474 lines
18 KiB
Executable File
474 lines
18 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pytrellis
import database
import argparse
location_types = dict()
type_at_location = dict()
tiletype_names = dict()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="import ECP5 routing and bels from Project Trellis")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument("-b", "--binary", action="store_true")
group.add_argument("-c", "--c_file", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("device", type=str, help="target device")
parser.add_argument("outfile", type=argparse.FileType('w'), help="output filename")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--portspins", type=str, help="path to portpins.inc")
args = parser.parse_args()
def is_global(loc):
return loc.x == -2 and loc.y == -2
# Get the index for a tiletype
def get_tiletype_index(name):
if name in tiletype_names:
return tiletype_names[name]
idx = len(tiletype_names)
tiletype_names[name] = idx
return idx
portpins = dict()
class BinaryBlobAssembler:
def __init__(self, cname, endianness, nodebug=False):
assert endianness in ["le", "be"]
self.cname = cname
self.endianness = endianness
self.finalized = False
self.data = bytearray()
self.comments = dict()
self.labels = dict()
self.exports = set()
self.labels_byaddr = dict()
self.ltypes_byaddr = dict()
self.strings = dict()
self.refs = dict()
self.nodebug = nodebug
def l(self, name, ltype=None, export=False):
assert not self.finalized
assert name not in self.labels
assert len(self.data) not in self.labels_byaddr
self.labels[name] = len(self.data)
if ltype is not None:
self.ltypes_byaddr[len(self.data)] = ltype
self.labels_byaddr[len(self.data)] = name
if export:
assert ltype is not None
def r(self, name, comment):
assert not self.finalized
assert len(self.data) % 4 == 0
assert len(self.data) not in self.refs
if self.nodebug:
comment = None
if name is not None:
self.refs[len(self.data)] = (name, comment)
if (name is None) and (comment is not None):
self.comments[len(self.data)] = comment + " (null reference)"
def s(self, s, comment):
assert not self.finalized
if self.nodebug:
comment = None
if s not in self.strings:
index = len(self.strings)
self.strings[s] = index
index = self.strings[s]
if comment is not None:
self.r("str%d" % index, '%s: "%s"' % (comment, s))
self.r("str%d" % index, None)
def u8(self, v, comment):
assert not self.finalized
if self.nodebug:
comment = None
if comment is not None:
self.comments[len(self.data)] = comment
def u16(self, v, comment):
assert not self.finalized
assert len(self.data) % 2 == 0
if self.nodebug:
comment = None
if self.endianness == "le":
self.data.append(v & 255)
self.data.append((v >> 8) & 255)
elif self.endianness == "be":
self.data.append((v >> 8) & 255)
self.data.append(v & 255)
assert 0
if comment is not None:
self.comments[len(self.data)] = comment
def s16(self, v, comment):
assert not self.finalized
assert len(self.data) % 2 == 0
if self.nodebug:
comment = None
c2val = (((-v) ^ 0xffff) + 1) if v < 0 else v
if self.endianness == "le":
self.data.append(c2val & 255)
self.data.append((c2val >> 8) & 255)
elif self.endianness == "be":
self.data.append((c2val >> 8) & 255)
self.data.append(c2val & 255)
assert 0
if comment is not None:
self.comments[len(self.data)] = comment
