/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2020 David Shah * * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "log.h" #include "nextpnr.h" #include "util.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace { struct NexusFasmWriter { const Context *ctx; std::ostream &out; std::vector fasm_ctx; NexusFasmWriter(const Context *ctx, std::ostream &out) : ctx(ctx), out(out) {} // Add a 'dot' prefix to the FASM context stack void push(const std::string &x) { fasm_ctx.push_back(x); } // Remove a prefix from the FASM context stack void pop() { fasm_ctx.pop_back(); } // Remove N prefices from the FASM context stack void pop(int N) { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) fasm_ctx.pop_back(); } bool last_was_blank = true; // Insert a blank line if the last wasn't blank void blank() { if (!last_was_blank) out << std::endl; last_was_blank = true; } // Write out all prefices from the stack, interspersed with . void write_prefix() { for (auto &x : fasm_ctx) out << x << "."; last_was_blank = false; } // Write a single config bit; if value is true void write_bit(const std::string &name, bool value = true) { if (value) { write_prefix(); out << name << std::endl; } } // Write a FASM attribute void write_attribute(const std::string &key, const std::string &value, bool str = true) { std::string qu = str ? "\"" : ""; out << "{ " << key << "=" << qu << value << qu << " }" << std::endl; last_was_blank = false; } // Write a FASM comment void write_comment(const std::string &cmt) { out << "# " << cmt << std::endl; } // Write a FASM bitvector; optionally inverting the values in the process void write_vector(const std::string &name, const std::vector &value, bool invert = false) { write_prefix(); out << name << " = " << int(value.size()) << "'b"; for (auto bit : boost::adaptors::reverse(value)) out << ((bit ^ invert) ? '1' : '0'); out << std::endl; } // Write a FASM bitvector given an integer value void write_int_vector(const std::string &name, uint64_t value, int width, bool invert = false) { std::vector bits(width, false); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) bits[i] = (value & (1ULL << i)) != 0; write_vector(name, bits, invert); } // Look up an enum value in a cell's parameters and write it to the FASM in name.value format void write_enum(const CellInfo *cell, const std::string &name, const std::string &defval = "") { auto fnd = cell->params.find(ctx->id(name)); if (fnd == cell->params.end()) { if (!defval.empty()) write_bit(stringf("%s.%s", name.c_str(), defval.c_str())); } else { write_bit(stringf("%s.%s", name.c_str(), fnd->second.c_str())); } } // Look up an IO attribute in the cell's attributes and write it to the FASM in name.value format void write_ioattr(const CellInfo *cell, const std::string &name, const std::string &defval = "") { auto fnd = cell->attrs.find(ctx->id(name)); if (fnd == cell->attrs.end()) { if (!defval.empty()) write_bit(stringf("%s.%s", name.c_str(), defval.c_str())); } else { write_bit(stringf("%s.%s", name.c_str(), fnd->second.c_str())); } } // Gets the full name of a tile std::string tile_name(int loc, const PhysicalTileInfoPOD &tile) { int r = loc / ctx->chip_info->width; int c = loc % ctx->chip_info->width; return stringf("%sR%dC%d__%s", ctx->nameOf(tile.prefix), r, c, ctx->nameOf(tile.tiletype)); } // Look up a tile by location index and tile type const PhysicalTileInfoPOD &tile_by_type_and_loc(int loc, IdString type) { auto &ploc = ctx->chip_info->grid[loc]; for (int i = 0; i < ploc.num_phys_tiles; i++) { if (ploc.phys_tiles[i].tiletype == type.index) return ploc.phys_tiles[i]; } log_error("No tile of type %s found at location R%dC%d", ctx->nameOf(type), loc / ctx->chip_info->width, loc % ctx->chip_info->width); } // Gets the single tile at a location const PhysicalTileInfoPOD &tile_at_loc(int loc) { auto &ploc = ctx->chip_info->grid[loc]; NPNR_ASSERT(ploc.num_phys_tiles == 1); return ploc.phys_tiles[0]; } // Escape an internal prjoxide name for FASM by replacing : with __ std::string escape_name(const std::string &name) { std::string escaped; for (char c : name) { if (c == ':') escaped += "__"; else escaped += c; } return escaped; } // Push a tile name onto the prefix stack void push_tile(int loc, IdString tile_type) { push(tile_name(loc, tile_by_type_and_loc(loc, tile_type))); } void push_tile(int loc) { push(tile_name(loc, tile_at_loc(loc))); } // Push a bel name onto the prefix stack void push_belname(BelId bel) { push(ctx->nameOf(ctx->bel_data(bel).name)); } // Push the tile group name corresponding to a bel onto the prefix stack void push_belgroup(BelId bel) { int r = bel.tile / ctx->chip_info->width; int c = bel.tile % ctx->chip_info->width; auto bel_data = ctx->bel_data(bel); r += bel_data.rel_y; c += bel_data.rel_x; std::string s = stringf("R%dC%d_%s", r, c, ctx->nameOf(ctx->bel_data(bel).name)); push(s); } // Push a bel's group and name void push_bel(BelId bel) { push_belgroup(bel); fasm_ctx.back() += stringf(".