YRabbit 90d4863dd4 gowin: Himbaechel. Add GW1NZ-1 BSRAM.
The following primitives are implemented for the GW1NZ-1 chip:

* pROM     - read only memory - (bitwidth: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32).
* pROMX9   - read only memory - (bitwidth: 9, 18, 36).
* SDPB     - semidual port    - (bitwidth: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32).
* SDPX9B   - semidual port    - (bitwidth: 9, 18, 36).
* DPB      - dual port        - (bitwidth: 16).
* DPX9B    - dual port        - (bitwidth: 18).
* SP       - single port      - (bitwidth: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32).
* SPX9     - single port      - (bitwidth: 9, 18, 36).

 - The creation of databases for GW1NS-2 has been removed - this was not
   planned to be supported in Himbaechel from the very beginning and
   even examples were not created in apicula for this chip due to the
   lack of boards with it on sale.
 - It is temporarily prohibited to connect DFFs and LUTs into clusters
   because for some reason this prevents the creation of images on lower
   chips (placer cannot find the placement), although without these
   clusters the images are quite working. Requires further research.
 - Added creation of ALU with mode 0 - addition. Such an element is not
   generated by Yosys, but it is a favorite vendor element and its
   support here greatly simplifies the compilation of vendor netlists.

Signed-off-by: YRabbit <>
2023-11-26 13:08:09 +01:00

760 lines
29 KiB

from os import path
import sys
import importlib.resources
import pickle
import gzip
import re
import argparse
sys.path.append(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "../.."))
from himbaechel_dbgen.chip import *
from apycula import chipdb
# Bel flags
# Z of the bels
# sync with C++ part!
LUT0_Z = 0 # z(DFFx) = z(LUTx) + 1
LUT7_Z = 14
MUX20_Z = 16
MUX21_Z = 18
MUX23_Z = 22
MUX27_Z = 29
ALU0_Z = 30 # : 35, 6 ALUs
RAMW_Z = 36 # RAM16SDP4
IOBA_Z = 50
IOBB_Z = 51
IDES16_Z = 72
OSER16_Z = 73
BUFG_Z = 74 # : 81 reserve just in case
BSRAM_Z = 100
OSC_Z = 274
PLL_Z = 275
GSR_Z = 276
VCC_Z = 277
GND_Z = 278
# =======================================
# Chipdb additional info
# =======================================
class TileExtraData(BBAStruct):
tile_class: IdString # The general functionality of the slightly different tiles,
# let's say the behavior of LUT+DFF in the tiles are completely identical,
# but one of them also contains clock-wire switches,
# then we assign them to the same LOGIC class.
io16_x_off: int = 0 # OSER16/IDES16 offsets to the aux cell
io16_y_off: int = 0
def serialise_lists(self, context: str, bba: BBAWriter):
def serialise(self, context: str, bba: BBAWriter):
class BottomIOCnd(BBAStruct):
wire_a_net: IdString
wire_b_net: IdString
def serialise_lists(self, context: str, bba: BBAWriter):