def u32(self, v, comment):
assert not self.finalized
assert len(self.data) % 4 == 0
if self.nodebug:
comment = None
if self.endianness == "le":
self.data.append(v & 255)
self.data.append((v >> 8) & 255)
self.data.append((v >> 16) & 255)
self.data.append((v >> 24) & 255)
elif self.endianness == "be":
self.data.append((v >> 24) & 255)
self.data.append((v >> 16) & 255)
self.data.append((v >> 8) & 255)
self.data.append(v & 255)
assert 0
if comment is not None:
self.comments[len(self.data)] = comment
def finalize(self):
assert not self.finalized
for s, index in sorted(self.strings.items()):
self.l("str%d" % index, "char")
for c in s:
self.finalized = True
cursor = 0
while cursor < len(self.data):
if cursor in self.refs:
v = self.labels[self.refs[cursor][0]] - cursor
if self.endianness == "le":
self.data[cursor + 0] = (v & 255)
self.data[cursor + 1] = ((v >> 8) & 255)
self.data[cursor + 2] = ((v >> 16) & 255)
self.data[cursor + 3] = ((v >> 24) & 255)
elif self.endianness == "be":
self.data[cursor + 0] = ((v >> 24) & 255)
self.data[cursor + 1] = ((v >> 16) & 255)
self.data[cursor + 2] = ((v >> 8) & 255)
self.data[cursor + 3] = (v & 255)
assert 0
cursor += 4
cursor += 1
def write_verbose_c(self, f, ctype="const unsigned char"):
assert self.finalized
print("%s %s[%d] = {" % (ctype, self.cname, len(self.data)), file=f)
cursor = 0
bytecnt = 0
while cursor < len(self.data):
if cursor in self.comments:
if bytecnt == 0:
print(" ", end="", file=f)
print(" // %s" % self.comments[cursor], file=f)
bytecnt = 0
if cursor in self.labels_byaddr:
if bytecnt != 0:
if cursor in self.exports:
print("#define %s ((%s*)(%s+%d))" % (
self.labels_byaddr[cursor], self.ltypes_byaddr[cursor], self.cname, cursor), file=f)
print(" // [%d] %s" % (cursor, self.labels_byaddr[cursor]), file=f)
bytecnt = 0
if cursor in self.refs:
if bytecnt != 0:
print(" ", end="", file=f)
print(" %-4s" % ("%d," % self.data[cursor + 0]), end="", file=f)
print(" %-4s" % ("%d," % self.data[cursor + 1]), end="", file=f)
print(" %-4s" % ("%d," % self.data[cursor + 2]), end="", file=f)
print(" %-4s" % ("%d," % self.data[cursor + 3]), end="", file=f)
print(" // [%d] %s (reference to %s)" % (cursor, self.refs[cursor][1], self.refs[cursor][0]), file=f)
bytecnt = 0
cursor += 4
if bytecnt == 0:
print(" ", end="", file=f)
print(" %-4s" % ("%d," % self.data[cursor]), end=("" if bytecnt < 15 else "\n"), file=f)
bytecnt = (bytecnt + 1) & 15
cursor += 1
if bytecnt != 0:
print("};", file=f)
def write_compact_c(self, f, ctype="const unsigned char"):
assert self.finalized
print("%s %s[%d] = {" % (ctype, self.cname, len(self.data)), file=f)
column = 0
for v in self.data:
if column == 0:
print(" ", end="", file=f)
column += 2
s = "%d," % v
print(s, end="", file=f)
column += len(s)
if column > 75:
column = 0
if column != 0:
for cursor in self.exports:
print("#define %s ((%s*)(%s+%d))" % (
self.labels_byaddr[cursor], self.ltypes_byaddr[cursor], self.cname, cursor), file=f)
print("};", file=f)
def write_uint64_c(self, f, ctype="const uint64_t"):
assert self.finalized
print("%s %s[%d] = {" % (ctype, self.cname, (len(self.data) + 7) // 8), file=f)
column = 0
for i in range((len(self.data) + 7) // 8):
v0 = self.data[8 * i + 0] if 8 * i + 0 < len(self.data) else 0
v1 = self.data[8 * i + 1] if 8 * i + 1 < len(self.data) else 0
