/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2020 David Shah * * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include #include "log.h" #include "nextpnr.h" #include "placer1.h" #include "placer_heap.h" #include "router1.h" #include "timing.h" #include "util.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace { static std::tuple split_identifier_name(const std::string &name) { size_t first_slash = name.find('/'); NPNR_ASSERT(first_slash != std::string::npos); size_t second_slash = name.find('/', first_slash + 1); NPNR_ASSERT(second_slash != std::string::npos); return std::make_tuple(std::stoi(name.substr(1, first_slash)), std::stoi(name.substr(first_slash + 2, second_slash - first_slash)), name.substr(second_slash + 1)); }; static const DatabasePOD *get_chipdb(const RelPtr *ptr) { return ptr->get(); } } // namespace // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void IdString::initialize_arch(const BaseCtx *ctx) { #define X(t) initialize_add(ctx, #t, ID_##t); #include "constids.inc" #undef X } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Arch::Arch(ArchArgs args) : args(args) { // Parse device string if (boost::starts_with(args.device, "LIFCL")) { family = "LIFCL"; } else { log_error("Unknown device string '%s' (expected device name like 'LIFCL-40-8SG72C')\n", args.device.c_str()); } auto last_sep = args.device.rfind('-'); if (last_sep == std::string::npos) log_error("Unknown device string '%s' (expected device name like 'LIFCL-40-8SG72C')\n", args.device.c_str()); device = args.device.substr(0, last_sep); speed = args.device.substr(last_sep + 1, 1); auto package_end = args.device.find_last_of("0123456789"); if (package_end == std::string::npos || package_end < last_sep) log_error("Unknown device string '%s' (expected device name like 'LIFCL-40-8SG72C')\n", args.device.c_str()); package = args.device.substr(last_sep + 2, (package_end - (last_sep + 2)) + 1); rating = args.device.substr(package_end + 1); // Load database (FIXME: baked-in databases too) try { blob_file.open(args.chipdb); if (!blob_file.is_open()) log_error("Unable to read chipdb %s\n", args.chipdb.c_str()); const char *blob = reinterpret_cast(blob_file.data()); db = get_chipdb(reinterpret_cast *>(blob)); } catch (...) { log_error("Unable to read chipdb %s\n", args.chipdb.c_str()); } // Check database version and family if (db->version != bba_version) { log_error("Provided database version %d is %s than nextpnr version %d, please rebuild database/nextpnr.\n", int(db->version), (db->version > bba_version) ? "newer" : "older", int(bba_version)); } if (db->family.get() != family) { log_error("Database is for family '%s' but provided device is family '%s'.\n", db->family.get(), family.c_str()); } // Set up chip_info chip_info = nullptr; for (size_t i = 0; i < db->num_chips; i++) { auto &chip = db->chips[i]; if (chip.device_name.get() == device) { chip_info = &chip; break; } } if (!chip_info) log_error("Unknown device '%s'.\n", device.c_str()); // Set up bba IdStrings for (size_t i = 0; i < db->ids->num_bba_ids; i++) { IdString::initialize_add(this, db->ids->bba_id_strs[i].get(), uint32_t(i) + db->ids->num_file_ids); } // Set up validity structures tileStatus.resize(chip_info->num_tiles); for (size_t i = 0; i < chip_info->num_tiles; i++) { tileStatus[i].boundcells.resize(db->loctypes[chip_info->grid[i].loc_type].num_bels); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string Arch::getChipName() const { return args.device; } IdString Arch::archArgsToId(ArchArgs args) const { return id(args.device); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BelId Arch::getBelByName(IdString name) const { int x, y; std::string belname; std::tie(x, y, belname) = split_identifier_name(name.str(this)); NPNR_ASSERT(x >= 0 && x < chip_info->width); NPNR_ASSERT(y >= 0 && y < chip_info->height); auto &tile = db->loctypes[chip_info->grid[y * chip_info->width + x].loc_type]; IdString bn = id(belname); for (size_t i = 0; i < tile.num_bels; i++) { if (tile.bels[i].name == bn.index) { BelId ret; ret.tile = y * chip_info->width + x; ret.index = i; return ret; } } return BelId(); } BelRange Arch::getBelsByTile(int x, int y) const { BelRange br; NPNR_ASSERT(x >= 0 && x < chip_info->width); NPNR_ASSERT(y >= 0 && y < chip_info->height); br.b.cursor_tile = y * chip_info->width + x; br.e.cursor_tile = y * chip_info->width + x; br.b.cursor_index = 0; br.e.cursor_index = db->loctypes[chip_info->grid[br.b.cursor_tile].loc_type].num_bels; br.b.chip = chip_info; br.b.db = db; br.e.chip = chip_info; br.e.db = db; if (br.e.cursor_index == -1) ++br.e.cursor_index; else ++br.e; return br; } WireId Arch::getBelPinWire(BelId bel, IdString pin) const { // Binary search on wire IdString, by ID int num_bel_wires = bel_data(bel).num_ports; const BelWirePOD *bel_ports = bel_data(bel).ports.get(); if (num_bel_wires < 7) { for (int i = 0; i < num_bel_wires; i++) { if (int(bel_ports[i].port) == pin.index) { return canonical_wire(bel.tile, bel_ports[i].wire_index); } } } else { int b = 0, e = num_bel_wires - 1; while (b <= e) { int i = (b + e) / 2; if (int(bel_ports[i].port) == pin.index) { return canonical_wire(bel.tile, bel_ports[i].wire_index); } if (int(bel_ports[i].port) > pin.index) e = i - 1; else b = i + 1; } } return WireId(); } PortType Arch::getBelPinType(BelId bel, IdString pin) const { // Binary search on wire IdString, by ID int num_bel_wires = bel_data(bel).num_ports; const BelWirePOD *bel_ports = bel_data(bel).ports.get(); if (num_bel_wires < 7) { for (int i = 0; i < num_bel_wires; i++) { if (int(bel_ports[i].port) == pin.index) { return PortType(bel_ports[i].type); } } } else { int b = 0, e = num_bel_wires - 1; while (b <= e) { int i = (b + e) / 2; if (int(bel_ports[i].port) == pin.index) { return PortType(bel_ports[i].type); } if (int(bel_ports[i].port) > pin.index) e = i - 1; else b = i + 1; } } NPNR_ASSERT_FALSE("unknown bel pin"); } std::vector Arch::getBelPins(BelId bel) const { std::vector ret; int num_bel_wires = bel_data(bel).num_ports; const BelWirePOD *bel_ports = bel_data(bel).ports.get(); for (int i = 0; i < num_bel_wires; i++) ret.push_back(IdString(bel_ports[i].port)); return ret; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WireId Arch::getWireByName(IdString name) const { int x, y; std::string wirename; std::tie(x, y, wirename) = split_identifier_name(name.str(this)); NPNR_ASSERT(x >= 0 && x < chip_info->width); NPNR_ASSERT(y >= 0 && y < chip_info->height); auto &tile = db->loctypes[chip_info->grid[y * chip_info->width + x].loc_type]; IdString wn = id(wirename); for (size_t i = 0; i < tile.num_wires; i++) { if (tile.wires[i].name == wn.index) { WireId ret; ret.tile = y * chip_info->width + x; ret.index = i; return ret; } } return WireId(); } IdString Arch::getWireType(WireId wire) const { return id("WIRE"); } std::vector> Arch::getWireAttrs(WireId wire) const { std::vector> ret; ret.emplace_back(id("INDEX"), stringf("%d", wire.index)); ret.emplace_back(id("GRID_X"), stringf("%d", wire.tile % chip_info->width)); ret.emplace_back(id("GRID_Y"), stringf("%d", wire.tile / chip_info->width)); ret.emplace_back(id("FLAGS"), stringf("%u", wire_data(wire).flags)); return ret; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PipId Arch::getPipByName(IdString name) const { int x, y; std::string pipname; std::tie(x, y, pipname) = split_identifier_name(name.str(this)); NPNR_ASSERT(x >= 0 && x < chip_info->width); NPNR_ASSERT(y >= 0 && y < chip_info->height); PipId ret; ret.tile = y * chip_info->width + x; auto sep_pos = pipname.find(':'); ret.index = std::stoi(pipname.substr(0, sep_pos)); return ret; } IdString Arch::getPipName(PipId pip) const { NPNR_ASSERT(pip != PipId()); return