def serialise(self, context: str, bba: BBAWriter):
class BottomIO(BBAStruct):
conditions: list[BottomIOCnd] = field(default_factory = list)
def serialise_lists(self, context: str, bba: BBAWriter):
for i, cnd in enumerate(self.conditions):
cnd.serialise(f"{context}_cnd{i}", bba)
def serialise(self, context: str, bba: BBAWriter):
bba.slice(f"{context}_conditions", len(self.conditions))
class ChipExtraData(BBAStruct):
strs: StringPool
bottom_io: BottomIO
diff_io_types: list[IdString] = field(default_factory = list)
def create_bottom_io(self):
self.bottom_io = BottomIO()
def add_bottom_io_cnd(self, net_a: str, net_b: str):
def add_diff_io_type(self, diff_type: str):
def serialise_lists(self, context: str, bba: BBAWriter):
self.bottom_io.serialise_lists(f"{context}_bottom_io", bba)
for i, diff_io_type in enumerate(self.diff_io_types):
def serialise(self, context: str, bba: BBAWriter):
self.bottom_io.serialise(f"{context}_bottom_io", bba)
bba.slice(f"{context}_diff_io_types", len(self.diff_io_types))
# Unique features of the tiletype
class TypeDesc:
def __init__(self, dups, tiletype = '', extra_func = None, sfx = 0):
self.tiletype = tiletype
self.extra_func = extra_func
self.dups = dups
self.sfx = sfx
created_tiletypes = {}
# u-turn at the rim
uturnlut = {'N': 'S', 'S': 'N', 'E': 'W', 'W': 'E'}
def uturn(db: chipdb, x: int, y: int, wire: str):
m = re.match(r"([NESW])([128]\d)(\d)", wire)
if m:
direction, num, segment = m.groups()
# wires wrap around the edges
# assumes 0-based indexes
if y < 0:
y = -1 - y
direction = uturnlut[direction]
if x < 0:
x = -1 - x
direction = uturnlut[direction]
if y > db.rows - 1:
y = 2 * db.rows - 1 - y
direction = uturnlut[direction]
if x > db.cols - 1:
x = 2 * db.cols - 1 - x
direction = uturnlut[direction]
wire = f'{direction}{num}{segment}'
return (x, y, wire)
def create_nodes(chip: Chip, db: chipdb):
# : (x, y)
dirs = { 'N': (0, -1), 'S': (0, 1), 'W': (-1, 0), 'E': (1, 0) }
X = db.cols
Y = db.rows
global_nodes = {}
for y in range(Y):
for x in range(X):
nodes = []
tt = chip.tile_type_at(x, y)
extra_tile_data = tt.extra_data
# SN and EW
for i in [1, 2]:
nodes.append([NodeWire(x, y, f'SN{i}0'),
NodeWire(*uturn(db, x, y - 1, f'N1{i}1')),
NodeWire(*uturn(db, x, y + 1, f'S1{i}1'))])
nodes.append([NodeWire(x, y, f'EW{i}0'),
NodeWire(*uturn(db, x - 1, y, f'W1{i}1')),
NodeWire(*uturn(db, x + 1, y, f'E1{i}1'))])
for d, offs in dirs.items():
# 1-hop
for i in [0, 3]:
nodes.append([NodeWire(x, y, f'{d}1{i}0'),
NodeWire(*uturn(db, x + offs[0], y + offs[1], f'{d}1{i}1'))])
# 2-hop
for i in range(8):
nodes.append([NodeWire(x, y, f'{d}2{i}0'),
NodeWire(*uturn(db, x + offs[0], y + offs[1], f'{d}2{i}1')),
NodeWire(*uturn(db, x + offs[0] * 2, y + offs[1] * 2, f'{d}2{i}2'))])
# 4-hop
for i in range(4):
nodes.append([NodeWire(x, y, f'{d}8{i}0'),
