/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2021 Lofty * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include "log.h" #include "nextpnr.h" #include "cyclonev.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN using namespace mistral; void IdString::initialize_arch(const BaseCtx *ctx) { #define X(t) initialize_add(ctx, #t, ID_##t); #include "constids.inc" #undef X } Arch::Arch(ArchArgs args) { this->args = args; this->cyclonev = mistral::CycloneV::get_model(args.device, args.mistral_root); NPNR_ASSERT(this->cyclonev != nullptr); // Setup fast identifier maps for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { IdString int_id = id(stringf("%d", i)); int2id.push_back(int_id); id2int[int_id] = i; } for (int t = int(CycloneV::NONE); t <= int(CycloneV::DCMUX); t++) { IdString rnode_id = id(CycloneV::rnode_type_names[t]); rn_t2id.push_back(rnode_id); id2rn_t[rnode_id] = CycloneV::rnode_type_t(t); } log_info("Initialising bels...\n"); for (int x = 0; x < cyclonev->get_tile_sx(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < cyclonev->get_tile_sy(); y++) { CycloneV::pos_t pos = cyclonev->xy2pos(x, y); for (CycloneV::block_type_t bel : cyclonev->pos_get_bels(pos)) { switch (bel) { case CycloneV::block_type_t::LAB: /* * nextpnr and mistral disagree on what a BEL is: mistral thinks an entire LAB * is one BEL, but nextpnr wants something with more precision. * * One LAB contains 10 ALMs. * One ALM contains 2 LUT outputs and 4 flop outputs. */ for (int z = 0; z < 60; z++) { bels[BelId(pos, (bel << 8 | z))]; } break; case CycloneV::block_type_t::GPIO: // GPIO tiles contain 4 pins. for (int z = 0; z < 4; z++) { bels[BelId(pos, (bel << 8 | z))]; } break; default: continue; } } } } // This import takes about 5s, perhaps long term we can speed it up, e.g. defer to Mistral more... log_info("Initialising routing graph...\n"); int pip_count = 0; for (const auto &mux : cyclonev->dest_node_to_rmux) { const auto &rmux = cyclonev->rmux_info[mux.second]; WireId dst_wire(mux.first); for (const auto &src : rmux.sources) { if (CycloneV::rn2t(src) == CycloneV::NONE) continue; WireId src_wire(src); wires[dst_wire].wires_uphill.push_back(src_wire); wires[src_wire].wires_downhill.push_back(dst_wire); ++pip_count; } } log_info(" imported %d wires and %d pips\n", int(wires.size()), pip_count); BaseArch::init_cell_types(); BaseArch::init_bel_buckets(); } int Arch::getTileBelDimZ(int x, int y) const { // FIXME: currently encoding type in z (this will be fixed soon when site contents are implemented) return 16384; } BelId Arch::getBelByName(IdStringList name) const { BelId bel; NPNR_ASSERT(name.size() == 4); auto bel_type = cyclonev->block_type_lookup(name[0].str(this)); int x = id2int.at(name[1]); int y = id2int.at(name[2]); int z = id2int.at(name[3]); bel.pos = CycloneV::xy2pos(x, y); bel.z = (bel_type << 8) | z; return bel; } IdStringList Arch::getBelName(BelId bel) const { int x = CycloneV::pos2x(bel.pos); int y = CycloneV::pos2y(bel.pos); int z = bel.z & 0xFF; int bel_type = bel.z >> 8; std::array ids{ id(cyclonev->block_type_names[bel_type]), int2id.at(x), int2id.at(y), int2id.at(z), }; return IdStringList(ids); } WireId Arch::getWireByName(IdStringList name) const { // non-mistral wires auto found_npnr = npnr_wirebyname.find(name); if (found_npnr != npnr_wirebyname.end()) return found_npnr->second; // mistral wires NPNR_ASSERT(name.size() == 4); CycloneV::rnode_type_t ty = id2rn_t.at(name[0]); int x = id2int.at(name[1]); int y = id2int.at(name[2]); int z = id2int.at(name[3]); return WireId(CycloneV::rnode(ty, x, y, z)); } IdStringList Arch::getWireName(WireId wire) const { if (wire.is_nextpnr_created()) { // non-mistral wires std::array ids{ id_WIRE, int2id.at(CycloneV::rn2x(wire.node)), int2id.at(CycloneV::rn2y(wire.node)), wires.at(wire).name_override, }; return IdStringList(ids); } else { std::array ids{ rn_t2id.at(CycloneV::rn2t(wire.node)), int2id.at(CycloneV::rn2x(wire.node)), int2id.at(CycloneV::rn2y(wire.node)), int2id.at(CycloneV::rn2z(wire.node)), }; return IdStringList(ids); } } PipId Arch::getPipByName(IdStringList name) const { WireId src = getWireByName(name.slice(0, 4)); WireId dst = getWireByName(name.slice(4, 8)); NPNR_ASSERT(src != WireId()); NPNR_ASSERT(dst != WireId()); return PipId(src.node, dst.node); } IdStringList Arch::getPipName(PipId pip) const { return IdStringList::concat(getWireName(getPipSrcWire(pip)), getWireName(getPipDstWire(pip))); } std::vector Arch::getBelsByTile(int x, int y) const { // This should probably be redesigned, but it's a hack. std::vector bels{}; CycloneV::pos_t pos = cyclonev->xy2pos(x, y); for (CycloneV::block_type_t cvbel : cyclonev->pos_get_bels(pos)) { switch (cvbel) { case CycloneV::block_type_t::LAB: /* * nextpnr and mistral disagree on what a BEL is: mistral thinks an entire LAB * is one BEL, but nextpnr wants something with more precision. * * One LAB contains 10 ALMs. * One ALM contains 2 LUT outputs and 4 flop outputs. */ for (int z = 0; z < 60; z++) { bels.push_back(BelId(pos, (cvbel << 8 | z))); } break; case CycloneV::block_type_t::GPIO: // GPIO tiles contain 4 pins. for (int z = 0; z < 4; z++) { bels.push_back(BelId(pos, (cvbel << 8 | z))); } break; default: continue; } } return bels; } IdString Arch::getBelType(BelId bel) const { for (CycloneV::block_type_t cvbel : cyclonev->pos_get_bels(bel.pos)) { switch (cvbel) { case CycloneV::block_type_t::LAB: /* * nextpnr and mistral disagree on what a BEL is: mistral thinks an entire LAB * is one BEL, but nextpnr wants something with more precision. * * One LAB contains 10 ALMs. * One ALM contains 2 LUT outputs and 4 flop outputs. */ return IdString(this, "LAB"); case CycloneV::block_type_t::GPIO: // GPIO tiles contain 4 pins. return IdString(this, "GPIO"); default: continue; } } return IdString(); } bool Arch::pack() { return true; } bool Arch::place() { return true; } bool Arch::route() { return true; } BelId Arch::add_bel(int x, int y, IdString name, IdString type, IdString bucket) { // TODO: nothing else is using this BelId system yet... // TODO (tomorrow?): we probably want a belsByTile type arrangement, similar for wires and pips, for better spacial // locality int z = 0; BelId id; // Determine a unique z-coordinate while (bels.count(id = BelId(CycloneV::xy2pos(x, y), z))) z++; auto &bel = bels[id]; bel.name = name; bel.type = type; bel.bucket = bucket; return id; } WireId Arch::add_wire(int x, int y, IdString name, uint64_t flags) { std::array ids{ id_WIRE, int2id.at(x), int2id.at(y), name, }; IdStringList full_name(ids); auto existing = npnr_wirebyname.find(full_name); if (existing != npnr_wirebyname.end()) { // Already exists, don't create anything return existing->second; } else { // Determine a unique ID for the wire int z = 0; WireId id; while (wires.count(id = WireId(CycloneV::rnode(CycloneV::rnode_type_t((z >> 10) + 128), x, y, (z & 0x3FF))))) z++; wires[id].name_override = name; wires[id].flags = flags; return id; } } PipId Arch::add_pip(WireId src, WireId dst) { wires[src].wires_downhill.push_back(dst); wires[dst].wires_uphill.push_back(src); return PipId(src.node, dst.node); } void Arch::add_bel_pin(BelId bel, IdString pin, PortType dir, WireId wire) { bels[bel].pins[pin].dir = dir; bels[bel].pins[pin].wire = wire; BelPin bel_pin; bel_pin.bel = bel; bel_pin.pin = pin; wires[wire].bel_pins.push_back(bel_pin); } #ifdef WITH_HEAP const std::string Arch::defaultPlacer = "heap"; #else const std::string Arch::defaultPlacer = "sa"; #endif const std::vector Arch::availablePlacers = {"sa", #ifdef WITH_HEAP "heap" #endif }; const std::string Arch::defaultRouter = "router1"; const std::vector Arch::availableRouters = {"router1", "router2"}; NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END