/* * nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route * * Copyright (C) 2021 gatecat * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "log.h" #include "nextpnr.h" #include "util.h" #include "viaduct_api.h" #include "viaduct_helpers.h" #define GEN_INIT_CONSTIDS #define VIADUCT_CONSTIDS "viaduct/example/constids.inc" #include "viaduct_constids.h" NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace { struct ExampleImpl : ViaductAPI { ~ExampleImpl(){}; void init(Context *ctx) override { init_uarch_constids(ctx); ViaductAPI::init(ctx); h.init(ctx); if (with_gui) init_bel_decals(); init_wires(); init_bels(); init_pips(); } void pack() override { // Trim nextpnr IOBs - assume IO buffer insertion has been done in synthesis const pool top_ports{ CellTypePort(id_INBUF, id_PAD), CellTypePort(id_OUTBUF, id_PAD), }; h.remove_nextpnr_iobs(top_ports); // Replace constants with LUTs const dict vcc_params = {{id_INIT, Property(0xFFFF, 16)}}; const dict gnd_params = {{id_INIT, Property(0x0000, 16)}}; h.replace_constants(CellTypePort(id_LUT4, id_F), CellTypePort(id_LUT4, id_F), vcc_params, gnd_params); // Constrain directly connected LUTs and FFs together to use dedicated resources int lutffs = h.constrain_cell_pairs(pool{{id_LUT4, id_F}}, pool{{id_DFF, id_D}}, 1); log_info("Constrained %d LUTFF pairs.\n", lutffs); } void prePlace() override { assign_cell_info(); } bool isBelLocationValid(BelId bel, bool explain_invalid) const override { Loc l = ctx->getBelLocation(bel); if (is_io(l.x, l.y)) { return true; } else { return slice_valid(l.x, l.y, l.z / 2); } } private: ViaductHelpers h; // Configuration // Grid size including IOBs at edges const int X = 32, Y = 32; // SLICEs per tile const int N = 8; // LUT input count const int K = 4; // Number of local wires const int Wl = N * (K + 1) + 8; // 1/Fc for bel input wire pips; local wire pips and neighbour pips const int Si = 4, Sq = 4, Sl = 8; // For fast wire lookups struct TileWires { std::vector clk, q, f, d, i; std::vector l; std::vector pad; }; std::vector> wires_by_tile; // Create wires to attach to bels and pips void init_wires() { log_info("Creating wires...\n"); wires_by_tile.resize(Y); for (int y = 0; y < Y; y++) { auto &row_wires = wires_by_tile.at(y); row_wires.resize(X); for (int x = 0; x < X; x++) { auto &w = row_wires.at(x); for (int z = 0; z < N; z++) { // Clock input w.clk.push_back(ctx->addWire(h.xy_id(x, y, ctx->idf("CLK%d", z)), ctx->id("CLK"), x, y)); // FF input w.d.push_back(ctx->addWire(h.xy_id(x, y, ctx->idf("D%d", z)), ctx->id("D"), x, y)); // FF and LUT outputs w.q.push_back(ctx->addWire(h.xy_id(x, y, ctx->idf("Q%d", z)), ctx->id("Q"), x, y)); w.f.push_back(ctx->addWire(h.xy_id(x, y, ctx->idf("F%d", z)), ctx->id("F"), x, y)); // LUT inputs for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) w.i.push_back(ctx->addWire(h.xy_id(x, y, ctx->idf("L%dI%d", z, i)), ctx->id("I"), x, y)); } // Local wires for (int l = 0; l < Wl; l++) w.l.push_back(ctx->addWire(h.xy_id(x, y, ctx->idf("LOCAL%d", l)), ctx->id("LOCAL"), x, y)); // Pad wires for IO if (is_io(x, y) && x != y) for (int z = 0; z < 