#include "log.h" #include "nextpnr.h" #define HIMBAECHEL_CONSTIDS "uarch/gowin/constids.inc" #include "himbaechel_constids.h" #include "himbaechel_helpers.h" #include "gowin.h" #include "pack.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace { struct GowinPacker { Context *ctx; HimbaechelHelpers h; GowinPacker(Context *ctx) : ctx(ctx) { h.init(ctx); } // =================================== // IO // =================================== void pack_iobs(void) { log_info("Pack IOBs...\n"); // Trim nextpnr IOBs - assume IO buffer insertion has been done in synthesis const pool top_ports{ CellTypePort(id_IBUF, id_I), CellTypePort(id_OBUF, id_O), }; h.remove_nextpnr_iobs(top_ports); } // =================================== // Constant nets // =================================== void handle_constants(void) { log_info("Create constant nets...\n"); const dict vcc_params; const dict gnd_params; h.replace_constants(CellTypePort(id_GOWIN_VCC, id_V), CellTypePort(id_GOWIN_GND, id_G), vcc_params, gnd_params); // disconnect the constant LUT inputs log_info("Modify LUTs...\n"); for (IdString netname : {ctx->id("$PACKER_GND"), ctx->id("$PACKER_VCC")}) { auto net = ctx->nets.find(netname); if (net == ctx->nets.end()) { continue; } NetInfo *constnet = net->second.get(); for (auto user : constnet->users) { CellInfo *uc = user.cell; if (ctx->debug) log_info("%s user %s/%s\n", ctx->nameOf(constnet), ctx->nameOf(uc), user.port.c_str(ctx)); if (is_lut(uc) && (user.port.str(ctx).at(0) == 'I')) { auto it_param = uc->params.find(id_INIT); if (it_param == uc->params.end()) log_error("No initialization for lut found.\n"); int64_t uc_init = it_param->second.intval; int64_t mask = 0; uint8_t amt = 0; if (user.port == id_I0) { mask = 0x5555; amt = 1; } else if (user.port == id_I1) { mask = 0x3333; amt = 2; } else if (user.port == id_I2) { mask = 0x0F0F; amt = 4; } else if (user.port == id_I3) { mask = 0x00FF; amt = 8; } else { log_error("Port number invalid.\n"); } if ((constnet->name == ctx->id("$PACKER_GND"))) { uc_init = (uc_init & mask) | ((uc_init & mask) << amt); } else { uc_init = (uc_init & (mask << amt)) | ((uc_init & (mask << amt)) >> amt); } size_t uc_init_len = it_param->second.to_string().length(); uc_init &= (1LL << uc_init_len) - 1; if (ctx->verbose && it_param->second.intval != uc_init) log_info("%s lut config modified from 0x%lX to 0x%lX\n", ctx->nameOf(uc), it_param->second.intval, uc_init); it_param->second = Property(uc_init, uc_init_len); uc->disconnectPort(user.port); } } } } // =================================== // Wideluts // =================================== void pack_wideluts(void) { log_info("Pack wide LUTs...\n"); // children's offsets struct _children { IdString port; int dx, dz; } mux_inputs[4][2] = {{{id_I0, 1, -7}, {id_I1, 0, -7}}, {{id_I0, 0, 4}, {id_I1, 0, -4}}, {{id_I0, 0, 2}, {id_I1, 0, -2}}, {{id_I0, 0, -BelZ::MUX20_Z}, {id_I1, 0, 2 - BelZ::MUX20_Z}}}; typedef std::function recurse_func_t; recurse_func_t make_cluster = [&, this](CellInfo &ci_root, CellInfo *ci_cursor, int dx, int dz) { _children *inputs; if (is_lut(ci_cursor)) { return; } switch (ci_cursor->type.hash()) { case ID_MUX2_LUT8: inputs = mux_inputs[0]; break; case ID_MUX2_LUT7: inputs = mux_inputs[1]; break; case ID_MUX2_LUT6: inputs = mux_inputs[2]; break; case ID_MUX2_LUT5: inputs = mux_inputs[3]; break; default: log_error("Bad MUX2 node:%s\n", ctx->nameOf(ci_cursor)); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { // input src NetInfo *in = ci_cursor->getPort(inputs[i].port); NPNR_ASSERT(in && in->driver.cell); int child_dx = dx + inputs[i].dx; int child_dz = dz + inputs[i].dz; ci_root.constr_children.push_back(in->driver.cell); in->driver.cell->cluster = ci_root.name; in->driver.cell->constr_abs_z = false; in->driver.cell->constr_x = child_dx; in->driver.cell->constr_y = 0; in->driver.cell->constr_z = child_dz; make_cluster(ci_root, in->driver.cell, child_dx, child_dz); } }; // look for MUX2 // MUX2_LUT8 create right away, collect others std::vector muxes[3]; int packed[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; for (auto &cell : ctx->cells) { auto &ci = *cell.second; if (ci.cluster != ClusterId()) { continue; } if (ci.type == id_MUX2_LUT8) { ci.cluster = ci.name; ci.constr_abs_z = false; make_cluster(ci, &ci, 0, 0); ++packed[0]; continue; } if (ci.type.in(id_MUX2_LUT7, id_MUX2_LUT6, id_MUX2_LUT5)) { switch (ci.type.hash()) { case ID_MUX2_LUT7: muxes[0].push_back(cell.first); break; case ID_MUX2_LUT6: muxes[1].push_back(cell.first); break; default: // ID_MUX2_LUT5 muxes[2].push_back(cell.first); break; } } } // create others for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (IdString cell_name : muxes[i]) { auto &ci = *ctx->cells.at(cell_name); if (ci.cluster != ClusterId()) { continue; } ci.cluster = ci.name; ci.constr_abs_z = false; make_cluster(ci, &ci, 0, 0); ++packed[i + 1]; } } log_info("Packed MUX2_LUT8:%d, MUX2_LU7:%d, MUX2_LUT6:%d, MUX2_LUT5:%d\n", packed[0], packed[1], packed[2], packed[3]); } // =================================== // ALU // =================================== // create ALU CIN block std::unique_ptr alu_add_cin_block(Context *ctx, CellInfo *head, NetInfo *cin_net) { std::string name = head->name.str(ctx) + "_HEAD_ALULC"; IdString name_id = ctx->id(name); NetInfo *cout_net = ctx->createNet(name_id); head->disconnectPort(id_CIN); head->connectPort(id_CIN, cout_net); auto cin_ci = std::make_unique(ctx, name_id, id_ALU); cin_ci->addOutput(id_COUT); cin_ci->connectPort(id_COUT, cout_net); if (cin_net->name == ctx->id("$PACKER_GND")) { cin_ci->params[id_ALU_MODE] = std::string("C2L"); return cin_ci; } if (cin_net->name == ctx->id("$PACKER_VCC")) { cin_ci->params[id_ALU_MODE] = std::string("ONE2C"); return cin_ci; } // CIN from logic cin_ci->addInput(id_I1); cin_ci->addInput(id_I3); cin_ci->addInput(id_I2); cin_ci->connectPort(id_I1, cin_net); cin_ci->connectPort(id_I3, cin_net); cin_ci->connectPort(id_I2, ctx->nets[ctx->id("$PACKER_VCC")].get()); cin_ci->params[id_ALU_MODE] = std::string("0"); // ADD return cin_ci; } // create ALU COUT block std::unique_ptr alu_add_cout_block(Context *ctx, CellInfo *tail, NetInfo *cout_net) { std::string name = tail->name.str(ctx) + "_TAIL_ALULC"; IdString name_id = ctx->id(name); NetInfo *cin_net = ctx->createNet(name_id); tail->disconnectPort(id_COUT); tail->connectPort(id_COUT, cin_net); auto cout_ci = std::make_unique(ctx, name_id, id_ALU); cout_ci->addOutput(id_COUT); // may be needed for the ALU filler cout_ci->addInput(id_CIN); cout_ci->connectPort(id_CIN, cin_net); cout_ci->addOutput(id_SUM); cout_ci->connectPort(id_SUM, cout_net); cout_ci->params[id_ALU_MODE] = std::string("C2L"); return cout_ci; } // create ALU filler block std::unique_ptr alu_add_dummy_block(Context *ctx, CellInfo *tail) { std::string name = tail->name.str(ctx) + "_DUMMY_ALULC"; IdString name_id = ctx->id(name); auto dummy_ci = std::make_unique(ctx, name_id, id_ALU); dummy_ci->params[id_ALU_MODE] = std::string("C2L"); return dummy_ci; } // create ALU chain void pack_alus(void) { static CellTypePort cell_alu_cout = CellTypePort(id_ALU, id_COUT); static CellTypePort cell_alu_cin = CellTypePort(id_ALU, id_CIN); std::vector> new_cells; log_info("Pack ALUs...