71 lines
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71 lines
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// File operation utilities for UTF-8 encoding support
#include <list>
#include "base/util/unicode.h"
#include "base/file/file_path.h" // for PathChar
namespace shared
// Check the character is filepath separator
bool IsFilePathSeparator(const UTF8Char separator);
bool IsFilePathSeparator(const UTF8String &separator);
// Get the file extension from filepath
bool FilePathExtension(const UTF8String &filepath_in,
UTF8String &extension_out);
// Get the directory from the whole filepath
bool FilePathApartDirectory(const UTF8String &filepath_in,
UTF8String &directory_out);
// Get the filename from the whole filepath
bool FilePathApartFileName(const UTF8String &filepath_in,
UTF8String &filename_out);
// Parse and extract all components of a path
bool ParsePathComponents(const UTF8Char *PathChar,
std::list<UTF8String> &components);
// Check if |component| is a directory
bool IsDirectoryComponent(const UTF8String &component);
// Compose the filepath from directory and filename
bool FilePathCompose(const UTF8String &directory_in,
const UTF8String &filename_in,
UTF8String &filepath_out);
// Check the filepath is exist
// If |is_directory| is true, check a directory, or check the path
bool FilePathIsExist(const UTF8String &filepath_in, bool is_directory);
// Create a directory, all subdirs will be created if not existing
bool CreateDirectory(const UTF8String& full_path);
// Wrapper for fopen-like calls. Returns non-NULL FILE* on success
FILE* OpenFile(const UTF8String &filepath, const nbase::PathChar *mode);
// Reads the given number of bytes from the file into the buffer
int ReadFile(const UTF8String &filepath, void *data_out, int size);
// Read the file at |path| into |contents|, returning true on success.
bool ReadFileToString(const UTF8String &filepath, std::string &contents_out);
// Writes the content of given buffer into the file
int WriteFile(const UTF8String &filepath, const std::string &data);
// Copies a single file.
bool CopyFile(const UTF8String &from_path, const UTF8String &to_path);
// Deletes the given path.
bool DeleteFile(const UTF8String &filepath);
// Get file size.
int64_t GetFileSize(const UTF8String &filepath);
} // namespace shared