v2 = self.data[8 * i + 2] if 8 * i + 2 < len(self.data) else 0
v3 = self.data[8 * i + 3] if 8 * i + 3 < len(self.data) else 0
v4 = self.data[8 * i + 4] if 8 * i + 4 < len(self.data) else 0
v5 = self.data[8 * i + 5] if 8 * i + 5 < len(self.data) else 0
v6 = self.data[8 * i + 6] if 8 * i + 6 < len(self.data) else 0
v7 = self.data[8 * i + 7] if 8 * i + 7 < len(self.data) else 0
if self.endianness == "le":
v = v0 << 0
v |= v1 << 8
v |= v2 << 16
v |= v3 << 24
v |= v4 << 32
v |= v5 << 40
v |= v6 << 48
v |= v7 << 56
elif self.endianness == "be":
v = v7 << 0
v |= v6 << 8
v |= v5 << 16
v |= v4 << 24
v |= v3 << 32
v |= v2 << 40
v |= v1 << 48
v |= v0 << 56
assert 0
if column == 3:
print(" 0x%016x," % v, file=f)
column = 0
if column == 0:
print(" ", end="", file=f)
print(" 0x%016x," % v, end="", file=f)
column += 1
if column != 0:
print("", file=f)
print("};", file=f)
def write_string_c(self, f, ctype="const char"):
assert self.finalized
assert self.data[len(self.data) - 1] == 0
print("%s %s[%d] =" % (ctype, self.cname, len(self.data)), file=f)
print(" \"", end="", file=f)
column = 0
for i in range(len(self.data) - 1):
if (self.data[i] < 32) or (self.data[i] > 126):
print("\\%03o" % self.data[i], end="", file=f)
column += 4
elif self.data[i] == ord('"') or self.data[i] == ord('\\'):
print("\\" + chr(self.data[i]), end="", file=f)
column += 2
print(chr(self.data[i]), end="", file=f)
column += 1
if column > 70 and (i != len(self.data) - 2):
print("\"\n \"", end="", file=f)
column = 0
print("\";", file=f)
def write_binary(self, f):
assert self.finalized
assert self.data[len(self.data) - 1] == 0
bel_types = {
"NONE": 0,
"SLICE": 1,
"PIO": 2
def write_database(dev_name, ddrg, endianness):
def write_loc(loc, sym_name):
bba.s16(loc.x, "%s.x" % sym_name)
bba.s16(loc.y, "%s.y" % sym_name)
bba = BinaryBlobAssembler("chipdb_blob_%s" % dev_name, endianness)
bba.r("chip_info", "chip_info")
loctypes = list([_.key() for _ in ddrg.locationTypes])
for idx in range(len(loctypes)):
loctype = ddrg.locationTypes[loctypes[idx]]
if len(loctype.arcs) > 0:
bba.l("loc%d_pips" % idx, "PipInfoPOD")
for arc in loctype.arcs:
write_loc(arc.srcWire.rel, "src")
write_loc(arc.sinkWire.rel, "dst")
bba.u32(arc.srcWire.id, "src_idx")
bba.u32(arc.sinkWire.id, "dst_idx")
bba.u32(arc.delay, "delay") # TODO:delay
bba.u16(get_tiletype_index(ddrg.to_str(arc.tiletype)), "tile_type")
bba.u8(int(arc.cls), "pip_type")
bba.u8(0, "padding")
if len(loctype.wires) > 0:
for wire_idx in range(len(loctype.wires)):
wire = loctype.wires[wire_idx]
if len(wire.arcsDownhill) > 0:
bba.l("loc%d_wire%d_downpips" % (idx, wire_idx), "PipLocatorPOD")
for dp in wire.arcsDownhill:
write_loc(dp.rel, "rel_loc")
bba.u32(dp.id, "index")
if len(wire.arcsUphill) > 0:
bba.l("loc%d_wire%d_uppips" % (idx, wire_idx), "PipLocatorPOD")
for up in wire.arcsUphill:
write_loc(up.rel, "rel_loc")
bba.u32(up.id, "index")
if len(wire.belsDownhill) > 0:
bba.l("loc%d_wire%d_downbels" % (idx, wire_idx), "BelPortPOD")
for db in wire.belsDownhill:
write_loc(db.bel.rel, "rel_bel_loc")
bba.u32(db.bel.id, "bel_index")
bba.u32(portpins[ddrg.to_str(db.pin)], "port")
bba.l("loc%d_wires" % idx, "WireInfoPOD")
for wire_idx in range(len(loctype.wires)):
wire = loctype.wires[wire_idx]
bba.s(ddrg.to_str(wire.name), "name")
bba.u32(len(wire.arcsUphill), "num_uphill")
