/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2018 David Shah * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "cells.h" #include #include "design_utils.h" #include "log.h" #include "util.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN void add_port(const Context *ctx, CellInfo *cell, std::string name, PortType dir) { IdString id = ctx->id(name); cell->ports[id] = PortInfo{id, nullptr, dir}; } std::unique_ptr create_ecp5_cell(Context *ctx, IdString type, std::string name) { static int auto_idx = 0; std::unique_ptr new_cell = std::unique_ptr(new CellInfo()); if (name.empty()) { new_cell->name = ctx->id("$nextpnr_" + type.str(ctx) + "_" + std::to_string(auto_idx++)); } else { new_cell->name = ctx->id(name); } new_cell->type = type; if (type == ctx->id("TRELLIS_SLICE")) { new_cell->params[ctx->id("MODE")] = "LOGIC"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("GSR")] = "DISABLED"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("SRMODE")] = "LSR_OVER_CE"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("CEMUX")] = "1"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("CLKMUX")] = "CLK"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("LSRMUX")] = "LSR"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("LUT0_INITVAL")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("LUT1_INITVAL")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("REG0_SD")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("REG1_SD")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("REG0_REGSET")] = "RESET"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("REG1_REGSET")] = "RESET"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("CCU2_INJECT1_0")] = "NO"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("CCU2_INJECT1_1")] = "NO"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("WREMUX")] = "WRE"; add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "A0", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "B0", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "C0", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "D0", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "A1", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "B1", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "C1", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "D1", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "M0", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "M1", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "FCI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "FXA", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "FXB", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CLK", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "LSR", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CE", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "DI0", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "DI1", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WD0", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WD1", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WAD0", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WAD1", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WAD2", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WAD3", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WRE", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WCK", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "F0", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "Q0", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "F1", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "Q1", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "FCO", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "OFX0", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "OFX1", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WDO0", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WDO1", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WDO2", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WDO3", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WADO0", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WADO1", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WADO2", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "WADO3", PORT_OUT); } else if (type == ctx->id("TRELLIS_IO")) { new_cell->params[ctx->id("DIR")] = "INPUT"; new_cell->attrs[ctx->id("IO_TYPE")] = "LVCMOS33"; add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "B", PORT_INOUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "I", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "T", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "O", PORT_OUT); } else if (type == ctx->id("LUT4")) { new_cell->params[ctx->id("INIT")] = "0"; add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "A", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "B", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "C", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "D", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "Z", PORT_OUT); } else if (type == ctx->id("CCU2C")) { new_cell->params[ctx->id("INIT0")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("INIT1")] = "0"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("INJECT1_0")] = "YES"; new_cell->params[ctx->id("INJECT1_1")] = "YES"; add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CIN", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "A0", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "B0", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "C0", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "D0", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "A1", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "B1", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "C1", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "D1", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "S0", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "S1", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "COUT", PORT_OUT); } else