) { if (curr_node.state == IN_SINK_SITE || curr_node.state == ONLY_IN_SOURCE_SITE) { for (BelPin bel_pin : ctx->getWireBelPins(wire)) { BelId bel = bel_pin.bel; if (bel == root_pin.bel) continue; auto const &bel_data = bel_info(ctx->chip_info, bel); if (bels.count(std::pair(root_pin.bel, bel)) &&\ bels[std::pair(root_pin.bel, bel)].count(root_pin.pin) &&\ bels[std::pair(root_pin.bel, bel)][root_pin.pin].count(bel_pin.pin)){ continue; } if (bel_data.category != BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC){ continue; } if (bel_data.synthetic) continue; if (!ctx->isValidBelForCellType(cell->type, bel)) continue; bels[std::pair(root_pin.bel, bel_pin.bel)][root_pin.pin].\ insert(bel_pin.pin); } } WireId next_wire; if (direction == CLUSTER_UPHILL_DIR) next_wire = ctx->getPipSrcWire(pip); else next_wire = ctx->getPipDstWire(pip); if (next_wire == WireId() || visited.count(next_wire)) return; ClusterWireNode next_node; next_node.wire = next_wire; next_node.depth = curr_node.depth; next_node.only_down = false; if (direction == CLUSTER_DOWNHILL_DIR) next_node.only_down = true; if (next_node.depth >= 2) return; auto const &wire_data = ctx->wire_info(next_wire); bool expand_node = true; if (ctx->is_site_port(pip)) { switch (curr_node.state) { case ONLY_IN_SOURCE_SITE: expand_node = false; break; case IN_SOURCE_SITE: NPNR_ASSERT(wire_data.site == -1); next_node.state = IN_ROUTING; break; case IN_ROUTING: NPNR_ASSERT(wire_data.site != -1); next_node.state = IN_SINK_SITE; break; case IN_SINK_SITE: expand_node = false; break; default: // Unreachable!!! NPNR_ASSERT(false); } } else { if (next_node.state == IN_ROUTING) next_node.depth++; next_node.state = curr_node.state; } if (curr_node.state != IN_ROUTING){ const auto &pip_data = pip_info(ctx->chip_info, pip); BelId bel; bel.tile = pip.tile; bel.index = pip_data.bel; const auto &bel_data = bel_info(ctx->chip_info, bel); if(bel_data.category == BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC) expand_node = false; } if (expand_node) nodes_to_expand.push_back(next_node); else return; return; } static void find_macro_cluster_bels(const Context *ctx, WireId wire, dict, dict>> &possible_places, ExpansionDirection direction, BelPin root_pin, CellInfo *cell, bool out_of_site_expansion = false) { std::vector nodes_to_expand; pool visited; const auto &wire_data = ctx->wire_info(wire); NPNR_ASSERT(wire_data.site != -1); ClusterWireNode wire_node; wire_node.wire = wire; wire_node.state = IN_SOURCE_SITE; if (!out_of_site_expansion) wire_node.state = ONLY_IN_SOURCE_SITE; wire_node.depth = 0; wire_node.only_down = false; nodes_to_expand.push_back(wire_node); while (!nodes_to_expand.empty()) { ClusterWireNode node_to_expand = nodes_to_expand.back(); WireId wire = node_to_expand.wire; nodes_to_expand.pop_back(); visited.insert(wire); if (direction == CLUSTER_DOWNHILL_DIR) { for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsDownhill(node_to_expand.wire)) { if (ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip)) continue; handle_macro_expansion_node( ctx, wire, pip, node_to_expand, nodes_to_expand, root_pin, possible_places, direction, visited, cell); } } else if (direction == CLUSTER_UPHILL_DIR){ for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsUphill(node_to_expand.wire)) { if (ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip)) continue; handle_macro_expansion_node( ctx, wire, pip, node_to_expand, nodes_to_expand, root_pin, possible_places, direction, visited, cell); } } else { NPNR_ASSERT(direction == CLUSTER_BOTH_DIR); for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsDownhill(node_to_expand.wire)) { if (ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip)) continue; handle_macro_expansion_node( ctx, wire, pip, node_to_expand, nodes_to_expand, root_pin, possible_places, CLUSTER_DOWNHILL_DIR, visited, cell); } if (!node_to_expand.only_down) for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsUphill(node_to_expand.wire)) { if (ctx->is_pip_synthetic(pip)) continue; handle_macro_expansion_node( ctx, wire, pip, node_to_expand, nodes_to_expand, root_pin, possible_places, CLUSTER_UPHILL_DIR, visited, cell); } } } return; } */ bool Arch::macro_cluster_placement( const Context *ctx, const Cluster &packed_cluster, const ClusterPOD &cluster_data, CellInfo *root_cell, BelId root_bel, std::vector> &placement) const { // Check root_bel site_type const auto &cluster = cluster_info(chip_info, packed_cluster.index); bool found = false; uint32_t idx = 0; const auto &site_inst = ctx->get_site_inst(root_bel); IdString site_type(site_inst.site_type); if(ctx->debug) log_info("%s\n", ctx->get_site_name(root_bel)); if (ctx->debug){ log_info("Root_bel site_type: %s\n", site_type.c_str(ctx)); log_info("Allowed site_types:\n"); } for(const auto &site : cluster.physical_placements){ IdString name(site.site_type); if(ctx->debug) log_info("\t%s\n", name.c_str(ctx)); if (name == site_type){ found = true; break; } idx++; } if (!found) return false; // Check if root_bel name uint32_t placement_idx = 0; found = false; const auto &bel_data = bel_info(chip_info, root_bel); IdString root_bel_name(bel_data.name); if(ctx->debug){ log_info("Root_bel name: %s\n", root_bel_name.c_str(ctx)); log_info("Allowed root_bels:\n"); } for(const auto &place : cluster.physical_placements[idx].places){ // root_bel has idx 0 IdString name(place.bels[0]); if(ctx->debug) log_info("\t%s\n",name.c_str(ctx)); if(name == root_bel_name){ found = true; break; } placement_idx++; } if (!found) return false; // Check if all better placements are used auto root_bel_full_name = ctx->getBelName(root_bel); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < placement_idx; i++){ IdStringList cpy(root_bel_full_name.size()); for(uint32_t j = 0; j < root_bel_full_name.size(); j++) cpy.ids[j] = root_bel_full_name[j]; cpy.ids[1] = IdString(cluster.physical_placements[idx].places[i].bels[0]); BelId t = ctx->getBelByName(cpy); if(ctx->debug){ for (auto str : cpy) log_info("%s\n", str.c_str(ctx)); } if (ctx->getBoundBelCell(t) == nullptr) return false; } // Check if bels are avaiable dict idx_bel_map; uint32_t t_idx = 0; for(const auto &bel : cluster.physical_placements[idx].places[placement_idx].bels){ IdStringList cpy(root_bel_full_name.size()); for(uint32_t j = 0; j < root_bel_full_name.size(); j++) cpy.ids[j] = root_bel_full_name[j]; cpy.ids[1] = IdString(bel); BelId t = ctx->getBelByName(cpy); if(ctx->debug){ for (auto str : cpy) log_info("%s\n", str.c_str(ctx)); } if (ctx->getBoundBelCell(t) != nullptr && ctx->getBoundBelCell(t) != packed_cluster.cluster_nodes[t_idx]){ if(ctx->debug) log_info("Failed\n"); return false; } idx_bel_map[t_idx] = t; t_idx++; } /* for(auto idx_bel : idx_bel_map){ const auto &bel_data = bel_info(chip_info, idx_bel.second); dict> cell_bel_pins; dict bel_cell_pins; CellInfo *cell = packed_cluster.cluster_nodes[idx_bel.first]; int32_t mapping = bel_data.pin_map[get_cell_type_index(cell->type)]; NPNR_ASSERT(mapping >= 0); const CellBelMapPOD &cell_pin_map = chip_info->cell_map->cell_bel_map[mapping]; for (const auto &pin_map : cell_pin_map.common_pins) { IdString cell_pin(pin_map.cell_pin); IdString bel_pin(pin_map.bel_pin); cell_bel_pins[cell_pin].insert(bel_pin); bel_cell_pins[bel_pin] = cell_pin; } for (const auto &pair : bel_data.connected_pins){ IdString p1(pair.pin1), p2(pair.pin2); IdString i1(bel_cell_pins[p1]), i2(bel_cell_pins[p2]); if (root_cell->ports[i1].net != root_cell->ports[i2].net){ return false; } } } */ for(auto