Keith Rothman c11ad31393 [interchange] Scale edge cost of pseudo pips.
Previous pseudo pips were the same cost as regular pips, but this is
definitely too fast, and meant that the router was prefering them.

Signed-off-by: Keith Rothman <>
2021-04-06 10:42:05 -07:00

1105 lines
36 KiB

* nextpnr -- Next Generation Place and Route
* Copyright (C) 2018 Claire Wolf <>
* Copyright (C) 2018-19 David Shah <>
* Copyright (C) 2021 Symbiflow Authors
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
#include <boost/iostreams/device/mapped_file.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
#include "PhysicalNetlist.capnp.h"
#include "arch_api.h"
#include "constraints.h"
#include "nextpnr_types.h"
#include "relptr.h"
#include "arch_iterators.h"
#include "cell_parameters.h"
#include "chipdb.h"
#include "dedicated_interconnect.h"
#include "lookahead.h"
#include "site_router.h"
#include "pseudo_pip_model.h"
#include "site_routing_cache.h"
struct ArchArgs
std::string chipdb;
std::string package;
bool rebuild_lookahead;
bool dont_write_lookahead;
struct ArchRanges
using ArchArgsT = ArchArgs;
// Bels
using AllBelsRangeT = BelRange;
using TileBelsRangeT = BelRange;
using BelAttrsRangeT = std::vector<std::pair<IdString, std::string>>;
using BelPinsRangeT = IdStringRange;
using CellBelPinRangeT = const std::vector<IdString> &;
// Wires
using AllWiresRangeT = WireRange;
using DownhillPipRangeT = DownhillPipRange;
using UphillPipRangeT = UphillPipRange;
using WireBelPinRangeT = BelPinRange;
using WireAttrsRangeT = std::vector<std::pair<IdString, std::string>>;
// Pips
using AllPipsRangeT = AllPipRange;
using PipAttrsRangeT = std::vector<std::pair<IdString, std::string>>;
// Groups
using AllGroupsRangeT = std::vector<GroupId>;
using GroupBelsRangeT = std::vector<BelId>;
using GroupWiresRangeT = std::vector<WireId>;
using GroupPipsRangeT = std::vector<PipId>;
using GroupGroupsRangeT = std::vector<GroupId>;
// Decals
using DecalGfxRangeT = std::vector<GraphicElement>;
// Placement validity
using CellTypeRangeT = const IdStringRange;
using BelBucketRangeT = const BelBucketRange;
using BucketBelRangeT = FilteredBelRange;
static constexpr size_t kMaxState = 8;
struct TileStatus
std::vector<ExclusiveStateGroup<kMaxState>> tags;
std::vector<CellInfo *> boundcells;
std::vector<SiteRouter> sites;
PseudoPipModel pseudo_pip_model;
struct Arch : ArchAPI<ArchRanges>
boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source blob_file;
const ChipInfoPOD *chip_info;
int32_t package_index;
// Guard initialization of "by_name" maps if accessed from multiple
// threads on a "const Context *".