2; z++) w.pad.push_back(ctx->addWire(h.xy_id(x, y, ctx->idf("PAD%d", z)), id_PAD, x, y)); } } } bool is_io(int x, int y) const { // IO are on the edges of the device return (x == 0) || (x == (X - 1)) || (y == 0) || (y == (Y - 1)); } // Create IO bels in an IO tile void add_io_bels(int x, int y) { auto &w = wires_by_tile.at(y).at(x); for (int z = 0; z < 2; z++) { BelId b = ctx->addBel(h.xy_id(x, y, ctx->idf("IO%d", z)), id_IOB, Loc(x, y, z), false, false); ctx->addBelInout(b, id_PAD, w.pad.at(z)); ctx->addBelInput(b, id_I, w.i.at(z * K + 0)); ctx->addBelInput(b, id_EN, w.i.at(z * K + 1)); ctx->addBelOutput(b, id_O, w.q.at(z)); } } PipId add_pip(Loc loc, WireId src, WireId dst, delay_t delay = 0.05) { IdStringList name = IdStringList::concat(ctx->getWireName(dst), ctx->getWireName(src)); return ctx->addPip(name, ctx->id("PIP"), src, dst, delay, loc); } static constexpr float lut_x1 = 0.8f; static constexpr float lut_w = 0.07f; static constexpr float ff_x1 = 0.9f; static constexpr float ff_w = 0.05f; static constexpr float bel_y1 = 0.2f; static constexpr float bel_h = 0.03f; static constexpr float bel_dy = 0.05f; void init_bel_decals() { for (int z = 0; z < N; z++) { float y1 = bel_y1 + z * bel_dy; float y2 = y1 + bel_h; ctx->addDecalGraphic(IdStringList(ctx->idf("LUT%d", z)), GraphicElement(GraphicElement::TYPE_BOX, GraphicElement::STYLE_INACTIVE, lut_x1, y1, lut_x1 + lut_w, y2, 10.0)); ctx->addDecalGraphic(IdStringList(ctx->idf("FF%d", z)), GraphicElement(GraphicElement::TYPE_BOX, GraphicElement::STYLE_INACTIVE, ff_x1, y1, ff_x1 + ff_w, y2, 10.0)); } } // Create LUT and FF bels in a logic tile void add_slice_bels(int x, int y) { auto &w = wires_by_tile.at(y).at(x); for (int z = 0; z < N; z++) { // Create LUT bel BelId lut = ctx->addBel(h.xy_id(x, y, ctx->idf("SLICE%d_LUT", z)), id_LUT4, Loc(x, y, z * 2), false, false); for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) ctx->addBelInput(lut, ctx->idf("I[%d]", k), w.i.at(z * K + k)); ctx->addBelOutput(lut, id_F, w.f.at(z)); // FF data can come from LUT output or LUT I3 add_pip(Loc(x, y, 0), w.f.at(z), w.d.at(z)); add_pip(Loc(x, y, 0), w.i.at(z * K + (K - 1)), w.d.at(z)); // Create DFF bel BelId dff = ctx->addBel(h.xy_id(x, y, ctx->idf("SLICE%d_FF", z)), id_DFF, Loc(x, y, z * 2 + 1), false, false); ctx->addBelInput(dff, id_CLK, w.clk.at(z)); ctx->addBelInput(dff, id_D, w.d.at(z)); ctx->addBelOutput(dff, id_Q, w.q.at(z)); if (with_gui) { ctx->setBelDecal(lut, x, y, IdStringList(ctx->idf("LUT%d", z))); ctx->setBelDecal(dff, x, y, IdStringList(ctx->idf("FF%d", z))); } } } // Create bels according to tile type void init_bels() { log_info("Creating bels...\n"); for (int y = 0; y < Y; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < X; x++) { if (is_io(x, y)) { if (x == y) continue; // don't put IO in corners add_io_bels(x, y); } else { add_slice_bels(x, y); } } } } // Create PIPs inside a tile; following an example synthetic routing pattern void add_tile_pips(int x, int y) { auto &w = wires_by_tile.at(y).at(x); Loc loc(x, y, 0); auto create_input_pips = [&](WireId dst, int offset, int skip) { for (int i = (offset % skip); i < Wl; i += skip) add_pip(loc, w.l.at(i), dst, 