NodeWire(*uturn(db, x + offs[0] * 4, y + offs[1] * 4, f'{d}8{i}4')),
NodeWire(*uturn(db, x + offs[0] * 8, y + offs[1] * 8, f'{d}8{i}8'))])
# I0 for MUX2_LUT8
if (x < X - 1 and extra_tile_data.tile_class =='LOGIC')
and chip.tile_type_at(x + 1, y).extra_data.tile_class =='LOGIC')):
nodes.append([NodeWire(x, y, 'OF30'),
NodeWire(x + 1, y, 'OF3')])
if extra_tile_data.tile_class =='LOGIC'):
# local carry chain
for i in range(5):
nodes.append([NodeWire(x, y, f'COUT{i}'),
NodeWire(x, y, f'CIN{i + 1}')]);
# gobal carry chain
if x > 1 and chip.tile_type_at(x - 1, y).extra_data.tile_class =='LOGIC'):
nodes.append([NodeWire(x, y, f'CIN0'),
NodeWire(x - 1, y, f'COUT5')])
for node in nodes:
# VCC and VSS sources in the all tiles
global_nodes.setdefault('GND', []).append(NodeWire(x, y, 'VSS'))
global_nodes.setdefault('VCC', []).append(NodeWire(x, y, 'VCC'))
# add nodes from the apicula db
for node_name, node_hdr in db.nodes.items():
wire_type, node = node_hdr
if len(node) < 2:
for y, x, wire in node:
if wire_type:
if not chip.tile_type_at(x, y).has_wire(wire):
chip.tile_type_at(x, y).create_wire(wire, wire_type)
chip.tile_type_at(x, y).set_wire_type(wire, wire_type)
new_node = NodeWire(x, y, wire)
gl_nodes = global_nodes.setdefault(node_name, [])
if new_node not in gl_nodes:
gl_nodes.append(NodeWire(x, y, wire))
for name, node in global_nodes.items():
def create_switch_matrix(tt: TileType, db: chipdb, x: int, y: int):
def get_wire_type(name):
if name in {'XD0', 'XD1', 'XD2', 'XD3', 'XD4', 'XD5',}:
return "X0"
return ""
for dst, srcs in db.grid[y][x].pips.items():
if not tt.has_wire(dst):
tt.create_wire(dst, get_wire_type(dst))
for src in srcs.keys():
if not tt.has_wire(src):
tt.create_wire(src, get_wire_type(src))
tt.create_pip(src, dst)
# clock wires
for dst, srcs in db.grid[y][x].pure_clock_pips.items():
if not tt.has_wire(dst):
tt.create_wire(dst, "GLOBAL_CLK")
for src in srcs.keys():
if not tt.has_wire(src):
tt.create_wire(src, "GLOBAL_CLK")
tt.create_pip(src, dst)
def create_hclk_switch_matrix(tt: TileType, db: chipdb, x: int, y: int):
if (y, x) not in db.hclk_pips:
# hclk wires
for dst, srcs in db.hclk_pips[y, x].items():
if not tt.has_wire(dst):
tt.create_wire(dst, "HCLK")
for src in srcs.keys():
if not tt.has_wire(src):
tt.create_wire(src, "HCLK")
tt.create_pip(src, dst)
def create_extra_funcs(tt: TileType, db: chipdb, x: int, y: int):
if (y, x) not in db.extra_func:
for func, desc in db.extra_func[(y, x)].items():
if func == 'osc':
osc_type = desc['type']
portmap = db.grid[y][x].bels[osc_type].portmap
for port, wire in portmap.items():
tt.create_wire(wire, port)
bel = tt.create_bel(osc_type, osc_type, z = OSC_Z)
for port, wire in portmap.items():
if 'OUT' in port:
tt.add_bel_pin(bel, port, wire, PinType.OUTPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(bel, port, wire, PinType.INPUT)