mutable std::mutex by_name_mutex;
mutable std::unordered_map<IdString, int> tile_by_name;
mutable std::unordered_map<IdString, std::pair<int, int>> site_by_name;
std::unordered_map<WireId, NetInfo *> wire_to_net;
std::unordered_map<PipId, NetInfo *> pip_to_net;
DedicatedInterconnect dedicated_interconnect;
HashTables::HashMap<int32_t, TileStatus> tileStatus;
PseudoPipData pseudo_pip_data;
ArchArgs args;
Arch(ArchArgs args);
virtual ~Arch();
void init();
std::string getChipName() const final;
IdString archId() const final { return id(chip_info->name.get()); }
ArchArgs archArgs() const final { return args; }
IdString archArgsToId(ArchArgs args) const final;
// -------------------------------------------------
uint32_t get_tile_index(int x, int y) const { return (y * chip_info->width + x); }
uint32_t get_tile_index(Loc loc) const { return get_tile_index(loc.x, loc.y); }
template <typename TileIndex, typename CoordIndex>
void get_tile_x_y(TileIndex tile_index, CoordIndex *x, CoordIndex *y) const
*x = tile_index % chip_info->width;
*y = tile_index / chip_info->width;
template <typename TileIndex> void get_tile_loc(TileIndex tile_index, Loc *loc) const
get_tile_x_y(tile_index, &loc->x, &loc->y);
int getGridDimX() const final { return chip_info->width; }
int getGridDimY() const final { return chip_info->height; }
int getTileBelDimZ(int x, int y) const final
return chip_info->tile_types[chip_info->tiles[get_tile_index(x, y)].type].bel_data.size();
int getTilePipDimZ(int x, int y) const final
return chip_info->tile_types[chip_info->tiles[get_tile_index(x, y)].type].site_types.size();
char getNameDelimiter() const final { return '/'; }
std::string get_part() const;
// -------------------------------------------------
void setup_byname() const;
BelId getBelByName(IdStringList name) const final;
IdStringList getBelName(BelId bel) const final
NPNR_ASSERT(bel != BelId());
const SiteInstInfoPOD &site = get_site_inst(bel);
std::array<IdString, 2> ids{id(, IdString(bel_info(chip_info, bel).name)};
return IdStringList(ids);
uint32_t getBelChecksum(BelId bel) const final { return bel.index; }
void map_cell_pins(CellInfo *cell, int32_t mapping, bool bind_constants);
void map_port_pins(BelId bel, CellInfo *cell) const;
TileStatus &get_tile_status(int32_t tile)
auto result = tileStatus.emplace(tile, TileStatus());
if (result.second) {
auto &tile_type = chip_info->tile_types[chip_info->tiles[tile].type];
result.first->second.boundcells.resize(tile_type.bel_data.size(), nullptr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < tile_type.site_types.size(); ++i) {
result.first->second.pseudo_pip_model.init(getCtx(), tile);
return result.first->second;
const SiteRouter &get_site_status(const TileStatus &tile_status, const BelInfoPOD &bel_data) const
SiteRouter &get_site_status(TileStatus &tile_status, const BelInfoPOD &bel_data)
BelId get_vcc_bel() const
auto &constants = *chip_info->constants;
BelId bel;
bel.tile = constants.vcc_bel_tile;
bel.index = constants.vcc_bel_index;
return bel;
BelId get_gnd_bel() const
auto &constants = *chip_info->constants;
BelId bel;
bel.tile = constants.gnd_bel_tile;
bel.index = constants.gnd_bel_index;
return bel;
PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::NetType get_net_type(NetInfo *net) const
NPNR_ASSERT(net != nullptr);
IdString gnd_cell_name(chip_info->constants->gnd_cell_name);
IdString gnd_cell_port(chip_info->constants->gnd_cell_port);
IdString vcc_cell_name(chip_info->constants->vcc_cell_name);
IdString vcc_cell_port(chip_info->constants->vcc_cell_port);
if (net->driver.cell->type == gnd_cell_name && net->driver.port == gnd_cell_port) {
return PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::NetType::GND;
} else if (net->driver.cell->type == vcc_cell_name && net->driver.port == vcc_cell_port) {
return PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::NetType::VCC;
} else {
return PhysicalNetlist::PhysNetlist::NetType::SIGNAL;
void bindBel(BelId bel, CellInfo *cell, PlaceStrength strength) final
NPNR_ASSERT(bel != BelId());
TileStatus &tile_status = get_tile_status(bel.tile);
NPNR_ASSERT(tile_status.boundcells[bel.index] == nullptr);
const auto &bel_data = bel_info(chip_info, bel);
NPNR_ASSERT(bel_data.category == BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC);
if (io_port_types.count(cell->type) == 0) {
int32_t mapping = bel_info(chip_info, bel).pin_map[get_cell_type_index(cell->type)];
if (mapping < 0) {
report_invalid_bel(bel, cell);
NPNR_ASSERT(mapping >= 0);
if (cell->cell_mapping != mapping) {
map_cell_pins(cell, mapping, /*bind_constants=*/false);
constraints.bindBel(, get_cell_constraints(bel, cell->type));
} else {
map_port_pins(bel, cell);
// FIXME: Probably need to actually constraint io port cell/bel,
// but the current BBA emission doesn't support that. This only
// really matters if the placer can choose IO port locations.