bba.u32(len(wire.arcsDownhill), "num_downhill")
bba.r("loc%d_wire%d_uppips" % (idx, wire_idx) if len(wire.arcsUphill) > 0 else None, "pips_uphill")
bba.r("loc%d_wire%d_downpips" % (idx, wire_idx) if len(wire.arcsDownhill) > 0 else None, "pips_downhill")
bba.u32(len(wire.belsDownhill), "num_bels_downhill")
write_loc(wire.belUphill.bel.rel, "uphill_bel_loc")
if wire.belUphill.pin != -1:
bba.u32(wire.belUphill.bel.id, "uphill_bel_idx")
bba.u32(portpins[ddrg.to_str(wire.belUphill.pin)], "uphill_bel_pin")
bba.u32(0xFFFFFFFF, "bel_uphill.bel_index")
bba.u32(0, "bel_uphill.port")
bba.r("loc%d_wire%d_downbels" % (idx, wire_idx) if len(wire.belsDownhill) > 0 else None, "bels_downhill")
if len(loctype.bels) > 0:
for bel_idx in range(len(loctype.bels)):
bel = loctype.bels[bel_idx]
bba.l("loc%d_bel%d_wires" % (idx, bel_idx), "BelPortPOD")
for pin in bel.wires:
write_loc(pin.wire.rel, "rel_wire_loc")
bba.u32(pin.wire.id, "wire_index")
bba.u32(portpins[ddrg.to_str(pin.pin)], "port")
bba.l("loc%d_bels" % idx, "BelInfoPOD")
for bel_idx in range(len(loctype.bels)):
bel = loctype.bels[bel_idx]
bba.s(ddrg.to_str(bel.name), "name")
bba.u32(bel_types[ddrg.to_str(bel.type)], "type")
bba.u32(len(bel.wires), "num_bel_wires")
bba.r("loc%d_bel%d_wires" % (idx, bel_idx), "bel_wires")
bba.l("locations", "LocationTypePOD")
for idx in range(len(loctypes)):
loctype = ddrg.locationTypes[loctypes[idx]]
bba.u32(len(loctype.bels), "num_bels")
bba.u32(len(loctype.wires), "num_wires")
bba.u32(len(loctype.arcs), "num_pips")
bba.r("loc%d_bels" % idx if len(loctype.bels) > 0 else None, "bel_data")
bba.r("loc%d_wires" % idx if len(loctype.wires) > 0 else None, "wire_data")
bba.r("loc%d_pips" % idx if len(loctype.arcs) > 0 else None, "pips_data")
bba.l("location_types", "int32_t")
for y in range(0, max_row+1):
for x in range(0, max_col+1):
bba.u32(loctypes.index(ddrg.typeAtLocation[pytrellis.Location(x, y)]), "loctype")
bba.l("tiletype_names", "RelPtr<char>")
for tt in tiletype_names:
bba.s(tt, "name")
bba.u32(max_col + 1, "width")
bba.u32(max_row + 1, "height")
bba.u32((max_col + 1) * (max_row + 1), "num_tiles")
bba.u32(len(location_types), "num_location_types")
bba.r("locations", "locations")
bba.r("location_types", "location_type")
bba.r("tiletype_names", "tiletype_names")
return bba
dev_names = {"25k": "LFE5U-25F", "45k": "LFE5U-45F", "85k": "LFE5U-85F"}
def main():
global max_row, max_col
args = parser.parse_args()
# Read port pin file
with open(args.portspins) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.replace("(", " ")
line = line.replace(")", " ")
line = line.split()
if len(line) == 0:
assert len(line) == 2
assert line[0] == "X"
idx = len(portpins) + 1
portpins[line[1]] = idx
print("Initialising chip...")
chip = pytrellis.Chip(dev_names[args.device])
print("Building routing graph...")
ddrg = pytrellis.make_dedup_chipdb(chip)
max_row = chip.get_max_row()
max_col = chip.get_max_col()
print("{} unique location types".format(len(ddrg.locationTypes)))
bba = write_database(args.device, ddrg, "le")
if args.c_file:
print('#include "nextpnr.h"', file=args.outfile)
print('NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_BEGIN', file=args.outfile)
if args.binary:
if args.c_file:
if args.c_file:
print('NEXTPNR_NAMESPACE_END', file=args.outfile)
if __name__ == "__main__":