elif func == 'gsr':
wire = desc['wire']
tt.create_wire(wire, "GSRI")
bel = tt.create_bel("GSR", "GSR", z = GSR_Z)
tt.add_bel_pin(bel, "GSRI", wire, PinType.INPUT)
if func == 'io16':
role = desc['role']
if role == 'MAIN':
y_off, x_off = desc['pair']
tt.extra_data.io16_x_off = x_off
tt.extra_data.io16_y_off = y_off
for io_type, z in {('IDES16', IDES16_Z), ('OSER16', OSER16_Z)}:
bel = tt.create_bel(io_type, io_type, z = z)
portmap = db.grid[y][x].bels[io_type].portmap
for port, wire in portmap.items():
if port == 'FCLK': # XXX compatibility
wire = 'FCLKA'
if not tt.has_wire(wire):
if port in {'CLK', 'PCLK'}:
tt.create_wire(wire, "TILE_CLK")
tt.create_wire(wire, "IOL_PORT")
if 'OUT' in port:
tt.add_bel_pin(bel, port, wire, PinType.OUTPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(bel, port, wire, PinType.INPUT)
if func == 'buf':
for buf_type, wires in desc.items():
for i, wire in enumerate(wires):
if not tt.has_wire(wire):
tt.create_wire(wire, "TILE_CLK")
wire_out = f'{buf_type}{i}_O'
tt.create_wire(wire_out, "TILE_CLK")
# XXX make Z from buf_type
bel = tt.create_bel(f'{buf_type}{i}', buf_type, z = BUFG_Z + i)
bel.flags = BEL_FLAG_GLOBAL
tt.add_bel_pin(bel, "I", wire, PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(bel, "O", wire_out, PinType.OUTPUT)
def create_tiletype(create_func, chip: Chip, db: chipdb, x: int, y: int, ttyp: int):
has_extra_func = (y, x) in db.extra_func
# (found, TypeDesc)
def find_or_make_dup():
for d in created_tiletypes[ttyp].dups:
if has_extra_func and d.extra_func == db.extra_func[(y, x)]:
return (True, d)
elif not has_extra_func and not d.extra_func:
return (True, d)
sfx = len(created_tiletypes[ttyp].dups) + 1
if has_extra_func:
tdesc = TypeDesc(extra_func = db.extra_func[(y, x)], sfx = sfx, dups = [])
tdesc = TypeDesc(sfx = sfx, dups = [])
return (False, tdesc)
old_type = False
if ttyp not in created_tiletypes:
# new type
if has_extra_func:
tdesc = TypeDesc(extra_func = db.extra_func[(y, x)], dups = [])
tdesc = TypeDesc(dups = [])
created_tiletypes.update({ttyp: tdesc})
# find similar
if has_extra_func:
if created_tiletypes[ttyp].extra_func == db.extra_func[(y, x)]:
tdesc = created_tiletypes[ttyp]
old_type = True
old_type, tdesc = find_or_make_dup()
elif not created_tiletypes[ttyp].extra_func:
tdesc = created_tiletypes[ttyp]
old_type = True
old_type, tdesc = find_or_make_dup()
if old_type:
chip.set_tile_type(x, y, tdesc.tiletype)
tt = create_func(chip, db, x, y, ttyp, tdesc)
create_extra_funcs(tt, db, x, y)
create_hclk_switch_matrix(tt, db, x, y)
create_switch_matrix(tt, db, x, y)
chip.set_tile_type(x, y, tdesc.tiletype)
def create_null_tiletype(chip: Chip, db: chipdb, x: int, y: int, ttyp: int, tdesc: TypeDesc):
typename = "NULL"
tiletype = f"{typename}_{ttyp}"
if tdesc.sfx != 0:
tiletype += f"_{tdesc.sfx}"
tt = chip.create_tile_type(tiletype)