get_site_status(tile_status, bel_data).bindBel(cell);
tile_status.boundcells[bel.index] = cell;
cell->bel = bel;
cell->belStrength = strength;
void unbindBel(BelId bel) final
NPNR_ASSERT(bel != BelId());
TileStatus &tile_status = get_tile_status(bel.tile);
NPNR_ASSERT(tile_status.boundcells[bel.index] != nullptr);
CellInfo *cell = tile_status.boundcells[bel.index];
tile_status.boundcells[bel.index] = nullptr;
cell->bel = BelId();
cell->belStrength = STRENGTH_NONE;
// FIXME: Probably need to actually constraint io port cell/bel,
// but the current BBA emission doesn't support that. This only
// really matters if the placer can choose IO port locations.
if (io_port_types.count(cell->type) == 0) {
constraints.unbindBel(, get_cell_constraints(bel, cell->type));
const auto &bel_data = bel_info(chip_info, bel);
get_site_status(tile_status, bel_data).unbindBel(cell);
bool checkBelAvail(BelId bel) const final
// FIXME: This could consult the constraint system to see if this BEL
// is blocked (e.g. site type is wrong).
return getBoundBelCell(bel) == nullptr;
CellInfo *getBoundBelCell(BelId bel) const final
NPNR_ASSERT(bel != BelId());
auto iter = tileStatus.find(bel.tile);
if (iter == tileStatus.end()) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return iter->second.boundcells[bel.index];
CellInfo *getConflictingBelCell(BelId bel) const final
NPNR_ASSERT(bel != BelId());
// FIXME: This could consult the constraint system to see why this BEL
// is blocked.
return getBoundBelCell(bel);
BelRange getBels() const final
BelRange range;
range.b.cursor_tile = 0;
range.b.cursor_index = -1;
range.b.chip = chip_info;
++range.b; //-1 and then ++ deals with the case of no Bels in the first tile
range.e.cursor_tile = chip_info->width * chip_info->height;
range.e.cursor_index = 0;
range.e.chip = chip_info;
return range;
Loc getBelLocation(BelId bel) const final
NPNR_ASSERT(bel != BelId());
Loc loc;
get_tile_x_y(bel.tile, &loc.x, &loc.y);
loc.z = bel.index;
return loc;
BelId getBelByLocation(Loc loc) const final;
BelRange getBelsByTile(int x, int y) const final;
bool getBelGlobalBuf(BelId bel) const final
auto &bel_data = bel_info(chip_info, bel);
IdString bel_name(;
// Note: Check profiles and see if this should be something other than
// a linear scan. Expectation is that for most arches, this will be
// fast enough.
for (int32_t global_bel : chip_info->cell_map->global_buffers) {
IdString global_bel_name(global_bel);
if (bel_name == global_bel_name) {
return true;
return false;
bool getBelHidden(BelId bel) const final { return bel_info(chip_info, bel).category != BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC; }
IdString getBelType(BelId bel) const final
NPNR_ASSERT(bel != BelId());
return IdString(bel_info(chip_info, bel).type);
std::vector<std::pair<IdString, std::string>> getBelAttrs(BelId bel) const final;
int get_bel_pin_index(BelId bel, IdString pin) const
NPNR_ASSERT(bel != BelId());
int num_bel_wires = bel_info(chip_info, bel).num_bel_wires;
const int32_t *ports = bel_info(chip_info, bel).ports.get();
for (int i = 0; i < num_bel_wires; i++) {
if (ports[i] == pin.index) {
return i;
return -1;
WireId getBelPinWire(BelId bel, IdString pin) const final;
PortType getBelPinType(BelId bel, IdString pin) const final;
IdStringRange getBelPins(BelId bel) const final
NPNR_ASSERT(bel != BelId());
int num_bel_wires = bel_info(chip_info, bel).num_bel_wires;
const int32_t *ports = bel_info(chip_info, bel).ports.get();
IdStringRange str_range;
str_range.b.cursor = &ports[0];
str_range.e.cursor = &ports[num_bel_wires];
return str_range;
const std::vector<IdString> &getBelPinsForCellPin(const CellInfo *cell_info, IdString pin) const final;
// -------------------------------------------------
WireId getWireByName(IdStringList name) const final;
const TileWireInfoPOD &wire_info(WireId wire) const
if (wire.tile == -1) {
const TileWireRefPOD &wr = chip_info->nodes[wire.index].tile_wires[0];
return chip_info->tile_types[chip_info->tiles[wr.tile].type].wire_data[wr.index];