idx_bel : idx_bel_map){ placement.emplace_back(packed_cluster.cluster_nodes[idx_bel.first], idx_bel.second); } return true; } bool Arch::getClusterPlacement(ClusterId cluster, BelId root_bel, std::vector> &placement) const { const Context *ctx = getCtx(); const Cluster &packed_cluster = clusters.at(cluster); auto &cluster_data = cluster_info(chip_info, packed_cluster.index); CellInfo *root_cell = getClusterRootCell(cluster); if (!ctx->isValidBelForCellType(root_cell->type, root_bel)) return false; if (!cluster_data.from_macro) return normal_cluster_placement(ctx, packed_cluster, cluster_data, root_cell, root_bel, placement); else{ bool temp = macro_cluster_placement(ctx, packed_cluster, cluster_data, root_cell, root_bel, placement); return temp; } } ArcBounds Arch::getClusterBounds(ClusterId cluster) const { // TODO: Implement this ArcBounds bounds(0, 0, 0, 0); return bounds; } Loc Arch::getClusterOffset(const CellInfo *cell) const { Loc offset; CellInfo *root = getClusterRootCell(cell->cluster); if (cell->bel != BelId() && root->bel != BelId()) { Loc root_loc = getBelLocation(root->bel); Loc cell_loc = getBelLocation(cell->bel); offset.x = cell_loc.x - root_loc.x; offset.y = cell_loc.y - root_loc.y; offset.z = cell_loc.z - root_loc.z; } else { Cluster cluster = clusters.at(cell->cluster); auto &cluster_data = cluster_info(chip_info, cluster.index); if (cluster_data.chainable_ports.size() == 0) return offset; auto &chainable_port = cluster_data.chainable_ports[0]; IdString cluster_node = cluster.cell_cluster_node_map.at(cell->name); CellInfo *cluster_node_cell = cells.at(cluster_node).get(); auto res = std::find(cluster.cluster_nodes.begin(), cluster.cluster_nodes.end(), cluster_node_cell); NPNR_ASSERT(res != cluster.cluster_nodes.end()); auto distance = std::distance(cluster.cluster_nodes.begin(), res); offset.x = chainable_port.avg_x_offset * distance; offset.y = chainable_port.avg_y_offset * distance; } return offset; } bool Arch::isClusterStrict(const CellInfo *cell) const { return true; } static void dump_clusters(const ChipInfoPOD *chip_info, Context *ctx) { for (size_t i = 0; i < chip_info->clusters.size(); ++i) { const auto &cluster = chip_info->clusters[i]; IdString cluster_name(cluster.name); log_info("Cluster '%s' loaded! Parameters:\n", cluster_name.c_str(ctx)); log_info(" - root cell types:\n"); for (auto cell : cluster.root_cell_types) log_info(" - %s\n", IdString(cell).c_str(ctx)); for (auto chain_ports : cluster.chainable_ports) log_info(" - chainable pair: source %s - sink %s\n", IdString(chain_ports.cell_source).c_str(ctx), IdString(chain_ports.cell_sink).c_str(ctx)); if (cluster.cluster_cells_map.size() != 0) log_info(" - cell port maps:\n"); for (auto cluster_cell : cluster.cluster_cells_map) { log_info(" - cell: %s - port: %s\n", IdString(cluster_cell.cell).c_str(ctx), IdString(cluster_cell.port).c_str(ctx)); } } } static bool check_cluster_cells_compatibility(CellInfo *old_cell, CellInfo *new_cell, pool &exclude_nets) { NPNR_ASSERT(new_cell->type == old_cell->type); for (auto &new_port_pair : new_cell->ports) { PortInfo new_port_info = new_port_pair.second; PortInfo old_port_info = old_cell->ports.at(new_port_pair.first); if (exclude_nets.count(new_port_info.net->name)) continue; if (new_port_info.type != PORT_IN) continue; if (new_port_info.net != old_port_info.net) return false; } return true; } bool reduce(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, const ClusterPOD *cluster, dict> &domain, Context *ctx){ bool change = false; std::vector remove_cell; uint32_t counter = 0; for (const auto &connection : cluster->connection_graph[x].connections){ if(connection.target_idx == y) break; counter ++; } for (const auto &x_cell : domain[x]){ bool found = false; for (const auto &y_cell : domain[y]){ for (const auto edge : cluster->connection_graph[x].connections[counter].edges){ if (!x_cell->ports.count(IdString(edge.cell_pin)) || !y_cell->ports.count(IdString(edge.other_cell_pin))) break; const auto x_net = x_cell->ports[IdString(edge.cell_pin)].net; const auto y_net = y_cell->ports[IdString(edge.other_cell_pin)].net; if (x_net != y_net) break; bool x_driver = x_net->driver.cell == x_cell; bool y_driver = y_net->driver.cell == y_cell; if ((edge.dir != 0 || !y_driver) && (edge.dir != 1 || !x_driver) && (edge.dir != 2 || y_driver || x_driver)) break; found = true; } if (found){ break; } } if (!found) remove_cell.push_back(x_cell); } for (const auto &cell : remove_cell){ domain[x].erase(cell); change = true; } return change; } void binary_constraint_check(const ClusterPOD *cluster, std::queue> &workqueue, dict> &idx_to_cells, Context *ctx){ while (!workqueue.empty()){ std::pair arc = workqueue.front(); workqueue.pop(); uint32_t x,y; x = arc.first; y = arc.second; if (reduce(x, y, cluster, idx_to_cells, ctx)){ for (const auto &connection : cluster->connection_graph[arc.first].connections) if (connection.target_idx != y) workqueue.push(std::pair(arc.first, connection.target_idx)); } } } bool back_solver(const ClusterPOD *cluster, dict> &idx_to_cells, Context *ctx){ dict, hash_ptr_ops> possible_idx; for (const auto &arc : idx_to_cells) for (const auto &cell : arc.second) possible_idx[cell].insert(arc.first); std::queue prep; for (const auto &arc : idx_to_cells){ if (arc.second.size() == 0) return false; if (arc.second.size()>1){ for (const auto &cell : arc.second){ auto copy_idx_to_cells(idx_to_cells); copy_idx_to_cells[arc.first].clear(); for (uint32_t idx : possible_idx[cell]){ copy_idx_to_cells[idx].erase(cell); prep.push(idx); } copy_idx_to_cells[arc.first].insert(cell); std::queue> workqueue; while(!prep.empty()){ uint32_t idx = prep.front(); prep.pop(); for (const auto &connection : cluster->connection_graph[idx].connections) if (arc.first != connection.target_idx) workqueue.push(std::pair(arc.first, connection.target_idx)); } binary_constraint_check(cluster, workqueue, copy_idx_to_cells, ctx); if (back_solver(cluster, copy_idx_to_cells, ctx)){ idx_to_cells = std::move(copy_idx_to_cells); return true; } } } } return true; } void Arch::prepare_macro_cluster( const ClusterPOD *cluster, uint32_t index) { Context *ctx = getCtx(); IdString cluster_name(cluster->name); pool cluster_cell_types; for (auto cell_type : cluster->root_cell_types) cluster_cell_types.insert(IdString(cell_type)); // Find cluster roots for each macro only ones dict roots; for (auto &cell : cells){ CellInfo *ci = cell.second.get(); if(ci->macro_parent == IdString()) continue; if(ci->cluster != ClusterId()) continue; if (!cluster_cell_types.count(ci->type)) continue; if(roots.count(ci->macro_parent)) continue; // Simple check based on cell type counting dict cells_in_macro, counter; pool cell_types; for (auto &cell_type : cluster->required_cells){ cells_in_macro[IdString(cell_type.name)] = cell_type.count; cell_types.insert(IdString(cell_type.name)); } for (auto &node_cell : macro_to_cells[ci->macro_parent]){ auto cell_type = node_cell->type; if(!counter.count(cell_type)) counter[cell_type] = 0; counter[cell_type]++; cell_types.insert(cell_type); } bool failed = false; for(auto cell_type : cell_types){ if(ctx->verbose && cells_in_macro.count(cell_type)) log_info("Required: %s %d\n", cell_type.c_str(ctx), cells_in_macro[cell_type]); if(ctx->verbose && cells_in_macro.count(cell_type)) log_info("Have: %s %d\n", cell_type.c_str(ctx), counter[cell_type]); if(!cells_in_macro.count(cell_type) || !counter.count(cell_type) || cells_in_macro[cell_type] != counter[cell_type]) failed = true; if(failed && ctx->verbose) log_info("Cell count stage failed, for sure not this cluster\n"); if(failed) break; } if(failed){ roots[ci->macro_parent] = nullptr; continue; } // Arc consistency dict> idx_to_cells; // First singular constraints, like used cell type and used_cell ports for (auto &cell : macro_to_cells[ci->macro_parent]) for (auto &node : cluster->connection_graph) if (IdString(node.cell_type) == cell->type) if (node.idx != 0 && cell->name != ci->name || node.idx == 0 && cell->name == ci->name ){ idx_to_cells[node.idx].insert(cell); } for (auto &arc : idx_to_cells){ std::vector remove_cell; pool used_ports; for (const auto &port : cluster->connection_graph[arc.first].used_ports) used_ports.insert(IdString(port.name)); for (const auto &cell : arc.second){ uint32_t count = 0; for (const auto &port : cell->ports){ if (!used_ports.count(port.first)){ remove_cell.push_back(cell); break; } count++; } if (count != used_ports.size()){ remove_cell.push_back(cell); break; } } for (const auto &cell : remove_cell){ arc.second.erase(cell); } } if (ctx->verbose){ log_info("After mono constraints are applied\n"); dict, hash_ptr_ops> possible_idx; for (const auto &arc : idx_to_cells) for (const auto &cell : arc.second) possible_idx[cell].insert(arc.first); for (const auto arc : possible_idx){ log_info("Possible idx %s:\n", arc.first->name.c_str(ctx)); for (const auto idx : arc.second) log_info(" - %d\n", idx); } } // Solve for binary constraints std::queue> workqueue; for (const auto &arc : idx_to_cells) for (const auto &connection : cluster->connection_graph[arc.first].connections) workqueue.push(std::pair(arc.first, connection.target_idx)); binary_constraint_check(cluster, workqueue, idx_to_cells, ctx); for (const auto &arc : idx_to_cells){ if (arc.second.size() == 0){ if (ctx->verbose) log_info("AC-3 failed\n"); failed = true; break; } } if (failed) continue; if (ctx->verbose){ log_info("After AC-3\n"); dict, hash_ptr_ops> possible_idx; for (const auto &arc : idx_to_cells) for (const auto &cell : arc.second) possible_idx[cell].insert(arc.first); for (const auto arc : possible_idx){ log_info("Possible idx %s:\n", arc.first->name.c_str(ctx)); for (const auto idx : arc.second) log_info(" - %d\n", idx); } } bool change = false; std::queue> removequeue; // Keep assigning cells to indices that only map to single cell // Remove this cell from other mappings and recheck binary constraints // Fail if there is no cell for idx or cell has no idx assign do{ change = false; dict, hash_ptr_ops> possible_idx; pool changed_idxs; for (const auto &arc : idx_to_cells){ if (arc.second.size() == 0){ failed = true; break; } for (const auto &cell : arc.second) possible_idx[cell].insert(arc.first); } if(failed) break; for (auto &cell : macro_to_cells[ci->macro_parent]) if (possible_idx[cell].size() == 0){ failed = true; break; } if(failed) break; for (const auto &arc : idx_to_cells){ if (arc.second.size() == 1) for (const auto &idx : possible_idx[*arc.second.begin()]) if (idx != arc.first) removequeue.push(std::pair(idx, *arc.second.begin())); } while(!removequeue.empty()){ auto t = removequeue.front(); removequeue.pop(); uint32_t idx = t.first; CellInfo *cell = t.second; idx_to_cells[idx].erase(cell); change = true; changed_idxs.insert(idx); } for (const uint32_t &idx : changed_idxs) for (const auto &connection : cluster->connection_graph[idx].connections) workqueue.push(std::pair(idx, connection.target_idx)); binary_constraint_check(cluster, workqueue, idx_to_cells, ctx); }while(change); if(failed){ if(ctx->verbose) log_info("Single cell mapping failed\n"); continue; } if (ctx->verbose){ log_info("After mapping indices with single cell\n"); dict, hash_ptr_ops> possible_idx; for (const auto &arc : idx_to_cells) for (const auto &cell : arc.second) possible_idx[cell].insert(arc.first); for (const auto arc : possible_idx){ log_info("Possible idx %s:\n", arc.first->name.c_str(ctx)); for (const auto idx : arc.second) log_info(" - %d\n", idx); } } // At this point all indices that cloud only be mapped to single cell are mapped // Next step is to run solver with backtracing to solve for other idx<->cell mappings if (ctx->verbose) log_info("Back solver\n"); if(!back_solver(cluster, idx_to_cells, ctx)){ if(ctx->verbose) log_info("Back solver failed\n"); continue; } if (ctx->verbose){ log_info("Final mapping after back solver\n"); dict, hash_ptr_ops> possible_idx; for (const auto &arc : idx_to_cells) for (const auto &cell : arc.second) possible_idx[cell].insert(arc.first); for (const auto arc : possible_idx){ log_info("Possible idx %s:\n", arc.first->name.c_str(ctx)); for (const auto idx : arc.second) log_info(" - %d\n", idx); } } Cluster cluster_info; cluster_info.root = ci; cluster_info.index = index; cluster_info.cluster_nodes.resize(idx_to_cells.size()); ci->cluster.set(ctx, ci->name.str(ctx)); for (auto &arc : idx_to_cells){ CellInfo * sub_cell = arc.second.pop(); if (ctx->verbose) log_info("%d %s - %s\n", arc.first, sub_cell->name.c_str(ctx), sub_cell->type.c_str(ctx)); sub_cell->cluster = ci->cluster; cluster_info.cluster_nodes[arc.first] = sub_cell; } clusters.emplace(ci->cluster, cluster_info); } } void Arch::prepare_cluster(const ClusterPOD *cluster, uint32_t index) { Context *ctx = getCtx(); IdString cluster_name(cluster->name); pool cluster_cell_types; for (auto cell_type : cluster->root_cell_types) cluster_cell_types.insert(IdString(cell_type)); // Find cluster roots std::vector roots; for (auto &cell : cells) { CellInfo *ci = cell.second.get(); if (ci->macro_parent != IdString()) continue; if (ci->cluster != ClusterId()) continue; if (!cluster_cell_types.count(ci->type)) continue; if (cluster->chainable_ports.size() == 0) { ci->cluster.set(ctx, ci->name.str(ctx)); roots.push_back(ci); continue; } // Only one type of dedicated interconnect is allowed. auto chain_ports = cluster->chainable_ports[0]; IdString source_port(chain_ports.cell_source); IdString sink_port(chain_ports.cell_sink); PortRef driver = ci->ports[sink_port].net->driver; if (driver.cell == nullptr || driver.port != source_port) { // We hit a root cell ci->cluster.set(ctx, ci->name.c_str(ctx)); roots.push_back(ci); // Chained cells use dedicated connections, usually not exposed to the // general interconnect resources. The port disconnection is required for // sink ports which are connected to GND or VCC by default, which are not // reachable due to the fixed dedicated interconnect. // E.g.: The CI input of carry chains in 7series corresponds to the CIN bel port, // which can only be connected to the COUT output of the tile below. disconnect_port(ctx, ci, sink_port); } } dict> port_cell_maps; for (auto cell_port_map : cluster->cluster_cells_map) { IdString cell(cell_port_map.cell); IdString port(cell_port_map.port); pool cells_pool({cell}); port_cell_maps.emplace(port, cells_pool).first->second.insert(cell); } // Generate unique clusters starting from each root for (auto root : roots) { Cluster cluster_info; cluster_info.root = root; cluster_info.index = index; CellInfo *next_cluster_node = root; if (ctx->verbose) log_info(" - forming cluster starting from root cell: %s\n", next_cluster_node->name.c_str(ctx)); // counter to determine whether this cluster needs to exist uint32_t count_cluster_cells = 0; do { std::vector> cluster_cells; // type -> cells map to verify compatibility of cells in the same cluster dict cell_type_dict; pool exclude_nets; count_cluster_cells++; for (auto port : next_cluster_node->ports) { if (!port_cell_maps.count(port.first)) continue; PortInfo port_info = port.second; if (port_info.type == PORT_OUT) { exclude_nets.insert(port_info.net->name); auto &users = port_info.net->users; if (users.size() != 1) continue; CellInfo *user_cell = users[0].cell; if (user_cell == nullptr) continue; if (!port_cell_maps.at(port.first).count(user_cell->type)) continue; auto res = cell_type_dict.emplace(user_cell->type, user_cell); bool compatible = true; if (!res.second) // Check whether a cell of the same type has all the required nets compatible with // all other nets for the same type. If not, discard the cell. // An example is multiple FFs belonging to the same cluster, where one of them has a different // Set/Reset or CE net w.r.t. the others, making the cluster unplaceable. compatible = check_cluster_cells_compatibility(res.first->second, user_cell, exclude_nets); if (!compatible) continue; user_cell->cluster = root->cluster; cluster_cells.push_back(std::make_pair(port.first, user_cell)); cluster_info.cell_cluster_node_map.emplace(user_cell->name, next_cluster_node->name); count_cluster_cells++; if (ctx->verbose) log_info(" - adding user cell: %s\n", user_cell->name.c_str(ctx)); } else if (port_info.type == PORT_IN) { auto &driver = port_info.net->driver; auto &users = port_info.net->users; if (users.size() != 1) continue; CellInfo *driver_cell = driver.cell; if (driver_cell == nullptr) continue; if (!port_cell_maps.at(port.first).count(driver_cell->type)) continue; driver_cell->cluster = root->cluster; cluster_cells.push_back(std::make_pair(port.first, driver_cell)); cluster_info.cell_cluster_node_map.emplace(driver_cell->name, next_cluster_node->name); count_cluster_cells++; if (ctx->verbose) log_info(" - adding driver cell: %s\n", driver_cell->name.c_str(ctx)); } } cluster_info.cell_cluster_node_map.emplace(next_cluster_node->name, next_cluster_node->name); cluster_info.cluster_nodes.push_back(next_cluster_node); cluster_info.cluster_node_cells.emplace(next_cluster_node->name, cluster_cells); if (cluster->chainable_ports.size() == 0) break; // Only one type of dedicated interconnect is allowed. auto chain_ports = cluster->chainable_ports[0]; IdString source_port(chain_ports.cell_source); IdString sink_port(chain_ports.cell_sink); NetInfo *next_net = next_cluster_node->ports.at(source_port).net; if (next_net == nullptr) continue; next_cluster_node = nullptr; for (auto &user : next_net->users) { CellInfo *user_cell = user.cell; if (user_cell == nullptr) continue; if (cluster_cell_types.count(user_cell->type)) { user_cell->cluster = root->cluster; next_cluster_node = user_cell; break; } } if (next_cluster_node == nullptr) break; } while (true); if (count_cluster_cells == 1 && cluster->chainable_ports.size() == 0) { root->cluster = ClusterId(); continue; } clusters.emplace(root->cluster, cluster_info); } } void Arch::pack_cluster() { Context *ctx = getCtx(); if (ctx->verbose) dump_clusters(chip_info, ctx); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < chip_info->clusters.size(); ++i) { if (!chip_info->clusters[i].from_macro){ const auto &cluster = chip_info->clusters[i]; prepare_cluster(&cluster, i); } else if(chip_info->clusters[i].physical_placements.size() > 0) { const auto &cluster = chip_info->clusters[i]; if(ctx->verbose){ log_info("%s\n", IdString(cluster.name).c_str(ctx));\ } prepare_macro_cluster(&cluster, i); } else { // No physical placement definitions found for given macro. // Use default place and route algorithm as routes connectiong // cells will use global routing const auto &cluster = chip_info->clusters[i]; if(ctx->verbose) log_info("Out of site cluster from macro: %s\n", IdString(cluster.name).c_str(ctx)); } } } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END