\n"); for (auto &cell : ctx->cells) { auto ci = cell.second.get(); if (ci->cluster != ClusterId()) { continue; } if (is_alu(ci)) { // The ALU head is when the input carry is not a dedicated wire from the previous ALU NetInfo *cin_net = ci->getPort(id_CIN); if (!cin_net || !cin_net->driver.cell) { log_error("CIN disconnected at ALU:%s\n", ctx->nameOf(ci)); } if (CellTypePort(cin_net->driver) != cell_alu_cout || cin_net->users.entries() > 1) { if (ctx->debug) { log_info("ALU head found %s. CIN net is %s\n", ctx->nameOf(ci), ctx->nameOf(cin_net)); } // always prepend first ALU with carry generator block // three cases: CIN == 0, CIN == 1 and CIN == ? new_cells.push_back(std::move(alu_add_cin_block(ctx, ci, cin_net))); CellInfo *cin_block_ci = new_cells.back().get(); // CIN block is the cluster root and is always placed in ALU0 // This is a possible place for further optimization cin_block_ci->cluster = cin_block_ci->name; cin_block_ci->constr_z = BelZ::ALU0_Z; cin_block_ci->constr_abs_z = true; int alu_chain_len = 1; while (true) { // add to cluster if (ctx->debug) { log_info("Add ALU to the chain (len:%d): %s\n", alu_chain_len, ctx->nameOf(ci)); } cin_block_ci->constr_children.push_back(ci); ci->cluster = cin_block_ci->name; ci->constr_abs_z = false; ci->constr_x = alu_chain_len / 6; ci->constr_y = 0; ci->constr_z = alu_chain_len % 6; // XXX I2 is pin C which must be set to 1 for all ALU modes except MUL // we use only mode 2 ADDSUB so create and connect this pin ci->addInput(id_I2); ci->connectPort(id_I2, ctx->nets[ctx->id("$PACKER_VCC")].get()); ++alu_chain_len; // check for the chain end NetInfo *cout_net = ci->getPort(id_COUT); if (!cout_net || cout_net->users.empty()) { break; } if (CellTypePort(*cout_net->users.begin()) != cell_alu_cin || cout_net->users.entries() > 1) { new_cells.push_back(std::move(alu_add_cout_block(ctx, ci, cout_net))); CellInfo *cout_block_ci = new_cells.back().get(); cin_block_ci->constr_children.push_back(cout_block_ci); cout_block_ci->cluster = cin_block_ci->name; cout_block_ci->constr_abs_z = false; cout_block_ci->constr_x = alu_chain_len / 6; cout_block_ci->constr_y = 0; cout_block_ci->constr_z = alu_chain_len % 6; if (ctx->debug) { log_info("Add ALU carry out to the chain (len:%d): %s\n", alu_chain_len, ctx->nameOf(cout_block_ci)); } ++alu_chain_len; break; } ci = (*cout_net->users.begin()).cell; } // ALUs are always paired if (alu_chain_len & 1) { // create dummy cell new_cells.push_back(std::move(alu_add_dummy_block(ctx, ci))); CellInfo *dummy_block_ci = new_cells.back().get(); cin_block_ci->constr_children.push_back(dummy_block_ci); dummy_block_ci->cluster = cin_block_ci->name; dummy_block_ci->constr_abs_z = false; dummy_block_ci->constr_x = alu_chain_len / 6; dummy_block_ci->constr_y = 0; dummy_block_ci->constr_z = alu_chain_len % 6; if (ctx->debug) { log_info("Add ALU dummy cell to the chain (len:%d): %s\n", alu_chain_len, ctx->nameOf(dummy_block_ci)); } } } } } for (auto &ncell : new_cells) { ctx->cells[ncell->name] = std::move(ncell); } } // =================================== // glue LUT and FF // =================================== void constrain_lutffs(void) { // Constrain directly connected LUTs and FFs together to use dedicated resources auto lut_outs = pool{{id_LUT1, id_F}, {id_LUT2, id_F}, {id_LUT3, id_F}, {id_LUT4, id_F}}; auto dff_ins = pool{{id_DFF, id_D}, {id_DFFE, id_D}, {id_DFFN, id_D}, {id_DFFNE, id_D}, {id_DFFS, id_D}, {id_DFFSE, id_D}, {id_DFFNS, id_D}, {id_DFFNSE, id_D}, {id_DFFR, id_D}, {id_DFFRE, id_D}, {id_DFFNR, id_D}, {id_DFFNRE, id_D}, {id_DFFP, id_D}, {id_DFFPE, id_D}, {id_DFFNP, id_D}, {id_DFFNPE, id_D}, {id_DFFC, id_D}, {id_DFFCE, id_D}, {id_DFFNC, id_D}, {id_DFFNCE, id_D}}; int lutffs = h.constrain_cell_pairs(lut_outs, dff_ins, 1); log_info("Constrained %d LUTFF pairs.\n", lutffs); log_info("Pack ALUs...\n"); pack_alus(); } void run(void) { pack_iobs(); handle_constants(); pack_wideluts(); pack_alus(); constrain_lutffs(); } }; } // namespace void gowin_pack(Context *ctx) { GowinPacker packer(ctx); packer.run(); } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END