} else {
return loc_info(chip_info, wire).wire_data[wire.index];
IdStringList getWireName(WireId wire) const final
NPNR_ASSERT(wire != WireId());
if (wire.tile != -1) {
const auto &tile_type = loc_info(chip_info, wire);
if (tile_type.wire_data[wire.index].site != -1) {
const SiteInstInfoPOD &site = get_site_inst(wire);
std::array<IdString, 2> ids{id(, IdString(tile_type.wire_data[wire.index].name)};
return IdStringList(ids);
int32_t tile = wire.tile == -1 ? chip_info->nodes[wire.index].tile_wires[0].tile : wire.tile;
IdString tile_name = id(chip_info->tiles[tile].name.get());
std::array<IdString, 2> ids{tile_name, IdString(wire_info(wire).name)};
return IdStringList(ids);
IdString getWireType(WireId wire) const final;
std::vector<std::pair<IdString, std::string>> getWireAttrs(WireId wire) const final;
uint32_t getWireChecksum(WireId wire) const final { return wire.index; }
void bindWire(WireId wire, NetInfo *net, PlaceStrength strength) final;
void unbindWire(WireId wire) final
NPNR_ASSERT(wire != WireId());
bool checkWireAvail(WireId wire) const final
NPNR_ASSERT(wire != WireId());
auto w2n = wire_to_net.find(wire);
return w2n == wire_to_net.end() || w2n->second == nullptr;
NetInfo *getBoundWireNet(WireId wire) const final
NPNR_ASSERT(wire != WireId());
auto w2n = wire_to_net.find(wire);
return w2n == wire_to_net.end() ? nullptr : w2n->second;
WireId getConflictingWireWire(WireId wire) const final { return wire; }
NetInfo *getConflictingWireNet(WireId wire) const final
NPNR_ASSERT(wire != WireId());
auto w2n = wire_to_net.find(wire);
return w2n == wire_to_net.end() ? nullptr : w2n->second;
DelayQuad getWireDelay(WireId wire) const final { return DelayQuad(0); }
TileWireRange get_tile_wire_range(WireId wire) const
TileWireRange range;
range.b.chip = chip_info;
range.b.baseWire = wire;
range.b.cursor = -1;
range.e.chip = chip_info;
range.e.baseWire = wire;
if (wire.tile == -1) {
range.e.cursor = chip_info->nodes[wire.index].tile_wires.size();
} else {
range.e.cursor = 1;
return range;
BelPinRange getWireBelPins(WireId wire) const final
BelPinRange range;
NPNR_ASSERT(wire != WireId());
TileWireRange twr = get_tile_wire_range(wire);
range.b.chip = chip_info;
range.b.twi = twr.b;
range.b.twi_end = twr.e;
range.b.cursor = -1;
range.e.chip = chip_info;
range.e.twi = twr.e;
range.e.twi_end = twr.e;
range.e.cursor = 0;
return range;
WireRange getWires() const final
WireRange range;
range.b.chip = chip_info;
range.b.cursor_tile = -1;
range.b.cursor_index = 0;
range.e.chip = chip_info;
range.e.cursor_tile = chip_info->tiles.size();
range.e.cursor_index = 0;
return range;
// -------------------------------------------------
PipId getPipByName(IdStringList name) const final;
IdStringList getPipName(PipId pip) const final;
IdString getPipType(PipId pip) const final;
std::vector<std::pair<IdString, std::string>> getPipAttrs(PipId pip) const final;
void assign_net_to_wire(WireId wire, NetInfo *net, const char *src, bool require_empty);
void assign_pip_pseudo_wires(PipId pip, NetInfo *net)
NPNR_ASSERT(net != nullptr);
WireId wire;
wire.tile = pip.tile;
const PipInfoPOD &pip_data = pip_info(chip_info, pip);
for (int32_t wire_index : pip_data.pseudo_cell_wires) {
wire.index = wire_index;
assign_net_to_wire(wire, net, "pseudo", /*require_empty=*/true);
if(pip_data.pseudo_cell_wires.size() > 0) {
get_tile_status(pip.tile).pseudo_pip_model.bindPip(getCtx(), pip);
void remove_pip_pseudo_wires(PipId pip, NetInfo *net);
void unassign_wire(WireId wire);
void bindPip(PipId pip, NetInfo *net, PlaceStrength strength) final;
void unbindPip(PipId pip) final;
bool checkPipAvail(PipId pip) const final;
bool checkPipAvailForNet(PipId pip, NetInfo *net) const final;
NetInfo *getBoundPipNet(PipId pip) const final
NPNR_ASSERT(pip != PipId());
auto p2n = pip_to_net.find(pip);
return p2n == pip_to_net.end() ? nullptr : p2n->second;
WireId getConflictingPipWire(PipId pip) const final
// FIXME: This doesn't account for pseudo pips.