%s", ctx->nameOf(ctx->bel_data(bel).name)); } // Write out a pip in tile.dst.src format void write_pip(PipId pip) { auto &pd = ctx->pip_data(pip); if (pd.flags & PIP_FIXED_CONN) return; std::string tile = tile_name(pip.tile, tile_by_type_and_loc(pip.tile, pd.tile_type)); std::string source_wire = escape_name(ctx->pip_src_wire_name(pip).str(ctx)); std::string dest_wire = escape_name(ctx->pip_dst_wire_name(pip).str(ctx)); out << stringf("%s.PIP.%s.%s", tile.c_str(), dest_wire.c_str(), source_wire.c_str()) << std::endl; } // Write out all the pips corresponding to a net void write_net(const NetInfo *net) { write_comment(stringf("Net %s", ctx->nameOf(net))); std::set sorted_pips; for (auto &w : net->wires) if (w.second.pip != PipId()) sorted_pips.insert(w.second.pip); for (auto p : sorted_pips) write_pip(p); blank(); } // Find the CIBMUX output for a signal WireId find_cibmux(const CellInfo *cell, IdString pin) { WireId cursor = ctx->getBelPinWire(cell->bel, pin); if (cursor == WireId()) return WireId(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { std::string cursor_name = IdString(ctx->wire_data(cursor).name).str(ctx); if (cursor_name.find("JCIBMUXOUT") == 0) { return cursor; } for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsUphill(cursor)) if (ctx->checkPipAvail(pip)) { cursor = ctx->getPipSrcWire(pip); break; } } return WireId(); } // Write out the mux config for a cell void write_cell_muxes(const CellInfo *cell) { for (auto port : sorted_cref(cell->ports)) { // Only relevant to inputs if (port.second.type != PORT_IN) continue; auto pin_style = ctx->get_cell_pin_style(cell, port.first); auto pin_mux = ctx->get_cell_pinmux(cell, port.first); // Invertible pins if (pin_style & PINOPT_INV) { if (pin_mux == PINMUX_INV || pin_mux == PINMUX_0) write_bit(stringf("%sMUX.INV", ctx->nameOf(port.first))); else if (pin_mux == PINMUX_SIG) write_bit(stringf("%sMUX.%s", ctx->nameOf(port.first), ctx->nameOf(port.first))); } // Pins that must be explictly enabled if ((pin_style & PINBIT_GATED) && (pin_mux == PINMUX_SIG)) write_bit(stringf("%sMUX.%s", ctx->nameOf(port.first), ctx->nameOf(port.first))); // Pins that must be explictly set to 1 rather than just left floating if ((pin_style & PINBIT_1) && (pin_mux == PINMUX_1)) write_bit(stringf("%sMUX.1", ctx->nameOf(port.first))); // Handle CIB muxes - these must be set such that floating pins really are floating to VCC and not connected // to another CIB signal if ((pin_style & PINBIT_CIBMUX) && port.second.net == nullptr) { WireId cibmuxout = find_cibmux(cell, port.first); if (cibmuxout != WireId()) { write_comment(stringf("CIBMUX for unused pin %s", ctx->nameOf(port.first))); bool found = false; for (PipId pip : ctx->getPipsUphill(cibmuxout)) { if (ctx->checkPipAvail(pip) && ctx->checkWireAvail(ctx->getPipSrcWire(pip))) { write_pip(pip); found = true; break; } } NPNR_ASSERT(found); } } } } // Write config for an OXIDE_COMB cell void write_comb(const CellInfo *cell) { BelId bel = cell->bel; int z = ctx->bel_data(bel).z; int k = z & 0x1; char slice = 'A' + (z >> 3); push_tile(bel.tile, id_PLC); push(stringf("SLICE%c", slice)); if (cell->params.count(id_INIT)) write_int_vector(stringf("K%d.INIT[15:0]", k), int_or_default(cell->params, id_INIT, 0), 16); #if 0 if (cell->lutInfo.is_carry) { write_bit("MODE.CCU2"); write_enum(cell, "INJECT", "NO"); } #endif pop(2); } // Write config for an OXIDE_FF cell void write_ff(const CellInfo *cell) { BelId bel = cell->bel; int z = ctx->bel_data(bel).z; int k = z & 0x1; char slice = 'A' + (z >> 3); push_tile(bel.tile, id_PLC); push(stringf("SLICE%c", slice)); push(stringf("REG%d", k)); write_bit("USED.YES"); write_enum(cell, "REGSET", "RESET"); write_enum(cell, "LSRMODE", "LSR"); write_enum(cell, "SEL", "DF"); pop(); write_enum(cell, "REGDDR"); write_enum(cell, "SRMODE"); write_cell_muxes(cell); pop(2); } // Write