tt.extra_data = TileExtraData(
tdesc.tiletype = tiletype
return tt
# responsible nodes, there will be IO banks, configuration, etc.
def create_corner_tiletype(chip: Chip, db: chipdb, x: int, y: int, ttyp: int, tdesc: TypeDesc):
typename = "CORNER"
tiletype = f"{typename}_{ttyp}"
if tdesc.sfx != 0:
tiletype += f"_{tdesc.sfx}"
tt = chip.create_tile_type(tiletype)
tt.extra_data = TileExtraData(
if x == 0 and y == 0:
# GND is the logic low level generator
tt.create_wire('VSS', 'GND')
gnd = tt.create_bel('GND', 'GND', z = GND_Z)
tt.add_bel_pin(gnd, "G", "VSS", PinType.OUTPUT)
# VCC is the logic high level generator
tt.create_wire('VCC', 'VCC')
gnd = tt.create_bel('VCC', 'VCC', z = VCC_Z)
tt.add_bel_pin(gnd, "V", "VCC", PinType.OUTPUT)
tdesc.tiletype = tiletype
return tt
# IO
def create_io_tiletype(chip: Chip, db: chipdb, x: int, y: int, ttyp: int, tdesc: TypeDesc):
typename = "IO"
tiletype = f"{typename}_{ttyp}"
if tdesc.sfx != 0:
tiletype += f"_{tdesc.sfx}"
tt = chip.create_tile_type(tiletype)
tt.extra_data = TileExtraData(
simple_io = y in db.simplio_rows and in {'GW1N-1', 'GW1NZ-1', 'GW1N-4'}
if simple_io:
rng = 10
rng = 2
for i in range(rng):
name = 'IOB' + 'ABCDEFGHIJ'[i]
# XXX some IOBs excluded from generic chipdb for some reason
if name not in db.grid[y][x].bels:
# wires
portmap = db.grid[y][x].bels[name].portmap
tt.create_wire(portmap['I'], "IO_I")
tt.create_wire(portmap['O'], "IO_O")
tt.create_wire(portmap['OE'], "IO_OE")
# bels
io = tt.create_bel(name, "IOB", z = IOBA_Z + i)
if simple_io and in {'GW1N-1'}:
io.flags |= BEL_FLAG_SIMPLE_IO
tt.add_bel_pin(io, "I", portmap['I'], PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(io, "OEN", portmap['OE'], PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(io, "O", portmap['O'], PinType.OUTPUT)
# bottom io
if 'BOTTOM_IO_PORT_A' in portmap:
if not tt.has_wire(portmap['BOTTOM_IO_PORT_A']):
tt.create_wire(portmap['BOTTOM_IO_PORT_A'], "IO_I")
tt.create_wire(portmap['BOTTOM_IO_PORT_B'], "IO_I")
tt.add_bel_pin(io, "BOTTOM_IO_PORT_A", portmap['BOTTOM_IO_PORT_A'], PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(io, "BOTTOM_IO_PORT_B", portmap['BOTTOM_IO_PORT_B'], PinType.INPUT)
# create IOLOGIC bels if any
for idx, name in {(IOLOGICA_Z, 'IOLOGICA'), (IOLOGICA_Z + 1, 'IOLOGICB')}:
if name not in db.grid[y][x].bels:
iol = tt.create_bel(name, "IOLOGIC", z = idx)
for port, wire in db.grid[y][x].bels[name].portmap.items():
if port == 'FCLK': # XXX compatibility
wire = f'FCLK{name[-1]}'
if not tt.has_wire(wire):
if port in {'CLK', 'PCLK'}:
tt.create_wire(wire, "TILE_CLK")
tt.create_wire(wire, "IOL_PORT")
if port in {'Q', 'Q0', 'Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4', 'Q5', 'Q6', 'Q7', 'Q8', 'Q9', 'DF', 'LAG', 'LEAD'}:
tt.add_bel_pin(iol, port, wire, PinType.OUTPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(iol, port, wire, PinType.INPUT)
tdesc.tiletype = tiletype
return tt
# logic: luts, dffs, alu etc
def create_logic_tiletype(chip: Chip, db: chipdb, x: int, y: int, ttyp: int, tdesc: TypeDesc):
typename = "LOGIC"
tiletype = f"{typename}_{ttyp}"
if tdesc.sfx != 0:
tiletype += f"_{tdesc.sfx}"
tt = chip.create_tile_type(tiletype)
tt.extra_data = TileExtraData(
lut_inputs = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
# setup LUT wires
for i in range(8):
for inp_name in lut_inputs:
tt.create_wire(f"{inp_name}{i}", "LUT_INPUT")
tt.create_wire(f"F{i}", "LUT_OUT")