return getPipDstWire(pip);
NetInfo *getConflictingPipNet(PipId pip) const final
// FIXME: This doesn't account for pseudo pips.
auto p2n = pip_to_net.find(pip);
return p2n == pip_to_net.end() ? nullptr : p2n->second;
AllPipRange getPips() const final
AllPipRange range;
range.b.cursor_tile = 0;
range.b.cursor_index = -1;
range.b.chip = chip_info;
++range.b; //-1 and then ++ deals with the case of no wries in the first tile
range.e.cursor_tile = chip_info->width * chip_info->height;
range.e.cursor_index = 0;
range.e.chip = chip_info;
return range;
Loc getPipLocation(PipId pip) const final
Loc loc;
get_tile_loc(pip.tile, &loc);
loc.z = 0;
return loc;
uint32_t getPipChecksum(PipId pip) const final { return pip.index; }
WireId getPipSrcWire(PipId pip) const final NPNR_ALWAYS_INLINE
return canonical_wire(chip_info, pip.tile, loc_info(chip_info, pip).pip_data[pip.index].src_index);
WireId getPipDstWire(PipId pip) const final NPNR_ALWAYS_INLINE
return canonical_wire(chip_info, pip.tile, loc_info(chip_info, pip).pip_data[pip.index].dst_index);
DelayQuad getPipDelay(PipId pip) const final;
DownhillPipRange getPipsDownhill(WireId wire) const final
DownhillPipRange range;
NPNR_ASSERT(wire != WireId());
TileWireRange twr = get_tile_wire_range(wire);
range.b.chip = chip_info;
range.b.twi = twr.b;
range.b.twi_end = twr.e;
range.b.cursor = -1;
range.e.chip = chip_info;
range.e.twi = twr.e;
range.e.twi_end = twr.e;
range.e.cursor = 0;
return range;
UphillPipRange getPipsUphill(WireId wire) const final
UphillPipRange range;
NPNR_ASSERT(wire != WireId());
TileWireRange twr = get_tile_wire_range(wire);
range.b.chip = chip_info;
range.b.twi = twr.b;
range.b.twi_end = twr.e;
range.b.cursor = -1;
range.e.chip = chip_info;
range.e.twi = twr.e;
range.e.twi_end = twr.e;
range.e.cursor = 0;
return range;
// -------------------------------------------------
// FIXME: Use groups to get access to sites.