out config for an OXIDE_RAMW cell void write_ramw(const CellInfo *cell) { BelId bel = cell->bel; push_tile(bel.tile, id_PLC); push("SLICEC"); write_bit("MODE.RAMW"); write_cell_muxes(cell); pop(2); } std::unordered_set used_io; // Write config for an SEIO33_CORE cell void write_io33(const CellInfo *cell) { BelId bel = cell->bel; used_io.insert(bel); push_bel(bel); const NetInfo *t = get_net_or_empty(cell, id_T); auto tmux = ctx->get_cell_pinmux(cell, id_T); bool is_input = false, is_output = false; if (tmux == PINMUX_0) { is_output = true; } else if (tmux == PINMUX_1 || t == nullptr) { is_input = true; } const char *iodir = is_input ? "INPUT" : (is_output ? "OUTPUT" : "BIDIR"); write_bit(stringf("BASE_TYPE.%s_%s", iodir, str_or_default(cell->attrs, id_IO_TYPE, "LVCMOS33").c_str())); write_ioattr(cell, "PULLMODE", "NONE"); write_cell_muxes(cell); pop(); } // Write config for an SEIO18_CORE cell void write_io18(const CellInfo *cell) { BelId bel = cell->bel; used_io.insert(bel); push_bel(bel); push("SEIO18"); const NetInfo *t = get_net_or_empty(cell, id_T); auto tmux = ctx->get_cell_pinmux(cell, id_T); bool is_input = false, is_output = false; if (tmux == PINMUX_0) { is_output = true; } else if (tmux == PINMUX_1 || t == nullptr) { is_input = true; } const char *iodir = is_input ? "INPUT" : (is_output ? "OUTPUT" : "BIDIR"); write_bit(stringf("BASE_TYPE.%s_%s", iodir, str_or_default(cell->attrs, id_IO_TYPE, "LVCMOS18H").c_str())); write_ioattr(cell, "PULLMODE", "NONE"); write_cell_muxes(cell); pop(2); } // Write config for an OSC_CORE cell void write_osc(const CellInfo *cell) { BelId bel = cell->bel; push_tile(bel.tile); push_belname(bel); write_enum(cell, "HF_OSC_EN"); write_enum(cell, "HF_FABRIC_EN"); write_enum(cell, "HFDIV_FABRIC_EN", "ENABLED"); write_enum(cell, "LF_FABRIC_EN"); write_enum(cell, "LF_OUTPUT_EN"); write_enum(cell, "DEBUG_N", "DISABLED"); write_int_vector(stringf("HF_CLK_DIV[7:0]"), ctx->parse_lattice_param(cell, id_HF_CLK_DIV, 8, 0).intval, 8); write_cell_muxes(cell); pop(2); } // Write out FASM for unused bels where needed void write_unused() { write_comment("# Unused bels"); // DSP primitives are configured to a default mode; even if unused static const std::unordered_map> dsp_defconf = { {id_MULT9_CORE, { "GSR.ENABLED", "MODE.NONE", "RSTAMUX.RSTA", "RSTPMUX.RSTP", }}, {id_PREADD9_CORE, { "GSR.ENABLED", "MODE.NONE", "RSTBMUX.RSTB", "RSTCLMUX.RSTCL", }}, {id_REG18_CORE, { "GSR.ENABLED", "MODE.NONE", "RSTPMUX.RSTP", }}, {id_ACC54_CORE, { "ACCUBYPS.BYPASS", "MODE.NONE", }}, }; for (BelId bel : ctx->getBels()) { IdString type = ctx->getBelType(bel); if (type == id_SEIO33_CORE && !used_io.count(bel)) { push_bel(bel); write_bit("BASE_TYPE.NONE"); pop(); blank(); } else if (type == id_SEIO18_CORE && !used_io.count(bel)) { push_bel(bel); push("SEIO18"); write_bit("BASE_TYPE.NONE"); pop(2); blank(); } else if (dsp_defconf.count(type) && ctx->getBoundBelCell(bel) == nullptr) { push_bel(bel); for (const auto &cbit : dsp_defconf.at(type)) write_bit(cbit); pop(); blank(); } } } // Write out placeholder bankref config void write_bankcfg() { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (i >= 3 && i <= 5) continue; // 1.8V banks, skip for now write_bit(stringf("GLOBAL.BANK%d.VCC.3V3", i)); } blank(); } // Write out FASM for the whole design void operator()() { // Write device config write_attribute("oxide.device", ctx->device); write_attribute("oxide.device_variant", ctx->variant); blank(); // Write routing for (auto n : sorted(ctx->nets)) { write_net(n.second); } // Write cell config for (auto c : sorted(ctx->cells)) { const CellInfo *ci = c.second; write_comment(stringf("# Cell %s", ctx->nameOf(ci))); if (ci->type == id_OXIDE_COMB) write_comb(ci); else if (ci->type == id_OXIDE_FF) write_ff(ci); else if (ci->type == id_RAMW) write_ramw(ci); else if (ci->type == id_SEIO33_CORE) write_io33(ci); else if (ci->type == id_SEIO18_CORE) write_io18(ci); else if (ci->type == id_OSC_CORE) write_osc(ci); blank(); } // Write config for unused bels write_unused(); // Write bank config write_bankcfg(); } }; } // namespace void Arch::write_fasm(std::ostream &out) const { NexusFasmWriter(getCtx(), out)(); } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END