0.05); }; for (int z = 0; z < N; z++) { create_input_pips(w.clk.at(z), 0, Si); for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) create_input_pips(w.i.at(z * K + k), k, Si); } auto create_output_pips = [&](WireId dst, int offset, int skip) { for (int z = (offset % skip); z < N; z += skip) { add_pip(loc, w.f.at(z), dst, 0.05); add_pip(loc, w.q.at(z), dst, 0.05); } }; auto create_neighbour_pips = [&](WireId dst, int nx, int ny, int offset, int skip) { if (nx < 0 || nx >= X) return; if (ny < 0 || ny >= Y) return; auto &nw = wires_by_tile.at(ny).at(nx); for (int i = (offset % skip); i < Wl; i += skip) add_pip(loc, dst, nw.l.at(i), 0.1); }; for (int i = 0; i < Wl; i++) { WireId dst = w.l.at(i); create_output_pips(dst, i % Sq, Sq); create_neighbour_pips(dst, x - 1, y - 1, (i + 1) % Sl, Sl); create_neighbour_pips(dst, x - 1, y, (i + 2) % Sl, Sl); create_neighbour_pips(dst, x - 1, y + 1, (i + 3) % Sl, Sl); create_neighbour_pips(dst, x, y - 1, (i + 4) % Sl, Sl); create_neighbour_pips(dst, x, y + 1, (i + 5) % Sl, Sl); create_neighbour_pips(dst, x + 1, y - 1, (i + 6) % Sl, Sl); create_neighbour_pips(dst, x + 1, y, (i + 7) % Sl, Sl); create_neighbour_pips(dst, x + 1, y + 1, (i + 8) % Sl, Sl); } } void init_pips() { log_info("Creating pips...\n"); for (int y = 0; y < Y; y++) for (int x = 0; x < X; x++) add_tile_pips(x, y); } // Validity checking struct ExampleCellInfo { const NetInfo *lut_f = nullptr, *ff_d = nullptr; bool lut_i3_used = false; }; std::vector fast_cell_info; void assign_cell_info() { fast_cell_info.resize(ctx->cells.size()); for (auto &cell : ctx->cells) { CellInfo *ci = cell.second.get(); auto &fc = fast_cell_info.at(ci->flat_index); if (ci->type == id_LUT4) { fc.lut_f = ci->getPort(id_F); fc.lut_i3_used = (ci->getPort(ctx->idf("I[%d]", K - 1)) != nullptr); } else if (ci->type == id_DFF) { fc.ff_d = ci->getPort(id_D); } } } bool slice_valid(int x, int y, int z) const { const CellInfo *lut = ctx->getBoundBelCell(ctx->getBelByLocation(Loc(x, y, z * 2))); const CellInfo *ff = ctx->getBoundBelCell(ctx->getBelByLocation(Loc(x, y, z * 2 + 1))); if (!lut || !ff) return true; // always valid if only LUT or FF used const auto &lut_data = fast_cell_info.at(lut->flat_index); const auto &ff_data = fast_cell_info.at(ff->flat_index); // In our example arch; the FF D can either be driven from LUT F or LUT I3 // so either; FF D must equal LUT F or LUT I3 must be unused if (ff_data.ff_d == lut_data.lut_f) return true; if (lut_data.lut_i3_used) return false; return true; } // Bel bucket functions IdString getBelBucketForCellType(IdString cell_type) const override { if (cell_type.in(id_INBUF, id_OUTBUF)) return id_IOB; return cell_type; } bool isValidBelForCellType(IdString cell_type, BelId bel) const override { IdString bel_type = ctx->getBelType(bel); if (bel_type == id_IOB) return cell_type.in(id_INBUF, id_OUTBUF); else return (bel_type == cell_type); } }; struct ExampleArch : ViaductArch { ExampleArch() : ViaductArch("example"){}; std::unique_ptr create(const dict &args) { return std::make_unique(); } } exampleArch; } // namespace NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END