GroupId getGroupByName(IdStringList name) const final { return GroupId(); }
IdStringList getGroupName(GroupId group) const final { return IdStringList(); }
std::vector<GroupId> getGroups() const final { return {}; }
std::vector<BelId> getGroupBels(GroupId group) const final { return {}; }
std::vector<WireId> getGroupWires(GroupId group) const final { return {}; }
std::vector<PipId> getGroupPips(GroupId group) const final { return {}; }
std::vector<GroupId> getGroupGroups(GroupId group) const final { return {}; }
// -------------------------------------------------
delay_t estimateDelay(WireId src, WireId dst) const final;
delay_t predictDelay(const NetInfo *net_info, const PortRef &sink) const final;
ArcBounds getRouteBoundingBox(WireId src, WireId dst) const final;
delay_t getDelayEpsilon() const final { return 20; }
delay_t getRipupDelayPenalty() const final { return 120; }
float getDelayNS(delay_t v) const final { return v * 0.001; }
delay_t getDelayFromNS(float ns) const final { return delay_t(ns * 1000); }
uint32_t getDelayChecksum(delay_t v) const final { return v; }
bool getBudgetOverride(const NetInfo *net_info, const PortRef &sink, delay_t &budget) const final;
// -------------------------------------------------
void place_iobufs(WireId pad_wire, NetInfo *net, const std::unordered_set<CellInfo *> &tightly_attached_bels,
std::unordered_set<CellInfo *> *placed_cells);
void pack_ports();
void decode_lut_cells();
bool pack() final;
bool place() final;
bool route() final;
// -------------------------------------------------
std::vector<GraphicElement> getDecalGraphics(DecalId decal) const final;
DecalXY getBelDecal(BelId bel) const final;
DecalXY getWireDecal(WireId wire) const final;
DecalXY getPipDecal(PipId pip) const final;
DecalXY getGroupDecal(GroupId group) const final;
// -------------------------------------------------
// Get the delay through a cell from one port to another, returning false
// if no path exists. This only considers combinational delays, as required by the Arch API
bool getCellDelay(const CellInfo *cell, IdString fromPort, IdString toPort, DelayQuad &delay) const final;
// Get the port class, also setting clockInfoCount to the number of TimingClockingInfos associated with a port
TimingPortClass getPortTimingClass(const CellInfo *cell, IdString port, int &clockInfoCount) const final;
// Get the TimingClockingInfo of a port
TimingClockingInfo getPortClockingInfo(const CellInfo *cell, IdString port, int index) const final;
// -------------------------------------------------
const BelBucketRange getBelBuckets() const final
BelBucketRange bel_bucket_range;
bel_bucket_range.b.cursor.cursor = chip_info->bel_buckets.begin();
bel_bucket_range.e.cursor.cursor = chip_info->bel_buckets.end();
return bel_bucket_range;
BelBucketId getBelBucketForBel(BelId bel) const final
BelBucketId bel_bucket; = IdString(bel_info(chip_info, bel).bel_bucket);
return bel_bucket;
const IdStringRange getCellTypes() const final
const CellMapPOD &cell_map = *chip_info->cell_map;
IdStringRange id_range;
id_range.b.cursor = cell_map.cell_names.begin();
id_range.e.cursor = cell_map.cell_names.end();
return id_range;
IdString getBelBucketName(BelBucketId bucket) const final { return; }
BelBucketId getBelBucketByName(IdString name) const final
for (BelBucketId bel_bucket : getBelBuckets()) {
if ( == name) {
return bel_bucket;
NPNR_ASSERT_FALSE("Failed to find BEL bucket for name.");
return BelBucketId();
size_t get_cell_type_index(IdString cell_type) const;
BelBucketId getBelBucketForCellType(IdString cell_type) const final
if (io_port_types.count(cell_type)) {
BelBucketId bucket; = id("IOPORTS");
return bucket;
BelBucketId bucket;
const CellMapPOD &cell_map = *chip_info->cell_map; = IdString(cell_map.cell_bel_buckets[get_cell_type_index(cell_type)]);
return bucket;
FilteredBelRange getBelsInBucket(BelBucketId bucket) const final
BelRange range = getBels();
FilteredBelRange filtered_range(range.begin(), range.end(),
[this, bucket](BelId bel) { return getBelBucketForBel(bel) == bucket; });
return filtered_range;
bool isValidBelForCellType(IdString cell_type, BelId bel) const final
if (io_port_types.count(cell_type)) {
return pads.count(bel) > 0;
const auto &bel_data = bel_info(chip_info, bel);
if (bel_data.category != BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC) {
return false;
auto cell_type_index = get_cell_type_index(cell_type);
return bel_data.pin_map[cell_type_index] != -1;
bool is_cell_valid_constraints(const CellInfo *cell, const TileStatus &tile_status, bool explain) const
if (io_port_types.count(cell->type)) {
return true;
BelId bel = cell->bel;
NPNR_ASSERT(bel != BelId());
return constraints.isValidBelForCellType(getCtx(), get_constraint_prototype(bel),,
get_cell_constraints(bel, cell->type),
id(chip_info->tiles[bel.tile].name.get()), cell->name, bel, explain);
// Return true whether all Bels at a given location are valid
bool isBelLocationValid(BelId bel) const final
auto iter = tileStatus.find(bel.tile);
if (iter == tileStatus.end()) {
return true;
const TileStatus &tile_status = iter->second;
const CellInfo *cell = tile_status.boundcells[bel.index];
if (cell != nullptr) {
if (!dedicated_interconnect.isBelLocationValid(bel, cell)) {
return false;
if (io_port_types.count(cell->type)) {
// FIXME: Probably need to actually constraint io port cell/bel,
// but the current BBA emission doesn't support that. This only
// really matters if the placer can choose IO port locations.