if (type == ctx->id("DCCA")) { add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CLKI", PORT_IN); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CLKO", PORT_OUT); add_port(ctx, new_cell.get(), "CE", PORT_IN); } else { log_error("unable to create ECP5 cell of type %s", type.c_str(ctx)); } return new_cell; } static void set_param_safe(bool has_ff, CellInfo *lc, IdString name, const std::string &value) { NPNR_ASSERT(!has_ff || lc->params.at(name) == value); lc->params[name] = value; } static void replace_port_safe(bool has_ff, CellInfo *ff, IdString ff_port, CellInfo *lc, IdString lc_port) { if (has_ff) { NPNR_ASSERT(lc->ports.at(lc_port).net == ff->ports.at(ff_port).net); NetInfo *ffnet = ff->ports.at(ff_port).net; if (ffnet != nullptr) ffnet->users.erase( std::remove_if(ffnet->users.begin(), ffnet->users.end(), [ff, ff_port](PortRef port) { return port.cell == ff && port.port == ff_port; }), ffnet->users.end()); } else { replace_port(ff, ff_port, lc, lc_port); } } void ff_to_slice(Context *ctx, CellInfo *ff, CellInfo *lc, int index, bool driven_by_lut) { bool has_ff = lc->ports.at(ctx->id("Q0")).net != nullptr || lc->ports.at(ctx->id("Q1")).net != nullptr; std::string reg = "REG" + std::to_string(index); set_param_safe(has_ff, lc, ctx->id("SRMODE"), str_or_default(ff->params, ctx->id("SRMODE"), "LSR_OVER_CE")); set_param_safe(has_ff, lc, ctx->id("GSR"), str_or_default(ff->params, ctx->id("GSR"), "DISABLED")); set_param_safe(has_ff, lc, ctx->id("CEMUX"), str_or_default(ff->params, ctx->id("CEMUX"), "1")); set_param_safe(has_ff, lc, ctx->id("LSRMUX"), str_or_default(ff->params, ctx->id("LSRMUX"), "LSR")); lc->params[ctx->id(reg + "_SD")] = driven_by_lut ? "1" : "0"; lc->params[ctx->id(reg + "_REGSET")] = str_or_default(ff->params, ctx->id("REGSET"), "RESET"); replace_port_safe(has_ff, ff, ctx->id("CLK"), lc, ctx->id("CLK")); if (ff->ports.find(ctx->id("LSR")) != ff->ports.end()) replace_port_safe(has_ff, ff, ctx->id("LSR"), lc, ctx->id("LSR")); if (ff->ports.find(ctx->id("CE")) != ff->ports.end()) replace_port_safe(has_ff, ff, ctx->id("CE"), lc, ctx->id("CE")); replace_port(ff, ctx->id("Q"), lc, ctx->id("Q" + std::to_string(index))); if (driven_by_lut) { replace_port(ff, ctx->id("DI"), lc, ctx->id("DI" + std::to_string(index))); } else { replace_port(ff, ctx->id("DI"), lc, ctx->id("M" + std::to_string(index))); } } void lut_to_slice(Context *ctx, CellInfo *lut, CellInfo *lc, int index) { lc->params[ctx->id("LUT" + std::to_string(index) + "_INITVAL")] = str_or_default(lut->params, ctx->id("INIT"), "0"); replace_port(lut, ctx->id("A"), lc, ctx->id("A" + std::to_string(index))); replace_port(lut, ctx->id("B"), lc, ctx->id("B" + std::to_string(index))); replace_port(lut, ctx->id("C"), lc, ctx->id("C" + std::to_string(index))); replace_port(lut, ctx->id("D"), lc, ctx->id("D" + std::to_string(index))); replace_port(lut, ctx->id("Z"), lc, ctx->id("F" + std::to_string(index))); } void ccu2c_to_slice(Context *ctx, CellInfo *ccu, CellInfo *lc) { lc->params[ctx->id("MODE")] = "CCU2"; lc->params[ctx->id("LUT0_INITVAL")] = str_or_default(ccu->params, ctx->id("INIT0"), "0"); lc->params[ctx->id("LUT1_INITVAL")] = str_or_default(ccu->params, ctx->id("INIT1"), "0"); lc->params[ctx->id("INJECT1_0")] = str_or_default(ccu->params, ctx->id("INJECT1_0"), "YES"); lc->params[ctx->id("INJECT1_1")] = str_or_default(ccu->params, ctx->id("INJECT1_1"), "YES"); replace_port(ccu, ctx->id("CIN"), lc, ctx->id("FCI")); replace_port(ccu, ctx->id("A0"), lc, ctx->id("A0")); replace_port(ccu, ctx->id("B0"), lc, ctx->id("B0")); replace_port(ccu, ctx->id("C0"), lc, ctx->id("C0")); replace_port(ccu, ctx->id("D0"), lc, ctx->id("D0")); replace_port(ccu, ctx->id("A1"), lc, ctx->id("A1")); replace_port(ccu, ctx->id("B1"), lc, ctx->id("B1")); replace_port(ccu, ctx->id("C1"), lc, ctx->id("C1")); replace_port(ccu, ctx->id("D1"), lc, ctx->id("D1")); replace_port(ccu, ctx->id("S0"), lc, ctx->id("F0")); replace_port(ccu, ctx->id("S1"), lc, ctx->id("F1")); replace_port(ccu, ctx->id("COUT"), lc, ctx->id("FCO")); } void dram_to_ramw(Context *ctx, CellInfo *ram, CellInfo *lc) { lc->params[ctx->id("MODE")] = "RAMW"; replace_port(ram, ctx->id("WAD[0]"), lc, ctx->id("D0")); replace_port(ram, ctx->id("WAD[1]"), lc, ctx->id("B0")); replace_port(ram, ctx->id("WAD[2]"), lc, ctx->id("C0")); replace_port(ram, ctx->id("WAD[3]"), lc, ctx->id("A0")); replace_port(ram, ctx->id("DI[0]"), lc, ctx->id("C1")); replace_port(ram, ctx->id("DI[1]"), lc, ctx->id("A1")); replace_port(ram, ctx->id("DI[2]"), lc, ctx->id("D1")); replace_port(ram, ctx->id("DI[3]"), lc, ctx->id("B1")); } void dram_to_ram_slice(Context *ctx, CellInfo *ram, CellInfo *lc, CellInfo *ramw, int index) { lc->params[ctx->id("MODE")] = "DPRAM"; lc->params[ctx->id("WREMUX")] = str_or_default(ram->params, ctx->id("WREMUX"), "WRE"); lc->params[ctx->id("WCKMUX")] = str_or_default(ram->params, ctx->id("WCKMUX"), "WCK"); // TODO: INIT if (ram->ports.count(ctx->id("RAD[0]"))) { connect_port(ctx, ram->ports.at(ctx->id("RAD[0]")).net, lc, ctx->id("D0")); connect_port(ctx, ram->ports.at(ctx->id("RAD[0]")).net, lc, ctx->id("D1")); } if (ram->ports.count(ctx->id("RAD[1]"))) { connect_port(ctx, ram->ports.at(ctx->id("RAD[1]")).net, lc, ctx->id("B0")); connect_port(ctx, ram->ports.at(ctx->id("RAD[1]")).net, lc, ctx->id("B1")); } if (ram->ports.count(ctx->id("RAD[2]"))) { connect_port(ctx, ram->ports.at(ctx->id("RAD[2]")).net, lc, ctx->id("C0")); connect_port(ctx, ram->ports.at(ctx->id("RAD[2]")).net, lc, ctx->id("C1")); } if (ram->ports.count(ctx->id("RAD[3]"))) { connect_port(ctx, ram->ports.at(ctx->id("RAD[3]")).net, lc, ctx->id("A0")); connect_port(ctx, ram->ports.at(ctx->id("RAD[3]")).net, lc, ctx->id("A1")); } if (ram->ports.count(ctx->id("WRE"))) connect_port(ctx, ram->ports.at(ctx->id("WRE")).net, lc, ctx->id("WRE")); if (ram->ports.count(ctx->id("WCK"))) connect_port(ctx, ram->ports.at(ctx->id("WCK")).net, lc, ctx->id("WCK")); } NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END