# experimental. the wire is false - it is assumed that DFF is always
# connected to the LUT's output F{i}, but we can place primitives
# arbitrarily and create a pass-through LUT afterwards.
# just out of curiosity
tt.create_wire(f"XD{i}", "FF_INPUT")
tt.create_wire(f"Q{i}", "FF_OUT")
# setup DFF wires
for j in range(3):
tt.create_wire(f"CLK{j}", "TILE_CLK")
tt.create_wire(f"LSR{j}", "TILE_LSR")
tt.create_wire(f"CE{j}", "TILE_CE")
# setup MUX2 wires
for j in range(8):
tt.create_wire(f"OF{j}", "MUX_OUT")
tt.create_wire(f"SEL{j}", "MUX_SEL")
tt.create_wire("OF30", "MUX_OUT")
# setup ALU wires
for j in range(6):
tt.create_wire(f"CIN{j}", "ALU_CIN")
tt.create_wire(f"COUT{j}", "ALU_COUT")
# create logic cells
for i in range(8):
lut = tt.create_bel(f"LUT{i}", "LUT4", z = (i * 2 + 0))
for j, inp_name in enumerate(lut_inputs):
tt.add_bel_pin(lut, f"I{j}", f"{inp_name}{i}", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(lut, "F", f"F{i}", PinType.OUTPUT)
if i < 6:
# FF data can come from LUT output, but we pretend that we can use
# any LUT input
tt.create_pip(f"F{i}", f"XD{i}")
for inp_name in lut_inputs:
tt.create_pip(f"{inp_name}{i}", f"XD{i}")
# FF
ff = tt.create_bel(f"DFF{i}", "DFF", z =(i * 2 + 1))
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "D", f"XD{i}", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "CLK", f"CLK{i // 2}", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "Q", f"Q{i}", PinType.OUTPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "SET", f"LSR{i // 2}", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "RESET", f"LSR{i // 2}", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "PRESET", f"LSR{i // 2}", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "CLEAR", f"LSR{i // 2}", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "CE", f"CE{i // 2}", PinType.INPUT)
ff = tt.create_bel(f"ALU{i}", "ALU", z = i + ALU0_Z)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "SUM", f"F{i}", PinType.OUTPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "COUT", f"COUT{i}", PinType.OUTPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "CIN", f"CIN{i}", PinType.INPUT)
# pinout for the ADDSUB ALU mode
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "I0", f"A{i}", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "I1", f"B{i}", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "I2", f"C{i}", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "I3", f"D{i}", PinType.INPUT)
# wide luts
for i in range(4):
ff = tt.create_bel(f"MUX{i * 2}", "MUX2_LUT5", z = MUX20_Z + i * 4)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "I0", f"F{i * 2}", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "I1", f"F{i * 2 + 1}", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "O", f"OF{i * 2}", PinType.OUTPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "S0", f"SEL{i * 2}", PinType.INPUT)
for i in range(2):
ff = tt.create_bel(f"MUX{i * 4 + 1}", "MUX2_LUT6", z = MUX21_Z + i * 8)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "I0", f"OF{i * 4 + 2}", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "I1", f"OF{i * 4}", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "O", f"OF{i * 4 + 1}", PinType.OUTPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "S0", f"SEL{i * 4 + 1}", PinType.INPUT)
ff = tt.create_bel(f"MUX3", "MUX2_LUT7", z = MUX23_Z)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "I0", f"OF5", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "I1", f"OF1", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "O", f"OF3", PinType.OUTPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "S0", f"SEL3", PinType.INPUT)
ff = tt.create_bel(f"MUX7", "MUX2_LUT8", z = MUX27_Z)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "I0", f"OF30", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "I1", f"OF3", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "O", f"OF7", PinType.OUTPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "S0", f"SEL7", PinType.INPUT)
tdesc.tiletype = tiletype
return tt
def create_ssram_tiletype(chip: Chip, db: chipdb, x: int, y: int, ttyp: int, tdesc: TypeDesc):
# SSRAM is LUT based, so it's logic-like
tt = create_logic_tiletype(chip, db, x, y, ttyp, tdesc)
lut_inputs = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
ff = tt.create_bel(f"RAM16SDP4", "RAM16SDP4", z = RAMW_Z)
for i in range(4):
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, f"DI[{i}]", f"{lut_inputs[i]}5", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, f"WAD[{i}]", f"{lut_inputs[i]}4", PinType.INPUT)