return true;
if (!is_cell_valid_constraints(cell, tile_status, explain_constraints)) {
return false;
// Still check site status if cell is nullptr; as other bels in the site could be illegal (for example when
// dedicated paths can no longer be used after ripping up a cell)
auto &bel_data = bel_info(chip_info, bel);
return get_site_status(tile_status, bel_data).checkSiteRouting(getCtx(), tile_status);
IdString get_bel_tiletype(BelId bel) const { return IdString(loc_info(chip_info, bel).name); }
std::unordered_map<WireId, Loc> sink_locs, source_locs;
// -------------------------------------------------
void assignArchInfo() final {}
// -------------------------------------------------
static const std::string defaultPlacer;
static const std::vector<std::string> availablePlacers;
static const std::string defaultRouter;
static const std::vector<std::string> availableRouters;
// -------------------------------------------------
void read_logical_netlist(const std::string &filename);
void write_physical_netlist(const std::string &filename) const;
void parse_xdc(const std::string &filename);
std::unordered_set<IdString> io_port_types;
std::unordered_set<BelId> pads;
bool is_site_port(PipId pip) const
const PipInfoPOD &pip_data = pip_info(chip_info, pip);
if ( == -1) {
return false;
BelId bel;
bel.tile = pip.tile;
bel.index = pip_data.bel;
const BelInfoPOD &bel_data = bel_info(chip_info, bel);
return bel_data.category == BEL_CATEGORY_SITE_PORT;
// Is the driver and all users of this net located within the same site?
// Returns false if any element of the net is not placed.
bool is_net_within_site(const NetInfo &net) const;
using ArchConstraints = Constraints<kMaxState>;
ArchConstraints constraints;
std::vector<ArchConstraints::TagState> default_tags;
bool explain_constraints;
struct StateRange
const int32_t *b;
const int32_t *e;
const int32_t *begin() const { return b; }
const int32_t *end() const { return e; }
struct Constraint : ArchConstraints::Constraint<StateRange>
const CellConstraintPOD *constraint;
Constraint(const CellConstraintPOD *constraint) : constraint(constraint) {}
size_t tag() const final { return constraint->tag; }
ArchConstraints::ConstraintType constraint_type() const final
return Constraints<kMaxState>::ConstraintType(constraint->constraint_type);
ArchConstraints::ConstraintStateType state() const final
NPNR_ASSERT(constraint_type() == Constraints<kMaxState>::CONSTRAINT_TAG_IMPLIES);
NPNR_ASSERT(constraint->states.size() == 1);
return constraint->states[0];
StateRange states() const final
StateRange range;
range.b = constraint->states.get();
range.e = range.b + constraint->states.size();
return range;
struct ConstraintIterator
const CellConstraintPOD *constraint;
ConstraintIterator() {}
ConstraintIterator operator++()
return *this;
bool operator!=(const ConstraintIterator &other) const { return constraint != other.constraint; }
bool operator==(const ConstraintIterator &other) const { return constraint == other.constraint; }
Constraint operator*() const { return Constraint(constraint); }
struct ConstraintRange
ConstraintIterator b, e;
ConstraintIterator begin() const { return b; }
ConstraintIterator end() const { return e; }
uint32_t get_constraint_prototype(BelId bel) const { return chip_info->tiles[bel.tile].type; }
ConstraintRange get_cell_constraints(BelId bel, IdString cell_type) const
const auto &bel_data = bel_info(chip_info, bel);
NPNR_ASSERT(bel_data.category == BEL_CATEGORY_LOGIC);
int32_t mapping = bel_data.pin_map[get_cell_type_index(cell_type)];