id(stringf("X%d/Y%d/%d:%s->%s", pip.tile % chip_info->width, pip.tile / chip_info->width, pip.index, nameOf(loc_data(pip).wires[pip_data(pip).from_wire].name), nameOf(loc_data(pip).wires[pip_data(pip).to_wire].name))); } IdString Arch::getPipType(PipId pip) const { return IdString(); } std::vector> Arch::getPipAttrs(PipId pip) const { std::vector> ret; ret.emplace_back(id("INDEX"), stringf("%d", pip.index)); ret.emplace_back(id("GRID_X"), stringf("%d", pip.tile % chip_info->width)); ret.emplace_back(id("GRID_Y"), stringf("%d", pip.tile / chip_info->width)); ret.emplace_back(id("FROM_TILE_WIRE"), nameOf(loc_data(pip).wires[pip_data(pip).from_wire].name)); ret.emplace_back(id("TO_TILE_WIRE"), nameOf(loc_data(pip).wires[pip_data(pip).to_wire].name)); return ret; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector Arch::getDecalGraphics(DecalId decal) const { std::vector ret; return ret; } DecalXY Arch::getBelDecal(BelId bel) const { DecalXY decalxy; decalxy.decal.index = -1; decalxy.x = 0; decalxy.y = 0; return decalxy; } DecalXY Arch::getWireDecal(WireId wire) const { return {}; } DecalXY Arch::getPipDecal(PipId pip) const { return {}; }; DecalXY Arch::getGroupDecal(GroupId pip) const { return {}; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Arch::getCellDelay(const CellInfo *cell, IdString fromPort, IdString toPort, DelayInfo &delay) const { return false; } TimingPortClass Arch::getPortTimingClass(const CellInfo *cell, IdString port, int &clockInfoCount) const { return TMG_IGNORE; } TimingClockingInfo Arch::getPortClockingInfo(const CellInfo *cell, IdString port, int index) const { return {}; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- delay_t Arch::estimateDelay(WireId src, WireId dst) const { int src_x = src.tile % chip_info->width, src_y = src.tile / chip_info->width; int dst_x = dst.tile % chip_info->width, dst_y = dst.tile / chip_info->width; int dist_x = std::abs(src_x - dst_x); int dist_y = std::abs(src_y - dst_y); return 100 * dist_x + 100 * dist_y; } delay_t Arch::predictDelay(const NetInfo *net_info, const PortRef &sink) const { if (net_info->driver.cell == nullptr || net_info->driver.cell->bel == BelId() || sink.cell->bel == BelId()) return 0; int src_x = net_info->driver.cell->bel.tile % chip_info->width, src_y = net_info->driver.cell->bel.tile / chip_info->width; int dst_x = sink.cell->bel.tile % chip_info->width, dst_y = sink.cell->bel.tile / chip_info->width; int dist_x = std::abs(src_x - dst_x); int dist_y = std::abs(src_y - dst_y); return 100 * dist_x + 100 * dist_y; } bool Arch::getBudgetOverride(const NetInfo *net_info, const PortRef &sink, delay_t &budget) const { return false; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Arch::place() { std::string placer = str_or_default(settings, id("placer"), defaultPlacer); if (placer == "heap") { PlacerHeapCfg cfg(getCtx()); cfg.ioBufTypes.insert(id_SEIO33_CORE); cfg.ioBufTypes.insert(id_SEIO18_CORE); cfg.ioBufTypes.insert(id_OSC_CORE); cfg.criticalityExponent = 7; if (!placer_heap(getCtx(), cfg)) return false; } else if (placer == "sa") { if (!placer1(getCtx(), Placer1Cfg(getCtx()))) return false; } else { log_error("Nexus architecture does not support placer '%s'\n", placer.c_str()); } getCtx()->attrs[getCtx()->id("step")] = std::string("place"); archInfoToAttributes(); return true; } bool Arch::route() { assign_budget(getCtx(), true); bool result = router1(getCtx(), Router1Cfg(getCtx())); getCtx()->attrs[getCtx()->id("step")] = std::string("route"); archInfoToAttributes(); return result; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef WITH_HEAP const std::string Arch::defaultPlacer = "heap"; #else const std::string Arch::defaultPlacer = "sa"; #endif const std::vector Arch::availablePlacers = {"sa", #ifdef WITH_HEAP "heap" #endif }; NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END