# RAD[0] is assumed to be connected to A3, A2, A1 and A0. But
# for now we connect it only to A0, the others will be connected
# directly during packing. RAD[1...3] - similarly.
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, f"RAD[{i}]", f"{lut_inputs[i]}0", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, f"DO[{i}]", f"F{i}", PinType.OUTPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "CLK", "CLK2", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "CE", "CE2", PinType.INPUT)
tt.add_bel_pin(ff, "WRE", "LSR2", PinType.INPUT)
return tt
_bsram_inputs = {'CLK', 'OCE', 'CE', 'RESET', 'WRE'}
def create_bsram_tiletype(chip: Chip, db: chipdb, x: int, y: int, ttyp: int, tdesc: TypeDesc):
typename = "BSRAM"
tiletype = f"{typename}_{ttyp}"
if tdesc.sfx != 0:
tiletype += f"_{tdesc.sfx}"
tt = chip.create_tile_type(tiletype)
tt.extra_data = TileExtraData(
portmap = db.grid[y][x].bels['BSRAM'].portmap
bsram = tt.create_bel("BSRAM", "BSRAM", z = BSRAM_Z)
def add_port_wire(tt, bel, name, wire_type = "BSRAM_I", port_type = PinType.INPUT):
wire = portmap[name]
if not tt.has_wire(wire):
if name.startswith('CLK'):
tt.create_wire(wire, "TILE_CLK")
tt.create_wire(wire, wire_type)
tt.add_bel_pin(bel, name, wire, port_type)
for sfx in {'', 'A', 'B'}:
for inp in _bsram_inputs:
add_port_wire(tt, bsram, f"{inp}{sfx}")
for idx in range(3):
add_port_wire(tt, bsram, f"BLKSEL{sfx}{idx}")
for idx in range(14):
add_port_wire(tt, bsram, f"AD{sfx}{idx}")
for idx in range(18):
add_port_wire(tt, bsram, f"DI{sfx}{idx}")
add_port_wire(tt, bsram, f"DO{sfx}{idx}", "BSRAM_O", PinType.OUTPUT)
if not sfx:
for idx in range(18, 36):
add_port_wire(tt, bsram, f"DI{idx}")
add_port_wire(tt, bsram, f"DO{idx}", "BSRAM_O", PinType.OUTPUT)
tdesc.tiletype = tiletype
return tt
# PLL main tile
_pll_inputs = {'CLKFB', 'FBDSEL0', 'FBDSEL1', 'FBDSEL2', 'FBDSEL3',
'FDLY0', 'FDLY1', 'FDLY2', 'FDLY3', 'CLKIN', 'VREN'}
_pll_outputs = {'CLKOUT', 'LOCK', 'CLKOUTP', 'CLKOUTD', 'CLKOUTD3'}
def create_pll_tiletype(chip: Chip, db: chipdb, x: int, y: int, ttyp: int, tdesc: TypeDesc):
typename = "PLL"
tiletype = f"{typename}_{ttyp}"
if tdesc.sfx != 0:
tiletype += f"_{tdesc.sfx}"
# disabled PLLs
if tdesc.extra_func and 'disabled' in tdesc.extra_func and 'PLL' in tdesc.extra_func['disabled']:
tiletype += '_disabled'
tt = chip.create_tile_type(tiletype)
tt.extra_data = TileExtraData(
tdesc.tiletype = tiletype
return tt
tt = chip.create_tile_type(tiletype)
tt.extra_data = TileExtraData(
# wires
if == 'GW1NS-4':
pll_name = 'PLLVR'
bel_type = 'PLLVR'
pll_name = 'RPLLA'
bel_type = 'rPLL'
portmap = db.grid[y][x].bels[pll_name].portmap
pll = tt.create_bel("PLL", bel_type, z = PLL_Z)
pll.flags = BEL_FLAG_GLOBAL
for pin, wire in portmap.items():
if pin in _pll_inputs:
tt.create_wire(wire, "PLL_I")
tt.add_bel_pin(pll, pin, wire, PinType.INPUT)
assert pin in _pll_outputs, f"Unknown PLL pin {pin}"
tt.create_wire(wire, "PLL_O")
tt.add_bel_pin(pll, pin, wire, PinType.OUTPUT)