NPNR_ASSERT(mapping >= 0);
auto &cell_bel_map = chip_info->cell_map->cell_bel_map[mapping];
ConstraintRange range;
range.b.constraint = cell_bel_map.constraints.get();
range.e.constraint = range.b.constraint + cell_bel_map.constraints.size();
return range;
const char *get_site_name(int32_t tile, size_t site) const
return site_inst_info(chip_info, tile, site).name.get();
const char *get_site_name(BelId bel) const
auto &bel_data = bel_info(chip_info, bel);
return get_site_name(bel.tile,;
const SiteInstInfoPOD &get_site_inst(BelId bel) const
auto &bel_data = bel_info(chip_info, bel);
return site_inst_info(chip_info, bel.tile,;
const SiteInstInfoPOD &get_site_inst(WireId wire) const
auto &wire_data = wire_info(wire);
NPNR_ASSERT( != -1);
return site_inst_info(chip_info, wire.tile,;
const SiteInstInfoPOD &get_site_inst(PipId pip) const
auto &pip_data = pip_info(chip_info, pip);
return site_inst_info(chip_info, pip.tile,;
// Is this bel synthetic (e.g. added during import process)?
// This is generally used for constant networks, but can also be used for
// static partitions.
bool is_bel_synthetic(BelId bel) const
const BelInfoPOD &bel_data = bel_info(chip_info, bel);
return bel_data.synthetic != 0;
// Is this pip synthetic (e.g. added during import process)?
// This is generally used for constant networks, but can also be used for
// static partitions.
bool is_pip_synthetic(PipId pip) const
auto &pip_data = pip_info(chip_info, pip);
if ( == -1) {
return pip_data.extra_data == -1;
} else {
BelId bel;
bel.tile = pip.tile;
bel.index = pip_data.bel;
return is_bel_synthetic(bel);
bool is_same_site(WireId wire_a, WireId wire_b) const
if (wire_a.tile == -1) {
return false;
if (wire_a.tile != wire_b.tile) {
return false;
auto &wire_a_data = wire_info(wire_a);
auto &wire_b_data = wire_info(wire_b);
return == && != -1;
bool is_wire_in_site(WireId wire) const
if (wire.tile == -1) {
return false;
auto &wire_data = wire_info(wire);
return != -1;
// Does this pip always invert its signal?
bool is_inverting(PipId pip) const;
// Can this pip optional invert its signal?
bool can_invert(PipId pip) const;
void merge_constant_nets();
void report_invalid_bel(BelId bel, CellInfo *cell) const;
std::vector<IdString> no_pins;
IdString gnd_cell_pin;
IdString vcc_cell_pin;
std::vector<std::vector<LutElement>> lut_elements;
std::unordered_map<IdString, const LutCellPOD *> lut_cells;
// Of the LUT cells, which is used for wires?
const LutCellPOD * wire_lut;
std::regex raw_bin_constant;
std::regex verilog_bin_constant;
std::regex verilog_hex_constant;
void read_lut_equation(DynamicBitarray<> *equation, const Property &equation_parameter) const;
IdString id_GND;
IdString id_VCC;
Lookahead lookahead;
mutable RouteNodeStorage node_storage;
mutable SiteRoutingCache site_routing_cache;
bool disallow_site_routing;
CellParameters cell_parameters;
std::string chipdb_hash;
std::string get_chipdb_hash() const;
// Masking moves BEL pins from cell_bel_pins to masked_cell_bel_pins for
// the purposes routing. The idea is that masked BEL pins are already
// handled during site routing, and they shouldn't be visible to the
// router.
void mask_bel_pins_on_site_wire(NetInfo *net, WireId wire);
// This removes pips and wires bound by the site router, and unmasks all
// BEL pins masked during site routing.
void remove_site_routing();
// This unmasks any BEL pins that were masked when site routing was bound.
void unmask_bel_pins();
void explain_bel_status(BelId bel) const;