/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2021 Symbiflow Authors * * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "log.h" #include "nextpnr.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN void Arch::place_iobufs(WireId pad_wire, NetInfo *net, const std::unordered_set &tightly_attached_bels, std::unordered_set *placed_cells) { for (BelPin bel_pin : getWireBelPins(pad_wire)) { BelId bel = bel_pin.bel; for (CellInfo *cell : tightly_attached_bels) { if (isValidBelForCellType(cell->type, bel)) { NPNR_ASSERT(cell->bel == BelId()); NPNR_ASSERT(placed_cells->count(cell) == 0); bindBel(bel, cell, STRENGTH_FIXED); placed_cells->emplace(cell); IdString cell_port; for (auto pin_pair : cell->cell_bel_pins) { for (IdString a_bel_pin : pin_pair.second) { if (a_bel_pin == bel_pin.pin) { NPNR_ASSERT(cell_port == IdString()); cell_port = pin_pair.first; } } } NPNR_ASSERT(cell_port != IdString()); const PortInfo &port = cell->ports.at(cell_port); NPNR_ASSERT(port.net == net); } } } } void Arch::pack_ports() { std::unordered_map tile_type_prototypes; for (size_t i = 0; i < chip_info->tiles.size(); ++i) { const auto &tile = chip_info->tiles[i]; const auto &tile_type = chip_info->tile_types[tile.type]; IdString tile_type_name(tile_type.name); tile_type_prototypes.emplace(tile_type_name, &tile); } // set(site_types) for package pins std::unordered_set package_sites; // Package pin -> (Site type -> BelId) std::unordered_map> package_pin_bels; for (const PackagePinPOD &package_pin : chip_info->packages[package_index].pins) { IdString pin(package_pin.package_pin); IdString bel(package_pin.bel); IdString site(package_pin.site); package_sites.emplace(site); for (size_t i = 0; i < chip_info->tiles.size(); ++i) { const auto &tile = chip_info->tiles[i]; std::unordered_set package_pin_sites; for (size_t j = 0; j < tile.sites.size(); ++j) { auto &site_data = chip_info->sites[tile.sites[j]]; if (site == id(site_data.site_name.get())) { package_pin_sites.emplace(j); } } const auto &tile_type = chip_info->tile_types[tile.type]; for (size_t j = 0; j < tile_type.bel_data.size(); ++j) { const BelInfoPOD &bel_data = tile_type.bel_data[j]; if (bel == IdString(bel_data.name) && package_pin_sites.count(bel_data.site)) { auto &site_data = chip_info->sites[tile.sites[bel_data.site]]; IdString site_type(site_data.site_type); BelId bel; bel.tile = i; bel.index = j; package_pin_bels[pin][site_type] = bel; } } } } // Determine for each package site type, which site types are possible. std::unordered_set package_pin_site_types; std::unordered_map> possible_package_site_types; for (const TileInstInfoPOD &tile : chip_info->tiles) { for (size_t site_index : tile.sites) { const SiteInstInfoPOD &site = chip_info->sites[site_index]; IdString site_name = getCtx()->id(site.site_name.get()); if (package_sites.count(site_name) == 1) { possible_package_site_types[site_name].emplace(IdString(site.site_type)); package_pin_site_types.emplace(IdString(site.site_type)); } } } // IO sites are usually pretty weird, so see if we can define some // constraints between the port cell create by nextpnr and cells that are // immediately attached to that port cell. for (auto port_pair : port_cells) { CellInfo *port_cell = port_pair.second; std::unordered_set tightly_attached_bels; for (auto port_pair : port_cell->ports) { const PortInfo &port_info = port_pair.second; const NetInfo *net = port_info.net; if (net->driver.cell) { tightly_attached_bels.emplace(net->driver.cell); } for (const PortRef &port_ref : net->users) { if (port_ref.cell) { tightly_attached_bels.emplace(port_ref.cell); } } } NPNR_ASSERT(tightly_attached_bels.erase(port_cell) == 1); std::unordered_set cell_types_in_io_group; for (CellInfo *cell : tightly_attached_bels) { NPNR_ASSERT(port_cells.find(cell->name) == port_cells.end()); cell_types_in_io_group.emplace(cell->type); } // Get possible placement locations for tightly coupled BELs with // port. std::unordered_set possible_site_types; for (const TileTypeInfoPOD &tile_type : chip_info->tile_types) { IdString tile_type_name(tile_type.name); for (const BelInfoPOD &bel_info : tile_type.bel_data) { for (IdString cell_type : cell_types_in_io_group) { size_t cell_type_index = get_cell_type_index(cell_type); if (bel_info.category == BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC && bel_info.pin_map[cell_type_index] != -1) { auto *tile = tile_type_prototypes.at(tile_type_name); const SiteInstInfoPOD &site = chip_info->sites[tile->sites[bel_info.site]]; IdString site_type(site.site_type); if (package_pin_site_types.count(site_type)) { possible_site_types.emplace(site_type); } } } } } auto iter = port_cell->attrs.find(id("PACKAGE_PIN")); if (iter == port_cell->attrs.end()) { // FIXME: Relax this constraint log_error("Port '%s' is missing PACKAGE_PIN property\n", port_cell->name.c_str(getCtx())); } // std::unordered_map> package_pin_bels; IdString package_pin_id = id(iter->second.as_string()); auto pin_iter = package_pin_bels.find(package_pin_id); if (pin_iter == package_pin_bels.end()) { log_error("Package pin '%s' not found in part %s\n", package_pin_id.c_str(getCtx()), get_part().c_str()); } NPNR_ASSERT(pin_iter != package_pin_bels.end()); BelId package_bel; for (IdString site_type : possible_site_types) { auto site_iter = pin_iter->second.find(site_type); if (site_iter != pin_iter->second.end()) { // FIXME: Need to handle case where a port can be in multiple // modes, but only one of the modes works. // // NPNR_ASSERT(package_bel == BelId()); package_bel = site_iter->second; } } NPNR_ASSERT(package_bel != BelId()); std::unordered_set placed_cells; bindBel(package_bel, port_cell, STRENGTH_FIXED); placed_cells.emplace(port_cell); IdStringRange package_bel_pins = getBelPins(package_bel); // NPNR_ASSERT(std::distance(package_bel_pins.begin(), package_bel_pins.end()) == 1); IdStringIterator b = package_bel_pins.begin(); NPNR_ASSERT(b != package_bel_pins.end()); ++b; NPNR_ASSERT(b == package_bel_pins.end()); IdString pad_pin = *package_bel_pins.begin(); WireId pad_wire = getBelPinWire(package_bel, pad_pin); place_iobufs(pad_wire, ports[port_pair.first].net, tightly_attached_bels, &placed_cells); for (CellInfo *cell : placed_cells) { NPNR_ASSERT(cell->bel != BelId()); NPNR_ASSERT(isBelLocationValid(cell->bel)); } } } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END