tdesc.tiletype = tiletype
return tt
# pinouts, packages...
_tbrlre = re.compile(r"IO([TBRL])(\d+)(\w)")
def create_packages(chip: Chip, db: chipdb):
def ioloc_to_tile_bel(ioloc):
side, num, bel_idx = _tbrlre.match(ioloc).groups()
if side == 'T':
row = 0
col = int(num) - 1
elif side == 'B':
row = db.rows - 1
col = int(num) - 1
elif side == 'L':
row = int(num) - 1
col = 0
elif side == 'R':
row = int(num) - 1
col = db.cols - 1
return (f'X{col}Y{row}', f'IOB{bel_idx}')
created_pkgs = set()
for partno_spd, partdata in db.packages.items():
pkgname, variant, spd = partdata
partno = partno_spd.removesuffix(spd) # drop SPEED like 'C7/I6'
if partno in created_pkgs:
pkg = chip.create_package(partno)
for pinno, pininfo in db.pinout[variant][pkgname].items():
io_loc, cfgs = pininfo
tile, bel = ioloc_to_tile_bel(io_loc)
pad_func = ""
for cfg in cfgs:
pad_func += cfg + "/"
pad_func = pad_func.rstrip('/')
bank = int(db.pin_bank[io_loc])
pad = pkg.create_pad(pinno, tile, bel, pad_func, bank)
# Extra chip data
def create_extra_data(chip: Chip, db: chipdb):
chip.extra_data = ChipExtraData(chip.strs, None)
for net_a, net_b in db.bottom_io[2]:
chip.extra_data.add_bottom_io_cnd(net_a, net_b)
for diff_type in db.diff_io_types:
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Make Gowin BBA')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default="out.bba")
args = parser.parse_args()
device = args.device
with"apycula").joinpath(f"{device}.pickle"), 'rb') as f:
db = pickle.load(f)
X = db.cols;
Y = db.rows;
ch = Chip("gowin", device, X, Y)
# Init constant ids
ch.strs.read_constids(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), ""))
# packages from parntnumbers
create_packages(ch, db)
# The manufacturer distinguishes by externally identical tiles, so keep
# these differences (in case it turns out later that there is a slightly
# different routing or something like that).
logic_tiletypes = db.tile_types['C']
io_tiletypes = db.tile_types['I']
ssram_tiletypes = db.tile_types['M']
pll_tiletypes = db.tile_types['P']
bsram_tiletypes = db.tile_types.get('B', set())
# Setup tile grid
for x in range(X):
for y in range(Y):
ttyp = db.grid[y][x].ttyp
if (x == 0 or x == X - 1) and (y == 0 or y == Y - 1):
assert ttyp not in created_tiletypes, "Duplication of corner types"
create_tiletype(create_corner_tiletype, ch, db, x, y, ttyp)
elif ttyp in logic_tiletypes:
create_tiletype(create_logic_tiletype, ch, db, x, y, ttyp)
elif ttyp in ssram_tiletypes:
create_tiletype(create_ssram_tiletype, ch, db, x, y, ttyp)
elif ttyp in io_tiletypes:
create_tiletype(create_io_tiletype, ch, db, x, y, ttyp)
elif ttyp in pll_tiletypes:
create_tiletype(create_pll_tiletype, ch, db, x, y, ttyp)
elif ttyp in bsram_tiletypes:
create_tiletype(create_bsram_tiletype, ch, db, x, y, ttyp)
create_tiletype(create_null_tiletype, ch, db, x, y, ttyp)
# Create nodes between tiles
create_nodes(ch, db)
create_extra_data(ch, db)
if __name__ == '__main__':